DWORD CControlSK::SetBitmap(HBITMAP hBitmap) { int nRetValue; BITMAP csBitmapSize; // Free any loaded resource FreeResources(); if (hBitmap) { m_hBitmap = hBitmap; // Get bitmap size nRetValue = ::GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(csBitmapSize), &csBitmapSize); if (nRetValue == 0) { FreeResources(); return 0; } m_dwWidth = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmWidth; m_dwHeight = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmHeight; } // if (IsWindow(this->GetSafeHwnd())) // Invalidate(); return 1; }
DWORD CMySliderCtrl::SetBitmaps(HBITMAP hChannel, COLORREF crTransCh, HBITMAP hThumb, COLORREF crTransThumb) { int nRetValue = 0; BITMAP csBitmapSize; m_BgSet = FALSE; // Free any loaded resource FreeResources(); if (hChannel) { m_csBitmaps[0].hBitmap = hChannel; m_csBitmaps[0].crTransparent = crTransCh; // Get bitmap size nRetValue = ::GetObject(hChannel, sizeof(csBitmapSize), &csBitmapSize); if (nRetValue == 0) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } // if m_csBitmaps[0].dwWidth = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmWidth; m_csBitmaps[0].dwHeight = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmHeight; // Create mask for bitmap In m_csBitmaps[0].hMask = CreateBitmapMask(hChannel, m_csBitmaps[0].dwWidth, m_csBitmaps[0].dwHeight, crTransCh); if (m_csBitmaps[0].hMask == NULL) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_FAILEDMASK; } // if } if (hThumb) { m_csBitmaps[3].hBitmap = hThumb; m_csBitmaps[3].crTransparent = crTransThumb; // Get bitmap size nRetValue = ::GetObject(hThumb, sizeof(csBitmapSize), &csBitmapSize); if (nRetValue == 0) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } // if m_csBitmaps[3].dwWidth = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmWidth; m_csBitmaps[3].dwHeight = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmHeight; // Create mask for bitmap Out m_csBitmaps[3].hMask = CreateBitmapMask(hThumb, m_csBitmaps[3].dwWidth, m_csBitmaps[3].dwHeight, crTransThumb); if (m_csBitmaps[3].hMask == NULL) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_FAILEDMASK; } // if } // if SizeToContent(); Invalidate(); return BTNST_OK; } // End of SetBitmaps
DWORD CButtonST::SetIcon(HICON hIconIn, HICON hIconOut, HICON hIconDisable) { bool bRetValue; ICONINFO ii; // Free any loaded resource FreeResources(); if (hIconIn != 0) { m_csIcons[0].hIcon = hIconIn; // Get icon dimension ZeroMemory(&ii, sizeof(ICONINFO)); bRetValue = (::GetIconInfo(hIconIn, &ii) != 0); if (!bRetValue) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } m_csIcons[0].dwWidth = (DWORD)(ii.xHotspot * 2); m_csIcons[0].dwHeight = (DWORD)(ii.yHotspot * 2); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor); if (hIconOut != 0) { m_csIcons[1].hIcon = hIconOut; // Get icon dimension ZeroMemory(&ii, sizeof(ICONINFO)); bRetValue = (::GetIconInfo(hIconOut, &ii) != 0); if (!bRetValue) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } m_csIcons[1].dwWidth = (DWORD)(ii.xHotspot * 2); m_csIcons[1].dwHeight = (DWORD)(ii.yHotspot * 2); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor); } if (hIconDisable != 0) { m_csIcons[2].hIcon = hIconDisable; // Get icon dimension ZeroMemory(&ii, sizeof(ICONINFO)); bRetValue = (::GetIconInfo(hIconDisable, &ii) != 0); if (!bRetValue) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } m_csIcons[2].dwWidth = (DWORD)(ii.xHotspot * 2); m_csIcons[2].dwHeight = (DWORD)(ii.yHotspot * 2); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor); } } if (IsWindow()) { RedrawWindow(); } return BTNST_OK; }
DWORD SkinBmp::SetBitmaps(CWnd * cwnd, CDC * dc, HBITMAP hBitmap, COLORREF crTransBitmap) { int nRetValue = 0; BITMAP csBitmapSize; // Free any loaded resource FreeResources(); cwnd->GetClientRect(m_ClientRect); if (hBitmap) { // Get bitmap size nRetValue = ::GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(csBitmapSize), &csBitmapSize); if (nRetValue == 0) { FreeResources(); return FALSE; } // if // resize bitmap into client area HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HBITMAP hbmOldSrc = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hdcSrc, hBitmap); HBITMAP hbmResized = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc->m_hDC,m_ClientRect.Width(),m_ClientRect.Height()); HDC hdcTmp = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HBITMAP hbmTmp = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hdcTmp, hbmResized); ::StretchBlt(hdcTmp,0,0,m_ClientRect.Width(),m_ClientRect.Height(), hdcSrc,0,0,csBitmapSize.bmWidth,csBitmapSize.bmHeight,SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcSrc, hbmOldSrc); ::DeleteDC(hdcSrc); ::DeleteObject(hBitmap); ::SelectObject(hdcTmp, hbmTmp); ::DeleteDC(hdcTmp); hBitmap = hbmResized; m_Bitmaps.hBitmap = hBitmap; m_Bitmaps.crTransparent = crTransBitmap; m_Bitmaps.dwWidth = m_ClientRect.Width(); m_Bitmaps.dwHeight = m_ClientRect.Height(); // Create mask for bitmap In m_Bitmaps.hMask = CreateBitmapMask(hBitmap, m_Bitmaps.dwWidth, m_Bitmaps.dwHeight, crTransBitmap); if (m_Bitmaps.hMask == NULL) { FreeResources(); return FALSE; } // if } m_UseSkin = TRUE; // Invalidate(); return TRUE; } // End of SetBitmaps
// This function assigns bitmaps to the button. // Any previous icon or bitmap will be removed. // // Parameters: // [IN] hBitmapIn // Handle fo the bitmap to show when the mouse is over the button. // Pass NULL to remove any bitmap from the button. // [IN] crTransColorIn // Color (inside hBitmapIn) to be used as transparent color. // [IN] hBitmapOut // Handle to the bitmap to show when the mouse is outside the button. // Can be NULL. // [IN] crTransColorOut // Color (inside hBitmapOut) to be used as transparent color. // // Return value: // BTNST_OK // Function executed successfully. // BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE // Failed loading the specified resource. // BTNST_FAILEDMASK // Failed creating mask bitmap. // DWORD CButtonST::SetBitmaps(HBITMAP hBitmapIn, COLORREF crTransColorIn, HBITMAP hBitmapOut, COLORREF crTransColorOut) { int nRetValue; BITMAP csBitmapSize; // Free any loaded resource FreeResources(); if (hBitmapIn) { m_csBitmaps[0].hBitmap = hBitmapIn; m_csBitmaps[0].crTransparent = crTransColorIn; // Get bitmap size nRetValue = ::GetObject(hBitmapIn, sizeof(csBitmapSize), &csBitmapSize); if (nRetValue == 0) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } // if m_csBitmaps[0].dwWidth = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmWidth; m_csBitmaps[0].dwHeight = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmHeight; // Create mask for bitmap In m_csBitmaps[0].hMask = CreateBitmapMask(hBitmapIn, m_csBitmaps[0].dwWidth, m_csBitmaps[0].dwHeight, crTransColorIn); if (m_csBitmaps[0].hMask == NULL) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_FAILEDMASK; } // if if (hBitmapOut) { m_csBitmaps[1].hBitmap = hBitmapOut; m_csBitmaps[1].crTransparent = crTransColorOut; // Get bitmap size nRetValue = ::GetObject(hBitmapOut, sizeof(csBitmapSize), &csBitmapSize); if (nRetValue == 0) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } // if m_csBitmaps[1].dwWidth = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmWidth; m_csBitmaps[1].dwHeight = (DWORD)csBitmapSize.bmHeight; // Create mask for bitmap Out m_csBitmaps[1].hMask = CreateBitmapMask(hBitmapOut, m_csBitmaps[1].dwWidth, m_csBitmaps[1].dwHeight, crTransColorOut); if (m_csBitmaps[1].hMask == NULL) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_FAILEDMASK; } // if } // if } // if Invalidate(); return BTNST_OK; } // End of SetBitmaps
// This function assigns icons to the button. // Any previous icon or bitmap will be removed. // // Parameters: // [IN] hIconIn // Handle fo the icon to show when the mouse is over the button. // Pass NULL to remove any icon from the button. // [IN] hIconOut // Handle to the icon to show when the mouse is outside the button. // Can be NULL. // // Return value: // BTNST_OK // Function executed successfully. // BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE // Failed loading the specified resource. // DWORD CButtonST::SetIcon(HICON hIconIn, HICON hIconOut) { BOOL bRetValue; ICONINFO ii; // Free any loaded resource FreeResources(); if (hIconIn) { // Icon when mouse over button? m_csIcons[0].hIcon = hIconIn; // Get icon dimension ::ZeroMemory(&ii, sizeof(ICONINFO)); bRetValue = ::GetIconInfo(hIconIn, &ii); if (bRetValue == FALSE) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } // if m_csIcons[0].dwWidth = (DWORD)(ii.xHotspot * 2); m_csIcons[0].dwHeight = (DWORD)(ii.yHotspot * 2); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor); // Icon when mouse outside button? if (hIconOut) { if (hIconOut == BTNST_AUTO_GRAY) { hIconOut = CreateGrayscaleIcon(hIconIn); } // if m_csIcons[1].hIcon = hIconOut; // Get icon dimension ::ZeroMemory(&ii, sizeof(ICONINFO)); bRetValue = ::GetIconInfo(hIconOut, &ii); if (bRetValue == FALSE) { FreeResources(); return BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE; } // if m_csIcons[1].dwWidth = (DWORD)(ii.xHotspot * 2); m_csIcons[1].dwHeight = (DWORD)(ii.yHotspot * 2); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask); ::DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor); } // if } // if Invalidate(); return BTNST_OK; } // End of SetIcon
void H264Slice::Reset() { m_pSource.Release(); if (m_bInited && m_pSeqParamSet) { if (m_pSeqParamSet) ((H264SeqParamSet*)m_pSeqParamSet)->DecrementReference(); if (m_pPicParamSet) ((H264PicParamSet*)m_pPicParamSet)->DecrementReference(); m_pSeqParamSet = 0; m_pPicParamSet = 0; if (m_pSeqParamSetEx) { ((H264SeqParamSetExtension*)m_pSeqParamSetEx)->DecrementReference(); m_pSeqParamSetEx = 0; } if (m_pSeqParamSetMvcEx) { ((H264SeqParamSetMVCExtension*)m_pSeqParamSetMvcEx)->DecrementReference(); m_pSeqParamSetMvcEx = 0; } if (m_pSeqParamSetSvcEx) { ((H264SeqParamSetSVCExtension*)m_pSeqParamSetSvcEx)->DecrementReference(); m_pSeqParamSetSvcEx = 0; } } ZeroedMembers(); FreeResources(); }
SDL_Surface* SDL_COMPAT_SetVideoMode(int width, int height, int bitsperpixel, Uint32 flags) { g_width = width; g_height = height; g_bpp = bitsperpixel; FreeResources(); g_window = SDL_CreateWindow("oricutron", g_lastx, g_lasty, g_width, g_height, flags); if(g_icon) SDL_SetWindowIcon(g_window, g_icon); if(flags & SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL) { g_screen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(g_window); g_glcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(g_window); } else { g_screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, g_width, g_height, g_bpp, RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK); g_renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(g_window, -1, 0); g_texture = SDL_CreateTexture(g_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, g_width, g_height); } return g_screen; }
CButtonST::CButtonST() { m_bMouseOnButton = false; FreeResources(false); // Default type is "flat" button m_bIsFlat = true; // By default draw border in "flat" button m_bDrawBorder = true; // By default icon is aligned horizontally m_nAlign = ST_ALIGN_HORIZ; // By default, for "flat" button, don't draw the focus rect m_bDrawFlatFocus = false; // By default the button is not the default button m_bIsDefault = false; // By default the button is not a checkbox m_bIsCheckBox = false; m_nCheck = false; // Set default colors SetDefaultColors(false); // No tooltip created m_ToolTip.m_hWnd = 0; // Do not draw as a transparent button m_bDrawTransparent = false; m_pbmpOldBk = 0; // No URL defined ::ZeroMemory(&m_szURL, sizeof(m_szURL)); // No cursor defined m_hCursor = 0; // No autorepeat m_bAutoRepeat = false; m_dwPeriodAutoRepeat = 100; m_bIsPressed = false; m_bIsFocused = false; m_bIsDisabled = false; }
bool ScaleSpace::AllocateResources(int lines, int cols, int levels, double *scales) { int i; if(lines < 10) //image too small return false; if(cols < 10) //image too small return false; if(levels < 1) // return false; if(_allocated) FreeResources(); _width = cols; _height = lines; _levels = levels; _scales = (double*)malloc(_levels*sizeof(double)); if(scales == 0) return false; _scalespace = (float**)malloc(_levels*sizeof(float*)); if(_scalespace == 0) return false; _filters = new FastGauss[levels]; if(_filters == 0) return false; for(i=0; i < levels; i++) { _scales[i] = scales[i]; _filters[i].AllocateResources(lines, cols, _scales[i]); _scalespace[i] = (float*)malloc(_width*_height*sizeof(float)); if(_scalespace[i] == 0) return false; } _allocated = true; return true; }
/** Old testcaseID AFSS-CMDMWT-0008 New testcaseID DEVSRVS-SSMA-CMD-0010 */ void CCmdTestMultipleWait::doTestCommandTypeL() { TInt32 timeout = 10000; TArray<MSsmCommand*> testDeferredList = iDeferredList.Array(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestCommandTypeL - Command construction with valid data")); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestCommandTypeL:01 Test: Construct from NewL(RReadStream& aReadStream, TArray<MSsmCommand*>& aDeferredCommands) and check type")); iTestCmd = CreateCmdFromStreamL(testDeferredList, timeout); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, timeout); TEST(iTestCmd->Type() == ESsmCmdMultipleWait); Reset(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestCommandTypeL:02 Test: Construct from NewL(TInt32 aTimeout) and check type")); iTestCmd = CCmdMultipleWait::NewL(timeout); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, timeout); TEST(iTestCmd->Type() == ESsmCmdMultipleWait); Reset(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestCommandTypeL:03 Test: Construct from NewL(TSsmCommandParameters& aCommandParameters) and check type")); timeout = 1000; // open reader RResourceReader& reader = LoadResourcesL(KTestRscFileName, R_COMMAND_VALID_DATA); TSsmCommandParameters params(reader, NULL, 0); iTestCmd = CCmdMultipleWait::NewL(params); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, timeout); TEST(iTestCmd->Type() == ESsmCmdMultipleWait); Reset(); FreeResources(); }
void CCmdTestMultipleWait::doTestNewLWithGoodDataL() { TInt err = KErrNone; TInt expectedErr = KErrNone; TInt32 timeout = 10000; TArray<MSsmCommand*> testDeferredList = iDeferredList.Array(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestNewLWithGoodDataL - Command construction with valid data")); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestNewLWithGoodDataL:01 Test: NewL(RReadStream& aReadStream, TArray<MSsmCommand*>& aDeferredCommands)")); TRAP(err, iTestCmd = CreateCmdFromStreamL(testDeferredList, timeout)); INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err : %d. expected err : %d"), err, expectedErr); TEST(err == expectedErr); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, timeout); Reset(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestNewLWithGoodDataL:02 Test: NewL(TInt32 aTimeout)")); TRAP(err, iTestCmd = CCmdMultipleWait::NewL(timeout)); INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err : %d. expected err : %d"), err, expectedErr); TEST(err == expectedErr); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, timeout); Reset(); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestNewLWithGoodDataL:03 Test: NewL(TSsmCommandParameters& aCommandParameters)")); // open reader timeout = 1000; RResourceReader& reader = LoadResourcesL(KTestRscFileName, R_COMMAND_VALID_DATA); TSsmCommandParameters params(reader, NULL, 0); TRAP(err, iTestCmd = CCmdMultipleWait::NewL(params)); INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Test completed with err : %d. expected err : %d"), err, expectedErr); TEST(err == expectedErr); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, timeout); Reset(); FreeResources(); }
void CCmdTestWaitForApparcInit::doTestCommandTypeL() { TCmdErrorSeverity severity = ECmdIgnoreFailure; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test:doTestCommandTypeL - Command construction with valid data")); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestCommandTypeL:01 Construct from NewL(RReadStream& aReadStream) and check type")); iTestCmd = CreateCmdFromStreamL(severity); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, severity); TEST(iTestCmd->Type() == ESsmCmdWaitForApparcInit); delete iTestCmd; iTestCmd = NULL; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestCommandTypeL:02 Construct from NewL(TCmdErrorSeverity aSeverity) and check type")); severity = ECmdCriticalSeverity; iTestCmd = CCmdWaitForApparcInit::NewL(severity); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, severity); TEST(iTestCmd->Type() == ESsmCmdWaitForApparcInit); delete iTestCmd; iTestCmd = NULL; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestCommandTypeL:03 Construct from NewL(TSsmCommandParameters& aCommandParameters) and check type")); severity = ECmdMediumSeverity; // open reader RResourceReader& reader = LoadResourcesL(KTestRscFileName, R_COMMAND_VALID_DATA); TSsmCommandParameters params(reader, NULL, 0); iTestCmd = CCmdWaitForApparcInit::NewL(params); CompareCommandsDataL(iTestCmd, severity); //validate the value TEST(iTestCmd->Type() == ESsmCmdWaitForApparcInit); delete iTestCmd; iTestCmd = NULL; FreeResources(); }
SkinBmp::~SkinBmp() { m_dcBk.DeleteDC(); m_bmpBk.DeleteObject(); FreeResources(); ::DeleteDC(m_hdcTmp); } // End of ~SkinBmp
uint32_t ImproveCommunities(const CGraph* graph, CommunityPartition* partition, uint32_t numThreads, uint32_t lookahead, const double64_t alfa ) { num_threads = numThreads; omp_set_num_threads(num_threads); printf("Maximum number of threads: %d\n", omp_get_max_threads()); printf("Starting improvement from a partition with WCC: %f\n", partition->m_WCC / graph->GetNumNodes()); CommunityPartition bestPartition; CopyPartition(&bestPartition, partition); uint32_t remainingTries = lookahead; bool improve = true; while(improve) { while (improve) { printf("\n"); uint64_t initTime = StartClock(); improve = false; printf("Starting improvement iteration ...\n"); if (PerformImprovementStep(graph, partition, alfa)) { printf("Error while performing an improvement step.\n"); return 1; } printf("New WCC: %f\n", partition->m_WCC / graph->GetNumNodes()); printf("Best WCC: %f\n", bestPartition.m_WCC / graph->GetNumNodes()); printf("Memory required by this iteration: %lu bytes \n", MeasureMemoryConsumption(partition) + MeasureMemoryConsumption(&bestPartition)); if (partition->m_WCC - bestPartition.m_WCC > 0.0f) { // if (((partition->m_WCC - bestPartition.m_WCC) / bestPartition.m_WCC) > 0.01f) { remainingTries = lookahead; // } FreeResources(&bestPartition); CopyPartition(&bestPartition, partition); } printf("Iteration time: %lu ms\n", StopClock(initTime)); if(remainingTries > 0) { remainingTries--; improve = true; } } } FreeResources(partition); CopyPartition(partition, &bestPartition); FreeResources(&bestPartition); return 0; }
void CCmdTestMultipleWait::AddDeferredCommandsInListL(TDeferredCmdConfiguration aDeferredCmd) { // open reader RResourceReader& reader = LoadResourcesL(KTestRscFileName, aDeferredCmd.iCmdResourceId); TSsmCommandParameters params(reader, NULL, 0); iTestList->AddCommandFromResourceL(aDeferredCmd.iCmdType, params); FreeResources(); }
RenderSystem::~RenderSystem() { if (_initOk) { if (_context) { _context->ClearState(); } FreeResources(); } }
void CGUIRenderingControl::UpdateVisibility(const CGUIListItem *item) { // if made invisible, start timer, only free addonptr after // some period, configurable by window class CGUIControl::UpdateVisibility(item); if (!IsVisible() && m_callback) FreeResources(); }
void nosaveCB_QuestionDialog(Widget UxWidget, XtPointer UxClientData, XtPointer UxCallbackArg) { XtDestroyWidget(XtParent(UxWidget)); FreeResources(); exit(0); }
CResultSet::~CResultSet() { try { Notify(CDbapiClosedEvent(this)); FreeResources(); Notify(CDbapiDeletedEvent(this)); _TRACE(GetIdent() << " " << (void*)this << " deleted."); } NCBI_CATCH_ALL_X( 6, kEmptyStr ) }
bool CGUITextureBase::SetFileName(const std::string& filename) { if (m_info.filename == filename) return false; // Don't completely free resources here - we may be just changing // filenames mid-animation FreeResources(); m_info.filename = filename; // Don't allocate resources here as this is done at render time return true; }
Error::E RenderSystem::Initialize(const Window &window) { Error::E err = Error::OK; err = CreateDeviceAndContext(); if (err != Error::OK) { FreeResources(); return err; } err = CreateSwapChain(window); if (err != Error::OK) { FreeResources(); return err; } ID3D11Texture2D *backBuffer; DEBUG_HR(_swapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&backBuffer))); DEBUG_HR(_device->CreateRenderTargetView(backBuffer, NULL, &_renderTargetView)); ReleaseCom(backBuffer); err = CreateDepthStencilBuffer(); if (err != Error::OK) { FreeResources(); return err; } _context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &_renderTargetView, _depthStencilView); D3D11_VIEWPORT vp; vp.TopLeftX = 0; vp.TopLeftY = 0; vp.Width = (float)window.GetWidth(); vp.Height = (float)window.GetHeight(); vp.MinDepth = 0.0f; vp.MaxDepth = 1.0f; _context->RSSetViewports(1, &vp); _initOk = true; return Error::OK; }
CButtonST::CButtonST() { m_bIsPressed = FALSE; m_bIsFocused = FALSE; m_bIsDisabled = FALSE; m_bMouseOnButton = FALSE; FreeResources(FALSE); // Default type is "flat" button m_bIsFlat = TRUE; // Button will be tracked also if when the window is inactive (like Internet Explorer) m_bAlwaysTrack = TRUE; // By default draw border in "flat" button m_bDrawBorder = TRUE; // By default icon is aligned horizontally // m_byAlign = ST_ALIGN_HORIZ; // By default, for "flat" button, don't draw the focus rect m_bDrawFlatFocus = FALSE; // By default the button is not the default button m_bIsDefault = FALSE; // Invalid value, since type still unknown m_nTypeStyle = BS_TYPEMASK_01; // By default the button is not a checkbox m_bIsCheckBox = FALSE; m_nCheck = 0; // Set default colors SetDefaultColors(FALSE); // No tooltip created m_ToolTip.m_hWnd = NULL; // Do not draw as a transparent button m_bDrawTransparent = FALSE; m_pbmpOldBk = NULL; // No cursor defined m_hCursor = NULL; // No associated menu #ifndef BTNST_USE_BCMENU m_hMenu = NULL; #endif m_hParentWndMenu = NULL; m_bMenuDisplayed = FALSE; m_bShowDisabledBitmap = TRUE; } // End of CButtonST
//============================================================== CInput::CInput(HWND window) { DI = nullptr; if (FAILED(DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&DI), NULL))) return; Keyboard = nullptr; if (FAILED(DI->CreateDevice( GUID_SysKeyboard, &Keyboard, NULL)) || FAILED(Keyboard->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIKeyboard)) || FAILED(Keyboard->SetCooperativeLevel( window, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE)) ) { FreeResources(); return; } if (FAILED(DI->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, EnumJoysticksCallbackWrapper, this, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY)) ) { FreeResources(); return; } for (int i=0, n=JoySticks.size(); i<n; i++) { if (FAILED(JoySticks[i]->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIJoystick2)) || FAILED(JoySticks[i]->SetCooperativeLevel( window, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_EXCLUSIVE)) || FAILED(JoySticks[i]->EnumObjects( EnumObjectsCallbackWrapper, JoySticks[i], DIDFT_ALL))) { FreeResources(); return; } } }
CButtonST::~CButtonST() { // Restore old bitmap (if any) if (m_dcBk != 0 && m_pbmpOldBk != 0) { m_dcBk.SelectBitmap(m_pbmpOldBk); } FreeResources(); // Destroy the cursor (if any) if (m_hCursor != 0) ::DestroyCursor(m_hCursor); }
void USoundWave::FinishDestroy() { FreeResources(); Super::FinishDestroy(); CleanupCachedRunningPlatformData(); CleanupCachedCookedPlatformData(); IStreamingManager::Get().GetAudioStreamingManager().RemoveStreamingSoundWave(this); }
void OPL_Timer_StopThread(void) { timer_thread_state = THREAD_STATE_STOPPING; while (timer_thread_state != THREAD_STATE_STOPPED) { SDL_Delay(1); } FreeResources(); }
void Quit(char *str) { FreeResources(); if (str && *str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
CCeXDib::CCeXDib() { m_hDib = NULL; m_dwLineWidth = 0; m_wColors = 0; m_hMemDC = NULL; m_hBitmap = NULL; m_lpBits = NULL; FreeResources(); }
void MatrSolver::Solve(){ det = Det(matr, n); std::cout << "Определитель матрицы = " << det << std::endl; if (det) FindObrMatr(); else std::cout << "Т.к. определитель матрицы = 0,\nто матрица вырожденная и обратной не имеет!!!" << std::endl; TransponMtx(obr_matr, tobr_matr, n); PrintMtx(tobr_matr, n); SolveEquation(tobr_matr, b_matr, res, n); std::cout << "Результат: " << std::endl; PrintVector(res, n); FreeResources(); }