예제 #1
void GBEmulator::Update()
    const float    k_fFrameRate     = static_cast<float>( GBCpu::CLOCK_SPEED ) / static_cast<float>( kMaxCyclesPerFrame );
    const float    k_fFrameTime     = 1000.f / static_cast<float>( k_fFrameRate );

    if( m_bCartridgeLoaded )
        m_fElapsedTime += static_cast<float>( SDL_GetTicks() ) - m_fElapsedTime;

        if( m_fElapsedTime >= m_fNextFrame )
            if( !m_bDebugPaused )
                float fDelta = m_fElapsedTime - m_fNextFrame;

                // Make sure we don't render faster than our framerate
                fDelta = fDelta > k_fFrameTime ? k_fFrameTime : fDelta;

                // Determine how much time was spend idle this frame since the end of the last emulation step
                m_fIdleTime += m_fNextFrame - m_fLastFrame;

                // Calculate the idle time over the last second and reset counters
                if( static_cast<float>( m_u32TotalFrames ) >= k_fFrameRate )
                    m_fAvgIdleTime      = static_cast<float>( m_fIdleTime / m_u32TotalFrames );
                    m_fIdleTime         = 0;
                    m_u32TotalFrames    = 0;

                // Set the next frame render time
                m_fNextFrame = m_fElapsedTime + k_fFrameTime - fDelta;


                // Calculate the last frame time after emulation step
                m_fLastFrame = static_cast<float>( SDL_GetTicks() );


                // If the cart has a battery and something has changed, we need to update our .sav file
                if(     m_pCartridge->HasBattery()
                    &&  m_pCartridge->IsRamDirty() )
                    m_pCartridge->FlushRamToSaveFile( GB_BATTERY_DIRECTORY );
        else if( m_fNextFrame - m_fElapsedTime > 1.f )
            // Wait a bit if we can, so we don't hog the cpu
            SDL_Delay( 1 );
예제 #2
void GBEmulator::Initialize()
    if( -1 == SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize SDL!\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if( -1 == SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(  GBScreenWidth * kScreenScaleFactor, 
                                            GBScreenHeight * kScreenScaleFactor, 
                                            SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, 
                                            &m_pRenderer ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize window!\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    // Load the user preferences

    SDL_SetWindowTitle( m_pWindow, "Gameboy Emulator" );

    // Clear color is white
    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( m_pRenderer, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

    // Create main display surface
    m_pTexture = SDL_CreateTexture( m_pRenderer,
                                    GBScreenHeight );

    // Make sure our battery directory exists
    if( 0 != _access( GB_BATTERY_DIRECTORY, 0 ) )
        _mkdir( GB_BATTERY_DIRECTORY );

    m_pMem          = new GBMem;
    m_pTimer        = new GBTimer( this, m_pMem );
    m_pCpu          = new GBCpu( m_pMem, m_pTimer );
    m_pGpu          = new GBGpu( this, m_pMem );
    m_pJoypad       = new GBJoypad( this, m_pMem );
    m_pCartridge    = new GBCartridge( m_pMem );


    TTF_Font* pFont = TTF_OpenFont( "assets\\Charybdis.ttf", 24 );
    if( NULL == pFont )
        char szBuffer[ 1024 ] = { 0 };
        GetWindowsDirectory( szBuffer, 1024 );
        sprintf_s( szBuffer, 1024, "%s%s", szBuffer, "\\fonts\\arial.ttf" );

        pFont = TTF_OpenFont( szBuffer, 14 );
    m_pFpsText = new NFont;
    m_pFpsText->load( m_pRenderer, pFont, NFont::Color::Color() );


    m_bInitialized = true;

예제 #3
void GBEmulator::Draw()
    const uint32* pu32ScreenData     = m_pGpu->GetScreenData();

    SDL_RenderClear( m_pRenderer );

    if( m_bRunning && m_bCartridgeLoaded )
        SDL_UpdateTexture( m_pTexture, NULL, pu32ScreenData, GBScreenWidth * sizeof( uint32 ) );
        SDL_RenderCopy( m_pRenderer, m_pTexture, NULL, NULL );

    m_pFpsText->draw( m_pRenderer, 0, GBScreenHeight * kScreenScaleFactor - 20, "%.1f (Idle: %.1f)", GTimer()->GetFPS(), m_fAvgIdleTime );
    SDL_RenderPresent( m_pRenderer );
예제 #4
GTimer GTimerEvent::getGTimer() const {
    return GTimer(gtd);