예제 #1
/**	Opens a file, overriding the filename extension with the one supplied
 *	@param filename	A String containing the file to open
 *	@param ext			A String containing the extension of the file, which overrides the filename extension
 *	@param create		Whether the file should be created if not found
 *	@returns A Handle to the file opened.  NULL is returned if not found
 *	NOTE:	The extension string supplied here will be deleted by this method, 
 *				be sure this will not crash your application, sources of bugs in 
 *				this method are related to this operation
 *	Operation:
 *		-#	Finds a plugin associated with the extension supplied
 *		-#	Finds a transport associated with the filesystem requested in the filename
 *		-#	If the transport was found, attempt to use that transport to open the file, passing the filename and plugin to that transport
 *		-#	delete the extension supplied
 *		-#	Return the handle of the file
VFSHandle * VirtualFS::Open(char *filename, char *ext, bool create)
	VFSTransport	*t = FindTransport(filename);
	VFSPlugin			*p = FindPlugin(ext);
	VFSHandle			*h = NULL;

	if(t != NULL && p != NULL)	h = t->Open(filename,p,create);

	return h;
예제 #2
	Function name    : CDialogCustomElement::Load
	Description      :
	Created at       : 27.03.02, @ 14:54:02
	Created by       : Thomas Kunert
	Modified by      :
Bool CDialogCustomElement::Load(BaseContainer* bc)
    Int32 lPlugID = bc->GetInt32(DROLDWIN_SDK);
    BasePlugin *bs = (BasePlugin*)FindPlugin(lPlugID, PLUGINTYPE_CUSTOMGUI);


    // check out, which element this is in our list
    if (!bs) return true;

    CCustomElements* pFirst = (CCustomElements*)g_pCustomElements->First();
    Int32 lElement = 0;
    Bool bFound = false;
    while (pFirst)
        if (pFirst->m_lID == lPlugID) {
            bFound = true;
        pFirst = (CCustomElements*)g_pCustomElements->Next(pFirst);
    if (!bFound) return true;

    m_lElement = lElement;
    BaseContainer* pBC = &m_pbcGUI[m_lElement];
    *pBC = *bc;

    if (bc->GetBool(DR_CUSTOMGUI_OPEN))
        pFirst->m_bIsOpen = true;

    CCustomElements* pElement = g_pCustomElements->GetItem(m_lElement);
    m_strName = GeLoadString(IDS_CUSTOM_ELEMENT);
    m_strName += " [" + pElement->m_strName + "]";
    m_strDescr = m_strName;

    return true;
예제 #3
/**	Uses the extension of the file, to find an appropiate Plugin to decode the file
 *	@param extension	A String containing the extension for which to find a plugin
 *	@returns A Plugin object to encode/decode the type of file being opened.  NULL is returned, if not found
 *	Operation:
 *		-#	Loop through all the available plugins
 *		-#	Get the plugin identifier
 *		-#	Loop through the plugin identifier string extracting each extension
 *		-#	Compare each extension found to the extension requested
 *		-#	If a match is found, return a pointer to the correct plugin
 *		-#	Otherwise, NULL is returned
VFSPlugin * VirtualFS::FindPlugin(char *extension)
	//	Loop through all the plugins
	for(int a=0;a<m_plugin.size();a++){
		char *type = new char[strlen(m_plugin[a]->Type())+1];

		char *token = strtok(type,";");

		while(token != NULL){
			if(strcmp(extension,token) == 0){
				delete[] type;
				return m_plugin[a];

			token = strtok(NULL,";");

		delete[] type;

	return FindPlugin("binary");
예제 #4
void NFCPluginManager::Registered(NFIPlugin* plugin)
    std::string strPluginName = plugin->GetPluginName();
    if (!FindPlugin(strPluginName))
        bool bFind = false;
        PluginNameMap::iterator it = mPluginNameMap.begin();
        for (it; it != mPluginNameMap.end(); ++it)
            if (strPluginName == it->first)
                bFind = true;

        if (bFind)
            mPluginInstanceMap.insert(PluginInstanceMap::value_type(strPluginName, plugin));
예제 #5
void NFCPluginManager::Registered(NFIPlugin* plugin)
    std::string strPluginName = plugin->GetPluginName();
    if (!FindPlugin(strPluginName))
		// dynamic add plugin no dlls
        //bool bFind = false;
        //PluginNameMap::iterator it = mPluginNameMap.begin();
        //for (it; it != mPluginNameMap.end(); ++it)
        //    if (strPluginName == it->first)
        //    {
        //        bFind = true;
        //        break;
        //    }

        //if (bFind)
            mPluginInstanceMap.insert(PluginInstanceMap::value_type(strPluginName, plugin));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resolve view plugin based on the criteria passed in parameter.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPXViewPlugin* CMPXViewPluginHandler::ResolvePluginL(
    const RArray<TUid>& aUids, TUid& aResolvedPluginType,
    TUid& aResolvedPluginImplementationUid )
    MPX_FUNC( "CMPXViewPluginHandler::ResolvePluginL uid array" );
#ifdef _DEBUG
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aUids.Count(); i++ )
        MPX_DEBUG2( "CMPXViewPluginHandler::ResolvePluginL input Uid = 0x%x", aUids[i].iUid );
#endif // _DEBUG
    TUid impUid( FindPlugin( aUids.Array() ) );
    MPX_DEBUG2( "CMPXViewPluginHandler::ResolvePluginL resolved implementation Uid = 0x%x", impUid.iUid );
    if ( impUid == KNullUid )
        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
        aResolvedPluginImplementationUid = impUid;
        aResolvedPluginType = PluginType( impUid );
    return PluginL( impUid );
예제 #7
	Function name    : CCustomSubDialog::CreateLayout
	Description      :
	Created at       : 27.03.02, @ 12:04:28
	Created by       : Thomas Kunert
	Modified by      :
Bool CCustomSubDialog::CreateLayout(void)
    Int32 i;
    GroupBegin(100, BFH_SCALEFIT | BFV_SCALEFIT, 2, 0, "", 0);

    if (!m_pProp || m_pProp[0].type == CUSTOMTYPE_END)
        GroupBegin(100, BFH_SCALEFIT, 1, 0, "", 0);

    AddCheckbox(IDC_CUSTOM_OPEN_CLOSE, BFH_LEFT, 0, 0, "Open");
    Bool b = false;
    if (m_pElement)
        CCustomElements* pElement = g_pCustomElements->GetItem(m_pElement->m_lElement);
        if (pElement)
            BasePlugin *bs = (BasePlugin*)FindPlugin(pElement->m_lID, PLUGINTYPE_CUSTOMGUI);
            if (bs)
                b = true;
                if (!(bs->GetInfo() & CUSTOMGUI_SUPPORT_LAYOUTSWITCH))
                    Enable(IDC_CUSTOM_OPEN_CLOSE, false);
                    Enable(IDC_CUSTOM_OPEN_CLOSE, true);
    if (!b)
        Enable(IDC_CUSTOM_OPEN_CLOSE, true);

    if (!m_pProp || m_pProp[0].type == CUSTOMTYPE_END)
        AddStaticText(100, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER, 0, 0, GeLoadString(IDS_CUSTOM_NO_PROPS), 0);

    AddStaticText(100, 0, 0, 0, "", 0);

    for (i = 0; m_pProp && m_pProp[i].type != CUSTOMTYPE_END; i++, lID++)
        AddStaticText(100, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER, 0, 0, m_pProp[i].ident, 0);
        switch (m_pProp[i].type)
        case CUSTOMTYPE_FLAG:
            AddCheckbox(lID, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER, 0, 0, "");
        case CUSTOMTYPE_LONG:
            AddEditNumber(lID, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER);
        case CUSTOMTYPE_REAL:
            AddEditNumber(lID, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER);
            AddEditText(lID, BFH_SCALEFIT | BFV_CENTER);
            AddEditNumber(lID++, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER);
            AddEditNumber(lID++, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER);
            AddEditNumber(lID, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER);

            AddStaticText(lID, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER, 0, 0, "wird auch noch ;-)", 0);
    /*if (!m_pProp || i == 0)
    	AddStaticText(100, BFH_LEFT | BFV_CENTER, 0, 0, GeLoadString(IDS_CUSTOM_NO_PROPS), 0);*/
    return true;