int can_edit_zone(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum) { /* no access if called with bad arguments */ if (!ch->desc || IS_NPC(ch) || rnum == NOWHERE) return FALSE; /* always access if ch is high enough level */ if (GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_GRGOD) return (TRUE); /* always access if a player have helped build the zone in the first place */ if (is_name(GET_NAME(ch), zone_table[rnum].builders)) return (FALSE); /* no access if you haven't been assigned a zone */ if (GET_OLC_ZONE(ch) == NOWHERE) return FALSE; /* no access if you're not at least LVL_BUILDER */ if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_BUILDER) return FALSE; /* always access if you're assigned to this zone */ if (real_zone(GET_OLC_ZONE(ch)) == rnum) return TRUE; return (FALSE); }
// Calculates the amount of reputation gained by the killer if they // were to pkill the victim int pk_reputation_gain(struct creature *perp, struct creature *victim) { if (perp == victim || IS_NPC(perp) || IS_NPC(victim)) return 0; // Start with 10 for causing hassle int gain = 10; // adjust for level/gen difference gain += ((GET_LEVEL(perp) + GET_REMORT_GEN(perp) * 50) - (GET_LEVEL(victim) + GET_REMORT_GEN(victim) * 50)) / 5; // Additional adjustment for killing an innocent if (reputation_of(victim) == 0) gain *= 2; // Additional adjustment for killing a lower gen if (GET_REMORT_GEN(perp) > GET_REMORT_GEN(victim)) gain += (GET_REMORT_GEN(perp) - GET_REMORT_GEN(victim)) * 9; if (IS_CRIMINAL(victim)) gain /= 4; gain = MAX(1, gain); return gain; }
/* manapoint gain per game hour */ int mana_gain(CharData * ch) { int malnourishCount = 0; struct affected_type *hjp, *next; if (IN_ROOM(ch) == -1) return 0; if(!IS_NPC(ch) && ((GET_COND(ch, HUNGER) == 0 && !IS_VAMPIRE(ch)) || GET_COND(ch, THIRST) == 0)) { if(ch->desc && percentSuccess(2)) { if(!affected_by_spell(ch, SKILL_EMACIATED)) add_affect( ch, ch, SKILL_EMACIATED, GET_LEVEL(ch), 0, 0, -1, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); for (hjp = ch->affected; hjp; hjp = next) { next = hjp->next; if (hjp->type == SKILL_EMACIATED_MANA) malnourishCount++; } if(malnourishCount < 18) add_affect( ch, ch, SKILL_EMACIATED_MANA, GET_LEVEL(ch), APPLY_MANA, -MIN(50, GET_MANA(ch)/20), -1, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } } int base = calcManaBase(ch); int multiplier = calcManaMulti(ch); int bonus = calcManaBonus(ch); int gain = base*multiplier/100 + bonus; if (affected_by_spell(ch, SKILL_POTENCY)) gain *= 5; return (gain); }
void do_peer(struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd) { void do_look(struct char_data *ch,char *arg,int cmd); if( GET_MANA(ch) < (15 - GET_LEVEL(ch,BestThiefClass(ch))/4)) { send_to_char("You don't really see anything...\n\r",ch); return; } if(!*argument) { send_to_char("You must peer in a direction...\n\r",ch); return; } if(ch->skills[SKILL_PEER].learned < number(1,101)) { do_look(ch,argument,0); GET_MANA(ch) -= 5; return; } GET_MANA(ch) -= (20 - GET_LEVEL(ch,BestThiefClass(ch))/4); if(ch->skills[SKILL_PEER].learned < 50) ch->skills[SKILL_PEER].learned +=2; act("$n peers about the area.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); do_look(ch,argument,SKILL_PEER); }
void gain_exp_regardless(struct char_data * ch, int gain) { int is_altered = FALSE; int num_levels = 0; GET_EXP(ch) += gain; if (GET_EXP(ch) < 0) GET_EXP(ch) = 0; if (!IS_NPC(ch)) { while (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMPL && GET_EXP(ch) >= level_exp(GET_CLASS(ch), GET_LEVEL(ch) + 1)) { GET_LEVEL(ch) += 1; num_levels++; advance_level(ch); is_altered = TRUE; } if (is_altered) { sprintf(buf, "%s advanced %d level%s to level %d.", GET_NAME(ch), num_levels, num_levels == 1 ? "" : "s", GET_LEVEL(ch)); mudlog(buf, BRF, MAX(LVL_IMMORT, GET_INVIS_LEV(ch)), TRUE); if (num_levels == 1) send_to_char("You rise a level!\r\n", ch); else { sprintf(buf, "You rise %d levels!\r\n", num_levels); send_to_char(buf, ch); } set_title(ch, NULL); check_autowiz(ch); } } }
int mag_savingthrow(struct char_data * ch, int type) { int save; /* negative apply_saving_throw values make saving throws better! */ if (!ch) { return 0; } if (IS_NPC(ch)) { save = class_saving_throws[(int) CLASS_WARRIOR][type] - (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 3); save += mob_race_saving_throws[(int) GET_RACE(ch)][type]; } else { save = class_saving_throws[(int) GET_CLASS(ch)][type] - (GET_LEVEL(ch) / 4); save += race_saving_throws[(int) GET_RACE(ch)][type]; } save += GET_SAVE(ch, type); /* throwing a 0 is always a failure */ if (MAX(1, save) < number(0, 20)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
void gain_skill_prof(struct creature *ch, int skl) { int learned; if (skl == SKILL_READ_SCROLLS || skl == SKILL_USE_WANDS) learned = 10; else learned = LEARNED(ch); // NPCs don't learn if (IS_NPC(ch)) return; // You can't gain in a skill that you don't really know if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < SPELL_LEVEL(skl, GET_CLASS(ch))) { if (!IS_REMORT(ch)) return; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < SPELL_LEVEL(skl, GET_REMORT_CLASS(ch))) return; } // Check for remort classes too if (SPELL_GEN(skl, GET_CLASS(ch)) > 0 && GET_REMORT_GEN(ch) < SPELL_GEN(skl, GET_CLASS(ch))) return; if (GET_SKILL(ch, skl) >= (learned - 10)) if ((GET_SKILL(ch, skl) - GET_LEVEL(ch)) <= 66) SET_SKILL(ch, skl, GET_SKILL(ch, skl) + 1); }
void quest_join(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *qm, char argument[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]) { qst_vnum vnum; qst_rnum rnum; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; if (!*argument) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s What quest did you wish to join?", GET_NAME(ch)); else if (GET_QUEST(ch) != NOTHING) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s But you are already part of a quest!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if((vnum = find_quest_by_qmnum(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(qm), atoi(argument))) == NOTHING) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s I don't know of such a quest!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if ((rnum = real_quest(vnum)) == NOTHING) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s I don't know of such a quest!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < QST_MINLEVEL(rnum)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s You are not experienced enough for that quest!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if (GET_LEVEL(ch) > QST_MAXLEVEL(rnum)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s You are too experienced for that quest!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if (is_complete(ch, vnum)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s You have already completed that quest!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if ((QST_PREV(rnum) != NOTHING) && !is_complete(ch, QST_PREV(rnum))) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s That quest is not available to you yet!", GET_NAME(ch)); else if ((QST_PREREQ(rnum) != NOTHING) && (real_object(QST_PREREQ(rnum)) != NOTHING) && (get_obj_in_list_num(real_object(QST_PREREQ(rnum)), ch->carrying) == NULL)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s You need to have %s first!", GET_NAME(ch), obj_proto[real_object(QST_PREREQ(rnum))].short_description); else { act("You join the quest.", TRUE, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR); act("$n has joined a quest.", TRUE, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s Listen carefully to the instructions.", GET_NAME(ch)); do_tell(qm, buf, cmd_tell, 0); set_quest(ch, rnum); send_to_char(ch, "%s", QST_INFO(rnum)); if (QST_TIME(rnum) != -1) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s You have a time limit of %d turn%s to complete the quest.", GET_NAME(ch), QST_TIME(rnum), QST_TIME(rnum) == 1 ? "" : "s"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s You can take however long you want to complete the quest.", GET_NAME(ch)); } do_tell(qm, buf, cmd_tell, 0); save_char(ch); }
int BestClassBIT(struct char_data *ch) { int max=0, iClass=0, i; for (i=0; i< MAX_CLASS; i++) if (max < GET_LEVEL(ch,i)) { max = GET_LEVEL(ch, i); iClass = i; } assert(max > 0); switch(iClass) { case MAGE_LEVEL_IND: return(1); break; case CLERIC_LEVEL_IND: return(2); break; case WARRIOR_LEVEL_IND: return(4); break; case THIEF_LEVEL_IND: return(8); break; case DRUID_LEVEL_IND: return(16); break; case MONK_LEVEL_IND: return(32); break; case BARBARIAN_LEVEL_IND: return(64); break; case SORCERER_LEVEL_IND: return(128); break; case PALADIN_LEVEL_IND: return(256); break; case RANGER_LEVEL_IND: return(512); break; case PSI_LEVEL_IND: return(1024); break; default: mudlog( LOG_SYSERR, "Error in BestClassBIT"); break; } /* switch */ return(iClass); }
int max_exp_gain_pc(CHAR_DATA * ch) { int result = 1; if (!IS_NPC(ch)) { int max_per_lev = level_exp(ch, GET_LEVEL(ch) + 1) - level_exp(ch, GET_LEVEL(ch) + 0); result = max_per_lev / (10 + GET_REMORT(ch)); } return result; }
/* ** doInvigorate */ void doInvigorate(CharData* ch) { int gain = 0; gain += number(1, GET_LEVEL(ch)/3); gain += number(1, (GET_MAX_HIT(ch) - GET_LEVEL(ch)*12)/15); if (GET_HIT(ch) < GET_MAX_HIT(ch)) GET_HIT(ch) = MIN( GET_MAX_HIT(ch), GET_HIT(ch) + gain ); }
int GetMaxLevel(struct char_data *ch) { register int max=0, i; for (i=0; i< MAX_CLASS; i++) { if (GET_LEVEL(ch, i) > max) max = GET_LEVEL(ch,i); } return(max); }
int Crash_offer_rent(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * receptionist, int display, int factor) { char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int i; long totalcost = 0, numitems = 0, norent = 0; norent = Crash_report_unrentables(ch, receptionist, ch->carrying); for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEARS; i++) norent += Crash_report_unrentables(ch, receptionist, GET_EQ(ch, i)); if (norent) return 0; totalcost = min_rent_cost * factor; Crash_report_rent(ch, receptionist, ch->carrying, &totalcost, &numitems, display, factor); for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEARS; i++) Crash_report_rent(ch, receptionist, GET_EQ(ch, i), &totalcost, &numitems, display, factor); if (!numitems) { sprintf(buf, "%s But you are not carrying anything! Just quit!", GET_NAME(ch)); do_tell(receptionist, buf, 0, 0); return (0); } if (numitems > max_obj_save) { sprintf(buf, "%s Sorry, but I cannot store more than %d items.", GET_NAME(ch), max_obj_save); do_tell(receptionist, buf, 0, 0); return (0); } if (display) { sprintf(buf, "%s Plus, my %d coin fee..", GET_NAME(ch), min_rent_cost * factor); do_tell(receptionist, buf, 0, 0); sprintf(buf, "%s Totalling %ld, minus your rent credit of %ld...", GET_NAME(ch), totalcost, (long)(GET_LEVEL(ch) * 800)); do_tell(receptionist, buf, 0, 0); totalcost = MAX(0, (int)(totalcost - (GET_LEVEL(ch) * 800))); sprintf(buf, "%s That will be %ld coin%s%s.", GET_NAME(ch), totalcost, (totalcost == 1 ? "" : "s"), (factor == RENT_FACTOR ? " per day" : "")); do_tell(receptionist, buf, 0, 0); if (totalcost > GET_GOLD(ch)) { sprintf(buf, "%s ...which I see you can't afford.", GET_NAME(ch)); do_tell(receptionist, buf, 0, 0); return (0); } else if (factor == RENT_FACTOR) Crash_rent_deadline(ch, receptionist, totalcost); } return (totalcost); }
void Board_write_message(int board_type, struct char_data *ch, char *arg) { char buf[200], buf2[200]; char *tmstr; int ct, len; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < WRITE_LVL(board_type)) { send_to_char("You are not advanced enough to write on this board.\n\r", ch); return; } if (num_of_msgs[board_type] >= MAX_BOARD_MESSAGES) { send_to_char("The board is full.\n\r", ch); return; } if ((NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).slot_num = find_slot()) == -1) { send_to_char("The board is malfunctioning - sorry.\n\r", ch); log("Board: failed to find empty slot on write."); return; } /* skip blanks */ /* RT removed for(; isspace(*arg); arg++); */ if (!*arg) { send_to_char("We must have a headline!\n\r", ch); return; } ct = time(0); tmstr = (char *) asctime(localtime(&ct)); *(tmstr + strlen(tmstr) - 1) = '\0'; sprintf(buf2, "(%s)", GET_NAME(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%6.10s %-12s :: %s", tmstr, buf2, arg); len = strlen(buf) + 1; if (!(NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*len))) { send_to_char("The board is malfunctioning - sorry.\n\r", ch); return; } strcpy(NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading, buf); NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading[len-1] = '\0'; NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).level = GET_LEVEL(ch); send_to_char("Write your message. Terminate with a @.\n\r\n\r", ch); act("$n starts to write a message.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); ch->desc->str = &(msg_storage[NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).slot_num]); ch->desc->max_str = MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH; num_of_msgs[board_type]++; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * NAME * getLevelFromCCTLut * * DESCRIPTION * This function linearly interpolates the color value from LUT and * color temperature. * * RETURNS * Level of the colour from 0 - 255. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uint8 getLevelFromCCTLut(uint16 temp, const uint16 *color_lut, uint16 sizeof_lut) { uint16 idx; int16 x2,y2,x1,y1; int32 val; uint16 thk = temp/CCT_TEMP_FACTOR; for (idx = 0; idx < sizeof_lut; idx++) { /* Find the temperature just greater than temperature to be set */ if (thk < GET_TEMP(color_lut[idx])) { if (0 == idx) { /* if the temperature is less than first LUT element * then saturate at that value. */ return GET_LEVEL(color_lut[idx]); } else { /* Get the points on interpolation line * Multiply temperature by unit factor to get value * in Kelvin. */ y1 = (int16)GET_LEVEL(color_lut[idx - 1]); x1 = (int16)GET_TEMP(color_lut[idx - 1]) * CCT_TEMP_FACTOR; y2 = (int16)GET_LEVEL(color_lut[idx]); x2 = (int16)GET_TEMP(color_lut[idx]) * CCT_TEMP_FACTOR; /* Apply Straight Line interpolation. * y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) * (x -x1))/(x2 - x1) */ val = ((int32)(y2 - y1))*((int16)temp - x1); val = (val)/(x2 - x1) + y1; /* return the calculated value */ return ((uint8)val); } } } /* If temperature is greater than last element in LUT, * saturate to the highest */ return GET_LEVEL(color_lut[sizeof_lut - 1]); }
void do_eat(struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd) { char buf[100]; struct obj_data *temp; struct affected_type af; one_argument(argument,buf); if(!(temp = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch,buf,ch->carrying))) { act("You can't find it!",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR); return; } if((temp->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_FOOD) && (GET_LEVEL(ch) < 22)) { act("Your stomach refuses to eat that!?!",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR); return; } if(GET_COND(ch,FULL)>20) /* Stomach full */ { act("You are to full to eat more!",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR); return; } act("$n eats $p",TRUE,ch,temp,0,TO_ROOM); act("You eat the $o.",FALSE,ch,temp,0,TO_CHAR); gain_condition(ch,FULL,temp->obj_flags.value[0]); if(GET_COND(ch,FULL)>20) act("You are full.",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR); if(temp->obj_flags.value[3] && (GET_LEVEL(ch) < 21)) /* The shit was poisoned ! */ { act("Ooups, it tasted rather strange ?!!?",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_CHAR); act("$n coughs and utters some strange sounds.",FALSE,ch,0,0,TO_ROOM); af.type = SPELL_POISON; af.duration = temp->obj_flags.value[0]*2; af.modifier = 0; af.location = APPLY_NONE; af.bitvector = AFF_POISON; affect_join(ch,&af, FALSE, FALSE); } extract_obj(temp); }
int Board_write_message(int board_type, struct char_data *ch, char *arg, struct obj_data *board) { (void)board; char *tmstr; time_t ct; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], buf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 3]; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < WRITE_LVL(board_type)) { send_to_char(ch, "You are not holy enough to write on this board.\r\n"); return (1); } if (num_of_msgs[board_type] >= MAX_BOARD_MESSAGES) { send_to_char(ch, "The board is full.\r\n"); return (1); } if ((NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).slot_num = find_slot()) == -1) { send_to_char(ch, "The board is malfunctioning - sorry.\r\n"); log("SYSERR: Board: failed to find empty slot on write."); return (1); } /* skip blanks */ skip_spaces(&arg); delete_doubledollar(arg); /* JE 27 Oct 95 - Truncate headline at 80 chars if it's longer than that */ arg[80] = '\0'; if (!*arg) { send_to_char(ch, "We must have a headline!\r\n"); return (1); } ct = time(0); tmstr = (char *) asctime(localtime(&ct)); *(tmstr + strlen(tmstr) - 1) = '\0'; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "(%s)", GET_NAME(ch)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%6.10s %-12s :: %s", tmstr, buf2, arg); NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading = strdup(buf); NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).level = GET_LEVEL(ch); send_to_char(ch, "Write your message. Terminate with a @ on a new line.\r\n\r\n"); act("$n starts to write a message.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, CommTarget::TO_ROOM); string_write(ch->desc, &(msg_storage[NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).slot_num]), MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, board_type + BOARD_MAGIC, NULL); num_of_msgs[board_type]++; return (1); }
int BestClassIND(struct char_data *ch) { int max=0, iClass=0, i; for (i=0; i< MAX_CLASS; i++) if (max < GET_LEVEL(ch,i)) { max = GET_LEVEL(ch, i); iClass = i; } assert(max > 0); return(iClass); }
int calcMoveBase(CharData *ch) { int base = 0; base += graf(age(ch).year, 40, 39, 34, 30, 26, 24, 23); /* Class/Level calculations */ if (GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_RANGER) base += GET_LEVEL(ch); else if (GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_ASSASSIN || GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_THIEF) base += GET_LEVEL(ch)*2/3; else base += GET_LEVEL(ch)/3; return base; }
void list_skills(struct char_data *ch) { const char *overflow = "\r\n**OVERFLOW**\r\n"; int i, sortpos; size_t len = 0, nlen; char buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; len = snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "You have %d practice session%s remaining.\r\n" "You know of the following %ss:\r\n", GET_PRACTICES(ch), GET_PRACTICES(ch) == 1 ? "" : "s", SPLSKL(ch)); int cnt = 0; for (sortpos = 1; sortpos <= MAX_SKILLS; sortpos++) { i = spell_sort_info[sortpos]; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) >= spell_info[i].min_level[(int) GET_CLASS(ch)]) { cnt += 1; nlen = snprintf(buf2 + len, sizeof(buf2) - len, (cnt%2) ? "%-20s %s | " : "%-20s %s\r\n", spell_info[i].name, how_good(GET_SKILL(ch, i))); if (len + nlen >= sizeof(buf2) || nlen < 0) break; len += nlen; } } if (len >= sizeof(buf2)) strcpy(buf2 + sizeof(buf2) - strlen(overflow) - 1, overflow); /* strcpy: OK */ parse_at(buf2); page_string(ch->desc, buf2, TRUE); }
bool can_see_creature(struct creature * self, struct creature * vict) { // Can always see self if (self == vict) return true; // Immortals players can always see non-immortal players if (IS_IMMORT(self) && !IS_IMMORT(vict)) return true; //only immortals can see utility mobs if (IS_NPC(vict) && NPC_FLAGGED(vict, NPC_UTILITY) && !IS_IMMORT(self)) { return false; } // Nothing at all gets through immort invis if (IS_IMMORT(vict) && GET_LEVEL(self) < GET_INVIS_LVL(vict)) return false; if (PRF_FLAGGED(self, PRF_HOLYLIGHT)) return true; if (!check_sight_self(self)) return false; if (!check_sight_room(self, vict->in_room)) return false; if (!check_sight_vict(self, vict)) return false; return true; }
bool summon_criminal_demons(struct creature *vict) { struct creature *mob; int vnum_base = (IS_EVIL(vict)) ? ARCHONIC_BASE : DEMONIC_BASE; int demon_num = GET_REMORT_GEN(vict) / 2 + 1; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < demon_num; idx++) { mob = read_mobile(vnum_base + MIN(4, (GET_LEVEL(vict) / 9)) + number(0, 1)); if (!mob) { errlog("Unable to load mob in demonic_overmind"); return false; } start_hunting(mob, vict); SET_BIT(NPC_FLAGS(mob), NPC_SPIRIT_TRACKER); CREATE(mob->mob_specials.func_data, int, 1); *((int *)mob->mob_specials.func_data) = GET_IDNUM(vict); char_to_room(mob, vict->in_room, true); act("The air suddenly cracks open and $n steps out!", false, mob, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); } if (IS_EVIL(vict)) mudlog(GET_INVIS_LVL(vict), NRM, true, "%d archons dispatched to hunt down %s", demon_num, GET_NAME(vict)); else mudlog(GET_INVIS_LVL(vict), NRM, true, "%d demons dispatched to hunt down %s", demon_num, GET_NAME(vict)); return true; }
/* simple function to determine if char can walk on water */ int has_boat(struct char_data *ch) { struct obj_data *obj; int i; /* if (ROOM_IDENTITY(IN_ROOM(ch)) == DEAD_SEA) return (1); */ if (GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_IMMORT) return (1); if (AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_WATERWALK) || AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_AIRWALK)) return (1); /* non-wearable boats in inventory will do it */ for (obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content) if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_BOAT && (find_eq_pos(ch, obj, NULL) < 0)) return (1); /* and any boat you're wearing will do it too */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEARS; i++) if (GET_EQ(ch, i) && GET_OBJ_TYPE(GET_EQ(ch, i)) == ITEM_BOAT) return (1); return (0); }
void loss_breath(struct char_data * ch, int breath) { if (AFF2_FLAGGED(ch, AFF2_IRON_BODY)) return; if (ROOM_AFFECTED(ch->in_room, RAFF_LIQUID_AIR)) { GET_OXI(ch) -= number(2, 10); } if(GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT && breath > 0) { if(GET_OXI(ch) >= 1) { GET_OXI(ch) -= breath; send_to_char("Your breath becomes deeper and slower...\r\n", ch); } else { if(GET_HIT(ch) > 0) { GET_HIT(ch) -= (GET_MAX_HIT(ch)*0.15); send_to_char("&RYou need some oxygen, your life is almost extinguished!&n\r\n", ch); } else { GET_HIT(ch) = 0; send_to_char("&RYour breath becomes so slow that you die because of it.&n\r\n", ch); raw_kill(ch, NULL); } } } }
void perform_mob_flag_list(struct char_data * ch, char *arg) { int num, mob_flag, found = 0, len; struct char_data *mob; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; mob_flag = atoi(arg); if (mob_flag < 0 || mob_flag > NUM_MOB_FLAGS) { send_to_char(ch, "Invalid flag number!\r\n"); return; } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Listing mobiles with %s%s%s flag set.\r\n", QYEL, action_bits[mob_flag], QNRM); for(num=0;num<=top_of_mobt;num++) { if(IS_SET_AR((mob_proto[num].char_specials.saved.act), mob_flag)) { if ((mob = read_mobile(num, REAL)) != NULL) { char_to_room(mob, 0); len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%s%3d. %s[%s%5d%s]%s Level %s%-3d%s %s%s\r\n", CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),++found, CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_LEVEL(mob), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), GET_NAME(mob), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); extract_char(mob); /* Finished with the mob - remove it from the MUD */ if (len > sizeof(buf)) break; } } } if (!found) send_to_char(ch,"None Found!\r\n"); else page_string(ch->desc, buf, TRUE); return; }
/* Hey! Don't go calling this w/o making checks! */ static void npc_regen(struct char_data * ch) { int regen_rate = 2; GET_HIT(ch) += GET_LEVEL(ch) * regen_rate; if(GET_HIT(ch) > GET_MAX_HIT(ch)) GET_HIT(ch) = GET_MAX_HIT(ch); }
struct obj_data * findCostliestObj(struct creature *ch) { struct obj_data *cur_obj, *result; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_AMBASSADOR) return NULL; result = NULL; cur_obj = ch->carrying; while (cur_obj) { if (cur_obj && (!result || GET_OBJ_COST(result) < GET_OBJ_COST(cur_obj))) result = cur_obj; if (cur_obj->contains) cur_obj = cur_obj->contains; // descend into obj else if (!cur_obj->next_content && cur_obj->in_obj) cur_obj = cur_obj->in_obj->next_content; // ascend out of obj else cur_obj = cur_obj->next_content; // go to next obj } return result; }
void Character::SendTell(Character *target, char *arg) { target->send(COLOR_RED(target, CL_NORMAL)); sprintf(buf, "$n tells you, '%s'", (char*)this->ScrambleSpeech(arg, target).c_str()); Act(buf, FALSE, this, 0, target, TO_VICT | TO_SLEEP); target->send(COLOR_NORMAL(target, CL_NORMAL)); if(!IS_NPC(target) && NEWB_FLAGGED(target, NEW_TELL) && !IS_NPC(this)) { REMOVE_BIT_AR(NEWB_FLAGS(target), NEW_TELL); target->NewbieTip("You can reply to %s by typing 'reply' followed by the message you wish to send.\r\n", GET_NAME(this), GET_NAME(this)); } if (!IS_NPC(this) && PRF_FLAGGED(this, PRF_NOREPEAT)) this->send(OK); else { CommManager::GetManager().SaveComm(std::string("tell"), arg, this, this->in_room->getVnum(), target); sprintf(buf, "You tell $N, '%s'", arg); Act(buf, FALSE, this, 0, target, TO_CHAR); if(IS_NPC(target) && !IS_NPC(this)) MudLog(CMP, MAX(GET_LEVEL(this), LVL_GOD), TRUE, "%s tells %s '%s' in room %d.", GET_NAME(this), GET_NAME(target), arg, this->in_room->getVnum()); if(this->IsIgnoring(target-> this->RemoveIgnore(target->; } if (!IS_NPC(target) && !IS_NPC(this)) target->last_tell = this->player.idnum; js_tell_triggers(this, target, arg); }
int Board_show_board(int board_type, struct char_data *ch, char *arg, struct obj_data *board) { int i; char tmp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (!ch->desc) return (0); one_argument(arg, tmp); if (!*tmp || !isname(tmp, board->name)) return (0); if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < READ_LVL(board_type)) { send_to_char(ch, "You try but fail to understand the holy words.\r\n"); return (1); } act("$n studies the board.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, CommTarget::TO_ROOM); if (!num_of_msgs[board_type]) send_to_char(ch, "This is a bulletin board. Usage: READ/REMOVE <messg #>, WRITE <header>.\r\nThe board is empty.\r\n"); else { size_t len = 0; int nlen; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "This is a bulletin board. Usage: READ/REMOVE <messg #>, WRITE <header>.\r\n" "You will need to look at the board to save your message.\r\n" "There are %d messages on the board.\r\n", num_of_msgs[board_type]); #if NEWEST_AT_TOP for (i = num_of_msgs[board_type] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!MSG_HEADING(board_type, i)) goto fubar; nlen = snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%-2d : %s\r\n", num_of_msgs[board_type] - i, MSG_HEADING(board_type, i)); if (len + nlen >= sizeof(buf) || nlen < 0) break; len += nlen; } #else for (i = 0; i < num_of_msgs[board_type]; i++) { if (!MSG_HEADING(board_type, i)) goto fubar; nlen = snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%-2d : %s\r\n", i + 1, MSG_HEADING(board_type, i)); if (len + nlen >= sizeof(buf) || nlen < 0) break; len += nlen; } #endif page_string(ch->desc, buf, TRUE); } return (1); fubar: log("SYSERR: Board %d is fubar'd.", board_type); send_to_char(ch, "Sorry, the board isn't working.\r\n"); return (1); }
int cast_spell (struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *tch, struct obj_data *tobj, int spellnum) { if (spellnum < 0 || spellnum > TOP_SPELL_DEFINE) { log ("SYSERR: cast_spell trying to call spellnum %d/%d.\n", spellnum, TOP_SPELL_DEFINE); return (0); } if (GET_POS (ch) < SINFO.min_position) { switch (GET_POS (ch)) { case POS_SLEEPING: send_to_char ("You dream about great magical powers.\r\n", ch); break; case POS_RESTING: send_to_char ("You cannot concentrate while resting.\r\n", ch); break; case POS_SITTING: send_to_char ("You can't do this sitting!\r\n", ch); break; case POS_FIGHTING: send_to_char ("Impossible! You can't concentrate enough!\r\n", ch); break; default: send_to_char ("You can't do much of anything like this!\r\n", ch); break; } return (0); } if (AFF_FLAGGED (ch, AFF_CHARM) && (ch->master == tch)) { send_to_char ("You are afraid you might hurt your master!\r\n", ch); return (0); } if ((tch != ch) && IS_SET (SINFO.targets, TAR_SELF_ONLY)) { send_to_char ("You can only cast this spell upon yourself!\r\n", ch); return (0); } if ((tch == ch) && IS_SET (SINFO.targets, TAR_NOT_SELF)) { send_to_char ("You cannot cast this spell upon yourself!\r\n", ch); return (0); } if (IS_SET (SINFO.routines, MAG_GROUPS) && !AFF_FLAGGED (ch, AFF_GROUP)) { send_to_char ("You can't cast this spell if you're not in a group!\r\n", ch); return (0); } send_to_char (OK, ch); say_spell (ch, spellnum, tch, tobj); return (call_magic (ch, tch, tobj, spellnum, GET_LEVEL (ch), CAST_SPELL)); }