예제 #1
FLA_Error FLA_Obj_create_copy_of( FLA_Trans trans, FLA_Obj obj_cur, FLA_Obj *obj_new )
  // Create a new object conformal to the current object.
  FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( trans, obj_cur, obj_new );

  if ( !FLA_is_owner() )
    return FLA_SUCCESS;

  // Copy the contents of the current object to the new object.
  FLA_Copyt_external( trans, obj_cur, *obj_new );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
예제 #2
파일: FLA_Copyt.c 프로젝트: pgawron/tlash
FLA_Error FLA_Copyt( FLA_Trans trans, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj B )
  FLA_Error r_val;

  // Check parameters.
  if ( FLA_Check_error_level() >= FLA_MIN_ERROR_CHECKING )
    FLA_Copyt_check( trans, A, B );

  // Invoke FLA_Copyt_internal() with flat control tree that simply calls
  // external wrapper.
  r_val = FLA_Copyt_internal( trans, A, B, fla_copyt_cntl_blas );

  r_val = FLA_Copyt_external( trans, A, B );

  return r_val;
예제 #3
FLA_Error FLA_Copy_object_to_buffer( FLA_Trans trans, dim_t i, dim_t j, FLA_Obj A, dim_t m, dim_t n, void* B_buffer, dim_t rs, dim_t cs )
  FLA_Obj  B;
  FLA_Obj  ATL, ATR, 
           ABL, Aij;

  if ( FLA_Check_error_level() >= FLA_MIN_ERROR_CHECKING )
    FLA_Copy_object_to_buffer_check( trans, i, j, A, m, n, B_buffer, rs, cs );

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,  &ATL, &ATR,
                    &ABL, &Aij,     i, j, FLA_TL );

  FLA_Obj_create_without_buffer( FLA_Obj_datatype( A ), m, n, &B );
  FLA_Obj_attach_buffer( B_buffer, rs, cs, &B );

  FLA_Copyt_external( trans, Aij, B );

  FLA_Obj_free_without_buffer( &B );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
예제 #4
FLA_Error FLA_Copy_buffer_to_object( FLA_Trans trans, dim_t m, dim_t n, void* A_buffer, dim_t rs, dim_t cs, dim_t i, dim_t j, FLA_Obj B )
  FLA_Obj  A;
  FLA_Obj  BTL, BTR, 
           BBL, Bij;

  if ( FLA_Check_error_level() >= FLA_MIN_ERROR_CHECKING )
    FLA_Copy_buffer_to_object_check( trans, m, n, A_buffer, rs, cs, i, j, B );

  FLA_Part_2x2( B,  &BTL, &BTR,
                    &BBL, &Bij,     i, j, FLA_TL );

  FLA_Obj_create_without_buffer( FLA_Obj_datatype( B ), m, n, &A );
  FLA_Obj_attach_buffer( A_buffer, rs, cs, &A );

  FLA_Copyt_external( trans, A, Bij );

  FLA_Obj_free_without_buffer( &A );

  return FLA_SUCCESS;
예제 #5
FLA_Error FLA_LQ_UT_unb_var2( FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj T )
  FLA_Obj ATL,   ATR,      A00,  a01,     A02, 
          ABL,   ABR,      a10t, alpha11, a12t,
                           A20,  a21,     A22;

  FLA_Obj TTL,   TTR,      T00,  t01,   T02, 
          TBL,   TBR,      t10t, tau11, t12t,
                           T20,  t21,   T22;

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,    &ATL, &ATR,
                      &ABL, &ABR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );

  FLA_Part_2x2( T,    &TTL, &TTR,
                      &TBL, &TBR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );

  while ( FLA_Obj_min_dim( ABR ) > 0 ){

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, /**/ ATR,       &A00,  /**/ &a01,     &A02,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                                                &a10t, /**/ &alpha11, &a12t,
                           ABL, /**/ ABR,       &A20,  /**/ &a21,     &A22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( TTL, /**/ TTR,       &T00,  /**/ &t01,   &T02,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************ */
                                                &t10t, /**/ &tau11, &t12t,
                           TBL, /**/ TBR,       &T20,  /**/ &t21,   &T22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );


    // Compute tau11 and u12t from alpha11 and a12t such that tau11 and u12t
    // determine a Householder transform H such that applying H from the
    // right to the row vector consisting of alpha11 and a12t annihilates
    // the entries in a12t (and updates alpha11).
    FLA_Househ2_UT( FLA_RIGHT, alpha11, a12t,
                    tau11 );

    // ( a21 A22 ) = ( a21 A22 ) H
    // where H is formed from tau11 and u12t.
    FLA_Apply_H2_UT( FLA_RIGHT, tau11, a12t, a21, A22 );

    // t01 = conj(a01) + conj(A02) * u12t^T;
    FLA_Copyt_external( FLA_CONJ_NO_TRANSPOSE, a01, t01 );
    FLA_Gemvc_external( FLA_CONJ_NO_TRANSPOSE, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, FLA_ONE, A02, a12t, FLA_ONE, t01 );


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &ATL, /**/ &ATR,       A00,  a01,     /**/ A02,
                                                     a10t, alpha11, /**/ a12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                              &ABL, /**/ &ABR,       A20,  a21,     /**/ A22,
                              FLA_TL );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &TTL, /**/ &TTR,       T00,  t01,   /**/ T02,
                                                     t10t, tau11, /**/ t12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ********************** */
                              &TBL, /**/ &TBR,       T20,  t21,   /**/ T22,
                              FLA_TL );


  return FLA_SUCCESS;
예제 #6
FLA_Error FLA_QR_UT_unb_var2( FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj T )
  FLA_Obj ATL,   ATR,      A00,  a01,     A02, 
          ABL,   ABR,      a10t, alpha11, a12t,
                           A20,  a21,     A22;

  FLA_Obj TTL,   TTR,      T00,  t01,   T02, 
          TBL,   TBR,      t10t, tau11, t12t,
                           T20,  t21,   T22;

  FLA_Part_2x2( A,    &ATL, &ATR,
                      &ABL, &ABR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );

  FLA_Part_2x2( T,    &TTL, &TTR,
                      &TBL, &TBR,     0, 0, FLA_TL );

  while ( FLA_Obj_min_dim( ABR ) > 0 ){

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( ATL, /**/ ATR,       &A00,  /**/ &a01,     &A02,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************** */
                                                &a10t, /**/ &alpha11, &a12t,
                           ABL, /**/ ABR,       &A20,  /**/ &a21,     &A22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );

    FLA_Repart_2x2_to_3x3( TTL, /**/ TTR,       &T00,  /**/ &t01,   &T02,
                        /* ************* */   /* ************************ */
                                                &t10t, /**/ &tau11, &t12t,
                           TBL, /**/ TBR,       &T20,  /**/ &t21,   &T22,
                           1, 1, FLA_BR );


    // Compute tau11 and u21 from alpha11 and a21 such that tau11 and u21
    // determine a Householder transform H such that applying H from the
    // left to the column vector consisting of alpha11 and a21 annihilates
    // the entries in a21 (and updates alpha11).
    FLA_Househ2_UT( FLA_LEFT,
                    a21, tau11 );

    // / a12t \ =  H / a12t \
    // \ A22  /      \ A22  /
    // where H is formed from tau11 and u21.
    FLA_Apply_H2_UT( FLA_LEFT, tau11, a21, a12t,
                                           A22 );

    // t01 = a10t' + A20' * u21;
    FLA_Copyt_external( FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, a10t, t01 );
    FLA_Gemv_external( FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, FLA_ONE, A20, a21, FLA_ONE, t01 );


    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &ATL, /**/ &ATR,       A00,  a01,     /**/ A02,
                                                     a10t, alpha11, /**/ a12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ************************ */
                              &ABL, /**/ &ABR,       A20,  a21,     /**/ A22,
                              FLA_TL );

    FLA_Cont_with_3x3_to_2x2( &TTL, /**/ &TTR,       T00,  t01,   /**/ T02,
                                                     t10t, tau11, /**/ t12t,
                            /* ************** */  /* ********************** */
                              &TBL, /**/ &TBR,       T20,  t21,   /**/ T22,
                              FLA_TL );


  return FLA_SUCCESS;