예제 #1
DMat& NDG3D::Lift3D()
  // function [LIFT] = Lift3D(N, r, s, t)
  // Purpose  : Compute 3D surface to volume lift operator used in DG formulation

  DMat Emat(Np, Nfaces*Nfp),VFace,massFace; 
  DVec faceR,faceS; IVec idr;  Index1D JJ;

  for (int face=1; face<=Nfaces; ++face) {
    // process face
    if      (1==face) {faceR = r(Fmask(All,1)); faceS = s(Fmask(All,1));}
    else if (2==face) {faceR = r(Fmask(All,2)); faceS = t(Fmask(All,2));}
    else if (3==face) {faceR = s(Fmask(All,3)); faceS = t(Fmask(All,3));}
    else if (4==face) {faceR = s(Fmask(All,4)); faceS = t(Fmask(All,4));}
    VFace = Vandermonde2D(N, faceR, faceS);
    massFace = inv(VFace*trans(VFace));

    idr = Fmask(All,face);
  //idc    = (face-1)*Nfp+1: face*Nfp;
    JJ.reset((face-1)*Nfp+1, face*Nfp);

  //Emat(idr, JJ) = Emat(idr, JJ) + massFace;
    Emat(idr, JJ) = massFace;  // TW: += -> =

  // inv(mass matrix)*\I_n (L_i,L_j)_{edge_n}
  LIFT = V*(trans(V)*Emat);
  return LIFT;
예제 #2
DMat& NDG2D::Lift2D()
  // function [LIFT] = Lift2D()
  // Purpose  : Compute surface to volume lift term for DG formulation

  DMat V1D,massEdge1,massEdge2,massEdge3;  DVec faceR,faceS;
  Index1D J1(1,Nfp), J2(Nfp+1,2*Nfp), J3(2*Nfp+1,3*Nfp);

  DMat Emat(Np, Nfaces*Nfp);

  // face 1
  faceR = r(Fmask(All,1));
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR); 
  massEdge1 = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));
  Emat(Fmask(All,1), J1) = massEdge1;

  // face 2
  faceR = r(Fmask(All,2));
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge2 = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));
  Emat(Fmask(All,2), J2) = massEdge2;

  // face 3
  faceS = s(Fmask(All,3));
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceS);
  massEdge3 = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));
  Emat(Fmask(All,3), J3) = massEdge3;

  // inv(mass matrix)*\I_n (L_i,L_j)_{edge_n}
  LIFT = V*(trans(V)*Emat);
  return LIFT;
예제 #3
void CurvedINS2D::INSLiftDrag2D(double ra)
  // function [Cd, Cl, dP, sw, stri] = INSLiftDrag2D(Ux, Uy, PR, ra, nu, time, tstep, Nsteps)
  // Purpose: compute coefficients of lift, drag and pressure drop at cylinder

  static FILE* fid; 
  static DVec sw1, sw2; 
  static int Nc=0, stri1=0, stri2=0;

  if (1 == tstep) {
    char buf[50]; sprintf(buf, "liftdraghistory%d.dat", N);
    fid = fopen(buf, "w");
    fprintf(fid, "timeCdCldP = [...\n");

    // Sample location and weights for pressure drop
    // Note: the VolkerCylinder test assumes the 2 
    // sample points (-ra, 0), (ra, 0), are vertices 
    // located on the internal cylinder boundary

    Sample2D(-ra, 0.0,  sw1, stri1);
    Sample2D( ra, 0.0,  sw2, stri2);

    Nc = mapC.size()/Nfp;

  bool bDo=false; 
  if (1==tstep || tstep==Nsteps || !umMOD(tstep,10)) { bDo=true; }
  else if (time > 3.90 && time < 3.96) { bDo=true; } // catch C_d  (3.9362)
  else if (time > 5.65 && time < 5.73) { bDo=true; } // catch C_l  (5.6925)
  else if (time > 7.999) { bDo=true; } // catch dP  (8.0)
  if (!bDo) return;

  DVec PRC, nxC, nyC, wv, tv;
  DMat dUxdx,dUxdy, dUydx,dUydy, MM1D, V1D;
  DMat dUxdxC,dUxdyC, dUydxC,dUydyC, hforce, vforce, sJC;
  double dP=0.0, Cd=0.0, Cl=0.0;

  dP = sw1.inner(PR(All,stri1)) - sw2.inner(PR(All,stri2));

  // compute derivatives
  Grad2D(Ux, dUxdx,dUxdy);  dUxdxC=dUxdx(vmapC); dUxdyC=dUxdy(vmapC);
  Grad2D(Uy, dUydx,dUydy);  dUydxC=dUydx(vmapC); dUydyC=dUydy(vmapC);

  PRC=PR(vmapC); nxC=nx(mapC); nyC=ny(mapC); sJC=sJ(mapC);
  hforce = -PRC.dm(nxC) + nu*( nxC.dm(  2.0 *dUxdxC) + nyC.dm(dUydxC+dUxdyC) );
  vforce = -PRC.dm(nyC) + nu*( nxC.dm(dUydxC+dUxdyC) + nyC.dm(  2.0 *dUydyC) );

  hforce.reshape(Nfp, Nc);
  vforce.reshape(Nfp, Nc);
  sJC   .reshape(Nfp, Nc);

  // compute weights for integrating (1,hforce) and (1,vforce)
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, r(Fmask(All,1)));
  MM1D = trans(inv(V1D)) / V1D;

  wv = MM1D.col_sums();
  tv = wv*(sJC.dm(hforce));  Cd=tv.sum();  // Compute drag coefficient
  tv = wv*(sJC.dm(vforce));  Cl=tv.sum();  // Compute lift coefficient

  // Output answers for plotting
  fprintf(fid, "%15.14f %15.14f %15.14f %15.14f;...\n", time, Cd/ra, Cl/ra, dP);

  // LOG report
  if (1==tstep || tstep==Nsteps || !umMOD(tstep,Nreport)) { 
    umLOG(1, "%7d   %6.3lf   %9.5lf  %10.6lf  %9.5lf\n", 
              tstep, time, Cd/ra, Cl/ra, dP);

  if (tstep==Nsteps) {
    fprintf(fid, "];\n");
    fclose(fid); fid=NULL;
void NDG2D::MakeCylinder2D
  const IMat& faces, 
  double ra,
  double xo,
  double yo
  // Function: MakeCylinder2D(faces, ra, xo, yo)
  // Purpose:  Use Gordon-Hall blending with an isoparametric  
  //           map to modify a list of faces so they conform 
  //           to a cylinder of radius r centered at (xo,yo)

  int NCurveFaces = faces.num_rows();
  IVec vflag(VX.size()); IMat VFlag(EToV.num_rows(),EToV.num_cols());
  int n=0,k=0,f=0,v1=0,v2=0;
  double theta1=0.0,theta2=0.0,x1=0.0,x2=0.0,y1=0.0,y2=0.0;
  double newx1=0.0,newx2=0.0,newy1=0.0,newy2=0.0;
  DVec vr, fr, theta, fdx,fdy, vdx, vdy, blend,numer,denom;
  IVec va,vb,vc, ks, Fm_f, ids;  DMat Vface, Vvol;

  for (n=1; n<=NCurveFaces; ++n)
    // move vertices of faces to be curved onto circle
    k = faces(n,1); f = faces(n,2);
    v1 = EToV(k, f); v2 = EToV(k, umMOD(f,Nfaces)+1);
    theta1 = atan2(VY(v1),VX(v1)); theta2 = atan2(VY(v2),VX(v2));
    newx1 = xo + ra*cos(theta1); newy1 = yo + ra*sin(theta1);
    newx2 = xo + ra*cos(theta2); newy2 = yo + ra*sin(theta2);
    // update mesh vertex locations
    VX(v1) = newx1; VX(v2) = newx2; VY(v1) = newy1; VY(v2) = newy2; 

    // store modified vertex numbers
    vflag(v1) = 1;  vflag(v2) = 1;

  // map modified vertex flag to each element
//vflag = vflag(EToV);
  VFlag.set_map(EToV, vflag); // (map, values)

  // locate elements with at least one modified vertex
//ks = find(sum(vflag,2)>0);
  ks = find(VFlag.row_sums(), '>', 0);

  // build coordinates of all the corrected nodes
  IMat VA=EToV(ks,1), VB=EToV(ks,2), VC=EToV(ks,3);

  // FIXME: loading 2D mapped data into 1D vectors
  int Nr=VA.num_rows(); 

  // Note: outer products of (Vector,MappedRegion1D)
  x(All,ks) = 0.5*(-(r+s)*VX(va)+(1.0+r)*VX(vb)+(1.0+s)*VX(vc));
  y(All,ks) = 0.5*(-(r+s)*VY(va)+(1.0+r)*VY(vb)+(1.0+s)*VY(vc));

  // deform specified faces
  for (n=1; n<=NCurveFaces; ++n)
    k = faces(n,1); f = faces(n,2);

    // find vertex locations for this face and tangential coordinate
    if      (f==1) { v1=EToV(k,1); v2=EToV(k,2); vr=r; }
    else if (f==2) { v1=EToV(k,2); v2=EToV(k,3); vr=s; }
    else if (f==3) { v1=EToV(k,1); v2=EToV(k,3); vr=s; }

    fr = vr(Fmask(All,f));
    x1 = VX(v1); y1 = VY(v1); x2 = VX(v2); y2 = VY(v2);

    // move vertices at end points of this face to the cylinder
    theta1 = atan2(y1-yo, x1-xo); theta2 = atan2(y2-yo, x2-xo);

    // check to make sure they are in the same quadrant
    if ((theta2 > 0.0) && (theta1 < 0.0)) { theta1 += 2*pi; }
    if ((theta1 > 0.0) && (theta2 < 0.0)) { theta2 += 2*pi; }

    // distribute N+1 nodes by arc-length along edge
    theta = 0.5*theta1*(1.0-fr) + 0.5*theta2*(1.0+fr);

    // evaluate deformation of coordinates
    fdx = xo + ra*apply(cos,theta) - x(Fmask(All,f),k); 
    fdy = yo + ra*apply(sin,theta) - y(Fmask(All,f),k);

    // build 1D Vandermonde matrix for face nodes and volume nodes
    Vface = Vandermonde1D(N, fr); Vvol = Vandermonde1D(N, vr);

    // compute unblended volume deformations 
    vdx = Vvol * (Vface|fdx); vdy = Vvol * (Vface|fdy);

    // blend deformation and increment node coordinates
    ids = find(abs(1.0-vr), '>', 1e-7); // warp and blend

    denom = 1.0-vr(ids);
    if      (1==f) { numer = -(r(ids)+s(ids));  }
    else if (2==f) { numer =  (r(ids)+1.0   );  }
    else if (3==f) { numer = -(r(ids)+s(ids));  }
    blend = numer.dd(denom);

    x(ids,k) += (blend.dm(vdx(ids)));
    y(ids,k) += (blend.dm(vdy(ids)));

  // repair other coordinate dependent information
  Fx = x(Fmask, All); Fy = y(Fmask, All);
  ::GeometricFactors2D(x,y,Dr,Ds,  rx,sx,ry,sy,J);
  Normals2D(); Fscale = sJ.dd(J(Fmask,All));
void NDG2D::BuildPeriodicMaps2D(double xperiod, double yperiod)
  // function [] = BuildPeriodicMaps2D(xperiod, yperiod);
  // Purpose: Connectivity and boundary tables for with all
  //          maps returned in Globals2D assuming periodicity

  // Find node to node connectivity
  vmapM.resize(Nfp*Nfaces*K); vmapP.resize(Nfp*Nfaces*K);

  DVec FxL,FyL,FxR,FyR; DMat x1,x2,y1,y2,D,xF1,yF1,xF2,yF2;
  IMat idLR;  IVec idL,idR,vidL,vidR,fidL,fidR; 
  int k1=0,f1=0, k2=0,f2=0; DVec onesNfp=ones(Nfp);
  double dx=0.0, dy=0.0, cx1=0.0,cx2=0.0,cy1=0.0,cy2=0.0;
  double dNfp=(double)Nfp;

  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1) {
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1) {

      k2 = EToE(k1,f1); f2 = EToF(k1,f1);
      vidL = Fmask(All,f1);  vidL += (k1-1)*Np;
      vidR = Fmask(All,f2);  vidR += (k2-1)*Np;

      fidL = Range(1,Nfp) + (f1-1)*Nfp + (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;
      fidR = Range(1,Nfp) + (f2-1)*Nfp + (k2-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;

      vmapM(fidL) = vidL; vmapP(fidL) = vidL;

      FxL=Fx(fidL); FyL=Fy(fidL); FxR=Fx(fidR); FyR=Fy(fidR);
      x1 = outer(FxL, onesNfp);  y1 = outer(FyL, onesNfp);
      x2 = outer(FxR, onesNfp);  y2 = outer(FyR, onesNfp);

      // Compute distance matrix
      D = sqr(x1-trans(x2)) + sqr(y1-trans(y2));

      idLR = find2D(abs(D), '<', NODETOL);
      idL=idLR(All,1); idR=idLR(All,2);

      vmapP(fidL(idL)) = vidR(idR);

  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1) {
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1) {

      xF1=x(Fmask(All,f1), k1);  cx1=xF1.sum()/dNfp;
      yF1=y(Fmask(All,f1), k1);  cy1=yF1.sum()/dNfp;

      k2 = EToE(k1,f1); f2 = EToF(k1,f1);    
      if (k2==k1) {
        for (k2=1; k2<=K; ++k2) {
          if (k1!=k2) {
            for (f2=1; f2<=Nfaces; ++f2) {
              if (EToE(k2,f2)==k2) {

                xF2=x(Fmask(All,f2), k2);  cx2=xF2.sum()/dNfp;
                yF2=y(Fmask(All,f2), k2);  cy2=yF2.sum()/dNfp;

                dx = sqrt( SQ(abs(cx1-cx2)-xperiod) + SQ(cy1-cy2));
                dy = sqrt( SQ(cx1-cx2) + SQ(abs(cy1-cy2)-yperiod));
                if (dx<NODETOL || dy<NODETOL) {
                  EToE(k1,f1) = k2;  EToE(k2,f2) = k1;
                  EToF(k1,f1) = f2;  EToF(k2,f2) = f1;

                  vidL = Fmask(All,f1);  vidL += (k1-1)*Np;
                  vidR = Fmask(All,f2);  vidR += (k2-1)*Np;
                  fidL = Range(1,Nfp) + (f1-1)*Nfp + (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;
                  fidR = Range(1,Nfp) + (f2-1)*Nfp + (k2-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;

                  FxL=Fx(fidL); FyL=Fy(fidL); FxR=Fx(fidR); FyR=Fy(fidR);

                  x1 = outer(FxL, onesNfp);  y1 = outer(FyL, onesNfp);
                  x2 = outer(FxR, onesNfp);  y2 = outer(FyR, onesNfp);
                  // Compute distance matrix
                  if (dx<NODETOL) {
                    D = sqr(abs(x1-trans(x2))-xperiod) + sqr(y1-trans(y2));
                  } else {
                    D = sqr(x1-trans(x2)) + sqr(abs(y1-trans(y2))-yperiod);

                  idLR = find2D(abs(D), '<', NODETOL);
                  idL=idLR(All,1); idR=idLR(All,2);
                //assert(idL.size() == Nfp);
                  if (idL.size() != Nfp) {
                    umERROR("NDG2D::BuildPeriodicMaps2D", "Nfp != idL.size() = %d", idL.size());
                  vmapP(fidL(idL)) = vidR(idR);
                  vmapP(fidR(idR)) = vidL(idL);

  // Create default list of boundary nodes
  mapB = find(vmapP, '=', vmapM);  vmapB = vmapM(mapB);
예제 #6
void NDG3D::PoissonIPDG3D(CSd& spOP, CSd& spMM)
  // function [OP,MM] = PoissonIPDG3D()
  // Purpose: Set up the discrete Poisson matrix directly
  //          using LDG. The operator is set up in the weak form

  DVec faceR("faceR"), faceS("faceS"), faceT("faceT");
  DMat V2D;  IVec Fm("Fm");  IVec i1_Nfp = Range(1,Nfp);
  double opti1=0.0, opti2=0.0; int i=0; 

  umLOG(1, "\n ==> {OP,MM} assembly: ");
  opti1 = timer.read(); // time assembly

  // build local face matrices
  DMat massEdge[5]; // = zeros(Np,Np,Nfaces);
  for (i=1; i<=Nfaces; ++i) {

  // face mass matrix 1
  Fm = Fmask(All,1); faceR=r(Fm); faceS=s(Fm); 
  V2D = Vandermonde2D(N, faceR, faceS);
  massEdge[1](Fm,Fm) = inv(V2D*trans(V2D));

  // face mass matrix 2
  Fm = Fmask(All,2); faceR = r(Fm); faceT = t(Fm);
  V2D = Vandermonde2D(N, faceR, faceT);
  massEdge[2](Fm,Fm) = inv(V2D*trans(V2D));

  // face mass matrix 3
  Fm = Fmask(All,3); faceS = s(Fm); faceT = t(Fm);
  V2D = Vandermonde2D(N, faceS, faceT); 
  massEdge[3](Fm,Fm) = inv(V2D*trans(V2D));

  // face mass matrix 4
  Fm = Fmask(All,4); faceS = s(Fm); faceT = t(Fm);
  V2D = Vandermonde2D(N, faceS, faceT); 
  massEdge[4](Fm,Fm) = inv(V2D*trans(V2D));

  // build local volume mass matrix
  MassMatrix = trans(invV)*invV;

  DMat Dx("Dx"),Dy("Dy"),Dz("Dz"), Dx2("Dx2"),Dy2("Dy2"),Dz2("Dz2");
  DMat Dn1("Dn1"),Dn2("Dn2"), mmE("mmE"), OP11("OP11"), OP12("OP12");
  DMat mmE_All_Fm1, mmE_Fm1_Fm1, Dn2_Fm2_All;
  IMat rows1,cols1,rows2,cols2;  int k1=0,f1=0,k2=0,f2=0,id=0;
  Index1D entries, entriesMM, idsM;  IVec fidM,vidM,Fm1,vidP,Fm2;
  double lnx=0.0,lny=0.0,lnz=0.0,lsJ=0.0,hinv=0.0,gtau=0.0;
  double N1N1 = double((N+1)*(N+1)); int NpNp = Np*Np;

  // build DG derivative matrices
  int max_OP = (K*Np*Np*(1+Nfaces));
  int max_MM = (K*Np*Np);

  // "OP" triplets (i,j,x), extracted to {Ai,Aj,Ax}
  IVec OPi(max_OP), OPj(max_OP), Ai,Aj; DVec OPx(max_OP), Ax;
  // "MM" triplets (i,j,x)
  IVec MMi(max_MM), MMj(max_MM); DVec MMx(max_MM);
  IVec OnesNp = Ones(Np);

  // global node numbering
  entries.reset(1,NpNp); entriesMM.reset(1,NpNp);


  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1)
    if (! (k1%250)) { umLOG(1, "%d, ",k1); }

    rows1 = outer( Range((k1-1)*Np+1,k1*Np), OnesNp );
    cols1 = trans(rows1);

    // Build local operators  
    Dx = rx(1,k1)*Dr + sx(1,k1)*Ds + tx(1,k1)*Dt;   
    Dy = ry(1,k1)*Dr + sy(1,k1)*Ds + ty(1,k1)*Dt;
    Dz = rz(1,k1)*Dr + sz(1,k1)*Ds + tz(1,k1)*Dt;

    OP11 = J(1,k1)*(trans(Dx)*MassMatrix*Dx + 
                    trans(Dy)*MassMatrix*Dy + 

    // Build element-to-element parts of operator
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1) {
      k2 = EToE(k1,f1); f2 = EToF(k1,f1); 

      rows2 = outer( Range((k2-1)*Np+1, k2*Np), OnesNp );
      cols2 = trans(rows2);

      fidM  = (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces + (f1-1)*Nfp + i1_Nfp;
      vidM = vmapM(fidM); Fm1 = mod(vidM-1,Np)+1;
      vidP = vmapP(fidM); Fm2 = mod(vidP-1,Np)+1;

      id = 1+(f1-1)*Nfp + (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;
      lnx = nx(id);  lny = ny(id);  lnz = nz(id); lsJ = sJ(id); 
      hinv = std::max(Fscale(id), Fscale(1+(f2-1)*Nfp, k2));    

      Dx2 = rx(1,k2)*Dr + sx(1,k2)*Ds + tx(1,k2)*Dt;   
      Dy2 = ry(1,k2)*Dr + sy(1,k2)*Ds + ty(1,k2)*Dt;
      Dz2 = rz(1,k2)*Dr + sz(1,k2)*Ds + tz(1,k2)*Dt;
      Dn1 = lnx*Dx  + lny*Dy  + lnz*Dz;
      Dn2 = lnx*Dx2 + lny*Dy2 + lnz*Dz2;

      mmE = lsJ*massEdge[f1];

      gtau = 2.0 * N1N1 * hinv; // set penalty scaling

      if (EToE(k1,f1)==k1) {
        OP11 += ( gtau*mmE - mmE*Dn1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE ); // ok
        // interior face variational terms
        OP11 += 0.5*( gtau*mmE - mmE*Dn1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE );

        // extract mapped regions:
        mmE_All_Fm1 = mmE(All,Fm1);
        mmE_Fm1_Fm1 = mmE(Fm1,Fm1);
        Dn2_Fm2_All = Dn2(Fm2,All);

        OP12 = 0.0;   // reset to zero
        OP12(All,Fm2)  = -0.5*(       gtau*mmE_All_Fm1 );
        OP12(Fm1,All) -=  0.5*(            mmE_Fm1_Fm1*Dn2_Fm2_All );
      //OP12(All,Fm2) -=  0.5*(-trans(Dn1)*mmE_All_Fm1 );
        OP12(All,Fm2) +=  0.5*( trans(Dn1)*mmE_All_Fm1 );

        // load this set of triplets
#if (1)
        OPi(entries)=rows1; OPj(entries)=cols2, OPx(entries)=OP12;
        entries += (NpNp);
        // load only the lower triangle (after droptol test?)
        sk=0; start=entries(1);
        for (int i=1; i<=NpNp; ++i) {
          eid = start+i;
          id=entries(eid); rid=rows1(i); cid=cols2(i);
          if (rows1(rid) >= cid) {          // take lower triangle
            if ( fabs(OP12(id)) > 1e-15) {  // drop small entries
              ++sk; OPi(id)=rid; OPj(id)=cid, OPx(id)=OP12(id);
        entries += sk;

    OPi(entries  )=rows1; OPj(entries  )=cols1, OPx(entries  )=OP11;
    MMi(entriesMM)=rows1; MMj(entriesMM)=cols1; MMx(entriesMM)=J(1,k1)*MassMatrix;
    entries += (NpNp); entriesMM += (NpNp);
  umLOG(1, "\n ==> {OP,MM} to sparse\n");

  entries.reset(1, entries.hi()-Np*Np);

  // Extract triplets from the large buffers. Note: this 
  // requires copying each array, and since these arrays 
  // can be HUGE(!), we force immediate deallocation:

  Ai=OPi(entries);  OPi.Free();
  Aj=OPj(entries);  OPj.Free();
  Ax=OPx(entries);  OPx.Free();
  umLOG(1, " ==> triplets ready (OP) nnz = %10d\n", entries.hi());

  // adjust triplet indices for 0-based sparse operators
  Ai -= 1; Aj -= 1; MMi -= 1; MMj -= 1;  int npk=Np*K;

#if defined(NDG_USE_CHOLMOD) || defined(NDG_New_CHOLINC)
  // load only the lower triangle tril(OP)        free args?
  spOP.load(npk,npk, Ai,Aj,Ax, sp_LT, false,1e-15, true);  // {LT, false} -> TriL
  // select {upper,lower,both} triangles
//spOP.load(npk,npk, Ai,Aj,Ax, sp_LT, true,1e-15,true);   // LT -> enforce symmetry
//spOP.load(npk,npk, Ai,Aj,Ax, sp_All,true,1e-15,true);   // All-> includes "noise"
//spOP.load(npk,npk, Ai,Aj,Ax, sp_UT, false,1e-15,true);  // UT -> triu(OP) only

  Ai.Free();  Aj.Free();  Ax.Free();

  umLOG(1, " ==> triplets ready (MM) nnz = %10d\n", entriesMM.hi());

  // The mass matrix operator will NOT be factorised, 
  // Load ALL elements (both upper and lower triangles):
  spMM.load(npk,npk, MMi,MMj,MMx, sp_All,false,1.00e-15,true);
  MMi.Free(); MMj.Free(); MMx.Free();

  opti2 = timer.read(); // time assembly
  umLOG(1, " ==> {OP,MM} converted to csc.  (%g secs)\n", opti2-opti1);
예제 #7
DVec& NDG2D::PoissonIPDGbc2D
(DVec& ubc, //[in]
 DVec& qbc  //[in]
  // function [OP] = PoissonIPDGbc2D()
  // Purpose: Set up the discrete Poisson matrix directly
  //          using LDG. The operator is set up in the weak form

  // build DG derivative matrices
  int max_OP = (K*Np*Np*(1+Nfaces));

  // initialize parameters
  DVec faceR("faceR"), faceS("faceS");
  DMat V1D("V1D"), Dx("Dx"),Dy("Dy"), Dn1("Dn1"), mmE_Fm1("mmE(:,Fm1)");
  IVec Fm("Fm"), Fm1("Fm1"), fidM("fidM");
  double lnx=0.0,lny=0.0,lsJ=0.0,hinv=0.0,gtau=0.0;
  int i=0,k1=0,f1=0,id=0;
  IVec i1_Nfp = Range(1,Nfp);
  double N1N1 = double((N+1)*(N+1));

  // build local face matrices
  DMat massEdge[4]; // = zeros(Np,Np,Nfaces);
  for (i=1; i<=Nfaces; ++i) {

  // face mass matrix 1
  Fm = Fmask(All,1); faceR = r(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge[1](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  // face mass matrix 2
  Fm = Fmask(All,2); faceR = r(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge[2](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  // face mass matrix 3
  Fm = Fmask(All,3); faceS = s(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceS); 
  massEdge[3](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));
  // build DG right hand side
  DVec* pBC = new DVec(Np*K, "bc", OBJ_temp); 
  DVec& bc = (*pBC);  // reference, for syntax

  umMSG(1, "\n ==> {OP} assembly [bc]: ");
  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1)
    if (! (k1%100)) { umMSG(1, "%d, ",k1); }

    // rows1 = outer(Range((k1-1)*Np+1,k1*Np), Ones(NGauss));

    // Build element-to-element parts of operator
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1)
      if (BCType(k1,f1))
        ////////////////////////added by Kevin ///////////////////////////////
        Fm1 = Fmask(All,f1); 
        fidM  = (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces + (f1-1)*Nfp + i1_Nfp;
        id = 1+(f1-1)*Nfp + (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;

        lnx = nx(id); lny = ny(id); 
        lsJ = sJ(id); hinv = Fscale(id);

        Dx = rx(1,k1)*Dr + sx(1,k1)*Ds;  
        Dy = ry(1,k1)*Dr + sy(1,k1)*Ds;
        Dn1 = lnx*Dx + lny*Dy;

      //mmE = lsJ*massEdge(:,:,f1);
      //bc(All,k1) += (gtau*mmE(All,Fm1) - Dn1'*mmE(All,Fm1))*ubc(fidM);

        mmE_Fm1 = massEdge[f1](All,Fm1);  mmE_Fm1 *= lsJ;

        gtau = 10*N1N1*hinv; // set penalty scaling
        //bc(All,k1) += (gtau*mmE_Fm1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE_Fm1) * ubc(fidM);

	  case BC_Dirichlet: 
            bc(Np*(k1-1)+Range(1,Np)) += (gtau*mmE_Fm1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE_Fm1)*ubc(fidM);  
          case BC_Neuman:
            bc(Np*(k1-1)+Range(1,Np)) += mmE_Fm1*qbc(fidM);
	  std::cout<<"warning: boundary condition is incorrect"<<std::endl;
  return bc;
예제 #8
void NDG2D::PoissonIPDGbc2D(
  CSd& spOP //[out] sparse operator 
  // function [OP] = PoissonIPDGbc2D()
  // Purpose: Set up the discrete Poisson matrix directly
  //          using LDG. The operator is set up in the weak form

  // build DG derivative matrices
  int max_OP = (K*Np*Np*(1+Nfaces));

  //initialize parameters
  DVec faceR("faceR"), faceS("faceS");
  IVec Fm("Fm"), Fm1("Fm1"), fidM("fidM");
  DMat V1D("V1D"); int i=0;

  // build local face matrices
  DMat massEdge[4]; // = zeros(Np,Np,Nfaces);
  for (i=1; i<=Nfaces; ++i) {

  // face mass matrix 1
  Fm = Fmask(All,1); faceR = r(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge[1](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  // face mass matrix 2
  Fm = Fmask(All,2); faceR = r(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge[2](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  // face mass matrix 3
  Fm = Fmask(All,3); faceS = s(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceS); 
  massEdge[3](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  //continue initialize parameters
  DMat Dx("Dx"),Dy("Dy"), Dn1("Dn1"), mmE_Fm1("mmE(:,Fm1)");
  double lnx=0.0,lny=0.0,lsJ=0.0,hinv=0.0,gtau=0.0;
  int k1=0,f1=0,id=0;
  IVec i1_Nfp = Range(1,Nfp);
  double N1N1 = double((N+1)*(N+1));
  // "OP" triplets (i,j,x), extracted to {Ai,Aj,Ax}
  IVec OPi(max_OP),OPj(max_OP), Ai,Aj; DVec OPx(max_OP), Ax;
  IMat rows1, cols1;  Index1D entries; DMat OP11(Np,Nfp, 0.0);

  // global node numbering
  cols1 = outer(Ones(Np), Range(1,Nfp));

  umMSG(1, "\n ==> {OP} assembly [bc]: ");
  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1)
    if (! (k1%100)) { umMSG(1, "%d, ",k1); }
    rows1 = outer(Range((k1-1)*Np+1,k1*Np), Ones(Nfp));

    // Build element-to-element parts of operator
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1)
      if (BCType(k1,f1))
        ////////////////////////added by Kevin ///////////////////////////////
        Fm1 = Fmask(All,f1); 
        fidM  = (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces + (f1-1)*Nfp + i1_Nfp;
        id = 1+(f1-1)*Nfp + (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;

        lnx = nx(id); lny = ny(id); 
        lsJ = sJ(id); hinv = Fscale(id);

        Dx = rx(1,k1)*Dr + sx(1,k1)*Ds;  
        Dy = ry(1,k1)*Dr + sy(1,k1)*Ds;
        Dn1 = lnx*Dx + lny*Dy;

      //mmE = lsJ*massEdge(:,:,f1);
      //bc(All,k1) += (gtau*mmE(All,Fm1) - Dn1'*mmE(All,Fm1))*ubc(fidM);

        mmE_Fm1 = massEdge[f1](All,Fm1);  mmE_Fm1 *= lsJ;

        gtau = 10*N1N1*hinv; // set penalty scaling
        //bc(All,k1) += (gtau*mmE_Fm1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE_Fm1) * ubc(fidM);

	  case BC_Dirichlet: 
            OP11 = gtau*mmE_Fm1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE_Fm1;  
          case BC_Neuman:
            OP11 = mmE_Fm1;
	  std::cout<<"warning: boundary condition is incorrect"<<std::endl;

        OPi(entries)=rows1; OPj(entries)=cols1; OPx(entries)=OP11; 
        entries += (Np*Nfp);
      cols1 += Nfp;

  umMSG(1, "\n ==> {OPbc} to sparse\n");
  entries.reset(1, entries.hi()-(Np*Nfp));

  // extract triplets from large buffers
  Ai=OPi(entries); Aj=OPj(entries); Ax=OPx(entries);

  // These arrays can be HUGE, so force deallocation
  OPi.Free(); OPj.Free(); OPx.Free();

  // return 0-based sparse result
  Ai -= 1; Aj -= 1;

  // This operator is not symmetric, and will NOT be 
  // factorised, only used to create reference RHS's:
  //    refrhsbcPR = spOP1 * bcPR;
  //    refrhsbcUx = spOP2 * bcUx;
  //    refrhsbcUy = spOP2 * bcUy;
  // Load ALL elements (both upper and lower triangles):
  spOP.load(Np*K, Nfp*Nfaces*K, Ai,Aj,Ax, sp_All,false, 1e-15,true);

  Ai.Free();  Aj.Free();  Ax.Free();
  umMSG(1, " ==> {OPbc} ready.\n");

#if (1)
  // check on original estimates for nnx
  umMSG(1, " ==> max_OP: %12d\n", max_OP);
  umMSG(1, " ==> nnz_OP: %12d\n", entries.hi());
예제 #9
startUp1d::startUp1d(int N,int K) {

    r = JacobiGL(0,0,N);
    Np = N+1;
    Nfp = 1;
    Nfaces =2;

    V = Vandermonde1D(N,r);
    Dr = Dmatrix1D(N,r,V);
    invV = V.inverse();
    MatrixXd Emat(Np,Nfaces*Nfp);

    LIFT = V*V.transpose()*Emat;
    EToV = meshGen(0.0,1.0,K,Nv,VX);

    ArrayXi va,vb;
    va = EToV.col(0);
    VectorXd v1(K),v2(K);
    {   int  temp=0;
        for(int i=0; i<K; i++)
        {   temp = va(i);
            v1(i)= VX(temp-1);
            temp = vb(i);
            v2(i)= VX(temp-1);


    VectorXd temp1;
    x =temp1*v1.transpose()+ 0.5*((r.array()+1).matrix())*(v2-v1).transpose();

    J = Dr*x;
    rx = 1.0/J.array();





    Fscale = 1.0/Fscale.array();

    EToEF = Connect1DEToE(EToV);

    std::cout<<"Fscale "<<"\n"<<Fscale<<"\n";

    std::cout<<"Fscale "<<"\n"<<EToEF<<"\n";
