예제 #1
u32 U8Archive::FileDescriptor( const char *path ) const
	int ret = EntryFromPath( path );
	if( ret < 1 )
		return 0;
	return ret;
예제 #2
s32 U8Archive::EntryFromPath( const char *path, int d ) const
	//gprintf( "EntryFromPath( \"%s\", %d )\n", path, d );
	while( *path == '/' )

	if( !fst[ d ].filetype )
		gprintf("ERROR!!  %s is not a directory\n", FstName( &fst[ d ] ) );
		return -1;

	u32 next = d + 1;

	FstEntry *entry = &fst[ next ];

	while( next )
		//does this entry match.
		//strlen_slash is used because if looking for "dvd:/gameboy/" it would return a false positive if it hit "dvd:/gameboy advance/" first
		if( !strcasecmp_slash( path, FstName( entry ) ) && ( strlen( FstName( entry ) ) == (u32)strlen_slash( path ) ) )
			char *slash = strchr( path, '/' );
			if( slash && *( slash + 1 ) )
				//we are looking for a file somewhere in this folder
				return EntryFromPath( slash + 1, next );
			//this is the actual entry we were looking for
			return next;

		//find the next entry in this folder
		next = NextEntryInFolder( next, d );
		entry = &fst[ next ];

	//no entry with the given path was found
	return -1;
예제 #3
u8 *U8Archive::GetFile( const char *path, u32 *size ) const
	if( !path || !fst || !name_table )
		return NULL;

	s32 entryNo = EntryFromPath( path );
	if( entryNo < 1 )
		//gprintf( "U8: entry wasn\'t found in the archive  \"%s\"\n", path );
		return NULL;
	if( fst[ entryNo ].filetype )
		gprintf( "U8: \"%s\" is a folder\n", path );
		return NULL;
	if( size )
		*size = fst[ entryNo ].filelen;
	return data + fst[ entryNo ].fileoffset;
예제 #4
u8* U8NandArchive::GetFileAllocated( const char *path, u32 *size ) const
	//gprintf( "U8NandArchive::GetFileAllocated( %s )\n" );
	if( !path || !fst )
		return NULL;

	// find file
	int f = EntryFromPath( path, 0 );
	if( f < 1 || f >= (int)fst[ 0 ].filelen )
		gprintf( "U8: \"%s\" wasn't found in the archive.\n", path );
		return NULL;
	if( fst[ f ].filetype )
		gprintf( "U8: \"%s\" is a folder\n", path );
		return NULL;

	// create a buffer
	u8* ret = (u8*)memalign( 32, RU( fst[ f ].filelen, 32 ) );
	if( !ret )
		gprintf( "U8: out of memory\n" );
		return NULL;

	// seek and read
	if( ISFS_Seek( fd, dataOffset + fst[ f ].fileoffset, SEEK_SET ) != (s32)( dataOffset + fst[ f ].fileoffset )
			|| ISFS_Read( fd, ret, fst[ f ].filelen ) != (s32)fst[ f ].filelen )
		free( ret );
		gprintf( "U8: error reading data from nand\n" );
		gprintf( "fd: %i  fst[ fd ].filelen: %08x\n", fd, fst[ f ].filelen );
		return NULL;

	u32 len = fst[ f ].filelen;
	u8* ret2;
	// determine if it needs to be decompressed
	if( IsAshCompressed( ret, len ) )
		// ASH0
		ret2 = DecompressAsh( ret, len );
		if( !ret2 )
			free( ret );
			gprintf( "out of memory\n" );
			return NULL;
		free( ret );
	else if( isLZ77compressed( ret ) )
		// LZ77 with no magic word
		if( decompressLZ77content( ret, len, &ret2, &len ) )
			free( ret );
			return NULL;
		free( ret );
	else if( *(u32*)( ret ) == 0x4C5A3737 )// LZ77
		// LZ77 with a magic word
		if( decompressLZ77content( ret + 4, len - 4, &ret2, &len ) )
			free( ret );
			return NULL;
		free( ret );
		// already got what we are after
		ret2 = ret;

	if( size )
		*size = len;

	// flush the cache so if there are any textures in this data, it will be ready for the GX
	DCFlushRange( ret2, len );
	return ret2;
void *DiHandler::ThreadMain( void *arg )
	enum State
		St_WaitForDiscEject,	// some error happened, dont do anything until the current disc is ejected

	State state = St_Init;

	u32 coverState = 0;

	while( !threadExit )
		usleep( 1000 );

		if( threadSleep )
			LWP_SuspendThread( thread );

		if( state == St_Init )
			if( WDVD_Init() )
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_Init, true );
				threadExit = true;
			state = St_Reset;
		else if( state == St_Reset )
			if( WDVD_Reset() )
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_Init, false );
			state = St_WaitForDisc;

		// check for disc
		u32 cover = 0;
		if( WDVD_GetCoverStatus( &cover ) )
			gprintf( "WDVD_GetCoverStatus() failed\n" );
			state = St_Init;

		// check if disc status is changed
		if( cover != coverState )
			//gprintf( "cover status: %08x %08x\n", cover, coverState );
			if( cover & 2 )// disc is present and wasnt before
				//gprintf( "disc inserted\n" );
				state = St_CheckDiscType;
			else if( coverState & 2 )// disc was present before isnt is gone now
				//gprintf( "disc ejected\n" );
				state = St_WaitForDisc;
			coverState = cover;
		if( !( cover & 2 ) )// if theres no disc inserted, then loop

		if( state == St_WaitForDiscEject )
		else if( state == St_CheckDiscType )
			s32 ret = WDVD_ReadDiskId( (void*)0x80000000 );
			if( ret < 0 )
				gprintf("WDVD_ReadDiskId(): %d\n", ret );
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false );
				//state = St_WaitForDiscEject;
				state = St_Init;
				//coverState = 0;

			// check disc type
			if( *(u32*)( 0x80000018 ) == 0x5d1c9ea3 )
				//gprintf( "disc is wii\n" );
				state = St_OpenPartition;
				//instance->DiscInserted( T_Wii );
			else if( *(u32*)( 0x8000001c ) == 0xc2339f3d )
				//gprintf( "disc is gamecube\n" );
				instance->DiscInserted( T_GC );
				state = St_Idle;
				//gprintf( "disc is unknown\n" );
				instance->DiscInserted( T_Unknown );
				state = St_WaitForDiscEject;
				//hexdump( (void*)0x80000000, 0x20 );
		else if( state == St_OpenPartition )
			if( WDVD_OpenDataPartition() < 0 )
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_OpenPartition, false );
				state = St_WaitForDiscEject;
			//gprintf( "partition is open\n" );

			// search for the opening.bnr
			s32 ret;
			FST_INFO fst_info __attribute(( aligned( 32 ) ));

			//find FST inside partition
			ret = WDVD_Read( (u8*)&fst_info, sizeof( FST_INFO ), 0x420LL );
			if( ret < 0 )
				gprintf("WDVD_Read( fst_info ): %d\n", ret );
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false );
				state = St_WaitForDiscEject;
			fst_info.fst_offset <<= 2;
			fst_info.fst_size <<= 2;
			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

			fst_buffer = (u8*)memalign( 32, RU( fst_info.fst_size, 0x40 ) );
			if( !fst_buffer )
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_NoMem, true );
				threadExit = true;
			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			//gprintf( " %p  %08x %08x\n", fst_buffer, fst_info.fst_size, fst_info.fst_offset );

			//read fst into memory
			ret = WDVD_Read( fst_buffer, fst_info.fst_size, fst_info.fst_offset );
			if( ret < 0 )
				gprintf("WDVD_Read( fst_buffer ): %d\n", ret );
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false );
				state = St_WaitForDiscEject;
			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

			//set the pointers
			fst = (FST_ENTRY *)fst_buffer;
			u32 name_table_offset = fst->filelen * 0xC;
			name_table = (char *)( fst_buffer + name_table_offset );

			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			// find the opening.bnr
			int fd = EntryFromPath( "/opening.bnr", 0 );
			if( fd < 2 )
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_NoOpeningBnr, false );
				instance->DiscInserted( T_Wii );
				FREE( fst );
				name_table = NULL;
				state = St_Idle;
			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			u32 len = fst[ fd ].filelen;
			u8 *buf = (u8*)memalign( 32, RU( len, 0x40 ) );
			if( !buf )
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_NoMem, true );
				threadExit = true;
				FREE( fst );
				name_table = NULL;
			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			ret = WDVD_Read( buf, len, (u64)( fst[ fd ].fileoffset ) << 2 );
			if( ret < 0 )
				gprintf("WDVD_Read( opening.bnr ): %d\n", ret );
				instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false );
				state = St_WaitForDiscEject;
				FREE( fst );
				name_table = NULL;
				free( buf );

			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			// done with these
			FREE( fst );
			name_table = NULL;

			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			bool rec = false;
			// got the opening.bnr.  send it to whoever cares
			instance->OpeningBnrReady( buf, len, rec );
			if( !rec )
				gprintf( "nobody got the banner.  freeing it\n" );
				free( buf );
			instance->DiscInserted( T_Wii );
			//gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			state = St_Idle;

	return NULL;