예제 #1
파일: ctobssim.cpp 프로젝트: lyang54/ctools
 * @brief Get application parameters
 * Get all task parameters from parameter file or (if required) by querying
 * the user. Most parameters are only required if no observation exists so
 * far in the observation container. In this case, a single CTA observation
 * will be added to the container, using the definition provided in the
 * parameter file.
void ctobssim::get_parameters(void)
    // Initialise seed vector

    // If there are no observations in container then load them via user
    // parameters
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {
        m_obs = get_observations();

    // ... otherwise make sure that observation boundaries are set
    else {

    // Read model definition file if required
    if (m_obs.models().size() == 0) {
       std::string inmodel = (*this)["inmodel"].filename();

    // Get other parameters
    m_seed        = (*this)["seed"].integer();
    m_apply_edisp = (*this)["edisp"].boolean();
    m_max_rate    = (*this)["maxrate"].real();

    // Optionally read ahead parameters so that they get correctly
    // dumped into the log file
    if (read_ahead()) {
        m_outevents = (*this)["outevents"].filename();
        m_prefix    = (*this)["prefix"].string();

    // Initialise random number generators. We initialise here one random
    // number generator per observation so that each observation will
    // get it's own random number generator. This will lead to identical
    // results independently of code parallelization with OpenMP. The
    // seeds for all random number generators are derived randomly but
    // fully deterministacally from the seed parameter, so that a given
    // seed parameter leads always to the same set of simulated events, and
    // this independently of parallelization.

    // Get a random number generator for seed determination
    GRan master(m_seed);

    // Allocate vector of random number generator seeds
    std::vector<unsigned long long int> seeds;

    // Loop over all observations in the container
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {

        // Allocate new seed value
        unsigned long long int new_seed;

        // Determine new seed value. We make sure that the new seed
        // value has not been used already for another observation.
        bool repeat = false;
        do {
            new_seed = (unsigned long long int)(master.uniform() * 1.0e10) +
            repeat   = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < seeds.size(); ++j) {
                if (new_seed == seeds[j]) {
                    repeat = true;
        } while(repeat);

        // Add the seed to the vector for bookkeeping

        // Use the seed to create a random number generator for the
        // actual observation

    } // endfor: looped over observations

    // Return
예제 #2
 * @brief Get application parameters
 * Get all task parameters from parameter file or (if required) by querying
 * the user. Most parameters are only required if no observation exists so
 * far in the observation container. In this case, a single CTA observation
 * will be added to the container, using the definition provided in the
 * parameter file.
void ctobssim::get_parameters(void)
    // If there are no observations in container then add a single CTA
    // observation using the parameters from the parameter file
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

        // Get CTA observation parameters
        m_infile = (*this)["infile"].filename();
        m_caldb  = (*this)["caldb"].string();
        m_irf    = (*this)["irf"].string();
        m_ra     = (*this)["ra"].real();
        m_dec    = (*this)["dec"].real();

        // Set pointing direction
        GCTAPointing pnt;
        GSkyDir      skydir;
        skydir.radec_deg(m_ra, m_dec);

        // Allocate CTA observation
        GCTAObservation obs;

        // Set calibration database. If specified parameter is a directory
        // then use this as the pathname to the calibration database. Other-
        // wise interpret this as the instrument name, the mission being
        // "cta"
        GCaldb caldb;
        if (gammalib::dir_exists(m_caldb)) {
        else {
            caldb.open("cta", m_caldb);

        // Set CTA observation attributes
        obs.response(m_irf, caldb);

        // Set event list (queries remaining parameters)

        // Append CTA observation to container

        // Load models into container

        // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
        m_use_xml = false;

    } // endif: there was no observation in the container

    // ... otherwise we signal that an XML file should be written
    else {
        m_use_xml = true;

    // Get other parameters
    m_seed = (*this)["seed"].integer();

    // Optionally read ahead parameters so that they get correctly
    // dumped into the log file
    if (m_read_ahead) {
        m_outfile = (*this)["outfile"].filename();
        m_prefix  = (*this)["prefix"].string();

    // Initialise random number generators. We initialise here one random
    // number generator per observation so that each observation will
    // get it's own random number generator. This will lead to identical
    // results independently of code parallelization with OpenMP. The
    // seeds for all random number generators are derived randomly but
    // fully deterministacally from the seed parameter, so that a given
    // seed parameter leads always to the same set of simulated events, and
    // this independently of parallelization.

    // Get a random number generator for seed determination
    GRan master(m_seed);

    // Allocate vector of random number generator seeds
    std::vector<unsigned long long int> seeds;

    // Loop over all observations in the container
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {

        // Allocate new seed value
        unsigned long long int new_seed;

        // Determine new seed value. We make sure that the new seed
        // value has not been used already for another observation.
        bool repeat = false;
        do {
            new_seed = (unsigned long long int)(master.uniform() * 1.0e10) +
            repeat   = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < seeds.size(); ++j) {
                if (new_seed == seeds[j]) {
                    repeat = true;
        } while(repeat);

        // Add the seed to the vector for bookkeeping

        // Use the seed to create a random number generator for the
        // actual observation

    } // endfor: looped over observations

    // Return