void SignalGenerator::startRunning()
	IDeckLinkDisplayMode*	videoDisplayMode = NULL;
	BMDVideoOutputFlags		videoOutputFlags = 0;
	QVariant v;
	// Determine the audio and video properties for the output stream
	v = ui->outputSignalPopup->itemData(ui->outputSignalPopup->currentIndex());
	outputSignal = (OutputSignal)v.value<int>();	
	v = ui->audioChannelPopup->itemData(ui->audioChannelPopup->currentIndex());
	audioChannelCount = v.value<int>();	
	v = ui->audioSampleDepthPopup->itemData(ui->audioSampleDepthPopup->currentIndex());
	audioSampleDepth = v.value<int>();	
	audioSampleRate = bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz;
	// - Extract the IDeckLinkDisplayMode from the display mode popup menu (stashed in the item's tag)
	v = ui->videoFormatPopup->itemData(ui->videoFormatPopup->currentIndex());
	videoDisplayMode = (IDeckLinkDisplayMode *)v.value<void*>();
	frameWidth = videoDisplayMode->GetWidth();
	frameHeight = videoDisplayMode->GetHeight();
	videoDisplayMode->GetFrameRate(&frameDuration, &frameTimescale);
	// Calculate the number of frames per second, rounded up to the nearest integer.  For example, for NTSC (29.97 FPS), framesPerSecond == 30.
	framesPerSecond = (frameTimescale + (frameDuration-1))  /  frameDuration;
	if (videoDisplayMode->GetDisplayMode() == bmdModeNTSC ||
		videoDisplayMode->GetDisplayMode() == bmdModeNTSC2398 ||
		videoDisplayMode->GetDisplayMode() == bmdModePAL)
		timeCodeFormat = bmdTimecodeVITC;
		videoOutputFlags |= bmdVideoOutputVITC;
		timeCodeFormat = bmdTimecodeRP188Any;
		videoOutputFlags |= bmdVideoOutputRP188;

	if (timeCode)
		delete timeCode;
	timeCode = new Timecode(framesPerSecond);

	// Set the video output mode
	if (deckLinkOutput->EnableVideoOutput(videoDisplayMode->GetDisplayMode(), videoOutputFlags) != S_OK)
		goto bail;
	// Set the audio output mode
	if (deckLinkOutput->EnableAudioOutput(bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz, audioSampleDepth, audioChannelCount, bmdAudioOutputStreamTimestamped) != S_OK)
		goto bail;
	// Generate one second of audio tone
	audioSamplesPerFrame = ((audioSampleRate * frameDuration) / frameTimescale);
	audioBufferSampleLength = (framesPerSecond * audioSampleRate * frameDuration) / frameTimescale;
	audioBuffer = malloc(audioBufferSampleLength * audioChannelCount * (audioSampleDepth / 8));
	if (audioBuffer == NULL)
		goto bail;
	FillSine(audioBuffer, audioBufferSampleLength, audioChannelCount, audioSampleDepth);
	// Generate a frame of black
	if (deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame(frameWidth, frameHeight, frameWidth*2, bmdFormat8BitYUV, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &videoFrameBlack) != S_OK)
		goto bail;
	// Generate a frame of colour bars
	if (deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame(frameWidth, frameHeight, frameWidth*2, bmdFormat8BitYUV, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &videoFrameBars) != S_OK)
		goto bail;
	// Begin video preroll by scheduling a second of frames in hardware
	totalFramesScheduled = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < framesPerSecond; i++)
	// Begin audio preroll.  This will begin calling our audio callback, which will start the DeckLink output stream.
	totalAudioSecondsScheduled = 0;
	if (deckLinkOutput->BeginAudioPreroll() != S_OK)
		goto bail;
	// Success; update the UI
	running = true;
	// Disable the user interface while running (prevent the user from making changes to the output signal)
	QMessageBox::critical(this, "Failed to start output", "Failed to start output");
	// *** Error-handling code.  Cleanup any resources that were allocated. *** //
SignalGenerator3DVideoFrame* CSignalGeneratorDlg::CreateBarsFrame ()
	IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*		referenceBarsLeft = NULL;
	IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*		referenceBarsRight = NULL;
	IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*		scheduleBarsLeft = NULL;
	IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*		scheduleBarsRight = NULL;
	HRESULT							hr;
	BMDPixelFormat					pixelFormat;
	int								bytesPerPixel;
	IDeckLinkVideoConversion*		frameConverter = NULL;
	SignalGenerator3DVideoFrame*	ret = NULL;

	pixelFormat = (BMDPixelFormat)m_pixelFormatCombo.GetItemData(m_pixelFormatCombo.GetCurSel());
	bytesPerPixel = GetBytesPerPixel(pixelFormat);

	hr = m_deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame(m_frameWidth, m_frameHeight, m_frameWidth*bytesPerPixel, pixelFormat, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &scheduleBarsLeft);
	if (hr != S_OK)
		goto bail;

	hr = m_deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame(m_frameWidth, m_frameHeight, m_frameWidth*bytesPerPixel, pixelFormat, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &scheduleBarsRight);
	if (hr != S_OK)
		goto bail;

	if (pixelFormat == bmdFormat8BitYUV)
		FillColourBars(scheduleBarsLeft, false);
		FillColourBars(scheduleBarsRight, true);
		hr = m_deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame(m_frameWidth, m_frameHeight, m_frameWidth*2, bmdFormat8BitYUV, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &referenceBarsLeft);
		if (hr != S_OK)
			goto bail;

		hr = m_deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame(m_frameWidth, m_frameHeight, m_frameWidth*2, bmdFormat8BitYUV, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &referenceBarsRight);
		if (hr != S_OK)
			goto bail;

		FillColourBars(referenceBarsLeft, false);
		FillColourBars(referenceBarsRight, true);

		hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CDeckLinkVideoConversion, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDeckLinkVideoConversion, (void**)&frameConverter);
		if (hr != S_OK)
			goto bail;

		hr = frameConverter->ConvertFrame(referenceBarsLeft, scheduleBarsLeft);
		if (hr != S_OK)
			goto bail;

		hr = frameConverter->ConvertFrame(referenceBarsRight, scheduleBarsRight);
		if (hr != S_OK)
			goto bail;

	ret = new SignalGenerator3DVideoFrame(scheduleBarsLeft, scheduleBarsRight);

	if (referenceBarsLeft)
	if (referenceBarsRight)
	if (scheduleBarsLeft)
	if (scheduleBarsRight)
	if (frameConverter)

	return ret;