예제 #1
FVec2 ZViewpoint::zviewpointProjOnPlane( int scnX, int scnY, FVec3 p0, FVec3 planeNrm ) {

	DMat4 modl = zviewpointReferenceModel;
    DMat4 _s = scale3D( DVec3(zviewpointScale, zviewpointScale, zviewpointScale));
	modl.cat( _s );
    DMat4 _t = trans3D( DVec3(zviewpointPermitTransX ? zviewpointTrans[0] : 0.f, zviewpointPermitTransY ? zviewpointTrans[1] : 0.f, zviewpointPermitTransZ ? zviewpointTrans[2] : 0.f));
	modl.cat( _t );
    FMat4 _v = zviewpointRotQuat.mat(); 
	DMat4 rot = DMat4( _v );
	modl.cat( rot );

	if( zviewpointReferenceViewport[2]==0 || zviewpointReferenceViewport[3]==0 ) {
		// PROTECT against exception
		return FVec2( (float)0.f, (float)0.f );
	int viewport[4];
	glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, viewport );

	DMat4 projMat;

	double world[2][3] = {0,};
	gluUnProject( scnX, scnY, 0.f, modl, projMat, viewport, &world[0][0], &world[0][1], &world[0][2] );
	gluUnProject( scnX, scnY, 1.f, modl, projMat, viewport, &world[1][0], &world[1][1], &world[1][2] );
	FVec3 wp0 = zviewpointLinePlaneIntersect( FVec3::Origin, FVec3::ZAxis, FVec3((float)world[0][0],(float)world[0][1],(float)world[0][2]), FVec3((float)world[1][0],(float)world[1][1],(float)world[1][2]) );
	return FVec2( (float)wp0.x, (float)wp0.y );
예제 #2
파일: zcovar.cpp 프로젝트: zsimpson/zbslib
int ZCovarMat2::findEigenvectors( float eigenvalues[2], FVec2 eigenvectors[2] ) {
    int num_eigenvalues = findEigenvalues(eigenvalues);
    assert(num_eigenvalues == 2);

    // Now that we have the quadratic coefficients, find the eigenvectors.
    const float VANISHING_EPSILON = 1.0e-5f;
    const float SAMENESS_LOW = 0.9999f;
    const float SAMENESS_HIGH = 1.0001f;

    bool punt = false;
    const float A_EPSILON = 0.0000001f;
    if( a < A_EPSILON ) {
        punt = true;
	else {
        float ratio = (float)fabs(eigenvalues[1] / eigenvalues[0]);
        if ((ratio > SAMENESS_LOW) && (ratio < SAMENESS_HIGH)) punt = true;

    if( punt ) {
        eigenvalues[0] = a;
        eigenvalues[1] = a;

        eigenvectors[0] = FVec2(1, 0);
        eigenvectors[1] = FVec2(0, 1);
        num_eigenvalues = 2;
        return num_eigenvalues;

    int j;
    for( j = 0; j < num_eigenvalues; j++ ) {
        float lambda = eigenvalues[j];

        FVec2 result1, result2;
        result1 = FVec2(-b, a - lambda);
        result2 = FVec2(-(c - lambda), b);

        FVec2 result;
        if (result1.mag2() > result2.mag2()) {
            result = result1;
        } else {
            result = result2;

        eigenvectors[j] = result;

    return num_eigenvalues;
예제 #3
FVec2 EmissionSource::sample(RandomGen &rand) const {
  switch (type) {
  case Type::point:
    return pos;
  case Type::rect: {
    auto f2 = rand.getFloat2Fast();
    return pos + FVec2((f2.first * 2.0f - 1.0f) * param.x, (f2.second * 2.0f - 1.0f) * param.y);
  case Type::sphere: {
    FVec2 spoint(rand.getFloatFast(-1.0f, 1.0f), rand.getFloatFast(-1.0f, 1.0f));
    while(spoint.x * spoint.x + spoint.y * spoint.y > 1.0f)
      spoint = FVec2(rand.getFloatFast(-1.0f, 1.0f), rand.getFloatFast(-1.0f, 1.0f));
    return pos + spoint * param.x;

  return {};
예제 #4
void GUI3DDirectionArrow::handleMsg( ZMsg *msg ) {
	if( zmsgIs(type,MouseClickOn) && zmsgIs(which,L) && zmsgIs(dir,D) ) {
		startDrag = FVec2( zmsgF(localX), zmsgF(localY) );
		startDragMat = mat;
		requestExclusiveMouse( 1, 1 );
	else if( zmsgIs(type,MouseReleaseDrag) ) {
		requestExclusiveMouse( 1, 0 );
	else if( zmsgIs(type,MouseDrag) ) {
		FVec2 mouseDelta( zmsgF(localX), zmsgF(localY) );
		mouseDelta.sub( startDrag );
		mouseDelta.mul( 0.03f );
		mat = startDragMat;
		FMat4 eye = mat;
		eye.setTrans( FVec3::Origin );
		FVec3 yEye = eye.mul( FVec3::YAxisMinus );
		FVec3 xEye = eye.mul( FVec3::XAxis );
		mat.cat( rotate3D( yEye, mouseDelta.x ) );
		mat.cat( rotate3D( xEye, mouseDelta.y ) );
	else if( zmsgIs(type,SetDir) ) {
		FVec3 xaxis( zmsgF(x), zmsgF(y), zmsgF(z) );
		FVec3 yaxis( 0.f, 1.f, 0.f );
		yaxis.cross( xaxis );
		FVec3 zaxis = yaxis;
		zaxis.cross( xaxis );
		mat.m[0][0] = xaxis.x;
		mat.m[0][1] = xaxis.y;
		mat.m[0][2] = xaxis.z;
		mat.m[0][3] = 0.f;
		mat.m[1][0] = yaxis.x;
		mat.m[1][1] = yaxis.y;
		mat.m[1][2] = yaxis.z;
		mat.m[1][3] = 0.f;
		mat.m[2][0] = zaxis.x;
		mat.m[2][1] = zaxis.y;
		mat.m[2][2] = zaxis.z;
		mat.m[2][3] = 0.f;
		mat.m[3][0] = 0.f;
		mat.m[3][1] = 0.f;
		mat.m[3][2] = 0.f;
		mat.m[3][3] = 1.f;
예제 #5
파일: zcovar.cpp 프로젝트: zsimpson/zbslib
void ZCovarBody2::accumulate(float x, float y, float pointMass) {
    mass += pointMass;

    float cx = x * pointMass;
    float cy = y * pointMass;
    covariance.a += cx * cx;
    covariance.b += cx * cy;
    covariance.c += cy * cy;

	sum.add( FVec2(x, y) );
예제 #6
float zTesselatePlanarPoly( FVec3 *verts, int count, FVec3 normal, int *tris, int &triCount ) {
	// BUILD an index of verts so that we know which one's
	// we've eaten up as we gobble convex polys

	int i, j, k;
	float area = 0.f;

	int *index = (int *)alloca( sizeof(int) * count );
	int indexCount = count;
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ ) index[i] = i;

	int lastIndexCount = 999999999;
	while( indexCount>=3 && indexCount < lastIndexCount ) {
		lastIndexCount = indexCount;
		for( i=0, j=1, k=2; k<indexCount; ) {
			// ANALYZE the triangle formed by the three points
			// There are possibilities:
			// 1. It is wound facing the normal
			// 2. It is wound facing away from the normal

			// COMPUTE the facing:
			FVec3 a = verts[ index[i] ];
			FVec3 b = verts[ index[j] ];
			FVec3 c = verts[ index[k] ];
			FVec3 ab = b;
			ab.sub( a );
			FVec3 bc = c;
			bc.sub( b );
			ab.cross( bc );
			float wound = ab.dot( normal );

			if( wound > 0.f ) {
				// CHECK for verts that are inside of this triangle

				int anyPointInside = 0;

				for( int l=0; l<indexCount; l++ ) {
					if( (l<i || l>k) ) {
						FVec2 tri[3];
						tri[0] = FVec2( verts[index[i]].x, verts[index[i]].y );
						tri[1] = FVec2( verts[index[j]].x, verts[index[j]].y );
						tri[2] = FVec2( verts[index[k]].x, verts[index[k]].y );
						FVec2 p = FVec2( verts[index[l]].x, verts[index[l]].y );
						if( zTesselatePointInPoly( 3, tri, p ) ) {
							i = j;
							j = k;
							anyPointInside = 1;

				if( !anyPointInside ) {
					// This poly is wound correctly and doesn't have
					// any other points inside of it so it is a valid triangle

					tris[triCount * 3 + 0] = index[i];
					tris[triCount * 3 + 1] = index[j];
					tris[triCount * 3 + 2] = index[k];

					FVec3 a1 = verts[index[i]];
					a1.sub( verts[index[k]] );
					FVec3 a2 = verts[index[j]];
					a2.sub( verts[index[k]] );

					a1.cross( a2 );
					area += a1.mag();

					assert( triCount <= count );

					// REMOVE the middle point from the consideration list by shifting
					memmove( &index[j], &index[j+1], sizeof(int)*(indexCount-j) );
			else {
				// This tri is wound the wrong way so advance
				i = j;
				j = k;

	return area;