예제 #1
static void DlgOpen( gui_window *parent, const char *title, int rows, int cols,
                     gui_control_info *controls_info, int num_controls, GUICALLBACK *rtn,
                     void *extra, bool sys )
    gui_coord           charuse;
    gui_coord           charspace;
    gui_text_metrics    metrics;

    DlgControl.title = title;
    DlgControl.call_back = rtn;
    DlgControl.extra = extra;
    DlgControl.parent = parent;
    GUIGetDlgTextMetrics( &metrics );
    charspace.x = metrics.max.x;
    charspace.y = metrics.max.y;
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    // brutal hack to get OS/2 and Windows dialogs to look the same.
    charuse.x = ( 5 * metrics.avg.x ) / 4;
    charuse.y = ( 3 * metrics.avg.y ) / 2;
    charuse.x = metrics.avg.x;
    charuse.y = ( 7 * metrics.avg.y ) / 4;
    GUITruncToPixel( &charuse );
    DlgSetSize( parent, &DlgControl, rows, cols, &charuse );
    DlgSetCtlSizes( controls_info, num_controls, &charuse, &charspace );
    if( sys || DlgModal ) {
        GUICreateSysModalDialog( &DlgControl, num_controls, controls_info );
    } else {
        GUICreateDialog( &DlgControl, num_controls, controls_info );
예제 #2
static bool OpenStatusWindow( const char *title )
    gui_text_metrics    metrics;
//    int                 i;
    gui_rect            rect;

//    for( i = STAT_BLANK; i < sizeof( Messages ) / sizeof( Messages[0] ); ++i ) {
//      Messages[i] = GetVariableStrVal( Messages[i] );
//    }
    GUIGetDlgTextMetrics( &metrics );
    CharSize.x = metrics.avg.x;
    CharSize.y = 5 * metrics.avg.y / 4;
    GUITruncToPixel( &CharSize );

    StatusInfo.parent = MainWnd;
    StatusInfo.title = GUIStrDup( title, NULL );
    StatusInfo.rect.width = STATUS_WIDTH * CharSize.x;
    StatusInfo.rect.height = STATUS_HEIGHT * CharSize.y;
    GUIGetClientRect( MainWnd, &rect );
    if( GUIIsGUI() ) {
        StatusInfo.rect.y = BitMapBottom;
    } else {
        StatusInfo.rect.y = (GUIScale.y - StatusInfo.rect.height) / 2;
    if( StatusInfo.rect.y > rect.height - StatusInfo.rect.height ) {
        StatusInfo.rect.y = rect.height - StatusInfo.rect.height;
    StatusInfo.rect.x = (GUIScale.x - StatusInfo.rect.width) / 2;

    StatusBarLen = 0;

    StatusWnd = GUICreateWindow( &StatusInfo );

    GUIGetClientRect( StatusWnd, &StatusRect );

    Cancel.parent = StatusWnd;
    Cancel.text = LIT( Cancel );
    Cancel.rect.height = 7 * CharSize.y / 4;
    Cancel.rect.width = (strlen( Cancel.text ) + 4) * CharSize.x;
    Cancel.rect.x = (StatusRect.width - Cancel.rect.width) / 2;
    Cancel.rect.y = CANNERY_ROW * CharSize.y;

    StatusBarRect.x = BAR_INDENT * CharSize.x;
    StatusBarRect.width = StatusRect.width - 2 * BAR_INDENT * CharSize.x;
    StatusBarRect.y = STATUS_ROW * CharSize.y;
    StatusBarRect.height = CharSize.y;
#ifndef _UI
    StatusBarRect.y -= CharSize.y / 2;
    StatusBarRect.height += CharSize.y;

    StatusBarLen = StatusBarRect.width / CharSize.x;

    if( !GUIAddControl( &Cancel, &ToolPlain, &ToolStandout ) ) {
        SetupError( "IDS_CONTROLERROR" );
        return( false );
    return( true );
예제 #3
void WndShrinkToMouse( a_window wnd, wnd_metrics *metrics )
    gui_rect            rect,client;
    gui_point           mouse;
    gui_coord           round;
    gui_ord             max_width;
    gui_ord             min_width;
    int                 rows;

    GUIGetRect( wnd->gui, &rect );
    GUIGetClientRect( wnd->gui, &client );
    max_width = metrics->max_cols * WndAvgCharX( wnd );
    min_width = metrics->min_cols * WndAvgCharX( wnd );
    rect.width = wnd->max_indent + rect.width - client.width;
    if( max_width != 0 && rect.width > max_width ) {
        rect.width = max_width;
    if( min_width != 0 && rect.width < min_width ) {
        rect.width = min_width;
    if( rect.width > WndMax.x )
        rect.width = WndMax.x;
    rows = wnd->max_row + 1;
    if( metrics->max_rows != 0 && rows > metrics->max_rows ) {
        rows = metrics->max_rows;
    if( metrics->min_rows != 0 && rows < metrics->min_rows ) {
        rows = metrics->min_rows;
    if( rows > rect.height / WndMaxCharY( wnd ) ) {
        rows = rect.height / WndMaxCharY( wnd );
    rect.height = rows * WndMaxCharY( wnd ) + rect.height - client.height;
    if( rect.height > WndMax.y )
        rect.height = WndMax.y;
    GUIGetMousePosn( WndMain->gui, &mouse );
    if( mouse.x < 0 )
        mouse.x = 0;
    if( mouse.y < 0 )
        mouse.y = 0;
    if( rect.width / 2 > mouse.x ) {
        rect.x = 0;
    } else if( ( rect.width / 2 ) + mouse.x > WndMax.x ) {
        rect.x = WndMax.x - rect.width;
    } else {
        rect.x = mouse.x - rect.width / 2;
    if( mouse.y + rect.height > WndMax.y ) {
        rect.y = WndMax.y - rect.height;
    } else {
        rect.y = mouse.y;
        round.y = WndMaxCharY( wnd ) / 2;
        round.x = 0;
        GUITruncToPixel( &round );
        rect.y -= round.y;
    GUISetRestoredSize( wnd->gui, &rect );
예제 #4
static void GetHalfAndAdjust( gui_coord *charuse,
                              gui_coord *half, gui_ord *char_ui_adjust )
    half->x = charuse->x / 2;
    half->y = charuse->y / 2;
    GUITruncToPixel( half );
    if( half->y == 0 ) {
        *char_ui_adjust = charuse->y;
    } else {
        *char_ui_adjust = 0;
예제 #5
void WndPaintDirt( a_window *wnd )
    int                 i;
    wnd_line_piece      line;
    wnd_line_piece      next_piece_line;
    gui_rect            rect;
    wnd_dirt            *dirt;
    gui_coord           size;
    gui_coord           half_char;
    a_window            *next;
//    a_window            *last;

//    last = NULL;
    for( wnd = WndNext( NULL ); wnd != NULL; wnd = next ) {
        next = WndNext( wnd );
        if( wnd->vscroll_pending != 0 ) {
            if( wnd->hscroll_pending != -1 ) {
                _Set( wnd, WSW_REPAINT );
            if( _Is( wnd, WSW_REPAINT ) ) {
                if( wnd->hscroll_pending != -1 ) {
                    GUIInitHScroll( wnd->gui, wnd->hscroll_pending );
                WndRepaint( wnd );
                wnd->hscroll_pending = -1;
                wnd->vscroll_pending = 0;
            } else {
                for( i = 0; i < wnd->title_size; ++i ) {
                    GUIDrawTextExtent( wnd->gui, " ", 1, i, 0, GUI_BACKGROUND, GUI_NO_COLUMN );
                GUIDoVScrollClip( wnd->gui, wnd->vscroll_pending,
                                  wnd->title_size, wnd->rows - 1 );
                wnd->vscroll_pending = 0;
        if( _Is( wnd, WSW_REPAINT ) ) {
            _Clr( wnd, WSW_REPAINT );
            WndKillCacheLines( wnd );
            WndCheckCurrentValid( wnd );
            GUIWndDirty( wnd->gui );
            if( wnd->max_indent != 0 && wnd->width >= wnd->max_indent ) {
                GUISetHScroll( wnd->gui, 0 );
                wnd->hscroll_pending = -1;
                GUISetHScrollRange( wnd->gui, wnd->max_indent );
            next = wnd;
        } else {
            for( i = 0; i < wnd->dirtyrects; ++i ) {
                dirt = &wnd->dirty[i];
                if( dirt->row < 0 ) continue;
                if( dirt->row >= wnd->rows ) continue;
                if( dirt->piece == WND_NO_PIECE ) {
                    if( !WndGetLine( wnd, dirt->row, 0, &line ) ) continue;
                    GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, dirt->row );
                } else {
                    if( !WndGetLine( wnd, dirt->row, dirt->piece, &line ) ) continue;
                    if( line.bitmap ) {
                        GUIGetHotSpotSize( line.text[0], &size );
                        rect.x = line.indent;
                        rect.y = dirt->row * wnd->max_char.y;
                        rect.width = line.length;
                        rect.height = size.y;
                    } else if( dirt->col != WND_NO_COL ) {
                        if( line.length == 0 ) line.text = " ";
                        rect.x = line.indent;
                        rect.x += GUIGetExtentX(wnd->gui, line.text, dirt->col);
                        rect.y = dirt->row * wnd->max_char.y;
                        rect.width = GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line.text+dirt->col, dirt->end_col-dirt->col+GUICharLen( line.text[dirt->col] ) );
                        rect.height = wnd->max_char.y;
                    } else if( line.extent == WND_MAX_EXTEND || line.master_tabstop ) {
                        rect.width = 0;
                        rect.height = 0;
                        GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, dirt->row );
                    } else {
                        rect.x = line.indent;
                        if( WndGetLine( wnd, dirt->row, dirt->piece+1, &next_piece_line ) ) {
                            if( next_piece_line.indent < line.indent ) {
                                rect.width = WND_APPROX_SIZE;
                            } else {
                                rect.width = next_piece_line.indent - line.indent;
                        } else {
                            rect.width = WND_APPROX_SIZE;
                        rect.y = dirt->row * wnd->max_char.y;
                        rect.height = wnd->max_char.y;
                    /* begin kludge for Kerning problem */
                    if( rect.width != 0 || rect.height != 0 ) {
                        half_char.x = WndAvgCharX( wnd ) / 2;
                        half_char.y = 0;
                        GUITruncToPixel( &half_char );
                        if( rect.x < half_char.x ) {
                            rect.width += half_char.x + rect.x;
                            rect.x = 0;
                        } else {
                            rect.x -= half_char.x;
                            rect.width += half_char.x + half_char.x;
                        GUIWndDirtyRect( wnd->gui, &rect );
        if( wnd->hscroll_pending != -1 ) {
            GUISetHScroll( wnd->gui, wnd->hscroll_pending );
            wnd->hscroll_pending = -1;
        wnd->dirtyrects = 0;
        WndSetThumb( wnd );