예제 #1
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL NAME(NativeCalculate)(JNIEnv * jenv, jclass s, jstring jPicName)
	if(mLastretValue !=ERR_NONE)
		return mLastretValue;

	const char* strImgName = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(jPicName, NULL);
	int retValue = ERR_NONE;
		// Read Image
		cv::Mat garyImgData = cv::imread(strImgName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		cv::Mat oriImgData = cv::imread(strImgName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
		// Face detection
		int ndFaceNum = 100;
		smart_ptr<FaceRect> pFaceRects(100);
		int nRetCode = FaceDetect(garyImgData.data, garyImgData.cols, garyImgData.rows,
								  24, std::min(garyImgData.cols, garyImgData.rows), pFaceRects, &ndFaceNum);

		if (0 >= ndFaceNum || ERR_NONE != nRetCode)
			if(0 >= ndFaceNum && nRetCode==ERR_NONE)
				nRetCode = -666;
			msg_Err("#---Can not detect any faces!");
			std::cout << "Can not detect any faces!" << std::endl;
			throw nRetCode;

		// Pick up the largest one as the true face
		int faceSize = -1;
		int faceIdx = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < ndFaceNum; ++i)
			if (ndFaceNum > 1 && pFaceRects[i].confidence < 0.45f)

			if (faceSize < pFaceRects[i].right - pFaceRects[i].left)
				faceSize = pFaceRects[i].right - pFaceRects[i].left;
				faceIdx = i;

		// Face aligment
        smart_ptr<FeaPointF> FeaPoints(FEATURE_POINTS_NUMBER);
		nRetCode = FaceAlignment(garyImgData.data, garyImgData.cols, garyImgData.rows, pFaceRects + faceIdx, FeaPoints);
		if (ERR_NONE != nRetCode)
			std::cout << "Failed to locate feature points on faces!" << std::endl;
			throw nRetCode;

		// Choose eye corner and lip corner, suppose1cdhmopruw
		// The normalization method should be considered by some days
		// Use old normalization method
        smart_ptr<FeaPointF> NormPoint(FEATURE_POINTS_NUMBER);
        memset(NormPoint, 0, FEATURE_POINTS_NUMBER * sizeof(FeaPointF));
        NormPoint[8].x = 70; NormPoint[8].y = 100;
        NormPoint[10].x = 120; NormPoint[10].y = 100;
        NormPoint[11].x = 180; NormPoint[11].y = 100;
        NormPoint[9].x = 230; NormPoint[9].y = 100;
        NormPoint[22].x = 110; NormPoint[22].y = 200;
        NormPoint[23].x = 190; NormPoint[23].y = 200;
        double weight[88] = { 0 };
        weight[8] = 1;
        weight[10] = 1;
        weight[11] = 1;
        weight[9] = 1;
        weight[22] = 1;
        weight[23] = 1;
        smart_ptr<double> pDstImage(300 * 300 * oriImgData.channels());
        nRetCode = NormalizeFace(oriImgData.data, oriImgData.cols, oriImgData.rows, oriImgData.channels(), FeaPoints, NormPoint,
            weight, FEATURE_POINTS_NUMBER, 300, 300, pDstImage);
        if (ERR_NONE != nRetCode)
			std::cout << "Failed to normalize faces!" << std::endl;
			throw nRetCode;

		smart_ptr<unsigned char> pNormFace(300 * 300 * 3);
		for (int p = 0; p < 300 * 300 * 3; ++p)
			pNormFace[p] = (unsigned char)(int(pDstImage[p]));

		smart_ptr<unsigned char> pCropNormFace(256 * 256 * 3);
		smart_ptr<unsigned char> pCropGrayNormFace(256 * 256);

		cv::Mat NormFaceImage(300, 300, CV_8UC3, pNormFace);
		cv::Rect roi(22, 22, 256, 256);
		cv::Mat CropImage = NormFaceImage(roi);
		cv::Mat GrayCropImage;
		cv::cvtColor(CropImage, GrayCropImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

		for (int h = 0; h < CropImage.rows; ++h) {
			const uchar* ptr = CropImage.ptr<uchar>(h);
			int img_index = 0;
			for (int w = 0; w < CropImage.cols; ++w) {
				for (int c = 0; c < CropImage.channels(); ++c) {
					int datum_index = (c * CropImage.rows + h) * CropImage.cols + w;
					pCropNormFace[datum_index] = static_cast<char>(ptr[img_index++]);

		for (int h = 0; h < GrayCropImage.rows; ++h) {
			const uchar* ptr = GrayCropImage.ptr<uchar>(h);
			int img_index = 0;
			for (int w = 0; w < GrayCropImage.cols; ++w) {
				for (int c = 0; c < GrayCropImage.channels(); ++c) {
					int datum_index = (c * GrayCropImage.rows + h) * GrayCropImage.cols + w;
					pCropGrayNormFace[datum_index] = static_cast<char>(ptr[img_index++]);

		// 1、总体分
		int featDim = GetDeepFeatSize(hFace) / 4;
		smart_ptr<float> pFeatures(featDim);
		nRetCode = InnerDeepFeat(hFace, pCropNormFace, 1, 3, 256, 256, pFeatures);

		float score = pFeatures[0] * 1.11f;
		if (score > 100.0f)
			score = 100.0f;

		std::cout << "Total score: " << score << std::endl;
		mTotalScore = score;

		// 2、瑕疵
		featDim = GetDeepFeatSize(hXiaci) / 4;
		nRetCode = InnerDeepFeat(hXiaci, pCropNormFace, 1, 3, 256, 256, pFeatures);

		float maxR = -10000.0f;
		int label = 15;
		for (int j = 0; j < featDim; ++j)
			//std::cout << pFeatures[j] << " ";
			if (maxR < pFeatures[j])
				maxR = pFeatures[j];
				label = j;

		if (0 == label)
			std::cout << "The flaws' number: " << "none!" << std::endl;
		else if (1 == label)
			std::cout << "The flaws' number: " << "a little!" << std::endl;
		else if (2 == label)
			std::cout << "The flaws' number: " << "small!" << std::endl;
		else if (3 == label)
			std::cout << "The flaws' number: " << "a lot!" << std::endl;
		else if (4 == label)
			std::cout << "The flaws' number: " << "very much!" << std::endl;

		mFlawLabel = label;

		// 3、开心
		featDim = GetDeepFeatSize(hHappy) / 4;
		nRetCode = InnerDeepFeat(hHappy, pCropNormFace, 1, 3, 256, 256, pFeatures);

		maxR = -10000.0f;
		label = 15;
		for (int j = 0; j < featDim; ++j)
			//std::cout << pFeatures[j] << " ";
			if (maxR < pFeatures[j])
				maxR = pFeatures[j];
				label = j;
		// std::cout << std::endl;

		if (0 == label)
			std::cout << "Angry!" << std::endl;
		else if (1 == label)
			std::cout << "Unhappy!" << std::endl;
		else if (2 == label)
			std::cout << "normal!" << std::endl;
		else if (3 == label)
			std::cout << "happy!" << std::endl;
		else if (4 == label)
			std::cout << "smile!" << std::endl;

		mExpressionLabel = label;

		// 4、年龄
        smart_ptr<unsigned char> pDstImageII(128*128);
        nRetCode = NormliazeFaceII(oriImgData.data, oriImgData.cols, oriImgData.rows, FeaPoints, FEATURE_POINTS_NUMBER, pDstImageII);
        featDim = GetDeepFeatSize(hAge) / 4;
        nRetCode = InnerDeepFeat(hAge, pDstImageII, 1, 1, 128, 128, pFeatures);

		score = pFeatures[0];
		std::cout << "Age: " << score << std::endl;
		mAge = score;

		// 5、肤色
		featDim = GetDeepFeatSize(hSkin) / 4;
		nRetCode = InnerDeepFeat(hSkin, pCropNormFace, 1, 3, 256, 256, pFeatures);

		score = pFeatures[0] * 1.11f;
		if (score > 100.0f)
			score = 100.0f;
		std::cout << "Skin score: " << score << std::endl;
		mSkin = score;
	catch (const std::bad_alloc &)
	catch (const int &errCode)
		retValue = errCode;
	catch (...)
		retValue = ERR_UNKNOWN;

	return retValue;
예제 #2
int FaceDetectWrapperF64(const double *img, int width, int height, const char
                         *classifier, int *faces, int maxdetect) {
    return FaceDetect(img,width,height,classifier,faces,maxdetect);