예제 #1
JsVar *jswrap_fs_readdir(JsVar *path) {
  JsVar *arr = 0; // undefined unless we can open card

  char pathStr[JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE] = "";
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(path))
    jsvGetString(path, pathStr, JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE);
#ifdef LINUX
  if (!pathStr[0]) strcpy(pathStr, "."); // deal with empty readdir

  FRESULT res = 0;
  if (jsfsInit()) {
#ifndef LINUX
    DIR dirs;
    if ((res=f_opendir(&dirs, pathStr)) == FR_OK) {
      FILINFO Finfo;
#if _USE_LFN!=0
      char lfnBuf[_MAX_LFN+1];
      Finfo.lfname = lfnBuf;
      Finfo.lfsize = sizeof(lfnBuf);
    DIR *dir = opendir(pathStr);
    if(dir) {
      arr = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_ARRAY);
      if (arr) { // could be out of memory
#ifndef LINUX
        while (((res=f_readdir(&dirs, &Finfo)) == FR_OK) && Finfo.fname[0]) {
          char *fn = GET_FILENAME(Finfo);
        struct dirent *pDir=NULL;
        while((pDir = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
          char *fn = (*pDir).d_name;
          JsVar *fnVar = jsvNewFromString(fn);
          if (fnVar) {// out of memory?
            jsvArrayPush(arr, fnVar);
#ifdef LINUX
  if (res) jsfsReportError("Unable to list files", res);
  return arr;

/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "writeFile",
         "generate_full" : " jswrap_fs_writeOrAppendFile(path, data, false)",
         "description" : [ "Write the data to the given file", "NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like the 'Sync' version." ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ],
         "return" : [ "bool", "True on success, false on failure" ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "writeFileSync", "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
         "generate_full" : " jswrap_fs_writeOrAppendFile(path, data, false)",
         "description" : [ "Write the data to the given file" ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ],
         "return" : [ "bool", "True on success, false on failure" ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "appendFile",
         "generate_full" : " jswrap_fs_writeOrAppendFile(path, data, true)",
         "description" : [ "Append the data to the given file, created a new file if it doesn't exist", "NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like the 'Sync' version." ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ],
         "return" : [ "bool", "True on success, false on failure" ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "appendFileSync", "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
         "generate_full" : "jswrap_fs_writeOrAppendFile(path, data, true)",
         "description" : [ "Append the data to the given file, created a new file if it doesn't exist" ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ],
         "return" : [ "bool", "True on success, false on failure" ]
bool jswrap_fs_writeOrAppendFile(JsVar *path, JsVar *data, bool append) {
  JsVar *fMode = jsvNewFromString(append ? "a" : "w");
  JsVar *f = jswrap_E_openFile(path, fMode);
  if (!f) return 0;
  size_t amt = jswrap_file_write(f, data);
  return amt>0;

/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "readFile",
         "generate" : "jswrap_fs_readFile",
         "description" : [ "Read all data from a file and return as a string", "NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like the 'Sync' version." ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to read" ] ],
         "return" : [ "JsVar", "A string containing the contents of the file (or undefined if the file doesn't exist)" ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "readFileSync", "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
         "generate" : "jswrap_fs_readFile",
         "description" : [ "Read all data from a file and return as a string.","**Note:** The size of files you can load using this method is limited by the amount of available RAM. To read files a bit at a time, see the `File` class." ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to read" ] ],
         "return" : [ "JsVar", "A string containing the contents of the file (or undefined if the file doesn't exist)" ]
JsVar *jswrap_fs_readFile(JsVar *path) {
  JsVar *fMode = jsvNewFromString("r");
  JsVar *f = jswrap_E_openFile(path, fMode);
  if (!f) return 0;
  JsVar *buffer = jswrap_file_read(f, 0x7FFFFFFF);
  return buffer;
예제 #2
파일: jswrap_fat.c 프로젝트: jbkim/Espruino
JsVar *wrap_fat_readdir(JsVar *path) {
  JsVar *arr = 0; // undefined unless we can open card

  char pathStr[JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE] = "";
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(path))
    jsvGetString(path, pathStr, JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE);
#ifdef LINUX
  if (!pathStr[0]) strcpy(pathStr, "."); // deal with empty readdir

  FRESULT res = 0;
  if (jsfsInit()) {
#ifndef LINUX
    DIR dirs;
    if ((res=f_opendir(&dirs, pathStr)) == FR_OK) {
      char lfnBuf[_MAX_LFN+1];
      FILINFO Finfo;
      Finfo.lfname = lfnBuf;
      Finfo.lfsize = sizeof(lfnBuf);
    DIR *dir = opendir(pathStr);
    if(dir) {
      arr = jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_ARRAY);
      if (arr) { // could be out of memory
#ifndef LINUX
        while (((res=f_readdir(&dirs, &Finfo)) == FR_OK) && Finfo.fname[0]) {
          char *fn = GET_FILENAME(Finfo);
        struct dirent *pDir=NULL;
        while((pDir = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
          char *fn = (*pDir).d_name;
          JsVar *fnVar = jsvNewFromString(fn);
          if (fnVar) // out of memory?
            jsvArrayPush(arr, fnVar);
#ifdef LINUX
  if (res) jsfsReportError("Unable to list files", res);
  return arr;

/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "writeFile",
         "generate" : "wrap_fat_writeFile",
         "description" : [ "Write the data to the given file", "NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like the 'Sync' version." ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "writeFileSync", "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
         "generate" : "wrap_fat_writeFile",
         "description" : [ "Write the data to the given file" ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "appendFile",
         "generate" : "wrap_fat_appendFile",
         "description" : [ "Append the data to the given file, created a new file if it doesn't exist", "NOTE: Espruino does not yet support Async file IO, so this function behaves like the 'Sync' version." ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ]
/*JSON{  "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "fs", "name" : "appendFileSync", "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
         "generate" : "wrap_fat_appendFile",
         "description" : [ "Append the data to the given file, created a new file if it doesn't exist" ],
         "params" : [ [ "path", "JsVar", "The path of the file to write" ],
                      [ "data", "JsVar", "The data to write to the file" ] ]
void wrap_fat_writeOrAppendFile(JsVar *path, JsVar *data, bool append) {
  char pathStr[JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE] = "";
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(path))
    jsvGetString(path, pathStr, JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE);

  FRESULT res = 0;
  if (jsfsInit()) {
#ifndef LINUX
    FIL file;

    if ((res=f_open(&file, pathStr, FA_WRITE|(append ? FA_OPEN_ALWAYS : FA_CREATE_ALWAYS))) == FR_OK) {

      if (append) {
        // move to end of file to append data
        f_lseek(&file, file.fsize);
//        if (res != FR_OK) jsfsReportError("Unable to move to end of file", res);
      FILE *file = fopen(pathStr, append?"a":"w");
      if (file) {

      JsvStringIterator it;
      JsVar *dataString = jsvAsString(data, false);
      jsvStringIteratorNew(&it, dataString, 0);
      size_t toWrite = 0;
      size_t written = 0;

      while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it) && res==FR_OK && written==toWrite) {

        // re-use pathStr buffer
        toWrite = 0;
        while (jsvStringIteratorHasChar(&it) && toWrite < JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE) {
          pathStr[toWrite++] = jsvStringIteratorGetChar(&it);
#ifndef LINUX
        res = f_write(&file, pathStr, toWrite, &written);
        written = fwrite(pathStr, 1, toWrite, file);
#ifndef LINUX
  if (res) jsfsReportError("Unable to write file", res);
void wrap_fat_writeFile(JsVar *path, JsVar *data) {
  wrap_fat_writeOrAppendFile(path, data, false);
void wrap_fat_appendFile(JsVar *path, JsVar *data) {
  wrap_fat_writeOrAppendFile(path, data, true);