예제 #1
CAMLprim value pattern_font_sort(value plist, value trim)
  CAMLlocal2(res, nres);
  FcPattern *pat;
  FcFontSet *match;
  FcResult result;
  int i;

  pat = FcPattern_val(plist);
  FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pat, FcMatchPattern);

  match = FcFontSort(NULL, pat, Bool_val(trim) ? FcTrue : FcFalse, NULL, &result);

  /* Reconstruire la belle liste */
  res = Val_int(0); /* empty list */
  for(i = match->nfont; i >= 0; i--) {
    nres = caml_alloc(2, 0);
    Store_field(nres, 0, caml_copy_pattern(match->fonts[i]));
    Store_field(nres, 1, res);
    res = nres;

예제 #2
const SimpleFontData* FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters(const Font& font, const UChar* characters, int length)
#if defined(USE_FREETYPE)
    FcResult fresult;
    FontPlatformData* prim = const_cast<FontPlatformData*>(&font.primaryFont()->platformData());

    if (!prim->m_fallbacks)
        prim->m_fallbacks = FcFontSort(NULL, prim->m_pattern, FcTrue, NULL, &fresult);

    FcFontSet* fs = prim->m_fallbacks;

    for (int i = 0; i < fs->nfont; i++) {
        FcPattern* fin = FcFontRenderPrepare(NULL, prim->m_pattern, fs->fonts[i]);
        cairo_font_face_t* fontFace = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern(fin);
        FontPlatformData alternateFont(fontFace, font.fontDescription().computedPixelSize(), false, false);
        alternateFont.m_pattern = fin;
        SimpleFontData* sfd = getCachedFontData(&alternateFont);
        if (sfd->containsCharacters(characters, length))
            return sfd;

    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: notadecent/uTox
static void initfonts(void)
    FcResult result;
    FcPattern *pat = FcPatternCreate();
    FcPatternAddString(pat, FC_FAMILY, (uint8_t*)"Roboto");
    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pat, FcMatchPattern);
    fs = FcFontSort(NULL, pat, 0, &charset, &result);


     #define F(x) (x * SCALE / 2.0)
    font[FONT_TEXT][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(12.0), NULL);

    font[FONT_TITLE][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(12.0), XFT_WEIGHT, XftTypeInteger, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD, NULL);

    font[FONT_SELF_NAME][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(14.0), XFT_WEIGHT, XftTypeInteger, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD, NULL);
    font[FONT_STATUS][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(11.0), NULL);

    font[FONT_LIST_NAME][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(12.0), NULL);

    font[FONT_MSG][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(11.0), XFT_WEIGHT, XftTypeInteger, FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT, NULL);
    font[FONT_MSG_NAME][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(10.0), XFT_WEIGHT, XftTypeInteger, FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT, NULL);
    font[FONT_MISC][0] = XftFontOpen(display, screen, XFT_FAMILY, XftTypeString, "Roboto", XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, XftTypeDouble, F(10.0), NULL);
    font[FONT_MSG_LINK][0] = font[FONT_MSG][0];
    #undef F
예제 #4
QStringList QFontconfigDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString family, const QFont::Style &style, const QFont::StyleHint &styleHint, const QUnicodeTables::Script &script) const
    QStringList fallbackFamilies;
    FcPattern *pattern = FcPatternCreate();
    if (!pattern)
        return fallbackFamilies;

    FcValue value;
    value.type = FcTypeString;
    QByteArray cs = family.toUtf8();
    value.u.s = (const FcChar8 *)cs.data();

    int slant_value = FC_SLANT_ROMAN;
    if (style == QFont::StyleItalic)
        slant_value = FC_SLANT_ITALIC;
    else if (style == QFont::StyleOblique)
        slant_value = FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE;
    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, slant_value);

    if (script != QUnicodeTables::Common && *specialLanguages[script] != '\0') {
        Q_ASSERT(script < QUnicodeTables::ScriptCount);
        FcLangSet *ls = FcLangSetCreate();
        FcLangSetAdd(ls, (const FcChar8*)specialLanguages[script]);
        FcPatternAddLangSet(pattern, FC_LANG, ls);

    const char *stylehint = getFcFamilyForStyleHint(styleHint);
    if (stylehint) {
        value.u.s = (const FcChar8 *)stylehint;
        FcPatternAddWeak(pattern, FC_FAMILY, value, FcTrue);

    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    FcResult result = FcResultMatch;
    FcFontSet *fontSet = FcFontSort(0,pattern,FcFalse,0,&result);

    if (fontSet)
        for (int i = 0; i < fontSet->nfont; i++) {
            FcChar8 *value = 0;
            if (FcPatternGetString(fontSet->fonts[i], FC_FAMILY, 0, &value) != FcResultMatch)
            //         capitalize(value);
            QString familyName = QString::fromUtf8((const char *)value);
            if (!fallbackFamilies.contains(familyName,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                fallbackFamilies << familyName;
//    qDebug() << "fallbackFamilies for:" << family << fallbackFamilies;

    return fallbackFamilies;
예제 #5
// This method just need to bypass the cache as we could register our alternative font.
// This is a pity but is required to have asian fonts working.
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters(const Font& font, const UChar* characters, int length)
    // Avoid copying FontPlatformData.
    RefPtr<FontPlatformData> primaryFontPlatformData = font.primaryFont()->m_font;

    // Check if the cache was already filled.
    if (fallbacks.contains(&font)) {
        FontFallbackCache::iterator it = fallbacks.find(&font);
        return it->second;

    if (!primaryFontPlatformData->m_fallbacks) {
        FcResult fresult;
        primaryFontPlatformData->m_fallbacks = FcFontSort(NULL, primaryFontPlatformData->m_pattern, FcTrue, NULL, &fresult);

    FcFontSet* fs = primaryFontPlatformData->m_fallbacks;
    for (int i = 0; i < fs->nfont; i++) {
        FcPattern* fin = FcFontRenderPrepare(0, primaryFontPlatformData->m_pattern, fs->fonts[i]);

        FcChar8* fc_filename;
        if (FcPatternGetString(fin, FC_FILE, 0, &fc_filename) != FcResultMatch)

        char* filename = (char *) fc_filename; // Use C cast as FcChar is a fontconfig type.

        int id;
        if (FcPatternGetInteger(fin, FC_INDEX, 0, &id) != FcResultMatch)

        FT_Face face;
        if (FT_Error error = FT_New_Face(FontPlatformData::m_library, filename, id, &face)) {
            printf("FT_New_Face failed for filename = %s with FT_Error = %d\n", filename, error);

        // FIXME: is it really necessary ?
        FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, static_cast<uint> (font.fontDescription().computedSize()));

        RefPtr<FontPlatformData> platformData = adoptRef(new FontPlatformData(face, font.fontDescription().computedPixelSize(), false, false));
        platformData->m_pattern = fin;

        if (platformData->containsCharacters(characters, length)) {
            RefPtr<SimpleFontData> fontData = adoptRef(new SimpleFontData(platformData.get()));
            fallbacks.add(&font, fontData);
            return fontData;
    // Fallback: use the font in the main cache.
    RefPtr<SimpleFontData> fontData = getCachedFontData(font.fontDescription(), font.family().family());
    return fontData;
예제 #6
FcPattern* findBestFontGivenFallbacks(const FontPlatformData& fontData, FcPattern* pattern)
    if (!fontData.m_pattern)
        return 0;

    if (!fontData.m_fallbacks) {
        FcResult fontConfigResult;
        fontData.m_fallbacks = FcFontSort(0, fontData.m_pattern.get(), FcTrue, 0, &fontConfigResult);

    if (!fontData.m_fallbacks)
        return 0;

    FcFontSet* sets[] = { fontData.m_fallbacks };
    FcResult fontConfigResult;
    return FcFontSetMatch(0, sets, 1, pattern, &fontConfigResult);
예제 #7
static RefPtr<FcPattern> findBestFontGivenFallbacks(const FontPlatformData& fontData, FcPattern* pattern)
    if (!fontData.m_pattern)
        return nullptr;

    if (!fontData.m_fallbacks) {
        FcResult fontConfigResult;
        fontData.m_fallbacks = FcFontSort(nullptr, fontData.m_pattern.get(), FcTrue, nullptr, &fontConfigResult);

    if (!fontData.m_fallbacks)
        return nullptr;

    FcFontSet* sets[] = { fontData.m_fallbacks };
    FcResult fontConfigResult;
    return FcFontSetMatch(nullptr, sets, 1, pattern, &fontConfigResult);
예제 #8
const SimpleFontData* FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters(const Font& font, const UChar* characters, int length)
    FcResult fresult;
    // Avoid copying FontPlatformData.
    FontPlatformData* prim = const_cast<FontPlatformData*>(&font.primaryFont()->m_font);

    if (!prim->m_fallbacks)
        prim->m_fallbacks = FcFontSort(NULL, prim->m_pattern, FcTrue, NULL, &fresult);

    FcFontSet* fs = prim->m_fallbacks;
    FT_Library library = FontPlatformData::m_library;

    FcChar8* fc_filename;
    char* filename;
    int id;
    FT_Face face;
    for (int i = 0; i < fs->nfont; i++) {
        FcPattern* fin = FcFontRenderPrepare(0, prim->m_pattern, fs->fonts[i]);

        if (FcPatternGetString(fin, FC_FILE, 0, &fc_filename) != FcResultMatch)

        filename = (char *) fc_filename; // Use C cast as FcChar is a fontconfig type.

        if (FcPatternGetInteger(fin, FC_INDEX, 0, &id) != FcResultMatch)

        if (FT_Error error = FT_New_Face(library, filename, id, &face))

        // FIXME: is it really necessary ?
        FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, static_cast<uint> (font.fontDescription().computedSize()));

        FontPlatformData alternateFont(face, font.fontDescription().computedPixelSize(), false, false);
        // FIXME: FT_Done_Face(face); we should clean the face correctly the FT_Face but we can't do that here...
        alternateFont.m_pattern = fin;
        SimpleFontData* sfd = getCachedFontData(&alternateFont);
        if (sfd->containsCharacters(characters, length))
            return sfd;
    return 0;
bool SkFontConfigInterfaceDirect::matchFamilySet(const char inFamilyName[],
                                                 SkString* outFamilyName,
                                                 SkTArray<FontIdentity>* ids) {
    SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(mutex_);

#if 0
    SkString familyStr(familyName ? familyName : "");
    if (familyStr.size() > kMaxFontFamilyLength) {
        return false;

    SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(mutex_);

    FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    if (familyName) {
        FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*)familyName);
    FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);

    FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    // Font matching:
    // CSS often specifies a fallback list of families:
    //    font-family: a, b, c, serif;
    // However, fontconfig will always do its best to find *a* font when asked
    // for something so we need a way to tell if the match which it has found is
    // "good enough" for us. Otherwise, we can return NULL which gets piped up
    // and lets WebKit know to try the next CSS family name. However, fontconfig
    // configs allow substitutions (mapping "Arial -> Helvetica" etc) and we
    // wish to support that.
    // Thus, if a specific family is requested we set @family_requested. Then we
    // record two strings: the family name after config processing and the
    // family name after resolving. If the two are equal, it's a good match.
    // So consider the case where a user has mapped Arial to Helvetica in their
    // config.
    //    requested family: "Arial"
    //    post_config_family: "Helvetica"
    //    post_match_family: "Helvetica"
    //      -> good match
    // and for a missing font:
    //    requested family: "Monaco"
    //    post_config_family: "Monaco"
    //    post_match_family: "Times New Roman"
    //      -> BAD match
    // However, we special-case fallback fonts; see IsFallbackFontAllowed().

    const char* post_config_family = get_name(pattern, FC_FAMILY);

    FcResult result;
    FcFontSet* font_set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result);
    if (!font_set) {
        return false;

    FcPattern* match = MatchFont(font_set, post_config_family, familyStr);
    if (!match) {
        return false;


    // From here out we just extract our results from 'match'

    if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FAMILY, 0, &post_config_family) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;

    FcChar8* c_filename;
    if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &c_filename) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;

    int face_index;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(match, FC_INDEX, 0, &face_index) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;


    if (outIdentity) {
        outIdentity->fTTCIndex = face_index;
        outIdentity->fString.set((const char*)c_filename);
    if (outFamilyName) {
        outFamilyName->set((const char*)post_config_family);
    if (outStyle) {
        *outStyle = GetFontStyle(match);
    return true;


        int count;
        FcPattern** match = MatchFont(font_set, post_config_family, &count);
        if (!match) {
            return NULL;


        SkTDArray<FcPattern*> trimmedMatches;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            const char* justName = find_just_name(get_name(match[i], FC_FILE));
            if (!is_lower(*justName)) {
                *trimmedMatches.append() = match[i];

        SkFontStyleSet_FC* sset = new SkFontStyleSet_FC                                               (trimmedMatches.begin(),                                               trimmedMatches.count());
    return false;
bool SkFontConfigInterfaceDirect::matchFamilyName(const char familyName[],
                                                  SkTypeface::Style style,
                                                  FontIdentity* outIdentity,
                                                  SkString* outFamilyName,
                                                  SkTypeface::Style* outStyle) {
    SkString familyStr(familyName ? familyName : "");
    if (familyStr.size() > kMaxFontFamilyLength) {
        return false;

    SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(mutex_);

    FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    if (familyName) {
        FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*)familyName);
    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT,
                        (style & SkTypeface::kBold) ? FC_WEIGHT_BOLD
                                                    : FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT,
                        (style & SkTypeface::kItalic) ? FC_SLANT_ITALIC
                                                      : FC_SLANT_ROMAN);
    FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);

    FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    // Font matching:
    // CSS often specifies a fallback list of families:
    //    font-family: a, b, c, serif;
    // However, fontconfig will always do its best to find *a* font when asked
    // for something so we need a way to tell if the match which it has found is
    // "good enough" for us. Otherwise, we can return NULL which gets piped up
    // and lets WebKit know to try the next CSS family name. However, fontconfig
    // configs allow substitutions (mapping "Arial -> Helvetica" etc) and we
    // wish to support that.
    // Thus, if a specific family is requested we set @family_requested. Then we
    // record two strings: the family name after config processing and the
    // family name after resolving. If the two are equal, it's a good match.
    // So consider the case where a user has mapped Arial to Helvetica in their
    // config.
    //    requested family: "Arial"
    //    post_config_family: "Helvetica"
    //    post_match_family: "Helvetica"
    //      -> good match
    // and for a missing font:
    //    requested family: "Monaco"
    //    post_config_family: "Monaco"
    //    post_match_family: "Times New Roman"
    //      -> BAD match
    // However, we special-case fallback fonts; see IsFallbackFontAllowed().

    const char* post_config_family = get_name(pattern, FC_FAMILY);
    if (!post_config_family) {
        // we can just continue with an empty name, e.g. default font
        post_config_family = "";

    FcResult result;
    FcFontSet* font_set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result);
    if (!font_set) {
        return false;

    FcPattern* match = MatchFont(font_set, post_config_family, familyStr);
    if (!match) {
        return false;


    // From here out we just extract our results from 'match'

    post_config_family = get_name(match, FC_FAMILY);
    if (!post_config_family) {
        return false;

    const char* c_filename = get_name(match, FC_FILE);
    if (!c_filename) {
        return false;

    int face_index;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(match, FC_INDEX, 0, &face_index) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;


    if (outIdentity) {
        outIdentity->fTTCIndex = face_index;
    if (outFamilyName) {
    if (outStyle) {
        *outStyle = GetFontStyle(match);
    return true;
예제 #11
 * \brief Low-level font selection.
 * \param priv private data
 * \param family font family
 * \param treat_family_as_pattern treat family as fontconfig pattern
 * \param bold font weight value
 * \param italic font slant value
 * \param index out: font index inside a file
 * \param code: the character that should be present in the font, can be 0
 * \return font file path
static char *select_font(ASS_Library *library, FCInstance *priv,
                          const char *family, int treat_family_as_pattern,
                          unsigned bold, unsigned italic, int *index,
                          uint32_t code)
    FcBool rc;
    FcResult result;
    FcPattern *pat = NULL, *rpat = NULL;
    int r_index, r_slant, r_weight;
    FcChar8 *r_family, *r_style, *r_file, *r_fullname;
    FcBool r_outline, r_embolden;
    FcCharSet *r_charset;
    FcFontSet *ffullname = NULL, *fsorted = NULL, *fset = NULL;
    int curf;
    char *retval = NULL;
    int family_cnt = 0;

    *index = 0;

    if (treat_family_as_pattern)
        pat = FcNameParse((const FcChar8 *) family);
        pat = FcPatternCreate();

    if (!pat)
        goto error;

    if (!treat_family_as_pattern) {
        FcPatternAddString(pat, FC_FAMILY, (const FcChar8 *) family);

        // In SSA/ASS fonts are sometimes referenced by their "full name",
        // which is usually a concatenation of family name and font
        // style (ex. Ottawa Bold). Full name is available from
        // FontConfig pattern element FC_FULLNAME, but it is never
        // used for font matching.
        // Therefore, I'm removing words from the end of the name one
        // by one, and adding shortened names to the pattern. It seems
        // that the first value (full name in this case) has
        // precedence in matching.
        // An alternative approach could be to reimplement FcFontSort
        // using FC_FULLNAME instead of FC_FAMILY.
        family_cnt = 1;
            char *s = strdup(family);
            char *p = s + strlen(s);
            while (--p > s)
                if (*p == ' ' || *p == '-') {
                    *p = '\0';
                    FcPatternAddString(pat, FC_FAMILY, (const FcChar8 *) s);
    FcPatternAddBool(pat, FC_OUTLINE, FcTrue);
    FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_SLANT, italic);
    FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_WEIGHT, bold);


    rc = FcConfigSubstitute(priv->config, pat, FcMatchPattern);
    if (!rc)
        goto error;
    /* Fontconfig defaults include a language setting, which it sets based on
     * some environment variables or defaults to "en". Unset this as we don't
     * know the real language, and because some some attached fonts lack
     * non-ascii characters included in fontconfig's list of characters
     * required for English support and therefore don't match the lang=en
     * criterion.
    FcPatternDel(pat, "lang");

    fsorted = FcFontSort(priv->config, pat, FcTrue, NULL, &result);
    ffullname = match_fullname(library, priv, family, bold, italic);
    if (!fsorted || !ffullname)
        goto error;

    fset = FcFontSetCreate();
    for (curf = 0; curf < ffullname->nfont; ++curf) {
        FcPattern *curp = ffullname->fonts[curf];
        FcFontSetAdd(fset, curp);
    for (curf = 0; curf < fsorted->nfont; ++curf) {
        FcPattern *curp = fsorted->fonts[curf];
        FcFontSetAdd(fset, curp);

    for (curf = 0; curf < fset->nfont; ++curf) {
        FcPattern *curp = fset->fonts[curf];

        result = FcPatternGetBool(curp, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &r_outline);
        if (result != FcResultMatch)
        if (r_outline != FcTrue)
        if (!code)
        result = FcPatternGetCharSet(curp, FC_CHARSET, 0, &r_charset);
        if (result != FcResultMatch)
        if (FcCharSetHasChar(r_charset, code))

    if (curf >= fset->nfont)
        goto error;

    if (!treat_family_as_pattern) {
        // Remove all extra family names from original pattern.
        // After this, FcFontRenderPrepare will select the most relevant family
        // name in case there are more than one of them.
        for (; family_cnt > 1; --family_cnt)
            FcPatternRemove(pat, FC_FAMILY, family_cnt - 1);

    rpat = FcFontRenderPrepare(priv->config, pat, fset->fonts[curf]);
    if (!rpat)
        goto error;

    result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_INDEX, 0, &r_index);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        goto error;
    *index = r_index;

    result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FILE, 0, &r_file);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        goto error;
    retval = strdup((const char *) r_file);

    result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FAMILY, 0, &r_family);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        r_family = NULL;

    result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FULLNAME, 0, &r_fullname);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        r_fullname = NULL;

    if (!treat_family_as_pattern &&
        !(r_family && strcasecmp((const char *) r_family, family) == 0) &&
        !(r_fullname && strcasecmp((const char *) r_fullname, family) == 0)) {
        char *fallback = (char *) (r_fullname ? r_fullname : r_family);
        if (code) {
            ass_msg(library, MSGL_WARN,
                    "fontconfig: cannot find glyph U+%04X in font '%s', falling back to '%s'",
                    (unsigned int)code, family, fallback);
        } else {
            ass_msg(library, MSGL_WARN,
                    "fontconfig: cannot find font '%s', falling back to '%s'",
                    family, fallback);

    result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_STYLE, 0, &r_style);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        r_style = NULL;

    result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_SLANT, 0, &r_slant);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        r_slant = 0;

    result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_WEIGHT, 0, &r_weight);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        r_weight = 0;

    result = FcPatternGetBool(rpat, FC_EMBOLDEN, 0, &r_embolden);
    if (result != FcResultMatch)
        r_embolden = 0;

    ass_msg(library, MSGL_V,
           "Font info: family '%s', style '%s', fullname '%s',"
           " slant %d, weight %d%s", (const char *) r_family,
           (const char *) r_style, (const char *) r_fullname, r_slant,
           r_weight, r_embolden ? ", embolden" : "");

    if (pat)
    if (rpat)
    if (fsorted)
    if (ffullname)
    if (fset)
    return retval;
예제 #12
static UnixFtFont *
    Tk_Window tkwin,
    FcPattern *pattern,
    UnixFtFont *fontPtr)
    FcFontSet *set;
    FcCharSet *charset;
    FcResult result;
    XftFont *ftFont;
    int i, iWidth;

    if (!fontPtr) {
	fontPtr = ckalloc(sizeof(UnixFtFont));

    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
    XftDefaultSubstitute(Tk_Display(tkwin), Tk_ScreenNumber(tkwin), pattern);

     * Generate the list of fonts

    set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, FcTrue, NULL, &result);
    if (!set) {
	return NULL;

    fontPtr->fontset = set;
    fontPtr->pattern = pattern;
    fontPtr->faces = ckalloc(set->nfont * sizeof(UnixFtFace));
    fontPtr->nfaces = set->nfont;

     * Fill in information about each returned font

    for (i = 0; i < set->nfont; i++) {
	fontPtr->faces[i].ftFont = 0;
	fontPtr->faces[i].ft0Font = 0;
	fontPtr->faces[i].source = set->fonts[i];
	if (FcPatternGetCharSet(set->fonts[i], FC_CHARSET, 0,
		&charset) == FcResultMatch) {
	    fontPtr->faces[i].charset = FcCharSetCopy(charset);
	} else {
	    fontPtr->faces[i].charset = 0;
	fontPtr->faces[i].angle = 0.0;

    fontPtr->display = Tk_Display(tkwin);
    fontPtr->screen = Tk_ScreenNumber(tkwin);
    fontPtr->ftDraw = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.red = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.green = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.blue = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.alpha = 0xffff;
    fontPtr->color.pixel = 0xffffffff;

     * Fill in platform-specific fields of TkFont.

    ftFont = GetFont(fontPtr, 0, 0.0);
    fontPtr->font.fid = XLoadFont(Tk_Display(tkwin), "fixed");
    GetTkFontAttributes(ftFont, &fontPtr->font.fa);
    GetTkFontMetrics(ftFont, &fontPtr->font.fm);

     * Fontconfig can't report any information about the position or thickness
     * of underlines or overstrikes. Thus, we use some defaults that are
     * hacked around from backup defaults in tkUnixFont.c, which are in turn
     * based on recommendations in the X manual. The comments from that file
     * leading to these computations were:
     *	    If the XA_UNDERLINE_POSITION property does not exist, the X manual
     *	    recommends using half the descent.
     *	    If the XA_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS property does not exist, the X
     *	    manual recommends using the width of the stem on a capital letter.
     *	    I don't know of a way to get the stem width of a letter, so guess
     *	    and use 1/3 the width of a capital I.
     * Note that nothing corresponding to *either* property is reported by
     * Fontconfig at all. [Bug 1961455]

	TkFont *fPtr = &fontPtr->font;

	fPtr->underlinePos = fPtr->fm.descent / 2;
	Tk_MeasureChars((Tk_Font) fPtr, "I", 1, -1, 0, &iWidth);
	fPtr->underlineHeight = iWidth / 3;
	if (fPtr->underlineHeight == 0) {
	    fPtr->underlineHeight = 1;
	if (fPtr->underlineHeight + fPtr->underlinePos > fPtr->fm.descent) {
	    fPtr->underlineHeight = fPtr->fm.descent - fPtr->underlinePos;
	    if (fPtr->underlineHeight == 0) {
		fPtr->underlineHeight = 1;

    return fontPtr;
예제 #13
 * \brief Low-level font selection.
 * \param priv private data
 * \param family font family
 * \param bold font weight value
 * \param italic font slant value
 * \param index out: font index inside a file
 * \param code: the character that should be present in the font, can be 0
 * \return font file path
static char* _select_font(fc_instance_t* priv, const char* family, unsigned bold, unsigned italic, int* index,
			  uint32_t code)
	FcBool rc;
	FcResult result;
	FcPattern *pat = 0, *rpat;
	int val_i;
	FcChar8* val_s;
	FcBool val_b;
	FcCharSet* val_cs;
	FcFontSet* fset = 0;
	int curf;
	char* retval = 0;
	*index = 0;

	pat = FcPatternCreate();
	if (!pat)
		goto error;
	FcPatternAddString(pat, FC_FAMILY, (const FcChar8*)family);
	FcPatternAddBool(pat, FC_OUTLINE, FcTrue);
	FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_SLANT, italic);
	FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_WEIGHT, bold);

	rc = FcConfigSubstitute(priv->config, pat, FcMatchPattern);
	if (!rc)
		goto error;

	fset = FcFontSort(priv->config, pat, FcTrue, NULL, &result);

	for (curf = 0; curf < fset->nfont; ++curf) {
		rpat = fset->fonts[curf];
		result = FcPatternGetBool(rpat, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &val_b);
		if (result != FcResultMatch)
		if (val_b != FcTrue)
		if (!code)
		result = FcPatternGetCharSet(rpat, FC_CHARSET, 0, &val_cs);
		if (result != FcResultMatch)
		if (FcCharSetHasChar(val_cs, code))

	if (curf >= fset->nfont)
		goto error;

	rpat = fset->fonts[curf];
	result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_INDEX, 0, &val_i);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		goto error;
	*index = val_i;

	result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FAMILY, 0, &val_s);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		goto error;

	if (strcasecmp((const char*)val_s, family) != 0)
		mp_msg(MSGT_ASS, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_LIBASS_SelectedFontFamilyIsNotTheRequestedOne,
				(const char*)val_s, family);

	result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FILE, 0, &val_s);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		goto error;
	retval = strdup((const char*)val_s);
	if (pat) FcPatternDestroy(pat);
	if (fset) FcFontSetDestroy(fset);
	return retval;
예제 #14
 * \brief Low-level font selection.
 * \param priv private data
 * \param family font family
 * \param bold font weight value
 * \param italic font slant value
 * \param index out: font index inside a file
 * \param code: the character that should be present in the font, can be 0
 * \return font file path
static char* _select_font(fc_instance_t* priv, const char* family, unsigned bold, unsigned italic, int* index,
			  uint32_t code)
	FcBool rc;
	FcResult result;
	FcPattern *pat = NULL, *rpat = NULL;
	int r_index, r_slant, r_weight;
	FcChar8 *r_family, *r_style, *r_file, *r_fullname;
	FcBool r_outline, r_embolden;
	FcCharSet* r_charset;
	FcFontSet* fset = NULL;
	int curf;
	char* retval = NULL;
	int family_cnt;
	*index = 0;

	pat = FcPatternCreate();
	if (!pat)
		goto error;
	FcPatternAddString(pat, FC_FAMILY, (const FcChar8*)family);

	// In SSA/ASS fonts are sometimes referenced by their "full name",
	// which is usually a concatenation of family name and font
	// style (ex. Ottawa Bold). Full name is available from
	// FontConfig pattern element FC_FULLNAME, but it is never
	// used for font matching.
	// Therefore, I'm removing words from the end of the name one
	// by one, and adding shortened names to the pattern. It seems
	// that the first value (full name in this case) has
	// precedence in matching.
	// An alternative approach could be to reimplement FcFontSort
	// using FC_FULLNAME instead of FC_FAMILY.
	family_cnt = 1;
		char* s = strdup(family);
		char* p = s + strlen(s);
		while (--p > s)
			if (*p == ' ' || *p == '-') {
				*p = '\0';
				FcPatternAddString(pat, FC_FAMILY, (const FcChar8*)s);
				++ family_cnt;
	FcPatternAddBool(pat, FC_OUTLINE, FcTrue);
	FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_SLANT, italic);
	FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_WEIGHT, bold);

	rc = FcConfigSubstitute(priv->config, pat, FcMatchPattern);
	if (!rc)
		goto error;

	fset = FcFontSort(priv->config, pat, FcTrue, NULL, &result);
	if (!fset)
		goto error;

	for (curf = 0; curf < fset->nfont; ++curf) {
		FcPattern* curp = fset->fonts[curf];

		result = FcPatternGetBool(curp, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &r_outline);
		if (result != FcResultMatch)
		if (r_outline != FcTrue)
		if (!code)
		result = FcPatternGetCharSet(curp, FC_CHARSET, 0, &r_charset);
		if (result != FcResultMatch)
		if (FcCharSetHasChar(r_charset, code))

	if (curf >= fset->nfont)
		goto error;

#if (FC_VERSION >= 20297)
	// Remove all extra family names from original pattern.
	// After this, FcFontRenderPrepare will select the most relevant family
	// name in case there are more than one of them.
	for (; family_cnt > 1; --family_cnt)
		FcPatternRemove(pat, FC_FAMILY, family_cnt - 1);

	rpat = FcFontRenderPrepare(priv->config, pat, fset->fonts[curf]);
	if (!rpat)
		goto error;

	result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_INDEX, 0, &r_index);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		goto error;
	*index = r_index;

	result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FILE, 0, &r_file);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		goto error;
	retval = strdup((const char*)r_file);

	result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FAMILY, 0, &r_family);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		r_family = NULL;

	result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_FULLNAME, 0, &r_fullname);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		r_fullname = NULL;

	if (!(r_family && strcasecmp((const char*)r_family, family) == 0) &&
	    !(r_fullname && strcasecmp((const char*)r_fullname, family) == 0))
		mp_msg(MSGT_ASS, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_LIBASS_SelectedFontFamilyIsNotTheRequestedOne,
		       (const char*)(r_fullname ? r_fullname : r_family), family);

	result = FcPatternGetString(rpat, FC_STYLE, 0, &r_style);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		r_style = NULL;

	result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_SLANT, 0, &r_slant);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		r_slant = 0;

	result = FcPatternGetInteger(rpat, FC_WEIGHT, 0, &r_weight);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		r_weight = 0;

	result = FcPatternGetBool(rpat, FC_EMBOLDEN, 0, &r_embolden);
	if (result != FcResultMatch)
		r_embolden = 0;

	mp_msg(MSGT_ASS, MSGL_V, "[ass] Font info: family '%s', style '%s', fullname '%s',"
	       " slant %d, weight %d%s\n",
	       (const char*)r_family, (const char*)r_style, (const char*)r_fullname,
	       r_slant, r_weight, r_embolden ? ", embolden" : "");

	if (pat) FcPatternDestroy(pat);
	if (rpat) FcPatternDestroy(rpat);
	if (fset) FcFontSetDestroy(fset);
	return retval;
예제 #15
vlc_family_t *FontConfig_GetFallbacks( filter_t *p_filter, const char *psz_family,
                                       uni_char_t codepoint )

    VLC_UNUSED( codepoint );

    vlc_family_t *p_family = NULL;
    filter_sys_t *p_sys    = p_filter->p_sys;

    char *psz_lc = ToLower( psz_family );

    if( unlikely( !psz_lc ) )
        return NULL;

    p_family = vlc_dictionary_value_for_key( &p_sys->fallback_map, psz_lc );

    if( p_family != kVLCDictionaryNotFound )
        free( psz_lc );
        return p_family;
        p_family = NULL;

    const char *psz_last_name = "";
    FcPattern  *p_pattern = FcPatternCreate();
    FcValue     family;
    family.type = FcTypeString;
    family.u.s = ( const FcChar8* ) psz_family;
    FcPatternAdd( p_pattern, FC_FAMILY, family, FcFalse );
    if( FcConfigSubstitute( NULL, p_pattern, FcMatchPattern ) == FcTrue )
        FcDefaultSubstitute( p_pattern );
        FcResult result;
        FcFontSet* p_font_set = FcFontSort( NULL, p_pattern, FcTrue, NULL, &result );
        if( p_font_set )
            for( int i = 0; i < p_font_set->nfont; ++i )
                char* psz_name = NULL;
                FcPatternGetString( p_font_set->fonts[i],
                                    FC_FAMILY, 0, ( FcChar8** )( &psz_name ) );

                /* Avoid duplicate family names */
                if( strcasecmp( psz_last_name, psz_name ) )
                    vlc_family_t *p_temp = NewFamily( p_filter, psz_name,
                                                      &p_family, NULL, NULL );

                    if( unlikely( !p_temp ) )
                        FcFontSetDestroy( p_font_set );
                        FcPatternDestroy( p_pattern );
                        if( p_family )
                            FreeFamilies( p_family, NULL );
                        free( psz_lc );
                        return NULL;

                    psz_last_name = p_temp->psz_name;
            FcFontSetDestroy( p_font_set );
    FcPatternDestroy( p_pattern );

    if( p_family )
        vlc_dictionary_insert( &p_sys->fallback_map, psz_lc, p_family );

    free( psz_lc );
    return p_family;
예제 #16
QStringList QFontconfigDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const
    QStringList fallbackFamilies;
    FcPattern *pattern = FcPatternCreate();
    if (!pattern)
        return fallbackFamilies;

    FcValue value;
    value.type = FcTypeString;
    QByteArray cs = family.toUtf8();
    value.u.s = (const FcChar8 *)cs.data();

    int slant_value = FC_SLANT_ROMAN;
    if (style == QFont::StyleItalic)
        slant_value = FC_SLANT_ITALIC;
    else if (style == QFont::StyleOblique)
        slant_value = FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE;
    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, slant_value);

    Q_ASSERT(uint(script) < QChar::ScriptCount);
    if (*specialLanguages[script] != '\0') {
        FcLangSet *ls = FcLangSetCreate();
        FcLangSetAdd(ls, (const FcChar8*)specialLanguages[script]);
        FcPatternAddLangSet(pattern, FC_LANG, ls);
    } else if (!family.isEmpty()) {
        // If script is Common or Han, then it may include languages like CJK,
        // we should attach system default language set to the pattern
        // to obtain correct font fallback list (i.e. if LANG=zh_CN
        // then we normally want to use a Chinese font for CJK text;
        // while a Japanese font should be used for that if LANG=ja)
        FcPattern *dummy = FcPatternCreate();
        FcChar8 *lang = 0;
        FcResult res = FcPatternGetString(dummy, FC_LANG, 0, &lang);
        if (res == FcResultMatch)
            FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_LANG, lang);

    const char *stylehint = getFcFamilyForStyleHint(styleHint);
    if (stylehint) {
        value.u.s = (const FcChar8 *)stylehint;
        FcPatternAddWeak(pattern, FC_FAMILY, value, FcTrue);

    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    FcResult result = FcResultMatch;
    FcFontSet *fontSet = FcFontSort(0,pattern,FcFalse,0,&result);

    if (fontSet) {
        for (int i = 0; i < fontSet->nfont; i++) {
            FcChar8 *value = 0;
            if (FcPatternGetString(fontSet->fonts[i], FC_FAMILY, 0, &value) != FcResultMatch)
            //         capitalize(value);
            QString familyName = QString::fromUtf8((const char *)value);
            if (!fallbackFamilies.contains(familyName,Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
                familyName.compare(family, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                fallbackFamilies << familyName;
//    qDebug() << "fallbackFamilies for:" << family << style << styleHint << script << fallbackFamilies;

    return fallbackFamilies;
예제 #17
void WebFontInfo::fallbackFontForChar(WebUChar32 c, const char* preferredLocale, WebFallbackFont* fallbackFont)
    FcCharSet* cset = FcCharSetCreate();
    FcCharSetAddChar(cset, c);
    FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    FcValue fcvalue;
    fcvalue.type = FcTypeCharSet;
    fcvalue.u.c = cset;
    FcPatternAdd(pattern, FC_CHARSET, fcvalue, FcFalse);

    fcvalue.type = FcTypeBool;
    fcvalue.u.b = FcTrue;
    FcPatternAdd(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, fcvalue, FcFalse);

    if (preferredLocale) {
        FcLangSet* langset = FcLangSetCreate();
        FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8 *>(preferredLocale));
        FcPatternAddLangSet(pattern, FC_LANG, langset);

    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    FcResult result;
    FcFontSet* fontSet = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result);

    if (!fontSet) {
        fallbackFont->name = WebCString();
        fallbackFont->isBold = false;
        fallbackFont->isItalic = false;
    // Older versions of fontconfig have a bug where they cannot select
    // only scalable fonts so we have to manually filter the results.
    for (int i = 0; i < fontSet->nfont; ++i) {
        FcPattern* current = fontSet->fonts[i];
        FcBool isScalable;

        if (FcPatternGetBool(current, FC_SCALABLE, 0, &isScalable) != FcResultMatch
            || !isScalable)

        // fontconfig can also return fonts which are unreadable
        FcChar8* cFilename;
        if (FcPatternGetString(current, FC_FILE, 0, &cFilename) != FcResultMatch)

        if (access(reinterpret_cast<char*>(cFilename), R_OK))

        const char* fontFilename = reinterpret_cast<char*>(cFilename);
        fallbackFont->filename = WebCString(fontFilename, strlen(fontFilename));

        // Index into font collection.
        int ttcIndex;
        if (FcPatternGetInteger(current, FC_INDEX, 0, &ttcIndex) != FcResultMatch && ttcIndex < 0)
        fallbackFont->ttcIndex = ttcIndex;

        FcChar8* familyName;
        if (FcPatternGetString(current, FC_FAMILY, 0, &familyName) == FcResultMatch) {
            const char* charFamily = reinterpret_cast<char*>(familyName);
            fallbackFont->name = WebCString(charFamily, strlen(charFamily));
        int weight;
        if (FcPatternGetInteger(current, FC_WEIGHT, 0, &weight) == FcResultMatch)
            fallbackFont->isBold = weight >= FC_WEIGHT_BOLD;
            fallbackFont->isBold = false;
        int slant;
        if (FcPatternGetInteger(current, FC_SLANT, 0, &slant) == FcResultMatch)
            fallbackFont->isItalic = slant != FC_SLANT_ROMAN;
            fallbackFont->isItalic = false;

bool FontConfigDirect::Match(std::string* result_family,
                             unsigned* result_filefaceid,
                             bool filefaceid_valid, unsigned filefaceid,
                             const std::string& family,
                             const void* data, size_t characters_bytes,
                             bool* is_bold, bool* is_italic) {
    if (family.length() > kMaxFontFamilyLength)
        return false;

    SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(mutex_);

    // Given |family|, |is_bold| and |is_italic| but not |data|, the result will
    // be a function of these three parameters, and thus eligible for caching.
    // This is the fast path for |SkTypeface::CreateFromName()|.
    bool eligible_for_cache = !family.empty() && is_bold && is_italic && !data;
    if (eligible_for_cache) {
        int style = (*is_bold ? SkTypeface::kBold : 0 ) |
                    (*is_italic ? SkTypeface::kItalic : 0);
        FontMatchKey key = FontMatchKey(family, style);
        const std::map<FontMatchKey, FontMatch>::const_iterator i =
        if (i != font_match_cache_.end()) {
            *is_bold = i->second.is_bold;
            *is_italic = i->second.is_italic;
            if (result_family)
                *result_family = i->second.family;
            if (result_filefaceid)
                *result_filefaceid = i->second.filefaceid;
            return true;

    FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    if (filefaceid_valid) {
        const std::map<unsigned, std::string>::const_iterator
            i = fileid_to_filename_.find(FileFaceIdToFileId(filefaceid));
        if (i == fileid_to_filename_.end()) {
            return false;
        int face_index = filefaceid & 0xfu;
        FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FILE,
            reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8*>(i->second.c_str()));
        // face_index is added only when family is empty because it is not
        // necessary to uniquiely identify a font if both file and
        // family are given.
        if (family.empty())
            FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_INDEX, face_index);
    if (!family.empty()) {
        FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*) family.c_str());

    FcCharSet* charset = NULL;
    if (data) {
        charset = FcCharSetCreate();
        const uint16_t* chars = (const uint16_t*) data;
        size_t num_chars = characters_bytes / 2;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chars; ++i) {
            if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(chars[i])
                && U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(chars[i])
                && i != num_chars - 1
                && U16_IS_TRAIL(chars[i + 1])) {
                FcCharSetAddChar(charset, U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(chars[i], chars[i+1]));
            } else {
                FcCharSetAddChar(charset, chars[i]);
        FcPatternAddCharSet(pattern, FC_CHARSET, charset);
        FcCharSetDestroy(charset);  // pattern now owns it.

    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT,
                        is_bold && *is_bold ? FC_WEIGHT_BOLD
                                            : FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT,
                        is_italic && *is_italic ? FC_SLANT_ITALIC
                                                : FC_SLANT_ROMAN);
    FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);

    FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    // Font matching:
    // CSS often specifies a fallback list of families:
    //    font-family: a, b, c, serif;
    // However, fontconfig will always do its best to find *a* font when asked
    // for something so we need a way to tell if the match which it has found is
    // "good enough" for us. Otherwise, we can return NULL which gets piped up
    // and lets WebKit know to try the next CSS family name. However, fontconfig
    // configs allow substitutions (mapping "Arial -> Helvetica" etc) and we
    // wish to support that.
    // Thus, if a specific family is requested we set @family_requested. Then we
    // record two strings: the family name after config processing and the
    // family name after resolving. If the two are equal, it's a good match.
    // So consider the case where a user has mapped Arial to Helvetica in their
    // config.
    //    requested family: "Arial"
    //    post_config_family: "Helvetica"
    //    post_match_family: "Helvetica"
    //      -> good match
    // and for a missing font:
    //    requested family: "Monaco"
    //    post_config_family: "Monaco"
    //    post_match_family: "Times New Roman"
    //      -> BAD match
    // However, we special-case fallback fonts; see IsFallbackFontAllowed().
    FcChar8* post_config_family;
    FcPatternGetString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, 0, &post_config_family);

    FcResult result;
    FcFontSet* font_set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result);
    if (!font_set) {
        return false;

    FcPattern* match = MatchFont(font_set, post_config_family, family);
    if (!match) {
        return false;


    FcChar8* c_filename;
    if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &c_filename) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;
    int face_index;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(match, FC_INDEX, 0, &face_index) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;

    FontMatch font_match;
    if (filefaceid_valid) {
        font_match.filefaceid = filefaceid;
    } else {
        unsigned out_fileid;
        const std::string filename(reinterpret_cast<char*>(c_filename));
        const std::map<std::string, unsigned>::const_iterator
            i = filename_to_fileid_.find(filename);
        if (i == filename_to_fileid_.end()) {
            out_fileid = next_file_id_++;
            filename_to_fileid_[filename] = out_fileid;
            fileid_to_filename_[out_fileid] = filename;
        } else {
            out_fileid = i->second;
        // fileid stored in filename_to_fileid_ and fileid_to_filename_ is
        // unique only up to the font file. We have to encode face_index for
        // the out param.
        font_match.filefaceid =
            FileIdAndFaceIndexToFileFaceId(out_fileid, face_index);

    bool success = GetFontProperties(match,

    if (success) {
        // If eligible, cache the result of the matching.
        if (eligible_for_cache) {
            int style = (*is_bold ? SkTypeface::kBold : 0 ) |
                        (*is_italic ? SkTypeface::kItalic : 0);
            font_match_cache_[FontMatchKey(family, style)] = font_match;

        if (result_family)
            *result_family = font_match.family;
        if (result_filefaceid)
            *result_filefaceid = font_match.filefaceid;
        if (is_bold)
            *is_bold = font_match.is_bold;
        if (is_italic)
            *is_italic = font_match.is_italic;

    return success;
main (int argc, char **argv)
    int			verbose = 0;
    int			sort = 0, all = 0;
    const FcChar8	*format = NULL;
    int			i;
    FcObjectSet		*os = 0;
    FcFontSet		*fs;
    FcPattern		*pat;
    FcResult		result;
    int			c;

    while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "asvf:Vh", longopts, NULL)) != -1)
    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "asvf:Vh")) != -1)
	switch (c) {
	case 'a':
	    all = 1;
	case 's':
	    sort = 1;
	case 'v':
	    verbose = 1;
	case 'f':
	    format = (FcChar8 *) strdup (optarg);
	case 'V':
	    fprintf (stderr, "fontconfig version %d.%d.%d\n", 
	    exit (0);
	case 'h':
	    usage (argv[0], 0);
	    usage (argv[0], 1);
    i = optind;
    i = 1;

    if (!FcInit ())
	fprintf (stderr, "Can't init font config library\n");
	return 1;
    if (argv[i])
	pat = FcNameParse ((FcChar8 *) argv[i]);
	while (argv[++i])
	    if (!os)
		os = FcObjectSetCreate ();
	    FcObjectSetAdd (os, argv[i]);
	pat = FcPatternCreate ();

    if (!pat)
	return 1;

    FcConfigSubstitute (0, pat, FcMatchPattern);
    FcDefaultSubstitute (pat);
    fs = FcFontSetCreate ();

    if (sort || all)
	FcFontSet	*font_patterns;
	int	j;
	font_patterns = FcFontSort (0, pat, all ? FcFalse : FcTrue, 0, &result);

	if (!font_patterns || font_patterns->nfont == 0)
	    fputs("No fonts installed on the system\n", stderr);
	    return 1;
	for (j = 0; j < font_patterns->nfont; j++)
	    FcPattern  *font_pattern;

	    font_pattern = FcFontRenderPrepare (NULL, pat, font_patterns->fonts[j]);
	    if (font_pattern)
		FcFontSetAdd (fs, font_pattern);

	FcFontSetSortDestroy (font_patterns);
	FcPattern   *match;
	match = FcFontMatch (0, pat, &result);
	if (match)
	    FcFontSetAdd (fs, match);
    FcPatternDestroy (pat);

    if (!format)
	if (os)
	    format = (const FcChar8 *) "%{=unparse}\n";
	    format = (const FcChar8 *) "%{=fcmatch}\n";

    if (fs)
	int	j;

	for (j = 0; j < fs->nfont; j++)
	    FcPattern *font;

	    font = FcPatternFilter (fs->fonts[j], os);

	    if (verbose)
		FcPatternPrint (font);
	        FcChar8 *s;

		s = FcPatternFormat (font, format);
		if (s)
		    printf ("%s", s);
		    free (s);

	    FcPatternDestroy (font);
	FcFontSetDestroy (fs);

    if (os)
	FcObjectSetDestroy (os);

    FcFini ();

    return 0;
예제 #20
static UnixFtFont *
    Tk_Window tkwin,
    FcPattern *pattern,
    UnixFtFont *fontPtr)
    FcFontSet *set;
    FcCharSet *charset;
    FcResult result;
    XftFont *ftFont;
    int i;

    if (!fontPtr) {
	fontPtr = (UnixFtFont *) ckalloc(sizeof(UnixFtFont));

    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
    XftDefaultSubstitute(Tk_Display(tkwin), Tk_ScreenNumber(tkwin), pattern);

     * Generate the list of fonts

    set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, FcTrue, NULL, &result);
    if (!set) {
	ckfree((char *)fontPtr);
	return NULL;

    fontPtr->fontset = set;
    fontPtr->pattern = pattern;
    fontPtr->faces = (UnixFtFace *) ckalloc(set->nfont * sizeof(UnixFtFace));
    fontPtr->nfaces = set->nfont;

     * Fill in information about each returned font

    for (i = 0; i < set->nfont; i++) {
	fontPtr->faces[i].ftFont = 0;
	fontPtr->faces[i].source = set->fonts[i];
	if (FcPatternGetCharSet(set->fonts[i], FC_CHARSET, 0,
		&charset) == FcResultMatch) {
	    fontPtr->faces[i].charset = FcCharSetCopy(charset);
	} else {
	    fontPtr->faces[i].charset = 0;

    fontPtr->display = Tk_Display(tkwin);
    fontPtr->screen = Tk_ScreenNumber(tkwin);
    fontPtr->ftDraw = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.red = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.green = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.blue = 0;
    fontPtr->color.color.alpha = 0xffff;
    fontPtr->color.pixel = 0xffffffff;

     * Fill in platform-specific fields of TkFont.
    ftFont = GetFont(fontPtr, 0);
    fontPtr->font.fid = XLoadFont(Tk_Display(tkwin), "fixed");
    GetTkFontAttributes(ftFont, &fontPtr->font.fa);
    GetTkFontMetrics(ftFont, &fontPtr->font.fm);

    return fontPtr;
예제 #21
Common::SeekableReadStream *FontconfigFontProvider::createReadStreamForFont(const Common::String &name, uint32 style) {
	if (!_config)
		return 0;

	Common::String styleName = makeStyleString(style);

	FcPattern *pattern = FcPatternCreate();

	// Match on the family name
	FcValue value;
	value.type = FcTypeString;
	value.u.s = reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8 *>(name.c_str());
	if (!FcPatternAdd(pattern, FC_FAMILY, value, FcFalse)) {
		return 0;

	// Match on the style string
	value.u.s = reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8 *>(styleName.c_str());
	if (!FcPatternAdd(pattern, FC_STYLE, value, FcFalse)) {
		return 0;

	// Only allow TrueType fonts
	// Might change in the future.
	value.u.s = reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8 *>("TrueType");
	if (!FcPatternAdd(pattern, FC_FONTFORMAT, value, FcFalse)) {
		return 0;

	// Call these functions
	// Might be doing pattern matching. Documentation is awful.
	FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

	// Fetch the match
	FcResult result;
	FcFontSet* fontSet = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result);

	if (!fontSet)
		return 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < fontSet->nfont; i++) {
		FcPattern *foundPattern = fontSet->fonts[i];

		// Get the family name of the font
		FcChar8 *familyName;
		if (FcPatternGetString(foundPattern, FC_FAMILY, 0, &familyName) != FcResultMatch)

		// If we don't actually match, bail out. We don't want to end
		// up with the default fontconfig font, which would look horrible.
		if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(familyName)))

		// Get the name of the font
		FcChar8 *fileName;
		if (FcPatternGetString(foundPattern, FC_FILE, 0, &fileName) != FcResultMatch)

		// Let's make sure we can actually get that
		Common::FSNode fontNode(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(fileName));
		if (!fontNode.exists() || !fontNode.isReadable())

		debug(1, "Matched %s %s -> '%s'", name.c_str(), styleName.c_str(), fontNode.getPath().c_str());

		return fontNode.createReadStream();

	// We ain't found s#&t
	return 0;
예제 #22
파일: fc-match.c 프로젝트: Ionic/nx-libs
main (int argc, char **argv)
    int		verbose = 0;
    int		sort = 0;
    int		i;
    FcFontSet	*fs;
    FcPattern   *pat;
    FcResult	result;
    int		c;

    while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "Vv?", longopts, NULL)) != -1)
    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "sVv?")) != -1)
	switch (c) {
	case 's':
	    sort = 1;
	case 'V':
	    fprintf (stderr, "fontconfig version %d.%d.%d\n", 
	    exit (0);
	case 'v':
	    verbose = 1;
	    usage (argv[0]);
    i = optind;
    i = 1;

    if (!FcInit ())
	fprintf (stderr, "Can't init font config library\n");
	return 1;
    if (argv[i])
	pat = FcNameParse ((FcChar8 *) argv[i]);
	pat = FcPatternCreate ();

    FcConfigSubstitute (0, pat, FcMatchPattern);
    FcDefaultSubstitute (pat);
    if (sort)
	fs = FcFontSort (0, pat, FcTrue, 0, &result);
	FcPattern   *match;
	fs = FcFontSetCreate ();
	match = FcFontMatch (0, pat, &result);
	if (match)
	    FcFontSetAdd (fs, match);
    if (pat)
	FcPatternDestroy (pat);

    if (fs)
	int	j;

	for (j = 0; j < fs->nfont; j++)
	    if (verbose)
		FcPatternPrint (fs->fonts[j]);
		FcChar8	*family;
		FcChar8	*style;
		FcChar8	*file;

		if (FcPatternGetString (fs->fonts[j], FC_FILE, 0, &file) != FcResultMatch)
		    file = "<unknown filename>";
		    FcChar8 *slash = strrchr (file, '/');
		    if (slash)
			file = slash+1;
		if (FcPatternGetString (fs->fonts[j], FC_FAMILY, 0, &family) != FcResultMatch)
		    family = "<unknown family>";
		if (FcPatternGetString (fs->fonts[j], FC_STYLE, 0, &style) != FcResultMatch)
		    file = "<unknown style>";

		printf ("%s: \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", file, family, style);
	FcFontSetDestroy (fs);
    return 0;