GPIOPortIntUnregister(unsigned long ulPort)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT((ulPort == GPIO_PORTA_BASE) || (ulPort == GPIO_PORTB_BASE) ||
           (ulPort == GPIO_PORTC_BASE) || (ulPort == GPIO_PORTD_BASE) ||
           (ulPort == GPIO_PORTE_BASE));

    // Get the interrupt number associated with the specified GPIO.
    ulPort = GPIOGetIntNumber(ulPort);

    // Disable the GPIO interrupt.

    // Unregister the interrupt handler.
GPIOPortIntRegister(unsigned long ulPort, void (*pfIntHandler)(void))
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT((ulPort == GPIO_PORTA_BASE) || (ulPort == GPIO_PORTB_BASE) ||
           (ulPort == GPIO_PORTC_BASE) || (ulPort == GPIO_PORTD_BASE) ||
           (ulPort == GPIO_PORTE_BASE));

    // Get the interrupt number associated with the specified GPIO.
    ulPort = GPIOGetIntNumber(ulPort);

    // Register the interrupt handler.
    IntRegister(ulPort, pfIntHandler);

    // Enable the GPIO interrupt.
//! Removes an interrupt handler for a GPIO port.
//! \param ulPort is the base address of the GPIO port.
//! This function will unregister the interrupt handler for the specified
//! GPIO port.  This function will also disable the corresponding
//! GPIO port interrupt in the interrupt controller; individual GPIO interrupts
//! and interrupt sources must be disabled with GPIOIntDisable().
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
GPIOIntUnregister(unsigned long ulPort)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Get the interrupt number associated with the specified GPIO.
    ulPort = GPIOGetIntNumber(ulPort);

    // Disable the GPIO interrupt.

    // Unregister the interrupt handler.
//! Registers an interrupt handler for a GPIO port.
//! \param ulPort is the base address of the GPIO port.
//! \param pfnIntHandler is a pointer to the GPIO port interrupt handling
//! function.
//! This function will ensure that the interrupt handler specified by
//! \e pfnIntHandler is called when an interrupt is detected from the selected
//! GPIO port.  This function will also enable the corresponding GPIO interrupt
//! in the interrupt controller; individual pin interrupts and interrupt
//! sources must be enabled with GPIOIntEnable().
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
GPIOIntRegister(unsigned long ulPort, void (*pfnIntHandler)(void))
    // Check the arguments.

    // Get the interrupt number associated with the specified GPIO.
    ulPort = GPIOGetIntNumber(ulPort);

    // Register the interrupt handler.
    IntRegister(ulPort, pfnIntHandler);

    // Enable the GPIO interrupt.