예제 #1
파일: bcplm.c 프로젝트: Mengchutsai/cplm
 * Save parameters to the ns_th row of the simulation results
 * @param da a bcplm_input object 
 * @param ns indicates the ns_th row
 * @param nS number of rows in sims 
 * @param sims a long vector to store simulations results 
static void set_sims(SEXP da, int ns, int nS, double *sims){

  int *dm = DIMS_SLOT(da) ;
  int pos = 0, nB = dm[nB_POS], nU = dm[nU_POS],
    nT = dm[nT_POS];
  double *beta = FIXEF_SLOT(da), *u = U_SLOT(da);

  for (int j = 0; j < nB; j++)  
    sims[j * nS + ns] = beta[j] ;
  sims[nB * nS + ns] = *PHI_SLOT(da) ;
  sims[(nB + 1) * nS + ns] = *P_SLOT(da) ;

  /* set U and Sigma */
  if (nU) {
    SEXP V = GET_SLOT(da, install("Sigma"));
    int *nc = NCOL_SLOT(da), st = nB + 2;
    double *v; 
    for (int j = 0; j < nU; j++)
      sims[(j + st) * nS + ns] = u[j] ; 
    for (int i = 0; i < nT; i++){
      v = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(V, i));
      for (int j = 0; j < nc[i] * nc[i]; j++)
	sims[(st + nU + pos + j) * nS + ns] = v[j] ;
      pos += nc[i] * nc[i] ;
예제 #2
파일: bcplm.c 프로젝트: Mengchutsai/cplm
 * Simulate beta using the naive Gibbs update
 * @param da an SEXP struct
static void sim_beta(SEXP da){
  int *dm = DIMS_SLOT(da), *k = K_SLOT(da);
  int nB = dm[nB_POS];
  double *beta = FIXEF_SLOT(da), *mh_sd = MHSD_SLOT(da), *l = CLLIK_SLOT(da), 
    *pm = PBM_SLOT(da), *pv = PBV_SLOT(da), *acc = ACC_SLOT(da);
  double xo, xn, l1, l2, A;

  /* initialize llik_mu*/
  *l = llik_mu(da);
  for (int j = 0; j < nB; j++){
    *k = j;
    xo = beta[j];
    xn = rnorm(xo, mh_sd[j]);
    l1 = *l;
    l2 = post_betak(xn, da);
    A = exp(l2 - l1 + 0.5 * (xo - pm[j]) * (xo - pm[j]) / pv[j]);
    /* determine whether to accept the sample */
    if (A < 1 && runif(0, 1) >= A){ /* not accepted */
      *l = l1;       /* revert the likelihood (this is updated in post_betak) */
    else {
      beta[j] = xn;
  }                  /* update the mean using the new beta */                    
  if (dm[nU_POS]) cpglmm_fitted(beta, 1, da);
  else cpglm_fitted(beta, da);  
예제 #3
파일: bcplm.c 프로젝트: Mengchutsai/cplm
static void get_init(SEXP da, int k){
  SEXP inits = GET_SLOT(da, install("inits"));  /* inits is a list */
  int *dm = DIMS_SLOT(da);
  int nB = dm[nB_POS], nU = dm[nU_POS], nT = dm[nT_POS];
  double *init = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(inits, k));

  /* set beta, phi, p*/
  Memcpy(FIXEF_SLOT(da), init, nB) ;
  *PHI_SLOT(da) = init[nB] ;
  *P_SLOT(da) = init[nB + 1] ;

  /* set U and Sigma */
  if (nU) {
    SEXP V = GET_SLOT(da, install("Sigma"));
    int pos = 0, st = nB + 2, *nc = NCOL_SLOT(da) ;
    double *v ;
    Memcpy(U_SLOT(da), init + st, nU);
    /* set Sigma */
    for (int i = 0; i < nT; i++){
      v = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(V, i)) ;
      Memcpy(v, init + st + nU + pos, nc[i] * nc[i]) ;
      pos += nc[i] * nc[i] ;
예제 #4
파일: bcplm.c 프로젝트: Mengchutsai/cplm
 * the log posterior density of beta_k, assuming Zu has been updated in cpglmm
 * @param x the value of beta_k
 * @param data a void struct that is coerced to SEXP
 * @return log posterior density for beta_k
static double post_betak(double x,  void *data){
  SEXP da = data ;
  int k = K_SLOT(da)[0], nU = DIMS_SLOT(da)[nU_POS]; 
  double pm = PBM_SLOT(da)[k], pv = PBV_SLOT(da)[k], 
    *l = CLLIK_SLOT(da), *beta = FIXEF_SLOT(da);
  double tmp = beta[k];
  beta[k] = x ;       /* update beta to compute mu */
  if (nU) cpglmm_fitted(beta, 1, da);
  else cpglm_fitted(beta, da) ;
  beta[k] = tmp ;     /* restore old beta values */
  *l = llik_mu(da) ;  /* this is stored and reused to speed up the simulation */
  return  *l - 0.5 * (x - pm) * (x - pm) / pv ;
예제 #5
파일: bcplm.c 프로젝트: Mengchutsai/cplm
static void cpglm_fitted(double *x, SEXP da){
  int *dm = DIMS_SLOT(da) ;
  int nO = dm[nO_POS], nB = dm[nB_POS];
  double *X = X_SLOT(da),
    *beta = FIXEF_SLOT(da), *eta = ETA_SLOT(da),
    *mu = MU_SLOT(da), *offset = OFFSET_SLOT(da), 
    lp = LKP_SLOT(da)[0] ;
  if (x)  beta = x ;   /* point beta to x if x is not NULL */
  /* eta = X %*% beta */
  mult_mv("N", nO, nB, X, beta, eta) ;
  for (int i = 0; i < nO; i++){
    eta[i] += offset[i] ;
    mu[i] = link_inv(eta[i], lp);
예제 #6
 * Update the fixed effects and the orthogonal random effects in an MCMC sample
 * from an mer object.
 * @param x an mer object
 * @param sigma current standard deviation of the per-observation
 *        noise terms.
 * @param fvals pointer to memory in which to store the updated beta
 * @param rvals pointer to memory in which to store the updated b (may
 *              be (double*)NULL)
static void MCMC_beta_u(SEXP x, double sigma, double *fvals, double *rvals)
    int *dims = DIMS_SLOT(x);
    int i1 = 1, p = dims[p_POS], q = dims[q_POS];
    double *V = V_SLOT(x), *fixef = FIXEF_SLOT(x), *muEta = MUETA_SLOT(x),
            *u = U_SLOT(x), mone[] = {-1,0}, one[] = {1,0};
    CHM_FR L = L_SLOT(x);
    double *del1 = Calloc(q, double), *del2 = Alloca(p, double);
    CHM_DN sol, rhs = N_AS_CHM_DN(del1, q, 1);

    if (V || muEta) {
        error(_("Update not yet written"));
    } else {			/* Linear mixed model */
        /* Update beta */
        for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) del2[j] = sigma * norm_rand();
        F77_CALL(dtrsv)("U", "N", "N", &p, RX_SLOT(x), &p, del2, &i1);
        for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) fixef[j] += del2[j];
        /* Update u */
        for (int j = 0; j < q; j++) del1[j] = sigma * norm_rand();
        F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &q, &p, mone, RZX_SLOT(x), &q,
                        del2, &i1, one, del1, &i1);
        sol = M_cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_Lt, L, rhs, &c);
        for (int j = 0; j < q; j++) u[j] += ((double*)(sol->x))[j];
        M_cholmod_free_dense(&sol, &c);
        update_mu(x);	     /* and parts of the deviance slot */
    Memcpy(fvals, fixef, p);
    if (rvals) {
        Memcpy(rvals, RANEF_SLOT(x), q);
예제 #7
파일: bcplm.c 프로젝트: Mengchutsai/cplm
 * Update the Xb, Zu, eta and mu slots in cpglmm according to x
 * @param x pointer to the vector of values for beta or u
 * @param is_beta indicates whether x contains the values for beta or u. 
 *   1: x contains values of beta, and Zu is not updated. If x is null, the fixef slot is used; 
 *   0: x contains values of u, and Xb is not updated. If x is null, the u slot is used;
 *  -1: x is ignored, and the fixef and u slots are used.
 * @param da an SEXP object
static void cpglmm_fitted(double *x, int is_beta, SEXP da){    
  int *dm = DIMS_SLOT(da) ;
  int nO = dm[nO_POS], nB = dm[nB_POS], nU = dm[nU_POS];
  double  *X = X_SLOT(da), *eta = ETA_SLOT(da), 
    *mu = MU_SLOT(da), *beta = FIXEF_SLOT(da),
    *u = U_SLOT(da), *offset= OFFSET_SLOT(da), 
    *Xb = XB_SLOT(da), *Zu = ZU_SLOT(da), 
    lp = LKP_SLOT(da)[0], one[] = {1, 0}, zero[] = {0, 0};

  if (is_beta == -1) x = NULL ;            /* update from the fixef and u slots */

  /* update Xb */
  if (is_beta == 1 || is_beta == -1){      /* beta is updated */
    if (x)  beta = x ;                     /* point beta to x if x is not NULL */
    mult_mv("N", nO, nB, X, beta, Xb) ;    /* Xb = x * beta */
  /* update Zu */
  if (is_beta == 0 || is_beta == -1){      /* u is updated */ 
    SEXP tmp;                              /* create an SEXP object to be coerced to CHM_DN */
    PROTECT(tmp = allocVector(REALSXP, nU));
    if (x) Memcpy(REAL(tmp), x, nU);      
    else Memcpy(REAL(tmp), u, nU);
    CHM_DN ceta, us = AS_CHM_DN(tmp);
    CHM_SP Zt = Zt_SLOT(da);
    ceta = N_AS_CHM_DN(Zu, nO, 1);          /* update Zu */
    R_CheckStack();                         /* Y = alpha * A * X + beta * Y */
    if (!M_cholmod_sdmult(Zt, 1 , one, zero, us, ceta, &c))
      error(_("cholmod_sdmult error returned"));
    UNPROTECT(1) ;
  for (int i = 0; i < nO; i++){             /* update mu */
    eta[i] = Xb[i] + Zu[i] + offset[i];     /* eta = Xb + Z * u  + offset*/
    mu[i] = link_inv(eta[i], lp);
예제 #8
 * Update the theta_S parameters from the ST arrays in place.
 * @param x an mer object
 * @param sigma current standard deviation of the per-observation
 *        noise terms.
static void MCMC_S(SEXP x, double sigma)
    CHM_SP A = A_SLOT(x), Zt = Zt_SLOT(x);
    int *Gp = Gp_SLOT(x), *ai = (int*)(A->i),
         *ap = (int*)(A->p), *dims = DIMS_SLOT(x), *perm = PERM_VEC(x);
    int annz = ap[A->ncol], info, i1 = 1, n = dims[n_POS],
        nt = dims[nt_POS], ns, p = dims[p_POS], pos,
        q = dims[q_POS], znnz = ((int*)(Zt->p))[Zt->ncol];
    double *R, *ax = (double*)(A->x), *b = RANEF_SLOT(x),
                *eta = ETA_SLOT(x), *offset = OFFSET_SLOT(x),
                 *rr, *ss, one = 1, *u = U_SLOT(x), *y = Y_SLOT(x);
    int *nc = Alloca(nt, int), *nlev = Alloca(nt, int),
         *spt = Alloca(nt + 1, int);
    double **st = Alloca(nt, double*);

    ST_nc_nlev(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_STSym), Gp, st, nc, nlev);
    ns = 0;			/* ns is length(theta_S) */
    spt[0] = 0;			/* pointers into ss for terms */
    for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
        ns += nc[i];
        spt[i + 1] = spt[i] + nc[i];

    if (annz == znnz) { /* Copy Z' to A unless A has new nonzeros */
        Memcpy(ax, (double*)(Zt->x), znnz);
    } else error("Code not yet written for MCMC_S with NLMMs");
    /* Create T'Zt in A */
    Tt_Zt(A, Gp, nc, nlev, st, nt);
    /* Create P'u in ranef slot */
    for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) b[perm[i]] = u[i];
    /* Create X\beta + offset in eta slot */
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) eta[i] = offset ? offset[i] : 0;
    F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p, &one, X_SLOT(x), &n,
                    FIXEF_SLOT(x), &i1, &one, eta, &i1);
    /* Allocate R, rr and ss */
    R = Alloca(ns * ns, double); /* crossproduct matrix then factor */
    rr = Alloca(ns, double);	 /* row of model matrix for theta_S */
    ss = Alloca(ns, double);	 /* right hand side, then theta_S */
    AZERO(R, ns * ns);
    AZERO(ss, ns);
    /* Accumulate crossproduct from pseudo-data part of model matrix */
    for (int i = 0; i < q; i++) {
        int sj = theta_S_ind(i, nt, Gp, nlev, spt);
        AZERO(rr, ns);
        rr[sj] = b[i];
        F77_CALL(dsyr)("U", &ns, &one, rr, &i1, R, &ns);
    /* Accumulate crossproduct and residual product of the model matrix. */
    /* This is done one row at a time.  Rows of the model matrix
     * correspond to columns of T'Zt */
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { /* jth column of T'Zt */
        AZERO(rr, ns);
        for (int p = ap[j]; p < ap[j + 1]; p++) {
            int i = ai[p];	/* row in T'Zt */
            int sj = theta_S_ind(i, nt, Gp, nlev, spt);

            rr[sj] += ax[p] * b[i];
            ss[sj] += rr[sj] * (y[j] - eta[j]);
        F77_CALL(dsyr)("U", &ns, &one, rr, &i1, R, &ns);
    F77_CALL(dposv)("U", &ns, &i1, R, &ns, ss, &ns, &info);
    if (info)
        error(_("Model matrix for theta_S is not positive definite, %d."), info);
    for (int j = 0; j < ns; j++) rr[j] = sigma * norm_rand();
    /* Sample from the conditional Gaussian distribution */
    F77_CALL(dtrsv)("U", "N", "N", &ns, R, &ns, rr, &i1);
    for (int j = 0; j < ns; j++) ss[j] += rr[j];
    /* Copy positive part of solution onto diagonals of ST */
    pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < nc[i]; j++) {
            st[i][j * (nc[i] + 1)] = (ss[pos] > 0) ? ss[pos] : 0;