enum esif_rc EsifActMgrInit () { enum esif_rc rc = ESIF_OK; u8 i = 0; ESIF_TRACE_DEBUG("%s: Init Action Manager (ACTMGR)", ESIF_FUNC); g_actMgr.fActTypes = esif_link_list_create(); if (NULL == g_actMgr.fActTypes) { return ESIF_E_NO_MEMORY; } g_actMgr.GetActType = GetActionType; g_actMgr.GetActFromName = GetActionFromName; g_actMgr.AddActType = AddAction; g_actMgr.RemoveActType = RemoveAction; /* Add static Kernel Entries */ for (i = 0; g_kernelActions[i].fType; i++) g_actMgr.AddActType(&g_actMgr, &g_kernelActions[i]); /* Action manager must be initialized */ EsifActInit(); return rc; }
eEsifError EsifActMgrInit() { eEsifError rc = ESIF_OK; ESIF_TRACE_ENTRY_INFO(); esif_ccb_lock_init(&g_actMgr.fLock); g_actMgr.fActTypes = esif_link_list_create(); if (NULL == g_actMgr.fActTypes) { rc = ESIF_E_NO_MEMORY; goto exit; } g_actMgr.GetActType = GetActionType; g_actMgr.GetActFromName = GetActionFromName; g_actMgr.AddActType = AddAction; g_actMgr.RemoveActType = RemoveAction; /* Action manager must be initialized */ EsifActInit(); exit: ESIF_TRACE_EXIT_INFO_W_STATUS(rc); return rc; }