FTransform UKismetMathLibrary::TInterpTo(const FTransform& Current, const FTransform& Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
	if( InterpSpeed <= 0.f )
		return Target;

	const float Alpha = FClamp(DeltaTime * InterpSpeed, 0.f, 1.f);

	return TLerp(Current, Target, Alpha);
예제 #2
bool DlgEffectBase::CProcessTask::OnProgressUpdate (int nFinishPercentage)
    if (!m_continue_process)
        return false ;

    nFinishPercentage = FClamp(nFinishPercentage, 0, 100) ;

    if (nFinishPercentage % 5)
        return true ; // span == 5
    if (m_nLastPercent == nFinishPercentage)
        return true ;

    FCObjImage   & img = m_pDlg->m_curr ;
    FCObjImage   * pLayer = m_pDlg->m_layer ;

    // update status
    m_nLastPercent = nFinishPercentage ;
    m_pDlg->PostMessage(WM_PHOXO_PROCESS_STEP, m_id) ;

    // update view every 20%
    if ((nFinishPercentage >= m_nLastUpdate+20) || (nFinishPercentage == 100))
        int   nStart = img.Height() * m_nLastUpdate / 100 ;
        int   nEnd = img.Height() * nFinishPercentage / 100 ;
        if (nFinishPercentage == 100)
            nStart = 0 ;

        // update view
        for (int y=nStart ; y < nEnd ; y++)
            for (int x=0 ; x < img.Width() ; x++)
                *(RGBQUAD*)pLayer->GetBits(x,y) = *(RGBQUAD*)img.GetBits(x,y) ;

        m_pDlg->m_view->Invalidate() ;
        m_nLastUpdate = nFinishPercentage ;
    return true ;
예제 #3
void solveFriction_BStatic(const PxcSolverConstraintDesc& desc, PxcSolverContext& /*cache*/)
	PxcSolverBody& b0 = *desc.bodyA;

	Vec3V linVel0 = V3LoadA(b0.linearVelocity);
	Vec3V angVel0 = V3LoadA(b0.angularVelocity);

	const PxU8* PX_RESTRICT currPtr = desc.constraint;

	const PxU8* PX_RESTRICT last = currPtr + getConstraintLength(desc);

	//hopefully pointer aliasing doesn't bite.

	//PxVec3 l0, a0;
	//PxVec3_From_Vec3V(linVel0, l0);
	//PxVec3_From_Vec3V(angVel0, a0);


	while(currPtr < last)

		const PxcSolverFrictionHeader* PX_RESTRICT frictionHeader = (PxcSolverFrictionHeader*)currPtr;
		const PxU32 numFrictionConstr = frictionHeader->numFrictionConstr;
		currPtr +=sizeof(PxcSolverFrictionHeader);
		PxF32* appliedImpulse = (PxF32*)currPtr;
		currPtr +=frictionHeader->getAppliedForcePaddingSize();

		PxcSolverFriction* PX_RESTRICT frictions = (PxcSolverFriction*)currPtr;
		currPtr += numFrictionConstr * sizeof(PxcSolverFriction);

		const FloatV staticFriction = frictionHeader->getStaticFriction();

		for(PxU32 i=0;i<numFrictionConstr;i++)   
			PxcSolverFriction& f = frictions[i];

			const Vec3V t0 = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(f.normalXYZ_appliedForceW);
			const Vec3V raXt0 = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(f.raXnXYZ_velMultiplierW);

			const FloatV appliedForce = V4GetW(f.normalXYZ_appliedForceW);
			const FloatV velMultiplier = V4GetW(f.raXnXYZ_velMultiplierW);

			const FloatV targetVel = V4GetW(f.rbXnXYZ_targetVelocityW);
			//const FloatV normalImpulse = contacts[f.contactIndex].getAppliedForce();
			const FloatV normalImpulse = FLoad(appliedImpulse[f.contactIndex]);
			const FloatV maxFriction = FMul(staticFriction, normalImpulse);
			const FloatV nMaxFriction = FNeg(maxFriction);

			//Compute the normal velocity of the constraint.

			const FloatV t0Vel1 = V3Dot(t0, linVel0);
			const FloatV t0Vel2 = V3Dot(raXt0, angVel0);

			//const FloatV unbiasedErr = FMul(targetVel, velMultiplier);
			//const FloatV biasedErr = FMulAdd(targetVel, velMultiplier, nScaledBias);

			const FloatV t0Vel = FAdd(t0Vel1, t0Vel2);

			const Vec3V delAngVel0 = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(f.delAngVel0_InvMassADom);
			const Vec3V delLinVel0 = V3Scale(t0, V4GetW(f.delAngVel0_InvMassADom));

			// still lots to do here: using loop pipelining we can interweave this code with the
			// above - the code here has a lot of stalls that we would thereby eliminate

				//FloatV deltaF = FSub(scaledBias, FMul(t0Vel, velMultiplier));//FNeg(FMul(t0Vel, velMultiplier));
			//FloatV deltaF = FMul(t0Vel, velMultiplier);
			//FloatV newForce = FMulAdd(t0Vel, velMultiplier, appliedForce);

			const FloatV tmp = FNegMulSub(targetVel,velMultiplier,appliedForce);
			FloatV newForce = FMulAdd(t0Vel, velMultiplier, tmp);
			newForce = FClamp(newForce, nMaxFriction, maxFriction);
			const FloatV deltaF = FSub(newForce, appliedForce);

			linVel0 = V3ScaleAdd(delLinVel0, deltaF, linVel0);
			angVel0 = V3ScaleAdd(delAngVel0, deltaF, angVel0);


	//PxVec3_From_Vec3V(linVel0, l0);
	//PxVec3_From_Vec3V(angVel0, a0);


	// Write back
	V3StoreU(linVel0, b0.linearVelocity);
	V3StoreU(angVel0, b0.angularVelocity);

	PX_ASSERT(currPtr == last);
void solveFriction_BStatic(const PxSolverConstraintDesc& desc, SolverContext& /*cache*/)
	PxSolverBody& b0 = *desc.bodyA;

	Vec3V linVel0 = V3LoadA(b0.linearVelocity);
	Vec3V angState0 = V3LoadA(b0.angularState);

	PxU8* PX_RESTRICT currPtr = desc.constraint;

	const PxU8* PX_RESTRICT last = currPtr + getConstraintLength(desc);

	while(currPtr < last)

		const SolverFrictionHeader* PX_RESTRICT frictionHeader = reinterpret_cast<SolverFrictionHeader*>(currPtr);
		const PxU32 numFrictionConstr = frictionHeader->numFrictionConstr;
		const PxU32 numNormalConstr = frictionHeader->numNormalConstr;
		const PxU32 numFrictionPerPoint = numFrictionConstr/numNormalConstr;
		currPtr +=sizeof(SolverFrictionHeader);
		PxF32* appliedImpulse = reinterpret_cast<PxF32*>(currPtr);
		currPtr +=frictionHeader->getAppliedForcePaddingSize();

		SolverContactFriction* PX_RESTRICT frictions = reinterpret_cast<SolverContactFriction*>(currPtr);
		currPtr += numFrictionConstr * sizeof(SolverContactFriction);

		const FloatV invMass0 = FLoad(frictionHeader->invMass0D0);
		const FloatV angD0 = FLoad(frictionHeader->angDom0);
		//const FloatV angD1 = FLoad(frictionHeader->angDom1);

		const FloatV staticFriction = frictionHeader->getStaticFriction();

		for(PxU32 i=0, j = 0;i<numFrictionConstr;j++)
			for(PxU32 p = 0; p < numFrictionPerPoint; p++, i++)
				SolverContactFriction& f = frictions[i];

				const Vec3V t0 = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(f.normalXYZ_appliedForceW);
				const Vec3V raXt0 = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(f.raXnXYZ_velMultiplierW);

				const FloatV appliedForce = V4GetW(f.normalXYZ_appliedForceW);
				const FloatV velMultiplier = V4GetW(f.raXnXYZ_velMultiplierW);

				const FloatV targetVel = FLoad(f.targetVel);
				//const FloatV normalImpulse = contacts[f.contactIndex].getAppliedForce();
				const FloatV normalImpulse = FLoad(appliedImpulse[j]);
				const FloatV maxFriction = FMul(staticFriction, normalImpulse);
				const FloatV nMaxFriction = FNeg(maxFriction);

				//Compute the normal velocity of the constraint.

				const FloatV t0Vel1 = V3Dot(t0, linVel0);
				const FloatV t0Vel2 = V3Dot(raXt0, angState0);

				const FloatV t0Vel = FAdd(t0Vel1, t0Vel2);

				const Vec3V delangState0 = V3Scale(raXt0, angD0);
				const Vec3V delLinVel0 = V3Scale(t0, invMass0);

				// still lots to do here: using loop pipelining we can interweave this code with the
				// above - the code here has a lot of stalls that we would thereby eliminate

				const FloatV tmp = FNegScaleSub(targetVel,velMultiplier,appliedForce);
				FloatV newForce = FScaleAdd(t0Vel, velMultiplier, tmp);
				newForce = FClamp(newForce, nMaxFriction, maxFriction);
				const FloatV deltaF = FSub(newForce, appliedForce);

				linVel0 = V3ScaleAdd(delLinVel0, deltaF, linVel0);
				angState0 = V3ScaleAdd(delangState0, deltaF, angState0);


	// Write back
	V3StoreA(linVel0, b0.linearVelocity);
	V3StoreA(angState0, b0.angularState);

	PX_ASSERT(currPtr == last);