FREObject messageToFre(midiMessage m) { FREObject fStatus; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int)m.status,&fStatus); FREObject fD1; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int)m.data1,&fD1); FREObject fD2; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int)m.data2,&fD2); FREObject fStamp; FRENewObjectFromDouble(m.stamp,&fStamp); FREObject fDevice; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int)m.device,&fDevice); FREObject args[5]; args[0] = fStatus; args[1] = fD1; args[2] = fD2; args[3] = fStamp; args[4] = fDevice; FREObject fm = NULL; FREResult fre = FRENewObject((const uint8_t *)"benkuper.nativeExtensions.MIDIMessage",5,args,&fm,NULL); //printf("Message to fre FREResult %i\n",fre); return fm; }
FREObject LNLeapDevice::getClosestScreenHit(int pointableId) { ScreenList screenList = controller->calibratedScreens(); Frame frame = controller->frame(); PointableList pointables = frame.pointables(); Pointable pointable; // TODO: Create a fake pointable width tipPosition and direction instead of looping bool didFind = false; for (int i = 0; i < pointables.count(); i++) { if (pointables[i].id() == pointableId) { pointable = pointables[i]; didFind = true; break; } } FREObject freScreenId; if(didFind) { Screen screen = screenList.closestScreenHit(pointable); FRENewObjectFromInt32(, &freScreenId); } else { FRENewObjectFromInt32(0, &freScreenId); } return freScreenId; }
FREObject getCameraFrameSize(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { int w = gGrabber.getWidth(); int h = gGrabber.getHeight(); FREObject fX,fY; FRENewObjectFromInt32(w,&fX); FRENewObjectFromInt32(h,&fY); FREObject value = argv[0]; FRESetObjectProperty(value,(const uint8_t*)"w",fX,NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(value,(const uint8_t*)"h",fY,NULL); return NULL; }
FREObject saveToCameraRoll(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { uint32_t name_size = 0; const uint8_t* name_val = NULL; FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &name_size, &name_val); FREObject objectBA = argv[1]; FREByteArray baData; FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData); uint8_t *ba = baData.bytes; int32_t _size; FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[2], &_size); int32_t _orientation; FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[3], &_orientation); int32_t res = captureSaveToCameraRoll( (const char *)name_val, (const uint8_t*)ba, _size, _orientation); FREReleaseByteArray(objectBA); FREObject res_obj; FRENewObjectFromInt32(res, &res_obj); return res_obj; }
FREObject FlyCapture2_getNumCameras(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]){ FREObject retObj; int numCams = fc2Manager.getNumCameras(); FRENewObjectFromInt32(numCams, &retObj); return retObj; }
FREObject openInputDevice(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { int index = 0; FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[0],&index); //printf("Native MIDI :: open input device %i\n",index); int pointer = -1; try { RtMidiIn* in = new RtMidiIn(); in->openPort(index); openMidiIn.push_back(in); pointer = (int)in; printf("Open midi pointer : %i (%s), num open devices : %i\n",pointer,in->getPortName(index).c_str(),openMidiIn.size()); // Don't ignore sysex, timing, or active sensing messages. midiin->ignoreTypes( false, false, false ); } catch ( RtMidiError &error ) { error.printMessage(); } FREObject result; FRENewObjectFromInt32(pointer,&result); return result; }
FREObject openOutputDevice(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { int index = 0; FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[0],&index); //printf("Native MIDI :: open output device %i\n",index); int pointer = -1; try { RtMidiOut* out = new RtMidiOut(); out->openPort(index); openMidiOut.push_back(out); pointer = (int)out; //printf("Open midi pointer : %i\n",pointer); // Don't ignore sysex, timing, or active sensing messages. } catch ( RtMidiError &error ) { error.printMessage(); } FREObject result; FRENewObjectFromInt32(pointer,&result); return result; }
FREObject getRange(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { FREObject returnObject; FREObject* argV=(FREObject*)malloc(sizeof(FREObject)*2); #if defined(BB10) SC_Range_t aRange = SC_ScoresController_GetRange(scores_controller); FRENewObjectFromInt32(SC_Score_GetMode(aRange.offset), &argV[0]); FRENewObjectFromInt32(SC_Score_GetLevel(aRange.length), &argV[1]); #else argV[0] = SC_ScoresController_GetRangeOffset(scores_controller); argV[1] = SC_ScoresController_GetRangeLength(scores_controller); #endif FRENewObject("com.wallwizz.scoreloop.Range",2,argV,&returnObject,NULL); return returnObject; }
FREObject getMode(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { FREObject returnObject; FRENewObjectFromInt32(SC_ScoresController_GetMode(scores_controller), &returnObject); return returnObject; }
/** * Called by ActionScript after it receives an event when a contact has been updated. * This method returns an array of the properties that have been updated for each contact. */ FREObject getUpdatedContactProperties(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { pthread_mutex_lock(&amutex); FREObject result = NULL; FRENewObject((const uint8_t*) "Array", 0, NULL, &result, NULL); trace( "getUpdatedContactProperties" ); int i = 0; for( i = 0; i<update_size; i++ ) { ContactUpdate contactUpdate = contact_updates[ i ]; FREObject update; FRENewObject((const uint8_t*) "Object", 0, NULL, &update, NULL); if( contactUpdate.value != NULL ) { FREObject value; FRENewObjectFromUTF8( (uint32_t)(strlen(contactUpdate.value) + 1), (const uint8_t*)contactUpdate.value, &value ); FRESetObjectProperty( update, (const uint8_t*) "value", value, NULL ); } FREObject ppid; FRENewObjectFromUTF8( (uint32_t)(strlen(contactUpdate.ppid) + 1), (const uint8_t*)contactUpdate.ppid, &ppid ); FRESetObjectProperty( update, (const uint8_t*) "ppid", ppid, NULL ); FREObject property; FRENewObjectFromInt32( (int32_t), &property ); FRESetObjectProperty( update, (const uint8_t*) "property", property, NULL ); FREObject status; FRENewObjectFromInt32( (int32_t)contactUpdate.status, &status ); FRESetObjectProperty( update, (const uint8_t*) "status", status, NULL ); FRESetArrayElementAt( result, i, update ); free( contactUpdate.value ); free( contactUpdate.ppid ); } update_size = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&amutex); return result; }
FREObject LNLeapDevice::getConfigInt32(uint32_t len, const uint8_t* key) { std::string keyString( key, key+len ); FREObject freReturnValue; FRENewObjectFromInt32(controller->config().getInt32(keyString), &freReturnValue); return freReturnValue; }
//缓存区数据量_wh FREObject getAvailableBytes(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { FREObject result; pthread_mutex_lock(&safety);//开启线程互斥锁_wh FRENewObjectFromInt32(bufferSize, &result);//赋予result为as实例_wh pthread_mutex_unlock(&safety);//关闭线程互斥锁_wh return result; }
FREObject checkWord(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { const uint8_t *locale = 0; const uint8_t *inpWord = 0; uint32_t len = -1; FREObject retObj=0; int rv=0; U16Char_t* inpWordU16 = NULL; std::string inpWordDictEncoded; bool isConversionUnSuccesful=false; //get first argument if(FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[1], &len, &locale) != FRE_OK) return retObj; len = 0; //get second argument if(FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &len, &inpWord) != FRE_OK) return retObj; //get the hunspell object from cache Hunspell * hunspellObject=getHunspellObject(std::string((char *)locale)); if(!hunspellObject) return retObj; //convert input utf8 to u16 string inpWordU16 = EncConv::convCharStrToU16Str((char *)inpWord, "UTF-8"); //get dictionary encoding HUNSPELL_GET_ENCODING getEncAdd=(HUNSPELL_GET_ENCODING) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "hunspell_get_dic_encoding"); char * m_MainEncoding= (getEncAdd)(hunspellObject); //convert u16 to dictionary encoding inpWordDictEncoded=EncConv::convU16StrToCharStr(inpWordU16,m_MainEncoding); if(inpWordDictEncoded.length()==0) { isConversionUnSuccesful = true; } //Get spellAddress HUNSPELL_SPELL spellAdd= (HUNSPELL_SPELL) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "hunspell_spell"); //Do spell check with converted word else try with UTF-8 if((!isConversionUnSuccesful) ) { rv= (spellAdd)(hunspellObject, (char * )inpWordDictEncoded.c_str()); } else { rv= (spellAdd)(hunspellObject, (char * )inpWord); } //return results FRENewObjectFromInt32(rv, &retObj); EncConv::releaseU16Str(inpWordU16); return retObj; }
FREObject LNLeapDevice::getScreenWidthPixels(int screenId) { ScreenList screenList = controller->calibratedScreens(); Screen screen = screenList[screenId]; FREObject freReturnValue; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int32_t) screen.widthPixels(), &freReturnValue); return freReturnValue; }
FREObject supportsSaveToCameraRoll(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { FREObject res_obj; int32_t res = captureSupportsSaveToCameraRoll(); FRENewObjectFromInt32(res, &res_obj); return res_obj; }
FREObject getMouseInfo(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { FREObject result = argv[0]; POINT mouse; GetCursorPos(&mouse); int32_t x = (int32_t) mouse.x; int32_t y = (int32_t) mouse.y; FREObject mouseX; FREObject mouseY; FRENewObjectFromInt32(x, &mouseX); FRENewObjectFromInt32(y, &mouseY); FRESetObjectProperty(result, (const uint8_t*) "mouseX", mouseX, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(result, (const uint8_t*) "mouseY", mouseY, NULL); return NULL; }
FREObject __cdecl AmbireCaptureGetScreenSize(FREContext ctx, void * functionData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { POINT pt = { 0 }; HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); MONITORINFO mi = { 0 }; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi); int W = mi.rcMonitor.right - mi.rcMonitor.left; int H = mi.rcMonitor.bottom -; int N = W | (H << 16); FREObject rv = 0; FRENewObjectFromInt32(N, &rv); return rv; }
FREObject getMouseXY(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { POINT cursorPos; GetCursorPos(&cursorPos); FREObject value = argv[0]; int x = (int) cursorPos.x; int y = (int) cursorPos.y; FREObject fX,fY; FRENewObjectFromInt32(x,&fX); FRENewObjectFromInt32(y,&fY); FRESetObjectProperty(value,(const uint8_t*)"x",fX,NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(value,(const uint8_t*)"y",fY,NULL); return NULL; }
FREObject getFlashMode(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { int32_t id; FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[0], &id); CCapture *cap; cap = active_cams[id]; if (cap) { int32_t mode = (int32_t)captureGetFlashMode(cap); FREObject ret; FRENewObjectFromInt32(mode, &ret); return ret; } return NULL; }
FREObject getBytesAsByteArray(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { FREObject result; FREByteArray incomingBytes; FREAcquireByteArray(argv[0], &incomingBytes); pthread_mutex_lock(&safety); memcpy(incomingBytes.bytes, buffer, bufferSize); FRENewObjectFromInt32(bufferSize, &result); bufferSize = 0; sentEvent = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&safety); FREReleaseByteArray(&incomingBytes); return result; }
FREObject LNLeapDevice::getConfigType(uint32_t len, const uint8_t* key) { std::string keyString( key, key+len ); int type; switch (controller->config().type(keyString)) { case Config::TYPE_UNKNOWN: { type = 0; break; } case Config::TYPE_BOOLEAN: { type = 1; break; } case Config::TYPE_INT32: { type = 2; break; } case Config::TYPE_FLOAT: { type = 6; break; } case Config::TYPE_STRING: { type = 8; break; } default: { type = 0; break; } } FREObject freReturnValue; FRENewObjectFromInt32(type, &freReturnValue); return freReturnValue; }
FREObject initHunspellObject(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]){ const uint8_t *locale = 0; const uint8_t *dictionaryPath = 0; uint32_t len = -1; FREObject retObj=0; Hunspell * hunspellObject; BOOL fRunTimeLinkSuccess = FALSE; //get first argument if(FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[1], &len, &dictionaryPath) != FRE_OK) return retObj; len = 0; //get second argument if(FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &len, &locale) != FRE_OK) return retObj; //check in cache and return if already present if(!(Hunspell_cache.find(std::string((char *)locale))==Hunspell_cache.end())) { FRENewObjectFromInt32(HUNSPELL_INIT_SUCCESS, &retObj); return retObj; } U16Char_t * dic_path_U16= EncConv::convCharStrToU16Str((char *)dictionaryPath, "UTF-8"); U16Char_t *locale_U16= EncConv::convCharStrToU16Str((char *)locale, "UTF-8"); std::wstring aff_file= std::wstring((wchar_t *)dic_path_U16)+std::wstring(L"\\Dictionaries\\")+std::wstring((wchar_t *)locale_U16)+std::wstring(L"\\")+std::wstring((wchar_t *)locale_U16)+std::wstring(L".aff"); std::wstring dic_file= std::wstring((wchar_t *)dic_path_U16)+std::wstring(L"\\Dictionaries\\")+std::wstring((wchar_t *)locale_U16)+std::wstring(L"\\")+std::wstring((wchar_t *)locale_U16)+std::wstring(L".dic"); std::wstring lib_file= std::wstring((wchar_t *)dic_path_U16)+std::wstring(L"\\libhunspell.dll"); EncConv::releaseU16Str(dic_path_U16); EncConv::releaseU16Str(locale_U16); //creating OS specific aff,dic file paths refer: DanishOS Issue of CS6 AHP std::string aff_file_U8= makeString(aff_file.c_str()); std::string dic_file_U8= makeString(dic_file.c_str()); //make the file url's std::string lib_file_U8= std::string((char *)dictionaryPath)+std::string("\\libhunspell.dll"); //check for file is present if( (FileExists(aff_file) && FileExists(dic_file) && FileExists(lib_file)) == false ) { FRENewObjectFromInt32(RESOURCE_FILES_MISSING, &retObj); return retObj; } LPCTSTR lib_file_lpstring= (wchar_t *)lib_file.c_str(); //make a new hunspell object hinstLib = LoadLibrary(lib_file_lpstring); if (hinstLib != NULL) { HUNSPELL_INIT initAdd = (HUNSPELL_INIT) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "hunspell_initialize"); // If the function address is valid, call the function. if (NULL != initAdd) { fRunTimeLinkSuccess = TRUE; hunspellObject = (initAdd) ((char *)aff_file_U8.c_str(), (char *)dic_file_U8.c_str()); } } //add to hunspell cache if(Hunspell_cache.find(std::string((char *)locale))==Hunspell_cache.end()) Hunspell_cache[std::string((char *)locale)]= hunspellObject; if(hunspellObject) { FRENewObjectFromInt32(HUNSPELL_INIT_SUCCESS, &retObj); } else { FRENewObjectFromInt32(HUNSPELL_INIT_FAIL, &retObj); } return retObj; }
FREObject LNLeapDevice::getFrame() { Frame frame = controller->frame(); // TODO: Only continue with valid Frame? FREObject freCurrentFrame; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.Frame", 0, NULL, &freCurrentFrame, NULL); FREObject freFrameId; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int32_t), &freFrameId); FRESetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "id", freFrameId, NULL); const Vector frameTranslation = frame.translation(lastFrame); FRESetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "translationVector", createVector3(frameTranslation.x, frameTranslation.y, frameTranslation.z), NULL); const Matrix frameRotation = frame.rotationMatrix(lastFrame); FRESetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "rotation", createMatrix( createVector3(frameRotation.xBasis[0], frameRotation.xBasis[1], frameRotation.xBasis[2]), createVector3(frameRotation.yBasis[0], frameRotation.yBasis[1], frameRotation.yBasis[2]), createVector3(frameRotation.zBasis[0], frameRotation.zBasis[1], frameRotation.zBasis[2]), createVector3(frameRotation.origin[0], frameRotation.origin[1], frameRotation.origin[2]) ), NULL); FREObject freFrameScaleFactor; FRENewObjectFromDouble(frame.scaleFactor(lastFrame), &freFrameScaleFactor); FRESetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "scaleFactorNumber", freFrameScaleFactor, NULL); FREObject freTimestamp; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int32_t) frame.timestamp(), &freTimestamp); FRESetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "timestamp", freTimestamp, NULL); std::map<int, FREObject> freHandsMap; if (!frame.hands().empty()) { FREObject freHands; FREGetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "hands", &freHands, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < frame.hands().count(); i++) { const Hand hand = frame.hands()[i]; FREObject freHand; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.Hand", 0, NULL, &freHand, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "frame", freCurrentFrame, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "direction", createVector3(hand.direction()[0], hand.direction()[1], hand.direction()[2]), NULL); FREObject freHandId; FRENewObjectFromInt32(, &freHandId); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "id", freHandId, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "palmNormal", createVector3(hand.palmNormal()[0], hand.palmNormal()[1], hand.palmNormal()[2]), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "palmPosition", createVector3(hand.palmPosition()[0], hand.palmPosition()[1], hand.palmPosition()[2]), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "palmVelocity", createVector3(hand.palmVelocity()[0], hand.palmVelocity()[1], hand.palmVelocity()[2]), NULL); const Matrix rotation = hand.rotationMatrix(lastFrame); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "rotation", createMatrix( createVector3(rotation.xBasis[0], rotation.xBasis[1], rotation.xBasis[2]), createVector3(rotation.yBasis[0], rotation.yBasis[1], rotation.yBasis[2]), createVector3(rotation.zBasis[0], rotation.zBasis[1], rotation.zBasis[2]), createVector3(rotation.origin[0], rotation.origin[1], rotation.origin[2]) ), NULL); FREObject freScaleFactor; FRENewObjectFromDouble(hand.scaleFactor(lastFrame), &freScaleFactor); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "scaleFactorNumber", freScaleFactor, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "sphereCenter", createVector3(hand.sphereCenter()[0], hand.sphereCenter()[1], hand.sphereCenter()[2]), NULL); FREObject freSphereRadius; FRENewObjectFromDouble(hand.sphereRadius(), &freSphereRadius); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "sphereRadius", freSphereRadius, NULL); const Vector translation = hand.translation(lastFrame); FRESetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "translationVector", createVector3(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z), NULL); FRESetArrayElementAt(freHands, i, freHand); freHandsMap[] = freHand; } } std::map<int, FREObject> frePointablesMap; if(!frame.pointables().empty()) { FREObject frePointables; FREGetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "pointables", &frePointables, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < frame.pointables().count(); i++) { const Pointable pointable = frame.pointables()[i]; FREObject frePointable; if(pointable.isTool()) { FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.Tool", 0, NULL, &frePointable, NULL); } else { FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.Finger", 0, NULL, &frePointable, NULL); } FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "frame", freCurrentFrame, NULL); FREObject frePointableId; FRENewObjectFromInt32(, &frePointableId); FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "id", frePointableId, NULL); FREObject frePointableLength; FRENewObjectFromDouble(pointable.length(), &frePointableLength); FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "length", frePointableLength, NULL); FREObject frePointableWidth; FRENewObjectFromDouble(pointable.width(), &frePointableWidth); FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "width", frePointableWidth, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "direction", createVector3(pointable.direction().x, pointable.direction().y, pointable.direction().z), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "tipPosition", createVector3(pointable.tipPosition().x, pointable.tipPosition().y, pointable.tipPosition().z), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "tipVelocity", createVector3(pointable.tipVelocity().x, pointable.tipVelocity().y, pointable.tipVelocity().z), NULL); //map to hand & back if(pointable.hand().isValid()) { FREObject freHand = freHandsMap[pointable.hand().id()]; FRESetObjectProperty(frePointable, (const uint8_t*) "hand", freHand, NULL); FREObject frePointables; FREGetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "pointables", &frePointables, NULL); uint32_t numPointables; FREGetArrayLength(frePointables, &numPointables); FRESetArrayElementAt(frePointables, numPointables, frePointable); FREObject freSpecificHandPointables; if(pointable.isTool()) { FREGetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "tools", &freSpecificHandPointables, NULL); } else { FREGetObjectProperty(freHand, (const uint8_t*) "fingers", &freSpecificHandPointables, NULL); } uint32_t numSpecificHandTools; FREGetArrayLength(freSpecificHandPointables, &numSpecificHandTools); FRESetArrayElementAt(freSpecificHandPointables, numSpecificHandTools, frePointable); } //push it in current frame FRESetArrayElementAt(frePointables, i, frePointable); //specific FREObject freSpecificPointables; if(pointable.isTool()) { FREGetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "tools", &freSpecificPointables, NULL); } else { FREGetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "fingers", &freSpecificPointables, NULL); } uint32_t numSpecificTools; FREGetArrayLength(freSpecificPointables, &numSpecificTools); FRESetArrayElementAt(freSpecificPointables, numSpecificTools, frePointable); frePointablesMap[] = frePointable; } } if(!frame.gestures().empty()) { FREObject freGestures; FREGetObjectProperty(freCurrentFrame, (const uint8_t*) "gesturesVector", &freGestures, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < frame.gestures().count(); i++) { const Gesture gesture = frame.gestures()[i]; int state; switch (gesture.state()) { case Gesture::STATE_INVALID: state = 0; break; case Gesture::STATE_START: state = 1; break; case Gesture::STATE_UPDATE: state = 2; break; case Gesture::STATE_STOP: state = 3; break; default: break; } int type; FREObject freGesture; switch (gesture.type()) { case Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE: { type = 5; SwipeGesture swipe = gesture; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.SwipeGesture", 0, NULL, &freGesture, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "direction", createVector3(swipe.direction().x, swipe.direction().y, swipe.direction().z), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "position", createVector3(swipe.position().x, swipe.position().y, swipe.position().z), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "startPosition", createVector3(swipe.startPosition().x, swipe.startPosition().y, swipe.startPosition().z), NULL); FREObject freSwipeGestureSpeed; FRENewObjectFromDouble(swipe.speed(), &freSwipeGestureSpeed); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "speed", freSwipeGestureSpeed, NULL); break; } case Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE: { type = 6; CircleGesture circle = gesture; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.CircleGesture", 0, NULL, &freGesture, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "center", createVector3(,,, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "normal", createVector3(circle.normal().x, circle.normal().y, circle.normal().z), NULL); FREObject freCircleGestureProgress; FRENewObjectFromDouble(circle.progress(), &freCircleGestureProgress); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "progress", freCircleGestureProgress, NULL); FREObject freCircleGestureRadius; FRENewObjectFromDouble(circle.radius(), &freCircleGestureRadius); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "radius", freCircleGestureRadius, NULL); FREObject frePointable = frePointablesMap[circle.pointable().id()]; if(frePointable != NULL) { FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "pointable", frePointable, NULL); } break; } case Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP: { type = 7; ScreenTapGesture screentap = gesture; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.ScreenTapGesture", 0, NULL, &freGesture, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "direction", createVector3(screentap.direction().x, screentap.direction().y, screentap.direction().z), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "position", createVector3(screentap.position().x, screentap.position().y, screentap.position().z), NULL); break; } case Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP: { type = 8; KeyTapGesture tap = gesture; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.KeyTapGesture", 0, NULL, &freGesture, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "direction", createVector3(tap.direction().x, tap.direction().y, tap.direction().z), NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "position", createVector3(tap.position().x, tap.position().y, tap.position().z), NULL); break; } default: { type = 4; FRENewObject( (const uint8_t*) "com.leapmotion.leap.Gesture", 0, NULL, &freGesture, NULL); break; } } FREObject freGestureState; FRENewObjectFromInt32(state, &freGestureState); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "state", freGestureState, NULL); FREObject freGestureType; FRENewObjectFromInt32(type, &freGestureType); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "type", freGestureType, NULL); FREObject freGestureDuration; FRENewObjectFromInt32((int32_t) gesture.duration(), &freGestureDuration); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "duration", freGestureDuration, NULL); FREObject freGestureDurationSeconds; FRENewObjectFromDouble(gesture.durationSeconds(), &freGestureDurationSeconds); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "durationSeconds", freGestureDurationSeconds, NULL); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "frame", freCurrentFrame, NULL); FREObject freGestureId; FRENewObjectFromInt32(, &freGestureId); FRESetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "id", freGestureId, NULL); if (!gesture.hands().empty()) { FREObject freGestureHands; FREGetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "hands", &freGestureHands, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < gesture.hands().count(); i++) { const Hand hand = gesture.hands()[i]; FREObject freHand = freHandsMap[]; FRESetArrayElementAt(freGestureHands, i, freHand); } } if (!gesture.pointables().empty()) { FREObject freGesturePointables; FREGetObjectProperty(freGesture, (const uint8_t*) "pointables", &freGesturePointables, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < gesture.pointables().count(); i++) { const Pointable pointable = gesture.pointables()[i]; FREObject frePointable = frePointablesMap[]; FRESetArrayElementAt(freGesturePointables, i, frePointable); } } //push it in current gesture vector FRESetArrayElementAt(freGestures, i, freGesture); } } lastFrame = frame; return freCurrentFrame; }
/** * Creates a ActionScript net.rim.bbm.BBMContact instance from the supplied native contact. */ FREObject createActionScriptContact( const bbmsp_contact_t* contact ) { FREObject contact_AS = NULL; const int cNumAttributes = 7; FREObject resultAttributes[cNumAttributes]; bbmsp_result_t result; char ppid[BBMSP_CONTACT_PPID_MAX]; result = bbmsp_contact_get_ppid( contact, ppid, BBMSP_CONTACT_PPID_MAX ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { FRENewObjectFromUTF8((uint32_t)(strlen(ppid) + 1), (uint8_t*)ppid, &resultAttributes[0]); } else { trace( "createActionScriptContact ppid %i", result ); } char displayName[BBMSP_CONTACT_DISPLAY_NAME_MAX]; result = bbmsp_contact_get_display_name( contact, displayName, BBMSP_CONTACT_DISPLAY_NAME_MAX ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { FRENewObjectFromUTF8((uint32_t)(strlen(displayName) + 1), (uint8_t*)displayName, &resultAttributes[1]); } else { trace( "createActionScriptContact displayName %i", result ); } char personalMessage[BBMSP_CONTACT_PERSONAL_MSG_MAX]; result = bbmsp_contact_get_personal_message( contact, personalMessage, BBMSP_CONTACT_PERSONAL_MSG_MAX ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { FRENewObjectFromUTF8((uint32_t)(strlen(personalMessage) + 1), (uint8_t*)personalMessage, &resultAttributes[2]); } else { trace( "createActionScriptContact personalMessage %i", result ); } char statusMessage[BBMSP_CONTACT_STATUS_MSG_MAX]; result = bbmsp_contact_get_status_message( contact, statusMessage, BBMSP_CONTACT_STATUS_MSG_MAX ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { FRENewObjectFromUTF8((uint32_t)(strlen(statusMessage) + 1), (uint8_t*)statusMessage, &resultAttributes[3]); } else { trace( "createActionScriptContact statusMessage %i", result ); } char appVersion[BBMSP_CONTACT_APP_VERSION_MAX]; result = bbmsp_contact_get_app_version( contact, appVersion, BBMSP_CONTACT_APP_VERSION_MAX ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { FRENewObjectFromUTF8((uint32_t)(strlen(appVersion) + 1), (uint8_t*)appVersion, &resultAttributes[4]); } else { trace( "createActionScriptContact appVersion %i", result ); } bbmsp_presence_status_t status; result = bbmsp_contact_get_status( contact, &status ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { FRENewObjectFromInt32( (int32_t)status, &resultAttributes[5]); } else { trace( "createActionScriptContact status %i", result ); } bbmsp_image_t* m_contact_avatar; bbmsp_image_create_empty(&m_contact_avatar); result = bbmsp_contact_get_display_picture( contact, m_contact_avatar ); trace( "%i picture", result ); if( result == BBMSP_SUCCESS ) { char path[PATH_MAX]; getAvatarPath( m_contact_avatar, ppid, path ); FRENewObjectFromUTF8((uint32_t)(strlen(path) + 1), (uint8_t*)path, &resultAttributes[6]); } else { resultAttributes[5] = NULL; } bbmsp_image_destroy( &m_contact_avatar ); FRENewObject((const uint8_t*) "Array", cNumAttributes, resultAttributes, &contact_AS, NULL); return( contact_AS ); }
FREObject FREInt(int32 value) { FREObject result; FRENewObjectFromInt32(value, &result); return result; }
FREObject getCaptureFrame(FREContext ctx, void* funcData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { int32_t _id, _opt; FREGetObjectAsInt32(argv[0], &_id); FREObject res_obj; FRENewObjectFromInt32(0, &res_obj); FREObject objectBA; FREByteArray baData; FREBitmapData2 bitmapData; uint8_t *ba; const uint8_t* frame_0; const uint8_t* frame; int32_t w, h, w2, h2, widthInBytes, i, j; uint32_t fstride; CCapture* cap; cap = active_cams[_id]; uint32_t flipped = 0; uint32_t isWin = 1; #if defined(ANE_MAC) isWin = 0; #endif objectBA = argv[1]; FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData); ba = baData.bytes; ba += ba_read_int(ba, &_opt); ba += ba_read_int(ba, &w2); ba += ba_read_int(ba, &h2); FREReleaseByteArray(objectBA); if(cap && captureCheckNewFrame(cap)) { frame_0 = (const uint8_t*)captureGetFrame(cap, &w, &h, &widthInBytes); // here is some conversion we need cause in Flash BitmapData bytes // represented differently :( if((_opt & FRAME_BITMAP)) { objectBA = argv[2]; FREAcquireBitmapData2(objectBA, &bitmapData); uint32_t* input = bitmapData.bits32; fstride = bitmapData.lineStride32 * sizeof(uint32_t); // for some reasons not always == width flipped = bitmapData.isInvertedY; frame = frame_0; ba = (uint8_t*)input; #if defined (__ANDROID__) || defined (ANE_IOS) for(i=0; i<h; i++){ memcpy(ba+i*fstride, frame+i*widthInBytes, fstride); } #else // most likely wont happen / but who knows? ;) if(flipped && !isWin) { const uint8_t* a_ptr = (const uint8_t*)frame; const uint8_t* a_ptr2 = (const uint8_t*)(frame + (h - 1) * widthInBytes); uint8_t* b_ptr = ba + (h - 1) * fstride; uint8_t* b_ptr2 = ba; for(i = 0; i < h / 2; i++) { uint8_t *ba_ln = b_ptr; uint8_t *ba_ln2 = b_ptr2; const uint8_t *a_ln = a_ptr; const uint8_t *a_ln2 = a_ptr2; #if defined(ANE_MSW) for(j = 0; j < w; j++, ba_ln += 4, ba_ln2 += 4, a_ln += 3, a_ln2 += 3) { *ba_ln = *(a_ln); ba_ln[1] = *(a_ln+1); ba_ln[2] = *(a_ln+2); // *ba_ln2 = *(a_ln2); ba_ln2[1] = *(a_ln2+1); ba_ln2[2] = *(a_ln2+2); } #elif defined(ANE_MAC) memcpy(ba_ln, a_ln, widthInBytes); memcpy(ba_ln2, a_ln2, widthInBytes); #endif a_ptr += widthInBytes; a_ptr2 -= widthInBytes; b_ptr -= fstride; b_ptr2 += fstride; } if(h&1) { #if defined(ANE_MSW) for(j = 0; j < w; j++, b_ptr += 4, a_ptr+=3) { *b_ptr = *(a_ptr); b_ptr[1] = *(a_ptr+1); b_ptr[2] = *(a_ptr+2); } #elif defined(ANE_MAC) memcpy(b_ptr, a_ptr, widthInBytes); #endif } } else { for(i = 0; i < h; i++) { uint8_t *ba_ln = ba; const uint8_t *fr_ln = frame; #if defined(ANE_MSW) for(j = 0; j < w; j++, ba_ln += 4, fr_ln += 3) { *ba_ln = *(fr_ln); ba_ln[1] = *(fr_ln+1); ba_ln[2] = *(fr_ln+2); } #elif defined(ANE_MAC) memcpy(ba_ln, fr_ln, widthInBytes); #endif ba += fstride; frame += widthInBytes; } } #endif FREReleaseBitmapData(objectBA); } if((_opt & FRAME_RAW)) { objectBA = argv[3]; FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData); ba = baData.bytes; memcpy(ba, frame_0, widthInBytes * h); FREReleaseByteArray(objectBA); } // power of 2 output for stage3d if((_opt & FRAME_P2_BGRA)) { objectBA = argv[4]; FREAcquireByteArray(objectBA, &baData); ba = baData.bytes; frame = frame_0; // resize /* if(w > w2 || h > h2) { float scx = (float)w2 / (float)w; float scy = (float)h2 / (float)h; if(scy < scx) scx = scy; int32_t wr = w * scx; int32_t hr = h * scx; uint8_t *frame_rs = allocResizeBuf(wr, hr, 4); //resample_area_8u(frame, w, h, frame_rs, wr, hr, 4); // update values w = wr; h = hr; frame = frame_rs; widthInBytes = wr * sizeof(uint32_t); } */ int32_t p2w = (w2); int32_t p2h = (h2); int32_t off_x = (p2w - w) / 2; // -64 int32_t off_y = (p2h - h) / 2; size_t p2stride = p2w * sizeof(uint32_t); int32_t b_off_x, b_off_y, a_off_x, a_off_y; if(off_x < 0) { b_off_x = 0; a_off_x = -off_x; } else { b_off_x = off_x; a_off_x = 0; } if(off_y < 0) { b_off_y = 0; a_off_y = -off_y; } else { b_off_y = off_y; a_off_y = 0; } uint8_t* b_ptr0 = ba + b_off_y * p2stride + b_off_x*4; int32_t nw = w - a_off_x*2; int32_t nh = h - a_off_y*2; #if defined (ANE_MSW) // we need flip Y const uint8_t* a_ptr0 = (const uint8_t*)(frame + a_off_y * widthInBytes + a_off_x*3); const uint8_t* a_ptr = a_ptr0; const uint8_t* a_ptr2 = a_ptr0 + (nh - 1) * widthInBytes; uint8_t* b_ptr = b_ptr0 + (h - 1) * p2stride; uint8_t* b_ptr2 = b_ptr0; const uint8_t alpha = 0xFF; for(i = 0; i < nh / 2; i++) { uint8_t *ba_ln = b_ptr; uint8_t *ba_ln2 = b_ptr2; const uint8_t *a_ln = a_ptr; const uint8_t *a_ln2 = a_ptr2; for(j = 0; j < nw; j++, ba_ln += 4, ba_ln2 += 4, a_ln += 3, a_ln2 += 3) { *ba_ln = *(a_ln+0); ba_ln[1] = *(a_ln+1); ba_ln[2] = *(a_ln+2); ba_ln[3] = alpha; // *ba_ln2 = *(a_ln2+0); ba_ln2[1] = *(a_ln2+1); ba_ln2[2] = *(a_ln2+2); ba_ln2[3] = alpha; } a_ptr += widthInBytes; a_ptr2 -= widthInBytes; b_ptr -= p2stride; b_ptr2 += p2stride; } if(nh&1) { for(j = 0; j < nw; j++, b_ptr += 4, a_ptr+=3) { *b_ptr = *(a_ptr+0); b_ptr[1] = *(a_ptr+1); b_ptr[2] = *(a_ptr+2); b_ptr[3] = alpha; } } #elif defined(ANE_MAC) || defined (ANE_IOS) || defined (__ANDROID__) const uint8_t* a_ptr0 = (const uint8_t*)(frame + a_off_y * widthInBytes + a_off_x*4); for(i = 0; i < nh; i++) { memcpy(b_ptr0, a_ptr0, nw*4); a_ptr0 += widthInBytes; b_ptr0 += p2stride; } #endif FREReleaseByteArray(objectBA); } FRENewObjectFromInt32(1, &res_obj); } else if(cap) { // lets see if device is available it may be freezed if( captureCheckResponse(cap) == 0 ) { FRENewObjectFromInt32(-1, &res_obj); } } return res_obj; }
FREObject getScores(FREContext ctx, void* functionData, uint32_t argc, FREObject argv[]) { SC_ScoreList_h score_list; SC_Score_h aScore; FREObject returnObject; int i,j; unsigned int contextArrayLength = 0; FREGetArrayLength(argv[0],&contextArrayLength); score_list = SC_ScoresController_GetScores(scores_controller); // arrayArgs has the Array arguments. #if defined(BB10) unsigned int scoreListSize = SC_ScoreList_GetCount(score_list); #else unsigned int scoreListSize = SC_ScoreList_GetScoresCount(score_list); #endif FREObject* arrayArgs = (FREObject*)malloc(sizeof(FREObject)*scoreListSize); for(i = 0 ; i < scoreListSize ; i++) { #if defined(BB10) aScore = SC_ScoreList_GetAt(score_list,i); #else aScore = SC_ScoreList_GetScore(score_list,i); #endif FREObject* argV=(FREObject*)malloc(sizeof(FREObject)*6); FRENewObjectFromInt32(SC_Score_GetMode(aScore), &argV[0]); FRENewObjectFromInt32(SC_Score_GetLevel(aScore), &argV[1]); FRENewObjectFromDouble(SC_Score_GetResult(aScore), &argV[2]); FRENewObjectFromDouble(SC_Score_GetMinorResult(aScore), &argV[3]); // Create the 5th argument(User) SC_User_h aUser = SC_Score_GetUser(aScore); SC_String_h scLogin = SC_User_GetLogin(aUser); SC_String_h scEmail = SC_User_GetEmail(aUser); const char * login = ""; const char * email = ""; if(scLogin != NULL) login= SC_String_GetData(scLogin); if(scEmail != NULL) email = SC_String_GetData(scEmail); FREObject* userArgV=(FREObject*)malloc(sizeof(FREObject)*2); FRENewObjectFromUTF8(strlen(login)+1,(const uint8_t*)login, &userArgV[0]); FRENewObjectFromUTF8(strlen(email)+1,(const uint8_t*)email, &userArgV[1]); fprintf(stderr, "username: %s\n", login); FRENewObject((const uint8_t*)"com.wallwizz.scoreloop.User",2,userArgV,&argV[4],NULL); // Create the 6th argument(Context) FREObject* contextArray = (FREObject*)malloc(sizeof(FREObject)*contextArrayLength); for(j = 0; j < contextArrayLength; j++) { FREObject context; FREObject freContextKey; const char * aKey = "test"; SC_String_h scValue = NULL; const char* aValue = NULL; unsigned int length; FREGetArrayElementAt(argv[0], j, &freContextKey); if(FREGetObjectAsUTF8(freContextKey,&length,(const uint8_t**)&aKey) != FRE_OK) fprintf(stderr, "FREGetArrayElementAt Error\n"); fprintf(stderr, "retrieved aKey: %s\n", aKey); SC_Context_h aContext = SC_Score_GetContext(aScore); SC_Context_Get(aContext, aKey, &scValue); if(scValue != NULL) { aValue= SC_String_GetData(scValue); }else{ fprintf(stderr, "scValue NULL\n"); aValue = "not found"; } fprintf(stderr, "retrieved aValue: %s\n", aValue); FREObject* contextArgv=(FREObject*)malloc(sizeof(FREObject)*2); FRENewObjectFromUTF8(strlen(aKey)+1,(const uint8_t*)aKey, &contextArgv[0]); FRENewObjectFromUTF8(strlen(aValue)+1,(const uint8_t*)aValue, &contextArgv[1]); FRENewObject((const uint8_t*)"com.wallwizz.scoreloop.Context",2,contextArgv,&contextArray[j],NULL); free(contextArgv); } FRENewObject((const uint8_t*)"Array",contextArrayLength,contextArray,&argV[5],NULL); FRENewObject((const uint8_t*)"com.wallwizz.scoreloop.Score",6,argV,&arrayArgs[i],NULL); free(contextArray); } FRENewObject((const uint8_t*)"Array",scoreListSize,arrayArgs,&returnObject,NULL); free(arrayArgs); return returnObject; }
FREObject getFREObjectFromInt32(int32_t arg) { FREObject result; FRENewObjectFromInt32(arg, &result); return result; }