예제 #1
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  int * i = &argc;

  Fu((*i)).print();		// gets bogus error
예제 #2
void uhfsolve::setupF(){
    //set up the Fock matrix
    double Di = 0;
    double Ex = 0;
    double DiMinusEx = 0;
    for(int p=0;p<nStates;p++){
        for(int q=0;q<nStates;q++){
            //F(p,q) = Bs.h(p,q);
            Fu(p,q) = Bs.h(p,q);
            Fd(p,q) = Bs.h(p,q);
            for(int r=0;r<nStates;r++){
                for(int s=0;s<nStates;s++){
                    //Di = Bs.v(p,r)(q,s);
                    //Ex = Bs.v(p,r)(s,q);

                    Di = Bs.v(p,q)(r,s);
                    Ex = Bs.v(p,s)(r,q);
                    DiMinusEx = Di-Ex;
                    //F(p,q) += 0.5*coupledMatrixTilde(p,q,r,s)*P(r,s);  //Alt. 2 27/5 2014
                    Fu(p,q) += Pu(s,r)*(Di-Ex) + Pd(s,r)*Di;
                    Fd(p,q) += Pd(s,r)*(Di-Ex) + Pu(s,r)*Di;
예제 #3
파일: toetool.c 프로젝트: NumCosmo/NumCosmo
void d_toe2full(finteger N,fdouble *to,fdouble *fu,finteger *ld)
     /* converts a toeplitz matrix a into a full matrix fu */
  finteger i;
  static finteger inc1=1;

#define Fu(I,J) fu[(I) + (J) * (*ld)]

    F77CALL (dcopy) (&N,&to[-i],&inc1,&Fu(0,i),&inc1);

#undef Fu
예제 #4
bool FEMPhysics::mass_residual (bool request_jacobian,
                                DiffContext & c)
  FEMContext & context = cast_ref<FEMContext &>(c);

  unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

  for (unsigned int var = 0; var != context.n_vars(); ++var)
      if (!this->is_time_evolving(var))

      FEBase * elem_fe = libmesh_nullptr;
      context.get_element_fe( var, elem_fe );

      const std::vector<Real> & JxW = elem_fe->get_JxW();

      const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = elem_fe->get_phi();

      const unsigned int n_dofs = cast_int<unsigned int>

      DenseSubVector<Number> & Fu = context.get_elem_residual(var);
      DenseSubMatrix<Number> & Kuu = context.get_elem_jacobian( var, var );

      for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp != n_qpoints; ++qp)
          Number uprime;
          context.interior_rate(var, qp, uprime);
          const Number JxWxU = JxW[qp] * uprime;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_dofs; ++i)
              Fu(i) -= JxWxU * phi[i][qp];
              if (request_jacobian && context.elem_solution_rate_derivative)
                  const Number JxWxPhiIxDeriv = JxW[qp] * phi[i][qp] *
                  Kuu(i,i) -= JxWxPhiIxDeriv * phi[i][qp];
                  for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < n_dofs; ++j)
                      const Number Kij = JxWxPhiIxDeriv * phi[j][qp];
                      Kuu(i,j) -= Kij;
                      Kuu(j,i) -= Kij;

  return request_jacobian;
예제 #5
bool FEMPhysics::mass_residual (bool request_jacobian,
                                DiffContext &c)
  FEMContext &context = libmesh_cast_ref<FEMContext&>(c);

  unsigned int n_qpoints = (context.get_element_qrule())->n_points();

  for (unsigned int var = 0; var != context.n_vars(); ++var)
      if (!this->is_time_evolving(var))

      const std::vector<Real> &JxW =

      const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > &phi =

      const unsigned int n_dofs = context.dof_indices_var[var].size();

      DenseSubVector<Number> &Fu = *context.elem_subresiduals[var];
      DenseSubMatrix<Number> &Kuu = *context.elem_subjacobians[var][var];

      for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp != n_qpoints; ++qp)
          Number u = context.interior_value(var, qp);
          Number JxWxU = JxW[qp] * u;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_dofs; ++i)
              Fu(i) += JxWxU * phi[i][qp];
              if (request_jacobian && context.elem_solution_derivative)
                  libmesh_assert_equal_to (context.elem_solution_derivative, 1.0);

                  Number JxWxPhiI = JxW[qp] * phi[i][qp];
                  Kuu(i,i) += JxWxPhiI * phi[i][qp];
                  for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < n_dofs; ++j)
                      Number Kij = JxWxPhiI * phi[j][qp];
                      Kuu(i,j) += Kij;
                      Kuu(j,i) += Kij;

  return request_jacobian;
예제 #6
  void AveragedTurbine<Mu>::element_time_derivative( bool compute_jacobian,
					      AssemblyContext& context,
					      CachedValues& /* cache */ )

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weights for interior integration
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW = 

    // The shape functions at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& u_phi = 

    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& u_qpoint = 

    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(this->_flow_vars.u()).size();

    // The subvectors and submatrices we need to fill:
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.u(), this->_flow_vars.u()); // R_{u},{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.u(), this->_flow_vars.v()); // R_{u},{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.v(), this->_flow_vars.u()); // R_{v},{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.v(), this->_flow_vars.v()); // R_{v},{v}

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kus =
                                      this->fan_speed_var()); // R_{u},{s}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Ksu =
                                      this->_flow_vars.u()); // R_{s},{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvs =
                                      this->fan_speed_var()); // R_{v},{s}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Ksv =
                                      this->_flow_vars.v()); // R_{s},{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kss =
                                      this->fan_speed_var()); // R_{s},{s}

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kwu = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kwv = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kww = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kuw = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kvw = NULL;

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Ksw = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kws = NULL;

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.u()); // R_{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.v()); // R_{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>* Fw = NULL;

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fs = context.get_elem_residual(this->fan_speed_var()); // R_{s}

    if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
        Kuw = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.u(), this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{u},{w}
        Kvw = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.v(), this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{v},{w}

        Kwu = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w(), this->_flow_vars.u()); // R_{w},{u}
        Kwv = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w(), this->_flow_vars.v()); // R_{w},{v}
        Kww = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w(), this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{w},{w}
        Fw  = &context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{w}

        Ksw = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->fan_speed_var(), this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{s},{w}
        Kws = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w(), this->fan_speed_var()); // R_{w},{s}

        Fw  = &context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{w}

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        // Compute the solution at the old Newton iterate.
        libMesh::Number u, v, s;
        u = context.interior_value(this->_flow_vars.u(), qp);
        v = context.interior_value(this->_flow_vars.v(), qp);
        s = context.interior_value(this->fan_speed_var(), qp);

        libMesh::NumberVectorValue U(u,v);
        if (this->mesh_dim(context) == 3)
          U(2) = context.interior_value(this->_flow_vars.w(), qp); // w

        libMesh::NumberVectorValue U_B_1;
        libMesh::NumberVectorValue F;
        libMesh::NumberTensorValue dFdU;
        libMesh::NumberTensorValue* dFdU_ptr =
          compute_jacobian ? &dFdU : NULL;
        libMesh::NumberVectorValue dFds;
        libMesh::NumberVectorValue* dFds_ptr =
          compute_jacobian ? &dFds : NULL;
        if (!this->compute_force(u_qpoint[qp], context.time, U, s,
                                 U_B_1, F, dFdU_ptr, dFds_ptr))

        libMesh::Real jac = JxW[qp];

        // Using this dot product to derive torque *depends* on s=1
        // and U_B_1 corresponding to 1 rad/sec base velocity; this
        // means that the length of U_B_1 is equal to radius.

        // F is the force on the air, so *negative* F is the force on
        // the turbine.
        Fs(0) -= U_B_1 * F * jac;

        if (compute_jacobian)
            Kss(0,0) -= U_B_1 * dFds * jac;

            for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
                libMesh::Real jac_j = JxW[qp] * u_phi[j][qp];

                for (unsigned int d=0; d != 3; ++d)
                    Ksu(0,j) -= jac_j * U_B_1(d) * dFdU(d,0);
                    Ksv(0,j) -= jac_j * U_B_1(d) * dFdU(d,1);

                if (this->mesh_dim(context) == 3)
                    for (unsigned int d=0; d != 3; ++d)
                      (*Ksw)(0,j) -= jac_j * U_B_1(d) * dFdU(d,2);

              } // End j dof loop

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            const libMesh::Number jac_i = jac * u_phi[i][qp];

            Fu(i) += F(0)*jac_i;
            Fv(i) += F(1)*jac_i;

            if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
              (*Fw)(i) += F(2)*jac_i;

	    if( compute_jacobian )
                Kus(i,0) += dFds(0) * jac_i;
                Kvs(i,0) += dFds(1) * jac_i;
                if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
                  (*Kws)(i,0) += dFds(2) * jac_i;

                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
                    const libMesh::Number jac_ij = jac_i * u_phi[j][qp];
                    Kuu(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(0,0);
                    Kuv(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(0,1);
                    Kvu(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(1,0);
                    Kvv(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(1,1);

                    if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
                        (*Kuw)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(0,2);
                        (*Kvw)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(1,2);
                        (*Kwu)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(2,0);
                        (*Kwv)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(2,1);
                        (*Kww)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(2,2);


예제 #7
  void LowMachNavierStokes<Mu,SH,TC>::assemble_momentum_time_deriv( bool /*compute_jacobian*/, 
								    AssemblyContext& context,
								    CachedValues& cache )
    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable.
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(this->_u_var).size();

    // Check number of dofs is same for _u_var, v_var and w_var.
    libmesh_assert (n_u_dofs == context.get_dof_indices(this->_v_var).size());
    if (this->_dim == 3)
      libmesh_assert (n_u_dofs == context.get_dof_indices(this->_w_var).size());

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weights for interior integration.
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    // The pressure shape functions at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& u_phi =

    // The velocity shape function gradients at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient> >& u_gradphi =

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(this->_u_var); // R_{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(this->_v_var); // R_{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fw = context.get_elem_residual(this->_w_var); // R_{w}

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
	libMesh::Number u, v, p, p0, T;
	u = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::X_VELOCITY)[qp];
	v = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::Y_VELOCITY)[qp];

	T = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::TEMPERATURE)[qp];
	p = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::PRESSURE)[qp];
	p0 = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::THERMO_PRESSURE)[qp];

	libMesh::Gradient grad_u = cache.get_cached_gradient_values(Cache::X_VELOCITY_GRAD)[qp];
	libMesh::Gradient grad_v = cache.get_cached_gradient_values(Cache::Y_VELOCITY_GRAD)[qp];

	libMesh::Gradient grad_w;
	if (this->_dim == 3)
	  grad_w = cache.get_cached_gradient_values(Cache::Z_VELOCITY_GRAD)[qp];

	libMesh::NumberVectorValue grad_uT( grad_u(0), grad_v(0) ); 
	libMesh::NumberVectorValue grad_vT( grad_u(1), grad_v(1) );
	libMesh::NumberVectorValue grad_wT;
	if( this->_dim == 3 )
	    grad_uT(2) = grad_w(0);
	    grad_vT(2) = grad_w(1);
	    grad_wT = libMesh::NumberVectorValue( grad_u(2), grad_v(2), grad_w(2) );

	libMesh::NumberVectorValue U(u,v);
	if (this->_dim == 3)
	  U(2) = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::Z_VELOCITY)[qp]; // w

	libMesh::Number divU = grad_u(0) + grad_v(1);
	if (this->_dim == 3)
	  divU += grad_w(2);

	libMesh::Number rho = this->rho( T, p0 );
	// Now a loop over the pressure degrees of freedom.  This
	// computes the contributions of the continuity equation.
	for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
	    Fu(i) += ( -rho*U*grad_u*u_phi[i][qp]                 // convection term
		       + p*u_gradphi[i][qp](0)                           // pressure term
		       - this->_mu(T)*(u_gradphi[i][qp]*grad_u + u_gradphi[i][qp]*grad_uT
				       - 2.0/3.0*divU*u_gradphi[i][qp](0) )    // diffusion term
		       + rho*this->_g(0)*u_phi[i][qp]                 // hydrostatic term

	    Fv(i) += ( -rho*U*grad_v*u_phi[i][qp]                 // convection term
		       + p*u_gradphi[i][qp](1)                           // pressure term
		       - this->_mu(T)*(u_gradphi[i][qp]*grad_v + u_gradphi[i][qp]*grad_vT
				       - 2.0/3.0*divU*u_gradphi[i][qp](1) )    // diffusion term
		       + rho*this->_g(1)*u_phi[i][qp]                 // hydrostatic term
	    if (this->_dim == 3)
		Fw(i) += ( -rho*U*grad_w*u_phi[i][qp]                 // convection term
			   + p*u_gradphi[i][qp](2)                           // pressure term
			   - this->_mu(T)*(u_gradphi[i][qp]*grad_w + u_gradphi[i][qp]*grad_wT
					   - 2.0/3.0*divU*u_gradphi[i][qp](2) )    // diffusion term
			   + rho*this->_g(2)*u_phi[i][qp]                 // hydrostatic term

	      if (compute_jacobian && context.get_elem_solution_derivative())
              libmesh_assert (context.get_elem_solution_derivative() == 1.0);

              for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
	      // TODO: precompute some terms like:
	      //   (Uvec*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp]),
	      //   vel_phi[i][qp]*vel_phi[j][qp],
	      //   (vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])

	      Kuu(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*(Uvec*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])       // convection term
	      -_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*graduvec_x*vel_phi[j][qp]             // convection term
	      -_mu*(vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])); // diffusion term
	      Kuv(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*graduvec_y*vel_phi[j][qp]);           // convection term

	      Kvv(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*(Uvec*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])       // convection term
	      -_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*gradvvec_y*vel_phi[j][qp]             // convection term
	      -_mu*(vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])); // diffusion term
	      Kvu(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*gradvvec_x*vel_phi[j][qp]);           // convection term

	      if (_dim == 3)
	      Kuw(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*graduvec_z*vel_phi[j][qp]);           // convection term

	      Kvw(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*gradvvec_z*vel_phi[j][qp]);           // convection term

	      Kww(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*(Uvec*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])       // convection term
	      -_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*gradwvec_z*vel_phi[j][qp]             // convection term
	      -_mu*(vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[j][qp])); // diffusion term
	      Kwu(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*gradwvec_x*vel_phi[j][qp]);           // convection term
	      Kwv(i,j) += JxW[qp] *
	      (-_rho*vel_phi[i][qp]*gradwvec_y*vel_phi[j][qp]);           // convection term
	      } // end of the inner dof (j) loop

              // Matrix contributions for the up, vp and wp couplings
              for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_p_dofs; j++)
	      Kup(i,j) += JxW[qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp](0)*p_phi[j][qp];
	      Kvp(i,j) += JxW[qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp](1)*p_phi[j][qp];
	      if (_dim == 3)
	      Kwp(i,j) += JxW[qp]*vel_gblgradphivec[i][qp](2)*p_phi[j][qp];
	      } // end of the inner dof (j) loop

	      } // end - if (compute_jacobian && context.get_elem_solution_derivative())

	      } // end of the outer dof (i) loop
	      } // end of the quadrature point (qp) loop
	  } // End of DoF loop i
      } // End quadrature loop qp

예제 #8
bool FEMPhysics::eulerian_residual (bool request_jacobian,
                                    DiffContext &/*c*/)
  // Only calculate a mesh movement residual if it's necessary
  if (!_mesh_sys)
    return request_jacobian;


#if 0
  FEMContext &context = libmesh_cast_ref<FEMContext&>(c);

  // This function only supports fully coupled mesh motion for now
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (_mesh_sys, this);

  unsigned int n_qpoints = (context.get_element_qrule())->n_points();

  const unsigned int n_x_dofs = (_mesh_x_var == libMesh::invalid_uint) ?
                                0 : context.dof_indices_var[_mesh_x_var].size();
  const unsigned int n_y_dofs = (_mesh_y_var == libMesh::invalid_uint) ?
                                0 : context.dof_indices_var[_mesh_y_var].size();
  const unsigned int n_z_dofs = (_mesh_z_var == libMesh::invalid_uint) ?
                                0 : context.dof_indices_var[_mesh_z_var].size();

  const unsigned int mesh_xyz_var = n_x_dofs ? _mesh_x_var :
                                   (n_y_dofs ? _mesh_y_var :
                                   (n_z_dofs ? _mesh_z_var :

  // If we're our own _mesh_sys, we'd better be in charge of
  // at least one coordinate, and we'd better have the same
  // FE type for all coordinates we are in charge of
  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (mesh_xyz_var, libMesh::invalid_uint);
  libmesh_assert(!n_x_dofs || context.element_fe_var[_mesh_x_var] ==
  libmesh_assert(!n_y_dofs || context.element_fe_var[_mesh_y_var] ==
  libmesh_assert(!n_z_dofs || context.element_fe_var[_mesh_z_var] ==

  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >     &psi =

  for (unsigned int var = 0; var != context.n_vars(); ++var)
      // Mesh motion only affects time-evolving variables
      if (this->is_time_evolving(var))

      // The mesh coordinate variables themselves are Lagrangian,
      // not Eulerian, and no convective term is desired.
      if (/*_mesh_sys == this && */
          (var == _mesh_x_var ||
           var == _mesh_y_var ||
           var == _mesh_z_var))

      // Some of this code currently relies on the assumption that
      // we can pull mesh coordinate data from our own system
      if (_mesh_sys != this)

      // This residual should only be called by unsteady solvers:
      // if the mesh is steady, there's no mesh convection term!
      UnsteadySolver *unsteady;
      if (this->time_solver->is_steady())
        return request_jacobian;
	unsteady = libmesh_cast_ptr<UnsteadySolver*>(this->time_solver.get());

      const std::vector<Real> &JxW =

      const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >     &phi =

      const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > &dphi =

      const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.dof_indices_var[var].size();

      DenseSubVector<Number> &Fu = *context.elem_subresiduals[var];
      DenseSubMatrix<Number> &Kuu = *context.elem_subjacobians[var][var];

      DenseSubMatrix<Number> *Kux = n_x_dofs ?
        context.elem_subjacobians[var][_mesh_x_var] : NULL;
      DenseSubMatrix<Number> *Kuy = n_y_dofs ?
        context.elem_subjacobians[var][_mesh_y_var] : NULL;
      DenseSubMatrix<Number> *Kuz = n_z_dofs ?
        context.elem_subjacobians[var][_mesh_z_var] : NULL;

      std::vector<Real> delta_x(n_x_dofs, 0.);
      std::vector<Real> delta_y(n_y_dofs, 0.);
      std::vector<Real> delta_z(n_z_dofs, 0.);

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_x_dofs; ++i)
          unsigned int j = context.dof_indices_var[_mesh_x_var][i];
          delta_x[i] = libmesh_real(this->current_solution(j)) -

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_y_dofs; ++i)
          unsigned int j = context.dof_indices_var[_mesh_y_var][i];
          delta_y[i] = libmesh_real(this->current_solution(j)) -

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_z_dofs; ++i)
          unsigned int j = context.dof_indices_var[_mesh_z_var][i];
          delta_z[i] = libmesh_real(this->current_solution(j)) -

      for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp != n_qpoints; ++qp)
          Gradient grad_u = context.interior_gradient(var, qp);
          RealGradient convection(0.);

          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_x_dofs; ++i)
	    convection(0) += delta_x[i] * psi[i][qp];
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_y_dofs; ++i)
	    convection(1) += delta_y[i] * psi[i][qp];
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_z_dofs; ++i)
	    convection(2) += delta_z[i] * psi[i][qp];

          for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n_u_dofs; ++i)
              Number JxWxPhiI = JxW[qp] * phi[i][qp];
              Fu(i) += (convection * grad_u) * JxWxPhiI;
              if (request_jacobian)
                  Number JxWxPhiI = JxW[qp] * phi[i][qp];
                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j != n_u_dofs; ++j)
                    Kuu(i,j) += JxWxPhiI * (convection * dphi[j][qp]);

                  Number JxWxPhiIoverDT = JxWxPhiI/this->deltat;

                  Number JxWxPhiIxDUDXoverDT = JxWxPhiIoverDT * grad_u(0);
                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j != n_x_dofs; ++j)
                    (*Kux)(i,j) += JxWxPhiIxDUDXoverDT * psi[j][qp];

                  Number JxWxPhiIxDUDYoverDT = JxWxPhiIoverDT * grad_u(1);
                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j != n_y_dofs; ++j)
                    (*Kuy)(i,j) += JxWxPhiIxDUDYoverDT * psi[j][qp];

                  Number JxWxPhiIxDUDZoverDT = JxWxPhiIoverDT * grad_u(2);
                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j != n_z_dofs; ++j)
                    (*Kuz)(i,j) += JxWxPhiIxDUDZoverDT * psi[j][qp];
#endif // 0

  return request_jacobian;
void assemble_postvars_rhs (EquationSystems& es,
                      const std::string& system_name)

  const Real E    = es.parameters.get<Real>("E");
  const Real NU    = es.parameters.get<Real>("NU");
  const Real KPERM    = es.parameters.get<Real>("KPERM");
	Real sum_jac_postvars=0;
	Real av_pressure=0;
	Real total_volume=0;

#include "assemble_preamble_postvars.cpp"

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      const Elem* elem = *el;

      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_u, u_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_v, v_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_p, p_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_x, x_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_y, y_var);
      #if THREED
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_w, w_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_z, z_var);

      const unsigned int n_dofs   = dof_indices.size();
      const unsigned int n_u_dofs = dof_indices_u.size(); 
      const unsigned int n_v_dofs = dof_indices_v.size();
      const unsigned int n_p_dofs = dof_indices_p.size();
      const unsigned int n_x_dofs = dof_indices_x.size(); 
      const unsigned int n_y_dofs = dof_indices_y.size();
      #if THREED
      const unsigned int n_w_dofs = dof_indices_w.size();
      const unsigned int n_z_dofs = dof_indices_z.size();
      fe_disp->reinit  (elem);
      fe_vel->reinit  (elem);
      fe_pres->reinit (elem);

      Ke.resize (n_dofs, n_dofs);
      Fe.resize (n_dofs);

      Kuu.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kuv.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kup.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kux.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kuy.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      #if THREED
      Kuw.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kuz.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_u_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      Kvu.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, u_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kvv.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, v_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kvp.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, p_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kvx.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_v_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kvy.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_v_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      #if THREED
      Kvw.reposition (v_var*n_u_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kuz.reposition (v_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_u_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      #if THREED
      Kwu.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, u_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kwv.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, v_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kwp.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, p_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kwx.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_v_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kwy.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_v_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      Kww.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kwz.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_u_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      Kpu.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kpv.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kpp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kpx.reposition (p_var*n_v_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_p_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kpy.reposition (p_var*n_v_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_p_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      #if THREED
      Kpw.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kpz.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_p_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      Kxu.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kxv.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kxp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kxx.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_x_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kxy.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_x_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      #if THREED
      Kxw.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kxz.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_x_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      Kyu.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kyv.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kyp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kyx.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_y_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kyy.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_y_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      #if THREED
      Kyw.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kyz.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_x_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      #if THREED
      Kzu.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kzv.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kzp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_y_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kzx.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs , n_y_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Kzy.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs , n_y_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      Kzw.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_x_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kzz.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs , n_x_dofs, n_z_dofs);

      Fu.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Fv.reposition (v_var*n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Fp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Fx.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_x_dofs);
      Fy.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+n_x_dofs, n_y_dofs);
      #if THREED
      Fw.reposition (w_var*n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Fz.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs+2*n_x_dofs, n_y_dofs);
	    std::vector<unsigned int> undefo_index;
		  PoroelasticConfig material(dphi,psi);

      // Now we will build the element matrix.
      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
		  Number   p_solid = 0.;

		  grad_u_mat(0) = grad_u_mat(1) = grad_u_mat(2) = 0;
		  for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
			std::vector<Number> u_undefo;
			std::vector<Number> u_undefo_ref;

			//Fills the vector di with the global degree of freedom indices for the element. :dof_indicies

			Last_non_linear_soln.get_dof_map().dof_indices(elem, undefo_index,d);
			Last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->get(undefo_index, u_undefo);
			reference.current_local_solution->get(undefo_index, u_undefo_ref);

			for (unsigned int l = 0; l != n_u_dofs; l++){
			   grad_u_mat(d).add_scaled(dphi[l][qp], u_undefo[l]+u_undefo_ref[l]); 
		  for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_p_dofs; l++)
			p_solid += psi[l][qp]*Last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_p[l]);
		Point rX;
		material.init_for_qp(rX,grad_u_mat, p_solid, qp,0, p_solid,es);
		Real J=material.J;
		 Real I_1=material.I_1;
		 Real I_2=material.I_2;
		 Real I_3=material.I_3;
		 RealTensor sigma=material.sigma;
		 av_pressure=av_pressure + p_solid*JxW[qp];
		 		 		std::cout<<"grad_u_mat(0)" << grad_u_mat(0) <<std::endl;

		 		std::cout<<" J " << J <<std::endl;

		std::cout<<" sigma " << sigma <<std::endl;
		 Real sigma_sum_sq=pow(sigma(0,0)*sigma(0,0)+sigma(0,1)*sigma(0,1)+sigma(0,2)*sigma(0,2)+sigma(1,0)*sigma(1,0)+sigma(1,1)*sigma(1,1)+sigma(1,2)*sigma(1,2)+sigma(2,0)*sigma(2,0)+sigma(2,1)*sigma(2,1)+sigma(2,2)*sigma(2,2),0.5);
		// std::cout<<" J " << J <<std::endl;


		for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_u_dofs; i++){
          Fu(i) += I_1*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];
          Fv(i) += I_2*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];
          Fw(i) += I_3*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];

	        Fx(i) += sigma_sum_sq*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];
          Fy(i) += J*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];
          Fz(i) += 0*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_p_dofs; i++){
            Fp(i) += J*JxW[qp]*psi[i][qp];

} // end qp

  system.rhs->add_vector(Fe, dof_indices);

  system.matrix->add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);

} // end of element loop

    std::cout<<"Assemble postvars rhs->l2_norm () "<<system.rhs->l2_norm ()<<std::endl;

	 std::cout<<"sum_jac   "<< sum_jac_postvars <<std::endl;
	  std::cout<<"av_pressure   "<< av_pressure/sum_jac_postvars <<std::endl;

예제 #10
  void ElasticMembranePressure<PressureType>::element_time_derivative
  ( bool compute_jacobian, AssemblyContext & context )
    unsigned int u_var = this->_disp_vars.u();
    unsigned int v_var = this->_disp_vars.v();
    unsigned int w_var = this->_disp_vars.w();

    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(u_var).size();

    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& u_phi =

    const MultiphysicsSystem & system = context.get_multiphysics_system();

    unsigned int u_dot_var = system.get_second_order_dot_var(u_var);
    unsigned int v_dot_var = system.get_second_order_dot_var(v_var);
    unsigned int w_dot_var = system.get_second_order_dot_var(w_var);

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(u_dot_var);
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(v_dot_var);
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fw = context.get_elem_residual(w_dot_var);

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kuv = context.get_elem_jacobian(u_dot_var,v_var);
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kuw = context.get_elem_jacobian(u_dot_var,w_var);

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kvu = context.get_elem_jacobian(v_dot_var,u_var);
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kvw = context.get_elem_jacobian(v_dot_var,w_var);

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kwu = context.get_elem_jacobian(w_dot_var,u_var);
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kwv = context.get_elem_jacobian(w_dot_var,v_var);

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    // All shape function gradients are w.r.t. master element coordinates
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& dphi_dxi =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& dphi_deta =

    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& u_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( u_var );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& v_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( v_var );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& w_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( w_var );

    const std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient>& dxdxi  = this->get_fe(context)->get_dxyzdxi();
    const std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient>& dxdeta = this->get_fe(context)->get_dxyzdeta();

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        // sqrt(det(a_cov)), a_cov being the covariant metric tensor of undeformed body
        libMesh::Real sqrt_a = sqrt( dxdxi[qp]*dxdxi[qp]*dxdeta[qp]*dxdeta[qp]
                                     - dxdxi[qp]*dxdeta[qp]*dxdeta[qp]*dxdxi[qp] );

        // Gradients are w.r.t. master element coordinates
        libMesh::Gradient grad_u, grad_v, grad_w;
        for( unsigned int d = 0; d < n_u_dofs; d++ )
            libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi( dphi_dxi[d][qp], dphi_deta[d][qp] );
            grad_u += u_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            grad_v += v_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            grad_w += w_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;

        libMesh::RealGradient dudxi( grad_u(0), grad_v(0), grad_w(0) );
        libMesh::RealGradient dudeta( grad_u(1), grad_v(1), grad_w(1) );

        libMesh::RealGradient A_1 = dxdxi[qp] + dudxi;
        libMesh::RealGradient A_2 = dxdeta[qp] + dudeta;

        libMesh::RealGradient A_3 = A_1.cross(A_2);

        // Compute pressure at this quadrature point
        libMesh::Real press = (*_pressure)(context,qp);

        // Small optimization
        libMesh::Real p_over_sa = press/sqrt_a;

        /* The formula here is actually
           P*\sqrt{\frac{A}{a}}*A_3, where A_3 is a unit vector
           But, |A_3| = \sqrt{A} so the normalizing part kills
           the \sqrt{A} in the numerator, so we can leave it out
           and *not* normalize A_3.
        libMesh::RealGradient traction = p_over_sa*A_3;

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            // Small optimization
            libMesh::Real phi_times_jac = u_phi[i][qp]*JxW[qp];

            Fu(i) -= traction(0)*phi_times_jac;
            Fv(i) -= traction(1)*phi_times_jac;
            Fw(i) -= traction(2)*phi_times_jac;

            if( compute_jacobian )
                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
                    libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi( dphi_dxi[j][qp], dphi_deta[j][qp] );

                    const libMesh::Real dt0_dv = p_over_sa*(u_gradphi(0)*A_2(2) - A_1(2)*u_gradphi(1));
                    const libMesh::Real dt0_dw = p_over_sa*(A_1(1)*u_gradphi(1) - u_gradphi(0)*A_2(1));

                    const libMesh::Real dt1_du = p_over_sa*(A_1(2)*u_gradphi(1) - u_gradphi(0)*A_2(2));
                    const libMesh::Real dt1_dw = p_over_sa*(u_gradphi(0)*A_2(0) - A_1(0)*u_gradphi(1));

                    const libMesh::Real dt2_du = p_over_sa*(u_gradphi(0)*A_2(1) - A_1(1)*u_gradphi(1));
                    const libMesh::Real dt2_dv = p_over_sa*(A_1(0)*u_gradphi(1) - u_gradphi(0)*A_2(0));

                    Kuv(i,j) -= dt0_dv*phi_times_jac;
                    Kuw(i,j) -= dt0_dw*phi_times_jac;

                    Kvu(i,j) -= dt1_du*phi_times_jac;
                    Kvw(i,j) -= dt1_dw*phi_times_jac;

                    Kwu(i,j) -= dt2_du*phi_times_jac;
                    Kwv(i,j) -= dt2_dv*phi_times_jac;
예제 #11
  void VelocityPenalty<Mu>::element_time_derivative( bool compute_jacobian,
					         AssemblyContext& context,
					         CachedValues& /* cache */ )

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weights for interior integration
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW = 

    // The shape functions at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& u_phi = 

    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& u_qpoint = 

    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(this->_flow_vars.u_var()).size();

    // The subvectors and submatrices we need to fill:
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.u_var(), this->_flow_vars.u_var()); // R_{u},{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.u_var(), this->_flow_vars.v_var()); // R_{u},{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.v_var(), this->_flow_vars.u_var()); // R_{v},{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.v_var(), this->_flow_vars.v_var()); // R_{v},{v}

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kwu = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kwv = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kww = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kuw = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* Kvw = NULL;

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.u_var()); // R_{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.v_var()); // R_{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>* Fw = NULL;

    if( this->_dim == 3 )
        Kuw = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.u_var(), this->_flow_vars.w_var()); // R_{u},{w}
        Kvw = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.v_var(), this->_flow_vars.w_var()); // R_{v},{w}

        Kwu = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w_var(), this->_flow_vars.u_var()); // R_{w},{u}
        Kwv = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w_var(), this->_flow_vars.v_var()); // R_{w},{v}
        Kww = &context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_flow_vars.w_var(), this->_flow_vars.w_var()); // R_{w},{w}
        Fw  = &context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.w_var()); // R_{w}

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        // Compute the solution at the old Newton iterate.
        libMesh::Number u, v;
        u = context.interior_value(this->_flow_vars.u_var(), qp);
        v = context.interior_value(this->_flow_vars.v_var(), qp);

        libMesh::NumberVectorValue U(u,v);
        if (this->_dim == 3)
          U(2) = context.interior_value(this->_flow_vars.w_var(), qp); // w

        libMesh::NumberVectorValue F;
        libMesh::NumberTensorValue dFdU;
        libMesh::NumberTensorValue* dFdU_ptr =
          compute_jacobian ? &dFdU : NULL;
        if (!this->compute_force(u_qpoint[qp], context, U, F, dFdU_ptr))

        const libMesh::Real jac = JxW[qp];

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            const libMesh::Number jac_i = jac * u_phi[i][qp];

            Fu(i) += F(0)*jac_i;

            Fv(i) += F(1)*jac_i;
            if( this->_dim == 3 )
                (*Fw)(i) += F(2)*jac_i;

	    if( compute_jacobian )
                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
                    const libMesh::Number jac_ij = context.get_elem_solution_derivative() * jac_i * u_phi[j][qp];
                    Kuu(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(0,0);
                    Kuv(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(0,1);
                    Kvu(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(1,0);
                    Kvv(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(1,1);

                    if( this->_dim == 3 )
                        (*Kuw)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(0,2);
                        (*Kvw)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(1,2);

                        (*Kwu)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(2,0);
                        (*Kwv)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(2,1);
                        (*Kww)(i,j) += jac_ij * dFdU(2,2);


예제 #12
// The matrix assembly function to be called at each time step to
// prepare for the linear solve.
void assemble_solid (EquationSystems& es,
                      const std::string& system_name)


  PerfLog perf_log("Assemble");
  perf_log.push("assemble stiffness");

    // Get a reference to the auxiliary system
  //TransientExplicitSystem& aux_system = es.get_system<TransientExplicitSystem>("Newton-update");

  // It is a good idea to make sure we are assembling
  // the proper system.
  libmesh_assert (system_name == "Newton-update");
  // Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
  const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();
  // The dimension that we are running
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
  // Get a reference to the Stokes system object.
  TransientLinearImplicitSystem & newton_update =
   es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem> ("Newton-update");

  // New
   TransientLinearImplicitSystem & last_non_linear_soln =
    es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem> ("Last-non-linear-soln");

 TransientLinearImplicitSystem & fluid_system_vel =
    es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem> ("fluid-system-vel");

TransientLinearImplicitSystem&  velocity = es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem>("velocity-system");

TransientLinearImplicitSystem & unm1 =
    es.get_system<TransientLinearImplicitSystem> ("unm1-system");
const System & ref_sys = es.get_system("Reference-Configuration"); 
  // Numeric ids corresponding to each variable in the system
  const unsigned int u_var = last_non_linear_soln .variable_number ("u");
  const unsigned int v_var = last_non_linear_soln .variable_number ("v");
  const unsigned int w_var = last_non_linear_soln .variable_number ("w");
  const unsigned int p_var = last_non_linear_soln .variable_number ("p");

    const unsigned int m_var = fluid_system_vel.variable_number ("fluid_M");
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_m;

  // Get the Finite Element type for "u".  Note this will be
  // the same as the type for "v".
  FEType fe_vel_type = last_non_linear_soln.variable_type(u_var);


  // Get the Finite Element type for "p".
  FEType fe_pres_type = last_non_linear_soln .variable_type(p_var);

  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type for
  // the velocity variables.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe_vel  (FEBase::build(dim, fe_vel_type));
  // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type for
  // the pressure variables.
  AutoPtr<FEBase> fe_pres (FEBase::build(dim, fe_pres_type));
  // A Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
  // Let the \p FEType object decide what order rule is appropriate.
  QGauss qrule (dim, fe_vel_type.default_quadrature_order());

  // Tell the finite element objects to use our quadrature rule.
  fe_vel->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);
//        AutoPtr<QBase> qrule2(fe_vel_type.default_quadrature_rule(dim));
// fe_vel->attach_quadrature_rule (qrule2.get());

  fe_pres->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);
  // The element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each integration point.   
  const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe_vel->get_JxW();

  // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe_vel->get_phi();

  // The element shape function gradients for the velocity
  // variables evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe_vel->get_dphi();
  // The element shape functions for the pressure variable
  // evaluated at the quadrature points.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& psi = fe_pres->get_phi();
 const std::vector<Point>& coords = fe_vel->get_xyz();

  // A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system.  The \p DofMap
  // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
  // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the \p DofMap
  // in future examples.
  const DofMap & dof_map = last_non_linear_soln .get_dof_map();

  const DofMap & dof_map_fluid = fluid_system_vel .get_dof_map();

  // K will be the jacobian
  // F will be the Residual
  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;

    Kuu(Ke), Kuv(Ke), Kuw(Ke),  
    Kvu(Ke), Kvv(Ke), Kvw(Ke),  
    Kwu(Ke), Kwv(Ke), Kww(Ke); 

  DenseSubMatrix<Number>  Kup(Ke),Kvp(Ke),Kwp(Ke), Kpu(Ke), Kpv(Ke), Kpw(Ke), Kpp(Ke);
    Fu(Fe), Fv(Fe), Fw(Fe);
  DenseSubVector<Number>    Fp(Fe);
  // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
  // the element.  These define where in the global system
  // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices;
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_u;
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_v;
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_w;
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_p;

  const unsigned int a_var = last_non_linear_soln.variable_number ("a");
  const unsigned int b_var = last_non_linear_soln.variable_number ("b");
  const unsigned int c_var = last_non_linear_soln.variable_number ("c");

//B block
  Kua(Ke), Kub(Ke), Kuc(Ke),
  Kva(Ke), Kvb(Ke), Kvc(Ke),
  Kwa(Ke), Kwb(Ke), Kwc(Ke); 

//C block
  Kau(Ke), Kav(Ke), Kaw(Ke),
  Kbu(Ke), Kbv(Ke), Kbw(Ke),
  Kcu(Ke), Kcv(Ke), Kcw(Ke);

//D block
  Kaa(Ke), Kab(Ke), Kac(Ke),
  Kba(Ke), Kbb(Ke), Kbc(Ke),
  Kca(Ke), Kcb(Ke), Kcc(Ke);

  Fa(Fe), Fb(Fe), Fc(Fe);

  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_a;
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_b;
  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices_c;

    DenseMatrix<Real> stiff;
  DenseVector<Real> res;
  VectorValue<Gradient> grad_u_mat;

  VectorValue<Gradient> grad_u_mat_old;
    const Real dt    = es.parameters.get<Real>("dt");
    const Real progress    = es.parameters.get<Real>("progress");

#if PORO 
  DenseVector<Real> p_stiff;
  DenseVector<Real> p_res;
  PoroelasticConfig material(dphi,psi);

  // Just calculate jacobian contribution when we need to
  material.calculate_linearized_stiffness = true;
  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end(); 

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      const Elem* elem = *el;
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_u, u_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_v, v_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_w, w_var);
      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_p, p_var);
      const unsigned int n_dofs   = dof_indices.size();
      const unsigned int n_u_dofs = dof_indices_u.size(); 
      const unsigned int n_v_dofs = dof_indices_v.size(); 
      const unsigned int n_w_dofs = dof_indices_w.size(); 
      const unsigned int n_p_dofs = dof_indices_p.size();

      dof_map_fluid.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_m, m_var);

      fe_vel->reinit  (elem);

      fe_pres->reinit (elem);

      Ke.resize (n_dofs, n_dofs);
      Fe.resize (n_dofs);

      Kuu.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kuv.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kuw.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kup.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kvu.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, u_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kvv.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, v_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kvw.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, w_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kvp.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, p_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kwu.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, u_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kwv.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, v_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kww.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, w_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kwp.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, p_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_p_dofs);
      Kpu.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Kpv.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Kpw.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Kpp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, p_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs, n_p_dofs);

      Fu.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
      Fv.reposition (v_var*n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
      Fw.reposition (w_var*n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
      Fp.reposition (p_var*n_u_dofs, n_p_dofs);


//B block
   Kua.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, 3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kub.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, 4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kuc.reposition (u_var*n_u_dofs, 5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
   Kva.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, 3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kvb.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, 4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kvc.reposition (v_var*n_v_dofs, 5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_w_dofs);
   Kwa.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, 3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kwb.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, 4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kwc.reposition (w_var*n_w_dofs, 5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs);

//C block
   Kau.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, u_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kav.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, v_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kaw.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, w_var*n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
   Kbu.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, u_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kbv.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, v_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kbw.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, w_var*n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_w_dofs);
   Kcu.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, u_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kcv.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, v_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kcw.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, w_var*n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs);

//D block
   Kaa.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kab.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kac.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs, n_w_dofs);
   Kba.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kbb.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kbc.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs, n_w_dofs);
   Kca.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_u_dofs);
   Kcb.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_v_dofs);
   Kcc.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, 5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs, n_w_dofs);

Fa.reposition (3*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_u_dofs);
Fb.reposition (4*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_v_dofs);
Fc.reposition (5*n_u_dofs + n_p_dofs, n_w_dofs);

  dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_a, a_var);
  dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_b, b_var);
  dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_c, c_var);


      System& aux_system = es.get_system<System>("Reference-Configuration");
      std::vector<unsigned int> undefo_index;
      std::vector<unsigned int> vel_index;           

      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)

 Point rX;
 for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_u_dofs; l++)
rX(0) += phi[l][qp]*ref_sys.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_u[l]);
rX(1) += phi[l][qp]*ref_sys.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_v[l]);
rX(2) += phi[l][qp]*ref_sys.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_w[l]);

Real rho_s=15;

Point current_x;
 for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_u_dofs; l++)
current_x(0) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_u[l]);
current_x(1) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_v[l]);
current_x(2) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_w[l]);

Point old_x;
 for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_u_dofs; l++)
old_x(0) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_u[l]);
old_x(1) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_v[l]);
old_x(2) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_w[l]);
Point old_vel;
 for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_u_dofs; l++)
old_vel(0) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_a[l]);
old_vel(1) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_b[l]);
old_vel(2) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_c[l]);
Point current_vel;
 for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_u_dofs; l++)
current_vel(0) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_a[l]);
current_vel(1) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_b[l]);
current_vel(2) += phi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_c[l]);

Point unm1_x;
 for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_u_dofs; l++)
unm1_x(0) += phi[l][qp]*unm1.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_u[l]);
unm1_x(1) += phi[l][qp]*unm1.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_v[l]);
unm1_x(2) += phi[l][qp]*unm1.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_w[l]);

Point value_acc;
Point value_acc_alt;

#if DT
for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
 value_acc_alt(d) = (rho_s)*( ((current_x(d)-rX(d))-(old_x(d)-rX(d)))-((old_x(d)-rX(d))- (unm1_x(d)-rX(d))) );  
value_acc(d) = (rho_s)*((current_x(d))-2*(old_x(d))+ (unm1_x(d)));  
value_acc(d) = (rho_s)*((current_x(d))-(old_x(d)));  

Point res_1;
Point res_2;
for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
res_1(d) = (rho_s)*((current_vel(d))-(old_vel(d)));
res_2(d) = current_x(d)-dt*current_vel(d)-old_x(d);    
std::cout<<" current_vel "<<current_vel<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" res_1 "<<res_1<<std::endl;
std::cout<<" res_2 "<<res_2<<std::endl;


Number   p_solid = 0.;

	grad_u_mat(0) = grad_u_mat(1) = grad_u_mat(2) = 0;
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
      std::vector<Number> u_undefo;
//Fills the vector di with the global degree of freedom indices for the element. :dof_indicies
      aux_system.get_dof_map().dof_indices(elem, undefo_index,d);
      aux_system.current_local_solution->get(undefo_index, u_undefo);
      for (unsigned int l = 0; l != n_u_dofs; l++)
        grad_u_mat(d).add_scaled(dphi[l][qp], u_undefo[l]); 

//#include "fixed_mesh_in_solid_assemble_code.txt"
      for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_p_dofs; l++)
              p_solid += psi[l][qp]*last_non_linear_soln.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_p[l]);

Real m=0;
Real p_fluid=0;

for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_p_dofs; l++)
   p_fluid += psi[l][qp]*fluid_system_vel.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_p[l]);

//As outlined in Chappel p=(p_curr-p_old)/2
 Real p_fluid_old=0;
for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_p_dofs; l++)
   p_fluid_old += psi[l][qp]*fluid_system_vel.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_p[l]);

Real m_old=0;

for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_p_dofs; l++)
   m += psi[l][qp]*fluid_system_vel.current_local_solution->el(dof_indices_m[l]);

for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_p_dofs; l++)
   m_old += psi[l][qp]*fluid_system_vel.old_local_solution->el(dof_indices_m[l]);

material.init_for_qp(grad_u_mat, p_solid, qp, 1.0*m+0.0*m_old, p_fluid);


material.init_for_qp(grad_u_mat, p_solid, qp);

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_u_dofs; i++)
            material.get_residual(res, i);

#if DT
//std::cout<< "res "<<res<<std::endl;

      	    Fu(i) += res(0);              
            Fv(i) += res(1) ; 
	    Fw(i) += res(2);  

  	#if GRAVITY
        Real grav=0.0;
        Fu(i) += progress*grav*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp];

      Fu(i) +=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*res_1(0); 
      Fv(i) +=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*res_1(1);     
      Fw(i) +=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*res_1(2); 

      Fa(i) +=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*res_2(0);  
      Fb(i) +=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*res_2(1);      
      Fc(i) +=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*res_2(2);  

// Matrix contributions for the uu and vv couplings.
for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_u_dofs; j++)
    material.get_linearized_stiffness(stiff, i, j);

#if DT

    Kua(i,j)+=  rho_s*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];      
    Kvb(i,j)+=  rho_s*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];
    Kwc(i,j)+=  rho_s*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];

    Kau(i,j)+=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];      
    Kbv(i,j)+=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];
    Kcw(i,j)+=  JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];

    Kaa(i,j)+=  -dt*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];      
    Kbb(i,j)+=  -dt*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];
    Kcc(i,j)+=  -dt*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];

    Kuu(i,j)+=  stiff(u_var, u_var);
    Kuv(i,j)+=  stiff(u_var, v_var);
    Kuw(i,j)+=  stiff(u_var, w_var);	      
    Kvu(i,j)+=  stiff(v_var, u_var);
    Kvv(i,j)+=  stiff(v_var, v_var);
    Kvw(i,j)+=  stiff(v_var, w_var);
    Kwu(i,j)+=  stiff(w_var, u_var);
    Kwv(i,j)+=  stiff(w_var, v_var);
    Kww(i,j)+=  stiff(w_var, w_var); 

    Kuu(i,j)+= 1*JxW[qp]*phi[i][qp]*phi[j][qp];

         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_p_dofs; i++) {
	  material.get_p_residual(p_res, i);
          Fp(i) += p_res(0);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_u_dofs; i++) {
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_p_dofs; j++) {
	    material.get_linearized_uvw_p_stiffness(p_stiff, i, j);
            Kup(i, j) += p_stiff(0);
	    Kvp(i, j) += p_stiff(1);
            Kwp(i, j) += p_stiff(2);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_p_dofs; i++) {
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_u_dofs; j++) {
	    material.get_linearized_p_uvw_stiffness(p_stiff, i, j);
      Kpu(i, j) += p_stiff(0);
	    Kpv(i, j) += p_stiff(1);
      Kpw(i, j) += p_stiff(2);

           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_p_dofs; i++) {
         Fp(i) += 0*JxW[qp]*psi[i][qp];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_p_dofs; i++) {
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_p_dofs; j++) {
            Kpp(i, j) += 1*JxW[qp]*psi[i][qp]*psi[j][qp];

}//end of qp loop

      newton_update.matrix->add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);
      newton_update.rhs->add_vector    (Fe, dof_indices);
} // end of element loop

     //   dof_map.constrain_element_matrix_and_vector (Ke, Fe, dof_indices);

perf_log.pop("assemble stiffness");

perf_log.push("assemble bcs");

//Assemble the boundary conditions.

perf_log.pop("assemble bcs");

std::ofstream lhs_out("lhsoutS3.dat");
void BoussinesqBuoyancyAdjointStabilization<Mu>::element_time_derivative( bool compute_jacobian,
        AssemblyContext& context,
        CachedValues& /*cache*/ )

    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable.
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(_flow_vars.u_var()).size();
    const unsigned int n_T_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(_temp_vars.T_var()).size();

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weights for interior integration.
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& T_phi =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& u_phi =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient> >& u_gradphi =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealTensor> >& u_hessphi =

    // Get residuals and jacobians
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(_flow_vars.u_var()); // R_{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(_flow_vars.v_var()); // R_{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> *Fw = NULL;

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &KuT =
        context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.u_var(), _temp_vars.T_var()); // J_{uT}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &KvT =
        context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.v_var(), _temp_vars.T_var()); // J_{vT}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuu =
        context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.u_var(), _flow_vars.u_var()); // J_{uu}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuv =
        context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.u_var(), _flow_vars.v_var()); // J_{uv}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvu =
        context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.v_var(), _flow_vars.u_var()); // J_{vu}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvv =
        context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.v_var(), _flow_vars.v_var()); // J_{vv}

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> *KwT = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> *Kuw = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> *Kvw = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> *Kwu = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> *Kwv = NULL;
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> *Kww = NULL;

    if(this->_dim == 3)
        Fw = &context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.w_var()); // R_{w}
        KwT = &context.get_elem_jacobian
              (_flow_vars.w_var(), _temp_vars.T_var()); // J_{wT}
        Kuw = &context.get_elem_jacobian
              (_flow_vars.u_var(), _flow_vars.w_var()); // J_{uw}
        Kvw = &context.get_elem_jacobian
              (_flow_vars.v_var(), _flow_vars.w_var()); // J_{vw}
        Kwu = &context.get_elem_jacobian
              (_flow_vars.w_var(), _flow_vars.u_var()); // J_{wu}
        Kwv = &context.get_elem_jacobian
              (_flow_vars.w_var(), _flow_vars.v_var()); // J_{wv}
        Kww = &context.get_elem_jacobian
              (_flow_vars.w_var(), _flow_vars.w_var()); // J_{ww}

    // Now we will build the element Jacobian and residual.
    // Constructing the residual requires the solution and its
    // gradient from the previous timestep.  This must be
    // calculated at each quadrature point by summing the
    // solution degree-of-freedom values by the appropriate
    // weight functions.
    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    libMesh::FEBase* fe = context.get_element_fe(this->_flow_vars.u_var());

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        libMesh::RealGradient g = this->_stab_helper.compute_g( fe, context, qp );
        libMesh::RealTensor G = this->_stab_helper.compute_G( fe, context, qp );

        libMesh::RealGradient U( context.interior_value( this->_flow_vars.u_var(), qp ),
                                 context.interior_value( this->_flow_vars.v_var(), qp ) );
        if( this->_dim == 3 )
            U(2) = context.interior_value( this->_flow_vars.w_var(), qp );

        // Compute the viscosity at this qp
        libMesh::Real mu_qp = this->_mu(context, qp);

        libMesh::Real tau_M;
        libMesh::Real d_tau_M_d_rho;
        libMesh::Gradient d_tau_M_dU;

        if (compute_jacobian)
            ( context, qp, g, G, this->_rho, U, mu_qp,
              tau_M, d_tau_M_d_rho, d_tau_M_dU,
              this->_is_steady );
            tau_M = this->_stab_helper.compute_tau_momentum
                    ( context, qp, g, G, this->_rho, U, mu_qp,
                      this->_is_steady );

        // Compute the solution & its gradient at the old Newton iterate.
        libMesh::Number T;
        T = context.interior_value(_temp_vars.T_var(), qp);

        libMesh::RealGradient d_residual_dT = _rho_ref*_beta_T*_g;
        // d_residual_dU = 0
        libMesh::RealGradient residual = (T-_T_ref)*d_residual_dT;

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            libMesh::Real test_func = this->_rho*U*u_gradphi[i][qp] +
                                      mu_qp*( u_hessphi[i][qp](0,0) + u_hessphi[i][qp](1,1) + u_hessphi[i][qp](2,2) );
            Fu(i) += -tau_M*residual(0)*test_func*JxW[qp];

            Fv(i) += -tau_M*residual(1)*test_func*JxW[qp];

            if (_dim == 3)
                (*Fw)(i) += -tau_M*residual(2)*test_func*JxW[qp];

            if (compute_jacobian)
                libMesh::Gradient d_test_func_dU = this->_rho*u_gradphi[i][qp];
                // d_test_func_dT = 0

                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; ++j)
                    Kuu(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(0)*d_test_func_dU(0)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kuu(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(0)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(0)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kuv(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(0)*d_test_func_dU(1)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kuv(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(1)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(0)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kvu(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(1)*d_test_func_dU(0)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kvu(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(0)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(1)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kvv(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(1)*d_test_func_dU(1)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    Kvv(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(1)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(1)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();

                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_T_dofs; ++j)
                    // KuT(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(0)*dtest_func_dT[j]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    KuT(i,j) += -tau_M*d_residual_dT(0)*T_phi[j][qp]*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    // KvT(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(1)*dtest_func_dT[j]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    KvT(i,j) += -tau_M*d_residual_dT(1)*T_phi[j][qp]*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                if (_dim == 3)
                    for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_T_dofs; ++j)
                        // KwT(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(2)*dtest_func_dT[j]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*KwT)(i,j) += -tau_M*d_residual_dT(2)*T_phi[j][qp]*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();

                    for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; ++j)
                        (*Kuw)(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(0)*d_test_func_dU(2)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kuw)(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(2)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(0)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kvw)(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(1)*d_test_func_dU(2)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kvw)(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(2)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(1)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kwu)(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(2)*d_test_func_dU(0)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kwu)(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(0)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(2)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kwv)(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(2)*d_test_func_dU(1)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kwv)(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(1)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(2)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kww)(i,j) += -tau_M*residual(2)*d_test_func_dU(2)*u_phi[j][qp]*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                        (*Kww)(i,j) += -d_tau_M_dU(2)*u_phi[j][qp]*residual(2)*test_func*JxW[qp] * context.get_elem_solution_derivative();

            } // End compute_jacobian check

        } // End i dof loop
    } // End quadrature loop


void LowMachNavierStokesSPGSMStabilization<Mu,SH,TC>::assemble_momentum_mass_residual( bool /*compute_jacobian*/,
        AssemblyContext& context )
    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable.
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(this->_flow_vars.u()).size();

    // Check number of dofs is same for _flow_vars.u(), v_var and w_var.
    libmesh_assert (n_u_dofs == context.get_dof_indices(this->_flow_vars.v()).size());
    if (this->mesh_dim(context) == 3)
        libmesh_assert (n_u_dofs == context.get_dof_indices(this->_flow_vars.w()).size());

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weights for interior integration.
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    // The velocity shape function gradients at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient> >& u_gradphi =

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.u()); // R_{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.v()); // R_{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Real>* Fw = NULL;

    if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
        Fw  = &context.get_elem_residual(this->_flow_vars.w()); // R_{w}

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        libMesh::Real T = context.fixed_interior_value( this->_temp_vars.T(), qp );
        libMesh::Real rho = this->rho( T, this->get_p0_transient( context, qp ) );

        libMesh::Real mu = this->_mu(T);

        libMesh::RealGradient U( context.fixed_interior_value(this->_flow_vars.u(), qp),
                                 context.fixed_interior_value(this->_flow_vars.v(), qp) );

        libMesh::RealGradient grad_u = context.fixed_interior_gradient(this->_flow_vars.u(), qp);
        libMesh::RealGradient grad_v = context.fixed_interior_gradient(this->_flow_vars.v(), qp);
        libMesh::RealGradient grad_w;

        if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
            U(2) = context.fixed_interior_value(this->_flow_vars.w(), qp);
            grad_w = context.fixed_interior_gradient(this->_flow_vars.w(), qp);

        libMesh::FEBase* fe = context.get_element_fe(this->_flow_vars.u());

        libMesh::RealGradient g = this->_stab_helper.compute_g( fe, context, qp );
        libMesh::RealTensor G = this->_stab_helper.compute_G( fe, context, qp );

        libMesh::Real tau_M = this->_stab_helper.compute_tau_momentum( context, qp, g, G, rho, U, mu, false );
        libMesh::Real tau_C = this->_stab_helper.compute_tau_continuity( tau_M, g );

        libMesh::Real RC_t = this->compute_res_continuity_transient( context, qp );
        libMesh::RealGradient RM_s = this->compute_res_momentum_steady( context, qp );
        libMesh::RealGradient RM_t = this->compute_res_momentum_transient( context, qp );

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            Fu(i) -= ( tau_C*RC_t*u_gradphi[i][qp](0)
                       + tau_M*RM_t(0)*rho*U*u_gradphi[i][qp] )*JxW[qp];

            Fv(i) -= ( tau_C*RC_t*u_gradphi[i][qp](1)
                       + tau_M*RM_t(1)*rho*U*u_gradphi[i][qp] )*JxW[qp];

            if( this->mesh_dim(context) == 3 )
                (*Fw)(i) -= ( tau_C*RC_t*u_gradphi[i][qp](2)
                              + tau_M*RM_t(2)*rho*U*u_gradphi[i][qp] )*JxW[qp];

  void ElasticCableRayleighDamping<StressStrainLaw>::damping_residual( bool compute_jacobian,
                                                                       AssemblyContext& context,
                                                                       CachedValues& /*cache*/)
    // First, do the "mass" contribution

    // Now do the stiffness contribution
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(this->_disp_vars.u()).size();

    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    // Residuals that we're populating
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(this->_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(this->_disp_vars.v());
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fw = context.get_elem_residual(this->_disp_vars.w());

    //Grab the Jacobian matrix as submatrices
    //libMesh::DenseMatrix<libMesh::Number> &K = context.get_elem_jacobian();
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.u(),this->_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.u(),this->_disp_vars.v());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kuw = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.u(),this->_disp_vars.w());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.v(),this->_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.v(),this->_disp_vars.v());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kvw = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.v(),this->_disp_vars.w());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kwu = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.w(),this->_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kwv = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.w(),this->_disp_vars.v());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &Kww = context.get_elem_jacobian(this->_disp_vars.w(),this->_disp_vars.w());

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    // All shape function gradients are w.r.t. master element coordinates
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& dphi_dxi = this->get_fe(context)->get_dphidxi();

    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& u_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( this->_disp_vars.u() );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& v_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( this->_disp_vars.v() );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& w_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( this->_disp_vars.w() );

    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& dudt_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution_rate( this->_disp_vars.u() );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& dvdt_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution_rate( this->_disp_vars.v() );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& dwdt_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution_rate( this->_disp_vars.w() );

    // Need these to build up the covariant and contravariant metric tensors
    const std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient>& dxdxi  = this->get_fe(context)->get_dxyzdxi();

    const unsigned int dim = 1; // The cable dimension is always 1 for this physics

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        // Gradients are w.r.t. master element coordinates
        libMesh::Gradient grad_u, grad_v, grad_w;
        libMesh::Gradient dgradu_dt, dgradv_dt, dgradw_dt;

        for( unsigned int d = 0; d < n_u_dofs; d++ )
            libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi( dphi_dxi[d][qp] );
            grad_u += u_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            grad_v += v_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            grad_w += w_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;

            dgradu_dt += dudt_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            dgradv_dt += dvdt_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            dgradw_dt += dwdt_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;

        libMesh::RealGradient grad_x( dxdxi[qp](0) );
        libMesh::RealGradient grad_y( dxdxi[qp](1) );
        libMesh::RealGradient grad_z( dxdxi[qp](2) );

        libMesh::TensorValue<libMesh::Real> a_cov, a_contra, A_cov, A_contra;
        libMesh::Real lambda_sq = 0;

        this->compute_metric_tensors( qp, *(this->get_fe(context)), context,
                                      grad_u, grad_v, grad_w,
                                      a_cov, a_contra, A_cov, A_contra,
                                      lambda_sq );

        // Compute stress tensor
        libMesh::TensorValue<libMesh::Real> tau;
        ElasticityTensor C;

        libMesh::Real jac = JxW[qp];

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi( dphi_dxi[i][qp] );

            libMesh::Real u_diag_factor = _lambda_factor*this->_A*jac*tau(0,0)*dgradu_dt(0)*u_gradphi(0);
            libMesh::Real v_diag_factor = _lambda_factor*this->_A*jac*tau(0,0)*dgradv_dt(0)*u_gradphi(0);
            libMesh::Real w_diag_factor = _lambda_factor*this->_A*jac*tau(0,0)*dgradw_dt(0)*u_gradphi(0);

            const libMesh::Real C1 = _lambda_factor*this->_A*jac*C(0,0,0,0)*u_gradphi(0);

            const libMesh::Real gamma_u = (grad_x(0)+grad_u(0));
            const libMesh::Real gamma_v = (grad_y(0)+grad_v(0));
            const libMesh::Real gamma_w = (grad_z(0)+grad_w(0));

            const libMesh::Real x_term = C1*gamma_u;
            const libMesh::Real y_term = C1*gamma_v;
            const libMesh::Real z_term = C1*gamma_w;

            const libMesh::Real dt_term = dgradu_dt(0)*gamma_u + dgradv_dt(0)*gamma_v + dgradw_dt(0)*gamma_w;

            Fu(i) += u_diag_factor + x_term*dt_term;
            Fv(i) += v_diag_factor + y_term*dt_term;
            Fw(i) += w_diag_factor + z_term*dt_term;

        if( compute_jacobian )
            for(unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
                libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi_I( dphi_dxi[i][qp] );

                for(unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
                    libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi_J( dphi_dxi[j][qp] );

                    libMesh::Real common_factor = _lambda_factor*this->_A*jac*u_gradphi_I(0);

                    const libMesh::Real diag_term_1 = common_factor*tau(0,0)*u_gradphi_J(0)*context.get_elem_solution_rate_derivative();

                    const libMesh::Real dgamma_du = ( u_gradphi_J(0)*(grad_x(0)+grad_u(0)) );

                    const libMesh::Real dgamma_dv = ( u_gradphi_J(0)*(grad_y(0)+grad_v(0)) );

                    const libMesh::Real dgamma_dw = ( u_gradphi_J(0)*(grad_z(0)+grad_w(0)) );

                    const libMesh::Real diag_term_2_factor = common_factor*C(0,0,0,0)*context.get_elem_solution_derivative();

                    Kuu(i,j) += diag_term_1 + dgradu_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_du;
                    Kuv(i,j) += dgradu_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_dv;
                    Kuw(i,j) += dgradu_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_dw;

                    Kvu(i,j) += dgradv_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_du;
                    Kvv(i,j) += diag_term_1 + dgradv_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_dv;
                    Kvw(i,j) += dgradv_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_dw;

                    Kwu(i,j) += dgradw_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_du;
                    Kwv(i,j) += dgradw_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_dv;
                    Kww(i,j) += diag_term_1 + dgradw_dt(0)*diag_term_2_factor*dgamma_dw;

                    const libMesh::Real C1 = common_factor*C(0,0,0,0);

                    const libMesh::Real gamma_u = (grad_x(0)+grad_u(0));
                    const libMesh::Real gamma_v = (grad_y(0)+grad_v(0));
                    const libMesh::Real gamma_w = (grad_z(0)+grad_w(0));

                    const libMesh::Real x_term = C1*gamma_u;
                    const libMesh::Real y_term = C1*gamma_v;
                    const libMesh::Real z_term = C1*gamma_w;

                    const libMesh::Real ddtterm_du = u_gradphi_J(0)*(gamma_u*context.get_elem_solution_rate_derivative()
                                                                     + dgradu_dt(0)*context.get_elem_solution_derivative());

                    const libMesh::Real ddtterm_dv = u_gradphi_J(0)*(gamma_v*context.get_elem_solution_rate_derivative()
                                                                     + dgradv_dt(0)*context.get_elem_solution_derivative());

                    const libMesh::Real ddtterm_dw = u_gradphi_J(0)*(gamma_w*context.get_elem_solution_rate_derivative()
                                                                     + dgradw_dt(0)*context.get_elem_solution_derivative());

                    Kuu(i,j) += x_term*ddtterm_du;
                    Kuv(i,j) += x_term*ddtterm_dv;
                    Kuw(i,j) += x_term*ddtterm_dw;

                    Kvu(i,j) += y_term*ddtterm_du;
                    Kvv(i,j) += y_term*ddtterm_dv;
                    Kvw(i,j) += y_term*ddtterm_dw;

                    Kwu(i,j) += z_term*ddtterm_du;
                    Kwv(i,j) += z_term*ddtterm_dv;
                    Kww(i,j) += z_term*ddtterm_dw;

                    const libMesh::Real dt_term = dgradu_dt(0)*gamma_u + dgradv_dt(0)*gamma_v + dgradw_dt(0)*gamma_w;

                    // Here, we're missing derivatives of C(0,0,0,0) w.r.t. strain
                    // Nonzero for hyperelasticity models
                    const libMesh::Real dxterm_du = C1*u_gradphi_J(0)*context.get_elem_solution_derivative();
                    const libMesh::Real dyterm_dv = dxterm_du;
                    const libMesh::Real dzterm_dw = dxterm_du;

                    Kuu(i,j) += dxterm_du*dt_term;
                    Kvv(i,j) += dyterm_dv*dt_term;
                    Kww(i,j) += dzterm_dw*dt_term;

                  } // end j-loop
              } // end i-loop
          } // end if(compute_jacobian)
      } // end qp loop
예제 #16
  void BoussinesqBuoyancy::element_time_derivative
  ( bool compute_jacobian,
    AssemblyContext & context )
    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable.
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(_flow_vars.u()).size();
    const unsigned int n_T_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(_temp_vars.T()).size();

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weights for interior integration.
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    // The velocity shape functions at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& vel_phi =

    // The temperature shape functions at interior quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& T_phi =

    // Get residuals
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(_flow_vars.u()); // R_{u}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(_flow_vars.v()); // R_{v}
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>* Fw = NULL;

    // Get Jacobians
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &KuT = context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.u(), _temp_vars.T()); // R_{u},{T}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number> &KvT = context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.v(), _temp_vars.T()); // R_{v},{T}
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>* KwT = NULL;

    if( this->_flow_vars.dim() == 3 )
        Fw  = &context.get_elem_residual(_flow_vars.w()); // R_{w}
        KwT = &context.get_elem_jacobian(_flow_vars.w(), _temp_vars.T()); // R_{w},{T}

    // Now we will build the element Jacobian and residual.
    // Constructing the residual requires the solution and its
    // gradient from the previous timestep.  This must be
    // calculated at each quadrature point by summing the
    // solution degree-of-freedom values by the appropriate
    // weight functions.
    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        // Compute the solution & its gradient at the old Newton iterate.
        libMesh::Number T;
        T = context.interior_value(_temp_vars.T(), qp);

        // First, an i-loop over the velocity degrees of freedom.
        // We know that n_u_dofs == n_v_dofs so we can compute contributions
        // for both at the same time.
        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            Fu(i) += -_rho*_beta_T*(T - _T_ref)*_g(0)*vel_phi[i][qp]*JxW[qp];
            Fv(i) += -_rho*_beta_T*(T - _T_ref)*_g(1)*vel_phi[i][qp]*JxW[qp];

            if (this->_flow_vars.dim() == 3)
              (*Fw)(i) += -_rho*_beta_T*(T - _T_ref)*_g(2)*vel_phi[i][qp]*JxW[qp];

            if (compute_jacobian)
                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_T_dofs; j++)
                    KuT(i,j) += context.get_elem_solution_derivative() *
                    KvT(i,j) += context.get_elem_solution_derivative() *

                    if (this->_flow_vars.dim() == 3)
                      (*KwT)(i,j) += context.get_elem_solution_derivative() *

                  } // End j dof loop
              } // End compute_jacobian check

          } // End i dof loop
      } // End quadrature loop
예제 #17
  void ElasticMembraneConstantPressure::element_time_derivative( bool compute_jacobian,
                                                                 AssemblyContext& context,
                                                                 CachedValues& /*cache*/ )
    const unsigned int n_u_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(_disp_vars.u()).size();

    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& u_phi =

    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fu = context.get_elem_residual(_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fv = context.get_elem_residual(_disp_vars.v());
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &Fw = context.get_elem_residual(_disp_vars.w());

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kuv = context.get_elem_jacobian(_disp_vars.u(),_disp_vars.v());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kuw = context.get_elem_jacobian(_disp_vars.u(),_disp_vars.w());

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kvu = context.get_elem_jacobian(_disp_vars.v(),_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kvw = context.get_elem_jacobian(_disp_vars.v(),_disp_vars.w());

    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kwu = context.get_elem_jacobian(_disp_vars.w(),_disp_vars.u());
    libMesh::DenseSubMatrix<libMesh::Number>& Kwv = context.get_elem_jacobian(_disp_vars.w(),_disp_vars.v());

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_element_qrule().n_points();

    // All shape function gradients are w.r.t. master element coordinates
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& dphi_dxi =

    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& dphi_deta =

    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& u_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( _disp_vars.u() );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& v_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( _disp_vars.v() );
    const libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number>& w_coeffs = context.get_elem_solution( _disp_vars.w() );

    const std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient>& dxdxi  = this->get_fe(context)->get_dxyzdxi();
    const std::vector<libMesh::RealGradient>& dxdeta = this->get_fe(context)->get_dxyzdeta();

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        // sqrt(det(a_cov)), a_cov being the covariant metric tensor of undeformed body
        libMesh::Real sqrt_a = sqrt( dxdxi[qp]*dxdxi[qp]*dxdeta[qp]*dxdeta[qp]
                                     - dxdxi[qp]*dxdeta[qp]*dxdeta[qp]*dxdxi[qp] );

        // Gradients are w.r.t. master element coordinates
        libMesh::Gradient grad_u, grad_v, grad_w;
        for( unsigned int d = 0; d < n_u_dofs; d++ )
            libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi( dphi_dxi[d][qp], dphi_deta[d][qp] );
            grad_u += u_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            grad_v += v_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;
            grad_w += w_coeffs(d)*u_gradphi;

        libMesh::RealGradient dudxi( grad_u(0), grad_v(0), grad_w(0) );
        libMesh::RealGradient dudeta( grad_u(1), grad_v(1), grad_w(1) );

        libMesh::RealGradient A_1 = dxdxi[qp] + dudxi;
        libMesh::RealGradient A_2 = dxdeta[qp] + dudeta;

        libMesh::RealGradient A_3 = A_1.cross(A_2);

        /* The formula here is actually
           P*\sqrt{\frac{A}{a}}*A_3, where A_3 is a unit vector
           But, |A_3| = \sqrt{A} so the normalizing part kills
           the \sqrt{A} in the numerator, so we can leave it out
           and *not* normalize A_3.
        libMesh::RealGradient traction = _pressure/sqrt_a*A_3;

        libMesh::Real jac = JxW[qp];

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_u_dofs; i++)
            Fu(i) -= traction(0)*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;

            Fv(i) -= traction(1)*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;

            Fw(i) -= traction(2)*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;

            if( compute_jacobian )
                for (unsigned int j=0; j != n_u_dofs; j++)
                    libMesh::RealGradient u_gradphi( dphi_dxi[j][qp], dphi_deta[j][qp] );

                    const libMesh::Real dt0_dv = _pressure/sqrt_a*(u_gradphi(0)*A_2(2) - A_1(2)*u_gradphi(1));
                    const libMesh::Real dt0_dw = _pressure/sqrt_a*(A_1(1)*u_gradphi(1) - u_gradphi(0)*A_2(1));

                    const libMesh::Real dt1_du = _pressure/sqrt_a*(A_1(2)*u_gradphi(1) - u_gradphi(0)*A_2(2));
                    const libMesh::Real dt1_dw = _pressure/sqrt_a*(u_gradphi(0)*A_2(0) - A_1(0)*u_gradphi(1));

                    const libMesh::Real dt2_du = _pressure/sqrt_a*(u_gradphi(0)*A_2(1) - A_1(1)*u_gradphi(1));
                    const libMesh::Real dt2_dv = _pressure/sqrt_a*(A_1(0)*u_gradphi(1) - u_gradphi(0)*A_2(0));

                    Kuv(i,j) -= dt0_dv*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;
                    Kuw(i,j) -= dt0_dw*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;

                    Kvu(i,j) -= dt1_du*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;
                    Kvw(i,j) -= dt1_dw*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;

                    Kwu(i,j) -= dt2_du*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;
                    Kwv(i,j) -= dt2_dv*u_phi[i][qp]*jac;
