예제 #1
void AGraph::initializeEdgeMesh(UStaticMeshComponent* edgeMesh,
								const AGVertex* v1,
								const AGVertex* v2)
	auto pos1 = v1->GetActorLocation();
	auto pos2 = v2->GetActorLocation();

	auto ray = pos2 - pos1;

	auto n_p1p2 = ray;
	n_p1p2.Z = 0;
	n_p1p2 = n_p1p2.GetSafeNormal();

	//tile is 40*40*1. The distance needs to substract half of the tile size
	auto totalOffsetDistance = 40.0f;
	//change start & end positions from the center of the vertex mesh
	//to the edges of the mesh to the right direction
	auto p1_offset = n_p1p2 * totalOffsetDistance;
	pos1 += p1_offset;
	pos2 += -p1_offset;
	auto newRay = pos2 - pos1;

	auto rotation = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromX(newRay);
	auto scaleX = FVector::Dist(pos1, pos2) * .5f ;
	auto scaleY = 40.0f;
	auto scaleZ = 1.0f;
	FMatrix transformMatrix = FScaleMatrix(FVector(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ)) *
								rotation *

	edgeMesh->AddLocalOffset(FVector(scaleX, 0.0f, 0.0f));
FMatrix USkeletalMeshComponent::GetTransformMatrix() const
	FTransform RootTransform = GetBoneTransform(0);
	FVector Translation;
	FQuat Rotation;
	// if in editor, it should always use localToWorld
	// if root motion is ignored, use root transform 
	if( GetWorld()->IsGameWorld() || !SkeletalMesh )
		// add root translation info
		Translation = RootTransform.GetLocation();
		Translation = ComponentToWorld.TransformPosition(SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetRefBonePose()[0].GetTranslation());

	// if root rotation is ignored, use root transform rotation
	Rotation = RootTransform.GetRotation();

	// now I need to get scale
	// only LocalToWorld will have scale
	FVector ScaleVector = ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();

	return FScaleMatrix(ScaleVector)*FQuatRotationTranslationMatrix(Rotation, Translation);
예제 #3
void DrawDebugCone(const UWorld* InWorld, FVector const& Origin, FVector const& Direction, float Length, float AngleWidth, float AngleHeight, int32 NumSides, FColor const& DrawColor, bool bPersistentLines, float LifeTime, uint8 DepthPriority)
	// no debug line drawing on dedicated server
	if (GEngine->GetNetMode(InWorld) != NM_DedicatedServer)
		// Need at least 4 sides
		NumSides = FMath::Max(NumSides, 4);

		const float Angle1 = FMath::Clamp<float>(AngleHeight, (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER, (float)(PI - KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));
		const float Angle2 = FMath::Clamp<float>(AngleWidth, (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER, (float)(PI - KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));

		const float SinX_2 = FMath::Sin(0.5f * Angle1);
		const float SinY_2 = FMath::Sin(0.5f * Angle2);

		const float SinSqX_2 = SinX_2 * SinX_2;
		const float SinSqY_2 = SinY_2 * SinY_2;

		const float TanX_2 = FMath::Tan(0.5f * Angle1);
		const float TanY_2 = FMath::Tan(0.5f * Angle2);

		TArray<FVector> ConeVerts;

		for(int32 i = 0; i < NumSides; i++)
			const float Fraction	= (float)i/(float)(NumSides);
			const float Thi			= 2.f * PI * Fraction;
			const float Phi			= FMath::Atan2(FMath::Sin(Thi)*SinY_2, FMath::Cos(Thi)*SinX_2);
			const float SinPhi		= FMath::Sin(Phi);
			const float CosPhi		= FMath::Cos(Phi);
			const float SinSqPhi	= SinPhi*SinPhi;
			const float CosSqPhi	= CosPhi*CosPhi;

			const float RSq			= SinSqX_2*SinSqY_2 / (SinSqX_2*SinSqPhi + SinSqY_2*CosSqPhi);
			const float R			= FMath::Sqrt(RSq);
			const float Sqr			= FMath::Sqrt(1-RSq);
			const float Alpha		= R*CosPhi;
			const float Beta		= R*SinPhi;

			ConeVerts[i].X = (1 - 2*RSq);
			ConeVerts[i].Y = 2 * Sqr * Alpha;
			ConeVerts[i].Z = 2 * Sqr * Beta;

		// Calculate transform for cone.
		FVector YAxis, ZAxis;
		FVector DirectionNorm = Direction.SafeNormal();
		DirectionNorm.FindBestAxisVectors(YAxis, ZAxis);
		const FMatrix ConeToWorld = FScaleMatrix(FVector(Length)) * FMatrix(DirectionNorm, YAxis, ZAxis, Origin);

		// this means foreground lines can't be persistent 
		ULineBatchComponent* const LineBatcher = GetDebugLineBatcher( InWorld, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, (DepthPriority == SDPG_Foreground) );
		if(LineBatcher != NULL)
			float const LineLifeTime = (LifeTime > 0.f) ? LifeTime : LineBatcher->DefaultLifeTime;

			TArray<FBatchedLine> Lines;

			FVector CurrentPoint, PrevPoint, FirstPoint;
			for(int32 i = 0; i < NumSides; i++)
				CurrentPoint = ConeToWorld.TransformPosition(ConeVerts[i]);
				Lines.Add(FBatchedLine(ConeToWorld.GetOrigin(), CurrentPoint, DrawColor, LineLifeTime, 0.0f, DepthPriority));

				// PrevPoint must be defined to draw junctions
				if( i > 0 )
					Lines.Add(FBatchedLine(PrevPoint, CurrentPoint, DrawColor, LineLifeTime, 0.0f, DepthPriority));
					FirstPoint = CurrentPoint;

				PrevPoint = CurrentPoint;
			// Connect last junction to first
			Lines.Add(FBatchedLine(CurrentPoint, FirstPoint, DrawColor, LineLifeTime, 0.0f, DepthPriority));

예제 #4
void FOculusRiftHMD::DrawDebug(UCanvas* Canvas)
	const auto frame = GetFrame();
	if (frame)
		FSettings* FrameSettings = frame->GetSettings();

		if (FrameSettings->Flags.bDrawGrid)
			bool bStereo = Canvas->Canvas->IsStereoRendering();
			bool bPopTransform = false;
			if (FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[0].DistortedViewport.Size.w != FMath::CeilToInt(Canvas->ClipX) ||
				FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[0].DistortedViewport.Size.h != Canvas->ClipY)
				// scale if resolution of the Canvas does not match the viewport
				bPopTransform = true;
					FVector((Canvas->ClipX) / float(FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[0].DistortedViewport.Size.w),
					Canvas->ClipY / float(FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[0].DistortedViewport.Size.h),

			const FColor cNormal(255, 0, 0);
			const FColor cSpacer(255, 255, 0);
			const FColor cMid(0, 128, 255);
			for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye)
				int lineStep = 1;
				int midX = 0;
				int midY = 0;
				int limitX = 0;
				int limitY = 0;

				int renderViewportX = FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[eye].DistortedViewport.Pos.x;
				int renderViewportY = FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[eye].DistortedViewport.Pos.y;
				int renderViewportW = FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[eye].DistortedViewport.Size.w;
				int renderViewportH = FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[eye].DistortedViewport.Size.h;

				lineStep = 48;
				OVR::Vector2f rendertargetNDC = OVR::FovPort(FrameSettings->EyeRenderDesc[eye].Fov).TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(OVR::Vector2f(0.0f));
				midX = (int)((rendertargetNDC.x * 0.5f + 0.5f) * (float)renderViewportW + 0.5f);
				midY = (int)((rendertargetNDC.y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * (float)renderViewportH + 0.5f);
				limitX = FMath::Max(renderViewportW - midX, midX);
				limitY = FMath::Max(renderViewportH - midY, midY);

				int spacerMask = (lineStep << 1) - 1;

				for (int xp = 0; xp < limitX; xp += lineStep)
					float x[4];
					float y[4];
					x[0] = (float)(midX + xp) + renderViewportX;
					y[0] = (float)0 + renderViewportY;
					x[1] = (float)(midX + xp) + renderViewportX;
					y[1] = (float)renderViewportH + renderViewportY;
					x[2] = (float)(midX - xp) + renderViewportX;
					y[2] = (float)0 + renderViewportY;
					x[3] = (float)(midX - xp) + renderViewportX;
					y[3] = (float)renderViewportH + renderViewportY;
					if (xp == 0)
						RenderLines(Canvas->Canvas, 1, cMid, x, y);
					else if ((xp & spacerMask) == 0)
						RenderLines(Canvas->Canvas, 2, cSpacer, x, y);
						RenderLines(Canvas->Canvas, 2, cNormal, x, y);
				for (int yp = 0; yp < limitY; yp += lineStep)
					float x[4];
					float y[4];
					x[0] = (float)0 + renderViewportX;
					y[0] = (float)(midY + yp) + renderViewportY;
					x[1] = (float)renderViewportW + renderViewportX;
					y[1] = (float)(midY + yp) + renderViewportY;
					x[2] = (float)0 + renderViewportX;
					y[2] = (float)(midY - yp) + renderViewportY;
					x[3] = (float)renderViewportW + renderViewportX;
					y[3] = (float)(midY - yp) + renderViewportY;
					if (yp == 0)
						RenderLines(Canvas->Canvas, 1, cMid, x, y);
					else if ((yp & spacerMask) == 0)
						RenderLines(Canvas->Canvas, 2, cSpacer, x, y);
						RenderLines(Canvas->Canvas, 2, cNormal, x, y);
			if (bPopTransform)
				Canvas->Canvas->PopTransform(); // optional scaling
		if (IsStereoEnabled() && FrameSettings->Flags.bShowStats)
			static const FColor TextColor(0,255,0);
			// Pick a larger font on console.
			UFont* const Font = FPlatformProperties::SupportsWindowedMode() ? GEngine->GetSmallFont() : GEngine->GetMediumFont();
			const int32 RowHeight = FMath::TruncToInt(Font->GetMaxCharHeight() * 1.1f);

			float ClipX = Canvas->ClipX;
			float ClipY = Canvas->ClipY;
			float LeftPos = 0;

			ClipX -= 100;
			//ClipY = ClipY * 0.60;
			LeftPos = ClipX * 0.3f;
			float TopPos = ClipY * 0.4f;

			int32 X = (int32)LeftPos;
			int32 Y = (int32)TopPos;

			FString Str, StatusStr;
			// First row
// 			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("TimeWarp: %s"), (FrameSettings->Flags.bTimeWarp) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
// 			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
// 			Y += RowHeight;

			//Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("VSync: %s"), (FrameSettings->Flags.bVSync) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
			//Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			//Y += RowHeight;

			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("Upd on GT/RT: %s / %s"), (!FrameSettings->Flags.bDoNotUpdateOnGT) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"),
				(FrameSettings->Flags.bUpdateOnRT) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);

			Y += RowHeight;

// 			static IConsoleVariable* CFinishFrameVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("r.FinishCurrentFrame"));
// 			int finFr = CFinishFrameVar->GetInt();
// 			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("FinFr: %s"), (finFr || FrameSettings->Flags.bTimeWarp) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
// 			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
// 			Y += RowHeight;

			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("PD: %.2f"), FrameSettings->PixelDensity);
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			Y += RowHeight;

			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("QueueAhead: %s"), (FrameSettings->bQueueAheadEnabled) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			Y += RowHeight;

			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("FOV V/H: %.2f / %.2f deg"), 
				FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FrameSettings->VFOVInRadians), FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FrameSettings->HFOVInRadians));
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);

			Y += RowHeight;
			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("W-to-m scale: %.2f uu/m"), frame->WorldToMetersScale);
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);

			if ((FrameSettings->SupportedHmdCaps & ovrHmdCap_DynamicPrediction) != 0)
				float latencies[5] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
				const int numOfEntries = sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(latencies[0]);
				if (ovrHmd_GetFloatArray(Hmd, "DK2Latency", latencies, numOfEntries) == numOfEntries)
					Y += RowHeight;

					char buf[numOfEntries][20];
					char destStr[100];

					FCStringAnsi::Snprintf(destStr, sizeof(destStr), "Latency, ren: %s tw: %s pp: %s err: %s %s",
						FormatLatencyReading(buf[0], sizeof(buf[0]), latencies[0]),
						FormatLatencyReading(buf[1], sizeof(buf[1]), latencies[1]),
						FormatLatencyReading(buf[2], sizeof(buf[2]), latencies[2]),
						FormatLatencyReading(buf[3], sizeof(buf[3]), latencies[3]),
						FormatLatencyReading(buf[4], sizeof(buf[4]), latencies[4]));

					Str = ANSI_TO_TCHAR(destStr);
					Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);

			// Second row
			X = (int32)LeftPos + 200;
			Y = (int32)TopPos;

			StatusStr = ((FrameSettings->SupportedTrackingCaps & ovrTrackingCap_Position) != 0) ?
				((FrameSettings->Flags.bHmdPosTracking) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF")) : TEXT("UNSUP");
			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("PosTr: %s"), *StatusStr);
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			Y += RowHeight;

			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("Vision: %s"), (frame->Flags.bHaveVisionTracking) ? TEXT("ACQ") : TEXT("LOST"));
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			Y += RowHeight;

			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("IPD: %.2f mm"), FrameSettings->InterpupillaryDistance*1000.f);
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			Y += RowHeight;

			StatusStr = ((FrameSettings->SupportedHmdCaps & ovrHmdCap_LowPersistence) != 0) ?
				((FrameSettings->Flags.bLowPersistenceMode) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF")) : TEXT("UNSUP");
			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("LowPers: %s"), *StatusStr);
			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
			Y += RowHeight;

// 			StatusStr = ((FrameSettings->SupportedDistortionCaps & ovrDistortionCap_Overdrive) != 0) ?
// 				((FrameSettings->Flags.bOverdrive) ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF")) : TEXT("UNSUP");
// 			Str = FString::Printf(TEXT("Overdrive: %s"), *StatusStr);
// 			Canvas->Canvas->DrawShadowedString(X, Y, *Str, Font, TextColor);
// 			Y += RowHeight;

		//TODO:  Where can I get context!?
		UWorld* MyWorld = GWorld;
		if (FrameSettings->Flags.bDrawTrackingCameraFrustum)
			DrawDebugTrackingCameraFrustum(MyWorld, Canvas->SceneView->ViewRotation, Canvas->SceneView->ViewLocation);

		if (Canvas && Canvas->SceneView)
			DrawSeaOfCubes(MyWorld, Canvas->SceneView->ViewLocation);

#endif // #if !UE_BUILD_SHIPPING