예제 #1
bool CWRF_Import::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_String		File;

	File		= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();


	if( !m_Index.Load(SG_File_Make_Path(SG_File_Get_Path(File), SG_T("index"))) )
		Error_Set(_TL("error reading index file"));

		return( false );

	if( !Load(File) )
		Error_Set(_TL("error loading data file"));

		return( false );

	return( true );
예제 #2
bool Cdodproperror::SaveGridsAsTIFF(CSG_Grid** grids, CSG_Strings paths)
	TSG_Data_Type Type;
	CSG_String FilePath;
	CSG_Grid* Grid;

	for (int i = 0; i < paths.Get_Count(); i++)
		 FilePath = paths[i];
		 Grid = grids[i];
		 Type = Grid->Get_Type();

		if( !GDALDataSet.Open_Write(FilePath, GDALDriver, GDALOptions, Type, 1, *Get_System(), Projection) )
			Error_Set(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: '%s' "), _TL("Failed to open file for writing: "), FilePath.c_str()));
			return( false );
		GDALDataSet.Write(0, Grid);
		if( !GDALDataSet.Close() )
			Error_Set(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: '%s' "), _TL("Failed to close file after writing: "), FilePath.c_str()));
			return( false );

	return true;
예제 #3
bool CPolygon_Geometrics::On_Execute(void)
	int	bParts	= Parameters("BPARTS")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;
	int	bPoints	= Parameters("BPOINTS")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;
	int	bLength	= Parameters("BLENGTH")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;
	int	bArea	= Parameters("BAREA")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;

	if( bParts && bPoints && bLength && bArea )
		Error_Set(_TL("no properties selected"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Shapes	*pPolygons	= Parameters("POLYGONS")->asShapes();

	if(	!pPolygons->is_Valid() || pPolygons->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("invalid lines layer"));

		return( false );

	if( Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes() && Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes() != pPolygons )
		pPolygons	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes();

	if( !bParts )	{	bParts	= pPolygons->Get_Field_Count();	pPolygons->Add_Field(SG_T("NPARTS")   , SG_DATATYPE_Int   );	}
	if( !bPoints )	{	bPoints	= pPolygons->Get_Field_Count();	pPolygons->Add_Field(SG_T("NPOINTS")  , SG_DATATYPE_Int   );	}
	if( !bLength )	{	bLength	= pPolygons->Get_Field_Count();	pPolygons->Add_Field(SG_T("PERIMETER"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);	}
	if( !bArea )	{	bArea	= pPolygons->Get_Field_Count();	pPolygons->Add_Field(SG_T("AREA")     , SG_DATATYPE_Double);	}

	for(int i=0; i<pPolygons->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, pPolygons->Get_Count()); i++)
		CSG_Shape	*pPolygon	= pPolygons->Get_Shape(i);

		if( bParts  >= 0 )	pPolygon->Set_Value(bParts , pPolygon->Get_Part_Count());
		if( bPoints >= 0 )	pPolygon->Set_Value(bPoints, pPolygon->Get_Point_Count());
		if( bLength >= 0 )	pPolygon->Set_Value(bLength, ((CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygon)->Get_Perimeter());
		if( bArea   >= 0 )	pPolygon->Set_Value(bArea  , ((CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygon)->Get_Area());

	if( pPolygons == Parameters("POLYGONS")->asShapes() )

	return( true );
bool CLine_Properties::On_Execute(void)
	int	bParts	= Parameters("BPARTS")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;
	int	bPoints	= Parameters("BPOINTS")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;
	int	bLength	= Parameters("BLENGTH")	->asBool() ? 0 : -1;

	if( bParts && bPoints && bLength )
		Error_Set(_TL("no properties selected"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Shapes	*pLines	= Parameters("LINES")->asShapes();

	if(	!pLines->is_Valid() || pLines->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("invalid lines layer"));

		return( false );

	if( Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes() && Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes() != pLines )
		pLines	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes();

	if( !bParts )	{	bParts	= pLines->Get_Field_Count();	pLines->Add_Field(SG_T("NPARTS") , SG_DATATYPE_Int   );	}
	if( !bPoints )	{	bPoints	= pLines->Get_Field_Count();	pLines->Add_Field(SG_T("NPOINTS"), SG_DATATYPE_Int   );	}
	if( !bLength )	{	bLength	= pLines->Get_Field_Count();	pLines->Add_Field(SG_T("LENGTH") , SG_DATATYPE_Double);	}

	for(int i=0; i<pLines->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, pLines->Get_Count()); i++)
		CSG_Shape	*pLine	= pLines->Get_Shape(i);

		if( bParts  >= 0 )	pLine->Set_Value(bParts , pLine->Get_Part_Count());
		if( bPoints >= 0 )	pLine->Set_Value(bPoints, pLine->Get_Point_Count());
		if( bLength >= 0 )	pLine->Set_Value(bLength, ((CSG_Shape_Line *)pLine)->Get_Length());

	if( pLines == Parameters("LINES")->asShapes() )

	return( true );
예제 #5
bool CGrid_Plotter::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Formula	Formula;
	if( !Formula.Set_Formula(Parameters("FORMULA")->asString()) )
		CSG_String	Message;

		if( !Formula.Get_Error(Message) )
			Message	= _TL("unknown errror parsing formula");


		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pFunction	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("FUNCTION");

	if( !pFunction )
		Error_Set(_TL("could not create target grid"));

		return( false );

	double xMin		= Parameters("X_RANGE")->asRange()->Get_LoVal();
	double xRange	= Parameters("X_RANGE")->asRange()->Get_HiVal() - xMin;

	double yMin		= Parameters("Y_RANGE")->asRange()->Get_LoVal();
	double yRange	= Parameters("Y_RANGE")->asRange()->Get_HiVal() - yMin;

	for(int y=0; y<pFunction->Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	py	= yMin + yRange * (y / (double)pFunction->Get_NY());

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<pFunction->Get_NX(); x++)
			double	px	= xMin + xRange * (x / (double)pFunction->Get_NX());

			pFunction->Set_Value(x, y, Formula.Get_Value(SG_T("xy"), px, py));

	return( true );
bool COGR_Export_KML::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	Shapes, *pShapes	= Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes();

	if( pShapes->Get_Projection().Get_Type() == SG_PROJ_TYPE_CS_Undefined )
		Message_Add(_TL("layer uses undefined coordinate system, assuming geographic coordinates"));
	else if( pShapes->Get_Projection().Get_Type() != SG_PROJ_TYPE_CS_Geographic )
		Message_Fmt("\n%s (%s: %s)\n", _TL("re-projection to geographic coordinates"), _TL("original"), pShapes->Get_Projection().Get_Name().c_str());

		bool	bResult;

		SG_RUN_TOOL(bResult, "pj_proj4", 2,
			&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("CRS_PROJ4", SG_T("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"))

		if( bResult )
			pShapes	= &Shapes;

			Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s\n", _TL("re-projection"), _TL("success"));
			Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s\n", _TL("re-projection"), _TL("failed" ));

	CSG_OGR_DataSet	DataSource;

	if( !DataSource.Create(Parameters("FILE")->asString(), "KML") )
		Error_Set(_TL("KML file creation failed"));

		return( false );

	if( !DataSource.Write(pShapes) )
		Error_Set(_TL("failed to store data"));

		return( false );

	return( true );
bool CFilter_Resample::On_Execute(void)
	double		Cellsize;
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid, *pLoPass, *pHiPass;

	pGrid		= Parameters("GRID"  )->asGrid();
	pLoPass		= Parameters("LOPASS")->asGrid();
	pHiPass		= Parameters("HIPASS")->asGrid();
	Cellsize	= Parameters("SCALE" )->asDouble() * Get_Cellsize();

	if( Cellsize > 0.5 * SG_Get_Length(Get_System()->Get_XRange(), Get_System()->Get_YRange()) )
		Error_Set(_TL("resampling cell size is too large"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	Grid(CSG_Grid_System(Cellsize, Get_XMin(), Get_YMin(), Get_XMax(), Get_YMax()), SG_DATATYPE_Float);

	Grid.Assign(pGrid, GRID_RESAMPLING_Mean_Cells);

	pLoPass->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("Low Pass")));
	pHiPass->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("High Pass")));

	CSG_Colors	Colors;

	DataObject_Get_Colors(pGrid  , Colors);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(pLoPass, Colors);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(pHiPass, 11, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_BLUE);

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	py	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	z, px	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

			if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && Grid.Get_Value(px, py, z) )
				pLoPass->Set_Value(x, y, z);
				pHiPass->Set_Value(x, y, pGrid->asDouble(x, y) - z);
				pLoPass->Set_NoData(x, y);
				pHiPass->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
예제 #8
bool CGeoref_Grid::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes_A	= Parameters("REF_SOURCE")->asShapes();
	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes_B	= Parameters("REF_TARGET")->asShapes();

	int	xField	= Parameters("XFIELD")->asInt();
	int	yField	= Parameters("YFIELD")->asInt();

	if( ( pShapes_B && m_Engine.Set_Reference(pShapes_A, pShapes_B))
	||	(!pShapes_B && m_Engine.Set_Reference(pShapes_A, xField, yField))	)
		int	Method	= Parameters("METHOD")->asInt();
		int	Order	= Parameters("ORDER" )->asInt();

		if( m_Engine.Evaluate(Method, Order) && Get_Conversion() )

			return( true );

	if( !m_Engine.Get_Error().is_Empty() )


	return( false );
예제 #9
bool CImport_Clip_Resample::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Strings	Files;

	if( !Parameters("FILES")->asFilePath()->Get_FilePaths(Files) || Files.Get_Count() == 0 )
		return( false );

	m_pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();


	for(int i=0; i<Files.Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)

	if( m_pGrids->Get_Count() == 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids have been imported"));

	return( true );
bool CCost_Accumulated::On_Execute(void)
	m_pCost			= Parameters("COST"       )->asGrid();
	m_pAccumulated	= Parameters("ACCUMULATED")->asGrid();
	m_pAllocation	= Parameters("ALLOCATION" )->asGrid();
	m_pDirection	= Parameters("DIR_MAXCOST")->asGrid();
	m_bDegree		= Parameters("DIR_UNIT"   )->asInt() == 1;
	m_dK			= Parameters("DIR_K"      )->asDouble();

	CPoints	Points;

	if( !Get_Destinations(Points) )
		Error_Set(_TL("no destination points in grid area."));

		return( false );



	return( true );
예제 #11
bool CImport_Clip_Resample::Load_File(const CSG_String &File)
	CSG_Data_Manager	Grids;

	if( !Grids.Add(File) || !Grids.Get_Grid_System(0) || !Grids.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0) )
		Error_Set(CSG_String::Format("%s: %s", _TL("could not load file"), File.c_str()));

		return( false );

	int	n	= 0;

	for(size_t iSystem=0; iSystem<Grids.Grid_System_Count(); iSystem++)
		for(size_t iGrid=0; iGrid<Grids.Get_Grid_System(iSystem)->Count(); iGrid++)
			if( Load_Grid((CSG_Grid *)Grids.Get_Grid_System(iSystem)->Get(iGrid)) )

	return( n > 0 );
예제 #12
bool CShapes_SRID_Update::On_Execute(void)
	if( !Get_Connection()->has_PostGIS() )	{	Error_Set(_TL("no PostGIS layer"));	return( false );	}

	CSG_String	Select;
	CSG_Table	Table;

	Select.Printf(SG_T("f_table_name='%s'"), Parameters("TABLES")->asString());

	if( !Get_Connection()->Table_Load(Table, "geometry_columns", "*", Select) || Table.Get_Count() != 1 )
		return( false );

	Select.Printf(SG_T("SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('%s', '%s', %d)"),

	if( !Get_Connection()->Execute(Select) )
		return( false );

	return( true );
예제 #13
bool CXYZ_Import::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_File	Stream;

	if( !Stream.Open(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), SG_FILE_R) )
		Error_Set(_TL("file could not be opened"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Shapes	*pPoints	= Parameters("POINTS")->asShapes();

	pPoints->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, SG_File_Get_Name(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), false));

	pPoints->Add_Field("Z", SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	if( Parameters("HEADLINE")->asBool() )
		CSG_String	sLine;

		if( !Stream.Read_Line(sLine) )
			Error_Set(_TL("could not read headline"));

			return( false );

	sLong	Length	= Stream.Length();

	double	x, y, z;

	while( Stream.Scan(x) && Stream.Scan(y) && Stream.Scan(z) && Set_Progress((double)Stream.Tell(), (double)Length) )
		CSG_Shape	*pPoint	= pPoints->Add_Shape();

		pPoint->Add_Point(x, y);

		pPoint->Set_Value(0, z);

	return( pPoints->Get_Count() > 0 );
bool CLines_From_Polygons::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pLines, *pPolygons;

	pPolygons	= Parameters("POLYGONS")	->asShapes();
	pLines		= Parameters("LINES")		->asShapes();

	if(	pPolygons->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no polygons in input"));

		return( false );

	pLines->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Line, pPolygons->Get_Name(), pPolygons, pPolygons->Get_Vertex_Type());

	for(int iPolygon=0; iPolygon<pPolygons->Get_Count(); iPolygon++)
		CSG_Shape	*pPolygon	= pPolygons	->Get_Shape(iPolygon);
		CSG_Shape	*pLine		= pLines	->Add_Shape(pPolygon, SHAPE_COPY_ATTR);

		for(int iPart=0; iPart<pPolygon->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
			for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pPolygon->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
				pLine->Add_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart), iPart);

				if( pPolygons->Get_Vertex_Type() != SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY )
					pLine->Set_Z(pPolygon->Get_Z(iPoint, iPart), iPoint, iPart);

					if( pPolygons->Get_Vertex_Type() == SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZM )
						pLine->Set_M(pPolygon->Get_M(iPoint, iPart), iPoint, iPart);

			if( !CSG_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point(0, iPart)).is_Equal(pPolygon->Get_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point_Count(iPart) - 1, iPart)) )
				pLine->Add_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point(0, iPart), iPart);

				if( pPolygons->Get_Vertex_Type() != SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY )
					pLine->Set_Z(pPolygon->Get_Z(0, iPart), pLine->Get_Point_Count(iPart) - 1, iPart);

					if( pPolygons->Get_Vertex_Type() == SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZM )
						pLine->Set_M(pPolygon->Get_M(0, iPart), pLine->Get_Point_Count(iPart) - 1, iPart);

	return( true );
예제 #15
static const char *Heap_testSuite()
    return NULL;
예제 #16
bool CTable_PCA::On_Execute(void)
    CSG_Vector	Eigen_Values;
    CSG_Matrix	Eigen_Vectors, Matrix;

    m_pTable	= Parameters("TABLE")	->asTable();
    m_Method	= Parameters("METHOD")	->asInt();

    if( !Get_Fields() )
        Error_Set(_TL("invalid field selection"));


        return( false );

    if( !Get_Matrix(Matrix) )
        Error_Set(_TL("matrix initialisation failed"));


        return( false );

    if( !SG_Matrix_Eigen_Reduction(Matrix, Eigen_Vectors, Eigen_Values) )
        Error_Set(_TL("Eigen reduction failed"));


        return( false );

    Get_Components(Eigen_Vectors, Eigen_Values);


    return( true );
예제 #17
bool CGrids_Product::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS" )->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grid in list"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pResult	= Parameters("RESULT")->asGrid();

	bool	bNoData	= Parameters("NODATA")->asBool();

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			int		n	= 0;
			double	d	= 0.0;

			for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
				if( pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_InGrid(x, y) )
					if( n++ < 1 )
						d 	 = pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);
						d	*= pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y);

			if( bNoData ? n > 0 : n == pGrids->Get_Count() )
				pResult->Set_Value(x, y, d);
				pResult->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
bool CGrid_Classify_Supervised::On_Execute(void)
	if( !Get_Features() )
		Error_Set(_TL("invalid features"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Classifier_Supervised	Classifier;

	if( !Set_Classifier(Classifier) )
		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pClasses	= Parameters("CLASSES")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pQuality	= Parameters("QUALITY")->asGrid();



	int	Method	= Parameters("METHOD")->asInt();

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			int			Class;
			double		Quality;
			CSG_Vector	Features(m_pFeatures->Get_Count());

			if( Get_Features(x, y, Features) && Classifier.Get_Class(Features, Class, Quality, Method) )
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_VALUE(pClasses, x, y, 1 + Class);
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_VALUE(pQuality, x, y, Quality  );
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_NODATA(pClasses, x, y);
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_NODATA(pQuality, x, y);

	return( Set_Classification(Classifier) );
예제 #19
bool CSelect_Points::On_Execute(void)
	m_pPoints		= Parameters("POINTS")		->asShapes();
	m_pSelection	= Parameters("SELECTION")	->asShapes();
	m_Radius		= Parameters("RADIUS")		->asDouble();
	m_MaxPoints		= Parameters("MAXNUM")		->asInt();
	m_Quadrant		= Parameters("QUADRANT")	->asInt() - 1;
	m_bAddCenter	= Parameters("ADDCENTER")	->asBool();

	if( !m_pPoints->is_Valid() )
		Error_Set(_TL("invalid points layer"));

		return( false );

	if( m_pPoints->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no points in layer"));

		return( false );

	if( !m_Search.Create(m_pPoints, -1) )
		Error_Set(_TL("failed to initialise search engine"));

		return( false );

	m_pSelection->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), m_pPoints->Get_Name(), _TL("Selection")), m_pPoints);

	m_pSelection->Add_Field(_TL("Order")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	m_pSelection->Add_Field(_TL("Distance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	return( true );
예제 #20
bool CFlow_by_Slope::On_Execute(void)
	m_Slope_Min	= Parameters("SLOPE_MIN")->asDouble() * M_DEG_TO_RAD;
	m_Slope_Max = Parameters("SLOPE_MAX")->asDouble() * M_DEG_TO_RAD;

	if( m_Slope_Max <= 0.0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("slope threshold must not be zero!"));

		return( false );

	if( Parameters("B_FLOW")->asBool() )
		m_Flow_Min	= Parameters("T_FLOW")->asRange()->Get_LoVal() * Get_Cellarea();
		m_Flow_Max	= Parameters("T_FLOW")->asRange()->Get_HiVal() * Get_Cellarea();
		m_Flow_Min	= m_Flow_Max	= 0.0;

	m_pDEM		= Parameters("DEM"   )->asGrid();
	m_pFlow		= Parameters("FLOW"  )->asGrid();


	if( Parameters("WEIGHT")->asGrid() )

	DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pFlow, 11, SG_COLORS_WHITE_BLUE, false);

	for(sLong i=0; i<Get_NCells() && Set_Progress_NCells(i); i++)
		int	x, y;

		if( !m_pDEM->Get_Sorted(i, x, y, true) || m_pDEM->is_NoData(x, y) )
			m_pFlow->Set_NoData(x, y);
			Set_Area(x, y);

	return( true );
예제 #21
bool CLife::On_Execute(void)
	m_pLife	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("LIFE", SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

	if( !m_pLife )
		Error_Set(_TL("could not create target grid"));

		return( false );

	m_nColors	= Parameters("FADECOLOR")->asInt();

	for(int y=0; y<m_pLife->Get_NY(); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<m_pLife->Get_NX(); x++)
			m_pLife->Set_Value(x, y, CSG_Random::Get_Uniform(0, 100) < 50 ? 0 : m_nColors);

	m_pLife->Set_Name(_TL("Conway's Game of Life"));

	DataObject_Add       (m_pLife);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pLife, 11, SG_COLORS_WHITE_BLUE);
	DataObject_Update    (m_pLife, 0, m_nColors, SG_UI_DATAOBJECT_SHOW);

	int		i;

	m_Count.Create(m_pLife->Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

	for(i=1; Process_Get_Okay(true) && Next_Cycle(i > m_nColors); i++)
		Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format("%s: %d", _TL("Life Cycle"), i));

		DataObject_Update(m_pLife, 0, m_nColors);


	if( is_Progress() )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format("\n%s %d %s\n", _TL("Dead after"), i, _TL("Life Cycles")), false);

	return( true );
bool CMelton_Ruggedness::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pDEM, *pArea, *pMRN, *pZMax;

	pDEM		= Parameters("DEM" )->asGrid();
	pArea		= Parameters("AREA")->asGrid();
	pZMax		= Parameters("ZMAX")->asGrid();
	pMRN		= Parameters("MRN" )->asGrid();

	if( !pDEM->Set_Index() )
		Error_Set(_TL("index creation failed"));

		return( false );

	pMRN ->Assign_NoData();

	for(sLong n=0; n<Get_NCells() && Set_Progress_NCells(n); n++)
		int		x, y, i, ix, iy;

		if( pDEM->Get_Sorted(n, x, y, true, true) )
			pArea->Add_Value(x, y, Get_Cellsize());

			if( pZMax->is_NoData(x, y) )
				pZMax->Set_Value(x, y, pDEM->asDouble(x, y));

			if( (i = pDEM->Get_Gradient_NeighborDir(x, y, true)) >= 0 && Get_System().Get_Neighbor_Pos(i, x, y, ix, iy) )
				pArea->Add_Value(ix, iy, pArea->asDouble(x, y));

				if( pZMax->is_NoData(ix, iy) || pZMax->asDouble(ix, iy) < pZMax->asDouble(x, y) )
					pZMax->Set_Value(ix, iy, pZMax->asDouble(x, y));

			pMRN->Set_Value(x, y, (pZMax->asDouble(x, y) - pDEM->asDouble(x, y)) / sqrt(pArea->asDouble(x, y)));

	return( true );
예제 #23
bool CDiffuse_Pollution_Risk::On_Execute(void)
	m_pDEM			= Parameters("DEM"         )->asGrid();
	m_pDelivery		= Parameters("DELIVERY"    )->asGrid();
	m_pRisk_Point	= Parameters("RISK_POINT"  )->asGrid();
	m_pRisk_Diffuse	= Parameters("RISK_DIFFUSE")->asGrid();
	m_bSingle		= Parameters("METHOD"      )->asInt() == 0;

	DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pDelivery    , 11, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_GREEN, true);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pRisk_Point  , 11, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_GREEN, true);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pRisk_Diffuse, 11, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_GREEN, true);

	bool	bResult	= false;

	if( !Set_Flow() )
		Error_Set(_TL("initialization failed"));
	else if( !Set_Delivery_Index() )
		Error_Set(_TL("delivery index calculation failed"));
	else if( !Get_Risk_Diffuse() )
		Error_Set(_TL("diffuse pollution risk calculation failed"));
		bResult	= true;

	m_TWI    .Destroy();

	return( bResult );
예제 #24
bool CSlopeLength::On_Execute(void)
	int		x, y;

	m_pDEM		= Parameters("DEM"   )->asGrid();
	m_pLength	= Parameters("LENGTH")->asGrid();

	if( !m_pDEM->Set_Index() )
		Error_Set(_TL("index creation failed"));

		return( false );


	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for private(x)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	Slope, Aspect;

			if( m_pDEM->Get_Gradient(x, y, Slope, Aspect) )
				m_Slope   .Set_Value(x, y, Slope);
				m_pLength->Set_Value(x, y, 0.0);
				m_Slope   .Set_NoData(x, y);
				m_pLength->Set_NoData(x, y);

	for(sLong n=0; n<Get_NCells() && Set_Progress_NCells(n); n++)
		if( m_pDEM->Get_Sorted(n, x, y) )
			Get_Length(x, y);


	return( true );
bool CGrid_Classify_Supervised::Set_Classifier(CSG_Classifier_Supervised &Classifier)

	Classifier.Set_Threshold_Distance   (Parameters("THRESHOLD_DIST" )->asDouble());
	Classifier.Set_Threshold_Angle      (Parameters("THRESHOLD_ANGLE")->asDouble() * M_DEG_TO_RAD);
	Classifier.Set_Threshold_Probability(Parameters("THRESHOLD_PROB" )->asDouble());
	Classifier.Set_Probability_Relative (Parameters("RELATIVE_PROB"  )->asBool  ());

	for(int i=0; i<SG_CLASSIFY_SUPERVISED_WTA; i++)
		Classifier.Set_WTA(i, Parameters(CSG_String::Format("WTA_%d", i))->asBool());

	if( Parameters("TRAINING")->asShapes() != NULL )	// training areas
		if( !Set_Classifier(Classifier, Parameters("TRAINING")->asShapes(), Parameters("TRAINING_CLASS")->asInt()) )
			Error_Set(_TL("could not initialize classifier from training areas"));

			return( false );
	else	// from file
		if( !Classifier.Load(Parameters("FILE_LOAD")->asString()) )
			Error_Set(_TL("could not initialize classifier from file"));

			return( false );

	Message_Add(Classifier.Print(), false);

	return( true );
예제 #26
bool Cdodproperror::DeleteFile(CSG_String path)
	// Delete file if exists
	if (SG_File_Exists(path))
		if (!SG_File_Delete(path))
			Error_Set(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: '%s' "), _TL("Failed to delete file: "), path.c_str()));
			return false;
	return true;
예제 #27
bool CShapes_Load::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pShapes	= Parameters("SHAPES")->asShapes();
	CSG_String	Name		= Parameters("TABLES")->asString();

	if( !Get_Connection()->Shapes_Load(pShapes, Name) )
		Error_Set(_TL("unable to load vector data from PostGIS database") + CSG_String(":\n") + Name);

		return( false );

	return( true );
bool CSelect_Grid_From_List::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in list"));

		return( false );

	int	Index	= Parameters("INDEX")->asInt();

	if( Index >= pGrids->Get_Count() )
		Error_Set(_TL("index out of range"));

		return( false );


	return( true );	
bool CGrid_Completion::On_Execute(void)
	int					x, y;
	double				xPos, yPos, Value;
	TSG_Grid_Interpolation	Interpolation;
	CSG_Grid				*pGrid, *pAdditional;

	pAdditional		= Parameters("ADDITIONAL")	->asGrid();
	pGrid			= Parameters("COMPLETED")	->asGrid();

	if( pGrid->is_Intersecting(pAdditional->Get_Extent()) )
		if( pGrid != Parameters("ORIGINAL")->asGrid() )
			Process_Set_Text(_TL("Copying original data..."));


		Interpolation	= (TSG_Grid_Interpolation)Parameters("INTERPOLATION")->asInt();

		Process_Set_Text(_TL("Data completion..."));

		for(y=0, yPos=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++, yPos+=Get_Cellsize())
			if( yPos >= pAdditional->Get_YMin() )
				for(x=0, xPos=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX() && xPos<=pAdditional->Get_XMax(); x++, xPos+=Get_Cellsize())
					if( pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && xPos >= pAdditional->Get_XMin() )
						if( !pAdditional->is_NoData_Value(Value = pAdditional->Get_Value(xPos, yPos, Interpolation)) )
							pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Value);

		return( true );

	Error_Set(_TL("Nothing to do: there is no intersection with additonal grid."));

	return( false );
bool CSelection_Copy::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pInput, *pOutput;

	pInput	= Parameters("INPUT") ->asShapes();
	pOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asShapes();

	if( pInput->Get_Selection_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no shapes in selection"));

		return( false );

	if( pOutput->Get_Type() != SHAPE_TYPE_Undefined && pOutput->Get_Type() != pInput->Get_Type() && pOutput->Get_Vertex_Type() != pInput->Get_Vertex_Type() )
		Parameters("OUTPUT")->Set_Value(pOutput	= SG_Create_Shapes());

	pOutput->Create(pInput->Get_Type(), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pInput->Get_Name(), _TL("Selection")), pInput, pInput->Get_Vertex_Type());

	for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Selection_Count() && Set_Progress(i, pInput->Get_Selection_Count()); i++)
		CSG_Shape	*pShape	= pInput->Get_Selection(i);


		if( pInput->Get_Vertex_Type() > SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY )
			for(int iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
				for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
					pOutput->Get_Shape(i)->Set_Z(pShape->Get_Z(iPoint, iPart), iPoint, iPart);

					if( pInput->Get_Vertex_Type() == SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZM )
						pOutput->Get_Shape(i)->Set_M(pShape->Get_M(iPoint, iPart), iPoint, iPart);

	return( true );