예제 #1
// Calculates the current percentage (actual value is 0-1) of
// the mpu's fifo that is filled
float mpu_fifo_capacity(Sensor *s)
  // Get the current data count
  int fifo_count = (FETCH_REG(MPU_FIFO_COUNTH) << 8) +
  // Return used / fifo capacity
  return ((float)fifo_count / 1024);
예제 #2
// Configure fifo settings
//    i2c_slv_addr: 0xN
//    clkout_en: (on|off)
//    aux_burst_addr: 0xN
uint8_t itg_config_aux(Sensor *s, KeyVal * pairs)
  // Fetch the current register value
  uint8_t byte = FETCH_REG(ITG_AUX_SLV_ADDR),
          reg_val = byte;
  // Keep track of register changes
  int applied = 0;
  // Iterate through the settings
  do {
    if (!pairs->applied)
      pairs->applied = 1;
      // If the i2c_slv_addr key
      if (!strcmp(pairs->key, "i2c_slv_addr"))
        // Configure the aux i2c slave addr
        process_i2c_slv_addr_key(&reg_val, pairs->val);
      // Else if the clkout_en key
      else if (!strcmp(pairs->key, "clkout_en"))
        // Configure the reference clock out
        process_clkout_en_key(&reg_val, pairs->val);
      // Else if the burst addr
      else if (!strcmp(pairs->key, "aux_burst_addr"))
        // Configure the auxiliary device burst address
        uint8_t addr = 0xff & DEX_TO_INT(pairs->val);
        SET_REG(ITG_AUX_ADDR, addr);
      // Else not supported key
        // So set applied to false
        pairs->applied = 0;
  } while ((pairs = pairs->next));
  // If the new reg val is different from the current
  if (reg_val != byte)
    // Set the register value to reg_val
    SET_REG(ITG_AUX_SLV_ADDR, reg_val);
    // Return 1 to signify applied change
  // Return number of applied changes
  return applied;
예제 #3
static Axes *read_burst(Sensor *s)
  // Get the current data count
  int fifo_count = (FETCH_REG(MPU_FIFO_COUNTH) << 8) +
  // Return null if currently empty
  if (!fifo_count)
    // Return null
    return NULL;
  // Adjust count to a multiple of three
  fifo_count = (fifo_count / 6) * 6;
  // Otherwise generate an array of uint8_ts
  uint8_t *block = i2c_read_block( s->i2c, 
                                   fifo_count ),
          *data = (block + fifo_count);
  // Create pointers to Axes
  Axes *head = NULL;
  // Parse into axes data
  for (int i = fifo_count / 6; i > 0; i--)
    // malloc next link with the previous head as its next
    head = axes_malloc(head);
    // Decrement data
    data -= 6;
    // Extract x y z values
    head->x = (data[0] << 8) | data[1];
    head->y = (data[2] << 8) | data[3];
    head->z = (data[4] << 8) | data[5];
  // Free the byte array
  // Return the Axes
  return head;
예제 #4
void i386_next_fetch_sp_registers (unsigned char *rdata, gdb_i386_thread_state_t *sp_regs)
  /* these need to match the REGISTER_NAMES table from tm-i386.h */
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 0, sp_regs->eax);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 1, sp_regs->ecx);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 2, sp_regs->edx);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 3, sp_regs->ebx);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 4, sp_regs->esp);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 5, sp_regs->ebp);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 6, sp_regs->esi);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 7, sp_regs->edi);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 8, sp_regs->eip);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 9, sp_regs->eflags);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 10, sp_regs->cs);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 11, sp_regs->ss);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 12, sp_regs->ds);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 13, sp_regs->es);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 14, sp_regs->fs);
  FETCH_REG (rdata, 15, sp_regs->gs);