예제 #1
// show dialog modally
int wxDialog::ShowModal()
    wxASSERT_MSG( !IsModal(), _T("wxDialog::ShowModal() reentered?") );

    m_oldFocus = FindFocus();
    m_endModalCalled = false;


    // EndModal may have been called from InitDialog handler (called from
    // inside Show()), which would cause an infinite loop if we didn't take it
    // into account
    if ( !m_endModalCalled )
        // modal dialog needs a parent window, so try to find one
        wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
        if ( !parent )
            parent = FindSuitableParent();

        // remember where the focus was
        wxWindow *oldFocus = m_oldFocus;
        if ( !oldFocus )
            // VZ: do we really want to do this?
            oldFocus = parent;

        // We have to remember the HWND because we need to check
        // the HWND still exists (oldFocus can be garbage when the dialog
        // exits, if it has been destroyed)
        HWND hwndOldFocus = oldFocus ? GetHwndOf(oldFocus) : NULL;

        // enter and run the modal loop
            wxDialogModalDataTiedPtr modalData(&m_modalData,
                                               new wxDialogModalData(this));

        // and restore focus
        // Note that this code MUST NOT access the dialog object's data
        // in case the object has been deleted (which will be the case
        // for a modal dialog that has been destroyed before calling EndModal).
        if ( oldFocus && (oldFocus != this) && ::IsWindow(hwndOldFocus))
            // This is likely to prove that the object still exists
            if (wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND) hwndOldFocus) == oldFocus)

    return GetReturnCode();
예제 #2
int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()
    if ( !wxTheApp->GetTopWindow() )
        // when the message box is shown from wxApp::OnInit() (i.e. before the
        // message loop is entered), this must be done or the next message box
        // will never be shown - just try putting 2 calls to wxMessageBox() in
        // OnInit() to see it
        while ( wxTheApp->Pending() )

    // use the top level window as parent if none specified
    if ( !m_parent )
        m_parent = FindSuitableParent();
    HWND hWnd = m_parent ? GetHwndOf(m_parent) : NULL;

    // translate wx style in MSW
    unsigned int msStyle = MB_OK;
    const long wxStyle = GetMessageDialogStyle();
    if (wxStyle & wxYES_NO)
#if !(defined(__SMARTPHONE__) && defined(__WXWINCE__))
        if (wxStyle & wxCANCEL)
            msStyle = MB_YESNOCANCEL;
#endif // !(__SMARTPHONE__ && __WXWINCE__)
            msStyle = MB_YESNO;

        if (wxStyle & wxNO_DEFAULT)
            msStyle |= MB_DEFBUTTON2;

    if (wxStyle & wxOK)
        if (wxStyle & wxCANCEL)
            msStyle = MB_OKCANCEL;
            msStyle = MB_OK;
    if (wxStyle & wxICON_EXCLAMATION)
        msStyle |= MB_ICONEXCLAMATION;
    else if (wxStyle & wxICON_HAND)
        msStyle |= MB_ICONHAND;
    else if (wxStyle & wxICON_INFORMATION)
        msStyle |= MB_ICONINFORMATION;
    else if (wxStyle & wxICON_QUESTION)
        msStyle |= MB_ICONQUESTION;

    if ( wxStyle & wxSTAY_ON_TOP )
        msStyle |= MB_TOPMOST;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
    if ( wxTheApp->GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft )
        msStyle |= MB_RTLREADING | MB_RIGHT;

    if (hWnd)
        msStyle |= MB_APPLMODAL;
        msStyle |= MB_TASKMODAL;

    // do show the dialog
    int msAns = MessageBox(hWnd, m_message.c_str(), m_caption.c_str(), msStyle);
    int ans;
    switch (msAns)
            wxFAIL_MSG(_T("unexpected ::MessageBox() return code"));
            // fall through

        case IDCANCEL:
            ans = wxID_CANCEL;
        case IDOK:
            ans = wxID_OK;
        case IDYES:
            ans = wxID_YES;
        case IDNO:
            ans = wxID_NO;
    return ans;