예제 #1
파일: spoolss.c 프로젝트: endisd/samba
static BOOL test_EnumForms(struct torture_context *tctx,
			   LPSTR servername,
			   HANDLE handle)
	DWORD levels[]  = { 1, 2 };
	DWORD success[] = { 1, 0 };
	LPBYTE buffer = NULL;

	for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) {

		DWORD needed = 0;
		DWORD returned = 0;
		DWORD err = 0;
		char tmp[1024];

		torture_comment(tctx, "Testing EnumForms level %d", levels[i]);

		EnumForms(handle, levels[i], NULL, 0, &needed, &returned);
		err = GetLastError();
			err = 0;
			buffer = malloc(needed);
			torture_assert(tctx, buffer, "malloc failed");
			if (!EnumForms(handle, levels[i], buffer, needed, &needed, &returned)) {
				err = GetLastError();
		if (err) {
			sprintf(tmp, "EnumForms failed level %d on [%s] (buffer size = %d), error: %s\n",
				levels[i], servername, needed, errstr(err));
			if (success[i]) {
				torture_fail(tctx, tmp);
			} else {
				torture_warning(tctx, tmp);

		buffer = NULL;

	return TRUE;
예제 #2
파일: forms.c 프로젝트: Gaikokujin/WinNT4
    HANDLE  hPrinter,
    PDWORD  pCount


Routine Description:

    Return a collection of forms in the spooler database


    hPrinter - Handle to a printer object
    pCount - Points to a variable for returning total number of forms

Return Value:

    Pointer to an array of FORM_INFO_1 structures if successful
    NULL otherwise


    PFORM_INFO_1 pFormDB = NULL;
    DWORD        cbNeeded;

    if (!EnumForms(hPrinter, 1, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded, pCount) &&
        GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER &&
        (pFormDB = MemAlloc(cbNeeded)) != NULL &&
        EnumForms(hPrinter, 1, (PBYTE) pFormDB, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, pCount))
        return pFormDB;

    return NULL;
예제 #3
void EnumDocument(IHTMLDocument2 *pIHTMLDocument2, HWND hWnd)

	if(hWnd == NULL) hWnd = GetWindowHandle(pIHTMLDocument2);
	if (hWnd != NULL)
		HWND hParentWnd = ::GetAncestor(hWnd, GA_ROOTOWNER);
		TCHAR lpCaption[MAX_PATH] = {0};
		::GetWindowText(hParentWnd, lpCaption, MAX_PATH);
		cout << _T("============") << hParentWnd << lpCaption << _T("============") << endl;
	if (!pIHTMLDocument2) return;

	CComBSTR bstrTitle, bstrURL, bstrHTML;
	pIHTMLDocument2->get_title(&bstrTitle);	//取得文档标题

	CComQIPtr <IHTMLElement> spBody;
	hr = pIHTMLDocument2->get_body(&spBody);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return;
	CComQIPtr <IHTMLElement> spHTML;
	hr = spBody->get_parentElement(&spHTML);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return;
	cout << _T("Title: ") << (bstrTitle ? OLE2CT(bstrTitle) : _T("")) << endl;
	cout << _T("URL: ") << (bstrURL ? OLE2CT(bstrURL) : _T("")) << endl;
	// cout << _T("HTML: ") << (bstrHTML ? OLE2CT(bstrHTML) : _T("")) << endl;
예제 #4
파일: forms.c 프로젝트: Gaikokujin/WinNT4
    HANDLE   hPrinter,
    PRASDDUIINFO pRasdduiInfo       /* Global Data Access */
    DWORD   cbNeeded;                   /* Number of bytes needed */
    DWORD   cReturned;                  /* Number of forms returned */

    FORM_INFO_1   *pForm;               /* Scanning through returned data */
    FORM_DATA     *pFDTmp;              /* Filling in FORM_DATA stuff */

     *    Standard technique:  call first to determine how much storage
     *  is required,  allocate the storage and then call again.

    if( !EnumForms( hPrinter, 1, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded, &cReturned ) )
        if( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )
            if( pFIBase = (FORM_INFO_1 *)HEAPALLOC( pRasdduiInfo, 0, cbNeeded ) )
                if( EnumForms( hPrinter, 1, (LPBYTE)pFIBase,
                                            cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, &cReturned ) )
                     *  Allocate the number + 1 of structures needed to make
                     *  the FORM_DATA array.  This is used elsewhere.

                    cbNeeded = (cReturned + 1) * sizeof( FORM_DATA );

                    if( !(pFD = (FORM_DATA *)HEAPALLOC( pRasdduiInfo, 0, cbNeeded )) )
                        vEndForms(pRasdduiInfo);            /* Does the clean up */

                        return  FALSE;
                    ZeroMemory( pFD, cbNeeded );

                    pForm = pFIBase;
                    pFDTmp = pFD;

                    pRasdduiInfo->cForms = cReturned;         /* For setting defaults etc */

                    while( cReturned-- )
                         *   Have our structure point to the forms data,
                         * and also convert the forms data base into
                         * master units.

                        XTOMASTER( pForm->Size.cx );
                        YTOMASTER( pForm->Size.cy );

                        pFDTmp->pFI = pForm++;

                //If EnumForms fails, return false.
                    RIP("Rasddui!bGetForms:2nd call to EnumForms Failed\n");
                    vEndForms(pRasdduiInfo);            /* Does the clean up */
                    return  FALSE;

                return    TRUE;         /* AOK */
        //If EnumForms fails, return false.
            RIP("Rasddui!bGetForms:EnumForms returns error other than ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER\n");
            vEndForms(pRasdduiInfo);            /* Does the clean up */
            return  FALSE;
    RIP("Rasddui!bGetForms:1st call to EnumForms Failed\n");
     *   If we reach here,  one of the above if(..) statements failed,
     *  and that is NOT good.

    return   FALSE;             /* SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN */
예제 #5
파일: util.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
    IN  PROC    fnEnum,
    IN  DWORD   Level,
    IN  PBYTE   *ppEnumData,
    IN  DWORD   cbBuf,
    OUT LPDWORD pcbReturned,
    OUT LPDWORD pcReturned,
    IN  PVOID   Arg1,
    IN  PVOID   Arg2,
    IN  PVOID   Arg3 )
    BOOL   rc;
    BOOL   UnknownFunction = FALSE;
    DWORD  cbRealloc;

    if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrinters )
        rc = EnumPrinters( (DWORD)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                           // Flags        Name
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumJobs )
        rc = EnumJobs( (HANDLE)Arg1, (DWORD)Arg2, (DWORD)Arg3, COMMON_ARGS );
                       // hPrinter      FirstJob     NoJobs
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrinterDrivers )
        rc = EnumPrinterDrivers( (LPTSTR)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                 // pName        pEnvironment
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumForms )
        rc = EnumForms( (HANDLE)Arg1, COMMON_ARGS );
                        // hPrinter
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumMonitors )
        rc = EnumMonitors( (LPTSTR)Arg1, COMMON_ARGS );
                           // pName
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPorts )
        rc = EnumPorts( (LPTSTR)Arg1, COMMON_ARGS );
                        // pName
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrintProcessors )
        rc = EnumPrintProcessors( (LPTSTR)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                  // pName        pEnvironment
    else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes )
        rc = EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes( (LPTSTR)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                          // pName        pPrintProcessorName
        *ppEnumData = NULL;
        UnknownFunction = TRUE;

        DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "EnumGeneric called with unknown function\n" ) );

        rc = FALSE;

    if( ( rc == FALSE ) && ( UnknownFunction == FALSE ) )
        if( GetLastError( ) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )
            cbRealloc = *pcbReturned;

            DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "EnumGeneric: Reallocating %d (0x%x) bytes @%08x\n",
                                 cbBuf, cbBuf, *ppEnumData ) );

            if( cbBuf == 0 )
                *ppEnumData = AllocSplMem( cbRealloc );
                *ppEnumData = ReallocSplMem( *ppEnumData, cbRealloc );

            cbBuf = cbRealloc;

            if( *ppEnumData )
                DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "EnumGeneric: %d (0x%x) bytes reallocated @%08x\n",
                                     cbBuf, cbBuf, *ppEnumData ) );

             if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrinters )
                    rc = EnumPrinters( (DWORD)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                       // Flags        Name
             else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumJobs )
                    rc = EnumJobs( (HANDLE)Arg1, (DWORD)Arg2, (DWORD)Arg3, COMMON_ARGS );
                                   // hPrinter      FirstJob     NoJobs
                else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrinterDrivers )
                    rc = EnumPrinterDrivers( (LPTSTR)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                             // pName        pEnvironment
                else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumForms )
                    rc = EnumForms( (HANDLE)Arg1, COMMON_ARGS );
                                    // hPrinter
                else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumMonitors )
                    rc = EnumMonitors( (LPTSTR)Arg1, COMMON_ARGS );
                                       // pName
                else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPorts )
                    rc = EnumPorts( (LPTSTR)Arg1, COMMON_ARGS );
                                    // pName
                else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrintProcessors )
                    rc = EnumPrintProcessors( (LPTSTR)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                              // pName        pEnvironment
                else if( fnEnum == (PROC)EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes )
                    rc = EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes( (LPTSTR)Arg1, (LPTSTR)Arg2, COMMON_ARGS );
                                                      // pName        pPrintProcessorName

                /* If things haven't worked out, free up the buffer.
                 * We do this because otherwise the caller will not know
                 * whether the pointer is valid any more,
                 * since ReallocSplMem might have failed.
                if( rc == FALSE )
                    if( *ppEnumData )
                        FreeSplMem( *ppEnumData );
                    *ppEnumData = NULL;
                    *pcbReturned = 0;
                    *pcReturned = 0;

                /* Don't rely on pcbReturned having the same value
                 * that was passed in:
                    *pcbReturned = cbRealloc;

            if( *ppEnumData )
                FreeSplMem( *ppEnumData );
            *ppEnumData = NULL;
            *pcbReturned = 0;
            *pcReturned = 0;
            rc = FALSE;

        *pcbReturned = cbBuf;

    return rc;