예제 #1
 * FUNCTION:    RepeatDrawDescription
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine draws the text description of the current
 *              repeat type and frequency.
 *              The description is created from a template string.  The
 *              repeat type and frequency determines which template is
 *              used.  The template may contain one or more of the
 *              following token:
 *                   ^d - day name (ex: Monday)
 *							^f - frequency
 *                   ^x - day of the month ordinal number (ex: 1st - 31th)
 *                   ^m - month name (ex: July)
 *                   ^w - week ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last)
 * PARAMETERS:  frm - pointer to the repeat dialog box
 * RETURNED:    nothing
void RepeatDrawDescription(FormType* frm) {
  UInt8 repeatOn;
  UInt16 i;
  UInt16 len;
  UInt16 freq;
  UInt16 dayOfWeek;
  UInt16 templateId = repeatNoneString;
  UInt16 repeatOnCount = 0;
  Char* descP = NULL;
  Char* resP = NULL;
  Char* saveResP = NULL;
  MemHandle descH = NULL;
  MemHandle resH = NULL;
  RepeatInfoType repeat;
  FieldType* fld = GetObjectPointer(frm, RepeatDescField);

  FldEraseField (fld);

  /* Get the current setting of the repeat ui gadgets. */
  RepeatGetUIValues(frm, &repeat);
  ** Determine which template string to use.  The template string is
  ** used to format the description string. Note that we could add
  ** a soft constant which tells us whether we need to use different
  ** strings for freq == 1 case (depends on language), thus saving space.
  freq = repeat.repeatFrequency;
  switch (repeat.repeatType) {
  case repeatNone:
    templateId = repeatNoneString;
  case repeatHourly:
    if (freq == 1)
      /* "Every hour" */
      templateId = everyHourRepeatString;
      /* "Every [other | 2nd | 3rd...] hour" */
      templateId = hourlyRepeatString;
  case repeatDaily:
    if (freq == 1)
      /* "Every day" */
      templateId = everyDayRepeatString;
      /* "Every [other | 2nd | 3rd...] day" */
      templateId = dailyRepeatString;
  case repeatWeekly:
    if (freq == 1)
      /* "Every week on [days of week]" */
      templateId = everyWeekRepeat1DayString;
      templateId = weeklyRepeat1DayString;
    ** Generate offset to appropriate string id,
    ** based on # of days that we need to append.
    for (i = 0; i < daysInWeek; i++) {
      if (repeat.repeatOn & (1 << i) ) 
    templateId += repeatOnCount - 1;

  case repeatMonthlyByDate:
    if (freq == 1)
      /* "The ^w ^d of every month" */
      templateId = everyMonthByDateRepeatString;
      templateId = monthlyByDateRepeatString;
  case repeatMonthlyByDay:
    if (freq == 1)
      templateId = everyMonthByDayRepeatString;
      templateId = monthlyByDayRepeatString;
  case repeatYearly:
    if (freq == 1)
      templateId = everyYearRepeatString;
      templateId = yearlyRepeatString;
    ErrNonFatalDisplay("Unknown repeat type");

  ** Allocate a block to hold the description and copy the template
  ** string into it.
  resH = DmGetResource(strRsc, templateId);
  resP = MemHandleLock(resH);
  descH = MemHandleNew(MemPtrSize(resP));
  descP = MemHandleLock(descH);
  StrCopy(descP, resP);
  /* Substitute the month name string for the month name token. */
  resH = DmGetResource(strRsc, repeatMonthNamesString);
  resP = MemHandleLock(resH);
  for (i = 1; i < d.frm_date.month; i++)
    resP = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) + 1;
  len = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) - resP;
  descP = SubstituteStr(descP, monthNameToken, resP, len);

  /* Substitute the day name string for the day name token. */
  if ((repeatOnCount == 1) || (repeat.repeatType == repeatMonthlyByDay))
    templateId = repeatFullDOWNamesString;
    templateId = repeatShortDOWNamesString;
  resH = DmGetResource(strRsc, templateId);
  resP = MemHandleLock(resH);
  if (repeat.repeatType == repeatWeekly) {
    dayOfWeek = repeat.repeatStartOfWeek;
    repeatOn = repeat.repeatOn;
    saveResP = resP;
    while (StrStr (descP, dayNameToken)) {
      for (i = 0; i < daysInWeek; i++) {
	if (repeatOn & (1 << dayOfWeek)) {
	  repeatOn &= ~(1 << dayOfWeek);
	dayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek + 1 + daysInWeek) % daysInWeek;
      resP = saveResP;
      for (i = 0; i < dayOfWeek; i++)
	resP = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) + 1;
      len = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) - resP;
      descP = SubstituteStr(descP, dayNameToken, resP, len);
  } else {
    dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek (d.frm_date.month, d.frm_date.day,
			   d.frm_date.year/* + firstYear*/);
    for (i = 0; i < dayOfWeek; i++)
      resP = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) + 1;
    len = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) - resP;
    descP = SubstituteStr(descP, dayNameToken, resP, len);
  MemHandleUnlock (resH);

  ** Substitute the repeat frequency string for the frequency token. Note that
  ** we do something special for 2nd (other), since the gender of 'other' changes
  ** for some languages, depending on whether the next word is day, month, week,
  ** or year.
  if (freq == 2) {
    Char otherFreqName[16];
    const UInt16 index = repeat.repeatType - repeatNone;
    SysStringByIndex(freqOrdinal2ndStrlID, index, otherFreqName, sizeof(otherFreqName));
    descP = SubstituteStr(descP, frequenceToken, otherFreqName, StrLen(otherFreqName));
  } else {
    resH = DmGetResource(strRsc, freqOrdinalsString);
    resP = MemHandleLock(resH);
    for (i = 1; i < freq; i++)
      resP = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) + 1;
    len = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) - resP;
    descP = SubstituteStr(descP, frequenceToken, resP, len);

  ** Substitute the repeat week string (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last)
  ** for the week ordinal token.
  if (repeat.repeatType == repeatMonthlyByDay) {
    resH = DmGetResource(strRsc, weekOrdinalsString);
    resP = MemHandleLock(resH);
    for (i = 0; i < repeat.repeatOn / daysInWeek; i++)
      resP = StrChr (resP, spaceChr) + 1;
    len = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) - resP;
    descP = SubstituteStr(descP, weekOrdinalToken, resP, len);
  } else {
    /* make sure the week ordinal token really doesn't appear */
    ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(StrStr(descP, weekOrdinalToken) != NULL, "week ordinal not substituted");

  ** Substitute the repeat date string (1st, 2nd, ..., 31th) for the
  ** day ordinal token.
  resH = DmGetResource(strRsc, dayOrdinalsString);
  resP = MemHandleLock(resH);
  for (i = 1; i < d.frm_date.day; i++)
    resP = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) + 1;
  len = StrChr(resP, spaceChr) - resP;
  descP = SubstituteStr(descP, dayOrdinalToken, resP, len);

  /* Draw the description. */
  FldSetTextHandle(fld, descH);
예제 #2
파일: draw.c 프로젝트: docwhat/cwimp
Boolean DialogGetNames() {
    FormPtr prevForm, frm;
    Word hitButton;
    Boolean retVal = false;
    CharPtr text;
    Int i;
    FieldPtr fp;
    VoidPtr vPtr;
    Word oIdx;

    // Save previous form
    prevForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
    // Init new form
    frm = FrmInitForm( frmGetNames);

    // Set it

    // Set Controls
    for( i = stor.tmpplayers ; i<MaxPlayers ; i++ ) {
        fp = GetObjectPtr( fieldGetNamesPlayer[i] );
        FldSetUsable ( fp, false );
        FldEraseField( fp );
        ShowControl( fieldGetNamesLabel[i], 0 );


    for( i=0; i < stor.tmpplayers ; i++ ) {
        SetFieldTextFromStr( fieldGetNamesPlayer[i], stor.player[i].name );
    FrmSetFocus( frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, fieldGetNamesPlayer[0]) );

    // Set the handler
    // FrmSetEventHandler(frm, DialogNewGameHandleEvent);

    hitButton = FrmDoDialog(frm);

    // Get Controls
    if ( hitButton == btn_OK_frmGetNames ) {

        for( i=0 ; i<stor.tmpplayers ; i++ ) {
            oIdx = FrmGetObjectIndex( frm, fieldGetNamesPlayer[i]);
            vPtr = FrmGetObjectPtr( frm, oIdx );
            text = FldGetTextPtr( vPtr );
            StrCopy( stor.player[i].name, text );


        retVal = true;

    // Delete the form, we're not using it

    // Restore previous form.
    if (prevForm) {

    return retVal;
예제 #3
 * FUNCTION:    RepeatSetUIValues
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine sets the current repeat settings of the
 *              ui gadgets in the repeat dialog box
 * PARAMETERS:  frm     - pointer to the Repeat Dialog
 *              repeatP - pointer to a RepeatInfoType structure.
 * RETURNED:    nothing
void RepeatSetUIValues(FormType* frm, RepeatInfoType* repeatP) {
  UInt16 i;
  UInt16 id;
  UInt16 oldFreq;
  MemHandle freqH;
  Char* freqP = NULL;
  Boolean on = false;
  FieldType* fld = NULL;
  const Int8 startOfWeek = PrefGetPreference(prefWeekStartDay);

  /* Set the selection of the "repeat type" push button group. */
  id = repeatP->repeatType + RepeatNone;
  if (repeatP->repeatType > repeatMonthlyByDay)
  FrmSetControlGroupSelection (frm, RepeatTypeGroup, id);

  /* Set the frequency field */
  if (repeatP->repeatType != repeatNone) {
    fld = GetObjectPointer(frm, RepeatFrequenceField);
    freqH = FldGetTextHandle(fld);
    if (freqH) {
      freqP = MemHandleLock(freqH);
      oldFreq = StrAToI(freqP);
    } else {
      freqH = MemHandleNew(maxFrequenceFieldLen);
      freqP = MemHandleLock(freqH);
      oldFreq = 0;

    if (oldFreq != repeatP->repeatFrequency) {
      StrIToA(freqP, repeatP->repeatFrequency);
      FldSetTextHandle(fld, freqH);
      if (FrmVisible(frm)) {
    MemHandleUnlock (freqH);

  /* Set the selection of the "repeat on" push button groups. */
  if (repeatP->repeatType == repeatWeekly) {
    ** If the appointment has a different start-day-of-week than
    ** the dialog-box's current start-day-of-week, rearrange the
    ** labels on the days-of-week push buttons.
    ** Note that this will only handle button-label shifts of one day.
    if (startOfWeek != d.repeat_start_of_week) {
      const Char* sundayLabel = CtlGetLabel(GetObjectPointer(frm, RepeatDayOfWeek1PushButton));
      for (id = RepeatDayOfWeek1PushButton; id < RepeatDayOfWeek7PushButton; id++)
	CtlSetLabel(GetObjectPointer(frm, id), CtlGetLabel(GetObjectPointer(frm, id + 1)));

      CtlSetLabel(GetObjectPointer(frm, RepeatDayOfWeek7PushButton), sundayLabel);
      d.repeat_start_of_week = startOfWeek;

    /* Turn on the push buttons for the days the appointment repeats on. */
    for (i = 0; i < daysInWeek; i++) {
      on = ((repeatP->repeatOn & (1 << i) ) != 0);
      id = RepeatDayOfWeek1PushButton +
	((i - startOfWeek + daysInWeek) % daysInWeek);
      CtlSetValue(GetObjectPointer(frm, id), on);

  /* Set the selection of the "repeat by" push button groups. */
  if (repeatP->repeatType == repeatMonthlyByDate)
    FrmSetControlGroupSelection(frm, RepeatByGroup, RepeatByDatePushButton);
    FrmSetControlGroupSelection(frm, RepeatByGroup, RepeatByDayPushButton);
  /* Set the "end on" trigger label and popup list selection. */
  if (repeatP->repeatType != repeatNone)