예제 #1
KSComet::KSComet( KStarsData *_kd, QString _s, QString imfile,
		long double _JD, double _q, double _e, dms _i, dms _w, dms _Node, double Tp )
 : KSPlanetBase(_kd, _s, imfile), kd(_kd), JD(_JD), q(_q), e(_e), i(_i), w(_w), N(_Node) {

	setType( 9 ); //Comet

	//Find the Julian Day of Perihelion from Tp
	//Tp is a double which encodes a date like: YYYYMMDD.DDDDD (e.g., 19730521.33333
	int year = int( Tp/10000.0 );
	int month = int( (int(Tp) % 10000)/100.0 );
	int day = int( int(Tp) % 100 );
	double Hour = 24.0 * ( Tp - int(Tp) );
	int h = int( Hour );
	int m = int( 60.0 * ( Hour - h ) );
	int s = int( 60.0 * ( 60.0 * ( Hour - h) - m ) );

	JDp = KStarsDateTime( ExtDate( year, month, day ), QTime( h, m, s ) ).djd();

	//compute the semi-major axis, a:
	a = q/(1.0-e);

	//Compute the orbital Period from Kepler's 3rd law:
	P = 365.2568984 * pow(a, 1.5); //period in days

	//If the name contains a "/", make this name2 and make name a truncated version without the leading "P/" or "C/"
	if ( name().contains( "/" ) ) {
		setLongName( name() );
		setName( name().mid( name().find("/") + 1 ) );
//Try both DateFormat values
ExtDate ExtDate::fromString( const QString& s )
	ExtDate dResult = ExtDate::fromString( s, Qt::TextDate );
	if ( dResult.isValid() ) return dResult;

	dResult = ExtDate::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate );
	if ( dResult.isValid() ) return dResult;
	else return ExtDate(); //invalid	
ExtDate  ExtDate::addMonths( int months ) const
	int a_month = month() + months%12;
	int a_year  = year()  + int(months/12);

	while ( a_month < 1 ) {
		a_month += 12;

	while ( a_month > 12 ) {
		a_month -= 12;

	return ExtDate(a_year, a_month, day());
예제 #4
ExtDate timeBox::createDate (bool */*ok*/)
	QString entry = text().stripWhiteSpace();

	// if entry is an empty string or invalid date use current date

	ExtDate date = ExtDate().fromString(entry);

	if ( !date.isValid() ) {
		kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Invalid date" << endl;
		entry = text().stripWhiteSpace();
		return ExtDate::currentDate();
	} else {
		return date;
ExtDateTime ExtDateTime::addSecs( int nsecs ) const
	long int dd = d.jd();
	int tt = MSECS_PER_HOUR*t.hour() + MSECS_PER_MIN*t.minute() + 1000*t.second() + t.msec();
	tt += nsecs*1000;

	while ( tt < 0 ) {
		tt += MSECS_PER_DAY;

	while ( tt > int(MSECS_PER_DAY) ) {
		tt -= MSECS_PER_DAY;

	ExtDateTime ret;
	ret.setTime( QTime().addMSecs( tt ) );
	ret.setDate( ExtDate( dd ) );

	return ret;
ExtDate ExtDate::currentDate(Qt::TimeSpec ts)
	time_t a_current_time;
	struct tm a_current_time_tm;

	switch (ts)
		case Qt::LocalTime :
			localtime_r(&a_current_time, &a_current_time_tm);

		case Qt::UTC :
			gmtime_r(&a_current_time, &a_current_time_tm);

		default :
	return ExtDate(a_current_time_tm.tm_year + 1900, a_current_time_tm.tm_mon + 1, a_current_time_tm.tm_mday);
ExtDate ExtDate::fromString( const QString& s, Qt::DateFormat f )
	ExtDate dt = ExtDate();  //initialize invalid date
	if ( s.isEmpty() ) { return dt; }
	if ( f == Qt::LocalDate ) { //can't use LocalFormat
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
		qWarning( "QDate::fromString: Parameter out of range" );
		return dt;

	switch( f ) {
		case Qt::ISODate :
			int year( s.mid( 0, 4 ).toInt() );
			int month( s.mid( 5, 2 ).toInt() );
			int day( s.mid( 8, 2 ).toInt() );

			if ( year && month && day )
				return ExtDate( year, month, day );

		default :
		case Qt::TextDate :
			//Three possible date formats:
			//dd mth yyyy; mth dd yyyy; wkd mth dd yyyy
			//"mth" is the word for the month (long or short form)
			QStringList ss = QStringList::split( " ", s );
			bool ok = false;
			int month = -1;
			uint imonth = 0;
			uint iyear = 0;

			//If neither of the first two words is a number, then we'll assume
			//the first word is a superfluous "weekday" string
			int day = ss[0].toInt( &ok );
			if ( ! ok ) {
				day = ss[1].toInt( &ok );
				if ( ! ok ) {
						day = ss[2].toInt( &ok );
						if ( !ok ) return dt;  //could not find a valid day number in first three words
						imonth = 1;  //the month must be the second word
						iyear = 3;  //the year must be the fourth word
				} else {
					//the month is either the first word, or the third.
					imonth = 0;
					iyear = 2;
			} else {
				//month is the second word
				imonth = 1;
				iyear = 2;

			for ( uint i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
				if ( ss[imonth] == shortMonthName( i+1 ) || ss[imonth] == longMonthName( i+1 ) ) {
						month = i + 1;

			if ( month == -1 && imonth == 0 ) { //try the third word
				imonth = 2;
				iyear = 3;
				for ( uint i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
					if ( ss[imonth] == shortMonthName( i+1 ) || ss[imonth] == longMonthName( i+1 ) ) {
							month = i + 1;

			if ( month > -1 ) ok = true;
			if ( ! ok ) return dt; //could not parse month; return invalid

			int year = ss[iyear].toInt( &ok );
			if ( ! ok ) return dt; //could not parse year; return invalid

			return ExtDate( year, month, day );

#endif  //ifndef QT_NO_TEXTDATE

	return dt;
ExtDate  ExtDate::addYears( int years ) const
	return ExtDate(year() + years, month(), day());