예제 #1
 * _AddLine - add a line to the lines data structures
void _AddLine( LPWDATA w, const void *in_data, unsigned len )
    int                 i;
    BOOL                hadbreak;
    HWND                hwnd;
    int                 tabcnt = 0;
    int                 nlcnt = 0;
    int                 curbufoff = 0;
    const char          *data;
#ifdef _MBCS
    static char         leadByte;
    static int          leadByteWaiting;
    unsigned char       ch[MB_CUR_MAX+1];
    LPBYTE              p;
    char                ch;

    data = (const char *)in_data;
    hwnd = w->hwnd;

    if( w->LineTail != NULL && !w->LineTail->has_cr ) {
        FARstrcpy( w->tmpbuff->data, w->LineTail->data );
#ifdef _MBCS
        curbufoff = FAR_mbslen( (LPBYTE)w->tmpbuff->data );
        curbufoff = FARstrlen( w->tmpbuff->data );
        if( curbufoff > w->buffoff ) {
            w->buffoff = curbufoff;
    if( w->no_advance ) {
        curbufoff = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < len; i ++ ) {
        w->no_advance = FALSE;
        do {
            hadbreak = FALSE;
#ifdef _MBCS                        /* MBCS */
            if( tabcnt ) {
                _mbccpy( ch, (unsigned char *)" " );     /* copy the character */
                ch[_mbclen( ch )] = '\0';           /* terminate char with NULL */
            } else if( nlcnt ) {
                _mbccpy( ch, (unsigned char *)"\n" );    /* copy the character */
                ch[_mbclen( ch )] = '\0';           /* terminate char with NULL */
            } else {
                if( !leadByteWaiting ) {
                    if( _ismbblead( *data ) ) {
                        leadByteWaiting = 1;
                        leadByte = *data;
                        ch[0] = '\0';
                    } else {
                        ch[0] = *data;
                        ch[1] = '\0';
                } else {
                    leadByteWaiting = 0;
                    ch[0] = leadByte;
                    ch[1] = *data;
                    ch[2] = '\0';

            if( !_mbccmp( ch, (unsigned char *)"\t" ) ) {
                tabcnt = TAB( curbufoff + 1 );
            } else if( !_mbccmp( ch, (unsigned char *)"\f" ) ) {
                nlcnt = w->height;
            } else if( !_mbccmp( ch, (unsigned char *)"\r" ) ) {
                curbufoff = 0;
                w->no_advance = TRUE;
                w->tmpbuff->has_cr = TRUE;
            } else if( !_mbccmp( ch, (unsigned char *)"\n" ) ) {
                hadbreak = TRUE;
                newLine( w );
                curbufoff = w->buffoff;
            } else if( !_mbccmp( ch, (unsigned char *)"\b" ) ) {
                if( curbufoff > 0 ) {
                    p = FAR_mbsninc( (LPBYTE)w->tmpbuff->data, curbufoff - 1 );
                    if( _ismbblead( *p ) ) {
                        *p = ' ';           /* stomp lead byte */
                        /* char split into 2; don't change curbufoff */
                    } else {
                        curbufoff--;        /* back up one character */
            } else if( ch[0] != '\0' ) {
                FAR_mbccpy( FAR_mbsninc( (LPBYTE)w->tmpbuff->data, curbufoff ), ch );
                if( curbufoff > w->buffoff ) {
                    w->buffoff = curbufoff;
                if( TOOWIDE( w->buffoff, w ) ) {
                    hadbreak = TRUE;
                    newLine( w );
                    curbufoff = w->buffoff;
#else                               /* SBCS */
            if( tabcnt ) {
                ch = ' ';
            } else if( nlcnt ) {
                ch = '\n';
            } else {
                ch = data[i];

            if( ch == '\t' ) {
                tabcnt = TAB( curbufoff + 1 );
            } else if( ch == '\f' ) {
                nlcnt = w->height;
            } else if( ch == '\r' ) {
                curbufoff = 0;
                w->no_advance = TRUE;
                w->tmpbuff->has_cr = TRUE;
            } else if( ch == '\n' ) {
                hadbreak = TRUE;
                newLine( w );
                curbufoff = w->buffoff;
            } else if( ch == '\b' ) {
                if( curbufoff > 0 ) {
            } else {
                w->tmpbuff->data[curbufoff++] = ch;
                if( curbufoff > w->buffoff ) {
                    w->buffoff = curbufoff;
                if( TOOWIDE( w->buffoff, w ) ) {
                    hadbreak = TRUE;
                    newLine( w );
                    curbufoff = w->buffoff;
        } while( tabcnt || nlcnt );
    if( !hadbreak ) {
        updateBuff( w );

} /* _AddLine */
예제 #2
 * _DisplayLineInWindowWithColor - as it sounds!
void _DisplayLineInWindowWithColor( LPWDATA w, int line, LPSTR text, int c1,
                        int c2, int extra, int startcol )
  #ifdef _MBCS
    LPBYTE          tmp;
    LPSTR           tmp;
    char            buff[256];
    int             start,end,a,spend,cnt1,cnt2;
    WORD            i;
    HWND            hwnd;

    hwnd = w->hwnd;

    /*** Find dimensions of line ***/
  #ifdef _MBCS
    tmp = FAR_mbsninc( (LPBYTE)text, startcol );
    a = FAR_mbslen( tmp );
    if( line < 1 || line >= w->height )
    start = 0;
    spend = end = w->width - extra;
    if( end > a )
        end = a;
    cnt1 = FAR_mbsnbcnt( tmp, end - start );
    cnt2 = spend - end;
    FAR_mbsnbcpy( (LPBYTE)buff, tmp, cnt1 - start );
    FARmemset( buff + cnt1, ' ', cnt2 );
    tmp = FAR_mbsninc( (LPBYTE)buff, cnt1 + cnt2 );
    *tmp = '\0';
    tmp = text;
    tmp += startcol;
    a = FARstrlen( tmp );
    if( line < 1 || line >= w->height )
    start = 0;
    spend = end = w->width - extra;
    if( end > a )
        end = a;
    cnt1 = end - start;
    cnt2 = spend - end;
    FARmemcpy( buff, tmp, cnt1 );
    FARmemset( buff + cnt1, ' ', cnt2 );
    buff[cnt1 + cnt2] = 0;

#if defined( __OS2__ )
        RECTL           rcl;
        HPS             ps;
        POINTL          ptl;
        POINTL          points[TXTBOX_COUNT];

        ptl.x = 0;
        ptl.y = (w->y2 - w->y1) - (line+1)*w->ychar + w->base_offset;
        ps = WinGetPS( hwnd );
        _SelectFont( ps );
        GpiQueryTextBox( ps, startcol, w->tmpbuff->data, TXTBOX_COUNT, points );
        rcl.xLeft = points[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x;
    #ifdef _MBCS
        GpiQueryTextBox( ps, __mbslen( (unsigned char *)buff ), buff, TXTBOX_COUNT, points );
        GpiQueryTextBox( ps, strlen( buff ), buff, TXTBOX_COUNT, points );
        rcl.xRight = points[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x;
        rcl.yTop = (w->y2 - w->y1) - line*w->ychar;
        rcl.yBottom = rcl.yTop - w->ychar;
        WinFillRect( ps, &rcl, c1 );
        GpiSetColor( ps, c2 );
    #ifdef _MBCS
        GpiCharStringAt( ps, &ptl, _mbsnbcnt(buff,w->width), buff );
        GpiCharStringAt( ps, &ptl, w->width, buff );
        WinReleasePS( ps );
        HDC     dc;
//      SIZE    size;
//      RECT    rect;

        dc = GetDC( hwnd );
        _SetMyDC( dc, _ColorMap[c2], _ColorMap[c1] );
//      #ifdef __NT__
//          GetTextExtentPoint32( dc, buff, strlen(buff), &size );
//      #else
//          GetTextExtentPoint( dc, buff, strlen(buff), &size );
//      #endif
    #ifdef _MBCS
        TextOut( dc, 0, line * w->ychar, (LPSTR)buff, FAR_mbsnbcnt( (LPBYTE)buff, w->width ) );
        TextOut( dc, 0, line * w->ychar, buff, w->width );

        /*** Clear to end of line to remove any residue ***/
//      GetClientRect( w->hwnd, &rect );
//      rect.top = line * w->ychar;
//      rect.bottom = (line+1) * w->ychar ;
//      rect.left = size.cx;
//      FillRect( dc, &rect, w->brush );
        ReleaseDC( hwnd, dc );

    /*** Update the w->image array ***/
#ifdef _MBCS
        mb_char         mbc;
        unsigned char   *curMbc;
        int             count;

        i = line * w->width + startcol;
        for( count = 0, curMbc = (unsigned char *)buff; count < w->width - startcol; count++ ) {
            mbc = _mbsnextc( curMbc );          /* get the character */
            curMbc = _mbsinc( curMbc );         /* point to next char */
            w->image[i + count] = mbc;          /* store it in w->image */
    i = line * w->width + startcol;
    FARmemcpy( &w->image[i], buff, w->width - startcol );
} /* _DisplayLineInWindowWithColor */
예제 #3
void _RepaintWindow( LPWDATA w, PRECT rcPaint, HDC ph )
    WORD                i;
    WORD                ptop, pbot, pleft, pright, poff, pdown;
    WORD                width;
#ifdef _MBCS
    mb_char _WCI86FAR   *image;
    unsigned char       mbc[MB_CUR_MAX + 1];
    LPSTR               image;
#if !defined( __OS2__ )
    HFONT               oldfont;

     * get area to redraw
    ptop = rcPaint->top / w->ychar;
    if( ptop > 0 && ( rcPaint->top % w->ychar ) != 0 )
    pbot = rcPaint->bottom / w->ychar ;
    if( pbot == 0 )
    if( pbot >= w->height )
        pbot = w->height - 1;
    if( ( rcPaint->bottom % w->ychar ) == 0 )
    pleft = 0;
    pright = w->width - 1;
    width = w->width;
    poff = pleft * w->xchar;
    pdown = ptop * w->ychar;

     * draw all lines
#if defined( __OS2__ )
    oldfont = SelectObject( (HDC)ph, _FixedFont );
    for( i = ptop; i <= pbot; i++ ) {
        image = &w->image[i * w->width];
#if defined( __OS2__ )
            POINTL      ptl;

            ptl.x = poff;
            ptl.y = ( w->y2 - w->y1 ) - ( pdown + w->ychar ) + w->base_offset;
    #ifdef _MBCS
                WORD        count;
                LPSTR       buff;

                buff = FARmalloc( sizeof( mb_char ) * ( width + 1 ) );
                if( buff == NULL )
                *buff = '\0';
                for( count = 0; count < width; count++ ) {
                    _mbvtop( image[pleft + count], mbc );
                    mbc[_mbclen( mbc )] = '\0';
                    FARstrcat( buff, (char *)mbc );
                GpiCharStringAt( (HPS)ph, &ptl, FAR_mbsnbcnt( (PBYTE)buff, width ), buff );
                FARfree( buff );
            GpiCharStringAt( (HPS)ph, &ptl, width, &image[pleft] );
        SetBkColor( (HDC)ph, _ColorMap[w->background_color] );
        SetTextColor( (HDC)ph, _ColorMap[w->text_color] );
    #ifdef _MBCS
            WORD        count;
            size_t      bytes;
            LPSTR       buff;

            buff = FARmalloc( sizeof( mb_char ) * ( width + 1 ) );
            if( buff == NULL )
            *buff = '\0';
            for( count = 0; count < width; count++ ) {
                _mbvtop( image[pleft + count], mbc );
                mbc[_mbclen( mbc )] = '\0';
                FARstrcat( buff, (LPSTR)mbc );
            bytes = FARstrlen( buff );
            TextOut( (HDC)ph, poff, pdown, buff, bytes );
            FARfree( buff );
        TextOut( (HDC)ph, poff, pdown, &image[pleft], width );
        pdown += w->ychar;
#if !defined( __OS2__ )
    SelectObject( (HDC)ph, oldfont );

} /* _RepaintWindow */