예제 #1

Read the files written out by the child processes
void ReadClipHull (int hullnum)
	FILE		*f;
	int			i, j, n;
	int			firstclipnode;
	dplane_t	p;
	dclipnode_t	*d;
	int			c1, c2;
	float		f1, f2, f3, f4;
	int			junk;
	vec3_t		norm;

	hullfilename[strlen(hullfilename)-1] = '0' + hullnum;

	f = fopen (hullfilename, "r");
	if (!f)
		Error ("Couldn't open %s", hullfilename);

	if (fscanf (f,"%i\n", &n) != 1)
		Error ("Error parsing %s", hullfilename);

	if (n != nummodels)
		Error ("ReadClipHull: hull had %i models, base had %i", n, nummodels);

	for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
		fscanf (f, "%i\n", &j);
		dmodels[i].headnode[hullnum] = numclipnodes + j;
	fscanf (f,"\n%i\n", &n);
	firstclipnode = numclipnodes;
	for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
		if (numclipnodes == MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES)
			Error ("ReadClipHull: MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES");
		d = &dclipnodes[numclipnodes];
		if (fscanf (f,"%i : %f %f %f %f : %i %i\n", &junk, &f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &c1, &c2) != 7)
			Error ("Error parsing %s", hullfilename);

		p.normal[0] = f1;
		p.normal[1] = f2;
		p.normal[2] = f3;
		p.dist = f4;

		norm[0] = f1; norm[1] = f2; norm[2] = f3; 	// vec_t precision
		p.type = PlaneTypeForNormal (norm);
		d->children[0] = c1 >= 0 ? c1 + firstclipnode : c1;
		d->children[1] = c2 >= 0 ? c2 + firstclipnode : c2;
		d->planenum = FindFinalPlane (&p);
예제 #2
static void EmitNodePlanes_r( node_t *node )
	if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )

	if( planemapping[node->planenum] == -1 ) {	// a new plane
		plane_t *plane;

		plane = &mapplanes[node->planenum];
		planemapping[node->planenum] = FindFinalPlane( plane->normal, plane->dist, plane->type );

	node->outputplanenum = planemapping[node->planenum];

	EmitNodePlanes_r( node->children[0] );
	EmitNodePlanes_r( node->children[1] );