예제 #1
bool Entity_DropToFloor(ServerEntity_t *eEntity)
	MathVector3f_t vEnd;
	trace_t	trGround;

	Math_VectorCopy(eEntity->v.origin, vEnd);

	vEnd[2] -= 256;

	trGround = Engine.Server_Move(eEntity->v.origin, eEntity->v.mins, eEntity->v.maxs, vEnd, false, eEntity);
	if (trGround.fraction == 1 || trGround.bAllSolid)
		Engine.Con_Warning("Entity is stuck in world! (%s) (%i %i %i)\n", eEntity->v.cClassname,
		return false;

	// Use SetOrigin so that it's automatically linked.
	Entity_SetOrigin(eEntity, trGround.endpos);

	Entity_AddFlags(eEntity, FL_ONGROUND);

	eEntity->v.groundentity = trGround.ent;

	return true;
void Area_PushableTouch(ServerEntity_t *area, ServerEntity_t *other) {
	if (_Area_IsOnTop(other, area)) {
		// So the player can jump off the object.
        Entity_AddFlags(other, FL_ONGROUND);
	if (area->v.flags & FL_ONGROUND) {
        Entity_RemoveFlags(area, FL_ONGROUND);
	// Get the right player angle.
	float yaw = other->v.velocity.y * ((float)PL_PI) * 2 / 360;

    area->v.velocity.x = std::cos(yaw) * 80.0f;
    area->v.velocity.y = std::sin(yaw) * 80.0f;
	// Don't affect the height when pushing... ever.
    area->v.velocity.z = 0;

    area->v.avelocity = area->v.velocity;

	area->v.nextthink = area->v.ltime + 0.5f;