예제 #1
파일: vncviewer.cpp 프로젝트: tmbx/vnc
// Convert "host:display" or "host::port" into host and port
// Returns true if valid format, false if not.
// Takes initial string, addresses of results and size of host buffer in wchars.
// If the display info passed in is longer than the size of the host buffer, it
// is assumed to be invalid, so false is returned.
// If the function returns true, then it also replaces the display[]
// string with its canonical representation.
bool ParseDisplay(LPTSTR display, LPTSTR phost, int hostlen, int *pport) 
    if (hostlen < (int)_tcslen(display))
        return false;

    int tmp_port;
    TCHAR *colonpos = _tcschr(display, L':');
    if (colonpos == NULL) {
		// No colon -- use default port number
        tmp_port = RFB_PORT_OFFSET;
		_tcsncpy(phost, display, MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN);
	} else {
		_tcsncpy(phost, display, colonpos - display);
		phost[colonpos - display] = L'\0';
		if (colonpos[1] == L':') {
			// Two colons -- interpret as a port number
			if (_stscanf(colonpos + 2, TEXT("%d"), &tmp_port) != 1) 
				return false;
		} else {
			// One colon -- interpret as a display or port number
			if (_stscanf(colonpos + 1, TEXT("%d"), &tmp_port) != 1) 
				return false;
			if (tmp_port < 100)
				tmp_port += RFB_PORT_OFFSET;
    *pport = tmp_port;

	// FIXME: We should not overwrite display[] here, buffer overflow
	// is possible.
	FormatDisplay(tmp_port, display, phost);
    return true;
예제 #2
// returns zero if successful
int ClientConnection::LoadConnection(char *fname, bool sess)
  if (sess) {
    char tname[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT];


    ofn.hwndOwner = m_hSess;
    ofn.lpstrFile = fname;
    ofn.lpstrFileTitle = tname;
    ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY;

    if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn) == 0)
      return -1;
  if (GetPrivateProfileString("connection", "host", "", m_host,
                              MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN, fname) == 0) {
    MessageBox(m_hwnd, "Error reading host name from file",
               "Config file error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
    return -1;
  if ((m_port = GetPrivateProfileInt("connection", "port", 0, fname)) == 0) {
    MessageBox(m_hwnd, "Error reading port number from file",
               "Config file error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
    return -1;
  FormatDisplay(m_port, m_opts.m_display, _countof(m_opts.m_display), m_host);

  char buf[1026];
  m_passwdSet = false;
  if (GetPrivateProfileString("connection", "password", "", buf, 32,
                              fname) > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < MAXPWLEN; i++)  {
      int x = 0;
      sscanf_s(buf + i * 2, "%2x", &x);
      m_encPasswd[i] = (unsigned char) x;
    m_passwdSet = true;
  if (sess) {
  return 0;
예제 #3
bool ParseDisplay(LPTSTR display, LPTSTR phost, int hostlen, int *pport)
  if (hostlen < (int)strlen(display))
      return false;

  int tmp_port;
  char *colonpos = strrchr(display, ':');

  while (colonpos > display && *(colonpos - 1) == ':')
  if (colonpos == NULL) {
    // No colon -- use default port number
    tmp_port = RFB_PORT_OFFSET;
    strncpy(phost, display, MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN);
  } else {
    strncpy(phost, display, colonpos - display);
    phost[colonpos - display] = '\0';
    if (colonpos[1] == ':') {
      // Two colons -- interpret as a port number
      if (sscanf(colonpos + 2, TEXT("%d"), &tmp_port) != 1)
        return false;
    } else {
      // One colon -- interpret as a display or port number
      if (sscanf(colonpos + 1, TEXT("%d"), &tmp_port) != 1)
        return false;
      if (tmp_port < 100)
        tmp_port += RFB_PORT_OFFSET;
  *pport = tmp_port;

  // FIXME: We should not overwrite display[] here.  Buffer overflow
  // is possible.

  FormatDisplay(tmp_port, display, phost);
  return true;
예제 #4
BOOL CALLBACK SessionDialog::SessDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
                                         LPARAM lParam)
  // This is a static method, so we don't know which instantiation we're
  // dealing with, but we can get a pseudo-this from the parameter to
  // WM_INITDIALOG, which we thereafter store with the window and retrieve
  // as follows:
  SessionDialog *_this =
    (SessionDialog *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);

  int i;
  char tmphost[256];
  char buffer[256];
  HWND hListMode = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_LIST_MODE);
  HWND hcombo = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT);

  switch (uMsg) {
      SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam);
      SessionDialog *_this = (SessionDialog *) lParam;
      _this->m_cc->m_hSess = hwnd;

      // Load connection history into the combo box
      const int maxEntries = pApp->m_options.m_historyLimit;
      int listIndex = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
        char keyName[256];
        _itoa_s(i, keyName, _countof(keyName), 10);
        char buf[256];
        int dwbuflen = 255;
        if (RegQueryValueEx(_this->m_hRegKey, keyName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buf,
                            (LPDWORD)&dwbuflen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
          buf[255] = '\0';
          if (buf[0] != 0)
            SendMessage(hcombo, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)listIndex++,
      if (_this->m_pOpt->m_display[0] == '\0') {
        SendMessage(hcombo, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
        LRESULT r = SendMessage(hcombo, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, 0, 0);
        if (r > 1 && r <= 256) {
          r = SendMessage(hcombo, CB_GETLBTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer);
          if (r > 1)
            _this->m_pOpt->LoadOpt(buffer, KEY_VNCVIEWER_HISTORY);
      } else {
        SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT, _this->m_pOpt->m_display);

      return TRUE;
    case WM_HELP:
      return 0;
    case WM_ACTIVATE:
      if ((pApp->m_options.m_listening) ||
          (FindWindow("VNCviewer Daemon", 0) != NULL))
        EnableWindow(hListMode, FALSE);
      if ((!pApp->m_options.m_listening) &&
          (FindWindow("VNCviewer Daemon", 0) == NULL))
        EnableWindow(hListMode, TRUE);
      return 0;
    case WM_COMMAND:
      switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
        case IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT:
          switch (HIWORD(wParam)) {
            case CBN_SELENDOK:
              int a = (int)SendMessage(hcombo, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L);
              SendMessage(hcombo, CB_GETLBTEXT, a, (LPARAM)(int FAR*)buffer);
              _this->m_pOpt->LoadOpt(buffer, KEY_VNCVIEWER_HISTORY);
              EnableConnectButton(hwnd, TRUE);
            case CBN_EDITCHANGE:
          return TRUE;
        case IDC_LOAD:
          char buf[80];
          buf[0] = '\0';
          if (_this->m_cc->LoadConnection(buf, true) != -1) {
            FormatDisplay(_this->m_cc->m_port, _this->m_pOpt->m_display,
            SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT, _this->m_pOpt->m_display);
          return TRUE;
        case IDC_LIST_MODE:
          pApp->m_options.LoadOpt(".listen", KEY_VNCVIEWER_HISTORY);
          pApp->m_options.m_listening = true;
          EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE);
          return TRUE;
        case IDC_OK:
          char display[256];
          GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT, display, 256);
          if (strlen(display) == 0)
            return TRUE;
          if (!ParseDisplay(display, _countof(display), tmphost,
                            _countof(tmphost), &_this->m_cc->m_port)) {
                "Invalid VNC server specified.\n\r"
                "Server should be of the form host:display.",
                "Connection setup", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            return TRUE;
          } else {
            STRCPY(_this->m_cc->m_host, tmphost);
            STRCPY(_this->m_pOpt->m_display, display);

          EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE);
          return TRUE;
        case IDCANCEL:
          EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE);
          return TRUE;
        case IDC_OPTIONBUTTON:
          if (_this->m_pOpt->RaiseDialog())
            return TRUE;  // Options dialog already shown
          HWND hOptionButton = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_OPTIONBUTTON);
          GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT,
                         _this->m_pOpt->m_display, 256);
          SendMessage(hcombo, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
          int dwbuflen = 255;
          char valname[256];
          char buf[256];
          int maxEntries = pApp->m_options.m_historyLimit;
          for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
            _itoa_s(i, valname, _countof(valname), 10);
            dwbuflen = 255;
            if (RegQueryValueEx(_this->m_hRegKey, (LPTSTR)valname, NULL, NULL,
                (LPBYTE)buf, (LPDWORD)&dwbuflen) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
            SendMessage(hcombo, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)i,
                        (LPARAM)(int FAR*)buf);
          SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_HOSTNAME_EDIT, _this->m_pOpt->m_display);
          return TRUE;
    case WM_DESTROY:
      EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE);
      return TRUE;
  return 0;