CFBundleRef LoadBundle(const char *tpath) { OSErr theErr; CFBundleRef theBundle = NULL; FSSpec fspec; if ((theErr = MCS_path2FSSpec(tpath, &fspec)) != noErr) return NULL; FSRef theRef; CFURLRef theBundleURL; theErr = FSpMakeFSRef(&fspec, &theRef); theBundleURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, &theRef); if (theBundleURL != NULL) { /* Turn the CFURL into a bundle reference */ theBundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, theBundleURL); CFRelease(theBundleURL); } if (theErr != noErr || theBundle == NULL) return NULL; Boolean isLoaded = CFBundleLoadExecutable(theBundle); if (!isLoaded) { CFRelease(theBundle); return NULL; } return theBundle; }
void *file_list1st(const char *dir, FLINFO *fli) { FLISTH ret; Str255 fname; FSSpec fss; FSRef fsr; FSIterator fsi; mkstr255(fname, dir); if ((FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, fname, &fss) != noErr) || (FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, &fsr) != noErr) || (FSOpenIterator(&fsr, kFSIterateFlat, &fsi) != noErr)) { goto ff1_err1; } ret = _MALLOC(sizeof(_FLHDL), dir); if (ret == NULL) { goto ff1_err2; } ((FLHDL)ret)->eoff = FALSE; ((FLHDL)ret)->fsi = fsi; if (file_listnext(ret, fli) == SUCCESS) { return(ret); } ff1_err2: FSCloseIterator(fsi); ff1_err1: return(NULL); }
void FSSpecToFullPath(const FSSpec &fss, char *path) { FSRef ref; RequireNoErrString(FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, &ref), "FSpMakeFSRef failed"); RequireNoErrString(FSRefMakePath(&ref, (UInt8 *)path, 256), "FSRefMakePath failed"); }
/* Mac OS X 10.5 and later. */ static OSStatus FT_ATSFontGetFileReference( ATSFontRef ats_font_id, FSRef* ats_font_ref ) { #if defined( MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 ) && \ ( MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 ) OSStatus err; err = ATSFontGetFileReference( ats_font_id, ats_font_ref ); return err; #elif __LP64__ /* No 64bit Carbon API on legacy platforms */ FT_UNUSED( ats_font_id ); FT_UNUSED( ats_font_ref ); return fnfErr; #else /* 32bit Carbon API on legacy platforms */ OSStatus err; FSSpec spec; err = ATSFontGetFileSpecification( ats_font_id, &spec ); if ( noErr == err ) err = FSpMakeFSRef( &spec, ats_font_ref ); return err; #endif }
string& Configuration::GetExecutablePath() { string& path = new string(""); ProcessSerialNumber PSN; ProcessInfoRec pinfo; FSSpec pspec; FSRef fsr; OSStatus err; // set up process serial number. PSN.highLongOfPSN = 0; PSN.lowLongOfPSN = kCurrentProcess; // set up info block. pinfo.processInfoLength = sizeof(pinfo); pinfo.processName = NULL; pinfo.processAppSpec = &pspec; // grab the vrefnum and directory. err = GetProcessInformation(&PSN, &pinfo); if (! err ) { char c_path[2048]; FSSpec fss2; int tocopy; err = FSMakeFSSpec(pspec.vRefNum, pspec.parID, 0, &fss2); if ( ! err ) { err = FSpMakeFSRef(&fss2, &fsr); if ( ! err ) { char c_path[2049]; err = (OSErr)FSRefMakePath(&fsr, (UInt8*)c_path, 2048); if (! err ) { path += c_path; } } } } return path; }
short file_attr(const char *path) { Str255 fname; FSSpec fss; FSRef fsr; FSCatalogInfo fsci; short ret; mkstr255(fname, path); if ((FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, fname, &fss) != noErr) || (FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, &fsr) != noErr) || (FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsr, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &fsci, NULL, NULL, NULL) != noErr)) { return(-1); } if (fsci.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) { ret = FILEATTR_DIRECTORY; } else { ret = FILEATTR_ARCHIVE; } if (fsci.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) { ret |= FILEATTR_READONLY; } return(ret); }
ComponentResult FFAvi_MovieImportFile(ff_global_ptr storage, const FSSpec *theFile, Movie theMovie, Track targetTrack, Track *usedTrack, TimeValue atTime, TimeValue *addedDuration, long inFlags, long *outFlags) { ComponentResult result; Handle dataRef = NULL; OSType dataRefType; FSRef theFileFSRef; *outFlags = 0; result = QTNewDataReferenceFromFSSpec(theFile, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType); require_noerr(result,bail); result = MovieImportDataRef(storage->ci, dataRef, dataRefType, theMovie, targetTrack, usedTrack, atTime, addedDuration, inFlags, outFlags); require_noerr(result, bail); result = FSpMakeFSRef(theFile, &theFileFSRef); require_noerr(result, bail); bail: if(dataRef) DisposeHandle(dataRef); return result; } /* FFAvi_MovieImportFile() */
FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec( FT_Library library, const FSSpec* spec, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face* aface ) { #if ( __LP64__ ) || ( defined( MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 ) && \ ( MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 ) ) FT_UNUSED( library ); FT_UNUSED( spec ); FT_UNUSED( face_index ); FT_UNUSED( aface ); return FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature ); #else FSRef ref; /* check of `library' and `aface' delayed to `FT_New_Face_From_FSRef' */ if ( !spec || FSpMakeFSRef( spec, &ref ) != noErr ) return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument ); else return FT_New_Face_From_FSRef( library, &ref, face_index, aface ); #endif }
/* This function extracts a single FSRef from a NavReplyRecord. */ static OSErr ExtractSingleItem(const NavReplyRecord *reply, FSRef *item) { FSSpec fss; SInt32 itemCount; DescType junkType; AEKeyword junkKeyword; Size junkSize; OSErr osErr; osErr = AECountItems(&reply->selection, &itemCount); if( itemCount != 1 ) /* we only work with one object at a time */ osErr = paramErr; if( osErr == noErr ) osErr = AEGetNthPtr(&reply->selection, 1, typeFSS, &junkKeyword, &junkType, &fss, sizeof(fss), &junkSize); if( osErr == noErr ) { mycheck(junkType == typeFSS); mycheck(junkSize == sizeof(FSSpec)); /* We call FSMakeFSSpec because sometimes Nav is braindead */ /* and gives us an invalid FSSpec (where the name is empty). */ /* While FSpMakeFSRef seems to handle that (and the file system */ /* engineers assure me that that will keep working (at least */ /* on traditional Mac OS) because of the potential for breaking */ /* existing applications), I'm still wary of doing this so */ /* I regularise the FSSpec by feeding it through FSMakeFSSpec. */ if([0] == 0 ) osErr = FSMakeFSSpec(fss.vRefNum, fss.parID,, &fss); if( osErr == noErr ) osErr = FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, item); } return osErr; }
static OSStatus strcpyFileSystemRepresentationFromClassicPath(char *nativePath, char * classicPath, long nativePathMaxLength ) { CFURLRef fileAsCFURLRef = 0; Boolean resolveAgainstBase = true; FSRef fileAsFSRef; Boolean gotPath; char pathPStr[256]; FSSpec spec; OSStatus err = 0; strcpy(pathPStr,classicPath); my_c2pstr(pathPStr); err = FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, (StringPtr)pathPStr,&spec); if(err == fnfErr) { // just means the file does not exist yet err = FSpCreate (&spec,'MPW ','TEXT',smSystemScript); // we should be able to use any creator and type here } if(err) return err; err = FSpMakeFSRef(&spec,&fileAsFSRef); if(err) return err; // Convert the reference to the file to a CFURL fileAsCFURLRef = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(NULL, &fileAsFSRef); if(fileAsCFURLRef) { gotPath = CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(fileAsCFURLRef,resolveAgainstBase,(UInt8 *)nativePath,nativePathMaxLength); CFRelease(fileAsCFURLRef); fileAsCFURLRef = 0; } if(gotPath) return noErr; return -1; // did not get the path }
static OSStatus spec2path(const FSSpec& spec, char* path, UInt32 maxPathSize) { FSRef ref; OSStatus status = FSpMakeFSRef(&spec, &ref); if (status == noErr) status = ref2path(ref, path, maxPathSize); return status; }
short file_attr(const char *path) { #ifdef TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON Str255 fname; FSSpec fss; FSRef fsr; FSCatalogInfo fsci; short ret; mkstr255(fname, path); if ((FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, fname, &fss) != noErr) || (FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, &fsr) != noErr) || (FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsr, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &fsci, NULL, NULL, NULL) != noErr)) { return(-1); } if (fsci.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) { ret = FILEATTR_DIRECTORY; } else { ret = FILEATTR_ARCHIVE; } if (fsci.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) { ret |= FILEATTR_READONLY; } return(ret); #else Str255 fname; FSSpec fss; CInfoPBRec pb; short ret; mkstr255(fname, path); FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, fname, &fss); pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr =; pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = fss.vRefNum; pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = fss.parID; if ([0] == 0) { pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1; } else { pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; } if (PBGetCatInfo(&pb, false) != noErr) { return(-1); } if (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) { ret = FILEATTR_DIRECTORY; } else { ret = FILEATTR_ARCHIVE; } if (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & 0x01) { ret |= FILEATTR_READONLY; } return(ret); #endif }
/* FSSpec -> FSRef -> URL(Unix) -> HPFS+ */ int PathToFile(char *pathName, int pathNameMax, FSSpec *where,UInt32 encoding) { CFURLRef sillyThing; CFStringRef filePath; FSSpec failureRetry; FSRef theFSRef; OSErr error; Boolean isDirectory=false,retryWithDirectory=false; char rememberName[256]; *pathName = 0x00; error = FSpMakeFSRef (where, &theFSRef); if (error != noErr) { retryWithDirectory = true; failureRetry = *where; CopyCStringToPascal(":",; CopyPascalStringToC(where->name,(char *) &rememberName); error = FSpMakeFSRef(&failureRetry,&theFSRef); if (error != noErr) return -1; } sillyThing = CFURLCreateFromFSRef (kCFAllocatorDefault, &theFSRef); isDirectory = CFURLHasDirectoryPath(sillyThing); filePath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath (sillyThing, kCFURLHFSPathStyle); CFRelease(sillyThing); CFMutableStringRef mutableStr= CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, filePath); CFRelease(filePath); // HFS+ imposes Unicode2.1 decomposed UTF-8 encoding on all path elements if (gCurrentVMEncoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF8) CFStringNormalize(mutableStr, kCFStringNormalizationFormKC); // pre-combined CFStringGetCString (mutableStr, pathName,pathNameMax, encoding); if (retryWithDirectory) { strcat(pathName,":"); strcat(pathName,rememberName); isDirectory = false; } if (isDirectory) strcat(pathName,":"); return 0; }
wxString wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( const FSSpec *spec ) { FSRef fsRef ; if ( FSpMakeFSRef( spec , &fsRef) == noErr ) { return wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsRef ) ; } return wxEmptyString ; }
/* フォルダアイコンをチェック */ OSErr FolderIconCheck(const FSSpec *theFolderSpec,short *alertMode) { OSErr err; long dirID; FSSpec theIconFile; Str15 iconFileName; Boolean isDirectory; #ifdef __MOREFILESX__ FSRef fsRef; FinderInfo info; err = FSpMakeFSRef(theFolderSpec,&fsRef); if (err != noErr) return err; #else DInfo dirInfo; #endif /* まず、カスタムアイコンフラグが立っているかどうかを調べる */ /* ここでエラーが発生する場合はおそらくフォルダアイコン編集も不可能なのでそのまま返る */ #ifdef __MOREFILESX__ err = FSGetFinderInfo(&fsRef,&info,NULL,NULL); #else err=FSpGetDInfo(theFolderSpec,&dirInfo); #endif if (err!=noErr) return err; /* カスタムアイコンフラグが立っていなければ問題なし */ #ifdef __MOREFILESX__ if ((info.folder.finderFlags & kHasCustomIcon) == 0) return noErr; #else if ((dirInfo.frFlags & kHasCustomIcon) == 0) return noErr; #endif /* 立っている場合は、カスタムアイコンをチェック */ #ifdef __MOREFILESX__ err = FSGetNodeID(&fsRef,&dirID,&isDirectory); #else err=FSpGetDirectoryID(theFolderSpec,&dirID,&isDirectory); #endif if (err!=noErr) return err; GetIndString(iconFileName,140,3); err=FSMakeFSSpec(theFolderSpec->vRefNum,dirID,iconFileName,&theIconFile); if (err==fnfErr) /* アイコンファイルが見つからない場合は、フラグが間違っているわけだから修正 */ { #ifdef __MOREFILESX__ err = FSClearHasCustomIcon(&fsRef); #else err=FSpClearHasCustomIcon(theFolderSpec); #endif return noErr; } else if (err!=noErr) /* それ以外のエラーなら編集できないだろうから戻る */ return err; return FileIconCheck(&theIconFile,alertMode); }
FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec( FT_Library library, const FSSpec* spec, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face* aface ) { #if HAVE_FSREF FSRef ref; if ( !spec || FSpMakeFSRef( spec, &ref ) != noErr ) return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument ); else return FT_New_Face_From_FSRef( library, &ref, face_index, aface ); #elif HAVE_FSSPEC FT_Error error; FT_Open_Args args; OSErr err; UInt8 pathname[PATH_MAX]; if ( !spec ) return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument ); err = FT_FSpMakePath( spec, pathname, sizeof ( pathname ) ); if ( err ) error = FT_ERR( Cannot_Open_Resource ); error = FT_New_Face_From_Resource( library, pathname, face_index, aface ); if ( error || *aface ) return error; /* fallback to datafork font */ args.flags = FT_OPEN_PATHNAME; args.pathname = (char*)pathname; return FT_Open_Face( library, &args, face_index, aface ); #else FT_UNUSED( library ); FT_UNUSED( spec ); FT_UNUSED( face_index ); FT_UNUSED( aface ); return FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature ); #endif /* HAVE_FSREF, HAVE_FSSPEC */ }
MADErr MADMusicIdentifyFSpFile(MADLibrary *lib, char *type, FSSpecPtr theSpec) { #ifdef __LP64__ return MADOrderNotImplemented; #else FSRef tempRef; if (theSpec == NULL) return MADParametersErr; FSpMakeFSRef(theSpec, &tempRef); return MADMusicIdentifyFSRef(lib, type, &tempRef); #endif }
pascal OSStatus MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFromFSSpec(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr, AEDesc *pObjSpecifier){ OSErr anErr = paramErr; if (nil != pFSSpecPtr) { FSRef tFSRef; anErr = FSpMakeFSRef(pFSSpecPtr, &tFSRef); if (noErr == anErr) { anErr = MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFromFSRef(&tFSRef, pObjSpecifier); } } return anErr; }
MADErr MADLoadMusicFSpFile(MADLibrary *lib, MADMusic **music, char *plugType, FSSpecPtr theSpec) { #ifdef __LP64__ return MADOrderNotImplemented; #else FSRef tempRef; if (theSpec == NULL) return MADParametersErr; FSpMakeFSRef(theSpec, &tempRef); return MADLoadMusicFSRef(lib, music, plugType, &tempRef); #endif }
Boolean MRJSession::addToClassPath(const FSSpec& fileSpec) { // if the Java VM has started already, it's too late to do this (for now). if (mJavaVM) return false; // keep accumulating paths. FSRef ref; OSStatus status = FSpMakeFSRef(&fileSpec, &ref); if (status == noErr) mClassPath.push_back(ref); return true; }
/* Apple will provide one eventually. */ static OSStatus FT_ATSFontGetFileReference( ATSFontRef ats_font_id, FSRef* ats_font_ref ) { OSStatus err; FSSpec spec; err = ATSFontGetFileSpecification( ats_font_id, &spec ); if ( noErr == err ) err = FSpMakeFSRef( &spec, ats_font_ref ); return err; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get a pointer to an OpenGL extension // Note on the Mac, this does a lot of work that could be saved // if you call this function repeatedly. Write your own function that // gets the bundle once, gets all the function pointers, then releases // the bundle. void *gltGetExtensionPointer(const char *szExtensionName) { #ifdef WIN32 // Well, this one is simple. An OpenGL context must be // current first. Returns NULL if extension not supported return (void *)wglGetProcAddress(szExtensionName); #endif #ifdef linux // Pretty much ditto above return (void *)glXGetProcAddress(szExtensionName); #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ // Mac is a bit more tricky. // First we need the bundle CFBundleRef openGL = 0; SInt16 fwVersion = 0; SInt32 fwDir = 0; if(FindFolder(kSystemDomain, kFrameworksFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, &fwVersion, &fwDir) != noErr) return NULL; FSSpec fSpec; FSRef fRef; if(FSMakeFSSpec(fwVersion, fwDir, "\pOpenGL.framework", &fSpec) != noErr) return NULL; FSpMakeFSRef(&fSpec, &fRef); CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &fRef); if(!url) return NULL; openGL = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, url); CFRelease(url); // Then load the function pointer from the bundle CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, szExtensionName, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); void *pFunc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(openGL, string); // Release the bundle and string CFRelease(string); CFRelease(openGL); // Return the function ponter return pFunc; #endif }
OSErr AcroPluginCFragInitFunction( const CFragInitBlock * initBlock ) { OSErr err = __initialize(initBlock); if (err == noErr) { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if (initBlock->fragLocator.where == kDataForkCFragLocator) { // Mac OS X 10.1 and earlier has a bug where packaged CFM libs are still passed // kDataForkCFragLocator instead of kCFBundleCFragLocator. Apple claims this will // fixed in Jaguar. FSSpec spec = *initBlock->fragLocator.u.onDisk.fileSpec; // See if parent folder is named "MacOS" FSMakeFSSpec(spec.vRefNum, spec.parID, "\p", &spec); if (IdenticalString(, "\pMacOS", NULL) == 0) { // See if parent folder is named "Contents" FSMakeFSSpec(spec.vRefNum, spec.parID, "\p", &spec); if (IdenticalString(, "\pContents", NULL) == 0) { // Get Bundle Ref FSRef fsRef; FSMakeFSSpec(spec.vRefNum, spec.parID, "\p", &spec); if (noErr == FSpMakeFSRef(&spec, &fsRef)) { CFURLRef cfURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(NULL, &fsRef); if (cfURL) { gPluginBundle = CFBundleCreate(NULL, cfURL); #if DEBUG CFShow(cfURL); CFShow(gPluginBundle); #endif if (gPluginBundle) gResFile = CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(gPluginBundle); CFRelease(cfURL); } } } } }
/* Create a new FT_Face from a file spec to a suitcase file. */ static FT_Error FT_New_Face_From_dfont( FT_Library library, FSSpec* spec, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face* aface ) { FT_Error error = FT_Err_Ok; short res_ref, res_index; Handle fond; FSRef hostContainerRef; error = FSpMakeFSRef( spec, &hostContainerRef ); if ( error == noErr ) error = FSOpenResourceFile( &hostContainerRef, 0, NULL, fsRdPerm, &res_ref ); if ( error != noErr ) return FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource; UseResFile( res_ref ); /* face_index may be -1, in which case we just need to do a sanity check */ if ( face_index < 0 ) res_index = 1; else { res_index = (short)( face_index + 1 ); face_index = 0; } fond = Get1IndResource( 'FOND', res_index ); if ( ResError() ) { error = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource; goto Error; } error = FT_New_Face_From_FOND( library, fond, face_index, aface ); Error: CloseResFile( res_ref ); return error; }
/* update icons in Finder */ void UpdateFinderIcon(const FSSpec *theFile) { OSErr err; /* update icons */ if (isOSX) { AppleEvent aeEvent={typeNull,NULL}; /* send AppleEvnet that class=kAEFinderSuite and id=kAESync to Finder */ err=MakeUpdateEvent(theFile,&aeEvent); if (err!=noErr) return; err=AESend(&aeEvent,nil,kAENoReply+kAEAlwaysInteract+kAECanSwitchLayer, kAENormalPriority,kNoTimeOut,nil,nil); AEDisposeDesc(&aeEvent); } else { if (isIconServicesAvailable) FlushIconRefsByVolume(theFile->vRefNum); else { /* change the modification data of the parent folder */ FSSpec parentFolder; err=FSMakeFSSpec(theFile->vRefNum,theFile->parID,NULL,&parentFolder); if (err==noErr) { #ifdef __MOREFILESX__ FSRef fsRef; err = FSpMakeFSRef(&parentFolder,&fsRef); err = FSBumpDate(&fsRef); #else err=FSpBumpDate(&parentFolder); #endif } } } }
/* Mac OS X 10.5 and later. */ static OSStatus FT_ATSFontGetFileReference( ATSFontRef ats_font_id, FSRef* ats_font_ref ) { OSStatus err; #if !defined( MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 ) || \ MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 FSSpec spec; err = ATSFontGetFileSpecification( ats_font_id, &spec ); if ( noErr == err ) err = FSpMakeFSRef( &spec, ats_font_ref ); #else err = ATSFontGetFileReference( ats_font_id, ats_font_ref ); #endif return err; }
OSErr GHOST_SystemCarbon::sAEHandlerOpenDocs(const AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, SInt32 refCon) { //GHOST_SystemCarbon* sys = (GHOST_SystemCarbon*) refCon; AEDescList docs; SInt32 ndocs; OSErr err; err = AEGetParamDesc(event, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docs); if (err != noErr) return err; err = AECountItems(&docs, &ndocs); if (err == noErr) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ndocs; i++) { FSSpec fss; AEKeyword kwd; DescType actType; Size actSize; err = AEGetNthPtr(&docs, i + 1, typeFSS, &kwd, &actType, &fss, sizeof(fss), &actSize); if (err != noErr) break; if (i == 0) { FSRef fsref; if (FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, &fsref) != noErr) break; if (FSRefMakePath(&fsref, (UInt8 *) g_firstFileBuf, sizeof(g_firstFileBuf)) != noErr) break; g_hasFirstFile = true; } } } AEDisposeDesc(&docs); return err; }
FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face) { FT_Error err = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource; /* Get font reference from name. */ CFStringRef name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, font_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); ATSFontRef font = ATSFontFindFromName(name, kATSOptionFlagsDefault); CFRelease(name); if (font == kInvalidFont) return err; /* Get a file system reference for the font. */ FSRef ref; OSStatus os_err = -1; #if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) if (MacOSVersionIsAtLeast(10, 5, 0)) { os_err = ATSFontGetFileReference(font, &ref); } else #endif { #if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) && !defined(__LP64__) /* This type was introduced with the 10.5 SDK. */ #if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) #define ATSFSSpec FSSpec #endif FSSpec spec; os_err = ATSFontGetFileSpecification(font, (ATSFSSpec *)&spec); if (os_err == noErr) os_err = FSpMakeFSRef(&spec, &ref); #endif } if (os_err == noErr) { /* Get unix path for file. */ UInt8 file_path[PATH_MAX]; if (FSRefMakePath(&ref, file_path, sizeof(file_path)) == noErr) { DEBUG(freetype, 3, "Font path for %s: %s", font_name, file_path); err = FT_New_Face(_library, (const char *)file_path, 0, face); } } return err; }
//******************************************************************************** // A simple wrapper around CreateObjSpecifier which creates // an object specifier from a FSSpec using formName. pascal OSStatus MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFromFSSpec(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpecPtr,AEDesc *pObjSpecifier) { OSErr anErr = paramErr; if (NULL != pFSSpecPtr) { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON FSRef tFSRef; anErr = FSpMakeFSRef(pFSSpecPtr,&tFSRef); if (noErr == anErr) { anErr = MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFromFSRef(&tFSRef,pObjSpecifier); } #else AEDesc containerAEDesc = {typeNull,NULL}; anErr = MoreAEOCreateAliasObjectFromFSSpec(pFSSpecPtr,&containerAEDesc,pObjSpecifier); #endif TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON } return anErr; }//end MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFromFSSpec
BOOL getLongFileName(char *dst, const char *path) { FSSpec fss; Str255 fname; FSRef fref; HFSUniStr255 name; if (*path == '\0') { return(false); } mkstr255(fname, path); FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, fname, &fss); FSpMakeFSRef(&fss, &fref); if (FSGetCatalogInfo(&fref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &name, NULL, NULL) != noErr) { return(false); } char2str(dst, 512, name.unicode, name.length); if (!dst) { return(false); } return(true); }