예제 #1
파일: Palette.c 프로젝트: 1060460048/Pillow
ImagingPaletteCacheUpdate(ImagingPalette palette, int r, int g, int b)
    int i, j;
    unsigned int dmin[256], dmax;
    int r0, g0, b0;
    int r1, g1, b1;
    int rc, gc, bc;
    unsigned int d[BOXVOLUME];

    /* Get box boundaries for the given (r,g,b)-triplet.  Each box
       covers eight cache slots (32 colour values, that is). */

    r0 = r & 0xe0; r1 = r0 + 0x1f; rc = (r0 + r1) / 2;
    g0 = g & 0xe0; g1 = g0 + 0x1f; gc = (g0 + g1) / 2;
    b0 = b & 0xe0; b1 = b0 + 0x1f; bc = (b0 + b1) / 2;

    /* Step 1 -- Select relevant palette entries (after Heckbert) */

    /* For each palette entry, calculate the min and max distances to
     * any position in the box given by the colour we're looking for. */

    dmax = (unsigned int) ~0;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

	int r, g, b;
	unsigned int tmin, tmax;

	/* Find min and max distances to any point in the box */
	r = palette->palette[i*4+0];
	tmin = (r < r0) ? RDIST(r, r1) : (r > r1) ? RDIST(r, r0) : 0;
	tmax = (r <= rc) ? RDIST(r, r1) : RDIST(r, r0);

	g = palette->palette[i*4+1];
	tmin += (g < g0) ? GDIST(g, g1) : (g > g1) ? GDIST(g, g0) : 0;
	tmax += (g <= gc) ? GDIST(g, g1) : GDIST(g, g0);

	b = palette->palette[i*4+2];
	tmin += (b < b0) ? BDIST(b, b1) : (b > b1) ? BDIST(b, b0) : 0;
	tmax += (b <= bc) ? BDIST(b, b1) : BDIST(b, b0);

	dmin[i] = tmin;
	if (tmax < dmax)
	    dmax = tmax; /* keep the smallest max distance only */


    /* Step 2 -- Incrementally update cache slot (after Thomas) */

    /* Find the box containing the nearest palette entry, and update
     * all slots in that box.  We only check boxes for which the min
     * distance is less than or equal the smallest max distance */

    for (i = 0; i < BOXVOLUME; i++)
	d[i] = (unsigned int) ~0;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)

	if (dmin[i] <= dmax) {

	    int rd, gd, bd;
	    int ri, gi, bi;
	    int rx, gx, bx;

	    ri = (r0 - palette->palette[i*4+0]) * RSCALE;
	    gi = (g0 - palette->palette[i*4+1]) * GSCALE;
	    bi = (b0 - palette->palette[i*4+2]) * BSCALE;

	    rd = ri*ri + gi*gi + bi*bi;

	    ri = ri * (2 * RSTEP) + RSTEP * RSTEP;
	    gi = gi * (2 * GSTEP) + GSTEP * GSTEP;
	    bi = bi * (2 * BSTEP) + BSTEP * BSTEP;

	    rx = ri;
	    for (r = j = 0; r < BOX; r++) {
		gd = rd; gx = gi;
		for (g = 0; g < BOX; g++) {
		    bd = gd; bx = bi;
		    for (b = 0; b < BOX; b++) {
			if ((unsigned int) bd < d[j]) {
			    d[j] = bd;
			    c[j] = (UINT8) i;
			bd += bx;
			bx += 2 * BSTEP * BSTEP;
		    gd += gx;
		    gx += 2 * GSTEP * GSTEP;
		rd += rx;
		rx += 2 * RSTEP * RSTEP;

    /* Step 3 -- Update cache */

    /* The c array now contains the closest match for each
     * cache slot in the box.  Update the cache. */

    j = 0;
    for (r = r0; r < r1; r+=4)
	for (g = g0; g < g1; g+=4)
	    for (b = b0; b < b1; b+=4)
		ImagingPaletteCache(palette, r, g, b) = c[j++];
예제 #2
/* return 0 (no move), 1 (move) or 2 (dead) */
dog_move(struct monst *mtmp, int after)
	int nx, ny, omx, omy, appr, nearer, j;
	int udist, chi, i, whappr;
	struct monst *mtmp2;
	struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
	struct edog *edog = EDOG(mtmp);
	struct obj *obj;
	struct trap *trap;
	xchar cnt, chcnt, nix, niy;
	schar dogroom, uroom;
	xchar gx, gy, gtyp, otyp;	/* current goal */
	coord poss[9];
	int info[9];
#define GDIST(x,y) ((x-gx)*(x-gx) + (y-gy)*(y-gy))
#define DDIST(x,y) ((x-omx)*(x-omx) + (y-omy)*(y-omy))

	if(moves <= edog->eattime) return(0);	/* dog is still eating */
	omx = mtmp->mx;
	omy = mtmp->my;
	whappr = (moves - EDOG(mtmp)->whistletime < 5);
	if(moves > edog->hungrytime + 500 && !mtmp->mconf){
		mtmp->mconf = 1;
		mtmp->mhpmax /= 3;
		if(mtmp->mhp > mtmp->mhpmax)
			mtmp->mhp = mtmp->mhpmax;
			pline("%s is confused from hunger.", Monnam(mtmp));
		else	pline("You feel worried about %s.", monnam(mtmp));
	} else
	if(moves > edog->hungrytime + 750 || mtmp->mhp < 1){
			pline("%s dies from hunger.", Monnam(mtmp));
		pline("You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
	dogroom = inroom(omx,omy);
	uroom = inroom(u.ux,u.uy);
	udist = dist(omx,omy);

	/* maybe we tamed him while being swallowed --jgm */
	if(!udist) return(0);

	/* if we are carrying sth then we drop it (perhaps near @) */
	/* Note: if apport == 1 then our behaviour is independent of udist */
		if(!rn2(udist) || !rn2((int) edog->apport))
		if(rn2(10) < edog->apport){
			relobj(mtmp, (int) mtmp->minvis);
			if(edog->apport > 1) edog->apport--;
			edog->dropdist = udist;		/* hpscdi!jon */
			edog->droptime = moves;
	} else {
		if ((obj = o_at(omx,omy)))
			if(!strchr("0_", obj->olet)){
				if((otyp = dogfood(obj)) <= CADAVER){
					nix = omx;
					niy = omy;
					goto eatobj;
				if (obj->owt < 10*mtmp->data->mlevel)
					if (rn2(20) < edog->apport+3)
						if (rn2(udist) || !rn2((int) edog->apport)){
							/* if(levl[omx][omy].scrsym == obj->olet)
								newsym(omx,omy); */

	/* first we look for food */
	gtyp = UNDEF;	/* no goal as yet */
	gx = gy = 0;
	for(obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
		otyp = dogfood(obj);
		if(otyp > gtyp || otyp == UNDEF) continue;
		if(inroom(obj->ox,obj->oy) != dogroom) continue;
		if(otyp < MANFOOD &&
		 (dogroom >= 0 || DDIST(obj->ox,obj->oy) < 10)) {
			if(otyp < gtyp || (otyp == gtyp &&
				DDIST(obj->ox,obj->oy) < DDIST(gx,gy))){
				gx = obj->ox;
				gy = obj->oy;
				gtyp = otyp;
		} else
		if(gtyp == UNDEF && dogroom >= 0 &&
		   uroom == dogroom &&
		   !mtmp->minvent && edog->apport > rn2(8)){
			gx = obj->ox;
			gy = obj->oy;
			gtyp = APPORT;
	if(gtyp == UNDEF ||
	  (gtyp != DOGFOOD && gtyp != APPORT && moves < edog->hungrytime)){
		if(dogroom < 0 || dogroom == uroom){
			gx = u.ux;
			gy = u.uy;
#ifndef QUEST
		} else {
			int tmp = rooms[(int)dogroom].fdoor;
			    cnt = rooms[(int)dogroom].doorct;

			gx = gy = FAR;	/* random, far away */
			    if(dist(gx,gy) >
				dist(doors[tmp].x, doors[tmp].y)){
					gx = doors[tmp].x;
					gy = doors[tmp].y;
			/* here gx == FAR e.g. when dog is in a vault */
			if(gx == FAR || (gx == omx && gy == omy)){
				gx = u.ux;
				gy = u.uy;
#endif /* QUEST */
		appr = (udist >= 9) ? 1 : (mtmp->mflee) ? -1 : 0;
		if(after && udist <= 4 && gx == u.ux && gy == u.uy)
		if(udist > 1){
			if (!IS_ROOM(levl[(int)u.ux][(int)u.uy].typ) || !rn2(4) ||
			   whappr ||
			   (mtmp->minvent && rn2((int) edog->apport)))
				appr = 1;
		/* if you have dog food he'll follow you more closely */
		if (appr == 0) {
			obj = invent;
				if(obj->otyp == TRIPE_RATION){
					appr = 1;
				obj = obj->nobj;
	} else	appr = 1;	/* gtyp != UNDEF */
	if(mtmp->mconf) appr = 0;

	if(gx == u.ux && gy == u.uy && (dogroom != uroom || dogroom < 0)){
	coord *cp;
		cp = gettrack(omx,omy);
			gx = cp->x;
			gy = cp->y;

	nix = omx;
	niy = omy;
	cnt = mfndpos(mtmp,poss,info,ALLOW_M | ALLOW_TRAPS);
	chcnt = 0;
	chi = -1;
	for(i=0; i<cnt; i++){
		nx = poss[i].x;
		ny = poss[i].y;
		if(info[i] & ALLOW_M){
			mtmp2 = m_at(nx,ny);
			if(mtmp2->data->mlevel >= mdat->mlevel+2 ||
			  mtmp2->data->mlet == 'c')
			if(after) return(0); /* hit only once each move */

			if(hitmm(mtmp, mtmp2) == 1 && rn2(4) &&
			  mtmp2->mlstmv != moves &&
			  hitmm(mtmp2,mtmp) == 2) return(2);

		/* dog avoids traps */
		/* but perhaps we have to pass a trap in order to follow @ */
		if((info[i] & ALLOW_TRAPS) && (trap = t_at(nx,ny))){
			if(!trap->tseen && rn2(40)) continue;
			if(rn2(10)) continue;

		/* dog eschewes cursed objects */
		/* but likes dog food */
		obj = fobj;
		    if(obj->ox != nx || obj->oy != ny)
			goto nextobj;
		    if(obj->cursed) goto nxti;
		    if(obj->olet == FOOD_SYM &&
			(otyp = dogfood(obj)) < MANFOOD &&
			(otyp < ACCFOOD || edog->hungrytime <= moves)){
			/* Note: our dog likes the food so much that he
			might eat it even when it conceals a cursed object */
			nix = nx;
			niy = ny;
			chi = i;
			edog->eattime =
			    moves + obj->quan * objects[obj->otyp].oc_delay;
			if(edog->hungrytime < moves)
			    edog->hungrytime = moves;
			edog->hungrytime +=
			    5*obj->quan * objects[obj->otyp].nutrition;
			mtmp->mconf = 0;
			    pline("%s ate %s.", Monnam(mtmp), doname(obj));
			/* perhaps this was a reward */
			if(otyp != CADAVER)
			edog->apport += 200/(edog->dropdist+moves-edog->droptime);
			goto newdogpos;
		    obj = obj->nobj;

		for(j=0; j<MTSZ && j<cnt-1; j++)
			if(nx == mtmp->mtrack[j].x && ny == mtmp->mtrack[j].y)
				if(rn2(4*(cnt-j))) goto nxti;

/* Some stupid C compilers cannot compute the whole expression at once. */
		nearer = GDIST(nx,ny);
		nearer -= GDIST(nix,niy);
		nearer *= appr;
		if((nearer == 0 && !rn2(++chcnt)) || nearer<0 ||
			(nearer > 0 && !whappr &&
				((omx == nix && omy == niy && !rn2(3))
				|| !rn2(12))
			nix = nx;
			niy = ny;
			if(nearer < 0) chcnt = 0;
			chi = i;
	nxti:	;
	if(nix != omx || niy != omy){
		if(info[chi] & ALLOW_U){
			(void) hitu(mtmp, d(mdat->damn, mdat->damd)+1);
		mtmp->mx = nix;
		mtmp->my = niy;
		for(j=MTSZ-1; j>0; j--) mtmp->mtrack[j] = mtmp->mtrack[j-1];
		mtmp->mtrack[0].x = omx;
		mtmp->mtrack[0].y = omy;
	if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2)	/* he died */
예제 #3
 * shk_move: return 1: he moved  0: he didnt  -1: let m_move do it
shk_move(struct monst *shkp)
	struct monst *mtmp;
	struct permonst *mdat = shkp->data;
	xchar gx, gy, omx, omy, nx, ny, nix, niy;
	schar appr, i;
	int udist;
	int z;
	schar shkroom, chi, chcnt, cnt;
	boolean uondoor = 0, satdoor, avoid = 0, badinv;
	coord poss[9];
	int info[9];
	struct obj *ib = NULL;

	omx = shkp->mx;
	omy = shkp->my;

	if ((udist = dist(omx, omy)) < 3) {
		if (ANGRY(shkp)) {
			hitu(shkp, d(mdat->damn, mdat->damd) + 1);
			return (0);
		if (ESHK(shkp)->following) {
			if (strncmp(ESHK(shkp)->customer, plname, PL_NSIZ)) {
				pline("Hello %s! I was looking for %s.",
				      plname, ESHK(shkp)->customer);
				ESHK(shkp)->following = 0;
				return (0);
			if (!ESHK(shkp)->robbed) {	/* impossible? */
				ESHK(shkp)->following = 0;
				return (0);
			if (moves > followmsg + 4) {
				pline("Hello %s! Didn't you forget to pay?",
				followmsg = moves;
			if (udist < 2)
				return (0);

	shkroom = inroom(omx, omy);
	appr = 1;
	gx = ESHK(shkp)->shk.x;
	gy = ESHK(shkp)->shk.y;
	satdoor = (gx == omx && gy == omy);
	if (ESHK(shkp)->following || ((z = holetime()) >= 0 && z * z <= udist)) {
		gx = u.ux;
		gy = u.uy;
		if (shkroom < 0 || shkroom != inroom(u.ux, u.uy))
			if (udist > 4)
				return (-1);	/* leave it to m_move */
	} else if (ANGRY(shkp)) {
		long saveBlind = Blind;
		Blind = 0;
		if (shkp->mcansee && !Invis && cansee(omx, omy)) {
			gx = u.ux;
			gy = u.uy;
		Blind = saveBlind;
		avoid = FALSE;
	} else {
#define	GDIST(x, y)	((x - gx) * (x - gx) + (y - gy) * (y - gy))
		if (Invis)
			avoid = FALSE;
		else {
			uondoor = (u.ux == ESHK(shkp)->shd.x &&
				   u.uy == ESHK(shkp)->shd.y);
			if (uondoor) {
				if (ESHK(shkp)->billct)
					pline("Hello %s! Will you please pay before leaving?",
				badinv = (carrying(PICK_AXE) || carrying(ICE_BOX));
				if (satdoor && badinv)
					return (0);
				avoid = !badinv;
			} else {
				avoid = (u.uinshop && dist(gx, gy) > 8);
				badinv = FALSE;

			if (((!ESHK(shkp)->robbed && !ESHK(shkp)->billct) || avoid)
			    && GDIST(omx, omy) < 3) {
				if (!badinv && !online(omx, omy))
					return (0);
				if (satdoor)
					appr = gx = gy = 0;
	if (omx == gx && omy == gy)
		return (0);
	if (shkp->mconf) {
		avoid = FALSE;
		appr = 0;
	nix = omx;
	niy = omy;
	cnt = mfndpos(shkp, poss, info, ALLOW_SSM);
	if (avoid && uondoor) {	/* perhaps we cannot avoid him */
		for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
			if (!(info[i] & NOTONL))
				goto notonl_ok;
		avoid = FALSE;
	chi = -1;
	chcnt = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		nx = poss[i].x;
		ny = poss[i].y;
		if (levl[nx][ny].typ == ROOM
		    || shkroom != ESHK(shkp)->shoproom
		    || ESHK(shkp)->following) {
#ifdef STUPID
			/* cater for stupid compilers */
			int zz;
#endif /* STUPID */
			if (uondoor && (ib = sobj_at(ICE_BOX, nx, ny))) {
				nix = nx;
				niy = ny;
				chi = i; break;
			if (avoid && (info[i] & NOTONL))
			if ((!appr && !rn2(++chcnt)) ||
#ifdef STUPID
			    (appr && (zz = GDIST(nix, niy)) && zz > GDIST(nx, ny))
			    (appr && GDIST(nx, ny) < GDIST(nix, niy))
#endif /* STUPID */
			    ) {
				nix = nx;
				niy = ny;
				chi = i;
	if (nix != omx || niy != omy) {
		if (info[chi] & ALLOW_M) {
			mtmp = m_at(nix, niy);
			if (hitmm(shkp, mtmp) == 1 && rn2(3) &&
			    hitmm(mtmp, shkp) == 2)
				return (2);
			return (0);
		} else if (info[chi] & ALLOW_U) {
			hitu(shkp, d(mdat->damn, mdat->damd) + 1);
			return (0);
		shkp->mx = nix;
		shkp->my = niy;
		if (ib) {
			mpickobj(shkp, ib);
		return (1);
	return (0);
예제 #4
파일: priest.c 프로젝트: FredrIQ/nhfourk
 * Move for priests and shopkeepers.  Called from shk_move() and pri_move().
 * Valid returns are  1: moved  0: didn't  -1: let m_move do it  -2: died.
move_special(struct monst *mtmp, boolean in_his_shop, schar appr,
             boolean uondoor, boolean avoid, xchar omx, xchar omy, xchar gx,
             xchar gy)
    xchar nx, ny, nix, niy;
    schar i;
    schar chcnt, cnt;
    coord poss[9];
    long info[9];
    long allowflags;
    struct obj *ib = NULL;

    if (omx == gx && omy == gy)
        return 0;
    if (mtmp->mconf) {
        avoid = FALSE;
        appr = 0;

    nix = omx;
    niy = omy;
    if (mtmp->isshk)
        allowflags = ALLOW_SSM;
        allowflags = ALLOW_SSM | ALLOW_SANCT;
    if (passes_walls(mtmp->data))
        allowflags |= (ALLOW_ROCK | ALLOW_WALL);
    if (throws_rocks(mtmp->data))
        allowflags |= ALLOW_ROCK;
    if (tunnels(mtmp->data))
        allowflags |= ALLOW_DIG;
    if (!nohands(mtmp->data) && !verysmall(mtmp->data)) {
        allowflags |= OPENDOOR;
        if (m_carrying(mtmp, SKELETON_KEY))
            allowflags |= BUSTDOOR;
    if (is_giant(mtmp->data))
        allowflags |= BUSTDOOR;
    cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, allowflags);

    if (mtmp->isshk && avoid && uondoor) {    /* perhaps we cannot avoid him */
        for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
            if (!(info[i] & NOTONL))
                goto pick_move;
        avoid = FALSE;
#define GDIST(x,y)      (dist2(x,y,gx,gy))
    chcnt = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        nx = poss[i].x;
        ny = poss[i].y;
        if (IS_ROOM(level->locations[nx][ny].typ) ||
            (mtmp->isshk && (!in_his_shop || ESHK(mtmp)->following))) {
            if (avoid && (info[i] & NOTONL))
            if ((!appr && !rn2(++chcnt)) ||
                (appr && GDIST(nx, ny) < GDIST(nix, niy))) {
                nix = nx;
                niy = ny;
    if (mtmp->ispriest && avoid && nix == omx && niy == omy &&
        onlineu(omx, omy)) {
        /* might as well move closer as long it's going to stay lined up */
        avoid = FALSE;
        goto pick_move;

    if (nix != omx || niy != omy) {
        remove_monster(level, omx, omy);
        place_monster(mtmp, nix, niy);
        newsym(nix, niy);
        if (mtmp->isshk && !in_his_shop && inhishop(mtmp))
        if (ib) {
            if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
                pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
                      distant_name(ib, doname));
            mpickobj(mtmp, ib);
        return 1;
    return 0;
예제 #5
 * shk_move: return 1: he moved  0: he didnt  -1: let m_move do it
 * (what about "return 2" ???
Short shk_move(monst_t *shkp)
  monst_t *mtmp;
  permonst_t *mdat = shkp->data;
  UChar gx,gy,omx,omy,nx,ny,nix,niy;
  Int8 appr,i;
  Short udist;
  Short z;
  Int8 shkroom,chi,chcnt,cnt;
  Boolean uondoor=false, satdoor, avoid=false, badinv;
  coord poss[9];
  Short info[9];
  obj_t *ib = NULL;

  omx = shkp->mx;
  omy = shkp->my;

  if ((udist = dist(omx,omy)) < 3) {
    if (ANGRY(shkp)) {
      hit_you(shkp, dice(mdat->damn, mdat->damd)+1);
      return 0;
    if (ESHK(shkp)->following) {
      if (StrNCompare(ESHK(shkp)->customer, plname, PL_NSIZ)) {
	StrPrintF(ScratchBuffer, "Hello %s! I was looking for %s.",
		  plname, ESHK(shkp)->customer);
	ESHK(shkp)->following = false;
	return 0;
      if (!ESHK(shkp)->robbed) {	/* impossible? */
	ESHK(shkp)->following = false;
	return 0;
      if (moves > followmsg+4) {
	StrPrintF(ScratchBuffer, "Hello %s! Didn't you forget to pay?",
	followmsg = moves;
      if (udist < 2)
	return 0;

  shkroom = inroom(omx,omy);
  appr = 1;
  gx = ESHK(shkp)->shk.x;
  gy = ESHK(shkp)->shk.y;
  satdoor = (gx == omx && gy == omy);
  if (ESHK(shkp)->following || ((z = holetime()) >= 0 && z*z <= udist)){
    gx = you.ux;
    gy = you.uy;
    if (shkroom < 0 || shkroom != inroom(you.ux,you.uy))
      if (udist > 4)
	return -1;	/* leave it to m_move */
  } else if (ANGRY(shkp)) {
    Long saveBlind = Blind;
    Blind = 0;
    if ((shkp->mcansee_and_blinded & M_CAN_SEE) && !Invis && cansee(omx,omy)) {
      gx = you.ux;
      gy = you.uy;
    Blind = saveBlind;
    avoid = false;
  } else {
#define	GDIST(x,y)	((x-gx)*(x-gx)+(y-gy)*(y-gy))
    if (Invis)
      avoid = false;
    else {
      uondoor = (you.ux == ESHK(shkp)->shd.x &&
		 you.uy == ESHK(shkp)->shd.y);
      if (uondoor) {
	if (ESHK(shkp)->billct) {
		    "Hello %s! Will you please pay before leaving?", plname);
	badinv = (carrying(PICK_AXE) || carrying(ICE_BOX));
	if (satdoor && badinv)
	  return 0;
	avoid = !badinv;
      } else {
	avoid = (you.uinshop && dist(gx,gy) > 8);
	badinv = false;

      if (((!ESHK(shkp)->robbed && !ESHK(shkp)->billct) || avoid)
	  && GDIST(omx,omy) < 3) {
	if (!badinv && !online(omx,omy))
	  return 0;
	if (satdoor)
	  appr = gx = gy = 0;
  if (omx == gx && omy == gy)
    return 0;
  if (shkp->bitflags & M_IS_CONFUSED) {
    avoid = false;
    appr = 0;
  nix = omx;
  niy = omy;
  cnt = mfindpos(shkp,poss,info,ALLOW_SSM);
  if (avoid && uondoor) {		/* perhaps we cannot avoid him */
    for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
      if (!(info[i] & NOTONL)) goto notonl_ok;
    avoid = false;
  chi = -1;
  chcnt = 0;
  for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++) {
    nx = poss[i].x;
    ny = poss[i].y;
    if (get_cell_type(floor_info[nx][ny]) == ROOM
	|| shkroom != ESHK(shkp)->shoproom
	|| ESHK(shkp)->following) {
#ifdef STUPID
      /* cater for stupid compilers */
      Short zz;
#endif STUPID
      if (uondoor && (ib = sobj_at(ICE_BOX, nx, ny))) {
	nix = nx; niy = ny; chi = i; break;
      if (avoid && (info[i] & NOTONL))
      if ((!appr && !rund(++chcnt)) ||
#ifdef STUPID
	  (appr && (zz = GDIST(nix,niy)) && zz > GDIST(nx,ny))
	  (appr && GDIST(nx,ny) < GDIST(nix,niy))
#endif STUPID
	  ) {
	nix = nx;
	niy = ny;
	chi = i;
  if (nix != omx || niy != omy) {
    if (info[chi] & ALLOW_M){
      mtmp = mon_at(nix,niy);
      if (hitmm(shkp,mtmp) == 1 && rund(3) &&
	  hitmm(mtmp,shkp) == 2) return 2;
      return 0;
    } else if (info[chi] & ALLOW_U){
      hit_you(shkp, dice(mdat->damn, mdat->damd)+1);
      return 0;
    shkp->mx = nix;
    shkp->my = niy;
    if (ib) {
      mpickobj(shkp, ib);
    return 1;
  return 0;