예제 #1
 * BeginStreamScan
BeginStreamScan(ForeignScanState *node, int eflags)
    ForeignScan *plan = (ForeignScan *) node->ss.ps.plan;
    StreamScanState *state;
    ListCell *lc;
    List *colnames = (List *) linitial(plan->fdw_private);
    List *physical_tlist = (List *) lsecond(plan->fdw_private);
    Value *sample_cutoff = (Value *) lthird(plan->fdw_private);
    int i = 0;

    state = palloc0(sizeof(StreamScanState));

    state->pi = palloc(sizeof(StreamProjectionInfo));
    state->pi->mcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,

    state->pi->ecxt = CreateStandaloneExprContext();
    state->pi->outdesc = ExecTypeFromTL(physical_tlist, false);
    state->pi->indesc = NULL;
    state->sample_cutoff = sample_cutoff ? intVal(sample_cutoff) : -1;

    Assert(state->pi->outdesc->natts == list_length(colnames));

    foreach(lc, colnames)
        Value *v = (Value *) lfirst(lc);
        namestrcpy(&(state->pi->outdesc->attrs[i++]->attname), strVal(v));
예제 #2
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitPartitionSelector
 *		Create the run-time state information for PartitionSelector node
 *		produced by Orca and initializes outer child if exists.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
PartitionSelectorState *
ExecInitPartitionSelector(PartitionSelector *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	/* check for unsupported flags */
	Assert (!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_MARK | EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD)));

	PartitionSelectorState *psstate = initPartitionSelection(node, estate);

	/* tuple table initialization */
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &psstate->ps);
	ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&psstate->ps, NULL);

	/* initialize child nodes */
	/* No inner plan for PartitionSelector */
	Assert(NULL == innerPlan(node));
	if (NULL != outerPlan(node))
		outerPlanState(psstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags);

	 * Initialize projection, to produce a tuple that has the partitioning key
	 * columns at the same positions as in the partitioned table.
	if (node->partTabTargetlist)
		List	   *exprStates;

		exprStates = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->partTabTargetlist,
										   (PlanState *) psstate);

		psstate->partTabDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(node->partTabTargetlist, false);
		psstate->partTabSlot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(psstate->partTabDesc);
		psstate->partTabProj = ExecBuildProjectionInfo(exprStates,

	initGpmonPktForPartitionSelector((Plan *)node, &psstate->ps.gpmon_pkt, estate);

	return psstate;
예제 #3
/* ----------------
 *		ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL
 * ----------------
ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL(PlanState *planstate)
	bool		hasoid;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;

	if (ExecContextForcesOids(planstate, &hasoid))
		/* context forces OID choice; hasoid is now set correctly */
		/* given free choice, don't leave space for OIDs in result tuples */
		hasoid = false;

	 * ExecTypeFromTL needs the parse-time representation of the tlist, not a
	 * list of ExprStates.  This is good because some plan nodes don't bother
	 * to set up planstate->targetlist ...
	tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(planstate->plan->targetlist, hasoid);
	ExecAssignResultType(planstate, tupDesc);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitIndexOnlyScan
 *		Initializes the index scan's state information, creates
 *		scan keys, and opens the base and index relations.
 *		Note: index scans have 2 sets of state information because
 *			  we have to keep track of the base relation and the
 *			  index relation.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
IndexOnlyScanState *
ExecInitIndexOnlyScan(IndexOnlyScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	IndexOnlyScanState *indexstate;
	Relation	currentRelation;
	bool		relistarget;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;

	 * create state structure
	indexstate = makeNode(IndexOnlyScanState);
	indexstate->ss.ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	indexstate->ss.ps.state = estate;
	indexstate->ioss_HeapFetches = 0;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &indexstate->ss.ps);

	indexstate->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false;

	 * initialize child expressions
	 * Note: we don't initialize all of the indexorderby expression, only the
	 * sub-parts corresponding to runtime keys (see below).
	indexstate->ss.ps.targetlist = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->scan.plan.targetlist,
					 (PlanState *) indexstate);
	indexstate->ss.ps.qual = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->scan.plan.qual,
					 (PlanState *) indexstate);
	indexstate->indexqual = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->indexqual,
					 (PlanState *) indexstate);

	 * tuple table initialization
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &indexstate->ss.ps);
	ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &indexstate->ss);

	 * open the base relation and acquire appropriate lock on it.
	currentRelation = ExecOpenScanRelation(estate, node->scan.scanrelid, eflags);

	indexstate->ss.ss_currentRelation = currentRelation;
	indexstate->ss.ss_currentScanDesc = NULL;	/* no heap scan here */

	 * Build the scan tuple type using the indextlist generated by the
	 * planner.  We use this, rather than the index's physical tuple
	 * descriptor, because the latter contains storage column types not the
	 * types of the original datums.  (It's the AM's responsibility to return
	 * suitable data anyway.)
	tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(node->indextlist, false);
	ExecAssignScanType(&indexstate->ss, tupDesc);

	 * Initialize result tuple type and projection info.  The node's
	 * targetlist will contain Vars with varno = INDEX_VAR, referencing the
	 * scan tuple.
	ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno(&indexstate->ss, INDEX_VAR);

	 * If we are just doing EXPLAIN (ie, aren't going to run the plan), stop
	 * here.  This allows an index-advisor plugin to EXPLAIN a plan containing
	 * references to nonexistent indexes.
		return indexstate;

	 * Open the index relation.
	 * If the parent table is one of the target relations of the query, then
	 * InitPlan already opened and write-locked the index, so we can avoid
	 * taking another lock here.  Otherwise we need a normal reader's lock.
	relistarget = ExecRelationIsTargetRelation(estate, node->scan.scanrelid);
	indexstate->ioss_RelationDesc = index_open(node->indexid,
									 relistarget ? NoLock : AccessShareLock);

	 * Initialize index-specific scan state
	indexstate->ioss_RuntimeKeysReady = false;
	indexstate->ioss_RuntimeKeys = NULL;
	indexstate->ioss_NumRuntimeKeys = 0;

	 * build the index scan keys from the index qualification
	ExecIndexBuildScanKeys((PlanState *) indexstate,
						   NULL,	/* no ArrayKeys */

	 * any ORDER BY exprs have to be turned into scankeys in the same way
	ExecIndexBuildScanKeys((PlanState *) indexstate,
						   NULL,	/* no ArrayKeys */

	 * If we have runtime keys, we need an ExprContext to evaluate them. The
	 * node's standard context won't do because we want to reset that context
	 * for every tuple.  So, build another context just like the other one...
	 * -tgl 7/11/00
	if (indexstate->ioss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0)
		ExprContext *stdecontext = indexstate->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext;

		ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &indexstate->ss.ps);
		indexstate->ioss_RuntimeContext = indexstate->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext;
		indexstate->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext = stdecontext;
		indexstate->ioss_RuntimeContext = NULL;

	 * Initialize scan descriptor.
	indexstate->ioss_ScanDesc = index_beginscan(currentRelation,

	/* Set it up for index-only scan */
	indexstate->ioss_ScanDesc->xs_want_itup = true;
	indexstate->ioss_VMBuffer = InvalidBuffer;

	 * If no run-time keys to calculate, go ahead and pass the scankeys to the
	 * index AM.
	if (indexstate->ioss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0)

	 * all done.
	return indexstate;
예제 #5
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitGather
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
GatherState *
ExecInitGather(Gather *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	GatherState *gatherstate;
	Plan	   *outerNode;
	bool		hasoid;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;

	/* Gather node doesn't have innerPlan node. */
	Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL);

	 * create state structure
	gatherstate = makeNode(GatherState);
	gatherstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	gatherstate->ps.state = estate;
	gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally = !node->single_copy;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &gatherstate->ps);

	 * initialize child expressions
	gatherstate->ps.targetlist = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.targetlist,
					 (PlanState *) gatherstate);
	gatherstate->ps.qual = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.qual,
					 (PlanState *) gatherstate);

	 * tuple table initialization
	gatherstate->funnel_slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate);
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &gatherstate->ps);

	 * now initialize outer plan
	outerNode = outerPlan(node);
	outerPlanState(gatherstate) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags);

	gatherstate->ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false;

	 * Initialize result tuple type and projection info.
	ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&gatherstate->ps, NULL);

	 * Initialize funnel slot to same tuple descriptor as outer plan.
	if (!ExecContextForcesOids(&gatherstate->ps, &hasoid))
		hasoid = false;
	tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(outerNode->targetlist, hasoid);
	ExecSetSlotDescriptor(gatherstate->funnel_slot, tupDesc);

	return gatherstate;
/*  ------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 	ExecInitShareInputScan 
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
ShareInputScanState *
ExecInitShareInputScan(ShareInputScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	ShareInputScanState *sisstate;
	Plan *outerPlan;
	TupleDesc tupDesc;

	Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL);
	/* create state data structure */
	sisstate = makeNode(ShareInputScanState);
	sisstate->ss.ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	sisstate->ss.ps.state = estate;
	sisstate->ts_state = NULL;
	sisstate->ts_pos = NULL;
	sisstate->ts_markpos = NULL;

	sisstate->share_lk_ctxt = NULL;
	sisstate->freed = false;

	 * init child node.  
	 * if outerPlan is NULL, this is no-op (so that the ShareInput node will be 
	 * only init-ed once).
	outerPlan = outerPlan(node);
	outerPlanState(sisstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan, estate, eflags);

	sisstate->ss.ps.targetlist = (List *) 
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.targetlist, (PlanState *) sisstate);
	Assert(node->plan.qual == NULL);
	sisstate->ss.ps.qual = NULL;

	/* Misc initialization 
	 * Create expression context 
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &sisstate->ss.ps);

	/* tuple table init */
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &sisstate->ss.ps);
	sisstate->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate);

	 * init tuple type.

		bool hasoid;
		if (!ExecContextForcesOids(&sisstate->ss.ps, &hasoid))
			hasoid = false;

		tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(node->plan.targetlist, hasoid);
	ExecAssignScanType(&sisstate->ss, tupDesc);

	sisstate->ss.ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;

	 * If this is an intra-slice share node, increment reference count to
	 * tell the underlying node not to be freed before this node is ready to
	 * be freed.  fCreate flag to ExecGetShareNodeEntry is true because
	 * at this point we don't have the entry which will be initialized in
	 * the underlying node initialization later.
	if (node->share_type == SHARE_MATERIAL || node->share_type == SHARE_SORT)
		ShareNodeEntry *snEntry = ExecGetShareNodeEntry(estate, node->share_id, true);

	initGpmonPktForShareInputScan((Plan *)node, &sisstate->ss.ps.gpmon_pkt, estate);
	return sisstate;
예제 #7
CustomScanState *
ExecInitCustomScan(CustomScan *cscan, EState *estate, int eflags)
	CustomScanState *css;
	Relation	scan_rel = NULL;
	Index		scanrelid = cscan->scan.scanrelid;
	Index		tlistvarno;

	 * Allocate the CustomScanState object.  We let the custom scan provider
	 * do the palloc, in case it wants to make a larger object that embeds
	 * CustomScanState as the first field.  It must set the node tag and the
	 * methods field correctly at this time.  Other standard fields should be
	 * set to zero.
	css = (CustomScanState *) cscan->methods->CreateCustomScanState(cscan);
	Assert(IsA(css, CustomScanState));

	/* ensure flags is filled correctly */
	css->flags = cscan->flags;

	/* fill up fields of ScanState */
	css->ss.ps.plan = &cscan->scan.plan;
	css->ss.ps.state = estate;

	/* create expression context for node */
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &css->ss.ps);
#ifdef PG95
	css->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false;
	/* initialize child expressions */
	css->ss.ps.targetlist = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) cscan->scan.plan.targetlist,
					 (PlanState *) css);
	css->ss.ps.qual = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) cscan->scan.plan.qual,
					 (PlanState *) css);

	/* tuple table initialization */
#ifndef PG95
	if (((Scan*)css->ss.ps.plan)->scanrelid) {
		// For table scans
		ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &css->ss);
	else {
		// For tuple-table-slot scans (typically over Motion nodes)
		css->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot = ExecAllocTableSlot(&estate->es_tupleTable);
	ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &css->ss);
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &css->ss.ps);

	 * open the base relation, if any, and acquire an appropriate lock on it
	if (scanrelid > 0)
		scan_rel = ExecOpenScanRelation(estate
										, scanrelid
#ifdef PG95
										, eflags
		css->ss.ss_currentRelation = scan_rel;

	 * Determine the scan tuple type.  If the custom scan provider provided a
	 * targetlist describing the scan tuples, use that; else use base
	 * relation's rowtype.
	if (cscan->custom_scan_tlist != NIL || scan_rel == NULL)

		// index-only scan? GP doesn't define INDEX_VAR
		TupleDesc	scan_tupdesc;

		scan_tupdesc = ExecTypeFromTL(cscan->custom_scan_tlist, false);
		ExecAssignScanType(&css->ss, scan_tupdesc);

#ifdef PG95
		/* Node's targetlist will contain Vars with varno = INDEX_VAR */
		tlistvarno = INDEX_VAR;
		ExecAssignScanType(&css->ss, RelationGetDescr(scan_rel));
		/* Node's targetlist will contain Vars with varno = scanrelid */
		tlistvarno = scanrelid;

	 * Initialize result tuple type and projection info.
#ifdef PG95
	ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno(&css->ss, tlistvarno);

	 * The callback of custom-scan provider applies the final initialization
	 * of the custom-scan-state node according to its logic.
	css->methods->BeginCustomScan(css, estate, eflags);

	return css;
예제 #8
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitForeignScan
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ForeignScanState *
ExecInitForeignScan(ForeignScan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	ForeignScanState *scanstate;
	Relation	currentRelation = NULL;
	Index		scanrelid = node->scan.scanrelid;
	Index		tlistvarno;
	FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;

	/* check for unsupported flags */
	Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));

	 * create state structure
	scanstate = makeNode(ForeignScanState);
	scanstate->ss.ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	scanstate->ss.ps.state = estate;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &scanstate->ss.ps);

	scanstate->ss.ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false;

	 * initialize child expressions
	scanstate->ss.ps.targetlist = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->scan.plan.targetlist,
					 (PlanState *) scanstate);
	scanstate->ss.ps.qual = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->scan.plan.qual,
					 (PlanState *) scanstate);
	scanstate->fdw_recheck_quals = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->fdw_recheck_quals,
					 (PlanState *) scanstate);

	 * tuple table initialization
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &scanstate->ss.ps);
	ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &scanstate->ss);

	 * open the base relation, if any, and acquire an appropriate lock on it;
	 * also acquire function pointers from the FDW's handler
	if (scanrelid > 0)
		currentRelation = ExecOpenScanRelation(estate, scanrelid, eflags);
		scanstate->ss.ss_currentRelation = currentRelation;
		fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(currentRelation, true);
		/* We can't use the relcache, so get fdwroutine the hard way */
		fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineByServerId(node->fs_server);

	 * Determine the scan tuple type.  If the FDW provided a targetlist
	 * describing the scan tuples, use that; else use base relation's rowtype.
	if (node->fdw_scan_tlist != NIL || currentRelation == NULL)
		TupleDesc	scan_tupdesc;

		scan_tupdesc = ExecTypeFromTL(node->fdw_scan_tlist, false);
		ExecAssignScanType(&scanstate->ss, scan_tupdesc);
		/* Node's targetlist will contain Vars with varno = INDEX_VAR */
		tlistvarno = INDEX_VAR;
		ExecAssignScanType(&scanstate->ss, RelationGetDescr(currentRelation));
		/* Node's targetlist will contain Vars with varno = scanrelid */
		tlistvarno = scanrelid;

	 * Initialize result tuple type and projection info.
	ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno(&scanstate->ss, tlistvarno);

	 * Initialize FDW-related state.
	scanstate->fdwroutine = fdwroutine;
	scanstate->fdw_state = NULL;

	/* Initialize any outer plan. */
	if (outerPlan(node))
		outerPlanState(scanstate) =
			ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags);

	 * Tell the FDW to initialize the scan.
	fdwroutine->BeginForeignScan(scanstate, eflags);

	return scanstate;
예제 #9
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitGather
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
GatherState *
ExecInitGather(Gather *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	GatherState *gatherstate;
	Plan	   *outerNode;
	bool		hasoid;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;

	/* Gather node doesn't have innerPlan node. */
	Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL);

	 * create state structure
	gatherstate = makeNode(GatherState);
	gatherstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	gatherstate->ps.state = estate;
	gatherstate->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecGather;

	gatherstate->initialized = false;
	gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally =
		!node->single_copy && parallel_leader_participation;
	gatherstate->tuples_needed = -1;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &gatherstate->ps);

	 * Gather doesn't support checking a qual (it's always more efficient to
	 * do it in the child node).

	 * tuple table initialization
	gatherstate->funnel_slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate);
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &gatherstate->ps);

	 * now initialize outer plan
	outerNode = outerPlan(node);
	outerPlanState(gatherstate) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags);

	 * Initialize funnel slot to same tuple descriptor as outer plan.
	if (!ExecContextForcesOids(outerPlanState(gatherstate), &hasoid))
		hasoid = false;
	tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(outerNode->targetlist, hasoid);
	ExecSetSlotDescriptor(gatherstate->funnel_slot, tupDesc);

	 * Initialize result tuple type and projection info.
	ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(&gatherstate->ps, tupDesc, OUTER_VAR);

	return gatherstate;
예제 #10
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitGather
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
GatherMergeState *
ExecInitGatherMerge(GatherMerge *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	GatherMergeState *gm_state;
	Plan	   *outerNode;
	bool		hasoid;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;

	/* Gather merge node doesn't have innerPlan node. */
	Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL);

	 * create state structure
	gm_state = makeNode(GatherMergeState);
	gm_state->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	gm_state->ps.state = estate;
	gm_state->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecGatherMerge;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &gm_state->ps);

	 * initialize child expressions
	gm_state->ps.qual =
		ExecInitQual(node->plan.qual, &gm_state->ps);

	 * tuple table initialization
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &gm_state->ps);

	 * now initialize outer plan
	outerNode = outerPlan(node);
	outerPlanState(gm_state) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags);

	 * Initialize result tuple type and projection info.
	ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&gm_state->ps, NULL);

	gm_state->gm_initialized = false;

	 * initialize sort-key information
	if (node->numCols)
		int			i;

		gm_state->gm_nkeys = node->numCols;
		gm_state->gm_sortkeys =
			palloc0(sizeof(SortSupportData) * node->numCols);

		for (i = 0; i < node->numCols; i++)
			SortSupport sortKey = gm_state->gm_sortkeys + i;

			sortKey->ssup_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
			sortKey->ssup_collation = node->collations[i];
			sortKey->ssup_nulls_first = node->nullsFirst[i];
			sortKey->ssup_attno = node->sortColIdx[i];

			 * We don't perform abbreviated key conversion here, for the same
			 * reasons that it isn't used in MergeAppend
			sortKey->abbreviate = false;

			PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(node->sortOperators[i], sortKey);

	 * store the tuple descriptor into gather merge state, so we can use it
	 * later while initializing the gather merge slots.
	if (!ExecContextForcesOids(&gm_state->ps, &hasoid))
		hasoid = false;
	tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(outerNode->targetlist, hasoid);
	gm_state->tupDesc = tupDesc;

	return gm_state;