예제 #1
void GNMGenericNetwork::ConnectPointsByLine(GIntBig nFID,
                                    const OGRLineString* poLineString,
                                    const std::vector<OGRLayer*>& paPointLayers,
                                    double dfTolerance, double dfCost,
                                    double dfInvCost, GNMDirection eDir)
    VALIDATE_POINTER0(poLineString, "GNMGenericNetwork::ConnectPointsByLine");
    OGRPoint oStartPoint, oEndPoint;
    double dfHalfTolerance = dfTolerance / 2;

    GNMGFID nSrcFID = FindNearestPoint(&oStartPoint, paPointLayers, dfHalfTolerance);
    GNMGFID nTgtFID = FindNearestPoint(&oEndPoint, paPointLayers, dfHalfTolerance);

    if(nSrcFID == -1 || nTgtFID == -1)

    // connect nSrcFID with nTgtFID via nFID
    ConnectFeatures(nSrcFID, nTgtFID, (GNMGFID)nFID, dfCost, dfInvCost, eDir);
예제 #2
bool CPictogramDecoder::FindBBox(int* ret, float corrThreshold)
    bool cornerTempFound = false;
    if(corrected) return false;
    int r = 0;
    Point tlf, trf, blf, brf;
    cv::equalizeHist(image, eqlize);
    for(int row = 0; row < eqlize.rows; ++row) {
        unsigned char* inp  = eqlize.ptr<unsigned char>(row);
        for (int col = 0; col < eqlize.cols; ++col) {
            if (*inp < 50) {
                *inp = 0;
            else if (*inp > 255-50)
                *inp = 255;
                *inp = 128;
    vector<Point>  foundList;
    vector<double> confidencesList;
    CPictogramDecoder::FastMatchTemplate(eqlize, tl, corrThreshold, &foundList, &confidencesList);
        double conf=0;
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(0,0), &foundList, &confidencesList, &tlf, &conf);
        confList[0] = conf;
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(image.size().width,0), &foundList, &confidencesList, &trf, &conf);
        confList[1] = conf;
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(0,image.size().height), &foundList, &confidencesList, &blf, &conf);
        confList[2] = conf;
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(image.size().width,image.size().height), &foundList, &confidencesList, &brf, &conf);
        confList[3] = conf;
        //check the four corners are four distinct points
        if(tlf.x==trf.x && tlf.y==trf.y) return false;
        if(tlf.x==blf.x && tlf.y==blf.y) return false;
        if(trf.x==brf.x && trf.y==brf.y) return false;
        if(blf.x==brf.x && blf.y==brf.y) return false;
        if(tlf.x==brf.x && tlf.y==brf.y) return false;
        if(trf.x==blf.x && trf.y==blf.y) return false;
//cv::circle(image, tlf, 15, Scalar::all(0));
//cv::circle(image, trf, 15, Scalar::all(0));
//cv::circle(image, blf, 15, Scalar::all(0));
//cv::circle(image, brf, 15, Scalar::all(0));
//printf("%d %d\n", tlf.x, tlf.y);
//printf("%d %d\n", trf.x, trf.y);
//printf("%d %d\n", blf.x, blf.y);
//printf("%d %d\n", brf.x, brf.y);
        //return true;
        cornerTempFound = true;
    //return false;
        return false;
    cv::Mat eig_img;
    cv::Mat temp_img;
    vector<Point2f> corners;
    int i, max_corner_count = 150;
    int idx;
    int x;
    int y;
    float cornerThres = 0.4f;
    //TL Corner    
    x = tlf.x;
    y = tlf.y;
    cv::Mat roi = image(cv::Rect(x, y, 10, 10));
    cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(roi, corners, max_corner_count, cornerThres, 1);
    // If we find multiple corners, take the BR corner
    idx = 0;
    corners.push_back(Point(tlf.x-x, tlf.y-y));
    for (i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++)
        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x > corners[idx].x && corners[i].y > corners[idx].y))
            idx = i;
    if(corners.size() > 0)
        bbox[0].x = corners[idx].x + x;
        bbox[0].y = corners[idx].y + y;
cv::circle(image, bbox[0], 5, Scalar::all(0));
    //TR Corner
    x = trf.x-10;
    y = trf.y;
    roi = image(cv::Rect(x, y, 10, 10));
    cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(roi, corners, max_corner_count, cornerThres, 1);
    // If we find multiple corners, take the BL corner
    corners.push_back(Point(trf.x-x, trf.y-y));
    for (i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++)
        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x < corners[idx].x && corners[i].y > corners[idx].y))
            idx = i;
    if(corners.size() > 0)
        bbox[1].x = corners[idx].x + x;
        bbox[1].y = corners[idx].y + y;
cv::circle(image, bbox[1], 5, Scalar::all(0));
    //    return false;//we can "guess" the point instead of returning false
    //BL Corner
    x = blf.x;
    y = blf.y-10;
    roi = image(cv::Rect(x, y, 10, 10 ));
    cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(roi, corners, max_corner_count, cornerThres, 1);
    // If we find multiple corners, take the TR corner
    corners.push_back(Point(blf.x-x, blf.y-y));
    for (i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++)
        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x > corners[idx].x && corners[i].y < corners[idx].y))
            idx = i;
    if(corners.size() > 0)
        bbox[2].x = corners[idx].x + x;
        bbox[2].y = corners[idx].y + y;
cv::circle(image, bbox[2], 5, Scalar::all(0));
    //BR Corner
    x = brf.x-10;
    y = brf.y-10;
    roi = image(cv::Rect(x, y, 10, 10 ));
    cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(roi, corners, max_corner_count, cornerThres, 1);
    // If we find multiple corners, take the TL corner
    corners.push_back(Point(brf.x-x, brf.y-y));
    for (i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++)
        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x < corners[idx].x && corners[i].y < corners[idx].y))
            idx = i;
    if(corners.size() > 0)
        bbox[3].x = corners[idx].x + x;
        bbox[3].y = corners[idx].y + y;
cv::circle(image, bbox[3], 5, Scalar::all(0));
    return true;
예제 #3
bool CPictogram::FindBBox(int* ret, float corrThreshold)
    if(corrected) return false;
    int r = 0;
    Point tlf, trf, blf, brf;
    cv::Mat eqlize;
    cv::equalizeHist(image, image);
    for(int row = 0; row < image.rows; ++row) {
        unsigned char* inp  = image.ptr<unsigned char>(row);
        for (int col = 0; col < image.cols; ++col) {
            if (*inp < 30) {
                *inp = 0;
            else if (*inp > 255-30)
                *inp = 255;
                *inp = 255;
    cv::Mat tlROI = image(Rect(0,0,image.size().width/2, image.size().height/2));
    if(CPictogram::FastMatchTemplate(tlROI, tl, corrThreshold, &tlf.x, &tlf.y))
        //cv::circle(tlROI, tlf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        r |= 1;
    cv::Mat trROI = image(Rect(image.size().width/2,0, image.size().width/2-1, image.size().height/2));
    if(CPictogram::FastMatchTemplate(trROI, tr, corrThreshold, &trf.x, &trf.y))
        //cv::circle(trROI, trf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        r |= 2;
    cv::Mat blROI = image(Rect(0,image.size().height/2, image.size().width/2, image.size().height/2-1));
    if(CPictogram::FastMatchTemplate(blROI, bl, corrThreshold, &blf.x, &blf.y))
        //cv::circle(blROI, blf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        r |= 4;
    cv::Mat brROI = image(Rect(image.size().width/2,image.size().height/2, image.size().width/2-1, image.size().height/2-1));
    if(CPictogram::FastMatchTemplate(brROI, br, corrThreshold, &brf.x, &brf.y))
        //cv::circle(brROI, brf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        r |= 8;
        *ret = r;
    if(r != (1|2|4|8))
        return false;*/
    vector<Point>  foundPointsList;
    vector<double> confidencesList;
    CPictogram::FastMatchTemplate(image, tl, corrThreshold, &foundPointsList, &confidencesList);
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(0,0), &foundPointsList, &tlf);
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(image.size().width,0), &foundPointsList, &trf);
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(0,image.size().height), &foundPointsList, &blf);
        FindNearestPoint(cv::Point(image.size().width,image.size().height), &foundPointsList, &brf);
        cv::circle(image, tlf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        cv::circle(image, trf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        cv::circle(image, blf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        cv::circle(image, brf, 5, Scalar::all(255));
        printf("%d %d\n", tlf.x, tlf.y);
        printf("%d %d\n", trf.x, trf.y);
        printf("%d %d\n", blf.x, blf.y);
        printf("%d %d\n", brf.x, brf.y);
    //cv::Mat g;
    //cvtColor( image, g, CV_RGB2GRAY );
    //IplImage g1 = g;
    //IplImage* gray = &g1;
//    IplImage g1 = image;
//    IplImage* gray = &g1;
//    //TL Corner
//    CvRect roi = cvRect(tlf.x+1, tlf.y+1, 100, 100);
//    cvSetImageROI( gray, roi);
//    int i, corner_count = 150;
//    IplImage *eig_img, *temp_img;
//    CvPoint2D32f *corners;
//    eig_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    temp_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    corners = (CvPoint2D32f *) cvAlloc (corner_count * sizeof (CvPoint2D32f));
//    cvGoodFeaturesToTrack (gray, eig_img, temp_img, corners, &corner_count, 0.1, 15);
//    cvFindCornerSubPix (gray, corners, corner_count,
//                        cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03));
//    // If we find multiple corners, take the TL corner
//    int idx = 0;
//    for (i = 0; i < corner_count; i++)
//    {
//        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x < corners[idx].x && corners[i].y < corners[idx].y))
//        {
//            idx = i;
//        }
//    }
//    if(corner_count > 0)
//    {
//        bbox[0].x = corners[idx].x + tlf.x+1;
//        bbox[0].y = corners[idx].y + tlf.y+1;
//        //cvCircle (gray, cvPointFrom32f (corners[idx]), 3, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0), 2);
//    }
//    else
//        return false;//we can "guess" the point instead of returning false
//    cvResetImageROI(gray);
//    cvReleaseImage (&eig_img);
//    cvReleaseImage (&temp_img);
//    //TR Corner
//    roi = cvRect(trf.x-101, trf.y+1, 100, 100);
//    cvSetImageROI( gray, roi);
//    corner_count = 150;
//    eig_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    temp_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    cvGoodFeaturesToTrack (gray, eig_img, temp_img, corners, &corner_count, 0.1, 15);
//    cvFindCornerSubPix (gray, corners, corner_count,
//                        cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03));
//    // If we find multiple corners, find the TR one
//    idx = 0;
//    for (i = 0; i < corner_count; i++)
//    {
//        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x > corners[idx].x && corners[i].y < corners[idx].y))
//        {
//            idx = i;
//        }
//    }
//    if(corner_count > 0)
//    {
//        bbox[1].x = corners[idx].x + trf.x-101;
//        bbox[1].y = corners[idx].y + trf.y+1;
//        //cvCircle (gray, cvPointFrom32f (corners[idx]), 3, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0), 2);
//    }
//    else
//        return false;//we can "guess" the point instead of returning false
//    cvResetImageROI(gray);
//    cvReleaseImage (&eig_img);
//    cvReleaseImage (&temp_img);
//    //BL Corner
//    roi = cvRect(blf.x+1, blf.y-101, 100, 100);
//    cvSetImageROI( gray, roi);
//    corner_count = 150;
//    eig_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    temp_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    cvGoodFeaturesToTrack (gray, eig_img, temp_img, corners, &corner_count, 0.1, 15);
//    cvFindCornerSubPix (gray, corners, corner_count,
//                        cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03));
//    // If we find multiple corners, find the BL one
//    idx = 0;
//    for (i = 0; i < corner_count; i++)
//    {
//        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x < corners[idx].x && corners[i].y > corners[idx].y))
//        {
//            idx = i;
//        }
//    }
//    if(corner_count > 0)
//    {
//        bbox[2].x = corners[idx].x + blf.x+1;
//        bbox[2].y = corners[idx].y + blf.y-101;
//        //cvCircle (gray, cvPointFrom32f (corners[idx]), 3, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0), 2);
//    }
//    else
//        return false;//we can "guess" the point instead of returning false
//    cvResetImageROI(gray);
//    cvReleaseImage (&eig_img);
//    cvReleaseImage (&temp_img);
//    //BR corner
//    roi = cvRect(brf.x-101, brf.y-101, 100, 100);
//    cvSetImageROI( gray, roi);
//    corner_count = 150;
//    eig_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    temp_img = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (gray), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
//    cvGoodFeaturesToTrack (gray, eig_img, temp_img, corners, &corner_count, 0.1, 15);
//    cvFindCornerSubPix (gray, corners, corner_count,
//                        cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03));
//    // If we find multiple corners, find the BR one
//    idx = 0;
//    for (i = 0; i < corner_count; i++)
//    {
//        if(i==0 || (corners[i].x > corners[idx].x && corners[i].y > corners[idx].y))
//        {
//            idx = i;
//        }
//    }
//    if(corner_count > 0)
//    {
//        bbox[3].x = corners[idx].x + brf.x-101;
//        bbox[3].y = corners[idx].y + brf.y-101;
//        //cvCircle (gray, cvPointFrom32f (corners[idx]), 3, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0), 2);
//    }
//    else
//        return false;//we can "guess" the point instead of returning false
//    //cvReleaseImage (&gray);
//    cvReleaseImage (&eig_img);
//    cvReleaseImage (&temp_img);
//    cvFree(&corners);       
    return true;