void main() { int num = 1234; GLCD_Init(); while (1) { GLCD_Clear(); GLCD_DisplayLogo(LogoBitMap); DELAY_ms(DELAY_TIME); GLCD_Clear(); GLCD_Printf("Dec:%d \nHex:%x \nBin:%b \nFloat:%f", num, num, num, 4567.89); DELAY_ms(DELAY_TIME); GLCD_Clear(); GLCD_HorizontalGraph(0, 45); GLCD_HorizontalGraph(1, 50); GLCD_HorizontalGraph(2, 82); GLCD_HorizontalGraph(3, 74); DELAY_ms(DELAY_TIME); GLCD_Clear(); GLCD_VerticalGraph(0, 45); GLCD_VerticalGraph(1, 50); GLCD_VerticalGraph(2, 82); GLCD_VerticalGraph(3, 74); DELAY_ms(DELAY_TIME); } }
/*********************************************************************//** * @brief c_entry: Main LCD program body * @param[in] None * @return int **********************************************************************/ int c_entry(void) { // /* Initialize debug via UART0 // * – 115200bps // * – 8 data bit // * – No parity // * – 1 stop bit // * – No flow control // */ // debug_frmwrk_init(); // // // print welcome screen // print_menu(); /* LCD block section -------------------------------------------- */ GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); /* Update LCD Module display text. */ GLCD_DisplayString(0,0, lcd_text[0] ); GLCD_DisplayString(1,2, lcd_text[1] ); /* Loop forever */ while(1); return 1; }
void init(){ GLCD_Ctrl (FALSE); // Init GPIO GpioInit(); #ifndef SDRAM_DEBUG // MAM init MAMCR_bit.MODECTRL = 0; MAMTIM_bit.CYCLES = 3; // FCLK > 40 MHz MAMCR_bit.MODECTRL = 2; // MAM functions fully enabled // Init clock InitClock(); // SDRAM Init SDRAM_Init(); #endif // SDRAM_DEBUG // Init VIC VIC_Init(); // GLCD init GLCD_Init (NULL, NULL); // Disable Hardware cursor GLCD_Cursor_Dis(0); // Touched indication LED USB_H_LINK_LED_SEL = 0; // GPIO USB_H_LINK_LED_FSET = USB_H_LINK_LED_MASK; USB_H_LINK_LED_FDIR |= USB_H_LINK_LED_MASK; __enable_interrupt(); // Enable GLCD GLCD_Ctrl (TRUE); }
int main(void) { SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); clock_init(); #ifndef BUSY_WAIT timer0_init(); #endif /* ifndef BUSY_WAIT */ while(1) { GLCD_Clear(White); GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, 1, (unsigned char*) clock.text); // Delay by 1000 milliseconds #ifdef BUSY_WAIT delay_busy_wait(1000); clock_increment(); clock_print(); #else // incrementing clock done within interrupt handlers clock_print(); #endif /* ifdef BUSY_WAIT */ } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Thread 'main' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { /* program execution starts here */ GLCD_Init(); /* initialize GLCD */ SER_Init (); /* initialize serial interface */ LED_Init (); /* initialize LEDs */ KBD_Init (); /* initialize Push Button */ mut_GLCD = osMutexCreate(osMutex(mut_GLCD)); /* create and start clock timer */ clock1s = osTimerCreate(osTimer(clock1s), osTimerPeriodic, NULL); if (clock1s) osTimerStart(clock1s, 1000); /* start thread lcd */ tid_lcd = osThreadCreate(osThread(lcd), NULL); osDelay(500); /* start command thread */ tid_command = osThreadCreate(osThread(command), NULL); /* start lights thread */ tid_lights = osThreadCreate(osThread(lights), NULL); /* start keyread thread */ tid_keyread = osThreadCreate(osThread(keyread), NULL); osDelay(osWaitForever); while(1); }
void init_system() { // Initialize system and GLCD SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize On Board LCD Module *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void init_display (void) { /* LCD Module init */ GLCD_Init (); GLCD_Clear (White); GLCD_SetTextColor (Blue); GLCD_DisplayString (1, 2, " RL-ARM"); GLCD_DisplayString (2, 2, "SD_File example"); }
int main(void) { SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); runHardwareTimer(); return 0; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Main: Initialize and start RTX Kernel *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { SystemInit(); /* Initialize the MCU clocks */ LED_init (); /* Initialize the LEDs */ GLCD_Init(); /* Initialize the GLCD */ GLCD_Clear(White); /* Clear the GLCD */ os_sys_init(init); /* Initialize RTX and start init */ }
/********************************************************************* * * _InitController * * Function description: * Initializes the LCD controller and touch screen * */ static void _InitController(unsigned LayerIndex) { // // Set display size and video-RAM address // LCD_SetSizeEx (XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS, LayerIndex); LCD_SetVSizeEx(VXSIZE_PHYS, VYSIZE_PHYS, LayerIndex); LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(LayerIndex, (void*)LCD_VRAM_BASE_ADDR); // // Init LCD // GLCD_Init(); #if GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH // Used when touch screen support is enabled { U32 TouchOrientation; U32 pclk; // // Initialize touch screen // LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 12); // Enable clock for ADC LPC_ADC->CR = 0 | (1 << 1) // Sel AD0[1] | (ADC_CLKDIV << 8) | (1 << 21) // Enable ADC ; // // Calibrate touch // TouchOrientation = (GUI_MIRROR_X * LCD_GetMirrorXEx(0)) | (GUI_MIRROR_Y * LCD_GetMirrorYEx(0)) | (GUI_SWAP_XY * LCD_GetSwapXYEx (0)) ; GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation(TouchOrientation); if (LCD_GetSwapXYEx(0)) { GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(GUI_COORD_X, 0, XSIZE_PHYS, TOUCH_AD_LEFT, TOUCH_AD_RIGHT); // x axis swapped GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(GUI_COORD_Y, 0, YSIZE_PHYS, TOUCH_AD_TOP , TOUCH_AD_BOTTOM); // y axis swapped } else { GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(GUI_COORD_X, 0, XSIZE_PHYS, TOUCH_AD_LEFT, TOUCH_AD_RIGHT); // x axis GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(GUI_COORD_Y, 0, YSIZE_PHYS, TOUCH_AD_TOP , TOUCH_AD_BOTTOM); // y axis } // // Start touch timer // LPC_SC->PCONP |= (0x1<<2); pclk = SystemCoreClock/4; LPC_TIM1->PR = pclk/1000000; /* Set prescaler to get 1 M counts/sec */ LPC_TIM1->MR0 = 1000 * TOUCH_TIMER_INTERVAL; LPC_TIM1->MCR = (0x3<<0); /* Interrupt and Reset on MR0 */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER1_IRQn); LPC_TIM1->TCR = 1; /* Enable timer 1 */ } #endif }
int main(void) { SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, 1, "LAB 2"); init_morse_code_fsm(); init_debounced_button(); while(1) {} return 0; }
void init_scroll( void ) { GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(BGC); GLCD_SetBackColor(BGC); GLCD_SetTextColor(TXC); cache_start = 0; cache_size = 0; last_col_cahche = 0; window_start = 0; window_size = 0; }
int main( void ) { /*** Declare all variables ***/ // unsigned short circle[N][N] = {BG}; // unsigned short circleBitmap[N]; /*** Declare all variables ***/ SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(BG); createCircle(160, 120); while(1); }
/* RT-Thread Device Interface */ static rt_err_t rt_lcd_init (rt_device_t dev) { PINSEL_ConfigPin(5, 4, 0); LPC_GPIO5->DIR |= 1<<4; LPC_GPIO5->CLR = 1<<4; LPC_GPIO5->SET = 1<<4; /*Disable LCD controller*/ GLCD_Ctrl (FALSE); /*Init LCD and copy picture in video RAM*/ GLCD_Init (_lcd_info.framebuffer); /*Enable LCD*/ GLCD_Ctrl (TRUE); return RT_EOK; }
int main(void) { SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(Black); GLCD_SetTextColor(Red); GLCD_SetBackColor(Black); __enable_irq(); GLCD_DisplayString(1, 1, 1, "Status: "); GLCD_DisplayString(1, 9, 1, "START"); GLCD_DisplayString(4, 5, 1, "TIMER"); BoardInit(); hwInterrupt(min_to_run * ms_in_min); GLCD_DisplayString(1, 9, 1, "END "); return 0; }
int main() { SystemInit(); GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); LED_Init(); Pushbutton_Init(); Timer_Init(LPC_TIM0); FSM_Init(); CreateMorseFSM(); MorseReader_Init(); MorseReader_FSMRun(); return 0; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main function *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { //SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/1000); /* Generate interrupt each 100 ms */ //Initialize the required I/O device libraries JOY_Init(); LED_Init(); SER_Init(); KBD_Init(); SRAM_Init(); GLCD_Init(); // LCD Initialization time.min = 0; time.hours = 12; time.sec = 0; USART3->CR1 |= (1<<5); //Enable the "data received" interrupt for USART3 NVIC_EnableIRQ(USART3_IRQn); //Enable interrupts for USART3 NVIC_SetPriority (USART3_IRQn, (1<<__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1); resetList(); //memcpy(&tailMessage->text,"This is a test of some really random text that I'm sending as part of a text message. I hope it works! Let's keep typing just to see if we can fill up 160 chars",160); //Here we are manually setting the head node to display a "No Messages" message if we are not storing anything else memcpy(&headMessage->text,"No Messages",11); headMessage->length = 11; headMessage->prev = NULL; headMessage->next = NULL; headMessage->rxTime.hours = 0; headMessage->rxTime.min = 0; headMessage->rxTime.sec = 0; displayedMessage = headMessage; //Initialize the LCD init_display(); os_sys_init_prio(initTask,0xFE); }
void show_bitmap() { int ax_Phys[2],ay_Phys[2],i; unsigned char *images[] = { gImage_terminator_large, gImage_britney }; //clear_buttons_and_frames(); GUIDEMO_ShowIntro("Photographic Bitmap", "Showing" "\nTerminator Sarah Connor Chronicles" "\nBy Siddharth Kaul"); GLCD_Init (); GLCD_Clear (White); i = 0; do { GUI_PID_STATE State; GUI_TOUCH_GetState(&State); if (State.Pressed) { GLCD_Clear(White); GLCD_Bitmap(0, 0, 320, 240, images[i]); i++; if(i > 1) { i = 0; } //break; } }while(1);//end of do while //delete pointer to free up memory free(images); /* GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Font24B_1); GUI_SetColor(GUI_YELLOW); GUI_DispStringAt("Terminator", 0,0);*/ }
/*********************************************************************//** * @brief Initial System Init using Port and Peripheral * @param[in] None * @return None **********************************************************************/ void System_Init(void) { LPC_WDT->WDMOD &= ~WDT_WDMOD_WDEN; // Disable Watchdog SystemInit(); // Initialize system and update core clock Port_Init(); // Port Initialization SYSTICK_Config(); // Systick Initialization led_delay = 1000; // Heart Beat rate of 1Sec toggle NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0); // Set SysTick as Highest Priority UART_Config(LPC_UART0, 115200); // Uart0 Initialize at 9600 Baud Rate SSP_Config (LPC_SSP1); // Initialize SPI I2C_Config (LPC_I2C0); // Initialize I2C0 GLCD_Init(); // Initialize GLCD GPIO_IntCmd(2,_BIT(7),1); // Enable GPIO Interrupt at P0.19 Falling Edge NVIC_EnableIRQ(EINT3_IRQn); // NVIC Interrupt EINT3_IRQn for GPIO NVIC_SetPriority(EINT3_IRQn, 4); // Set any lower Priority than SysTick TSC2004_Cal_Init(&cmatrix); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Thread 'main' *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { LED_Init (); /* Initialize the LEDs */ GLCD_Init(); /* Initialize the GLCD */ GLCD_Clear(White); /* Clear the GLCD */ mut_GLCD = osMutexCreate(osMutex(mut_GLCD)); tid_phaseA = osThreadCreate(osThread(phaseA), NULL); tid_phaseB = osThreadCreate(osThread(phaseB), NULL); tid_phaseC = osThreadCreate(osThread(phaseC), NULL); tid_phaseD = osThreadCreate(osThread(phaseD), NULL); tid_clock = osThreadCreate(osThread(clock), NULL); tid_lcd = osThreadCreate(osThread(lcd), NULL); osSignalSet(tid_phaseA, 0x0001); /* set signal to phaseA thread */ osDelay(osWaitForever); while(1); }
/*********************************************************************//** * @brief Main 4-bit LCD porting with GPIO program body **********************************************************************/ int c_entry(void) { // DeInit NVIC and SCBNVIC NVIC_DeInit(); NVIC_SCBDeInit(); /* Configure the NVIC Preemption Priority Bits: * two (2) bits of preemption priority, six (6) bits of sub-priority. * Since the Number of Bits used for Priority Levels is five (5), so the * actual bit number of sub-priority is three (3) */ NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(0x05); // Set Vector table offset value #if (__RAM_MODE__==1) NVIC_SetVTOR(0x10000000); #else NVIC_SetVTOR(0x00000000); #endif /* Initialize debug */ debug_frmwrk_init(); // print welcome screen print_menu(); /* LCD block section -------------------------------------------- */ GLCD_Init(); // LCD_cur_off(); GLCD_Clear(White); /* Update LCD Module display text. */ GLCD_DisplayString(0,0, lcd_text[0] ); GLCD_DisplayString(1,2, lcd_text[1] ); /* Loop forever */ while(1); return 1; }
int_t main(void) { error_t error; NetInterface *interface; OsTask *task; static DhcpClientSettings dhcpClientSettings; static DhcpClientCtx dhcpClientContext; //Update system core clock SystemCoreClockUpdate(); //Configure debug UART debugInit(115200); //Start-up message TRACE_INFO("\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("**********************************\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("*** CycloneTCP FTP Client Demo ***\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("**********************************\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("Copyright: 2010-2013 Oryx Embedded\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("Compiled: %s %s\r\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); TRACE_INFO("Target: SAM4E\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("\r\n"); //IO configuration ioInit(); //Initialize LCD display GLCD_Init(); GLCD_SetBackColor(Blue); GLCD_SetTextColor(White); GLCD_Clear(Blue); //Welcome message lcdSetCursor(0, 0); printf("FTP Client Demo\r\n"); //TCP/IP stack initialization error = tcpIpStackInit(); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize TCP/IP stack!\r\n"); } //Configure the first Ethernet interface interface = &netInterface[0]; //Select the relevant network adapter interface->nicDriver = &sam4eEthDriver; interface->phyDriver = &ksz8051PhyDriver; //Interface name strcpy(interface->name, "eth0"); //Set host MAC address macStringToAddr("00-AB-CD-EF-04-16", &interface->macAddr); #if (IPV6_SUPPORT == ENABLED) //Set link-local IPv6 address ipv6StringToAddr("fe80::00ab:cdef:0416", &interface->ipv6Config.linkLocalAddr); #endif //Initialize network interface error = tcpIpStackConfigInterface(interface); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to configure interface %s!\r\n", interface->name); } #if 1 //Set the network interface to be configured by DHCP dhcpClientSettings.interface = &netInterface[0]; //Disable rapid commit option dhcpClientSettings.rapidCommit = FALSE; //Start DHCP client error = dhcpClientStart(&dhcpClientContext, &dhcpClientSettings); //Failed to start DHCP client? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start DHCP client!\r\n"); } #else //Manual configuration interface = &netInterface[0]; //IPv4 address ipv4StringToAddr("", &interface->ipv4Config.addr); //Subnet mask ipv4StringToAddr("", &interface->ipv4Config.subnetMask); //Default gateway ipv4StringToAddr("", &interface->ipv4Config.defaultGateway); //Primary and secondary DNS servers interface->ipv4Config.dnsServerCount = 2; ipv4StringToAddr("", &interface->ipv4Config.dnsServer[0]); ipv4StringToAddr ("", &interface->ipv4Config.dnsServer[1]); #endif //Create user task task = osTaskCreate("User Task", userTask, NULL, 500, 1); //Failed to create the task? if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create task!\r\n"); } //Create a task to blink the LED task = osTaskCreate("Blink", blinkTask, NULL, 500, 1); //Failed to create the task? if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create task!\r\n"); } //Start the execution of tasks osStart(); //This function should never return return 0; }
// This is the actual task that is run static portTASK_FUNCTION( vLCDUpdateTask, pvParameters ) { #if LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==0 unsigned short screenColor = 0; unsigned short tscr; unsigned char curLine; unsigned timerCount = 0; int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0; unsigned int xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0; unsigned int x, y; int i, j; float hue=0, sat=0.2, light=0.2; #elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1 unsigned char picIndex = 0; #else Bad definition #endif vtLCDMsg msgBuffer; vtLCDStruct *lcdPtr = (vtLCDStruct *) pvParameters; #ifdef INSPECT_STACK // This is meant as an example that you can re-use in your own tasks // Inspect to the stack remaining to see how much room is remaining // 1. I'll check it here before anything really gets started // 2. I'll check during the run to see if it drops below 10% // 3. You could use break points or logging to check on this, but // you really don't want to print it out because printf() can // result in significant stack usage. // 4. Note that this checking is not perfect -- in fact, it will not // be able to tell how much the stack grows on a printf() call and // that growth can be *large* if version 1 of printf() is used. unsigned portBASE_TYPE InitialStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL); unsigned portBASE_TYPE CurrentStackLeft; float remainingStack = InitialStackLeft; remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE; if (remainingStack < 0.10) { // If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to run out // The 0.10 is just leaving a cushion, in theory, you could use exactly all of it VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } #endif /* Initialize the LCD and set the initial colors */ GLCD_Init(); tscr = Red; // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below screenColor = White; // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below GLCD_SetTextColor(tscr); GLCD_SetBackColor(screenColor); GLCD_Clear(screenColor); // Added by Matthew Ibarra 2/2/2013 int xPos = 0; // Note that srand() & rand() require the use of malloc() and should not be used unless you are using // MALLOC_VERSION==1 #if MALLOC_VERSION==1 srand((unsigned) 55); // initialize the random number generator to the same seed for repeatability #endif curLine = 5; // This task should never exit for(;;) { #ifdef INSPECT_STACK CurrentStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL); float remainingStack = CurrentStackLeft; remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE; if (remainingStack < 0.10) { // If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to run out VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } #endif #if LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==0 // Wait for a message if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } #if EXAMPLE_COLOR_CHANGE==1 //Log that we are processing a message -- more explanation of logging is given later on vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg,getMsgType(&msgBuffer)); vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg,getMsgLength(&msgBuffer)); // Take a different action depending on the type of the message that we received switch(getMsgType(&msgBuffer)) { case LCDMsgTypePrint: { // This will result in the text printing in the last five lines of the screen char lineBuffer[lcdCHAR_IN_LINE+1]; copyMsgString(lineBuffer,&msgBuffer,lcdCHAR_IN_LINE); // clear the line GLCD_ClearLn(curLine,1); // show the text GLCD_DisplayString(curLine,0,1,(unsigned char *)lineBuffer); curLine++; if (curLine == lcdNUM_LINES) { curLine = 5; } break; } case LCDMsgTypeTimer: { // Note: if I cared how long the timer update was I would call my routine // unpackTimerMsg() which would unpack the message and get that value // Each timer update will cause a circle to be drawn on the top half of the screen // as explained below if (timerCount == 0) { /* ************************************************** */ // Find a new color for the screen by randomly (within limits) selecting HSL values // This can be ignored unless you care about the color map #if MALLOC_VERSION==1 hue = rand() % 360; sat = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; sat = sat * 0.5; sat += 0.5; light = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; light = light * 0.8; light += 0.10; #else hue = (hue + 1); if (hue >= 360) hue = 0; sat+=0.01; if (sat > 1.0) sat = 0.20; light+=0.03; if (light > 1.0) light = 0.20; #endif screenColor = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light); // Now choose a complementary value for the text color hue += 180; if (hue >= 360) hue -= 360; tscr = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light); GLCD_SetTextColor(tscr); GLCD_SetBackColor(screenColor); // End of playing around with figuring out a random color /* ************************************************** */ // clear the top half of the screen GLCD_ClearWindow(0,0,320,120,screenColor); // Now we are going to draw a circle in the upper left corner of the screen int count = 200; float radius; float inc, val, offset = MAX_RADIUS; unsigned short circleColor; inc = 2*M_PI/count; xmax = 0; ymax = 0; xmin = 50000; ymin = 50000; val = 0.0; for (i=0;i<count;i++) { // Make the circle a little thicker // by actually drawing three circles w/ different radii float cv = cos(val), sv=sin(val); circleColor = (val*0xFFFF)/(2*M_PI); GLCD_SetTextColor(circleColor); for (radius=MAX_RADIUS-2.0;radius<=MAX_RADIUS;radius+=1.0) { x = round(cv*radius+offset); y = round(sv*radius+offset); if (x > xmax) xmax = x; if (y > ymax) ymax = y; if (x < xmin) xmin = x; if (y < ymin) ymin = y; GLCD_PutPixel(x,y); } val += inc; } // Now we are going to read the upper left square of the LCD's // memory (see its data sheet for details on that) and save // that into a buffer for fast re-drawing later if (((xmax+1-xmin)*(ymax+1-ymin)) > BUF_LEN) { // Make sure we have room for the data VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } unsigned short int *tbuffer = buffer; unsigned int width = (xmax+1-xmin); for (j=ymin;j<=ymax;j++) { GLCD_GetPixelRow (xmin,j,width,tbuffer); tbuffer += width; } // end of reading in the buffer xoffset = xmin; yoffset = ymin; } else { // We are going to write out the data read into the buffer // back onto the screen at a new location // This is *very* fast // First, clear out where we were GLCD_ClearWindow(xoffset,yoffset,xmax+1-xmin,ymax+1-ymin,screenColor); // Pick the new location #if MALLOC_VERSION==1 xoffset = rand() % (320-(xmax+1-xmin)); yoffset = rand() % (120-(ymax+1-ymin)); #else xoffset = (xoffset + 10) % (320-(xmax+1-xmin)); yoffset = (yoffset + 10) % (120-(ymax+1-ymin)); #endif // Draw the bitmap GLCD_Bitmap(xoffset,yoffset,xmax+1-xmin,ymax-1-ymin,(unsigned char *)buffer); } timerCount++; if (timerCount >= 40) { // every so often, we reset timer count and start again // This isn't for any important reason, it is just to for this example code to do "stuff" timerCount = 0; } break; } default: { // In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer messages VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(getMsgType(&msgBuffer)); break; } } // end of switch() #endif #if MILESTONE_1==1 // Added by Matthew Ibarra 2/2/2013 if(timerCount==0) { GLCD_Clear(screenColor); // Draw the vertical gridlines onto the LCD int i; for(i = 320/6; i < 315; i = i + 320/6) { GLCD_ClearWindow(i, 0, 1, 240, Red); } // Draw the vertical gridlines onto the LCD for(i = 240/4; i < 235; i = i + 240/4) { GLCD_ClearWindow(0, i, 320, 1, Red); } //Output Scale on LCD GLCD_DisplayString(29, 0, 0, (unsigned char*) "V/div=2.5 s/div=3"); timerCount++; } int adcValue; getMsgValue(&adcValue, &msgBuffer); int displayValue; displayValue = 120 - (adcValue * 120)/(0x100); GLCD_ClearWindow(xPos, displayValue, 2, 2, Black); xPos += 2; if(xPos > 320) { timerCount = 0; xPos = 0; } #endif // Here is a way to do debugging output via the built-in hardware -- it requires the ULINK cable and the // debugger in the Keil tools to be connected. You can view PORT0 output in the "Debug(printf) Viewer" // under "View->Serial Windows". You have to enable "Trace" and "Port0" in the Debug setup options. This // should not be used if you are using Port0 for printf() // There are 31 other ports and their output (and port 0's) can be seen in the "View->Trace->Records" // windows. You have to enable the prots in the Debug setup options. Note that unlike ITM_SendChar() // this "raw" port write is not blocking. That means it can overrun the capability of the system to record // the trace events if you go too quickly; that won't hurt anything or change the program execution and // you can tell if it happens because the "View->Trace->Records" window will show there was an overrun. //vtITMu16(vtITMPortLCD,screenColor); #elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1 // In this alternate version, we just keep redrawing a series of bitmaps as // we receive timer messages // Wait for a message if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } if (getMsgType(&msgBuffer) != LCDMsgTypeTimer) { // In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer messages VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(getMsgType(&msgBuffer)); } /* go through a bitmap that is really a series of bitmaps */ picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % 9; GLCD_Bmp(99,99,120,45,(unsigned char *) &ARM_Ani_16bpp[picIndex*(120*45*2)]); #else Bad setting #endif } }
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : main * Description : Main program * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ int main(void) { /* NVIC configuration */ NVIC_Configuration(); initialisation(); /* Initialisation of SD Card and creation of File */ SD_Init(); /* Blinkmuster laden */ if( SD_Start("muster.txt", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) ) { SD_Read(&muster,1); } SD_Close(); /* LCD Initialisieren */ GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); GLCD_SetTextColor(Red); GLCD_DisplayString(1, 1, 1, "Write to SD-Card"); GLCD_DisplayString(8, 1, 1, "Press User to stop"); GLCD_DisplayString(4, 1, 1, "Fit Card into Slot"); /* Wait until SD Card is in Slot */ while(!(SD_Start("time.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) { } length=sprintf (buffer, "runtime: %d:%d:%d ", hour, min, sek); GLCD_DisplayString(4, 1, 1, buffer); /***************************** * ENDE INITIALISIERUNG * ******************************/ GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOE,GPIO_Pin_All); // LED off all pins while(1) { // BFH_GLCD_UDP(); /* Alle 10ms wird das tickFlag gesetzt */ if(tickFlag) { tickFlag=0; // reset tickFlag if(write > 1) { /* Jede Sekunde einen Stamp ins File schreiben */ if((write%1000) == 0) { /* Zeit hochzählen */ sek++; if(sek==60) { sek=0; min++; } if(min==60) { min=0; hour++; } if(hour==24) { hour=0; } /* write time to Diaplay */ length=sprintf (buffer, "runtime: %d:%d:%d ", hour, min, sek); GLCD_DisplayString(4, 1, 1, buffer); /* write time to card */ length=sprintf (buffer, "runtime: %d:%d:%d\ttext\r\n", hour, min, sek); SD_Write(buffer,length); /* switch LED */ GPIOE->ODR ^= muster << 8; } write += 10; } /* Close SD Card */ else if (write == 1) { SD_Close(); write--; } /* Schreiben beendet -> LED löschen */ else { GPIOE->ODR |= muster << 8; GLCD_DisplayString(8, 1, 1, "Application stopped"); } } /* Wenn Taste gedrückt wird, schreiben beenden */ if((GPIOB->IDR&0x0080) == 0) { write = 1; } } }
int main(void) { pInt8U pBuffer; Int32U Size,TranSize; int i=0,j; int k=0; int cnt=0; int tempcnt=0; int concurCnt = 0; Flo64 curP, curQ; int meanCalc=1,displayIntro=1; AlgoPowers_t PowerLines[3]; AlgoPowers_t prevPLines; AlgoPowers_t curPLines; int LearnNewMean = 1; int learning =1; int recognized=0; int plugOut = 0; Flo64 cInterval = 5000; int debug = 0; // int deviceCnt[3] = {0}; //AlgoLine_t TestLine; // pAlgoLine_t pTestLine=&TestLine; AlgoDevice_t tmpDev; // AlgoDevice_t devProfiles[3]={0}; AlgoDevice_t devProfiles[3]; int devNum=0; bool addDevice = 1; Int32S devLamps[3]; #if CDC_DEVICE_SUPPORT_LINE_CODING > 0 CDC_LineCoding_t CDC_LineCoding; UartLineCoding_t UartLineCoding; #endif // CDC_DEVICE_SUPPORT_LINE_CODING > 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI init START ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialize touch parametres Int32U cursor_x = (C_GLCD_H_SIZE - CURSOR_H_SIZE)/2, cursor_y = (C_GLCD_V_SIZE - CURSOR_V_SIZE)/2; ToushRes_t XY_Touch; Boolean Touch = FALSE; GLCD_Ctrl (FALSE); // Init GPIO GpioInit(); #ifndef SDRAM_DEBUG // MAM init MAMCR_bit.MODECTRL = 0; MAMTIM_bit.CYCLES = 3; // FCLK > 40 MHz MAMCR_bit.MODECTRL = 2; // MAM functions fully enabled // Init clock InitClock(); // SDRAM Init SDRAM_Init(); #endif // SDRAM_DEBUG // Init VIC ---interrupt VIC_Init(); // GLCD init GLCD_Init (NULL, NULL); GLCD_Cursor_Dis(0); GLCD_Copy_Cursor ((Int32U *)Cursor, 0, sizeof(Cursor)/sizeof(Int32U)); GLCD_Cursor_Cfg(CRSR_FRAME_SYNC | CRSR_PIX_32); GLCD_Move_Cursor(cursor_x, cursor_y); GLCD_Cursor_En(0); // Init touch screen TouchScrInit(); // Touched indication LED USB_H_LINK_LED_SEL = 0; // GPIO USB_H_LINK_LED_FSET = USB_H_LINK_LED_MASK; USB_H_LINK_LED_FDIR |= USB_H_LINK_LED_MASK; // Init UART 0 UartInit(UART_0,0,NORM); __enable_interrupt(); GLCD_Ctrl (TRUE); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI init END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* devProfiles[0].dP= 101366.22; //blow dryer devProfiles[0].dQ =51765.90; devProfiles[1].dP= 35957.14; //light bulb devProfiles[1].dQ = 9045.64; */ // GLCD_print("Device char %f %f\r\n",devProfiles[devNum].dP, devProfiles[devNum].dQ ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update the baud rate UartLineCoding.dwDTERate = 115200; // Update the stop bits number UartLineCoding.bStopBitsFormat = UART_ONE_STOP_BIT; // Update the parity type UartLineCoding.bParityType = UART_NO_PARITY; // Update the word width UartLineCoding.bDataBits = (UartWordWidth_t)(3); //Description: Init UART Baud rate, Word width, Stop bits, Parity type UartSetLineCoding(UART_0,UartLineCoding); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //calculate the no load powerlines //calcMeanRange(&prevPLines); // GLCD_print("P %f %f\n\r",prevPLines.P.CiHigh, prevPLines.P.CiLow); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(i=0; i<3; i++){ devProfiles[i].dP=0; devProfiles[i].dQ=0; devLamps[i]=0; } // initialize gui //gui_monitoringScreen(devProfiles,devLamps); gui_mainScreen(); GLCD_SetFont(&Terminal_6_8_6,0x0000FF,0x000cd4ff); GLCD_SetWindow(0,0,319,239); GLCD_TextSetPos(0,0); //calculate the no load powerlines calcMeanRange(&prevPLines); while(1) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GLCD_SetFont(&Terminal_6_8_6,0x0000FF,0x000cd4ff); GLCD_SetWindow(0,0,319,239); GLCD_TextSetPos(0,0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //algo START ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(dataReady){ dataReady=0; GLCD_print("%s\r\n",dataArray); // GLCD_print("reach reach!!!\r\n"); //convert the incoming data to floats dataConversion(dataArray, dataP, dataQ, dataT, cnt); //keep track of devices GLCD_print("Device zero:%d one:%d two:%d\r",devLamps[0], devLamps[1],devLamps[2]); concurCnt=0; //detect a step change. if(detectStepChange(&prevPLines, dataP[cnt], dataQ[cnt] )){ tempcnt=(int) fmod(cnt+4,45); while(cnt != tempcnt){ if(dataReady){ dataConversion(dataArray, dataP, dataQ, dataT, cnt); if(detectStepChange(&prevPLines, dataP[cnt], dataQ[cnt] )){ concurCnt++; } cnt++; dataReady=0; if(cnt>=45){ cnt=0; } } } if(concurCnt>=3){ //calculate new powerlines calcMeanRange(&curPLines); tmpDev.dP = curPLines.P.mean - prevPLines.P.mean; tmpDev.dQ = curPLines.Q.mean - prevPLines.Q.mean; GLCD_print("test dev dP is %f\r\n",tmpDev.dP); GLCD_print("test dev dQ is %f\r\n",tmpDev.dQ); //in learning phase if(screen==1){ // GLCD_print("we can now add DEVICES!!!\r\n"); if(devNum==3){ GLCD_print("Can't learn anymore devices\r\n"); learning=0; } else{ if(tmpDev.dP>0 && tmpDev.dQ>0){ GLCD_print("add device or not?\r\n"); if(addDevice){ devProfiles[devNum].dP = tmpDev.dP; devProfiles[devNum].dQ = tmpDev.dQ; GLCD_print("new profile %d p:%f q:%f\r\n",devNum, tmpDev.dP,tmpDev.dQ); devNum++; } } else{ GLCD_print("device is unplugged\r\n"); //DO THE CHECK // determineDevice(devProfiles,tmpDev,&devNum,devLamps); //gui_monitoringScreen(devProfiles,devLamps); } } } //in user phase else if (screen==0){ if(devNum==0){ GLCD_print("No devices on file. Please enter learning mode"); } else{ //check aganst known devices for(k=0;k<3;k++){ GLCD_print("devProfile %d p:%f q:%f\r\n",k, devProfiles[k].dP, devProfiles[k].dQ); //if plugging out, the deltas will be negative if(tmpDev.dP<0 && tmpDev.dQ<0){ plugOut=1; tmpDev.dP = fabs(tmpDev.dP); tmpDev.dQ = fabs(tmpDev.dQ); } if(withinRange(tmpDev,devProfiles[k],cInterval)){ if(plugOut){ GLCD_print("device %d unplugged!\r\n",k); plugOut=0; devLamps[k]=0; } else{ GLCD_print("device %d plugged in!\r\n",k); devLamps[k]=1; } gui_monitoringScreen(devProfiles,devLamps); break; } } } // end of if(devNum>0) } // end user phase prevPLines = curPLines; GLCD_print("prevPlines %f, %f\r",prevPLines.P,prevPLines.Q); } // end of (concurCnt>=3) } // end of detectStepChange() cnt++; //dataReady=0; if(cnt >= 45){ cnt=0; } } // end of dataReady ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of Algo ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI start ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(TouchGet(&XY_Touch)) { cursor_x = XY_Touch.X; cursor_y = XY_Touch.Y; GLCD_Move_Cursor(cursor_x, cursor_y); if (FALSE == Touch) { Touch = TRUE; USB_H_LINK_LED_FCLR = USB_H_LINK_LED_MASK; } } // check the need to swtich screen else if(Touch) { switch(screen) { case 0: // 0 = Monitoring screen // Touch logic if(modeButtonState) { if (cursor_x <= 80 && cursor_y >= 190) { gui_toggleMode(devProfiles,devLamps); break; } } if(settingsButtonState) { if (cursor_x >= 239 && cursor_y >= 190) { gui_settingsScreen(); break; } } // Back button if (cursor_x <= 59 && cursor_y <= 59) { gui_mainScreen(); break; } break; case 1: // 1 = Learning screen // Touch logic if(modeButtonState) { if (cursor_x <= 80 && cursor_y >= 190) // mode { gui_toggleMode(devProfiles,devLamps); break; } } if(addDeviceButtonState) { // add device button placement (80,70,240,120) if (cursor_x >= 80 && cursor_y >= 70 && cursor_x <= 240 && cursor_y <= 120) { addDevice = 1; //gui_addDeviceScreen(); break; } } // Back button if (cursor_x <= 59 && cursor_y <= 59) { gui_mainScreen(); break; } break; case 2: // 2 = Devices screen // Back button if (cursor_x <= 59 && cursor_y <= 59) { gui_mainScreen(); break; } break; case 3: // 3: Webserver screen // Back button if (cursor_x <= 59 && cursor_y <= 59) { gui_mainScreen(); break; } break; case 4: // 4: Inormation Screen // Back button if (cursor_x <= 59 && cursor_y <= 59) { gui_mainScreen(); break; } break; case 5: // 5: Settings Screen // Back button if (cursor_x <= 59 && cursor_y <= 59) { gui_mainScreen(); break; } break; case 9: // 9: Main Screen // Monitor Button if (cursor_x >= 59 && cursor_y >= 64 && cursor_x <= 119 && cursor_y <= 124) { gui_monitoringScreen(devProfiles,devLamps); break; } // Learn Button else if (cursor_x >= 129 && cursor_y >= 64 && cursor_x <= 189 && cursor_y <= 124) { gui_learningScreen(); break; } // Devices Button else if (cursor_x >= 199 && cursor_y >= 64 && cursor_x <= 259 && cursor_y <= 124) { gui_devicesScreen(); break; } // Server Button else if (cursor_x >= 59 && cursor_y >= 134 && cursor_x <= 119 && cursor_y <= 194) { gui_serverScreen(); break; } // Info Button else if (cursor_x >= 129 && cursor_y >= 134 && cursor_x <= 189 && cursor_y <= 194) { gui_infoScreen(); break; } // Settings Button else if (cursor_x >= 199 && cursor_y >= 134 && cursor_x <= 259 && cursor_y <= 194) { gui_settingsScreen(); break; } break; } USB_H_LINK_LED_FSET = USB_H_LINK_LED_MASK; Touch = FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } }
// This is the actual task that is run static portTASK_FUNCTION(vLCDUpdateTask, pvParameters) { #if LCD_EXAMPLE_OP == 0 unsigned short screenColor = 0; unsigned short tscr; unsigned char curLine; unsigned timerCount = 0; int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0; unsigned int xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0; unsigned int x, y; int i; float hue = 0, sat = 0.2, light = 0.2; #else // if LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1 unsigned char picIndex = 0; #endif vtLCDMsg msgBuffer; vtLCDStruct *lcdPtr = (vtLCDStruct *)pvParameters; #ifdef INSPECT_STACK // This is meant as an example that you can re-use in your own tasks // Inspect to the stack remaining to see how much room is remaining // 1. I'll check it here before anything really gets started // 2. I'll check during the run to see if it drops below 10% // 3. You could use break points or logging to check on this, but // you really don't want to print it out because printf() can // result in significant stack usage. // 4. Note that this checking is not perfect -- in fact, it will not // be able to tell how much the stack grows on a printf() call and // that growth can be *large* if version 1 of printf() is used. unsigned portBASE_TYPE InitialStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL); unsigned portBASE_TYPE CurrentStackLeft; float remainingStack = InitialStackLeft; remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE; if (remainingStack < 0.10) { // If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to // run out // The 0.10 is just leaving a cushion, in theory, you could use exactly all // of it VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } #endif // Graph initialization const unsigned graphXoff = 30; const unsigned graphYoff = 10; const unsigned graphWidth = 260; const unsigned graphHeight = 160; uint8_t graphVals[graphWidth]; for (i = 0; i < graphWidth; i++) { graphVals[i] = 0; } uint8_t graphStart = 0; /* Initialize the LCD and set the initial colors */ GLCD_Init(); tscr = White; // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below screenColor = Black; // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below GLCD_SetTextColor(tscr); GLCD_SetBackColor(screenColor); GLCD_Clear(screenColor); GLCD_ClearWindow(graphXoff - 1, graphYoff - 1, 1, graphHeight + 1, Blue); GLCD_ClearWindow( graphXoff - 1, graphYoff + graphHeight + 1, graphWidth + 1, 1, Blue); GLCD_DisplayString(22, 47, 0, (unsigned char *)"0min"); GLCD_DisplayString(22, 37, 0, (unsigned char *)"-1min"); GLCD_DisplayString(22, 27, 0, (unsigned char *)"-2min"); GLCD_DisplayString(22, 17, 0, (unsigned char *)"-3min"); GLCD_DisplayString(22, 7, 0, (unsigned char *)"-4min"); GLCD_DisplayString(22, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"0.0m"); GLCD_DisplayString(14, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"0.5m"); GLCD_DisplayString(8, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"1.0m"); GLCD_DisplayString(2, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"1.5m"); // Note that srand() & rand() require the use of malloc() and should not be used // unless you are using // MALLOC_VERSION==1 #if MALLOC_VERSION == 1 srand((unsigned)55); // initialize the random number generator to the same // seed for repeatability #endif curLine = lcdNUM_SMALL_LINES - 1; // This task should never exit for (;;) { #ifdef INSPECT_STACK CurrentStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL); float remainingStack = CurrentStackLeft; remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE; if (remainingStack < 0.10) { // If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to // run out VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } #endif #if LCD_EXAMPLE_OP == 0 // Wait for a message if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ, (void *)&msgBuffer, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } // Log that we are processing a message -- more explanation of logging is // given later on vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg, getMsgType(&msgBuffer)); vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg, getMsgLength(&msgBuffer)); // Take a different action depending on the type of the message that we // received switch (getMsgType(&msgBuffer)) { case LCDMsgTypePrint: { // This will result in the text printing in the last five lines of the // screen char lineBuffer[lcdCHAR_IN_LINE + 1]; copyMsgString(lineBuffer, &msgBuffer, lcdCHAR_IN_LINE); // clear the line GLCD_ClearLn(curLine, 1); // show the text GLCD_DisplayString(curLine, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)lineBuffer); curLine++; if (curLine == lcdNUM_SMALL_LINES) { curLine = lcdNUM_SMALL_LINES - 1; } break; } case LCDMsgTypePoint: { graphVals[graphStart] = getMsgPoint(&msgBuffer); break; } case LCDMsgTypeTimer: { // Note: if I cared how long the timer update was I would call my // routine // unpackTimerMsg() which would unpack the message and get that value // Each timer update will cause a circle to be drawn on the top half of // the screen // as explained below if (timerCount % 2 == 0) { /* ************************************************** */ // Find a new color for the screen by randomly (within limits) // selecting // HSL values // This can be ignored unless you care about the color map /* #if MALLOC_VERSION==1 hue = rand() % 360; sat = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; sat = sat * 0.5; sat += 0.5; light = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; light = light * 0.8; light += 0.10; #else hue = (hue + 1); if (hue >= 360) hue = 0; sat+=0.01; if (sat > 1.0) sat = 0.20; light+=0.03; if (light > 1.0) light = 0.20; #endif screenColor = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light); // Now choose a complementary value for the text color hue += 180; if (hue >= 360) hue -= 360; tscr = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light); GLCD_SetTextColor(tscr); GLCD_SetBackColor(screenColor); unsigned short int *tbuffer = buffer; //int i; for(i = BUF_LEN; i--;) { tbuffer[i] = screenColor; } */ // End of playing around with figuring out a random color /* ************************************************** */ // clear the top half of the screen // GLCD_ClearWindow(0,0,320,120,screenColor); /* // Now we are going to draw a circle in the buffer // count is how many pixels are in the circle int count = 50; float radius; float inc, val, offset = MAX_RADIUS; unsigned short circleColor; inc = 2*M_PI/count; xmax = 0; ymax = 0; xmin = 50000; ymin = 50000; val = 0.0; for (i=0;i<count;i++) { // Make the circle a little thicker // by actually drawing three circles w/ different radii float cv = cos(val), sv=sin(val); circleColor = (val*0xFFFF)/(2*M_PI); GLCD_SetTextColor(circleColor); for (radius=MAX_RADIUS-2.0;radius<=MAX_RADIUS;radius+=1.0) { x = round(cv*radius+offset); y = round(sv*radius+offset); if (x > xmax) xmax = x; if (y > ymax) ymax = y; if (x < xmin) xmin = x; if (y < ymin) ymin = y; //tbuffer[(y*((MAX_RADIUS*2)+1)) + x] = circleColor; } val += inc; } */ // GLCD_ClearWindow(graphXoff, graphYoff, graphWidth, graphHeight, // screenColor); graphStart = (graphStart + 1) % graphWidth; DEBUG_OUT(0xf); for (i = 0; i < graphWidth; i++) { unsigned index = (i + graphStart) % graphWidth; unsigned y = graphHeight - graphVals[index] + graphYoff; unsigned x = i + graphXoff; GLCD_ClearWindow(x, graphYoff, 1, graphHeight, screenColor); GLCD_PutPixel(x, y); } DEBUG_OUT(0x0); } // else { // We are going to write out the buffer // back onto the screen at a new location // This is *very* fast /* // First, clear out where we were GLCD_ClearWindow(xoffset,yoffset,xmax+1-xmin,ymax+1-ymin,screenColor); // Pick the new location #if MALLOC_VERSION==1 xoffset = rand() % (320-(xmax+1-xmin)); yoffset = rand() % (120-(ymax+1-ymin)); #else xoffset = (xoffset + 10) % (320-(xmax+1-xmin)); yoffset = (yoffset + 10) % (120-(ymax+1-ymin)); #endif // Draw the bitmap GLCD_Bitmap(xoffset,yoffset,xmax+1-xmin,ymax-1-ymin,(unsigned char*)buffer); */ //} timerCount++; if (timerCount >= 100) { // every so often, we reset timer count and start again // This isn't for any important reason, it is just to for this example // code to do "stuff" timerCount = 0; } break; } default: { // In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer // messages VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(getMsgType(&msgBuffer)); break; } } // end of switch() // Here is a way to do debugging output via the built-in hardware -- it requires // the ULINK cable and the debugger in the Keil tools to be connected. You can // view PORT0 output in the "Debug(printf) Viewer" under "View->Serial Windows". // You have to enable "Trace" and "Port0" in the Debug setup options. This // should not be used if you are using Port0 for printf(). There are 31 other // ports and their output (and port 0's) can be seen in the // "View->Trace->Records" windows. You have to enable the ports in the Debug // setup options. Note that unlike ITM_SendChar() this "raw" port write is not // blocking. That means it can overrun the capability of the system to record // the trace events if you go too quickly; that won't hurt anything or change // the program execution and you can tell if it happens because the // "View->Trace->Records" window will show there was an overrun. // vtITMu16(vtITMPortLCD,screenColor); #elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP == 1 // In this alternate version, we just keep redrawing a series of bitmaps as // we receive timer messages // Wait for a message if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ, (void *)&msgBuffer, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } if (getMsgType(&msgBuffer) != LCDMsgTypeTimer) { // In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer messages VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(getMsgType(&msgBuffer)); } /* go through a bitmap that is really a series of bitmaps */ picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % 9; GLCD_Bmp(99, 99, 120, 45, (unsigned char *)&ARM_Ani_16bpp[picIndex * (120 * 45 * 2)]); #else Bad setting #endif } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN function *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { /* Main Program */ //************************************************************************************************************ /* this is contiki-code */ watchdog_init(); /* Initialize hardware. */ clock_init(); /* UART4 Initialization */ // uart4_init(115200); USBD_Init(&USB_OTG_dev, USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID, &USR_desc, &USBD_CDC_cb, &USR_cb); // Led initialization leds_init(); leds_on(LEDS_BLUE); PRINTF("\r\nStarting "); PRINTF(CONTIKI_VERSION_STRING); PRINTF(" on %s \r\n", PLATFORM_NAME); #ifdef __USE_LCD GLCD_Init(); /* Initialize graphical LCD display */ GLCD_Clear(White); /* Clear graphical LCD display */ GLCD_SetBackColor(DarkGreen); GLCD_SetTextColor(White); GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, __FI, " KUSZ - TU Dortmund "); GLCD_DisplayString(1, 0, __FI, " contiki "); GLCD_DisplayString(2, 0, __FI, " www.tu-dortmund.de "); GLCD_SetBackColor(White); GLCD_SetTextColor(Blue); watchdog_periodic(); #endif // __USE_LCD /* * Initialize Contiki and our processes. */ #ifdef WITH_SERIAL_LINE_INPUT // uart1_set_input(serial_line_input_byte); // serial_line_init(); #endif /* rtimer and ctimer should be initialized before radio duty cycling layers*/ rtimer_init(); process_init(); process_start(&sensors_process, NULL); /* etimers must be started before ctimer_init */ process_start(&etimer_process, NULL); ctimer_init(); /* Start radio and radio receive process */ NETSTACK_RADIO.init(); /* makes use of cpu-specific RNG peripheral - no seed needed */ random_init(0); /* Set addresses BEFORE starting tcpip process */ addr.u8[0] = 0x02; addr.u8[1] = *((uint8_t*)0x1FFF7A10); addr.u8[2] = *((uint8_t*)0x1FFF7A10+1); addr.u8[3] = 0xFF; addr.u8[4] = 0xFE; addr.u8[5] = *((uint8_t*)0x1FFF7A10+2); addr.u8[6] = *((uint8_t*)0x1FFF7A10+3); addr.u8[7] = *((uint8_t*)0x1FFF7A10+4); memcpy(&uip_lladdr.addr, &addr.u8, sizeof(rimeaddr_t)); rimeaddr_set_node_addr(&addr); rf230_set_pan_addr(0xabcd,0xbabe,(uint8_t *)&addr.u8); rf230_set_channel(CHANNEL_802_15_4); rf230_set_txpower(0); /* max */ PRINTF("EUI-64 MAC: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",addr.u8[0],addr.u8[1],addr.u8[2],addr.u8[3],addr.u8[4],addr.u8[5],addr.u8[6],addr.u8[7]); /* Initialize stack protocols */ queuebuf_init(); NETSTACK_RDC.init(); NETSTACK_MAC.init(); NETSTACK_NETWORK.init(); #define ANNOUNCE_BOOT 1 #if ANNOUNCE_BOOT PRINTF("%s %s, channel %u , check rate %u Hz tx power %u\n",NETSTACK_MAC.name, NETSTACK_RDC.name, rf230_get_channel(), CLOCK_SECOND / (NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval() == 0 ? 1:NETSTACK_RDC.channel_check_interval()), rf230_get_txpower()); #if UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL PRINTF("RPL Enabled\n"); #endif #if UIP_CONF_ROUTER PRINTF("Routing Enabled\n"); #endif #endif /* ANNOUNCE_BOOT */ process_start(&tcpip_process, NULL); /* Autostart other processes */ autostart_start(autostart_processes); #if ANNOUNCE_BOOT PRINTF("Online\n"); #endif /* ANNOUNCE_BOOT */ energest_init(); ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_CPU); watchdog_start(); while (1) { /* Loop forever */ watchdog_periodic(); process_run(); } }
int_t main(void) { error_t error; NetInterface *interface; OsTask *task; MacAddr macAddr; #if (APP_USE_DHCP == DISABLED) Ipv4Addr ipv4Addr; #endif #if (APP_USE_SLAAC == DISABLED) Ipv6Addr ipv6Addr; #endif //Initialize kernel osInitKernel(); //Configure debug UART debugInit(115200); //Start-up message TRACE_INFO("\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("**********************************\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("*** CycloneTCP Web Server Demo ***\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("**********************************\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("Copyright: 2010-2014 Oryx Embedded\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("Compiled: %s %s\r\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); TRACE_INFO("Target: SAM3X\r\n"); TRACE_INFO("\r\n"); //Configure I/Os ioInit(); //ADC initialization adcInit(); //Initialize LCD display GLCD_Init(); GLCD_SetBackColor(Blue); GLCD_SetTextColor(White); GLCD_Clear(Blue); //Welcome message lcdSetCursor(0, 0); printf("Web Server Demo\r\n"); //Generate a random seed //PRNG initialization error = yarrowInit(&yarrowContext); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize PRNG!\r\n"); } //Properly seed the PRNG error = yarrowSeed(&yarrowContext, seed, sizeof(seed)); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to seed PRNG!\r\n"); } //TCP/IP stack initialization error = tcpIpStackInit(); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize TCP/IP stack!\r\n"); } //Configure the first Ethernet interface interface = &netInterface[0]; //Set interface name tcpIpStackSetInterfaceName(interface, "eth0"); //Set host name tcpIpStackSetHostname(interface, "WebServerDemo"); //Select the relevant network adapter tcpIpStackSetDriver(interface, &sam3xEthDriver); tcpIpStackSetPhyDriver(interface, &dm9161PhyDriver); //Set external interrupt line driver tcpIpStackSetExtIntDriver(interface, &extIntDriver); //Set host MAC address macStringToAddr(APP_MAC_ADDR, &macAddr); tcpIpStackSetMacAddr(interface, &macAddr); //Initialize network interface error = tcpIpStackConfigInterface(interface); //Any error to report? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to configure interface %s!\r\n", interface->name); } #if (IPV4_SUPPORT == ENABLED) #if (APP_USE_DHCP == ENABLED) //Get default settings dhcpClientGetDefaultSettings(&dhcpClientSettings); //Set the network interface to be configured by DHCP dhcpClientSettings.interface = interface; //Disable rapid commit option dhcpClientSettings.rapidCommit = FALSE; //DHCP client initialization error = dhcpClientInit(&dhcpClientContext, &dhcpClientSettings); //Failed to initialize DHCP client? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize DHCP client!\r\n"); } //Start DHCP client error = dhcpClientStart(&dhcpClientContext); //Failed to start DHCP client? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start DHCP client!\r\n"); } #else //Set IPv4 host address ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_HOST_ADDR, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetHostAddr(interface, ipv4Addr); //Set subnet mask ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_SUBNET_MASK, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetSubnetMask(interface, ipv4Addr); //Set default gateway ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetDefaultGateway(interface, ipv4Addr); //Set primary and secondary DNS servers ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_PRIMARY_DNS, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetDnsServer(interface, 0, ipv4Addr); ipv4StringToAddr(APP_IPV4_SECONDARY_DNS, &ipv4Addr); ipv4SetDnsServer(interface, 1, ipv4Addr); #endif #endif #if (IPV6_SUPPORT == ENABLED) #if (APP_USE_SLAAC == ENABLED) //Get default settings slaacGetDefaultSettings(&slaacSettings); //Set the network interface to be configured slaacSettings.interface = interface; //SLAAC initialization error = slaacInit(&slaacContext, &slaacSettings); //Failed to initialize SLAAC? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize SLAAC!\r\n"); } //Start IPv6 address autoconfiguration process error = slaacStart(&slaacContext); //Failed to start SLAAC process? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start SLAAC!\r\n"); } #else //Set link-local address ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ADDR, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetLinkLocalAddr(interface, &ipv6Addr, IPV6_ADDR_STATE_VALID); //Set IPv6 prefix ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_PREFIX, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetPrefix(interface, &ipv6Addr, APP_IPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH); //Set global address ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_GLOBAL_ADDR, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetGlobalAddr(interface, &ipv6Addr, IPV6_ADDR_STATE_VALID); //Set router ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_ROUTER, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetRouter(interface, &ipv6Addr); //Set primary and secondary DNS servers ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_PRIMARY_DNS, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetDnsServer(interface, 0, &ipv6Addr); ipv6StringToAddr(APP_IPV6_SECONDARY_DNS, &ipv6Addr); ipv6SetDnsServer(interface, 1, &ipv6Addr); #endif #endif //Get default settings httpServerGetDefaultSettings(&httpServerSettings); //Bind HTTP server to the desired interface httpServerSettings.interface = &netInterface[0]; //Listen to port 80 httpServerSettings.port = HTTP_PORT; //Specify the server's root directory strcpy(httpServerSettings.rootDirectory, "/www/"); //Set default home page strcpy(httpServerSettings.defaultDocument, "index.shtm"); //Callback functions httpServerSettings.authCallback = httpServerAuthCallback; httpServerSettings.cgiCallback = httpServerCgiCallback; httpServerSettings.uriNotFoundCallback = httpServerUriNotFoundCallback; //HTTP server initialization error = httpServerInit(&httpServerContext, &httpServerSettings); //Failed to initialize HTTP server? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize HTTP server!\r\n"); } //Start HTTP server error = httpServerStart(&httpServerContext); //Failed to start HTTP server? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start HTTP server!\r\n"); } //Start TCP echo service error = tcpEchoStart(); //Failed to TCP echo service? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start TCP echo service!\r\n"); } //Start UDP echo service error = udpEchoStart(); //Failed to TCP echo service? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start UDP echo service!\r\n"); } //Start TCP discard service error = tcpDiscardStart(); //Failed to TCP echo service? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start TCP discard service!\r\n"); } //Start UDP discard service error = udpDiscardStart(); //Failed to TCP echo service? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start UDP discard service!\r\n"); } //Start TCP chargen service error = tcpChargenStart(); //Failed to TCP echo service? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start TCP chargen service!\r\n"); } //Start UDP chargen service error = udpChargenStart(); //Failed to TCP echo service? if(error) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to start UDP chargen service!\r\n"); } //Create user task task = osCreateTask("User Task", userTask, NULL, 500, 1); //Failed to create the task? if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create task!\r\n"); } //Create a task to blink the LED task = osCreateTask("Blink", blinkTask, NULL, 500, 1); //Failed to create the task? if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE) { //Debug message TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create task!\r\n"); } //Start the execution of tasks osStartKernel(); //This function should never return return 0; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Program *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { int i; char potOutput[20]; char answer[10]; //Following statement sets the timer interrupt frequency //The clock rate on this boards MCU is 72 Mhz - this means //every second there will be 72 million clocks. So, if use this //as the parameter to the function the interrupt rate is going //to be every second. If it is reduced to 100 times less then //it will do that many clocks in 100 times less time, i.e. 10 msecs. //NOTE: We could have chosen to generate a timer interrupt every 1 msec //if we wished and that would be quite acceptable in which case we would //need to modify the interrupt handler routine in IRQ.c file. SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/10000); /* Generate interrupt each 10 ms */ LED_init(); /* LED Initialization */ pin_PA4_For_Speaker(); //Function that initializes the Speaker ADC_init(); //Function that initializes ADC GLCD_Init(); /* Initialize graphical LCD display */ joyStick_Init(); // Initialise the joystick userButton_Init(); // Initialise User Button userButton_IntrEnable(); //initialise the User button as an interrupt source //Here we initialise the Joystick switches as interrupt sources joyStick_IntrEnable_PG15_13(); joyStick_IntrEnable_PG7(); joyStick_IntrEnable_PD3(); AD_done = 0; ADC1->CR2 |= (1UL << 22); //Start the ADC conversion doTone = 0; WelcomeScreen(); // initialiseGetAnswer(answer, 10); // if(currentState == ON_DIFFICULTY_SCREEN) // { // GLCD_Clear(White); // if(currDifficulty == 0){ // currDifficulty = 1; // } // updateNextDifficulty(nextDifficulty); // DisplayInstructions(NULL,currentScore,currDifficulty,1); // DrawBarGraph(BAR_X,BAR_Y,currDifficulty * 20,BAR_HEIGHT,BAR_VALUE); // } while (TRUE) { // Program pauses whilst Countdown timer ticks - this is necessary because the program does not like interrupts and delay timers // i.e. SysTick does not work whilst interrupts being handled // Gives the user time to memorise the code // Program then advances to accept answer state if(currentState == QUESTION_SCREEN) { // Question Screen Delay countdown timer RunTimer(5000); currentState = ANSWER_SCREEN; answerScreen(); Vectored_Interrupt(USER_BUTTON); // Simulate user pressing the button } // // //RunTimer(TIMER_LENGTH); // GLCD_SetBackColor(Red); // DrawBarGraph(100,6*24,barWidth,15,1); // delay10th(10000); // GLCD_SetBackColor(White); // barWidth -= 20; // if(barWidth <= 0){ // barWidth = 100; // } // GLCD_DisplayString(6,0,__FI," "); //Check to see if ADC sampling is completed // if (AD_done) { // //Yes, so get part of the sample value // c = (AD_last >> 8) + 4; // if (doTone) { // //If enabled, switch the tone on // sprintf(potOutput,"Pot = %d",c); // displayTestMessage(1,0,potOutput,0); // generate_Tone_On_Speaker(c * 50, 10); // } // AD_done = 0; //Reset the ADC complete flag waiting for next sample // ADC1->CR2 |= (1UL << 22); //Start the next ADC conversion } }
// This is the actual task that is run static portTASK_FUNCTION( vLCDUpdateTask, pvParameters ) { portTickType xUpdateRate, xLastUpdateTime; vtLCDMsg msgBuffer; vtLCDStruct *lcdPtr = (vtLCDStruct *) pvParameters; //counter for line display //uint8_t counter = 0; /* Initialize the LCD */ GLCD_Init(); GLCD_Clear(White); const char line_0[] = "Calc. Position"; const char line_2[] = "Bearing from #0"; const char line_4[] = "GPS"; const char line_6[] = "Bearing from GPS"; const char line_8[] = "RSSI [0, 1, 2]"; int initial = 0; // Scale the update rate to ensure it really is in ms xUpdateRate = lcdWRITE_RATE_BASE / portTICK_RATE_MS; /* We need to initialise xLastUpdateTime prior to the first call to vTaskDelayUntil(). */ xLastUpdateTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); // Note that srand() & rand() require the use of malloc() and should not be used unless you are using // MALLOC_VERSION==1 #if MALLOC_VERSION==1 srand((unsigned) 55); // initialize the random number generator to the same seed for repeatability #endif // Like all good tasks, this should never exit for(;;) { if (LCD_STATE == 2){ /* Ask the RTOS to delay reschduling this task for the specified time */ vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastUpdateTime, xUpdateRate ); // wait for a message from another task telling us to send/recv over i2c if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } //Log that we are processing a message vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg,msgBuffer.length); if (msgBuffer.buf[0] == 0xDE && msgBuffer.buf[1] == 0xAD && msgBuffer.buf[2] == 0xBE){ GLCD_Clear(White); LCD_STATE = 3; } else { char buf[21]; sprintf(buf, "%4.6f, %4.6f", msgBuffer.tlat, msgBuffer.tlon); GLCD_DisplayString(0,0,1,(unsigned char *)msgBuffer.buf); GLCD_DisplayString(1,0,1,(unsigned char *) buf); } } else if (LCD_STATE == 3){ /* Ask the RTOS to delay reschduling this task for the specified time */ //vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastUpdateTime, xUpdateRate ); // wait for a message from another task telling us to send/recv over i2c if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { VT_HANDLE_FATAL_ERROR(0); } #if USE_GPIO == 1 GPIO_SetValue(1, 0x20000000); #endif //Log that we are processing a message vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg,msgBuffer.length); // Decide what color and then clear the line GLCD_SetTextColor(Black); GLCD_SetBackColor(White); if(!initial){ GLCD_DisplayString(0, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)line_0); GLCD_DisplayString(2, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)line_2); GLCD_DisplayString(4, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)line_4); GLCD_DisplayString(6, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)line_6); GLCD_DisplayString(8, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)line_8); initial++; } GLCD_DisplayString(msgBuffer.line_num + 1, 0, 1, (unsigned char *)msgBuffer.buf); #if USE_GPIO == 1 GPIO_ClearValue(1, 0x20000000); #endif } else{ // Bad setting } } }