예제 #1
void fatfs_sfn_create_entry(char *shortfilename, uint32 size, uint32 startCluster, struct fat_dir_entry *entry, int dir)
    int i;

    // Copy short filename
    for (i=0;i<FAT_SFN_SIZE_FULL;i++)
        entry->Name[i] = shortfilename[i];

    // Unless we have a RTC we might as well set these to 1980
    entry->CrtTimeTenth = 0x00;
    entry->CrtTime[1] = entry->CrtTime[0] = 0x00;
    entry->CrtDate[1] = 0x00;
    entry->CrtDate[0] = 0x20;
    entry->LstAccDate[1] = 0x00;
    entry->LstAccDate[0] = 0x20;
    entry->WrtTime[1] = entry->WrtTime[0] = 0x00;
    entry->WrtDate[1] = 0x00;
    entry->WrtDate[0] = 0x20;    

    if (!dir)
        entry->Attr = FILE_TYPE_FILE;
        entry->Attr = FILE_TYPE_DIR;

    entry->NTRes = 0x00;

    entry->FstClusHI = FAT_HTONS((uint16)((startCluster>>16) & 0xFFFF));
    entry->FstClusLO = FAT_HTONS((uint16)((startCluster>>0) & 0xFFFF));
    entry->FileSize = FAT_HTONL(size);
int fatfs_update_file_length(struct fatfs *fs, uint32 Cluster, char *shortname, uint32 fileLength)
    uint8 item=0;
    uint16 recordoffset = 0;
    int x=0;
    struct fat_dir_entry *directoryEntry;

    // No write access?
    if (!fs->disk_io.write_media)
        return 0;

    // Main cluster following loop
    while (1)
        // Read sector
        if (fatfs_sector_reader(fs, Cluster, x++, 0)) // If sector read was successfull
            // Analyse Sector
            for (item = 0; item < FAT_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; item++)
                // Create the multiplier for sector access
                recordoffset = FAT_DIR_ENTRY_SIZE * item;

                // Overlay directory entry over buffer
                directoryEntry = (struct fat_dir_entry*)(fs->currentsector.sector+recordoffset);

                // Long File Name Text Found
                if (fatfs_entry_lfn_text(directoryEntry) ) 

                // If Invalid record found delete any long file name information collated
                else if (fatfs_entry_lfn_invalid(directoryEntry) ) 

                // Normal Entry, only 8.3 Text         
                if (fatfs_entry_sfn_only(directoryEntry) )
                    if (strncmp((const char*)directoryEntry->Name, shortname, 11)==0)
                        directoryEntry->FileSize = FAT_HTONL(fileLength);
                        // TODO: Update last write time

                        // Update sfn entry
                        memcpy((uint8*)(fs->currentsector.sector+recordoffset), (uint8*)directoryEntry, sizeof(struct fat_dir_entry));                    

                        // Write sector back
                        return fs->disk_io.write_media(fs->currentsector.address, fs->currentsector.sector, 1);
            } // End of if
    } // End of while loop

    return 0;
예제 #3
int fatfs_list_directory_next(struct fatfs *fs, struct fs_dir_list_status *dirls, struct fs_dir_ent *entry)
    uint8 i,item;
    uint16 recordoffset;
    struct fat_dir_entry *directoryEntry;
    char *long_filename = NULL;
    char short_filename[13];
    struct lfn_cache lfn;
    int dotRequired = 0;
    int result = 0;

    // Initialise LFN cache first
    fatfs_lfn_cache_init(&lfn, 0);

    while (1)
        // If data read OK
        if (fatfs_sector_reader(fs, dirls->cluster, dirls->sector, 0))
            // Maximum of 16 directory entries
            for (item = dirls->offset; item < FAT_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; item++)
                // Increase directory offset
                recordoffset = FAT_DIR_ENTRY_SIZE * item;

                // Overlay directory entry over buffer
                directoryEntry = (struct fat_dir_entry*)(fs->currentsector.sector+recordoffset);

                // Long File Name Text Found
                if ( fatfs_entry_lfn_text(directoryEntry) )
                    fatfs_lfn_cache_entry(&lfn, fs->currentsector.sector+recordoffset);

                // If Invalid record found delete any long file name information collated
                else if ( fatfs_entry_lfn_invalid(directoryEntry) )
                    fatfs_lfn_cache_init(&lfn, 0);

                // Normal SFN Entry and Long text exists
                else if (fatfs_entry_lfn_exists(&lfn, directoryEntry) )
                    // Get text
                    long_filename = fatfs_lfn_cache_get(&lfn);
                    strncpy(entry->filename, long_filename, FATFS_MAX_LONG_FILENAME-1);

                    if (fatfs_entry_is_dir(directoryEntry))
                        entry->is_dir = 1;
                        entry->is_dir = 0;

                    // Get time / dates
                    entry->create_time = ((uint16)directoryEntry->CrtTime[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->CrtTime[0];
                    entry->create_date = ((uint16)directoryEntry->CrtDate[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->CrtDate[0];
                    entry->access_date = ((uint16)directoryEntry->LstAccDate[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->LstAccDate[0];
                    entry->write_time  = ((uint16)directoryEntry->WrtTime[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->WrtTime[0];
                    entry->write_date  = ((uint16)directoryEntry->WrtDate[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->WrtDate[0];

                    entry->size = FAT_HTONL(directoryEntry->FileSize);
                    entry->cluster = (FAT_HTONS(directoryEntry->FstClusHI)<<16) | FAT_HTONS(directoryEntry->FstClusLO);

                    // Next starting position
                    dirls->offset = item + 1;
                    result = 1;
                    return 1;
                // Normal Entry, only 8.3 Text
                if ( fatfs_entry_sfn_only(directoryEntry) )
                    fatfs_lfn_cache_init(&lfn, 0);

                    memset(short_filename, 0, sizeof(short_filename));

                    // Copy name to string
                    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
                        short_filename[i] = directoryEntry->Name[i];

                    // Extension
                    dotRequired = 0;
                    for (i=8; i<11; i++)
                        short_filename[i+1] = directoryEntry->Name[i];
                        if (directoryEntry->Name[i] != ' ')
                            dotRequired = 1;

                    // Dot only required if extension present
                    if (dotRequired)
                        // If not . or .. entry
                        if (short_filename[0]!='.')
                            short_filename[8] = '.';
                            short_filename[8] = ' ';
                        short_filename[8] = ' ';

                    fatfs_get_sfn_display_name(entry->filename, short_filename);

                    if (fatfs_entry_is_dir(directoryEntry))
                        entry->is_dir = 1;
                        entry->is_dir = 0;

                    // Get time / dates
                    entry->create_time = ((uint16)directoryEntry->CrtTime[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->CrtTime[0];
                    entry->create_date = ((uint16)directoryEntry->CrtDate[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->CrtDate[0];
                    entry->access_date = ((uint16)directoryEntry->LstAccDate[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->LstAccDate[0];
                    entry->write_time  = ((uint16)directoryEntry->WrtTime[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->WrtTime[0];
                    entry->write_date  = ((uint16)directoryEntry->WrtDate[1] << 8) | directoryEntry->WrtDate[0];

                    entry->size = FAT_HTONL(directoryEntry->FileSize);
                    entry->cluster = (FAT_HTONS(directoryEntry->FstClusHI)<<16) | FAT_HTONS(directoryEntry->FstClusLO);

                    // Next starting position
                    dirls->offset = item + 1;
                    result = 1;
                    return 1;
            }// end of for

            // If reached end of the dir move onto next sector
            dirls->offset = 0;

    return result;