예제 #1
static UINT8
AslDetectSourceFileType (
    ASL_FILE_INFO           *Info)
    char                    *FileChar;
    UINT8                   Type;
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;

    /* Check for 100% ASCII source file (comments are ignored) */

    Status = FlCheckForAscii (Info);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        printf ("Non-ascii input file - %s\n", Info->Filename);
        goto Cleanup;

     * File is ASCII. Determine if this is an ASL file or an ACPI data
     * table file.
    while (fgets (Gbl_CurrentLineBuffer, ASL_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, Info->Handle))
        /* Uppercase the buffer for caseless compare */

        FileChar = Gbl_CurrentLineBuffer;
        while (*FileChar)
            *FileChar = (char) toupper ((int) *FileChar);

        /* Presence of "DefinitionBlock" indicates actual ASL code */

        if (strstr (Gbl_CurrentLineBuffer, "DEFINITIONBLOCK"))
            /* Appears to be an ASL file */

            Type = ASL_INPUT_TYPE_ASCII_ASL;
            goto Cleanup;

    /* Not an ASL source file, default to a data table source file */



    /* Must seek back to the start of the file */

    fseek (Info->Handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
    return (Type);
예제 #2
CmDoCompile (
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    UINT8                   FullCompile;
    UINT8                   Event;

    FullCompile = UtBeginEvent ("*** Total Compile time ***");
    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Open input and output files");

    /* Open the required input and output files */

    Status = FlOpenInputFile (Gbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT].Filename);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return -1;

    /* Check for 100% ASCII source file (comments are ignored) */

    Status = FlCheckForAscii (&Gbl_Files[ASL_FILE_INPUT]);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return -1;

    Status = FlOpenMiscOutputFiles (Gbl_OutputFilenamePrefix);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return -1;
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Build the parse tree */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Parse source code and build parse tree");
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Flush out any remaining source after parse tree is complete */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Flush source input");
    CmFlushSourceCode ();

    /* Did the parse tree get successfully constructed? */

    if (!RootNode)
        CmCleanupAndExit ();
        return -1;

    /* Optional parse tree dump, compiler debug output only */

    LsDumpParseTree ();

    OpcGetIntegerWidth (RootNode);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Pre-process parse tree for any operator transforms */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Parse tree transforms");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nParse tree transforms\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_DOWNWARD,
        TrAmlTransformWalk, NULL, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Generate AML opcodes corresponding to the parse tokens */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate AML opcodes");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nGenerating AML opcodes\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_UPWARD, NULL,
        OpcAmlOpcodeWalk, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

     * Now that the input is parsed, we can open the AML output file.
     * Note: by default, the name of this file comes from the table descriptor
     * within the input file.
    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Open AML output file");
    Status = FlOpenAmlOutputFile (Gbl_OutputFilenamePrefix);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return -1;
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Interpret and generate all compile-time constants */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Constant folding via AML interpreter");
        "\nInterpreting compile-time constant expressions\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_DOWNWARD,
        OpcAmlConstantWalk, NULL, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Update AML opcodes if necessary, after constant folding */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Updating AML opcodes after constant folding");
        "\nUpdating AML opcodes after constant folding\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_UPWARD,
        NULL, OpcAmlOpcodeUpdateWalk, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Calculate all AML package lengths */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate AML package lengths");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nGenerating Package lengths\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_UPWARD, NULL,
        LnPackageLengthWalk, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    if (Gbl_ParseOnlyFlag)
        AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDOUT);
        UtDisplaySummary (ASL_FILE_STDOUT);
        if (Gbl_DebugFlag)
            /* Print error summary to the debug file */

            AePrintErrorLog (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
            UtDisplaySummary (ASL_FILE_STDERR);
        return 0;

     * Create an internal namespace and use it as a symbol table

    /* Namespace loading */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Create ACPI Namespace");
    Status = LdLoadNamespace (RootNode);
    UtEndEvent (Event);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return -1;

    /* Namespace cross-reference */

    AslGbl_NamespaceEvent = UtBeginEvent ("Cross reference parse tree and Namespace");
    Status = LkCrossReferenceNamespace ();
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return -1;

    /* Namespace - Check for non-referenced objects */

    LkFindUnreferencedObjects ();
    UtEndEvent (AslGbl_NamespaceEvent);

     * Semantic analysis.  This can happen only after the
     * namespace has been loaded and cross-referenced.
     * part one - check control methods
    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Analyze control method return types");
    AnalysisWalkInfo.MethodStack = NULL;

    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nSemantic analysis - Method analysis\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_TWICE,
        AnMethodAnalysisWalkEnd, &AnalysisWalkInfo);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Semantic error checking part two - typing of method returns */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Determine object types returned by methods");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nSemantic analysis - Method typing\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_TWICE,
        AnMethodTypingWalkEnd, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Semantic error checking part three - operand type checking */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Analyze AML operand types");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nSemantic analysis - Operand type checking\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_TWICE,
        AnOperandTypecheckWalkEnd, &AnalysisWalkInfo);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Semantic error checking part four - other miscellaneous checks */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Miscellaneous analysis");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nSemantic analysis - miscellaneous\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_TWICE,
        AnOtherSemanticAnalysisWalkEnd, &AnalysisWalkInfo);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Calculate all AML package lengths */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Finish AML package length generation");
    DbgPrint (ASL_DEBUG_OUTPUT, "\nGenerating Package lengths\n\n");
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_UPWARD, NULL,
        LnInitLengthsWalk, NULL);
    TrWalkParseTree (RootNode, ASL_WALK_VISIT_UPWARD, NULL,
        LnPackageLengthWalk, NULL);
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    /* Code generation - emit the AML */

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Generate AML code and write output files");
    CgGenerateAmlOutput ();
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    Event = UtBeginEvent ("Write optional output files");
    CmDoOutputFiles ();
    UtEndEvent (Event);

    UtEndEvent (FullCompile);
    CmCleanupAndExit ();
    return 0;
예제 #3
AcpiDbReadTable (
    FILE                    *fp,
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       **Table,
    UINT32                  *TableLength)
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       TableHeader;
    UINT32                  Actual;
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    UINT32                  FileSize;
    BOOLEAN                 StandardHeader = TRUE;

    /* Get the file size */

    fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    FileSize = (UINT32) ftell (fp);
    fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

    if (FileSize < 4)
        return (AE_BAD_HEADER);

    /* Read the signature */

    if (fread (&TableHeader, 1, 4, fp) != 4)
        AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not read the table signature\n");
        return (AE_BAD_HEADER);

    fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

    /* The RSDT, FACS and S3PT tables do not have standard ACPI headers */

    if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (TableHeader.Signature, "RSD ") ||
        ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (TableHeader.Signature, "FACS") ||
        ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (TableHeader.Signature, "S3PT"))
        *TableLength = FileSize;
        StandardHeader = FALSE;
        /* Read the table header */

        if (fread (&TableHeader, 1, sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER), fp) !=
                sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER))
            AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not read the table header\n");
            return (AE_BAD_HEADER);

#if 0
        /* Validate the table header/length */

        Status = AcpiTbValidateTableHeader (&TableHeader);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            AcpiOsPrintf ("Table header is invalid!\n");
            return (Status);

        /* File size must be at least as long as the Header-specified length */

        if (TableHeader.Length > FileSize)
            AcpiOsPrintf (
                "TableHeader length [0x%X] greater than the input file size [0x%X]\n",
                TableHeader.Length, FileSize);

            Status = FlCheckForAscii (fp, NULL, FALSE);
            if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))
                AcpiOsPrintf ("File appears to be ASCII only, must be binary\n",
                    TableHeader.Length, FileSize);
            return (AE_BAD_HEADER);

        /* We only support a limited number of table types */

        if (!ACPI_COMPARE_NAME ((char *) TableHeader.Signature, ACPI_SIG_DSDT) &&
            !ACPI_COMPARE_NAME ((char *) TableHeader.Signature, ACPI_SIG_PSDT) &&
            !ACPI_COMPARE_NAME ((char *) TableHeader.Signature, ACPI_SIG_SSDT))
            AcpiOsPrintf ("Table signature [%4.4s] is invalid or not supported\n",
                (char *) TableHeader.Signature);
            ACPI_DUMP_BUFFER (&TableHeader, sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER));
            return (AE_ERROR);

        *TableLength = TableHeader.Length;

    /* Allocate a buffer for the table */

    *Table = AcpiOsAllocate ((size_t) FileSize);
    if (!*Table)
        AcpiOsPrintf (
            "Could not allocate memory for ACPI table %4.4s (size=0x%X)\n",
            TableHeader.Signature, *TableLength);
        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    /* Get the rest of the table */

    fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    Actual = fread (*Table, 1, (size_t) FileSize, fp);
    if (Actual == FileSize)
        if (StandardHeader)
            /* Now validate the checksum */

            Status = AcpiTbVerifyChecksum ((void *) *Table,
                        ACPI_CAST_PTR (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER, *Table)->Length);

            if (Status == AE_BAD_CHECKSUM)
                Status = AcpiDbCheckTextModeCorruption ((UINT8 *) *Table,
                            FileSize, (*Table)->Length);
                return (Status);
        return (AE_OK);

    if (Actual > 0)
        AcpiOsPrintf ("Warning - reading table, asked for %X got %X\n",
            FileSize, Actual);
        return (AE_OK);

    AcpiOsPrintf ("Error - could not read the table file\n");
    AcpiOsFree (*Table);
    *Table = NULL;
    *TableLength = 0;
    return (AE_ERROR);