static WORD ClearItemChunks(WORD wType) { WORD wSize; GLOBALHANDLE hChunk, hChunk1; GetHandle(wType, (GLOBALHANDLE *) &hChunk, (WORD FAR *) &wSize, (BOOL) GET_CHUNK); while (hChunk && (hChunk1 = hChunk)) { FIXCHUNKHDR lpChunk = (FIXCHUNKHDR) GLOBALLOCK(hChunk); if (!lpChunk) return ERROR; if (lpChunk->hTable) GLOBALFREE(lpChunk->hTable); if (lpChunk->hChunkTable) GLOBALFREE(lpChunk->hChunkTable); hChunk = lpChunk->hNext; GLOBALUNLOCK(hChunk1); GLOBALFREE(hChunk1); } return TRUE; }
void EnumItemsFromBottom(BOOL (*fn)(LPBRTABLE, LPSTR), LPSTR lpData) { BRDATA lpBrData = (BRDATA) GLOBALLOCK(hClBrData); LPBRTABLE lpBrowser = (LPBRTABLE) GLOBALLOCK(lpBrData->hBrowser); LPBRTABLE lpLevel; LEVEL_TYPE level = lpBrData->lDepth; while (level >= lpBrData->lFocusedLevel && FindLevel_BrTable(lpBrowser, level--, &lpLevel, FALSE)) { WORD wCount = LEVELCOUNT((lpLevel - SIZE_BRLEVEL)); WORD wLevelSize = lpBrData->sItemSize * wCount; GLOBALHANDLE hCopy = GLOBALALLOC(GHND, wLevelSize); if (hCopy) { LPBRTABLE lpItem = GLOBALLOCK(hCopy); _fmemcpy(lpItem, lpLevel, wLevelSize); while (wCount--) { (*fn)(lpItem, lpData); lpItem = MOVE_TO_NEXT_ITEM(lpItem, lpBrData->sItemSize); } GLOBALUNLOCK(hCopy); GLOBALFREE(hCopy); } else break; } GLOBALUNLOCK(lpBrData->hBrowser); GLOBALUNLOCK(hClBrData); }
HANDLE RLDecode(char *szFileName) { FILE *In; long length; HANDLE hMemory; LPSTR lpMemory; In = fopen(szFileName, "rb"); if (!In) return FALSE; fread(&length, sizeof(long), 1, In); hMemory = GLOBALALLOC(GHND, length); if (!hMemory) return NULL; lpMemory = GLOBALLOCK(hMemory); if (!lpMemory) { GLOBALFREE(hMemory); return NULL; } rle_decomp(In, lpMemory); fclose(In); GLOBALUNLOCK(hMemory); return hMemory; }
/* Returns TRUE if an empty expression of just a semicolon */ WORD WndCheckExpEmpty(HWND hWnd) { GLOBALHANDLE hBody = NULL; LPSTR lpBody; WORD wCheck, wBodyLen; wBodyLen = (WORD) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L); wBodyLen += 1; if (wBodyLen <= RET_BUFFER_LEN) lpBody = return_buffer; else { hBody = GLOBALALLOC(GHND, wBodyLen); lpBody = (LPSTR) GLOBALLOCK(hBody); } GetWindowText(hWnd, lpBody, wBodyLen); wCheck = EmptyBody(lpBody) || IsSemiColon(lpBody); if (hBody) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hBody); GLOBALFREE(hBody); } return wCheck; }
WORD WndCheckExp(HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpTitle, WORD wType) { GLOBALHANDLE hBody; LPSTR lpBody; WORD wCheck = FALSE, wLoc = 0, wBodyLen; wBodyLen = (WORD) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L); wBodyLen += 1; hBody = GLOBALALLOC(GHND, wBodyLen); lpBody = GLOBALLOCK(hBody); GetWindowText(hWnd, lpBody, wBodyLen); RegisterKappaMessage(IDE_ERROR, NULLID, NULLID, NULLID); if (!KppCalculateExpSize(lpBody, &wLoc)) { char stBuffer[RET_BUFFER_LEN]; WORD wStr1, wStr2; wStr1 = wStr2 = KppGetParserErrorLoc(); KppKappaGetWord(0, lpBody, (LPWORD) &wStr2, stBuffer, RET_BUFFER_LEN); while (lpBody[wStr1] != stBuffer[0]) wStr1++; SendMessage(hWnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(wStr1, wStr2)); KppIncrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); PostKappaMessageWithTitle(lpTitle); KppDecrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); SetFocus(hWnd); wCheck = TRUE; } else { lpBody += KppCheckStatement(lpBody); while (*lpBody) { if (!isspace(*lpBody++)) { RegisterKappaMessage(IDE_MORETHANONEEXP, NULLID, NULLID, NULLID); KppIncrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); PostKappaMessageWithTitle(lpTitle); KppDecrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); wCheck = TRUE; break; } } } GLOBALUNLOCK(hBody); GLOBALFREE(hBody); return wCheck; }
/* clean up dll libraries when exiting kappa */ void KppDLLExit(void) { short i; kppDLLTABLE FAR *kppDLLTable; #ifndef MAC kppDLLTable = (kppDLLTABLE FAR *) GLOBALLOCK(hdlkppDLLTable); for (i = 0; i <= lib_table_index; i++) if (kppDLLTable[i].LibHandle) FreeLibrary(kppDLLTable[i].LibHandle); GLOBALUNLOCK(hdlkppDLLTable); GLOBALFREE(hdlkppDLLTable); #endif }
/// free all memory allocations for database /// \param dbInfo - pointer to database information void CDatabaseManager::ReleaseDatabase(DATABASEINFO *dbInfo) { DATABASEDATA *data = dbInfo->m_DatabaseData; if (data != NULL) { for_each(data, data + dbInfo->m_nItems, mem_fun_ref(&DATABASEDATA::Release)); GLOBALFREE(data); } // free up the alloc CHashString* delete dbInfo->m_SchemaName; delete dbInfo->m_FileName; // TODO: Check that name is owned by DATABASEINFO structure also //delete dbInfo->m_DatabaseName; //delete dbInfo->m_SchemaFile; }
/************************************************************************* KppDestroyRuleRelations *************************************************************************/ void PEXPORT KppDestroyRuleRelations (GLOBALHANDLE hRuleRel) { #ifdef INFERENCE #ifndef RUNTIME LPRULEREL lpRuleRel; if (!hRuleRel) return; lpRuleRel = (LPRULEREL) GLOBALLOCK (hRuleRel); GLOBALUNLOCK (RRHIF(lpRuleRel)); GLOBALFREE (RRHIF(lpRuleRel)); GLOBALUNLOCK (RRHTHEN(lpRuleRel)); GLOBALFREE (RRHTHEN(lpRuleRel)); while (GLOBALUNLOCK (hRuleRel)); /* Do it twice GLOBALUNLOCK (hRuleRel); */ GLOBALFREE (hRuleRel); #endif #endif }
BOOL PEXPORT KppDeleteBuffer(OBJECTID idObject, ATOMID idSlot) { ATOMID idBuffer; GLOBALHANDLE hBuffer; idBuffer = Kpp_Get_SlotValue (OBJECT_TYPE(idObject), idObject, idSlot); if (!idBuffer) return ERROR; if (!KappaGetInt (idBuffer, hBuffer)) return ERROR; GLOBALUNLOCK (hBuffer); GLOBALFREE (hBuffer); return kpc_reset_value (OBJECT_TYPE (idObject), idObject, idSlot); }
BOOL PEXPORT KppInterpretKalFile(LPSTR lpTrpFile, BOOL bMode, ATOMID idAsk) { BOOL bRet; FILE *fpFile; GLOBALHANDLE hComment; LPSTR lpComment; OFSTRUCT of; if (!KppBeforeInterpretFileCB(lpTrpFile)) return FALSE; if (OpenFile(lpTrpFile, &of, OF_EXIST) != HFILE_ERROR) { lpTrpFile = of.szPathName; if (!(fpFile = fopen_share(of.szPathName, "r"))) return FALSE; } else return KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_FILENOTFOUND, KppAddAtom(of.szPathName), NULLID, NULLID); hComment = GLOBALALLOC(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, MAX_COMMENT_SIZE); lpComment = GLOBALLOCK(hComment); #ifdef RUNTIME bRet = InterpretKal(fpFile, lpTrpFile, lpComment, FALSE, idAsk); #else bRet = InterpretKal(fpFile, lpTrpFile, lpComment, bMode, idAsk); #endif fclose(fpFile); bRet = KppAfterInterpretFileCB(lpTrpFile, lpComment, bRet); GLOBALUNLOCK(hComment); GLOBALFREE(hComment); return bRet; }
TANY W_CALLBACK KpiVBXPictureBC(OBJECTID self, LPSTR ap) { WORD wType = OBJECT_TYPE(self); ATOMID idWidget = KppGetItemName(wType, self); HWND hWnd = KpsGetWindowFromWidget(idWidget); LPVBXINFO lpVBXInfo = GetVBXInfo(hWnd); ATOMID idSlot = va_far_arg(ap, ATOMID); ATOMID idValue = va_far_arg(ap, ATOMID); ATOMID idPic = Kpp_GetOption(wType, self, idSlot, OPT_DATA); TANY res; PIC pic; if (lpVBXInfo && idPic && idPic != lpIDs->idNull) { long lOldPic; if (KppGetAtomLong(idPic, &lOldPic)) lpVBXInfo->lpDisp->FreePicture(lpVBXInfo, (HPIC) lOldPic); } res.type = T_ATOM; = idValue; if (!lpVBXInfo || !IsWindow(hWnd) || !idValue || idValue == lpIDs->idNull) return res; pic.picType = PICTYPE_ICON; if (idValue == _SYM(Application)) pic.picData.icon.hicon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); else if (idValue == _SYM(Asterisk)) pic.picData.icon.hicon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_ASTERISK); else if (idValue == _SYM(Exclamation)) pic.picData.icon.hicon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_EXCLAMATION); else if (idValue == _SYM(Hand)) pic.picData.icon.hicon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_HAND); else if (idValue == _SYM(Question)) pic.picData.icon.hicon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_QUESTION); else { HANDLE hDIB = KpiLoadDIBFromFile(NULLID, idValue); HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL; if (hDIB) hBitmap = KpiBitmapFromDib(hDIB, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE)); if (!hBitmap) { if (hDIB) GLOBALFREE(hDIB); pic.picType = PICTYPE_NONE; } else { pic.picType = PICTYPE_BITMAP; pic.picData.bmp.hpal = GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE); pic.picData.bmp.hbitmap = hBitmap; } } if (pic.picType != PICTYPE_NONE) { HPIC hPic = lpVBXInfo->lpDisp->CreatePicture(lpVBXInfo, &pic); if (hPic) idPic = KppAddAtomLong((long) hPic); else idPic = lpIDs->idNull; Kpp_SetOption(wType, self, idSlot, OPT_DATA, idPic); } return res; }
void PEXPORT KlwPop(BOOL bDisplay) { GLOBALHANDLE hCtx, hPrev, hWatches; WORD active, i; if (hWndStack) { SendMessage(hWndStack, LB_DELETESTRING, 0, 0L); SendMessage(hWndStack, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L); } if (varstack) { if (varstack->pops) varstack->pops--; else { GLOBALHANDLE hPrev = varstack->hPrev; GLOBALHANDLE hCtx = varstack->hCtx; if (varstack->idVarList) KppDeleteList(varstack->idVarList); GLOBALUNLOCK(hCtx); GLOBALFREE(hCtx); if (hPrev) varstack = (varctx) GLOBALLOCK(hPrev); else varstack = NULL; if (varstack) KlwUpdateWatches(varstack->lpBody, varstack->idVarList); } } if (!dbgstack) return; if (dbgstack->pops) { dbgstack->pops--; return; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_WATCHES; ++i) { watch wtc = &dbgstack->wtcs[i]; if (!wtc->bPerm) { if (wtc->idSlot) { LPSLOT lpSlot = (LPSLOT) KppGetItem(SLOT, wtc->idSlot); if (lpSlot) { SLOTFLAGS(lpSlot) &= ~SLOTWATCHED; KppReleaseItem(SLOT, wtc->idSlot); } } if (wtc->idNames) KppDeleteList(wtc->idNames); } } hCtx = dbgstack->hCtx; hPrev = dbgstack->hPrev; hWatches = dbgstack->hWatches; active = dbgstack->active; if (dbgstack->hWatches) SetWindowText(hWndWatches, ""); if (hPrev) { dbgctx ctx = (dbgctx) GLOBALLOCK(hPrev); KlwTransferWatches(dbgstack, ctx); dbgstack = ctx; if (active == CTX_ABORT) ctx->active = CTX_ABORT; else if (bDisplay && ctx->active == CTX_STEP) { KlwShowExp(hWndSource, ctx->wType, ctx->idCode, ctx->idObj); ShowCurLine(hWndSource, NULL, FALSE); if (ctx->hWatches) { LPSTR lpWatches = GLOBALLOCK(ctx->hWatches); SetWindowText(hWndWatches, lpWatches); GLOBALUNLOCK(ctx->hWatches); } } } else { HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hWndKalView); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_CLEAR, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_STACK, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_SELECTION, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_WTCSEL, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_WTCSLOT, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_RUN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, KLW_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); GetSystemMenu(hWndKalView, TRUE); dbgstack = NULL; SendMessage(hWndSource, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0L); ShowWindow(hWndStack, SW_HIDE); } GLOBALUNLOCK(hCtx); GLOBALFREE(hCtx); if (hWatches) GLOBALFREE(hWatches); }
WORD EditorCheckRulePattern(HWND hWndDlg, WORD wChild) { GLOBALHANDLE hPattern; LPSTR lpPattern; WORD i = 0, wCheck = FALSE, wFirst = TRUE; char stBuffer[NAME_BUFFER_LEN]; HWND hWnd; hPattern = GLOBALALLOC(GHND, (DWORD) BODY_LEN); lpPattern = (LPSTR) GLOBALLOCK(hPattern); hWnd = GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, wChild); GetWindowText(hWnd, lpPattern, BODY_LEN - 1); i = KppGetWordFromString(lpPattern, i, stBuffer, NAME_BUFFER_LEN); while (i) { if (!stBuffer[0]) break; if (!wFirst && stBuffer[0] == ',') { KppIncrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "Not Needed Between Patterns", "COMMA", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); KppDecrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); wCheck = TRUE; break; } if (!KppIsGoodName(stBuffer)) { sprintf(return_buffer, "Found \"%s\"", stBuffer); KppIncrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), return_buffer, "Bad Dummy Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); KppDecrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); wCheck = TRUE; break; } i = KppGetWordFromString(lpPattern, i, stBuffer, NAME_BUFFER_LEN); if (i == 0 || stBuffer[0] == '\0' || stBuffer[0] != '|') { sprintf(return_buffer, "Found \"%s\"", stBuffer); KppIncrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), return_buffer, "Expecting '|'", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); KppDecrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); wCheck = TRUE; break; } i = KppGetWordFromString(lpPattern, i, stBuffer, NAME_BUFFER_LEN); if ((i == 0) && (!KppIsGoodName(stBuffer))) { sprintf(return_buffer, "Found \"%s\"", stBuffer); KppIncrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), return_buffer, "Bad Class Name", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); KppDecrementPopupCountCB(EDITW); wCheck = TRUE; break; } wFirst = FALSE; i = KppGetWordFromString(lpPattern, i, stBuffer, NAME_BUFFER_LEN); } GLOBALUNLOCK(hPattern); GLOBALFREE(hPattern); return wCheck; }
int ExitObjectClassEditor(HWND hWndDlg, WORD wType, GLOBALHANDLE hObj) { LPOBJECT lpTempObj; LISTID idRenamedNewNames, idRenamedOldNames, idDeletedSlots; /* See if item need to be saved */ if (!QueryEditorSaveItem(hWndDlg, wType, hObj, EXIT)) return FALSE; /* Clean up left over items on the temporary object */ lpTempObj = (LPOBJECT) GLOBALLOCK(hObj); Kpp__ResetCO(wType, (LPCLASS) lpTempObj); GLOBALUNLOCK(hObj); GLOBALFREE(hObj); /* Take care of deleteslots and renamed ones */ if (idDeletedSlots = GetProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pDeletedSlots)) { KppDeleteList(idDeletedSlots); SetProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pDeletedSlots, NULLID); } if (idRenamedOldNames = GetProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pRenamedOldNames)) { KppDeleteList(idRenamedOldNames); SetProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pRenamedOldNames, NULLID); } if (idRenamedNewNames = GetProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pRenamedNewNames)) { KppDeleteList(idRenamedNewNames); SetProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pRenamedNewNames, NULLID); } /* Update the list of currently open object/class editors */ if (wType == OBJECT && idObjectEditors) { KppDeleteElem(idObjectEditors, hWndDlg, 0); if (!KppListLen(idObjectEditors)) { KppDeleteList(idObjectEditors); idObjectEditors = NULLID; } } else if (idClassEditors) { KppDeleteElem(idClassEditors, hWndDlg, 0); if (!KppListLen(idClassEditors)) { KppDeleteList(idClassEditors); idClassEditors = NULLID; } } KppRemoveFromWindowMenuCB(hWndDlg); /* Remove all properties */ if (wType == OBJECT) RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) "hObj"); else RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) "hClass"); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pActualItem); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pModified); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pSlotEditors); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pMethodEditors); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pDeletedSlots); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pRenamedOldNames); RemoveProp(hWndDlg, (LPSTR) pRenamedNewNames); return TRUE; }
BOOL HandleCtrlKeys(HWND hWnd, WORD wKey) { if (!BrSelection.idObj) return FALSE; #ifndef RUNTIME switch ((char) wKey + 0x40) { case 'B': if (OBJECT_TYPE(BrSelection.idObj) == CLASS) ShowSubNodesCB(CLASS, BrSelection.idObj, CLASS, BR_TOGGLE); return TRUE; case 'C': if (OBJECT_TYPE(BrSelection.idObj) == CLASS) { ATOMID idName; WORD wType; while (TRUE) { sprintf(return_buffer, "Anon%d", ++wAnonCounter); idName = KppAddAtom(return_buffer); if (!KppGetObjectId(idName, &wType)) break; } KppMakeCO(CLASS, KppAddAtom(return_buffer), BrSelection.idObj); } return TRUE; case 'D': if (BrSelection.wCount > 1) EnumItemsFromBottom(DeleteSelectedItem, FALSE); else Kpp_DeleteCO(OBJECT_TYPE(BrSelection.idObj), BrSelection.idObj); return TRUE; case 'E': case 'X': { OBJECTID idObj = BrSelection.idObj; WORD wType = OBJECT_TYPE(idObj); ATOMID idName = KppGetItemName(wType, idObj); KppEditItemCB(hWnd, wType, idName); return TRUE; } case 'F': if (OBJECT_TYPE(BrSelection.idObj) == CLASS) SetClBrowserFocusCB(CLASS, BrSelection.idObj); return TRUE; case 'I': if (OBJECT_TYPE(BrSelection.idObj) == CLASS) { ATOMID idName; WORD wType; while (TRUE) { sprintf(return_buffer, "Anon%d", ++wAnonCounter); idName = KppAddAtom(return_buffer); if (!KppGetObjectId(idName, &wType)) break; } KppMakeCO(OBJECT, idName, BrSelection.idObj); } return TRUE; case 'G': if (DialogBox(hInstKappa, "ISearchObject", hWndBrowser, (FARPROC) SearchObjDlg) && SearchedObject) { WORD wType = OBJECT_TYPE(SearchedObject); if (wType == CLASS) SetClBrowserFocusCB(CLASS, SearchedObject); else SetClBrowserFocusCB(CLASS, Kpp_Get_Super(OBJECT, SearchedObject)); SelectBrowserObjectCB(SearchedObject, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } if (hSearchTable) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hSearchTable); GLOBALFREE(hSearchTable); hSearchTable = NULLID; } break; case 'N': if (OBJECT_TYPE(BrSelection.idObj) == CLASS) ShowSubNodesCB(CLASS, BrSelection.idObj, OBJECT, BR_TOGGLE); return TRUE; case 'R': RenameSelectedObject(hWnd); return TRUE; case 'U': SetClBrowserFocusCB(CLASS, lpIDs->idRootClass); return TRUE; case 'W': SaveSelectedItems(); return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; }
static BOOL FillSearchArray(HWND hWnd, char c) { switch (c) { case VK_DELETE: case VK_BACK: c = VK_DELETE; if (cCount) SearchedName[--cCount] = '\0'; break; case VK_RETURN: PostMessage(GetParent(hWnd), WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0L); break; case VK_CLEAR: case VK_HOME: cCount = 0; SearchedName[0] = '\0'; SetWindowText(hFind, ""); break; case VK_SPACE: if (SearchedMin[0] != 127) { cCount = strlen(SearchedMin); strcpy(SearchedName, SearchedMin); SetWindowText(hFind, SearchedName); SendMessage(hFind, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_END, 0L); SendMessage(hFind, WM_KEYUP, VK_END, 0L); } break; default: if (cCount < NAME_LEN) { SearchedName[cCount++] = c; SearchedName[cCount] = '\0'; } } if (cCount == 1 && c != VK_DELETE) { memset(SearchedMin, 127, NAME_LEN); SearchedMin[NAME_LEN] = '\0'; SearchedObject = NULLID; KppEnumItem(CLASS, AddObject, NULL); KppEnumItem(OBJECT, AddObject, NULL); } else if (cCount && c != VK_DELETE && cCount < NAME_LEN && hSearchTable) MarkObjects(); else if (!cCount && hSearchTable) { memset(SearchedMin, 127, NAME_LEN); SearchedObject = NULLID; SetWindowText(hName, ""); GLOBALUNLOCK(hSearchTable); GLOBALFREE(hSearchTable); hSearchTable = NULL; } else if (c == VK_DELETE && hSearchTable) UnmarkObjects(); if (SearchedMin[0] != 127) { WORD wType; SetWindowText(hName, SearchedMin); SearchedObject = KppGetObjectId(KppAddAtom(SearchedMin), &wType); } else if (cCount) MessageBeep(0); return c != VK_SPACE; }
BOOL PEXPORT KppWriteKalFile(LPSTR lpPathName) { FARFILE interpFile, saved_value = outFile; BOOL bRet; LPSTR lpComment; GLOBALHANDLE hComment; char tempname[FILENAME_MAX]; OFSTRUCT of; if (KppGetWriteFile()) { KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_FALREADYOPEN, lpIDs->idError, lpIDs->idNull, NULLID); PostKappaMessage(); return FALSE; } OpenFile(lpPathName, &of, OF_PARSE); hComment = GLOBALALLOC(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, (DWORD) MAX_COMMENT_SIZE); lpComment = GLOBALLOCK(hComment); if (!KppBeforeWriteKalFileCB(of.szPathName, lpComment, MAX_COMMENT_SIZE)) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hComment); GLOBALFREE(hComment); return FALSE; } GetTmpFileNameOnDrive(of.szPathName[0], tempname); interpFile = fopen_share(tempname, "w"); if (!CheckFreeSpace(of.szPathName)) return FALSE; if (!interpFile) { KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_FCANTOPEN, lpIDs->idError, KppAddAtom("Temp Save File"), NULLID); PostKappaMessage(); return FALSE; } UnwindProtect(cleanup); outFile = interpFile; bRet = WriteKalFile(interpFile, lpComment); cleanup: outFile = saved_value; GLOBALUNLOCK(hComment); GLOBALFREE(hComment); EndProtect(); /* Check for any potential write errors and delete the file if any * * occurred. */ if (!bRet && ferror(interpFile)) { KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_WRITEERROR, KppAddAtom(lpPathName), NULLID, NULLID); KppPostKappaErrorMessageCB(); KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_WRITEERROR2, NULLID, NULLID, NULLID); KppPostKappaErrorMessageCB(); fclose(interpFile); remove(tempname); return KppAfterWriteKalFileCB(lpPathName, FALSE); } if (fclose(interpFile)) { KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_FOUTOFDISK, KppAddAtom(of.szPathName), NULLID, NULLID); KppPostKappaErrorMessageCB(); remove(tempname); return FALSE; } if (remove(lpPathName) && errno != ENOENT || rename(tempname, lpPathName)) { KppRegisterKappaMessage(hResThisDll, IDE_PERMISSION, KppAddAtom(of.szPathName), NULLID, NULLID); KppPostKappaErrorMessageCB(); remove(tempname); return FALSE; } else { ATOMID idFile = KppAddAtom(lpPathName); KppEnumItem(FUNC, KppSetItemSavedInfo, (LPSTR) (long) idFile); KppEnumItem(METHOD, KppSetItemSavedInfo, (LPSTR) (long) idFile); remove_temp_save_file(); KppDeleteList(idTimeStamps); idTimeStamps = NULLID; SaveFileTimeStamp(idFile, NULL, lpPathName); } return KppAfterWriteKalFileCB(lpPathName, TRUE); }
GLOBALHANDLE PEXPORT KppGetBodyFromFile(int idFile, unsigned long lBegin, WORD wLen, LPSTR lpMode, BOOL bWarn) { FILE *fp; GLOBALHANDLE hMem; LPSTR lpMem; BOOL bRes; if (idFile == -1) fp = fopen_share(KppGetTmpSaveFileName(), lpMode); else if (!idFile) return NULL; else { char filename[FILENAME_MAX]; KppGetAtomName(idFile, filename, FILENAME_MAX); fp = fopen_share(filename, lpMode); if (fp) { struct stat fpstat; long st_atime = GetFileTimeStamp(idFile); fstat(fileno(fp), &fpstat); if (fpstat.st_atime != st_atime) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } } else if (bWarn) KppPostKappaMessageCB(NULL); } if (!fp) return NULL; if (fseek(fp, lBegin, SEEK_SET)) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } hMem = GLOBALALLOC(GHND, wLen + 2); if (!hMem) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } lpMem = GLOBALLOCK(hMem); fread(lpMem, 1, wLen, fp); bRes = !ferror(fp); fclose(fp); if (lpMode[1] != 'b') { WORD i = 0; LPSTR s = NULL; LPSTR p = lpMem; while ((s = strchr(p + 1, '\n')) && (s - lpMem) + ++i < wLen) p = s; p[wLen - ((p - lpMem) + i - (s != NULL))] = '\0'; } GLOBALUNLOCK(hMem); if (bRes) return hMem; GLOBALFREE(hMem); return NULL; }
HDDEDATA W_CALLBACK KapDDECallBack(WORD wTran, WORD wFmt, HCONV hConv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hData, DWORD dwData1, DWORD dwData2) { switch (wTran) { case XTYP_ADVSTART: case XTYP_ADVSTOP: { BOOL bRes = FALSE; if (wFmt == CF_TEXT) { char *cl; if (!DdeQueryString(dwDDEInst, hsz2, return_buffer, RET_BUFFER_LEN, CP_WINANSI)) return (HDDEDATA) FALSE; cl = strchr(return_buffer, ':'); if (cl) { DDEINFO ddeInfo; ATOMID idName; WORD wType; cl[0] = '\0'; idName = KppAddAtom(return_buffer); ddeInfo.idSlot = KppAddAtom(cl + 1); ddeInfo.idObj = KppGetObjectId(idName, &wType); ddeInfo.idApp = ddeInfo.idItem = NULLID; ddeInfo.idTopic = HszToAtom(hsz1); ddeInfo.hConv = hConv; if (ddeInfo.idObj) { UnwindProtect(cleanup1); requests++; switch (wTran) { case XTYP_ADVSTART: if (CreateLink(&ddeInfo)) bRes = TRUE; break; case XTYP_ADVSTOP: if (CloseServerLink(&ddeInfo, idName)) bRes = TRUE; break; } cleanup1: requests--; EndProtect(); } } } return (HDDEDATA) bRes; } case XTYP_EXECUTE: { DWORD dwLen; LPBYTE lpByte = DdeAccessData(hData, &dwLen); if (lpByte) { BOOL bFree = FALSE; LPBYTE lpCopy; if (dwLen < RET_BUFFER_LEN) { strcpy(return_buffer, lpByte); lpCopy = return_buffer; } else { lpCopy = strdup(lpByte); bFree = TRUE; } DdeUnaccessData(hData); if (lpCopy) { UnwindProtect(cleanup2); requests++; if (!KppEvalExpString(lpCopy)) KppPostKappaErrorMessageCB(); cleanup2: requests--; if (bFree) free(lpCopy); EndProtect(); return (HDDEDATA) DDE_FACK; } } return (HDDEDATA) DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; } case XTYP_CONNECT: if (DdeQueryString(dwDDEInst, hsz1, return_buffer, RET_BUFFER_LEN, CP_WINANSI)) { char *dot = strrchr(return_buffer, '.'); if (dot) dot[0] = '\0'; if (!stricmp(DDETopicName, return_buffer) || #ifdef MULTI !stricmp(DDEKappaName, return_buffer) || S_ILOC == 0 && #endif !stricmp("KAPPA", return_buffer)) return TRUE; } return (HDDEDATA) FALSE; case XTYP_DISCONNECT: UnwindProtect(cleanup3); requests++; DeleteDDETasks(hConv); cleanup3: requests--; EndProtect(); return (HDDEDATA) NULL; case XTYP_WILDCONNECT: { HSZPAIR hszPair[3]; hszPair[0].hszSvc = DdeCreateStringHandle(dwDDEInst, DDEAppName, CP_WINANSI); hszPair[0].hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandle(dwDDEInst, DDETopicName, CP_WINANSI); hszPair[1].hszSvc = DdeCreateStringHandle(dwDDEInst, DDEAppName, CP_WINANSI); hszPair[1].hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandle(dwDDEInst, DDEKappaName, CP_WINANSI); hszPair[2].hszSvc = hszPair[2].hszTopic = NULL; return DdeCreateDataHandle(dwDDEInst, (LPVOID) hszPair, sizeof(HSZPAIR) * 3, 0, hszPair[0].hszSvc, CF_TEXT, 0); } case XTYP_POKE: { UINT flag = DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; if (wFmt == CF_TEXT && DdeQueryString(dwDDEInst, hsz2, return_buffer, RET_BUFFER_LEN, CP_WINANSI)) { ATOMID idSlot; OBJECTID idObj; UnwindProtect(cleanup4); requests++; idObj = ObjSlotFromItem(return_buffer, &idSlot); if (idObj && StoreData(lpIDs->idNull, hData, idObj, idSlot)) flag = DDE_FACK; cleanup4: requests--; EndProtect(); } return (HDDEDATA) flag; } case XTYP_REQUEST: case XTYP_ADVREQ: hData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; if (wFmt == CF_TEXT && DdeQueryString(dwDDEInst, hsz2, return_buffer, RET_BUFFER_LEN, CP_WINANSI)) { ATOMID idSlot; OBJECTID idObj; UnwindProtect(cleanup5); requests++; idObj = ObjSlotFromItem(return_buffer, &idSlot); if (idObj) { BOOL bMulti = FALSE; ITEMID idValue = Kpp_Get_SlotAnyValue(OBJECT_TYPE(idObj), idObj, idSlot, (LPWORD) &bMulti); GLOBALHANDLE hMem = NULL; LPBYTE lpBytes = NULL; DWORD dwLen = ValueToString(idValue, bMulti, &hMem, &lpBytes); if (dwLen) { hData = DdeCreateDataHandle(dwDDEInst, lpBytes, dwLen, 0, hsz2, CF_TEXT, 0); if (hMem) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hMem); GLOBALFREE(hMem); } if (!hData) hData = (HDDEDATA) DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; } } cleanup5: requests--; EndProtect(); } return hData; case XTYP_REGISTER: { ATOMID idApp = HszToAtom(hsz2); UnwindProtect(cleanup6); requests++; if (idApp) { WORD wType; OBJECTID idService = KppGetObjectId(idApp, &wType); if (!idService) { idService = KppMakeCO(OBJECT, idApp, idDDEService); wType = OBJECT; } if (idService) { if (DdeQueryString(dwDDEInst, hsz1, return_buffer, RET_BUFFER_LEN, CP_WINANSI)) Kpp_Set_SlotValue(wType, idService, Slot(idService), KppAddAtom(return_buffer), EXPATOM); else Kpp_Set_SlotValue(wType, idService, Slot(idService), lpIDs->idNull, EXPATOM); } } cleanup6: requests--; EndProtect(); return (HDDEDATA) NULL; } case XTYP_ADVDATA: UnwindProtect(cleanup7); requests++; if (wFmt == CF_TEXT) { CONVINFO ci; ATOMID idApp, idItem, idName; OBJECTID idLink; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(CONVINFO)); ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO); DdeQueryConvInfo(hConv, QID_SYNC, &ci); idApp = HszToAtom(ci.hszSvcPartner); idItem = HszToAtom(hsz2); idName = LinkName(idApp, idItem); idLink = FindLink(idName); if (idLink) { WORD wDestType; ATOMID idDest = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(OBJECT, idLink, Slot(idDDEObject)); ATOMID idSlot = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(OBJECT, idLink, Slot(idDDESlot)); OBJECTID idDestObj = KppGetObjectId(idDest, &wDestType); StoreData(lpIDs->idNull, hData, idDestObj, idSlot); } } cleanup7: requests--; EndProtect(); return (HDDEDATA) DDE_FACK; case XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE: { char name[20]; OBJECTID idTask; ATOMID idName; WORD wType; UnwindProtect(cleanup8); requests++; task_name(name, hConv, dwData1); idName = KppAddAtom(name); idTask = KppGetObjectId(idName, &wType); if (idTask) { CONVINFO ci; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(CONVINFO)); ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO); DdeQueryConvInfo(hConv, dwData1, &ci); switch (ci.wType) { case XTYP_REQUEST: if (wFmt == CF_TEXT) { WORD wDestType; ATOMID idDest = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idDDEObject)); ATOMID idSlot = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idDDESlot)); OBJECTID idDestObj = KppGetObjectId(idDest, &wDestType); StoreData(lpIDs->idNull, hData, idDestObj, idSlot); DdeDisconnect(hConv); } break; case XTYP_POKE: case XTYP_EXECUTE: DdeDisconnect(hConv); break; case (XTYP_ADVSTART | XTYPF_ACKREQ): { ATOMID idDest = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idDDEObject)); WORD wDestType; DDEINFO ddeInfo; ddeInfo.hConv = hConv; ddeInfo.idApp = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idService)); ddeInfo.idTopic = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idTopic)); ddeInfo.idItem = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idItem)); ddeInfo.idObj = KppGetObjectId(idDest, &wDestType); ddeInfo.idSlot = Kpp_Get_SlotValue(wType, idTask, Slot(idDDESlot)); CreateLink(&ddeInfo); break; } } DeleteDDETask(lpIDs->idNull, wType, idTask, (LPVOID) &hConv); } cleanup8: requests--; EndProtect(); return (HDDEDATA) NULL; } default: return (HDDEDATA) NULL; } }
void PEXPORT KppReplaceAtomInText(LPFUNC lpFunc, ATOMID idAtom, LPREPLACEKEY rk) { int idFile = BFILE(lpFunc); unsigned long lBegin = BFPOS(lpFunc); WORD wLen = BFLEN(lpFunc); GLOBALHANDLE hMem; LPSTR lpMem, lpAtom, lpBegin, lpEnd, lpPrev; FILE *fp = NULL; char atom[RET_BUFFER_LEN]; WORD wAtomLen; if (!rk->wLen) return; wAtomLen = KppGetAtomName(idAtom, atom, RET_BUFFER_LEN); if (!wAtomLen) return; hMem = KppGetBodyFromFile(idFile, lBegin, wLen, "rb", TRUE); if (!hMem) return; lpMem = GLOBALLOCK(hMem); if (idFile != -1) { lpMem = KppExtractBody(lpMem, TRUE); if (!lpMem) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hMem); GLOBALFREE(hMem); return; } } lpPrev = NULL; lpBegin = lpMem; while (lpAtom = find_match(rk, lpMem, atom, &lpEnd, wAtomLen)) { if (is_atom_match(lpMem, &lpAtom, &lpEnd, &lpPrev, rk, wAtomLen)) { if (!fp) { fp = fopen_share(KppGetTmpSaveFileName(), "ab"); if (!fp) { GLOBALUNLOCK(hMem); GLOBALFREE(hMem); return; } else { fputc('\r', fp); fputc('\n', fp); lBegin = ftell(fp); } } if (lpAtom > lpBegin) fwrite(lpBegin, 1, lpAtom - lpBegin, fp); if (rk->rx) { char replace[RET_BUFFER_LEN]; BOOL bTruncated; KppRegsub(rk->rx, rk->lpReplace, replace, RET_BUFFER_LEN, &bTruncated); fputs(replace, fp); } else fputs(rk->lpReplace, fp); lpBegin = lpEnd; } else if (fp) { fwrite(lpMem, 1, (lpAtom - lpMem) + wAtomLen, fp); lpBegin = lpEnd; } lpMem = lpEnd; } if (fp) { fputs(lpMem, fp); BFILE(lpFunc) = -1; BFPOS(lpFunc) = lBegin; BFLEN(lpFunc) = ftell(fp) - lBegin; fclose(fp); } GLOBALUNLOCK(hMem); GLOBALFREE(hMem); }