char *xtodos(char *orig) { char buf[13], *copy, *p; if (orig == NULL) return NULL; if ((remote_flags & SESSION_FNC) == 0) { Syslog('o', "No filename conversion for \"%s\"", FTND_SS(orig)); return xstrcpy(orig); } copy = xstrcpy(orig); if ((p = strrchr(copy,'/'))) p++; else p = copy; name_mangle(p); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strncpy(buf, p, 12); Syslog('o', "name \"%s\" converted to \"%s\"", FTND_SS(orig), buf); free(copy); return xstrcpy(buf); }
/* * Add the specified entry to the list of files which should be sent * to the remote system. * 1. lst file list to add entry to * 2. local local filename * 3. remote remote filename * 4. disposition disposition * 5. floff offset of entry in flo-file (-1 if this is a flo file) * 6. flofp FILE * of flo file * 7. toend append to end of list */ void add_list(file_list **lst, char *local, char *Remote, int disposition, off_t floff, FILE *flofp, int toend) { file_list **tmpl, *tmp; Syslog('o', "add_list(\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%s)", FTND_SS(local),FTND_SS(Remote),disposition,toend?"to end":"to beg"); if (toend) for (tmpl = lst; *tmpl; tmpl =&((*tmpl)->next)); else tmpl = &tmp; *tmpl = (file_list*)malloc(sizeof(file_list)); if (toend) { (*tmpl)->next = NULL; } else { (*tmpl)->next = *lst; *lst = *tmpl; } (*tmpl)->remote = xtodos(Remote); (*tmpl)->local = xstrcpy(local); (*tmpl)->disposition = disposition; (*tmpl)->floff = floff; (*tmpl)->flofp = flofp; return; }
void tidy_filelist(file_list *fl, int dsf) { file_list *tmp; if (fl == NULL) return; for (tmp=fl;fl;fl=tmp) { tmp=fl->next; if (dsf && (fl->disposition == DSF)) { Syslog('o',"Removing sent file \"%s\"",FTND_SS(fl->local)); if (unlink(fl->local) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) Syslog('o',"Cannot unlink nonexistent file \"%s\"", FTND_SS(fl->local)); else WriteError("$Cannot unlink file \"%s\"", FTND_SS(fl->local)); } } if (fl->local) free(fl->local); if (fl->remote) free(fl->remote); else if (fl->flofp) fclose(fl->flofp); free(fl); } return; }
/* * Create file request list for the Hydra or Binkp protocol. */ file_list *create_freqlist(fa_list *al) { file_list *st = NULL, *tmpf; fa_list *tmpa; char *nm, tmpreq[13]; struct stat stbuf; Syslog('o', "create_freqlist(%s)", al?ascfnode(al->addr, 0x1f):"<none>"); made_request = 0; for (tmpa = al; tmpa; tmpa = tmpa->next) { nm = reqname(tmpa->addr); if ((nm != NULL) && (stat(nm, &stbuf) == 0)) { snprintf(tmpreq, 13, "%04X%04X.REQ", tmpa->addr->net, tmpa->addr->node); add_list(&st, nm, tmpreq, DSF, 0L, NULL, 1); made_request = 1; } } if (made_request) { for (tmpf = st; tmpf; tmpf = tmpf->next) Syslog('o', "flist: \"%s\" -> \"%s\" dsp:%d flofp:%lu floff:%lu", FTND_SS(tmpf->local), FTND_SS(tmpf->remote), tmpf->disposition, tmpf->flofp, tmpf->floff); } return st; }
void readalias(char *fn) { FILE *fp; char buf[256], *k, *v; struct aliaslist *tmp = NULL; faddr *ta = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(fn,"r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$cannot open system alias file %s", FTND_SS(fn)); return; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fp)) { k = strtok(buf, " \t:"); v = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r\0:"); if (k && v) if ((ta = parsefaddr(v))) { if (alist) { tmp->next = (struct aliaslist *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct aliaslist)); tmp = tmp->next; } else { alist = (struct aliaslist *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct aliaslist)); tmp = alist; } tmp->next = NULL; tmp->addr = ta; ta = NULL; tmp->alias = xstrcpy(k); } } fclose(fp); }
void check_filebox(char *boxpath, file_list **st) { char *temp; DIR *dp; struct dirent *de; struct passwd *pw; struct stat stbuf; if ((dp = opendir(boxpath)) == NULL) { Syslog('o', "\"%s\" cannot be opened, proceed", FTND_SS(boxpath)); } else { Syslog('o', "checking filebox \"%s\"", boxpath); temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); pw = getpwnam((char *)"ftnd"); while ((de = readdir(dp))) { if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") && strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/%s", boxpath, de->d_name); if (stat(temp, &stbuf) == 0) { Syslog('o' ,"checking file \"%s\"", de->d_name); if (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) { if (pw->pw_uid == stbuf.st_uid) { /* * We own the file */ if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IRUSR) && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR)) { add_list(st, temp, de->d_name, KFS, 0L, NULL, 1); } else { Syslog('+', "No R/W permission on %s", temp); } } else if (pw->pw_gid == stbuf.st_gid) { /* * We own the file group */ if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IRGRP) && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) { add_list(st, temp, de->d_name, KFS, 0L, NULL, 1); } else { Syslog('+', "No R/W permission on %s", temp); } } else { /* * No owner of file */ if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IROTH) && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH)) { add_list(st, temp, de->d_name, KFS, 0L, NULL, 1); } else { Syslog('+', "No R/W permission on %s", temp); } } } else { Syslog('+', "Not a regular file %s", temp); } } else { WriteError("Can't stat %s", temp); } } } closedir(dp); free(temp); } }
void add_download(down_list **lst, char *local, char *remote, int Area, unsigned int size, int kfs) { down_list *tmp, *ta; int i; Syslog('b', "add_download(\"%s\",\"%s\",%ld,%ld,%d)", FTND_SS(local), FTND_SS(remote), Area, size, kfs); tmp = (down_list *)malloc(sizeof(down_list)); tmp->next = NULL; tmp->local = xstrcpy(local); tmp->remote = xstrcpy(remote); tmp->cps = 0; tmp->area = Area; tmp->size = size; tmp->kfs = kfs; tmp->sent = FALSE; tmp->failed = FALSE; /* * Most prottocols don't allow spaces in filenames, so we modify the remote name. * However, they should not exist on a bbs. */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(tmp->remote); i++) { if (tmp->remote[i] == ' ') tmp->remote[i] = '_'; } if (*lst == NULL) { *lst = tmp; } else { for (ta = *lst; ta; ta = ta->next) { if (ta->next == NULL) { ta->next = (down_list *)tmp; break; } } } return; }
char *backalias(faddr *fa) { struct aliaslist *tmp; for (tmp = alist; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) if ((!fa->domain || !tmp->addr->domain || !strcasecmp(fa->domain,tmp->addr->domain)) && (!fa->zone || (fa->zone == tmp->addr->zone)) && (fa->net == tmp->addr->net) && (fa->node == tmp->addr->node) && (fa->point == tmp->addr->point) && (fa->name) && (tmp->addr->name) && (strcasecmp(fa->name,tmp->addr->name) == 0)) { Syslog('m', "Address \"%s\" has local alias \"%s\"", ascinode(fa,0x7f), FTND_SS(tmp->alias)); return tmp->alias; } return NULL; }
/* * Openfile special for binkp sessions. */ FILE *bopenfile(char *fname, time_t remtime, off_t remsize, off_t *resofs) { char ctt[32], *temp; struct stat st; FILE *fp; strcpy(ctt,date(remtime)); Syslog('b', "Binkp: bopenfile(\"%s\",%s,%u)", FTND_SS(fname), ctt, (unsigned int)remsize); if ((fname == NULL) || (fname[0] == '\0')) { Syslog('+', "Binkp: bopenfile fname=NULL"); return NULL; } if (tempinbound == NULL) { Syslog('+', "Binkp: bopenfile tempinbound is not set"); return NULL; } if ((strlen(fname) == 12) && (strspn(fname,"0123456789abcdefABCDEF") == 8) && (strcasecmp(fname+8,".req") == 0)) { Syslog('b', "Binkp: received wazoo freq file"); isfreq = TRUE; } else isfreq = FALSE; infpath = xstrcpy(tempinbound); infpath = xstrcat(infpath, (char *)"/tmp/"); infpath = xstrcat(infpath, fname); *resofs = 0L; /* * Set offset if (partial) fie is present */ if (stat(infpath, &st) == 0) { Syslog('b', "Binkp: remtine=%ld, st_time=%ld, remsize=%ld, st_size=%ld", remtime, st.st_mtime, remsize, st.st_size); Syslog('+', "Binkp: file %s is already here", fname); *resofs = st.st_size; } Syslog('b', "Binkp: try fopen(\"%s\")", infpath); if ((infp = fopen(infpath, "a+")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Binkp: cannot open local file \"%s\"", infpath); free(infpath); infpath=NULL; return NULL; } /* * Write state file */ temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s.state", infpath); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "%u\n", (unsigned int)remtime); fprintf(fp, "%u\n", (unsigned int)remsize); fclose(fp); } free(temp); intime = remtime; if (isfreq) { if (freqname) free(freqname); freqname = xstrcpy(tempinbound); freqname = xstrcat(freqname, (char *)"/"); freqname = xstrcat(freqname, fname); } Syslog('b', "Binkp: opened file \"%s\", restart at %u", infpath, (unsigned int)*resofs); return infp; }
/* * close file, even if the file is partial received, we set the date on the * file so that in a next session we know we must append to that file instead of * trying to get the file again. */ int bclosefile(int success) { int rc = 0; struct utimbuf ut; char *temp; Syslog('b', "Binkp: closefile(), for file \"%s\"", FTND_SS(infpath)); if ((infp == NULL) || (infpath == NULL)) { Syslog('+', "Binkp: closefile(), nothing to close"); return 1; } rc = fclose(infp); infp = NULL; /* * If transfer failed, leave the file in the tmp queue, just close it. */ if (! success) { if (rc == 0) { ut.actime = intime; ut.modtime = intime; if ((rc = utime(infpath, &ut))) WriteError("$Binkp: utime on %s failed", infpath); } isfreq = FALSE; free(infpath); infpath = NULL; return rc; } /* * Remove state file. */ temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s.state", infpath); if (unlink(temp)) WriteError("$Binkp: can't unlink %s", temp); else Syslog('b', "Binkp: unlinked %s", temp); /* * Move file from extra tmp to normal tempinbound. */ snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", tempinbound, basename(infpath)); if (rc == 0) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", tempinbound, basename(infpath)); rc = file_mv(infpath, temp); if (rc) { WriteError("$Binkp: file_mv %s to %s rc=%d", infpath, temp, rc); } else { Syslog('b', "Binkp: moved to %s", temp); } } if (rc == 0) { ut.actime = intime; ut.modtime = intime; if ((rc = utime(temp, &ut))) WriteError("$Binkp: utime on %s failed", temp); } if (isfreq) { if (rc != 0) { Syslog('+', "Binkp: removing unsuccessfuly received wazoo freq"); unlink(freqname); free(freqname); freqname = NULL; } isfreq = FALSE; } free(temp); free(infpath); infpath = NULL; return rc; }
static int sendtfile(char *ln, char *rn) { int rc=0; struct stat st; struct flock fl; int bufl, sverr; int offset; fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; fl.l_whence = 0; fl.l_start = 0L; fl.l_len = 0L; if ((in = fopen(ln,"r")) == NULL) { sverr = errno; if ((sverr == ENOENT) || (sverr == EINVAL)) { Syslog('+', "TCP: file %s doesn't exist, removing", FTND_SS(ln)); return 0; } else { WriteError("$TCP: can't open file %s, skipping", FTND_SS(ln)); return 1; } } if (fcntl(fileno(in), F_SETLK, &fl) != 0) { WriteError("$TCP: can't lock file %s, skipping", FTND_SS(ln)); fclose(in); return 1; } if (stat(ln, &st) != 0) { WriteError("$TCP: can't access \"%s\", skipping", FTND_SS(ln)); fclose(in); return 1; } if (st.st_size > 0) { Syslog('+', "TCP: send \"%s\" as \"%s\"", FTND_SS(ln), FTND_SS(rn)); Syslog('+', "TCP: size %lu bytes, dated %s", (unsigned int)st.st_size, date(st.st_mtime)); gettimeofday(&starttime, &tz); } else { Syslog('+', "TCP: file \"%s\" has 0 size, skiped",ln); return 0; } snprintf(txbuf,TCP_BLKSIZE, "S %s %u %u",rn,(unsigned int)st.st_size,(unsigned int)st.st_mtime+(unsigned int)(st.st_mtime%2)); bufl = strlen(txbuf); rc = tcp_sblk(txbuf, bufl, TCP_CMD); rc = tcp_rblk(rxbuf, &bufl); if (strncmp(rxbuf,"RS",2) == 0) { Syslog('+', "TCP: file %s already received, skipping",rn); return 0; } else if (strncmp(rxbuf,"RN",2) == 0) { Syslog('+', "TCP: remote refused file, aborting",rn); return 2; } else if (strncmp(rxbuf,"ROK",3) == 0) { if (bufl > 3 && rxbuf[3]==' ') { offset = strtol(rxbuf+4,(char **)NULL,10); if (fseek(in,offset,SEEK_SET) != 0) { WriteError("$TCP: can't seek offset %ld in file %s", offset, ln); return 1; } } else offset = 0; } else return rc; while ((bufl = fread(&txbuf, 1, TCP_DATSIZE, in)) != 0) { if ((rc = tcp_sblk(txbuf, bufl, TCP_DATA)) > 0) break; } fclose(in); if (rc == 0){ strcpy(txbuf, "EOF"); rc = tcp_sblk(txbuf, 3, TCP_CMD); rc = tcp_rblk(rxbuf, &bufl); } if (rc == 0 && strncmp(rxbuf,"FOK",3) == 0) { gettimeofday(&endtime, &tz); Syslog('a', "st_size %d, offset %d",st.st_size,offset); Syslog('+', "TCP: OK %s", transfertime(starttime, endtime, st.st_size-offset, TRUE)); sentbytes += (unsigned int)st.st_size - offset; return 0; } else if(strncmp(rxbuf,"FERROR",6) == 0){ WriteError("TCP: remote file error",ln); return rc==0?1:rc; } else return rc==0?1:rc; }
static void check_flo(file_list **lst, char *nm) { FILE *fp; off_t off; struct flock fl; char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[PATH_MAX], *p, *q; int disposition; struct stat stbuf; if ((fp = fopen(nm,"r+")) == NULL) { /* * If no flo file, return. */ return; } Syslog('o', "check_flo(\"%s\")",FTND_SS(nm)); fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; fl.l_whence = 0; fl.l_start = 0L; fl.l_len = 0L; if (fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETLK, &fl) != 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) WriteError("$Can't read-lock \"%s\"", FTND_SS(nm)); else Syslog('o',"flo file busy"); fclose(fp); return; } if (stat(nm, &stbuf) != 0) { WriteError("$Can't access \"%s\"", FTND_SS(nm)); fclose(fp); return; } while (!feof(fp) && !ferror(fp)) { off = ftell(fp); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fp) == NULL) continue; if (buf[0] == '~') continue; /* skip sent files */ if (*(p=buf + strlen(buf) -1) == '\n') *p-- = '\0'; if (*p == '\r') *p = '\0'; switch (buf[0]) { case '#': p=buf+1; disposition=TFS; break; case '-': case '^': p=buf+1; disposition=KFS; break; case '@': p=buf+1; disposition=LEAVE; break; case 0: continue; default: p=buf; disposition=LEAVE; break; } memset(&buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); if (strlen(CFG.dospath)) { if (strncasecmp(p, CFG.dospath, strlen(CFG.dospath)) == 0) { strcpy(buf2,uxoutbound); for (p+=strlen(CFG.dospath), q=buf2+strlen(buf2); *p; p++, q++) *q = ((*p) == '\\')?'/':tolower(*p); *q = '\0'; p = buf2; } } if ((q=strrchr(p,'/'))) q++; else q = p; add_list(lst, p, q, disposition, off, fp, 1); } /* * Add flo file to file list */ add_list(lst, nm, NULL, KFS, -1L, fp, 1); /* here, we leave .flo file open, it will be closed by */ /* execute_disposition */ return; }
int Bounce(faddr *f, faddr *t, FILE *fp, char *reason) { int rc = 0, count = 0; char *Buf; FILE *np; time_t Now; faddr *from; Now = time(NULL); if (SearchFidonet(f->zone)) f->domain = xstrcpy(fidonet.domain); Syslog('+', "Bounce msg from %s", ascfnode(f, 0xff)); Buf = calloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH +1, sizeof(char)); rewind(fp); np = tmpfile(); from = bestaka_s(f); from->zone = t->zone; from->net = t->net; from->node = t->node; from->point = t->point; from->name = xstrcpy((char *)"Postmaster"); if (f->point) fprintf(np, "\001TOPT %d\r", f->point); if (from->point) fprintf(np, "\001FMPT %d\r", from->point); fprintf(np, "\001INTL %d:%d/%d %d:%d/%d\r", f->zone, f->net, f->node, from->zone, from->net, from->node); /* * Add MSGID, REPLY and PID */ fprintf(np, "\001MSGID: %s %08x\r", ascfnode(from, 0x1f), sequencer()); while ((fgets(Buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp)) != NULL) { Striplf(Buf); if (strncmp(Buf, "\001MSGID:", 7) == 0) { fprintf(np, "\001REPLY:%s\r", Buf+7); } } fprintf(np, "\001PID: FTND-FIDO %s (%s-%s)\r", VERSION, OsName(), OsCPU()); fprintf(np, "\001TZUTC: %s\r", gmtoffset(Now)); fprintf(np, " Dear %s\r\r", FTND_SS(f->name)); fprintf(np, "Your message could not be delevered, reason: %s\r\r", reason); fprintf(np, "Here are the first lines of the original message from you:\r\r"); fprintf(np, "======================================================================\r"); rewind(fp); while ((fgets(Buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp)) != NULL) { Striplf(Buf); if (Buf[0] == '\001') { fprintf(np, "^a"); fwrite(Buf + 1, strlen(Buf) -1, 1, np); } else { fwrite(Buf, strlen(Buf), 1, np); } fputc('\r', np); count++; if (count == 50) break; } fprintf(np, "======================================================================\r"); if (count == 50) { fprintf(np, "\rOnly the first 50 lines are displayed\r"); } fprintf(np, "\rWith regards, %s\r\r", CFG.sysop_name); fprintf(np, "%s\r", TearLine()); Now = time(NULL) - (gmt_offset((time_t)0) * 60); rc = postnetmail(np, from, f, NULL, (char *)"Bounced message", Now, 0x0000, FALSE, from->zone, f->zone); tidy_faddr(from); fclose(np); free(Buf); return rc; }
void execute_disposition(file_list *fl) { FILE *fp=NULL; char *nm, tpl='~'; Syslog('o', "execute_disposition(%s)", fl->local); nm = fl->local; if (fl->flofp) { /* * Check for special case: flo-file */ if (fl->floff == -1) { /* * We check if there are any files left for transmission * in the flo-file to decide whether to remove or leave * it on disk. */ char buf[PATH_MAX]; int files_remain = 0; if (fseek(fl->flofp, 0L, 0) == 0) { while (!feof(fl->flofp) && !ferror(fl->flofp)) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fl->flofp) == NULL) continue; /* * Count nr of files which haven't been sent yet */ if (buf[0] != '~') files_remain++; } } else { WriteError("$Error seeking in .flo to 0"); files_remain = -1; /* Keep flo-file */ } if (files_remain) { Syslog('o', "Leaving flo-file \"%s\", %d files remaining", FTND_SS(nm), files_remain); fl->disposition = LEAVE; } else { fl->disposition = KFS; } } else { /* * Mark files as sent in flo-file */ if (fseek(fl->flofp, fl->floff, 0) == 0) { if (fwrite(&tpl,1,1,fl->flofp) != 1) { WriteError("$Error writing '~' to .flo at %u", (unsigned int)fl->floff); } else { Syslog('o', "Marked file \"%s\" as sent", FTND_SS(nm)); } fflush(fl->flofp); #ifdef HAVE_FDATASYNC fdatasync(fileno(fl->flofp)); #else #ifdef HAVE_FSYNC fsync(fileno(fl->flofp)); #endif #endif } else WriteError("$error seeking in .flo to %u", (unsigned int)fl->floff); } } switch (fl->disposition) { case DSF: case LEAVE: break; case TFS: Syslog('o', "Truncating sent file \"%s\"",FTND_SS(nm)); if ((fp=fopen(nm,"w"))) fclose(fp); else WriteError("$Cannot truncate file \"%s\"",FTND_SS(nm)); break; case KFS: Syslog('o', "Removing sent file \"%s\"",FTND_SS(nm)); if (unlink(nm) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) Syslog('o', "Cannot unlink nonexistent file \"%s\"", FTND_SS(nm)); else WriteError("$Cannot unlink file \"%s\"", FTND_SS(nm)); } break; default: WriteError("execute_disposition: unknown disp %d for \"%s\"", fl->disposition,FTND_SS(nm)); break; } return; }
file_list *create_filelist(fa_list *al, char *fl, int create) { file_list *st = NULL, *tmpf; fa_list *tmpa; char flavor, *tmpfl, *nm, *temp, tmpreq[13], digit[6], *temp2; struct stat stbuf; int packets = 0; FILE *fp; unsigned char buffer[2]; faddr *fa; DIR *dp = NULL; struct dirent *de; struct stat sb; Syslog('o', "Create_filelist(%s,\"%s\",%d)", al?ascfnode(al->addr,0x1f):"<none>", FTND_SS(fl), create); made_request = 0; for (tmpa = al; tmpa; tmpa = tmpa->next) { Syslog('o', "Check address %s", ascfnode(tmpa->addr, 0x1f)); /* * For the main aka, check the outbox. */ if ((tmpa->addr) && Loaded && strlen(nodes.OutBox) && (tmpa->addr->zone == nodes.Aka[0].zone) && (tmpa->addr->net == nodes.Aka[0].net) && (tmpa->addr->node == nodes.Aka[0].node) && (tmpa->addr->point == nodes.Aka[0].point)) { check_filebox(nodes.OutBox, &st); } /* * Check spool files, these are more or less useless but they * create a filelist of files to send which are never send. * It gives the transfer protocols something "to do". */ if (strchr(fl, 'o')) { nm = splname(tmpa->addr); if ((fp = fopen(nm, "w"))) fclose(fp); if ((nm != NULL) && (stat(nm, &stbuf) == 0)) add_list(&st, nm, NULL, DSF, 0L, NULL, 1); } /* * Check .pol files */ nm = polname(tmpa->addr); if ((nm != NULL) && (stat(nm,&stbuf) == 0)) add_list(&st,nm,NULL,DSF,0L,NULL,1); /* * Check other files, all flavors */ tmpfl = fl; while ((flavor = *tmpfl++)) { Syslog('o', "Check flavor %c", flavor); /* * Check normal mail packets */ nm = pktname(tmpa->addr,flavor); if ((nm != NULL) && (stat(nm,&stbuf) == 0)) { Syslog('o', "found %s", nm); packets++; add_list(&st, nm, tmpkname(), KFS, 0L, NULL, 1); } /* * Check .flo files for file attaches */ nm = floname(tmpa->addr,flavor); check_flo(&st, nm); } if ((session_flags & SESSION_WAZOO) && ((session_flags & SESSION_HYDRA) == 0) && (master || ((session_flags & SESSION_IFNA) == 0))) { /* * we don't distinguish flavoured reqs */ nm = reqname(tmpa->addr); if ((nm != NULL) && (stat(nm, &stbuf) == 0)) { snprintf(tmpreq, 13, "%04X%04X.REQ", tmpa->addr->net, tmpa->addr->node); add_list(&st, nm, tmpreq, DSF, 0L, NULL, 1); made_request = 1; } } } /* * Check T-Mail style fileboxes */ temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); if (strlen(CFG.tmailshort) && (dp = opendir(CFG.tmailshort))) { Syslog('o', "Checking T-Mail short box \"%s\"", CFG.tmailshort); while ((de = readdir(dp))) { if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") && strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/%s", CFG.tmailshort, de->d_name); if (stat(temp, &sb) == 0) { Syslog('o' ,"checking \"%s\"", de->d_name); if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { int i; char b=0; for (i=0; (i<8) && (!b); ++i) { char c = tolower(de->d_name[i]); if ( (c<'0') || (c>'v') || ((c>'9') && (c<'a')) ) b=1; } if (de->d_name[8]!='.') b=1; for (i=9; (i<11) && (!b); ++i) { char c = tolower(de->d_name[i]); if ( (c<'0') || (c>'v') || ((c>'9') && (c<'a')) ) b=1; } if (b) continue; if (de->d_name[11]==0) flavor='o'; else if ((tolower(de->d_name[11])=='h') && (de->d_name[12]==0)) flavor='h'; else continue; fa = (faddr*)malloc(sizeof(faddr)); fa->name = NULL; fa->domain = NULL; memset(&digit, 0, sizeof(digit)); digit[0] = de->d_name[0]; digit[1] = de->d_name[1]; fa->zone = strtol(digit, NULL, 32); memset(&digit, 0, sizeof(digit)); digit[0] = de->d_name[2]; digit[1] = de->d_name[3]; digit[2] = de->d_name[4]; fa->net = strtol(digit, NULL, 32); memset(&digit, 0, sizeof(digit)); digit[0] = de->d_name[5]; digit[1] = de->d_name[6]; digit[2] = de->d_name[7]; fa->node = strtol(digit, NULL, 32); memset(&digit, 0, sizeof(digit)); digit[0] = de->d_name[9]; digit[1] = de->d_name[10]; fa->point = strtol(digit, NULL, 32); for (tmpa = al; tmpa; tmpa = tmpa->next) { if ((fa->zone==tmpa->addr->zone) && (fa->net==tmpa->addr->net) && (fa->node==tmpa->addr->node) && (fa->point==tmpa->addr->point) && strchr(fl, flavor)) if (SearchFidonet(tmpa->addr->zone)) check_filebox(temp, &st); } tidy_faddr(fa); } } } } closedir(dp); } if (strlen(CFG.tmaillong) && (dp = opendir(CFG.tmaillong))) { temp2 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); Syslog('o', "Checking T-Mail long box \"%s\"", CFG.tmaillong); while ((de = readdir(dp))) { if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") && strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX -1, "%s/%s", CFG.tmaillong, de->d_name); if (stat(temp, &sb) == 0) { Syslog('o' ,"checking \"%s\"", de->d_name); if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { char c, d; int n; snprintf(temp2, PATH_MAX -1, "%s", de->d_name); fa = (faddr*)malloc(sizeof(faddr)); fa->name = NULL; fa->domain = NULL; n = sscanf(temp2, "%u.%u.%u.%u.%c%c", &(fa->zone), &(fa->net), &(fa->node), &(fa->point), &c, &d); if ((n==4) || ((n==5) && (tolower(c)=='h'))) { if (n==4) flavor = 'o'; else flavor = 'h'; for (tmpa = al; tmpa; tmpa = tmpa->next) { if ((fa->zone==tmpa->addr->zone) && (fa->net==tmpa->addr->net) && (fa->node==tmpa->addr->node) && (fa->point==tmpa->addr->point) && strchr(fl, flavor)) if (SearchFidonet(tmpa->addr->zone)) check_filebox(temp, &st); } } tidy_faddr(fa); } } } } closedir(dp); free(temp2); } free(temp); /* * For FTS-0001 we need to create at least one packet. */ if (((st == NULL) && (create > 1)) || ((st != NULL) && (packets == 0) && (create > 0))) { Syslog('o', "Create packet for %s", ascfnode(al->addr,0x1f)); if ((fp = openpkt(NULL, al->addr, 'o', TRUE))) { memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); fwrite(buffer, 1, 2, fp); fclose(fp); } add_list(&st, pktname(al->addr,'o'), tmpkname(), KFS, 0L, NULL, 0); } for (tmpf = st; tmpf; tmpf = tmpf->next) Syslog('o',"flist: \"%s\" -> \"%s\" dsp:%d flofp:%u floff:%u", FTND_SS(tmpf->local), FTND_SS(tmpf->remote), tmpf->disposition, (unsigned int)tmpf->flofp, (unsigned int)tmpf->floff); return st; }
void AdoptFile(int Area, char *File, char *Description) { FILE *fp; char *temp, *temp2, *tmpdir, *unarc, *pwd, *lname, *fileid; char Desc[256], TDesc[256]; int MustRearc = FALSE, UnPacked = FALSE; int IsVirus = FALSE, File_Id = FALSE; int i, j, k, lines = 0, File_id_cnt = 0; struct FILE_record f_db; Syslog('f', "Adopt(%d, %s, %s)", Area, FTND_SS(File), FTND_SS(Description)); if (!do_quiet) ftnd_colour(CYAN, BLACK); if (LoadAreaRec(Area) == FALSE) die(FTNERR_INIT_ERROR); if (area.Available) { temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp2 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); pwd = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); tmpdir = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); if (CheckFDB(Area, area.Path)) die(FTNERR_INIT_ERROR); getcwd(pwd, PATH_MAX); if (!do_quiet) { printf("Adopt file: %s ", File); printf("Unpacking \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fflush(stdout); } snprintf(tmpdir, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/arc%d", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), (int)getpid()); if (create_tmpwork()) { WriteError("Can't create %s", tmpdir); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't create dir %s\n", tmpdir); die(FTNERR_INIT_ERROR); } snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", pwd, File); if (do_novir == FALSE) { if (!do_quiet) { printf("Virscan \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fflush(stdout); } IsVirus = VirScanFile(temp); } if (IsVirus) { WriteError("Virus found"); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nVirus found\n"); die(FTNERR_VIRUS_FOUND); } if ((unarc = unpacker(File))) { if (strlen(area.Archiver) && (strcmp(unarc, area.Archiver) == 0)) MustRearc = TRUE; UnPacked = UnpackFile(temp); if (!UnPacked) die(FTNERR_INIT_ERROR); } if (!do_quiet) { printf("Checking \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fflush(stdout); } memset(&f_db, 0, sizeof(f_db)); strcpy(f_db.Uploader, CFG.sysop_name); f_db.UploadDate = time(NULL); if (do_annon) f_db.Announced = TRUE; if (UnPacked) { /* * Try to get a FILE_ID.DIZ */ fileid = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/arc%d", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), (int)getpid()); snprintf(fileid, PATH_MAX, "FILE_ID.DIZ"); if (getfilecase(temp, fileid)) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/arc%d/%s", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), (int)getpid(), fileid); snprintf(temp2, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/FILE_ID.DIZ", getenv("FTND_ROOT")); if (file_cp(temp, temp2) == 0) { File_Id = TRUE; } } free(fileid); if (File_Id) { Syslog('f', "FILE_ID.DIZ found"); if ((fp = fopen(temp2, "r"))) { /* * Read no more then 25 lines */ while (((fgets(Desc, 255, fp)) != NULL) && (File_id_cnt < 25)) { lines++; /* * Check if the FILE_ID.DIZ is in a normal layout. * This should be max. 10 lines of max. 48 characters. * We check at 51 characters and if the lines are longer, * we discard the FILE_ID.DIZ file. */ if (strlen(Desc) > 51) { File_id_cnt = 0; File_Id = FALSE; Syslog('!', "Discarding illegal formated FILE_ID.DIZ"); break; } if (strlen(Desc)) { if (strlen(Desc) > 48) Desc[48] = '\0'; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(Desc); i++) { if ((Desc[i] >= ' ') || (Desc[i] < 0)) { f_db.Desc[File_id_cnt][j] = Desc[i]; j++; } } File_id_cnt++; } } fclose(fp); unlink(temp2); /* * Strip empty lines at end of FILE_ID.DIZ */ while ((strlen(f_db.Desc[File_id_cnt-1]) == 0) && (File_id_cnt)) File_id_cnt--; Syslog('f', "Got %d FILE_ID.DIZ lines", File_id_cnt); for (i = 0; i < File_id_cnt; i++) Syslog('f', "\"%s\"", f_db.Desc[i]); } } } if (!File_id_cnt) { if (Description == NULL) { WriteError("No FILE_ID.DIZ and no description on the commandline"); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nNo FILE_ID.DIZ and no description on the commandline\n"); clean_tmpwork(); die(FTNERR_COMMANDLINE); } else { /* * Create description from the commandline. */ if (strlen(Description) < 48) { /* * Less then 48 chars, copy and ready. */ strcpy(f_db.Desc[0], Description); File_id_cnt++; } else { /* * More then 48 characters, break into multiple * lines not longer then 48 characters. */ memset(&TDesc, 0, sizeof(TDesc)); strcpy(TDesc, Description); while (strlen(TDesc) > 48) { j = 48; while (TDesc[j] != ' ') j--; strncat(f_db.Desc[File_id_cnt], TDesc, j); File_id_cnt++; k = strlen(TDesc); j++; /* Correct space */ for (i = 0; i <= k; i++, j++) TDesc[i] = TDesc[j]; } strcpy(f_db.Desc[File_id_cnt], TDesc); File_id_cnt++; } } } /* * Import the file. */ chdir(pwd); clean_tmpwork(); /* * Work out the kind of filename, is it a long filename * or a 8.3 DOS filename. The file on disk must become * 8.3 for import. */ if (is_real_8_3(File)) { Syslog('f', "Adopt, file is 8.3"); strcpy(f_db.Name, File); strcpy(f_db.LName, File); for (i = 0; i < strlen(File); i++) if (isupper(f_db.LName[i])) f_db.LName[i] = tolower(f_db.LName[i]); } else { Syslog('f', "Adopt, file is LFN"); strcpy(temp2, File); name_mangle(temp2); if (rename(File, temp2)) { Syslog('+', "Can't rename %s to %s", File, temp2); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't rename %s to %s\n", File, temp2); die(FTNERR_GENERAL); } strcpy(f_db.Name, temp2); strcpy(f_db.LName, File); } f_db.Size = file_size(f_db.Name); f_db.Crc32 = file_crc(f_db.Name, TRUE); f_db.FileDate = file_time(f_db.Name); snprintf(temp2, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", area.Path, f_db.Name); if (!do_quiet) { printf("Adding \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fflush(stdout); } if (strcmp(f_db.Name, f_db.LName)) { lname = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(lname, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", area.Path, f_db.LName); if (AddFile(f_db, Area, temp2, f_db.Name, lname) == FALSE) { die(FTNERR_GENERAL); } free(lname); } else { if (AddFile(f_db, Area, temp2, File, NULL) == FALSE) { die(FTNERR_GENERAL); } } Syslog('+', "File %s added to area %d", File, Area); if (MustRearc) { /* Here we should call the rearc function */ } free(pwd); free(temp2); free(temp); free(tmpdir); } else { WriteError("Area %d is not available", Area); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nArea %d is not available\n", Area); } if (!do_quiet) { printf("\r \r"); fflush(stdout); } }
ftnmsg *mkftnhdr(rfcmsg *msg, int newsmode, faddr *recipient) { char *freename = NULL, *rfcfrom = NULL, *p, *q, *l, *r; char *fbuf = NULL, *ftnfrom=NULL; static ftnmsg *tmsg; int needreplyaddr = 1; faddr *tmp, *tmp2; tmsg=(ftnmsg *)malloc(sizeof(ftnmsg)); memset(tmsg, 0, sizeof(ftnmsg)); if (newsmode) { p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"Comment-To",msg)); if (p == NULL) p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-Comment-To",msg)); if (p == NULL) p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-FTN-To",msg)); if (p == NULL) p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-Fidonet-Comment-To",msg)); if (p == NULL) p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-Apparently-To",msg)); if (p == NULL) p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"To", msg)); /* 14-Aug-2001 MB */ if (p) { Syslog('m', "Getting `to' address from \"%s\"", FTND_SS(p)); if ((tmsg->to = parsefaddr(p)) == NULL) tmsg->to = parsefaddr((char *)"[email protected]"); if ((l = strrchr(p,'<')) && (r = strchr(p,'>')) && (l < r)) { r = l; *r-- = '\0'; if ((l = strchr(p,'"')) && (r = strrchr(p,'"')) && (l < r)) { l++; *r-- = '\0'; } while (isspace(*r)) *r-- = '\0'; if (!l) l = p; while (isspace(*l)) l++; } else if ((l = strrchr(p,'(')) && (r = strchr(p,')')) && (l < r)) { *r-- = '\0'; while (isspace(*r)) *r-- = '\0'; l++; while (isspace(*l)) l++; } else { l = p; while (isspace(*l)) l++; r = p + strlen(p) -1; if (*r == '\n') *r-- = '\0'; while (isspace(*r)) *r-- = '\0'; } if (*l) { if (strlen(l) > MAXNAME) l[MAXNAME]='\0'; free(tmsg->to->name); tmsg->to->name=xstrcpy(l); } free(p); /* * It will become echomail, the destination FTN address must * be our address. 14-Aug-2001 MB. */ tmsg->to->zone =; tmsg->to->net =; tmsg->to->node = msgs.Aka.node; tmsg->to->point = msgs.Aka.point; tmsg->to->domain = xstrcpy(msgs.Aka.domain); } else { /* * Filling a default To: address. */ tmsg->to = (faddr*)malloc(sizeof(faddr)); tmsg->to->name = xstrcpy((char *)"All"); tmsg->to->zone =; tmsg->to->net =; tmsg->to->node = msgs.Aka.node; tmsg->to->point = msgs.Aka.point; tmsg->to->domain = xstrcpy(msgs.Aka.domain); } } else { if (recipient) { /* * In ftnmail mode the recipient is valid and must be used * as the destination address. The To: field is probably * an RFC address an cannot be used to route the message. */ tmsg->to = (faddr *)malloc(sizeof(faddr)); tmsg->to->point = recipient->point; tmsg->to->node = recipient->node; tmsg->to->net = recipient->net; tmsg->to->zone = recipient->zone; tmsg->to->name = xstrcpy(recipient->name); if (tmsg->to->name && (strlen(tmsg->to->name) > MAXNAME)) tmsg->to->name[MAXNAME]='\0'; tmsg->to->domain = xstrcpy(recipient->domain); Syslog('m', "Recipient TO: %s", ascfnode(tmsg->to,0xff)); } else { p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"To",msg)); if (p == NULL) p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-Apparently-To",msg)); if (p) { if ((tmsg->to = parsefaddr(p)) == NULL) WriteError("Unparsable destination address"); else Syslog('m', "RFC parsed TO: %s",ascfnode(tmsg->to,0xff)); } } } /* else (newsmode) */ p = fbuf = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"Reply-To", msg)); if (fbuf == NULL) p = fbuf = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"From", msg)); if (fbuf == NULL) p = fbuf = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-UUCP-From", msg)); if (p) { q = p; while (isspace(*q)) q++; fbuf = parserfcaddr(q).remainder; if (parserfcaddr(q).target) { fbuf = xstrcat(fbuf, (char *)"@"); fbuf = xstrcat(fbuf, parserfcaddr(q).target); } rfcfrom = fbuf; } if (p) free(p); p = NULL; if (!rfcfrom) rfcfrom = xstrcpy((char *)"postmaster"); p = fbuf = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"From", msg)); if (fbuf == NULL) p = fbuf = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-UUCP-From", msg)); if (p) { q = p; while (isspace(*q)) q++; if ((q) && (*q != '\0')) freename = parserfcaddr(q).comment; else freename = NULL; } else freename = xstrcpy((char *)"Unidentified User"); if (freename) { while (isspace(*freename)) freename++; } if (rfcfrom) { while (isspace(*rfcfrom)) rfcfrom++; p = rfcfrom + strlen(rfcfrom) -1; while ((isspace(*p)) || (*p == '\n')) *(p--)='\0'; } if ((freename) && (*freename != '\0')) { while (isspace(*freename)) freename++; p = freename + strlen(freename) -1; while ((isspace(*p)) || (*p == '\n')) *(p--)='\0'; if ((*freename == '\"') && (*(p=freename+strlen(freename)-1) == '\"')) { freename++; *p='\0'; } } // if (*freename == '\0') freename=rfcfrom; if ((!freename) || ((freename) && (*freename == '\0')) || (strcmp(freename,".")==0)) freename=rfcfrom; if (! newsmode) Syslog('+', "from: %s <%s>",freename,rfcfrom); needreplyaddr = 1; if ((tmsg->from=parsefaddr(rfcfrom)) == NULL) { if (freename && rfcfrom) if (!strchr(freename,'@') && !strchr(freename,'%') && strncasecmp(freename,rfcfrom,MAXNAME) && strncasecmp(freename,"uucp",4) && strncasecmp(freename,"usenet",6) && strncasecmp(freename,"news",4) && strncasecmp(freename,"super",5) && strncasecmp(freename,"admin",5) && strncasecmp(freename,"postmaster",10) && strncasecmp(freename,"sys",3)) needreplyaddr=registrate(freename,rfcfrom); } else { tmsg->ftnorigin = 1; tmsg->from->name = xstrcpy(freename); if (strlen(tmsg->from->name) > MAXNAME) tmsg->from->name[MAXNAME]='\0'; } if (replyaddr) { free(replyaddr); replyaddr=NULL; } if (needreplyaddr && (tmsg->from == NULL)) { replyaddr=xstrcpy(rfcfrom); } if (tmsg->from) Syslog('m', "From address was%s distinguished as ftn", tmsg->from ? "" : " not"); if (newsmode) { tmp2 = fido2faddr(msgs.Aka); bestaka = bestaka_s(tmp2); tidy_faddr(tmp2); } else bestaka = bestaka_s(tmsg->to); if ((tmsg->from == NULL) && (bestaka)) { if (CFG.dontregate) { p = xstrcpy(hdr((char *)"X-FTN-Sender",msg)); if (p == NULL) { if ((p = hdr((char *)"X-FTN-From",msg))) { tmp = parsefnode(p); p = xstrcpy(ascinode(tmp, 0xff)); tidy_faddr(tmp); } } if (p) { q = p; while (isspace(*q)) q++; ftnfrom = parserfcaddr(q).remainder; if (parserfcaddr(q).target) { ftnfrom = xstrcat(ftnfrom,(char *)"@"); ftnfrom = xstrcat(ftnfrom,parserfcaddr(q).target); } Syslog('m', "Ftn gateway: \"%s\"", ftnfrom); Syslog('+', "Ftn sender: %s",ftnfrom); if (ftnfrom) tmsg->from = parsefaddr(ftnfrom); if ((tmsg->from) && (!tmsg->from->name)) tmsg->from->name = xstrcpy(rfcfrom); } if (p) free(p); p = NULL; if (tmsg->from == NULL) { tmsg->from=(faddr *)malloc(sizeof(faddr)); tmsg->from->name=xstrcpy(freename); if (tmsg->from->name && (strlen(tmsg->from->name) > MAXNAME)) tmsg->from->name[MAXNAME]='\0'; tmsg->from->point=bestaka->point; tmsg->from->node=bestaka->node; tmsg->from->net=bestaka->net; tmsg->from->zone=bestaka->zone; tmsg->from->domain=xstrcpy(bestaka->domain); } } else { tmsg->from=(faddr *)xmalloc(sizeof(faddr)); tmsg->from->name=xstrcpy(freename); if (tmsg->from->name && (strlen(tmsg->from->name) > MAXNAME)) tmsg->from->name[MAXNAME]='\0'; tmsg->from->point=bestaka->point; tmsg->from->node=bestaka->node; tmsg->from->net=bestaka->net; tmsg->from->zone=bestaka->zone; tmsg->from->domain=xstrcpy(bestaka->domain); } } if (fbuf) free(fbuf); fbuf = NULL; p = hdr((char *)"Subject", msg); if (p) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; tmsg->subj = xstrcpy(p); if (*(p=tmsg->subj+strlen(tmsg->subj)-1) == '\n') *p='\0'; if (strlen(tmsg->subj) > MAXSUBJ) tmsg->subj[MAXSUBJ]='\0'; } else { tmsg->subj = xstrcpy((char *)" "); } if ((p = hdr((char *)"X-FTN-FLAGS",msg))) tmsg->flags |= flagset(p); if (hdr((char *)"Return-Receipt-To",msg)) tmsg->flags |= M_RRQ; if (hdr((char *)"Notice-Requested-Upon-Delivery-To",msg)) tmsg->flags |= M_RRQ; if (!newsmode) { tmsg->flags |= M_PVT; tmsg->flags |= M_KILLSENT; } if ((p = hdr((char *)"X-Origin-Date",msg))) tmsg->date = parsedate(p, NULL) - (gmt_offset((time_t)0) * 60); else if ((p = hdr((char *)"Date",msg))) tmsg->date = parsedate(p, NULL) - (gmt_offset((time_t)0) * 60); else tmsg->date = time((time_t *)NULL); /* * SunMail 1.0 creates invalid date formats like: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 18:21:07 GMT-08:00 * ^---- not allowed. */ if (tmsg->date == -1) { Syslog('!', "Parsing date \"%s\" failed, using current date", p); tmsg->date = time((time_t *)NULL); } if ((p = hdr((char *)"X-FTN-MSGID", msg))) { tmsg->ftnorigin &= 1; while (isspace(*p)) p++; tmsg->msgid_s = xstrcpy(p); if (*(p = tmsg->msgid_s + strlen(tmsg->msgid_s) -1) == '\n') *p='\0'; } else if ((p = hdr((char *)".MSGID",msg))) { tmsg->ftnorigin &= 1; while (isspace(*p)) p++; tmsg->msgid_s = xstrcpy(p); if (*(p = tmsg->msgid_s + strlen(tmsg->msgid_s) -1) == '\n') *p='\0'; } else if ((p = hdr((char *)"Message-ID",msg))) { tmsg->ftnorigin &= ftnmsgid(p,&(tmsg->msgid_a),&(tmsg->msgid_n),tmsg->area); } else tmsg->msgid_a = NULL; if ((p = hdr((char *)"X-FTN-REPLY",msg))) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; tmsg->reply_s = xstrcpy(p); if (*(p=tmsg->reply_s + strlen(tmsg->reply_s) -1) == '\n') *p='\0'; } else { if (newsmode) { p = hdr((char *)"References",msg); if (p) { l = xstrcpy(p); r = strtok(l," \t\n"); while ((l=strtok(NULL," \t\n")) != NULL) r = l; p = r; free(l); } } else p = hdr((char *)"In-Reply-To",msg); } if (p) (void)ftnmsgid(p,&(tmsg->reply_a),&(tmsg->reply_n),NULL); else tmsg->reply_a=NULL; p = hdr((char *)"Organization",msg); if (p == NULL) p = hdr((char *)"Organisation",msg); if (p) { while (isspace(*p)) p++; tmsg->origin = xstrcpy(p); if (tmsg->origin) if (*(p = tmsg->origin + strlen(tmsg->origin)-1) == '\n') *p='\0'; } else { /* * No Organization header, insert the default BBS origin. */ tmsg->origin = xstrcpy(CFG.origin); } return tmsg; }
/* * Process incoming file information header */ int procheader(char *Name) { register char *openmode, *p; static int dummy; char ctt[32]; Syslog('z', "procheader \"%s\"",printable(Name,0)); /* set default parameters and overrides */ openmode = (char *)"w"; /* * Check slashes in the name */ p = strrchr(Name,'/'); if (p) { p++; if (!*p) { /* alert - file name ended in with a / */ Syslog('!', "%s: file name ends with a /, skipped: %s", protname(), Name); return ZFERR; } Name = p; Syslog('z', "filename converted to \"%s\"", FTND_SS(Name)); } if (strlen(Name) > 80) { Syslog('!', "%s: file name received is longer then 80 characters, skipped: %s", protname(), Name); return ZFERR; } Syslog('z', "zmanag=%d", zmanag); Syslog('z', "zconv=%d", zconv); /* * Process ZMODEM remote file management requests */ if (!Thisbinary && zconv == ZCNL) /* Remote ASCII override */ Thisbinary = FALSE; if (zconv == ZCBIN) /* Remote Binary override */ Thisbinary = TRUE; if (zmanag == ZMAPND) openmode = (char *)"a"; Syslog('z', "Thisbinary %s", Thisbinary ?"TRUE":"FALSE"); Bytesleft = DEFBYTL; Filemode = 0; Modtime = 0L; Eofseen = FALSE; p = Name + 1 + strlen(Name); if (*p) { /* file coming from Unix or DOS system */ sscanf(p, "%d%o%o%o%d%d%d%d", &Bytesleft, &Modtime, &Filemode, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy); strcpy(ctt, rfcdate(Modtime)); } else { Syslog('z', "File coming from a CP/M system"); } Syslog('+', "%s: \"%s\" %ld bytes, %s mode %o", protname(), Name, Bytesleft, ctt, Filemode); if (curfile) free(curfile); curfile = NULL; curfile = xstrcpy(CFG.bbs_usersdir); curfile = xstrcat(curfile, (char *)"/"); curfile = xstrcat(curfile, exitinfo.Name); curfile = xstrcat(curfile, (char *)"/upl/"); curfile = xstrcat(curfile, Name); Syslog('z', "try open %s mode \"%s\"", curfile, openmode); if ((fout = fopen(curfile, openmode)) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s mode %s", curfile, openmode); } gettimeofday(&starttime, &tz); sbytes = rxbytes = 0; Syslog('z', "result %s", fout ? "Ok":"Failed"); /* if (Bytesleft == rxbytes) { FIXME: if file already received, use this. Syslog('+', "Zmodem: Skipping %s", Name); fout = NULL; return ZSKIP; } else */ if (!fout) return ZFERR; else return 0; }
int ftnmsgid(char *msgid, char **s, unsigned int *n, char *areaname) { char *buf, *l, *r, *p; unsigned int nid = 0L; faddr *tmp; static int ftnorigin = 0; Syslog('m', "Make ftn msgid from \"%s\"", FTND_SS(msgid)); if (msgid == NULL) { *s = NULL; *n = 0L; return ftnorigin; } buf = malloc(strlen(msgid)+65); strcpy(buf, msgid); if ((l = strchr(buf,'<'))) l++; else l = buf; while (isspace(*l)) l++; if ((r = strchr(l,'>'))) *r = '\0'; r = l + strlen(l) - 1; while (isspace(*r) && (r > l)) (*r--)='\0'; if ((tmp = parsefaddr(l))) { if (tmp->name) { if (strspn(tmp->name,"0123456789") == strlen(tmp->name)) nid = atoul(tmp->name); else nid = 0xffffffff; if (nid == 0xffffffff) { hash_update_s(&nid, tmp->name); } else ftnorigin = 1; } else { hash_update_s(&nid,l); } *s = xstrcpy(ascfnode(tmp, 0x1f)); tidy_faddr(tmp); } else { if ((r=strchr(l,'@')) == NULL) { /* should never happen */ Syslog('!', "ftnmsgid: should never happen: %s", printable(l, 0)); *s = xstrcpy(l); hash_update_s(&nid,l); /* <*****@*****.**> */ } else if (strncmp(l,"MSGID_",6) == 0) { *r = '\0'; r = strrchr(l+6,'_'); if (r) *r++ = '\0'; *s = xstrcpy(l+6); if (r) sscanf(r,"%x",&nid); ftnorigin = 1; /* <*****@*****.**> */ } else if (strncmp(l,"NOMSGID_",8) == 0) { *s = NULL; *n = 0L; ftnorigin = 1; return ftnorigin; /* <[email protected]> */ } else if (strncmp(l,"ftn_",4) == 0) { *r = '\0'; if ((r = strchr(l+4,'$')) || (r=strchr(l+4,'#'))) { if (*r=='$') *r='@'; if ((r=strchr(l+4,'.'))) *r=':'; if ((r=strchr(l+4,'.'))) *r='/'; } while ((r=strrchr(l+4,'_')) != strchr(l+4,'_')) *r='\0'; r=strchr(l+4,'_'); *r++='\0'; *s=xstrcpy(l+4); sscanf(r,"%x",&nid); ftnorigin=1; /* <[email protected]> */ } else if (strncmp(l,"wgcid$",6) == 0) { *r='\0'; if ((r=strstr(l+6,"$g"))) { *r='\0'; *s=xstrcpy(l+6); *s=xstrcat(*s,(char *)":"); l=r+2; } if ((r=strstr(l,"$h"))) { *r++='\0'; *s=xstrcat(*s,l); *s=xstrcat(*s,(char *)"/"); l=r+2; } if ((r=strstr(l,"$i"))) { *r='\0'; *s=xstrcat(*s,l); *s=xstrcat(*s,(char *)"."); l=r+2; } if ((r=strstr(l,"$k"))) { *r='\0'; *s=xstrcat(*s,l); *s=xstrcat(*s,(char *)"@"); l=r+2; } if ((r=strstr(l,"$j"))) { *r='\0'; *s=xstrcat(*s,l); sscanf(r+2,"%x",&nid); } } else { *r='\0'; if ((p=strchr(l,'%'))) { *p='\0'; if (strspn(l,"0123456789") == strlen(l)) { *r='@'; r=p; } else *p='%'; } r++; if (strspn(l,"0123456789") == strlen(l)) nid = atoul(l); else nid = 0xffffffff; if (nid == 0xffffffff) hash_update_s(&nid,l); *s=xstrcpy(r); } } *n=nid; free(buf); return ftnorigin; }
/* * Add file to the BBS. The file is in the current directory. * The f_db record already has all needed information. */ int AddFile(struct FILE_record f_db, int Area, char *DestPath, char *FromPath, char *LinkPath) { int rc; struct _fdbarea *fdb_area = NULL; char *temp, *dest, *lnk; Syslog('f', "AddFile Area : %d", Area); Syslog('f', "AddFile DestPath: %s", FTND_SS(DestPath)); Syslog('f', "AddFile FromPath: %s", FTND_SS(FromPath)); Syslog('f', "AddFile LinkPath: %s", FTND_SS(LinkPath)); /* * Copy file to the final destination and make a hard link with the * 8.3 filename to the long filename. */ mkdirs(DestPath, 0775); if ((file_exist(DestPath, F_OK) == 0) || (file_exist(LinkPath, F_OK) == 0)) { if (do_force) { Syslog('+', "File %s (%s) already exists in area %d, forced overwrite", f_db.Name, f_db.LName, Area); } else { WriteError("File %s (%s) already exists in area %d", f_db.Name, f_db.LName, Area); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nFile %s (%s) already exists in area %d\n", f_db.Name, f_db.LName, Area); return FALSE; } } if ((rc = file_cp(FromPath, DestPath))) { WriteError("Can't copy file to %s, %s", DestPath, strerror(rc)); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't copy file to %s, %s\n", DestPath, strerror(rc)); return FALSE; } chmod(DestPath, 0644); if (LinkPath) { temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); if (getcwd(temp, PATH_MAX-1)) { if (chdir(area.Path)) { WriteError("$Can't chdir to %s", area.Path); free(temp); return FALSE; } unlink(LinkPath); dest = xstrcpy(basename(DestPath)); lnk = xstrcpy(basename(LinkPath)); if ((rc = symlink(dest, lnk))) { WriteError("Can't create symbolic link %s", lnk); if (!do_quiet) printf("\nCan't create symbolic link %s, %s\n", lnk, strerror(rc)); unlink(DestPath); return FALSE; } free(dest); free(lnk); chdir(temp); } free(temp); } if ((fdb_area = ftnddb_OpenFDB(Area, 30))) { rc = ftnddb_InsertFDB(fdb_area, f_db, TRUE); ftnddb_CloseFDB(fdb_area); return rc; } else { return FALSE; } }
int sendbark(void) { char *fn; FILE *fp; char buf[256], *p; int rc = 0; fn = reqname(remote->addr); if ((fp = fopen(fn,"r")) == NULL) { Syslog('s', "no request file for this node"); PUTCHAR(ETB); return 0; } while (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,fp)) { nm = buf; pw = strchr(buf, '!'); dt = strchr(buf, '+'); if (pw) *pw++= '\0'; if (dt) *dt++= '\0'; if (nm) { while (isspace(*nm)) nm++; for (p = nm; (*p != '!') && (*p != '+') && (!isspace(*p)); p++); *p = '\0'; } if (pw) { while (isspace(*pw)) pw++; for (p = pw; (*p != '!') && (*p != '+') && (!isspace(*p)); p++); *p = '\0'; } else pw = (char *)""; if (dt) { while (isspace(*nm)) nm++; for (p = nm; (*p != '!') && (*p != '+') && (*p != '-') && (!isspace(*p)); p++); *p = '\0'; } else dt = (char *)"0"; if (*nm == ';') continue; Syslog('+', "Sending bark request for \"%s\", password \"%s\", update \"%s\"",FTND_SS(nm),FTND_SS(pw),FTND_SS(dt)); if ((rc = send_bark())) break; } if (rc == 0) PUTCHAR(ETB); fclose(fp); if (rc == 0) unlink(fn); return rc; }