CWin32WindowContext::OnNotify( CORE::CNotifier* notifier   ,
                                   const CORE::CEvent& eventID ,
                                   CORE::CICloneable* evenData )

    if ( ( eventID == CORE::CPulseGenerator::PulseEvent )      ||
         ( eventID == CORE::CMsWin32Window::WindowPaintEvent ) )
        // Notify that we are going to redraw the window
        NotifyObservers( WindowContextRedrawEvent );        
    if ( eventID == CORE::CMsWin32Window::WindowResizeEvent )
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Win32WindowContext: Window resize event received" );
        NotifyObservers( WindowContextSizeEvent );
    if ( eventID == CORE::CMsWin32Window::WindowActivationEvent )
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Win32WindowContext: Window activation event received" );
        NotifyObservers( WindowContextActivateEvent );
    if ( ( eventID == CORE::CMsWin32Window::WindowCloseEvent )    ||
         ( eventID == CORE::CMsWin32Window::WindowDestroyEvent )  )
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Win32WindowContext: Window close/destroy event received" );
CFormBackendImp::LoadLayout( GUCEF::CORE::CIOAccess& layoutStorage )
    CEGUI::Window* rootWindow = NULL;
    CEGUI::WindowManager* wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingletonPtr();
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Starting layout load for a GUI Form" );
        CORE::CDynamicBuffer memBuffer( layoutStorage );
        CEGUI::RawDataContainer container;

        container.setData( (CEGUI::uint8*) memBuffer.GetBufferPtr() );
        container.setSize( (size_t) memBuffer.GetDataSize() );

        rootWindow = wmgr->loadLayoutFromContainer( container );

        container.setData( (CEGUI::uint8*) NULL );
        container.setSize( (size_t) 0 );
    catch ( CEGUI::Exception& e )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, CString( "CEGUI Exception while attempting to load form layout: " ) + e.what() );
        return false;
    // Now that we completed loading lets see what we got from CEGUI
    if ( NULL != rootWindow )
        // Begin by providing a wrapper for the root window
        m_rootWindow = CreateAndHookWrapperForWindow( rootWindow );
        if ( NULL != m_rootWindow )
            CString localWidgetName = m_rootWindow->GetName().SubstrToChar( '/', false );
            m_widgetMap[ localWidgetName ] = m_rootWindow;
            WrapAndHookChildWindows( rootWindow );
            // We will directly add the form as a child of the root for now
            // Note: This assumes that you have a GUISheet already set, otherwise this will result in a segfault!
            CEGUI::Window* globalRootWindow = CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getDefaultGUIContext().getRootWindow();
            if ( NULL != globalRootWindow )
                globalRootWindow->addChild( rootWindow );
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Successfully loaded a GUI Form layout" );
                return true;                
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, "Failed to add form as a child to the global \"root\" window" );    

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Failed to load a GUI Form layout" );
    return false; 
CFormBackendImp::LoadLayout( GUCEF::CORE::CIOAccess& layoutStorage )
    CEGUI::Window* rootWindow = NULL;
    CEGUI::WindowManager* wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingletonPtr();
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Starting layout load for a GUI Form" );
        // provide hacky access to the given data
        m_dummyArchive->AddResource( layoutStorage, "currentFile" );

        // Now we can load the window layout from the given storage
        // Note that if CEGUI ever provides an interface to do this directly
        // clean up this mess !!!
        rootWindow = wmgr->loadWindowLayout( "currentFile"                  , 
                                             m_widgetNamePrefix.C_String()  ,
                                             m_resourceGroupName.C_String() );     
    catch ( Ogre::Exception& e )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, CString( "Ogre Exception while attempting to load form layout: " ) + e.getFullDescription().c_str() );
        return false;
    // Now that we completed loading lets see what we got from CEGUI
    if ( NULL != rootWindow )
        // Begin by providing a wrapper for the root window
        m_rootWindow = CreateAndHookWrapperForWindow( rootWindow );
        if ( NULL != m_rootWindow )
            CString localWidgetName = m_rootWindow->GetName().SubstrToChar( '/', false );
            m_widgetMap[ localWidgetName ] = m_rootWindow;
            WrapAndHookChildWindows( rootWindow );
            // We will directly add the form as a child of the root for now
            CEGUI::Window* globalRootWindow = wmgr->getWindow( "root" );
            if ( NULL != globalRootWindow )
                globalRootWindow->addChildWindow( rootWindow );
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Successfully loaded a GUI Form layout" );
                return true;                
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, "Failed to add form as a child to the global \"root\" window" );    

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Failed to loaded a GUI Form layout" );
    return false; 
CInputAdapter::OnMouseEvent( INPUT::CMouse* mouse         ,
                             const CORE::CEvent& eventid  ,
                             CORE::CICloneable* eventdata )

    if ( eventid == INPUT::CMouse::MouseButtonEvent )
        // send when a mouse button is pressed or released
        INPUT::CMouseButtonEventData* mouseEventData = static_cast< INPUT::CMouseButtonEventData* >( eventdata );
        if ( m_inputContext->GetID() == mouseEventData->GetContextId() )
            if ( mouseEventData->GetPressedState() )
                m_rocketContext->ProcessMouseButtonDown( mouseEventData->GetButtonIndex(), m_lastKeyModifierState );
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "GUIDRIVERROCKET::CInputAdapter: injected mouse button down buttonIndex=" + CORE::Int32ToString( mouseEventData->GetButtonIndex() ) +
                                                                                                                        " key modifier states=" + CORE::Int32ToString( m_lastKeyModifierState )   );
                m_rocketContext->ProcessMouseButtonUp( mouseEventData->GetButtonIndex(), m_lastKeyModifierState );
    if ( eventid == INPUT::CMouse::MouseMovedEvent )
        // send when the mouse moved
        INPUT::CMouseMovedEventData* mouseEventData = static_cast< INPUT::CMouseMovedEventData* >( eventdata );
        if ( m_inputContext->GetID() == mouseEventData->GetContextId() )
            m_rocketContext->ProcessMouseMove( mouseEventData->GetXPos(), mouseEventData->GetYPos(), m_lastKeyModifierState );
            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "GUIDRIVERROCKET::CInputAdapter: injected mouse move x=" + CORE::Int32ToString( mouseEventData->GetXPos() )                 +
                                                                                                             " y=" + CORE::Int32ToString( mouseEventData->GetYPos() )                 +
                                                                                                             " key modifier states=" + CORE::UInt32ToString( m_lastKeyModifierState ) );
    if ( eventid == INPUT::CMouse::MouseClickedEvent )
        // send when a mouse button is clicked and released within a set interval
    if ( eventid == INPUT::CMouse::MouseDoubleClickedEvent )
        // send when a mouse button is clicked and released twice within a set interval
    if ( eventid == INPUT::CMouse::MouseTrippleClickedEvent )
        // send when a mouse button is clicked and released trice within a set interval
예제 #5
CHTTPURLHandler::Deactivate( CORE::CURL& url )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Deactivating" );

    if ( NULL != m_httpClient )
CPatchEngine::ProcessRecievedPatchList( void )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Processing patch list" );

    // Now we must process the raw patch set data to turn it into something we can use
    // Get the required codec for the current raw patch set data type
    CORE::CDStoreCodecRegistry::TDStoreCodecPtr codecPtr = CORE::CCoreGlobal::Instance()->GetDStoreCodecRegistry().Lookup( m_config.GetPatchListCodec() );
    if ( NULL != codecPtr )
        // Prepare vars for the decoding process
        CORE::CDataNode rootNode;
        CORE::CMFileAccess dataAccess( m_listDataBuffer.GetConstBufferPtr() ,
                                       m_listDataBuffer.GetDataSize()       );

        // decode the data in our buffer into a data tree
        if ( codecPtr->BuildDataTree( &rootNode   ,
                                      &dataAccess ) )
            // Now we have to parse the data tree into something more familiar
            CPatchListParser::TPatchList patchList;
            CPatchListParser listParser;
            listParser.ParsePatchList( rootNode  ,
                                       patchList );

            // Now that the raw data has been processed into a real patch list we can commence
            // with the patching process for this patch list
            return m_patchListEngine->Start( patchList                                  ,
                                             m_config.GetLocalRootDir()                 ,
                                             m_config.GetLocalTempStorageRootDir()      ,
                                             m_config.GetStopOnFileReplacementFailure() );

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Error while processing patch list" );

    // If we get here then we failed to decode the raw data into a patch set
    NotifyObservers( PatchListDecodingFailedEvent );
    return false;
예제 #7
CMouse::SetButtonState( const Int32 contextId    ,
                        const UInt32 buttonIndex ,
                        const bool pressedState  )

    m_buttonStates[ buttonIndex ] = pressedState;

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Setting state of button " + CORE::Int32ToString( buttonIndex ) + " to " + CORE::BoolToString( pressedState ) + " on mouse " + CORE::Int32ToString( m_deviceID ) );

    CMouseButtonEventData eData( contextId, m_deviceID, buttonIndex, pressedState, m_xPos, m_yPos );
    NotifyObservers( MouseButtonEvent, &eData );
CPatchEngine::Stop( void )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Stopping" );

    if ( !m_stopSignalGiven && m_isActive )
        m_stopSignalGiven = true;

예제 #9
CHTTPURLHandler::Activate( CORE::CURL& url )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Activating using URL: " + url.GetURL() );

    m_transferFinished = false;

    delete m_httpClient;
    m_httpClient = new CHTTPClient( url.GetPulseGenerator() );
    SubscribeTo( m_httpClient );

    return m_httpClient->Get( url.GetURL() );
예제 #10
COgreWindowContext::OnNotify( CORE::CNotifier* notifier   ,
                              const CORE::CEvent& eventID ,
                              CORE::CICloneable* evenData )

    if ( ( eventID == CORE::CPulseGenerator::PulseEvent ) ||
         ( eventID == CORE::COSWindow::WindowPaintEvent ) )
        // Notify that we are going to redraw the window
        NotifyObservers( WindowContextRedrawEvent );        
    if ( eventID == CORE::COSWindow::WindowResizeEvent )
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "OgreWindowContext: Window resize event received" );
        if ( nullptr != m_renderWindow )
        NotifyObservers( WindowContextSizeEvent );
    if ( eventID == CORE::COSWindow::WindowActivationEvent )
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "OgreWindowContext: Window activation event received" );
        NotifyObservers( WindowContextActivateEvent );
    if ( ( eventID == CORE::COSWindow::WindowCloseEvent )   ||
         ( eventID == CORE::COSWindow::WindowDestroyEvent ) )
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "OgreWindowContext: Window close/destroy event received" );
        if ( nullptr != m_renderWindow )
            m_renderWindow->destroy(); // cleanup and call DestroyWindow 
예제 #11
CHTTPURLHandler::OnNotify( CORE::CNotifier* notifier                 ,
                           const CORE::CEvent& eventid               ,
                           CORE::CICloneable* eventdata /* = NULL */ )

    // We only accept events from our own HTTP client
    if ( notifier == m_httpClient )
        if ( ( eventid == CHTTPClient::HTTPErrorEvent )       ||
             ( eventid == CHTTPClient::ConnectionErrorEvent )  )

            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Data retrieval error" );
            NotifyObservers( CIURLEvents::URLDataRetrievalErrorEvent );
        if ( eventid == CHTTPClient::HTTPDataRecievedEvent )
            // pass on the eventdata since it's a cloneable buffer it  will sort itself out
            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Data received" );
            NotifyObservers( CIURLEvents::URLDataRecievedEvent, eventdata );
        if ( eventid == CHTTPClient::HTTPTransferFinishedEvent )
            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Transfer finished" );
            m_transferFinished = true;
            NotifyObservers( CIURLEvents::URLAllDataRecievedEvent );
        if ( eventid == CHTTPClient::ConnectingEvent )
            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Connecting" );
            NotifyObservers( CIURLEvents::URLActivateEvent );
        if ( eventid == CHTTPClient::DisconnectedEvent )
            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): Disconnected" );

            // Check if the transfer has already been completed. If so then the URLAllDataRecievedEvent event was the
            // final event and we don't have to send anything. If we where still expecting data then we will send the
            // URLDeactivateEvent event to notify that we deactivated prematurely.
            if ( !m_transferFinished )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CHTTPURLHandler(" + CORE::PointerToString( this ) + "): The transfer was not finished when we where disconnected!" );
                NotifyObservers( CIURLEvents::URLDeactivateEvent );
CPatchEngine::Start( void )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Starting" );

    // The user should explicitly stop first if we are already busy
    if ( !m_isActive )
        // configuration sanity check
        if ( ( m_config.GetPatchListURL().Length() > 0 )   &&
             ( m_config.GetPatchListCodec().Length() > 0 ) &&
             ( m_config.GetLocalRootDir().Length() > 0 )    )
            m_isActive = true;
            m_stopSignalGiven = false;

            NotifyObservers( PatchProcessStartedEvent );

            // We must obtain the patch list before we can use it,..
            // Set the URL for the list location
            if ( m_url.SetURL( m_config.GetPatchListURL() ) )
                // Now we try and obtain it
                NotifyObservers( PatchListRetrievalStartedEvent );
                if ( !m_url.Activate() )
                    NotifyObservers( PatchListRetrievalFailedEvent );
                    NotifyObservers( PatchProcessFailedEvent );
                    return false;

                // Now we wait
                return true;

    NotifyObservers( PatchProcessFailedEvent );
    return false;
CXWinGLWindowContext::Initialize( const GUI::CString& title                ,
                                  const GUI::CVideoSettings& videoSettings )

    // Do not initialize twice

    // First get access to the display
    ::Display* display = CORE::CX11EventDispatcher::Instance()->GetDisplay();
    if ( NULL == display )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Could not open display" );
        return false;

    // Now proceed with setting up the OpenGL specifics
    int dummy = 0;
    if ( 0 == glXQueryExtension( display, &dummy, &dummy ) )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: X server has no OpenGL GLX extension" );
        return false;

    // find an OpenGL-capable Color Index visual with depth buffer
    static int attributes[] = {GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None};
    //static int attributes[] = {GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 16, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None};
    XVisualInfo* vi = glXChooseVisual( display, DefaultScreen( display ), attributes );
    if ( NULL == vi )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Could not get visual info for display" );
        return false;

    // create an OpenGL rendering context
    GLXContext cx = glXCreateContext( display, vi,  None, GL_TRUE );
    if ( NULL == cx )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Could not create rendering context" );
        XFree( vi );
        return false;
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Created GL context using GLX" );

    // create an X colormap since probably not using default visual
    ::Colormap cmap = ::XCreateColormap( display, RootWindow( display, vi->screen),
                                vi->visual, AllocNone);

    ::XSetWindowAttributes swa;
    swa.colormap = cmap;
    swa.border_pixel = 0;
    swa.event_mask = ExposureMask | EnterWindowMask | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask;

    ::Window glwin = ::XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, vi->screen), 0, 0, videoSettings.GetResolutionWidthInPixels(),
                        videoSettings.GetResolutionHeightInPixels(), 0, vi->depth, InputOutput, vi->visual,
                        CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask, &swa);
    if ( 0 == glwin )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Failed to create X11 window" );
        ::XFree( vi );
        return false;
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Created X11 Window" );

//    ::XSetStandardProperties(display, glwin, "xogl", "xogl", None, 0,
//                                0, NULL);

    glXMakeCurrent( display, glwin, cx );

    // Set up the default GL state.
    glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
    //glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
    //glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY );

    //glEnable( GL_BLEND );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glOrtho( 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), 0, -1, 1 );

    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

    // Hook up our window object to re-use its eventing capabilities
    m_window.SetDisplay( display );
    m_window.SetScreen( vi->screen );
    m_window.SetWindow( glwin );
    m_window.SetText( title );

    // cleanup
    ::XFree( vi );

    // Display the new window

    // Grab the main app pulse generator and set the update interval for the context to the desired refresh rate
    CORE::CPulseGenerator& pulseGenerator = CORE::CCoreGlobal::Instance()->GetPulseGenerator();
    pulseGenerator.RequestPeriodicPulses( this, 1000 / videoSettings.GetFrequency() );
    SubscribeTo( &pulseGenerator, CORE::CPulseGenerator::PulseEvent );

    GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Succesfully created OpenGL rendering context" );

    return true;
CPatchEngine::OnNotify( CORE::CNotifier* notifier                 ,
                        const CORE::CEvent& eventid               ,
                        CORE::CICloneable* eventdata /* = NULL */ )

    if ( !m_stopSignalGiven && m_isActive )
        // Call base-class version
        CORE::CForwardingNotifier::OnNotify( notifier  ,
                                             eventid   ,
                                             eventdata );

        if ( notifier == m_patchListEngine )
            if ( eventid == PatchListProcessingCompletedEvent )
                // YIHA,.. We are finished
                m_stopSignalGiven = false;
                m_isActive = false;
                NotifyObservers( PatchProcessCompletedEvent );
            if ( eventid == PatchListProcessingFailedEvent )
                // Cascade failure
                m_stopSignalGiven = false;
                m_isActive = false;
                NotifyObservers( PatchProcessFailedEvent );
        if ( notifier == &m_url )
            if ( eventid == CORE::CURL::URLDataRecievedEvent )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Patch list data received" );

                // Translate event data
                const CORE::CDynamicBuffer& buffer = ( static_cast< CORE::CURL::TURLDataRecievedEventData* >( eventdata ) )->GetData();

                // Append the data to our buffer
                m_listDataBuffer.Append( buffer.GetConstBufferPtr() ,
                                         buffer.GetDataSize()       );

                NotifyObservers( PatchListDataReceivedEvent );
            if ( eventid == CORE::CURL::URLAllDataRecievedEvent )
                // The retrieval process of the patch list has been completed
                NotifyObservers( PatchListRetrievalCompletedEvent );

                // Now we must process the received patch list
                if ( !ProcessRecievedPatchList() )
                    NotifyObservers( PatchProcessFailedEvent );
            if ( eventid == CORE::CURL::URLDeactivateEvent )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Aborting patch list retrieval" );

                // Someone has called Stop() while we where busy with our data retrieval
                m_stopSignalGiven = false;
                m_isActive = false;
                NotifyObservers( PatchProcessAbortedEvent );
            if ( eventid == CORE::CURL::URLDataRetrievalErrorEvent )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CPatchEngine: Patch list data retrieval error" );

                // We failed to obtain the patch list data using the URL
                 m_stopSignalGiven = false;
                 m_isActive = false;
                 NotifyObservers( PatchListRetrievalFailedEvent );
                 NotifyObservers( PatchProcessFailedEvent );
        if ( m_stopSignalGiven && m_isActive )
            m_stopSignalGiven = false;
            m_isActive = false;
            NotifyObservers( PatchProcessAbortedEvent );
        if ( ( eventid != CORE::CNotifier::DestructionEvent ) &&
             ( eventid != CORE::CNotifier::UnsubscribeEvent ) &&
             ( eventid != CORE::CNotifier::SubscribeEvent   )  )
            if ( m_config.HasEngineStartTriggerEvent( eventid ) )
            if ( m_config.HasEngineStopTriggerEvent( eventid ) )
예제 #15
CResArchive::LoadIndex( void )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: Starting index load" );

    CORE::CFileAccess file;
    if ( file.Open( m_idxPath, "rb" ) )
        CORE::UInt32 fileSize = file.GetSize();        
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: Successfully opened index file of " + CORE::UInt32ToString( fileSize ) + " bytes"  );
        if ( 1 != file.Read( &m_index.recordType, 2, 1 ) ) 
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to read index header at position " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) );
            return false; 

        // Get the nr of index entries plus do a sanity check
        CORE::UInt32 nrOfEntries = fileSize - 2;
        if ( 0 != nrOfEntries % 8 )
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: The number of bytes in the index is not what we expected, the data will probably be corrupt" );
        nrOfEntries /= 8;

        // read all the index entries
        for ( CORE::UInt32 i=0; i<nrOfEntries; ++i )
            IdxRecord idxRecord;
            if ( 1 != file.Read( &idxRecord.resourceNr, 4, 1 ) ) 
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to read index entry at pos in index " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) + 
                    " Entry " + CORE::UInt32ToString( i+1 ) + "/" + CORE::UInt32ToString( nrOfEntries ) );

                return false; 
            if ( 1 != file.Read( &idxRecord.offset, 4, 1 ) ) 
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to read index entry at pos in index " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) + 
                    " Entry " + CORE::UInt32ToString( i+1 ) + "/" + CORE::UInt32ToString( nrOfEntries ) );

                return false; 

            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "Read index entry: id " + CORE::Int32ToString( idxRecord.resourceNr ) + 
                ", offset " + CORE::Int32ToString( idxRecord.offset ) + ". Pos in index " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) + 
                " Entry " + CORE::UInt32ToString( i+1 ) + "/" + CORE::UInt32ToString( nrOfEntries ) );
            m_index.index.push_back( idxRecord );


    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: Successfully loaded " + CORE::UInt32ToString( m_index.index.size() ) + " entries from index"  );
    return true;
예제 #16
CGUIManager::Init( CORE::TWindowContextPtr& windowContext )

    if ( !m_initialized )
        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Initializing GUI system" );

        // Apply the loaded configuration (if any exists)
        if ( LoadConfig( m_guiConfig ) )
            if ( m_drivers.size() == 0 )
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Cannot initialize GUI system because no driver is available" ); 
                return false;
            if ( m_selectedDriverName.Length() == 0 )
                GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: No GUI driver specified in config: Using first available driver" ); 
                m_selectedDriverName = (*m_drivers.begin()).first;
            TDriverMap::iterator i = m_drivers.find( m_selectedDriverName );
            if ( i != m_drivers.end() )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Using driver with name " + m_selectedDriverName );
                CIGUIDriver* driver = (*i).second;
                if ( driver->LoadConfig( m_guiConfig ) )
                    if ( driver->Initialize( windowContext ) )
                        m_initialized = true;
                        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Successfully initialized the GUI system" );
                        TGUIInitializedEventData eData( windowContext );
                        NotifyObservers( GUIInitializedEvent, &eData );
                        return true;
                        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to initialize the GUI system driver" );
                    GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to load the GUI system driver config" );
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to locate the configured GUI system driver" );
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to load the GUI system config" );
            return false;
    return true;
CFormBackendImp::CreateAndHookWrapperForWindow( CEGUI::Window* window )

    GUCEF::GUI::CWidget* widgetWrapper = NULL;
    CString typeName( CString( window->getType().c_str() ).SubstrToChar( '/', false ) );
    //if ( "Button" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CButtonImp();
    //    static_cast< CButtonImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::PushButton* >( window ) );
    //if ( "Editbox" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CEditboxImp();
    //    static_cast< CEditboxImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::Editbox* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "Listbox" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CListboxImp();
    //    static_cast< CListboxImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::Listbox* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "StaticImage" == typeName )
    //    CString widgetName( CString( window->getName().c_str() ).SubstrToChar( '/', false ) );
    //    if ( widgetName == "RenderContext" )
    //    {
    //        widgetWrapper = new CRenderContextImp();
    //        static_cast< CRenderContextImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( window );
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        widgetWrapper = new CImageFrameImp();
    //        static_cast< CImageFrameImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( window );
    //    }
    //if ( "StaticText" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CLabelImp();
    //    static_cast< CLabelImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( window );
    //if ( "Checkbox" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CCheckboxImp();
    //    static_cast< CCheckboxImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::Checkbox* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "Combobox" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CComboboxImp();
    //    static_cast< CComboboxImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::Combobox* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "TabControl" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CTabControlImp();
    //    static_cast< CTabControlImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::TabControl* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "TabContentPane" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CTabContentPaneImp();
    //    static_cast< CTabContentPaneImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( window );        
    if ( "FrameWindow" == typeName )
        widgetWrapper = new CWindowImp();
        static_cast< CWindowImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::FrameWindow* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "MultiColumnList" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CGridViewImp();
    //    static_cast< CGridViewImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::MultiColumnList* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "Spinner" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new CSpinnerImp();
    //    static_cast< CSpinnerImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( static_cast< CEGUI::Spinner* >( window ) );        
    //if ( "DefaultWindow" == typeName )
    //    widgetWrapper = new TBasicWidgetImp();
    //    static_cast< TBasicWidgetImp* >( widgetWrapper )->Hook( window );
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Wrapped and hooked GUI widget for CEGUI widget of type " + typeName );
    return widgetWrapper;
ImageCodecAdapter::load( const CEGUI::RawDataContainer& data , 
                         CEGUI::Texture* result              )

    if ( NULL == result ) 
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Unable to load texture since no texture object was provided" );
        return NULL;

    CORE::CString imgType = CORE::ExtractFileExtention( result->getName() );
    if ( imgType.IsNULLOrEmpty() )
        if ( NULL != m_vfsResourceProvider )
            VfsResourceProvider::DataContainerInfoPtr containerInfo = m_vfsResourceProvider->GetInfoOnLoadedContainer( data );
            if ( !containerInfo.IsNULL() )
                imgType = CORE::ExtractFileExtention( containerInfo->requestFilename );

    if ( imgType.IsNULLOrEmpty() )
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Unable to load texture since no image type could be derived from the the texture name" );
        return NULL;

    IMAGE::CImageCodecRegistry& codecRegistry = IMAGE::CImageGlobal::Instance()->GetImageCodecRegistry();
    IMAGE::CImageCodecRegistry::TImageCodecPtr codec;
    if ( !codecRegistry.TryLookup( imgType, codec ) )
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Unable to load texture since no image codec could be found for type: " + imgType );
        return NULL;

    CORE::CDynamicBufferAccess bufferAccess;
    bufferAccess.LinkTo( data.getDataPtr(), data.getSize() );

    IMAGE::CImage image;
    if ( !codec->Decode( bufferAccess, image ) )
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Unable to load texture since the image codec decoding failed for type: " + imgType );
        return NULL;

    IMAGE::TPixelMapPtr pixelMap;
    if ( !image.TryGetPixelMap( 0, 0, pixelMap ) )
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Unable to get the pixel map from the image" );
        return NULL;
    // CEGUI does not support single channel formats
    if ( pixelMap->GetNumberOfChannelsPerPixel() < 3 )
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle images with less than 3 channels per pixels" );
        return NULL;        
    // CEGUI only supports a subset of formats, convert as needed
    IMAGE::TPixelStorageFormat sourceFormat = pixelMap->GetPixelStorageFormat();
    switch ( sourceFormat )
        case IMAGE::PSF_BGR:
            IMAGE::TPixelMapPtr newPixelMap;
            if ( !pixelMap->ConvertFormatTo( IMAGE::PSF_RGB, MT::DATATYPE_UINT8, newPixelMap ) )
                GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle BGR images and we were unable to convert" );
                return NULL;
            if ( newPixelMap )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle BGR images, we successfully converted the image" );
                pixelMap = newPixelMap;
        case IMAGE::PSF_BGRA:
            IMAGE::TPixelMapPtr newPixelMap;
            if ( !pixelMap->ConvertFormatTo( IMAGE::PSF_RGBA, MT::DATATYPE_UINT8, newPixelMap ) )
                GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle BGRA images and we were unable to convert" );
                return NULL;
            if ( newPixelMap )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle BGRA images, we sucecssfully converted the image" );
                pixelMap = newPixelMap;

    // CEGUI only supports a subset of channel sizes, convert as needed
    // If we get here then the pixels are stored in a supported format either due to conversion or they were already
    // However the channelsize can still be wrong in the latter case
    CORE::UInt32 channelSize = pixelMap->GetPixelChannelSize();
    if ( channelSize > 1 )
        IMAGE::TPixelStorageFormat sourceFormat = pixelMap->GetPixelStorageFormat();
        IMAGE::TPixelMapPtr newPixelMap;
        if ( !pixelMap->ConvertFormatTo( sourceFormat, MT::DATATYPE_UINT8, newPixelMap ) )
            GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle images with multi-byte channels and we were unable to convert" );
            return NULL;
        if ( newPixelMap )
            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: CEGUI cannot handle images with multi-byte channels, we sucecssfully converted the image to single byte" );
            pixelMap = newPixelMap;
        channelSize = pixelMap->GetPixelChannelSize();
    // Now that we have the image in a format we know CEGUI can handle,.. convert the type enum
    CEGUI::Texture::PixelFormat ceguiPixelFormat;
    if ( !TryConvertPixelFormat( pixelMap->GetPixelStorageFormat(), channelSize, ceguiPixelFormat ) )
        GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Failed to map pixel storage format to a CEGUI supported type" );
        return NULL;        
    CEGUI::Sizef imageSizeInPixels( (float) pixelMap->GetWidthInPixels(), (float) pixelMap->GetHeightInPixels() );
    result->loadFromMemory( pixelMap->GetDataPtr(), imageSizeInPixels, ceguiPixelFormat );
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "ImageCodecAdapter:load: Successfully loaded image into texture obj" );
    return result;