예제 #1
파일: basics.c 프로젝트: bialk/SPOOLES
   destructor, free's the object and its data

   created -- 98may04, cca
FrontMtx_free ( 
   FrontMtx   *frontmtx 
) {
if ( frontmtx == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in FrontMtx_free(%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", frontmtx) ;
   exit(-1) ;
FrontMtx_clearData(frontmtx) ;
FREE(frontmtx) ;

return ; }
예제 #2
파일: spooles.c 프로젝트: Kun-Qu/petsc
PetscErrorCode MatFactorNumeric_SeqSpooles(Mat F,Mat A,const MatFactorInfo *info)
  Mat_Spooles        *lu = (Mat_Spooles*)(F)->spptr;
  ChvManager         *chvmanager ;
  Chv                *rootchv ;
  IVL                *adjIVL;
  PetscErrorCode     ierr;
  PetscInt           nz,nrow=A->rmap->n,irow,nedges,neqns=A->cmap->n,*ai,*aj,i,*diag=0,fierr;
  PetscScalar        *av;
  double             cputotal,facops;
#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
  PetscInt           nz_row,*aj_tmp;
  PetscScalar        *av_tmp;
  PetscInt           *ivec1,*ivec2,j;
  double             *dvec;
  PetscBool          isSeqAIJ,isMPIAIJ;
  if (lu->flg == DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN) { /* first numeric factorization */      
    (F)->ops->solve   = MatSolve_SeqSpooles;
    (F)->assembled    = PETSC_TRUE; 
    /* set Spooles options */
    ierr = SetSpoolesOptions(A, &lu->options);CHKERRQ(ierr); 

    lu->mtxA = InpMtx_new();

  /* copy A to Spooles' InpMtx object */
  ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATSEQAIJ,&isSeqAIJ);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATSEQAIJ,&isMPIAIJ);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (isSeqAIJ){
    Mat_SeqAIJ   *mat = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)A->data;
    ai=mat->i; aj=mat->j; av=mat->a;
    if (lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC) {
      nz=(mat->nz + A->rmap->n)/2;
  } else { /* A is SBAIJ */
      Mat_SeqSBAIJ *mat = (Mat_SeqSBAIJ*)A->data;
      ai=mat->i; aj=mat->j; av=mat->a;
  InpMtx_init(lu->mtxA, INPMTX_BY_ROWS, lu->options.typeflag, nz, 0);
#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
    for (irow=0; irow<nrow; irow++) {
      if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC || !(isSeqAIJ || isMPIAIJ)){
        nz_row = ai[irow+1] - ai[irow];
        aj_tmp = aj + ai[irow];
        av_tmp = av + ai[irow];
      } else {
        nz_row = ai[irow+1] - diag[irow];
        aj_tmp = aj + diag[irow];
        av_tmp = av + diag[irow];
      for (i=0; i<nz_row; i++){
        InpMtx_inputComplexEntry(lu->mtxA, irow, *aj_tmp++,PetscRealPart(*av_tmp),PetscImaginaryPart(*av_tmp));
    ivec1 = InpMtx_ivec1(lu->mtxA); 
    ivec2 = InpMtx_ivec2(lu->mtxA);
    dvec  = InpMtx_dvec(lu->mtxA);
    if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC || !isSeqAIJ){
      for (irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++){
        for (i = ai[irow]; i<ai[irow+1]; i++) ivec1[i] = irow;
      IVcopy(nz, ivec2, aj);
      DVcopy(nz, dvec, av);
    } else { 
      nz = 0;
      for (irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++){
        for (j = diag[irow]; j<ai[irow+1]; j++) {
          ivec1[nz] = irow;
          ivec2[nz] = aj[j];
          dvec[nz]  = av[j];
    InpMtx_inputRealTriples(lu->mtxA, nz, ivec1, ivec2, dvec); 

  InpMtx_changeStorageMode(lu->mtxA, INPMTX_BY_VECTORS); 
  if ( lu->options.msglvl > 0 ) {
    int err;
    printf("\n\n input matrix");
    ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n input matrix");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(lu->mtxA, lu->options.msgFile);
    err = fflush(lu->options.msgFile);
    if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    

  if ( lu->flg == DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN){ /* first numeric factorization */  
    find a low-fill ordering
         (1) create the Graph object
         (2) order the graph 
    if (lu->options.useQR){
      adjIVL = InpMtx_adjForATA(lu->mtxA);
    } else {
      adjIVL = InpMtx_fullAdjacency(lu->mtxA);
    nedges = IVL_tsize(adjIVL);

    lu->graph = Graph_new();
    Graph_init2(lu->graph, 0, neqns, 0, nedges, neqns, nedges, adjIVL, NULL, NULL);
    if ( lu->options.msglvl > 2 ) {
      int err;

      if (lu->options.useQR){
        ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n graph of A^T A");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      } else {
        ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n graph of the input matrix");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      Graph_writeForHumanEye(lu->graph, lu->options.msgFile);
      err = fflush(lu->options.msgFile);
      if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    

    switch (lu->options.ordering) {
    case 0:
      lu->frontETree = orderViaBestOfNDandMS(lu->graph,
                     lu->options.maxdomainsize, lu->options.maxzeros, lu->options.maxsize,
                     lu->options.seed, lu->options.msglvl, lu->options.msgFile); break;
    case 1:
      lu->frontETree = orderViaMMD(lu->graph,lu->options.seed,lu->options.msglvl,lu->options.msgFile); break;
    case 2:
      lu->frontETree = orderViaMS(lu->graph, lu->options.maxdomainsize,
                     lu->options.seed,lu->options.msglvl,lu->options.msgFile); break;
    case 3:
      lu->frontETree = orderViaND(lu->graph, lu->options.maxdomainsize, 
                     lu->options.seed,lu->options.msglvl,lu->options.msgFile); break;
      SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Unknown Spooles's ordering");

    if ( lu->options.msglvl > 0 ) {
      int err;

      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n front tree from ordering");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ETree_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontETree, lu->options.msgFile);
      err = fflush(lu->options.msgFile);
      if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    
    /* get the permutation, permute the front tree */
    lu->oldToNewIV = ETree_oldToNewVtxPerm(lu->frontETree);
    lu->oldToNew   = IV_entries(lu->oldToNewIV);
    lu->newToOldIV = ETree_newToOldVtxPerm(lu->frontETree);
    if (!lu->options.useQR) ETree_permuteVertices(lu->frontETree, lu->oldToNewIV);

    /* permute the matrix */
    if (lu->options.useQR){
      InpMtx_permute(lu->mtxA, NULL, lu->oldToNew);
    } else {
      InpMtx_permute(lu->mtxA, lu->oldToNew, lu->oldToNew); 
      if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC) {
#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
      if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
      InpMtx_changeCoordType(lu->mtxA, INPMTX_BY_CHEVRONS);
    InpMtx_changeStorageMode(lu->mtxA, INPMTX_BY_VECTORS);

    /* get symbolic factorization */
    if (lu->options.useQR){
      lu->symbfacIVL = SymbFac_initFromGraph(lu->frontETree, lu->graph);
      IVL_overwrite(lu->symbfacIVL, lu->oldToNewIV);
      ETree_permuteVertices(lu->frontETree, lu->oldToNewIV);
    } else {
      lu->symbfacIVL = SymbFac_initFromInpMtx(lu->frontETree, lu->mtxA);
    if ( lu->options.msglvl > 2 ) {
      int err;

      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n old-to-new permutation vector");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      IV_writeForHumanEye(lu->oldToNewIV, lu->options.msgFile);
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n new-to-old permutation vector");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      IV_writeForHumanEye(lu->newToOldIV, lu->options.msgFile);
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n front tree after permutation");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ETree_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontETree, lu->options.msgFile);
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n input matrix after permutation");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(lu->mtxA, lu->options.msgFile);
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n symbolic factorization");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      IVL_writeForHumanEye(lu->symbfacIVL, lu->options.msgFile);
      err = fflush(lu->options.msgFile);
      if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    

    lu->frontmtx   = FrontMtx_new();
    lu->mtxmanager = SubMtxManager_new();
    SubMtxManager_init(lu->mtxmanager, NO_LOCK, 0);

  } else { /* new num factorization using previously computed symbolic factor */ 

    if (lu->options.pivotingflag) { /* different FrontMtx is required */
      lu->frontmtx   = FrontMtx_new();
    } else {
      FrontMtx_clearData (lu->frontmtx); 

    lu->mtxmanager = SubMtxManager_new();
    SubMtxManager_init(lu->mtxmanager, NO_LOCK, 0);

    /* permute mtxA */
    if (lu->options.useQR){
      InpMtx_permute(lu->mtxA, NULL, lu->oldToNew);
    } else {
      InpMtx_permute(lu->mtxA, lu->oldToNew, lu->oldToNew); 
      if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC ) {
      InpMtx_changeCoordType(lu->mtxA, INPMTX_BY_CHEVRONS);
    InpMtx_changeStorageMode(lu->mtxA, INPMTX_BY_VECTORS);
    if ( lu->options.msglvl > 2 ) {
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n input matrix after permutation");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(lu->mtxA, lu->options.msgFile); 
  } /* end of if( lu->flg == DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN) */
  if (lu->options.useQR){
    FrontMtx_init(lu->frontmtx, lu->frontETree, lu->symbfacIVL, lu->options.typeflag, 
                 SPOOLES_NO_PIVOTING, NO_LOCK, 0, NULL,
                 lu->mtxmanager, lu->options.msglvl, lu->options.msgFile);
  } else {
    FrontMtx_init(lu->frontmtx, lu->frontETree, lu->symbfacIVL, lu->options.typeflag, lu->options.symflag, 
                FRONTMTX_DENSE_FRONTS, lu->options.pivotingflag, NO_LOCK, 0, NULL, 
                lu->mtxmanager, lu->options.msglvl, lu->options.msgFile);   

  if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC ) {  /* || SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ? */
    if ( lu->options.patchAndGoFlag == 1 ) {
      lu->frontmtx->patchinfo = PatchAndGoInfo_new();
      PatchAndGoInfo_init(lu->frontmtx->patchinfo, 1, lu->options.toosmall, lu->options.fudge,
                       lu->options.storeids, lu->options.storevalues);
    } else if ( lu->options.patchAndGoFlag == 2 ) {
      lu->frontmtx->patchinfo = PatchAndGoInfo_new();
      PatchAndGoInfo_init(lu->frontmtx->patchinfo, 2, lu->options.toosmall, lu->options.fudge,
                       lu->options.storeids, lu->options.storevalues);

  /* numerical factorization */
  chvmanager = ChvManager_new();
  ChvManager_init(chvmanager, NO_LOCK, 1);
  DVfill(10, lu->cpus, 0.0);
  if (lu->options.useQR){
    facops = 0.0 ; 
    FrontMtx_QR_factor(lu->frontmtx, lu->mtxA, chvmanager, 
                   lu->cpus, &facops, lu->options.msglvl, lu->options.msgFile);
    if ( lu->options.msglvl > 1 ) {
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n factor matrix");CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n facops = %9.2f", facops);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  } else {
    IVfill(20, lu->stats, 0);
    rootchv = FrontMtx_factorInpMtx(lu->frontmtx, lu->mtxA, lu->options.tau, 0.0, 
            chvmanager, &fierr, lu->cpus,lu->stats,lu->options.msglvl,lu->options.msgFile); 
    if (rootchv) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_MAT_LU_ZRPVT,"\n matrix found to be singular");    
    if (fierr >= 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"\n error encountered at front %D", fierr);
      ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"\n %8d pivots, %8d pivot tests, %8d delayed rows and columns\n",lu->stats[0], lu->stats[1], lu->stats[2]);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      cputotal = lu->cpus[8] ;
      if ( cputotal > 0.0 ) {
        ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,
           "\n                               cpus   cpus/totaltime"
           "\n    initialize fronts       %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    load original entries   %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    update fronts           %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    assemble postponed data %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    factor fronts           %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    extract postponed data  %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    store factor entries    %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    miscellaneous           %8.3f %6.2f"
           "\n    total time              %8.3f \n",
           lu->cpus[0], 100.*lu->cpus[0]/cputotal,
           lu->cpus[1], 100.*lu->cpus[1]/cputotal,
           lu->cpus[2], 100.*lu->cpus[2]/cputotal,
           lu->cpus[3], 100.*lu->cpus[3]/cputotal,
           lu->cpus[4], 100.*lu->cpus[4]/cputotal,
           lu->cpus[5], 100.*lu->cpus[5]/cputotal,
           lu->cpus[6], 100.*lu->cpus[6]/cputotal,
	   lu->cpus[7], 100.*lu->cpus[7]/cputotal, cputotal);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  if ( lu->options.msglvl > 0 ) {
    int err;

    ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n factor matrix");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    FrontMtx_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontmtx, lu->options.msgFile);
    err = fflush(lu->options.msgFile);
    if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    

  if ( lu->options.symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC ) { /* || SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ? */
    if ( lu->options.patchAndGoFlag == 1 ) {
      if ( lu->frontmtx->patchinfo->fudgeIV != NULL ) {
        if (lu->options.msglvl > 0 ){
          ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n small pivots found at these locations");CHKERRQ(ierr);
          IV_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontmtx->patchinfo->fudgeIV, lu->options.msgFile);
    } else if ( lu->options.patchAndGoFlag == 2 ) {
      if (lu->options.msglvl > 0 ){
        if ( lu->frontmtx->patchinfo->fudgeIV != NULL ) {
          ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n small pivots found at these locations");CHKERRQ(ierr);
          IV_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontmtx->patchinfo->fudgeIV, lu->options.msgFile);
        if ( lu->frontmtx->patchinfo->fudgeDV != NULL ) {
          ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n perturbations");CHKERRQ(ierr);
          DV_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontmtx->patchinfo->fudgeDV, lu->options.msgFile);

  /* post-process the factorization */
  FrontMtx_postProcess(lu->frontmtx, lu->options.msglvl, lu->options.msgFile);
  if ( lu->options.msglvl > 2 ) {
    int err;

    ierr = PetscFPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lu->options.msgFile, "\n\n factor matrix after post-processing");CHKERRQ(ierr);
    FrontMtx_writeForHumanEye(lu->frontmtx, lu->options.msgFile);
    err = fflush(lu->options.msgFile);
    if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fflush() failed on file");    

  lu->CleanUpSpooles = PETSC_TRUE;
예제 #3
   purpose -- to compute the factorization of A - sigma * B

   note: all variables in the calling sequence are references
         to allow call from fortran.

   input parameters 

      data    -- pointer to bridge data object
      psigma  -- shift for the matrix pencil
      ppvttol -- pivot tolerance
         *ppvttol =  0.0 --> no pivoting used
         *ppvttol != 0.0 --> pivoting used, entries in factor are
                             bounded above by 1/pvttol in magnitude

   output parameters 

      *pinertia -- on return contains the number of negative eigenvalues
      *perror   -- on return contains an error code
          1 -- error found during factorization
          0 -- normal return
         -1 -- psigma is NULL
         -2 -- ppvttol is NULL
         -3 -- data is NULL
         -4 -- pinertia is NULL

   created -- 98aug10, cca & jcp
FactorMPI ( 
   double     *psigma, 
   double     *ppvttol, 
   void       *data,
   int        *pinertia,
   int        *perror
) {
BridgeMPI    *bridge = (BridgeMPI *) data ; 
Chv          *rootchv ;
ChvManager   *chvmanager ;
double       droptol=0.0, tau ;
double       cpus[20] ;
FILE         *msgFile ;
int          recvtemp[3], sendtemp[3], stats[20] ;
int          msglvl, nnegative, nzero, npositive, pivotingflag, tag ;
MPI_Comm     comm ;
int          nproc ;

#if MYDEBUG > 0
double   t1, t2 ;
count_Factor++ ;
if ( bridge->myid == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stdout, "\n (%d) FactorMPI()", count_Factor) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 1
fprintf(bridge->msgFile, "\n (%d) FactorMPI()", count_Factor) ;
fflush(bridge->msgFile) ;

nproc = bridge->nproc ;
   check the input
if ( psigma == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FactorMPI()"
           "\n psigma is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -1 ; return ;
if ( ppvttol == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FactorMPI()"
           "\n ppvttol is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -2 ; return ;
if ( data == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FactorMPI()"
           "\n data is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -3 ; return ;
if ( pinertia == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FactorMPI()"
           "\n pinertia is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -4 ; return ;
if ( perror == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FactorMPI()"
           "\n perror is NULL\n") ;
   return ;
comm    = bridge->comm    ;
msglvl  = bridge->msglvl  ;
msgFile = bridge->msgFile ;
   set the shift in the pencil object
bridge->pencil->sigma[0] = -(*psigma) ;
bridge->pencil->sigma[1] = 0.0 ;
   if the matrices are in local coordinates
   (i.e., this is the first factorization 
    following a matrix-vector multiply) then
   map the matrix into global coordinates
if ( bridge->coordFlag == LOCAL ) {
   if ( bridge->prbtype == 1 ) {
      MatMul_setGlobalIndices(bridge->info, bridge->B) ;
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n matrix B in local coordinates") ;
         InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(bridge->B, msgFile) ;
         fflush(msgFile) ;
   if ( bridge->prbtype == 2 ) {
      MatMul_setGlobalIndices(bridge->info, bridge->A) ;
      if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n matrix A in local coordinates") ;
         InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(bridge->A, msgFile) ;
         fflush(msgFile) ;
   bridge->coordFlag = GLOBAL ;
   clear the front matrix and submatrix mananger objects
SolveMap_clearData(bridge->solvemap) ;
if ( bridge->rowmapIV != NULL ) {
   IV_free(bridge->rowmapIV) ;
   bridge->rowmapIV = NULL ;
   set the pivot tolerance.
   NOTE: spooles's "tau" parameter is a bound on the magnitude 
   of the factor entries, and is the recipricol of that of the 
   pivot tolerance of the lanczos code
if ( *ppvttol == 0.0 ) {
   tau = 10.0 ;
   pivotingflag = SPOOLES_NO_PIVOTING ;
} else {
   tau = (1.0)/(*ppvttol) ;
   pivotingflag = SPOOLES_PIVOTING ;
   initialize the front matrix object
FrontMtx_init(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->frontETree, bridge->symbfacIVL,
              pivotingflag, NO_LOCK, bridge->myid, bridge->ownersIV, 
              bridge->mtxmanager, bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile) ;
   compute the factorization
tag = 0 ;
chvmanager = ChvManager_new() ;
ChvManager_init(chvmanager, NO_LOCK, 0);
IVfill(20, stats, 0) ;
DVfill(20, cpus,  0.0) ;
rootchv = FrontMtx_MPI_factorPencil(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->pencil, 
                             tau, droptol, chvmanager, bridge->ownersIV,
                             0, perror, cpus, stats, bridge->msglvl, 
                             bridge->msgFile, tag, comm) ;
tag += 3*FrontMtx_nfront(bridge->frontmtx) + 2 ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n numeric factorization") ;
   FrontMtx_writeForHumanEye(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->msgFile) ;
   fflush(bridge->msgFile) ;
   if matrix is singular then
      set error flag and return
if ( rootchv != NULL ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n WHOA NELLY!, matrix is singular") ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   *perror = 1 ;
   return ;
   post-process the factor matrix, convert from fronts to submatrices
FrontMtx_MPI_postProcess(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->ownersIV, stats,
                         bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile, tag, comm);
tag += 5*bridge->nproc ;
   compute the inertia
FrontMtx_inertia(bridge->frontmtx, &nnegative, &nzero, &npositive) ;
sendtemp[0] = nnegative ;
sendtemp[1] = nzero     ;
sendtemp[2] = npositive ;
if ( bridge->msglvl > 2 && bridge->msgFile != NULL ) {
   fprintf(bridge->msgFile, "\n local inertia = < %d, %d, %d >",
           nnegative, nzero, npositive) ;
   fflush(bridge->msgFile) ;
MPI_Allreduce((void *) sendtemp, (void *) recvtemp, 3, MPI_INT, 
           MPI_SUM, comm) ;
nnegative = recvtemp[0] ;
nzero     = recvtemp[1] ;
npositive = recvtemp[2] ;
if ( bridge->msglvl > 2 && bridge->msgFile != NULL ) {
   fprintf(bridge->msgFile, "\n global inertia = < %d, %d, %d >",
           nnegative, nzero, npositive) ;
   fflush(bridge->msgFile) ;
*pinertia = nnegative;
   create the solve map object
SolveMap_ddMap(bridge->solvemap, SPOOLES_REAL,
               FrontMtx_lowerBlockIVL(bridge->frontmtx), nproc,
               bridge->ownersIV, FrontMtx_frontTree(bridge->frontmtx),
               bridge->seed, bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile) ;
   redistribute the front matrices
FrontMtx_MPI_split(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->solvemap, stats,
                   bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile, tag, comm) ;
if ( *ppvttol != 0.0 ) {
   pivoting for stability may have taken place. create rowmapIV, 
   the map from rows in the factorization to processes.
   bridge->rowmapIV = FrontMtx_MPI_rowmapIV(bridge->frontmtx,
                                       bridge->ownersIV, bridge->msglvl,
                                       bridge->msgFile, bridge->comm) ;
   if ( bridge->msglvl > 2 && bridge->msgFile != NULL ) {
      fprintf(bridge->msgFile, "\n\n bridge->rowmapIV") ;
      IV_writeForHumanEye(bridge->rowmapIV, bridge->msgFile) ;
      fflush(bridge->msgFile) ;
} else {
   bridge->rowmapIV = NULL ;
   set the error. (this is simple since when the spooles codes detect 
   a fatal error, they print out a message to stderr and exit.)
*perror = 0 ;

#if MYDEBUG > 0
time_Factor += t2 - t1 ;
if ( bridge->myid == 0 ) {
   fprintf(stdout, ", %8.3f seconds, %8.3f total time",
           t2 - t1, time_Factor) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 1
fprintf(bridge->msgFile, ", %8.3f seconds, %8.3f total time",
        t2 - t1, time_Factor) ;
fflush(bridge->msgFile) ;
return; }
예제 #4
파일: init.c 프로젝트: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to fill submtx with a submatrix of the front matrix.
      the fronts that form the submatrix are found in frontidsIV.

      all information in submtx is local, front #'s are from 0 to
      one less than the number of fronts in the submatrix, equation
      #'s are from 0 to one less than the number of rows and columns
      in the submatrix. the global row and column ids for the submatrix
      are stored in rowsIV and colsIV on return.

   return values ---
      1 -- normal return
     -1 -- submtx is NULL
     -2 -- frontmtx is NULL
     -3 -- frontmtx is not in 2-D mode
     -4 -- frontidsIV is NULL
     -5 -- frontidsIV is invalid
     -6 -- rowsIV is NULL
     -7 -- colsIV is NULL
     -8 -- unable to create front tree
     -9 -- unable to create symbfacIVL
    -10 -- unable to create coladjIVL
    -11 -- unable to create rowadjIVL
    -12 -- unable to create upperblockIVL
    -13 -- unable to create lowerblockIVL

   created -- 98oct17, cca
FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix (
   FrontMtx   *submtx,
   FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
   IV         *frontidsIV,
   IV         *rowsIV,
   IV         *colsIV,
   int        msglvl,
   FILE       *msgFile
) {
ETree    *etreeSub ;
int      ii, J, Jsub, K, Ksub, ncol, nfront, nfrontSub, neqnSub, nJ,
         nrow, offset, rc, size, vSub ;
int      *bndwghts, *colind, *colmap, *cols, *frontSubIds, 
         *list, *nodwghts, *rowind, *rowmap, *rows ;
IV       *frontsizesIVsub, *vtxIV ;
IVL      *coladjIVLsub, *lowerblockIVLsub, *rowadjIVLsub, 
         *symbfacIVLsub, *upperblockIVLsub ;
SubMtx   *mtx ;
   check the input
if ( submtx == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n submtx is NULL\n") ;
   return(-1) ;
if ( frontmtx == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n frontmtx is NULL\n") ;
   return(-2) ;
if ( ! FRONTMTX_IS_2D_MODE(frontmtx) ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n frontmtx mode is not 2D\n") ;
   return(-3) ;
if ( frontidsIV == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n frontidsIV is NULL\n") ;
   return(-4) ;
nfront = FrontMtx_nfront(frontmtx) ;
IV_sizeAndEntries(frontidsIV, &nfrontSub, &frontSubIds) ;
if ( nfrontSub < 0 || nfrontSub > nfront ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n invalid frontidsIV"
           "\n nfrontSub = %d, nfront %d\n", nfrontSub, nfront) ;
   return(-5) ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nfrontSub ; ii++ ) {
   if ( (J = frontSubIds[ii]) < 0 || J >= nfront ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
              "\n invalid frontidsIV"
              "\n frontSubIds[%d] = %d, nfront = %d\n",
              ii, J, nfront) ;
      return(-5) ;
if ( rowsIV == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n rowsIV is NULL\n") ;
   return(-6) ;
if ( colsIV == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n colsIV is NULL\n") ;
   return(-7) ;
   clear the data for the submatrix and set the 
   scalar values (some inherited from the global matrix)
FrontMtx_clearData(submtx) ;
submtx->nfront       = nfrontSub ;
submtx->type         = frontmtx->type ;
submtx->symmetryflag = frontmtx->symmetryflag ;
submtx->sparsityflag = frontmtx->sparsityflag ;
submtx->pivotingflag = frontmtx->pivotingflag ;
submtx->dataMode     = FRONTMTX_2D_MODE ;
   initialize the front tree for the submatrix.

   note: on return, vtxIV is filled with the vertices originally
   in the submatrix, (pivoting may change this), needed to find
   symbolic factorization IVL object

   note: at return, the boundary weights are likely to be invalid,
   since we have no way of knowing what boundary indices for a
   front are really in the domain. this will be changed after we
   have the symbolic factorization.
etreeSub = submtx->frontETree = ETree_new() ;
vtxIV = IV_new() ;
rc = ETree_initFromSubtree(etreeSub, frontidsIV, 
                           frontmtx->frontETree, vtxIV) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
         "\n unable to create submatrix's front ETree, rc = %d\n", rc) ;
   return(-8) ;
if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix ETree") ;
   ETree_writeForHumanEye(etreeSub, msgFile) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix original equations") ;
   IV_writeForHumanEye(vtxIV, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   set the # of equations (perhap temporarily if pivoting 
   has delayed some rows and columns), and the tree.
submtx->neqns = neqnSub = IV_size(vtxIV) ;
submtx->tree  = etreeSub->tree ;
   initialize the symbolic factorization for the subtree
symbfacIVLsub = submtx->symbfacIVL = IVL_new() ;
rc = IVL_initFromSubIVL(symbfacIVLsub, frontmtx->symbfacIVL,
                        frontidsIV, vtxIV) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
         "\n unable to create submatrix's symbfac, rc = %d\n", rc) ;
   return(-9) ;
if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix symbolic factorizatio") ;
   IVL_writeForHumanEye(symbfacIVLsub, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   adjust the boundary weights of the front tree
nodwghts = ETree_nodwghts(etreeSub) ;
bndwghts = ETree_bndwghts(etreeSub) ;
for ( J = 0 ; J < nfrontSub ; J++ ) {
   IVL_listAndSize(symbfacIVLsub, J, &size, &list) ;
   bndwghts[J] = size - nodwghts[J] ;
if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix ETree after bndweight adjustment") ;
   ETree_writeForHumanEye(etreeSub, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   set the front sizes for the submatrix
frontsizesIVsub = submtx->frontsizesIV = IV_new() ;
IV_init(frontsizesIVsub, nfrontSub, NULL) ;
IVgather(nfrontSub, IV_entries(frontsizesIVsub), 
         IV_entries(frontidsIV)) ;
neqnSub = submtx->neqns = IV_sum(frontsizesIVsub) ;
if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n %d equations in submatrix", neqnSub) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n front sizes for submatrix") ;
   IV_writeForHumanEye(frontsizesIVsub, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   fill rowsIV and colsIV with the row and column ids of the submatrix
IV_setSize(rowsIV, neqnSub) ;
IV_setSize(colsIV, neqnSub) ;
rows = IV_entries(rowsIV) ;
cols = IV_entries(colsIV) ;
for ( Jsub = offset = 0 ; Jsub < nfrontSub ; Jsub++ ) {
   if ( (nJ = FrontMtx_frontSize(submtx, Jsub)) > 0 ) {
      J = frontSubIds[Jsub] ;
      FrontMtx_columnIndices(frontmtx, J, &size, &list) ;
      IVcopy(nJ, cols + offset, list) ;
      FrontMtx_rowIndices(frontmtx, J, &size, &list) ;
      IVcopy(nJ, rows + offset, list) ;
      offset += nJ ;
if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n row ids for submatrix") ;
   IV_writeForHumanEye(rowsIV, msgFile) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n column ids for submatrix") ;
   IV_writeForHumanEye(colsIV, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   get the row and column adjacencies
if ( FRONTMTX_IS_PIVOTING(frontmtx) ) {
   submtx->neqns = neqnSub ;
   coladjIVLsub  = submtx->coladjIVL = IVL_new() ;
   rc = IVL_initFromSubIVL(coladjIVLsub, frontmtx->coladjIVL,
                           frontidsIV, colsIV) ;
   if ( rc != 1 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n unable to create submatrix's coladjIVL, rc = %d\n", rc) ;
      return(-10) ;
   if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix col adjacency") ;
      IVL_writeForHumanEye(coladjIVLsub, msgFile) ;
      fflush(msgFile) ;
   if ( FRONTMTX_IS_NONSYMMETRIC(frontmtx) ) {
      rowadjIVLsub = submtx->rowadjIVL = IVL_new() ;
      rc = IVL_initFromSubIVL(rowadjIVLsub, frontmtx->rowadjIVL,
                              frontidsIV, rowsIV) ;
      if ( rc != 1 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n unable to create submatrix's rowadjIVL, rc = %d\n", rc) ;
         return(-11) ;
      if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
         fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix row adjacency") ;
         IVL_writeForHumanEye(rowadjIVLsub, msgFile) ;
         fflush(msgFile) ;
IV_free(vtxIV) ;
   get the rowmap[] and colmap[] vectors,
   needed to translate indices in the submatrices
colmap = IVinit(frontmtx->neqns, -1) ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < neqnSub ; ii++ ) {
   colmap[cols[ii]] = ii ;
   rowmap = IVinit(frontmtx->neqns, -1) ;
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < neqnSub ; ii++ ) {
      rowmap[rows[ii]] = ii ;
} else {
   rowmap = colmap ;
   get the upper and lower block IVL objects for the submatrix
upperblockIVLsub = submtx->upperblockIVL = IVL_new() ;
rc = IVL_initFromSubIVL(upperblockIVLsub, frontmtx->upperblockIVL,
                        frontidsIV, frontidsIV) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
        "\n unable to create upperblockIVL, rc = %d\n", rc) ;
   return(-12) ;
if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n upper block adjacency IVL object") ;
   IVL_writeForHumanEye(upperblockIVLsub, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   lowerblockIVLsub = submtx->lowerblockIVL = IVL_new() ;
   rc = IVL_initFromSubIVL(lowerblockIVLsub, frontmtx->lowerblockIVL,
                           frontidsIV, frontidsIV) ;
   if ( rc != 1 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in FrontMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
           "\n unable to create lowerblockIVL, rc = %d\n", rc) ;
      return(-13) ;
   if ( msglvl > 4 ) {
      fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n lower block adjacency IVL object") ;
      IVL_writeForHumanEye(lowerblockIVLsub, msgFile) ;
      fflush(msgFile) ;
   allocate the vector and hash table(s) for the factor submatrices
ALLOCATE(submtx->p_mtxDJJ, struct _SubMtx *, nfrontSub) ;
for ( J = 0 ; J < nfrontSub ; J++ ) {
   submtx->p_mtxDJJ[J] = NULL ;
submtx->upperhash = I2Ohash_new() ;
I2Ohash_init(submtx->upperhash, nfrontSub, nfrontSub, nfrontSub) ;
   submtx->lowerhash = I2Ohash_new() ;
   I2Ohash_init(submtx->lowerhash, nfrontSub, nfrontSub, nfrontSub) ;
   remove the diagonal submatrices from the factor matrix
   and insert into the submatrix object. note: front row and column
   ids must be changed to their local values, and the row and column
   indices must be mapped to local indices.
for ( Jsub = 0 ; Jsub < nfrontSub ; Jsub++ ) {
   J = frontSubIds[Jsub] ;
   if ( (mtx = frontmtx->p_mtxDJJ[J]) != NULL ) {
      SubMtx_setIds(mtx, Jsub, Jsub) ;
      SubMtx_columnIndices(mtx, &ncol, &colind) ;
      IVgather(ncol, colind, colmap, colind) ;
      SubMtx_rowIndices(mtx, &nrow, &rowind) ;
      IVgather(nrow, rowind, rowmap, rowind) ;
      submtx->p_mtxDJJ[Jsub] = mtx ;
      frontmtx->p_mtxDJJ[J]  = NULL ;
      submtx->nentD += mtx->nent ;
   remove the upper triangular submatrices from the factor matrix
   and insert into the submatrix object. note: front row and column
   ids must be changed to their local values. if the matrix is on
   the diagonal, i.e., U(J,J), its row and column indices must be 
   mapped to local indices.
for ( Jsub = 0 ; Jsub < nfrontSub ; Jsub++ ) {
   J = frontSubIds[Jsub] ;
   FrontMtx_upperAdjFronts(submtx, Jsub, &size, &list) ;
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
      Ksub = list[ii] ;
      K = frontSubIds[Ksub] ;
      if ( 1 == I2Ohash_remove(frontmtx->upperhash, 
                               J, K, (void *) &mtx) ) {
         SubMtx_setIds(mtx, Jsub, Ksub) ;
         if ( K == J ) {
            SubMtx_columnIndices(mtx, &ncol, &colind) ;
            IVgather(ncol, colind, colmap, colind) ;
            SubMtx_rowIndices(mtx, &nrow, &rowind) ;
            IVgather(nrow, rowind, rowmap, rowind) ;
         I2Ohash_insert(submtx->upperhash, Jsub, Ksub, (void *) mtx) ;
         submtx->nentU += mtx->nent ;
   remove the lower triangular submatrices from the factor matrix
   and insert into the submatrix object. note: front row and column
   ids must be changed to their local values. if the matrix is on
   the diagonal, i.e., L(J,J), its row and column indices must be 
   mapped to local indices.
   for ( Jsub = 0 ; Jsub < nfrontSub ; Jsub++ ) {
      J = frontSubIds[Jsub] ;
      FrontMtx_lowerAdjFronts(submtx, Jsub, &size, &list) ;
      for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
         Ksub = list[ii] ;
         K = frontSubIds[Ksub] ;
         if ( 1 == I2Ohash_remove(frontmtx->lowerhash, 
                                  K, J, (void *) &mtx) ) {
            SubMtx_setIds(mtx, Ksub, Jsub) ;
            if ( K == J ) {
               SubMtx_columnIndices(mtx, &ncol, &colind) ;
               IVgather(ncol, colind, colmap, colind) ;
               SubMtx_rowIndices(mtx, &nrow, &rowind) ;
               IVgather(nrow, rowind, rowmap, rowind) ;
            I2Ohash_insert(submtx->lowerhash, Ksub, Jsub, (void *) mtx);
            submtx->nentL += mtx->nent ;
   free the working storage
IVfree(colmap) ;
   IVfree(rowmap) ;
return(1) ; }
예제 #5
파일: factor.c 프로젝트: damiannz/spooles
   purpose -- to permute (if necessary) the original matrix,
      and to initialize, factor and postprocess the factor matrix

   return value ---
      1 -- normal return, factorization complete
      0 -- factorization did not complete, see error flag
     -1 -- bridge is NULL
     -2 -- mtxA is NULL
     -3 -- perror is NULL 

   created -- 98sep18, cca
BridgeMT_factor (
   BridgeMT   *bridge,
   InpMtx     *mtxA,
   int        permuteflag,
   int        *perror
) {
Chv             *rootchv ;
ChvManager      *chvmanager ;
double          cputotal, nfops, t0, t1, t2 ;
double          cpus[11] ;
int             msglvl, nzf ;
int             stats[16] ;
FILE            *msgFile ;
FrontMtx        *frontmtx ;
SubMtxManager   *mtxmanager ;


   check the input
if ( bridge == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in BridgeMT_factor()"
           "\n bridge is NULL\n") ;
   return(-1) ;
if ( mtxA == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in BridgeMT_factor()"
           "\n mtxA is NULL\n") ;
   return(-2) ;
if ( perror == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in BridgeMT_factor()"
           "\n perror is NULL\n") ;
   return(-3) ;
msglvl  = bridge->msglvl  ;
msgFile = bridge->msgFile ;


if ( permuteflag == 1 ) {
   int   *oldToNew = IV_entries(bridge->oldToNewIV) ;
   permute the input matrix and convert to chevrons
   InpMtx_permute(mtxA, oldToNew, oldToNew) ;
   if (  bridge->symmetryflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC
      || bridge->symmetryflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
      InpMtx_mapToUpperTriangle(mtxA) ;
if ( ! INPMTX_IS_BY_CHEVRONS(mtxA) ) {
   InpMtx_changeCoordType(mtxA, INPMTX_BY_CHEVRONS) ;
if ( ! INPMTX_IS_BY_VECTORS(mtxA) ) {
   InpMtx_changeStorageMode(mtxA, INPMTX_BY_VECTORS) ;
bridge->cpus[6] += t2 - t1 ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : permute and format A", t2 - t1) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   initialize the front matrix
if ( (mtxmanager = bridge->mtxmanager) == NULL ) {
   mtxmanager = bridge->mtxmanager = SubMtxManager_new() ;
   SubMtxManager_init(mtxmanager, LOCK_IN_PROCESS, 0) ;
if ( (frontmtx = bridge->frontmtx) == NULL ) {
   frontmtx = bridge->frontmtx = FrontMtx_new() ;
} else {
   FrontMtx_clearData(frontmtx) ;
FrontMtx_init(frontmtx, bridge->frontETree, bridge->symbfacIVL,
              bridge->type, bridge->symmetryflag, bridge->sparsityflag,
              bridge->pivotingflag, LOCK_IN_PROCESS, 0, NULL, 
              mtxmanager, msglvl, msgFile) ;
frontmtx->patchinfo = bridge->patchinfo ;
bridge->cpus[7] += t2 - t1 ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : initialize front matrix", t2 - t1) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
   factor the matrix
nzf   = ETree_nFactorEntries(bridge->frontETree, bridge->symmetryflag) ;
nfops = ETree_nFactorOps(bridge->frontETree, 
                         bridge->type, bridge->symmetryflag) ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
           "\n %d factor entries, %.0f factor ops, %8.3f ratio",
           nzf, nfops, nfops/nzf) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
IVzero(16, stats) ;
DVzero(11, cpus) ;
chvmanager = ChvManager_new() ;
ChvManager_init(chvmanager, LOCK_IN_PROCESS, 1) ;
rootchv = FrontMtx_MT_factorInpMtx(frontmtx, mtxA, bridge->tau, 
             bridge->droptol, chvmanager, bridge->ownersIV,
             bridge->lookahead, perror, cpus, stats, msglvl, msgFile) ;
IVcopy(6, bridge->stats, stats) ;
bridge->cpus[8] += t2 - t1 ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n CPU %8.3f : factor matrix, %8.3f mflops",
           t2 - t1, 1.e-6*nfops/(t2-t1)) ;
           "\n %8d pivots, %8d pivot tests, %8d delayed vertices"
           "\n %d entries in D, %d entries in L, %d entries in U",
           stats[0], stats[1], stats[2], stats[3], stats[4], stats[5]) ;
   cputotal = cpus[8] ;
   if ( cputotal > 0.0 ) {
      "\n    initialize fronts       %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    load original entries   %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    update fronts           %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    assemble postponed data %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    factor fronts           %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    extract postponed data  %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    store factor entries    %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    miscellaneous           %8.3f %6.2f"
      "\n    total time              %8.3f",
      cpus[0], 100.*cpus[0]/cputotal,
      cpus[1], 100.*cpus[1]/cputotal,
      cpus[2], 100.*cpus[2]/cputotal,
      cpus[3], 100.*cpus[3]/cputotal,
      cpus[4], 100.*cpus[4]/cputotal,
      cpus[5], 100.*cpus[5]/cputotal,
      cpus[6], 100.*cpus[6]/cputotal,
      cpus[7], 100.*cpus[7]/cputotal, cputotal) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix mananger after factorization") ;
   SubMtxManager_writeForHumanEye(mtxmanager, msgFile) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n chevron mananger after factorization") ;
   ChvManager_writeForHumanEye(chvmanager, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n front factor matrix") ;
   FrontMtx_writeForHumanEye(frontmtx, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
ChvManager_free(chvmanager) ;
if ( *perror >= 0 ) {
   return(0) ;
   post-process the front matrix
FrontMtx_postProcess(frontmtx, msglvl, msgFile) ;
bridge->cpus[9] += t2 - t1 ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
           "\n\n CPU %8.3f : post-process the matrix", t2 - t1) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n submatrix mananger after post-processing") ;
   SubMtxManager_writeForHumanEye(frontmtx->manager, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;
if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n front factor matrix after post-processing") ;
   FrontMtx_writeForHumanEye(frontmtx, msgFile) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;


bridge->cpus[10] += t2 - t0 ;
if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n CPU %8.3f : total factor time", t2 - t0) ;
   fflush(msgFile) ;

return(1) ; }
예제 #6
파일: Factor.c 프로젝트: damiannz/spooles
   purpose -- to compute the factorization of A - sigma * B

   note: all variables in the calling sequence are references
         to allow call from fortran.

   input parameters 

      data    -- pointer to bridge data object
      psigma  -- shift for the matrix pencil
      ppvttol -- pivot tolerance
         *ppvttol =  0.0 --> no pivoting used
         *ppvttol != 0.0 --> pivoting used, entries in factor are
                             bounded above by 1/pvttol in magnitude

   output parameters 

      *pinertia -- on return contains the number of negative eigenvalues
      *perror   -- on return contains an error code
          1 -- error found during factorization
          0 -- normal return
         -1 -- psigma is NULL
         -2 -- ppvttol is NULL
         -3 -- data is NULL
         -4 -- pinertia is NULL

   created -- 98aug10, cca & jcp
Factor ( 
   double   *psigma, 
   double   *ppvttol, 
   void     *data,
   int      *pinertia,
   int      *perror
) {
Bridge       *bridge = (Bridge *) data ; 
Chv          *rootchv ;
ChvManager   *chvmanager ;
double       droptol=0.0, tau ;
double       cpus[10] ;
int          stats[20] ;
int          nnegative, nzero, npositive, pivotingflag ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
double   t1, t2 ;
count_Factor++ ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n (%d) Factor()", count_Factor) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   check the input
if ( psigma == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Factor()"
           "\n psigma is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -1 ; return ;
if ( ppvttol == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Factor()"
           "\n ppvttol is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -2 ; return ;
if ( data == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Factor()"
           "\n data is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -3 ; return ;
if ( pinertia == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Factor()"
           "\n pinertia is NULL\n") ;
   *perror = -4 ; return ;
if ( perror == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Factor()"
           "\n perror is NULL\n") ;
   return ;
   set the shift in the pencil object
bridge->pencil->sigma[0] = -(*psigma) ;
bridge->pencil->sigma[1] = 0.0 ;
   clear the front matrix and submatrix mananger objects
   set the pivot tolerance.
   NOTE: spooles's "tau" parameter is a bound on the magnitude 
   of the factor entries, and is the recipricol of that of the 
   pivot tolerance of the lanczos code
if ( *ppvttol == 0.0 ) {
   tau = 10.0 ;
   pivotingflag = SPOOLES_NO_PIVOTING ;
} else {
   tau = (1.0)/(*ppvttol) ;
   pivotingflag = SPOOLES_PIVOTING ;
   initialize the front matrix object
FrontMtx_init(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->frontETree, bridge->symbfacIVL,
              pivotingflag, NO_LOCK, 0, NULL, bridge->mtxmanager, 
              bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile) ;
   compute the factorization
chvmanager = ChvManager_new() ;
ChvManager_init(chvmanager, NO_LOCK, 1);
IVfill(20, stats, 0) ;
DVfill(10, cpus, 0.0) ;
rootchv = FrontMtx_factorPencil(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->pencil, tau, 
                                droptol, chvmanager, perror, cpus, 
                                stats, bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile);
   if matrix is singular then
      set error flag and return
if ( rootchv != NULL ) {
   *perror = 1 ;
   return ;
   post-process the factor matrix, convert from fronts to submatrices
FrontMtx_postProcess(bridge->frontmtx, bridge->msglvl, bridge->msgFile);
   compute the inertia
FrontMtx_inertia(bridge->frontmtx, &nnegative, &nzero, &npositive) ;
*pinertia = nnegative;
   set the error. (this is simple since when the spooles codes detect 
   a fatal error, they print out a message to stderr and exit.)
*perror = 0 ;

#if MYDEBUG > 0
time_Factor += t2 - t1 ;
fprintf(stdout, ", %8.3f seconds, %8.3f total time", 
        t2 - t1, time_Factor) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
return ; }