예제 #1
파일: input.c 프로젝트: rkrug/grass-ci
void alloc_grids_water()
    /* memory allocation for output grids */
    G_debug(1, "beginning memory allocation for output grids");

    gama = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    if (err != NULL)
        gammas = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    dif = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);
예제 #2
파일: input.c 프로젝트: rkrug/grass-ci
void alloc_grids_sediment()
    /* mandatory for si,sigma */

    si = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    sigma = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);

    /* memory allocation for output grids */

    dif = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);
    if (erdep != NULL || et != NULL)
        er = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);
예제 #3
/* *************************************************************** */
void bench_blas_level_3_double(int rows)
    struct timeval tstart;
    struct timeval tend;
    double **A, **B, **C, *x, *y;

    x = G_alloc_vector(rows);
    y = G_alloc_vector(rows);

    A = G_alloc_matrix(rows, rows);
    B = G_alloc_matrix(rows, rows);
    C = G_alloc_matrix(rows, rows);

    fill_d_vector_range_1(x, 1, rows);
    fill_d_vector_range_1(y, 1, rows);

    fill_d_vector_range_1(A[0], 1, rows*rows);
    fill_d_vector_range_1(B[0], 1, rows*rows);

    gettimeofday(&tstart, NULL);
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
    G_math_d_aA_B(A, B, 4.0 , C, rows , rows);
    gettimeofday(&tend, NULL);
    printf("Computation time G_math_d_aA_B: %g\n", compute_time_difference(tstart, tend));
    gettimeofday(&tstart, NULL);
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
    G_math_d_AB(A, B, C, rows , rows , rows);
    gettimeofday(&tend, NULL);
    printf("Computation time G_math_d_AB: %g\n", compute_time_difference(tstart, tend));



예제 #4
 * \brief Allocate memory for a quadratic or not quadratic linear equation system
 * The type of the linear equation system must be G_MATH_NORMAL_LES for
 * a regular quadratic matrix or G_MATH_SPARSE_LES for a sparse matrix
 * <p>
 * In case of G_MATH_NORMAL_LES
 * A quadratic matrix of size rows*rows*sizeof(double) will allocated
 * <p>
 * In case of G_MATH_SPARSE_LES
 * a vector of size row will be allocated, ready to hold additional allocated sparse vectors.
 * each sparse vector may have a different size.
 * Parameter parts defines which parts of the les should be allocated.
 * The number of columns and rows defines if the matrix is quadratic.
 * \param rows int
 * \param cols int
 * \param type int
 * \param parts int -- 2 = A, x and b; 1 = A and x; 0 = A allocated
 * \return G_math_les *
 * */
G_math_les *G_math_alloc_les_param(int rows, int cols, int type, int parts)
	G_math_les *les;

	if (type == G_MATH_SPARSE_LES)
				"Allocate memory for a sparse linear equation system with %i rows\n",
				"Allocate memory for a regular linear equation system with %i rows and %i cols\n",
				rows, cols);

	les = (G_math_les *) G_calloc(1, sizeof(G_math_les));
	les->x = NULL;
	les->b = NULL;

	if (parts > 0)
		les->x = (double *)G_calloc(cols, sizeof(double));

	if (parts > 1)
		les->b = (double *)G_calloc(cols, sizeof(double));

	les->A = NULL;
	les->data = NULL;
	les->Asp = NULL;
	les->rows = rows;
	les->cols = cols;
	les->symm = 0;
	les->bandwith = cols;
	if (rows == cols)
		les->quad = 1;
		les->quad = 0;

	if (type == G_MATH_SPARSE_LES)
		les->Asp = (G_math_spvector **) G_calloc(rows,
				sizeof(G_math_spvector *));
		les->type = G_MATH_SPARSE_LES;
		les->A = G_alloc_matrix(rows, cols);
		/*save the start pointer of the matrix*/
		les->data = les->A[0];
		les->type = G_MATH_NORMAL_LES;

	return les;
예제 #5
int checkHull(int cR, int cC, double **oldHull, int lungOld)
    double **newP;
    double **newPoint;
    int count, lungHullNew;

    newP = Pvector(0, lungOld + 1);
    newPoint = G_alloc_matrix(lungOld + 1, 2);

    for (count = 0; count < lungOld; count++) {
	newPoint[count][0] = oldHull[count][0];
	newPoint[count][1] = oldHull[count][1];
	newP[count] = newPoint[count];

    newPoint[lungOld][0] = cC;
    newPoint[lungOld][1] = cR;

    newP[lungOld] = newPoint[lungOld];

    lungHullNew = ch2d(newP, lungOld + 1);

    if (lungOld != lungHullNew) {
	free_Pvector(newP, 0, lungOld + 1);
	return 0;
    else {
	for (count = 0; count < lungOld; count++) {
	    if ((oldHull[count][0] != newP[count][0]) ||
		(oldHull[count][1] != newP[count][1])) {
		free_Pvector(newP, 0, lungOld + 1);
		return 0;
    free_Pvector(newP, 0, lungOld + 1);
    return 1;
예제 #6
int cross_correlation(struct Map_info *Map, double passWE, double passNS)
       Map: Vector map from which cross-crorrelation will take values
       passWE: spline step in West-East direction
       passNS: spline step in North-South direction

       TRUE on success
       FALSE on failure
    int bilin = TRUE;		/*booleans */
    int nsplx, nsply, nparam_spl, ndata;
    double *mean, *rms, *stdev;

    /* double lambda[PARAM_LAMBDA] = { 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 }; */	/* Fixed values (by the moment) */
    double lambda[PARAM_LAMBDA] = { 0.0001, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 };	/* Fixed values (by the moment) */
    /* a more exhaustive search:
    #define PARAM_LAMBDA 11
    double lambda[PARAM_LAMBDA] = { 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 }; */

    double *TN, *Q, *parVect;	/* Interpolation and least-square vectors */
    double **N, **obsVect;	/* Interpolation and least-square matrix */

    struct Point *observ;
    struct Stats stat_vect;

    /*struct line_pnts *points; */
    /*struct line_cats *Cats; */
    struct Cell_head region;


    extern int bspline_field;
    extern char *bspline_column;
    dbCatValArray cvarr;

	    "CrossCorrelation: Some tests using different lambda_i values will be done");

    ndata = Vect_get_num_lines(Map);

    if (ndata > NDATA_MAX)
	G_warning(_("%d are too many points. "
		    "The cross validation would take too much time."), ndata);

    /*points = Vect_new_line_struct (); */
    /*Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct (); */

    /* Current region is read and points recorded into observ */
    observ = P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(Map, &region, &ndata, 1024, 1);
    G_debug(5, "CrossCorrelation: %d points read in region. ", ndata);
    G_verbose_message(_("%d points read in region"),

    if (ndata > 50)
	G_warning(_("Maybe it takes too long. "
		    "It will depend on how many points you are considering."));
	G_debug(5, "CrossCorrelation: It shouldn't take too long.");

    if (ndata > 0) {		/* If at least one point is in the region */
	int i, j, lbd;		/* lbd: lambda index */
	int BW;	
	double mean_reg, *obs_mean;

	int nrec, ctype = 0, verbosity;
	struct field_info *Fi;
	dbDriver *driver_cats;

	mean = G_alloc_vector(PARAM_LAMBDA);	/* Alloc as much mean, rms and stdev values as the total */
	rms = G_alloc_vector(PARAM_LAMBDA);	/* number of parameter used used for cross validation */
	stdev = G_alloc_vector(PARAM_LAMBDA);

	verbosity = G_verbose(); /* store for later reset */

	/* Working with attributes */
	if (bspline_field > 0) {

	    Fi = Vect_get_field(Map, bspline_field);
	    if (Fi == NULL)
	      G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),

	    driver_cats =
		db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
	    G_debug(1, _("CrossCorrelation: driver=%s db=%s"), Fi->driver,

	    if (driver_cats == NULL)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
			      Fi->database, Fi->driver);

	    nrec =
		db_select_CatValArray(driver_cats, Fi->table, Fi->key,
				      bspline_column, NULL, &cvarr);
	    G_debug(3, "nrec = %d", nrec);

	    ctype = cvarr.ctype;
	    if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
		G_fatal_error(_("Column type not supported"));

	    if (nrec < 0)
		G_fatal_error(_("No records selected from table <%s> "),

	    G_debug(1, "%d records selected from table",


	/* Setting number of splines as a function of WE and SN spline steps */
	nsplx = ceil((region.east - region.west) / passWE);
	nsply = ceil((region.north - region.south) / passNS);
	nparam_spl = nsplx * nsply;	/* Total number of splines */

	if (nparam_spl > 22900)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Too many splines (%d x %d). "
			    "Consider changing spline steps \"ew_step=\" \"ns_step=\"."),
			  nsplx, nsply);

	BW = P_get_BandWidth(bilin, nsply);
	/*Least Squares system */
	N = G_alloc_matrix(nparam_spl, BW);	/* Normal matrix */
	TN = G_alloc_vector(nparam_spl);	/* vector */
	parVect = G_alloc_vector(nparam_spl);	/* Parameters vector */
	obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(ndata, 3);	/* Observation vector */
	Q = G_alloc_vector(ndata);		/* "a priori" var-cov matrix */

	obs_mean = G_alloc_vector(ndata);
	stat_vect = alloc_Stats(ndata);

	for (lbd = 0; lbd < PARAM_LAMBDA; lbd++) {	/* For each lambda value */

	    G_message(_("Beginning cross validation with "
		        "lambda_i=%.4f ... (%d of %d)"), lambda[lbd],
		      lbd+1, PARAM_LAMBDA);

	       How the cross correlation algorithm is done:
	       For each cycle, only the first ndata-1 "observ" elements are considered for the 
	       interpolation. Within every interpolation mean is calculated to lowering edge 
	       errors. The point left out will be used for an estimation. The error between the 
	       estimation and the observation is recorded for further statistics.
	       At the end of the cycle, the last point, that is, the ndata-1 index, and the point 
	       with j index are swapped.
	    for (j = 0; j < ndata; j++) {	/* Cross Correlation will use all ndata points */
		double out_x, out_y, out_z;	/* This point is left out */

		for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {	/* Each time, only the first ndata-1 points */
		    double dval;		/* are considered in the interpolation */

		    /* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */
		    Q[i] = 1;	/* Q=I */
		    obsVect[i][0] = observ[i].coordX;
		    obsVect[i][1] = observ[i].coordY;

		    if (bspline_field > 0) {
			int cat, ival, ret;

			/*type = Vect_read_line (Map, points, Cats, observ[i].lineID); */
			/*if ( !(type & GV_POINTS ) ) continue; */

			/*Vect_cat_get ( Cats, bspline_field, &cat ); */
			cat = observ[i].cat;

			if (cat < 0)

			if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
			    ret =
				db_CatValArray_get_value_int(&cvarr, cat,
			    obsVect[i][2] = ival;
			    obs_mean[i] = ival;
			else {	/* DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE */
			    ret =
				db_CatValArray_get_value_double(&cvarr, cat,
			    obsVect[i][2] = dval;
			    obs_mean[i] = dval;
			if (ret != DB_OK) {
			    G_warning(_("No record for point (cat = %d)"),
		    else {
			obsVect[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ;
			obs_mean[i] = observ[i].coordZ;
		}		/* i index */

		/* Mean calculation for every point less the last one */
		mean_reg = calc_mean(obs_mean, ndata - 1);

		for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++)
		    obsVect[i][2] -= mean_reg;

		/* This is left out */
		out_x = observ[ndata - 1].coordX;
		out_y = observ[ndata - 1].coordY;
		out_z = obsVect[ndata - 1][2];

		if (bilin) {	/* Bilinear interpolation */
		    normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, passWE, passNS, nsplx,
				   nsply, region.west, region.south,
				   ndata - 1, nparam_spl, BW);
		    nCorrectGrad(N, lambda[lbd], nsplx, nsply, passWE,
		else {		/* Bicubic interpolation */
		    normalDefBicubic(N, TN, Q, obsVect, passWE, passNS, nsplx,
				     nsply, region.west, region.south,
				     ndata - 1, nparam_spl, BW);
		    nCorrectGrad(N, lambda[lbd], nsplx, nsply, passWE,

		   if (bilin) interpolation (&interp, P_BILINEAR);
		   else interpolation (&interp, P_BICUBIC);
		G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparam_spl, BW);

		/* Estimation of j-point */
		if (bilin)
		    stat_vect.estima[j] =
			dataInterpolateBilin(out_x, out_y, passWE, passNS,
					     nsplx, nsply, region.west,
					     region.south, parVect);

		    stat_vect.estima[j] =
			dataInterpolateBilin(out_x, out_y, passWE, passNS,
					     nsplx, nsply, region.west,
					     region.south, parVect);

		/* Difference between estimated and observated i-point */
		stat_vect.error[j] = out_z - stat_vect.estima[j];
		G_debug(1, "CrossCorrelation: stat_vect.error[%d]  =  %lf", j,

		/* Once the last value is left out, it is swapped with j-value */
		observ = swap(observ, j, ndata - 1);

		G_percent(j, ndata, 2);

	    mean[lbd] = calc_mean(stat_vect.error, stat_vect.n_points);
	    rms[lbd] =
		calc_root_mean_square(stat_vect.error, stat_vect.n_points);
	    stdev[lbd] =
		calc_standard_deviation(stat_vect.error, stat_vect.n_points);

	    G_message(_("Mean = %.5lf"), mean[lbd]);
	    G_message(_("Root Mean Square (RMS) = %.5lf"),
	}			/* ENDFOR each lambda value */

#ifdef nodef
	/*TODO: if the minimum lambda is wanted, the function declaration must be changed */
	/* At this moment, consider rms only */
	rms_min = find_minimum(rms, &lbd_min);
	stdev_min = find_minimum(stdev, &lbd_min);

	/* Writing some output */
	G_message(_("Different number of splines and lambda_i values have "
		    "been taken for the cross correlation"));
	G_message(_("The minimum value for the test (rms=%lf) was "
		    "obtained with: lambda_i = %.3f"),

	*lambda_min = lambda[lbd_min];

	G_message(_("Table of results:"));
	fprintf(stdout, _("    lambda |       mean |        rms |\n"));
	for (lbd = 0; lbd < PARAM_LAMBDA; lbd++) {
	    fprintf(stdout, " %9.5f | %10.4f | %10.4f |\n", lambda[lbd],
		    mean[lbd], rms[lbd]);
    }				/* ENDIF (ndata > 0) */
	G_warning(_("No point lies into the current region"));

    return TRUE;
예제 #7
static int calccoef(struct Control_Points_3D *cp, double OR[], int ndims)
    double **src_mat = NULL;
    double **src_mat_T = NULL;
    double **dest_mat = NULL;
    double **dest_mat_T = NULL;
    double **src_dest_mat = NULL;
    double *S_vec = NULL;
    double **R_mat = NULL;
    double **R_mat_T = NULL;
    double **mat_mn1 = NULL;
    double **mat_mn2 = NULL;
    double **mat_nm1 = NULL;
    double **mat_nm2 = NULL;
    double **mat_nn1 = NULL;
    double **E_mat = NULL;
    double **P_mat = NULL;
    double **Q_mat = NULL;
    double *D_vec = NULL;
    double *one_vec = NULL;
    double trace1 = 0.0;
    double trace2 = 0.0;
    int numactive;		/* NUMBER OF ACTIVE CONTROL POINTS */
    int m, n, i, j;
    int status;


    for (i = numactive = 0; i < cp->count; i++) {
	if (cp->status[i] > 0)
    m = numactive;
    n = ndims;

    src_mat = G_alloc_matrix(m, n);
    dest_mat = G_alloc_matrix(m, n);

    for (i = numactive = 0; i < cp->count; i++) {
	if (cp->status[i] > 0) {
	    src_mat[numactive][0] = cp->e1[i];
	    src_mat[numactive][1] = cp->n1[i];
	    src_mat[numactive][2] = cp->z1[i];

	    dest_mat[numactive][0] = cp->e2[i];
	    dest_mat[numactive][1] = cp->n2[i];
	    dest_mat[numactive][2] = cp->z2[i];


    D_vec = G_alloc_vector(ndims);

    src_mat_T = G_alloc_matrix(n, m);
    dest_mat_T = G_alloc_matrix(n, m);
    src_dest_mat = G_alloc_matrix(n, n);
    R_mat = G_alloc_matrix(n, n);
    R_mat_T = G_alloc_matrix(n, n);

    mat_mn1 = G_alloc_matrix(m, n);
    mat_mn2 = G_alloc_matrix(m, n);
    mat_nm1 = G_alloc_matrix(n, m);
    mat_nm2 = G_alloc_matrix(n, m);
    mat_nn1 = G_alloc_matrix(n, n);

    E_mat = G_alloc_matrix(m, m);
    P_mat = G_alloc_matrix(ndims, ndims);
    Q_mat = G_alloc_matrix(ndims, ndims);

    transpose_matrix(m, n, dest_mat, dest_mat_T);

    for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
	    if (i != j) {
		E_mat[i][j] = -1.0 / (double)m;
		E_mat[i][j] = 1.0 - 1.0 / (double)m;

    matmult(n, m, m, dest_mat_T, E_mat, mat_nm1);
    matmult(n, m, n, mat_nm1, src_mat, src_dest_mat);
    copy_matrix(n, n, src_dest_mat, P_mat);
    copy_matrix(n, n, src_dest_mat, mat_nn1);

    status = G_math_svduv(D_vec, mat_nn1, P_mat, n, Q_mat, n);

    if (status == 0)
	status = MSUCCESS;

    transpose_matrix(n, n, P_mat, mat_nn1);

    /* rotation matrix */
    matmult(n, n, n, Q_mat, mat_nn1, R_mat_T);
    transpose_matrix(n, n, R_mat_T, R_mat);

    /* scale */
    matmult(n, n, n, src_dest_mat, R_mat_T, mat_nn1);
    trace1 = trace(n, n, mat_nn1);

    transpose_matrix(m, n, src_mat, src_mat_T);
    matmult(n, m, m, src_mat_T, E_mat, mat_nm1);
    matmult(n, m, n, mat_nm1, src_mat, mat_nn1);
    trace2 = trace(n, n, mat_nn1);

    OR[14] = trace1 / trace2;

    /* shifts */
    matmult(m, n, n, src_mat, R_mat_T, mat_mn1);
    scale_matrix(m, n, OR[14], mat_mn1, mat_mn2);
    subtract_matrix(m, n, dest_mat, mat_mn2, mat_mn1);
    scale_matrix(m, n, 1.0 / m, mat_mn1, mat_mn2);
    transpose_matrix(m, n, mat_mn2, mat_nm1);

    S_vec = G_alloc_vector(n);
    one_vec = G_alloc_vector(m);

    for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	one_vec[i] = 1.0;

    matrix_multiply(n, m, mat_nm1, one_vec, S_vec);

    /* matrix to vector */
    for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) {
	    OR[i * ndims + j] = R_mat[i][j];

    return status;
예제 #8
파일: main.c 프로젝트: rashadkm/grass_cmake
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Declarations */
    int dim_vect, nparameters, BW, npoints;
    int nsply, nsplx, nsplx_adj, nsply_adj;
    int nsubregion_col, nsubregion_row;
    int subregion = 0, nsubregions = 0;
    const char *dvr, *db, *mapset;
    char table_name[GNAME_MAX];
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];
    double lambda, mean, stepN, stepE, HighThresh,
    double N_extension, E_extension, edgeE, edgeN;

    int i, nterrain, count_terrain;

    int last_row, last_column, flag_auxiliar = FALSE;

    int *lineVect;
    double *TN, *Q, *parVect;	/* Interpolating and least-square vectors */
    double **N, **obsVect, **obsVect_all;	/* Interpolation and least-square matrix */

    struct Map_info In, Out, Terrain;
    struct Option *in_opt, *out_opt, *out_terrain_opt, *stepE_opt,
	*stepN_opt, *lambda_f_opt, *Thresh_A_opt, *Thresh_B_opt;
    struct Flag *spline_step_flag;
    struct GModule *module;

    struct Cell_head elaboration_reg, original_reg;
    struct Reg_dimens dims;
    struct bound_box general_box, overlap_box;

    struct Point *observ;
    struct lidar_cat *lcat;

    dbDriver *driver;

    /* Options' declaration */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Corrects the v.lidar.growing output. It is the last of the three algorithms for LIDAR filtering.");

    spline_step_flag = G_define_flag();
    spline_step_flag->key = 'e';
    spline_step_flag->label = _("Estimate point density and distance");
    spline_step_flag->description =
	_("Estimate point density and distance for the input vector points within the current region extends and quit");

    in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    in_opt->description =
	_("Input observation vector map name (v.lidar.growing output)");

    out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    out_opt->description = _("Output classified vector map name");

    out_terrain_opt = G_define_option();
    out_terrain_opt->key = "terrain";
    out_terrain_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    out_terrain_opt->key_desc = "name";
    out_terrain_opt->required = YES;
    out_terrain_opt->gisprompt = "new,vector,vector";
    out_terrain_opt->description =
	_("Only 'terrain' points output vector map");

    stepE_opt = G_define_option();
    stepE_opt->key = "ew_step";
    stepE_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepE_opt->required = NO;
    stepE_opt->answer = "25";
    stepE_opt->description =
	_("Length of each spline step in the east-west direction");
    stepE_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    stepN_opt = G_define_option();
    stepN_opt->key = "ns_step";
    stepN_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepN_opt->required = NO;
    stepN_opt->answer = "25";
    stepN_opt->description =
	_("Length of each spline step in the north-south direction");
    stepN_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    lambda_f_opt = G_define_option();
    lambda_f_opt->key = "lambda_c";
    lambda_f_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lambda_f_opt->required = NO;
    lambda_f_opt->description =
	_("Regularization weight in reclassification evaluation");
    lambda_f_opt->answer = "1";

    Thresh_A_opt = G_define_option();
    Thresh_A_opt->key = "tch";
    Thresh_A_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    Thresh_A_opt->required = NO;
    Thresh_A_opt->description =
	_("High threshold for object to terrain reclassification");
    Thresh_A_opt->answer = "2";

    Thresh_B_opt = G_define_option();
    Thresh_B_opt->key = "tcl";
    Thresh_B_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    Thresh_B_opt->required = NO;
    Thresh_B_opt->description =
	_("Low threshold for terrain to object reclassification");
    Thresh_B_opt->answer = "1";

    /* Parsing */

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    stepN = atof(stepN_opt->answer);
    stepE = atof(stepE_opt->answer);
    lambda = atof(lambda_f_opt->answer);
    HighThresh = atof(Thresh_A_opt->answer);
    LowThresh = atof(Thresh_B_opt->answer);

    if (!(db = G_getenv_nofatal2("DB_DATABASE", G_VAR_MAPSET)))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read name of database"));

    if (!(dvr = G_getenv_nofatal2("DB_DRIVER", G_VAR_MAPSET)))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read name of driver"));

    /* Setting auxiliar table's name */
    if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(out_opt->answer, xname, xmapset)) {
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", xname);
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", out_opt->answer);

    /* Something went wrong in a previous v.lidar.correction execution */
    if (db_table_exists(dvr, db, table_name)) {
	/* Start driver and open db */
	driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
	if (driver == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),
	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Old auxiliar table could not be dropped"));

    /* Checking vector names */
    Vect_check_input_output_name(in_opt->answer, out_opt->answer,

    /* Open input vector */
    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_opt->answer, "")) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_opt->answer);

    Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* without topology */
    if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, in_opt->answer, mapset))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Input vector must be 3D */
    if (!Vect_is_3d(&In))
	G_fatal_error(_("Input vector map <%s> is not 3D!"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Estimate point density and mean distance for current region */
    if (spline_step_flag->answer) {
	double dens, dist;
	if (P_estimate_splinestep(&In, &dens, &dist) == 0) {
	    G_message("Estimated point density: %.4g", dens);
	    G_message("Estimated mean distance between points: %.4g", dist);
	    G_warning(_("No points in current region!"));

    /* Open output vector */
    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, WITH_Z)) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer);

    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Terrain, out_terrain_opt->answer, WITH_Z)) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer);

    /* Copy vector Head File */
    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);
    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Terrain);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Terrain);

    /* Start driver and open db */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
    if (driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),

    /* Create auxiliar table */
    if ((flag_auxiliar =
	 P_Create_Aux2_Table(driver, table_name)) == FALSE) {

    db_create_index2(driver, table_name, "ID");
    /* sqlite likes that ??? */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);

    /* Setting regions and boxes */
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &overlap_box);
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &general_box);

      | Subdividing and working with tiles: 									
      | Each original region will be divided into several subregions. 
      | Each one will be overlaped by its neighbouring subregions. 
      | The overlapping is calculated as a fixed OVERLAP_SIZE times
      | the largest spline step plus 2 * edge

    /* Fixing parameters of the elaboration region */

    nsplx_adj = NSPLX_MAX;
    nsply_adj = NSPLY_MAX;
    if (stepN > stepE)
	dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepN;
	dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepE;
    P_get_edge(P_BILINEAR, &dims, stepE, stepN);
    P_set_dim(&dims, stepE, stepN, &nsplx_adj, &nsply_adj);

    G_verbose_message(n_("adjusted EW spline %d",
                         "adjusted EW splines %d",
                         nsplx_adj), nsplx_adj);
    G_verbose_message(n_("adjusted NS spline %d",
                         "adjusted NS splines %d",
                         nsply_adj), nsply_adj);

    /* calculate number of subregions */
    edgeE = dims.ew_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_v;
    edgeN = dims.sn_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_h;

    N_extension = original_reg.north - original_reg.south;
    E_extension = original_reg.east - original_reg.west;

    nsubregion_col = ceil(E_extension / edgeE) + 0.5;
    nsubregion_row = ceil(N_extension / edgeN) + 0.5;

    if (nsubregion_col < 0)
	nsubregion_col = 0;
    if (nsubregion_row < 0)
	nsubregion_row = 0;

    nsubregions = nsubregion_row * nsubregion_col;

    elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.north;
    last_row = FALSE;

    while (last_row == FALSE) {	/* For each row */

	P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	if (elaboration_reg.north > original_reg.north) {	/* First row */
	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	if (elaboration_reg.south <= original_reg.south) {	/* Last row */
	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,
	    last_row = TRUE;

	nsply =
	    ceil((elaboration_reg.north -
		  elaboration_reg.south) / stepN) + 0.5;
	if (nsply > NSPLY_MAX) {
	    nsply = NSPLY_MAX;
	G_debug(1, _("nsply = %d"), nsply);

	elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.west;
	last_column = FALSE;

	while (last_column == FALSE) {	/* For each column */

	    if (nsubregions > 1)
		G_message(_("subregion %d of %d"), subregion, nsubregions);

	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	    if (elaboration_reg.west < original_reg.west) {	/* First column */
		P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
			      dims, FIRST_COLUMN);

	    if (elaboration_reg.east >= original_reg.east) {	/* Last column */
		P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
			      dims, LAST_COLUMN);
		last_column = TRUE;

	    nsplx =
		ceil((elaboration_reg.east - elaboration_reg.west) / stepE) +
	    if (nsplx > NSPLX_MAX) {
		nsplx = NSPLX_MAX;
	    G_debug(1, _("nsplx = %d"), nsplx);

	    dim_vect = nsplx * nsply;
	    G_debug(1, _("read vector region map"));
	    observ =
		P_Read_Vector_Correction(&In, &elaboration_reg, &npoints,
					 &nterrain, dim_vect, &lcat);

	    G_debug(5, _("npoints = %d, nterrain = %d"), npoints, nterrain);
	    if (npoints > 0) {	/* If there is any point falling into elaboration_reg. */
		count_terrain = 0;
		nparameters = nsplx * nsply;

		/* Mean calculation */
		G_debug(3, _("Mean calculation"));
		mean = P_Mean_Calc(&elaboration_reg, observ, npoints);

		/*Least Squares system */
		BW = P_get_BandWidth(P_BILINEAR, nsply);	/* Bilinear interpolation */
		N = G_alloc_matrix(nparameters, BW);	/* Normal matrix */
		TN = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* vector */
		parVect = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* Bilinear parameters vector */
		obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(nterrain + 1, 3);	/* Observation vector with terrain points */
		obsVect_all = G_alloc_matrix(npoints + 1, 3);	/* Observation vector with all points */
		Q = G_alloc_vector(nterrain + 1);	/* "a priori" var-cov matrix */
		lineVect = G_alloc_ivector(npoints + 1);

		/* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */
		G_debug(3, _("Only TERRAIN points"));
		for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
		    if (observ[i].cat == TERRAIN_SINGLE) {
			obsVect[count_terrain][0] = observ[i].coordX;
			obsVect[count_terrain][1] = observ[i].coordY;
			obsVect[count_terrain][2] = observ[i].coordZ - mean;
			Q[count_terrain] = 1;	/* Q=I */
		    lineVect[i] = observ[i].lineID;
		    obsVect_all[i][0] = observ[i].coordX;
		    obsVect_all[i][1] = observ[i].coordY;
		    obsVect_all[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ - mean;


		G_verbose_message(_("Bilinear interpolation"));
		normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx,
			       nsply, elaboration_reg.west,
			       elaboration_reg.south, nterrain, nparameters,
		nCorrectGrad(N, lambda, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN);
		G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparameters, BW);


		G_verbose_message( _("Correction and creation of terrain vector"));
		P_Sparse_Correction(&In, &Out, &Terrain, &elaboration_reg,
				    general_box, overlap_box, obsVect_all, lcat,
				    parVect, lineVect, stepN, stepE,
				    dims.overlap, HighThresh, LowThresh,
				    nsplx, nsply, npoints, driver, mean, table_name);

	    else {
		G_warning(_("No data within this subregion. "
			    "Consider changing the spline step."));
	}			/*! END WHILE; last_column = TRUE */
    }				/*! END WHILE; last_row = TRUE */

    /* Dropping auxiliar table */
    if (npoints > 0) {
	G_debug(1, _("Dropping <%s>"), table_name);
	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Auxiliar table could not be dropped"));



    G_done_msg(" ");

}				/*! END MAIN */
예제 #9
파일: main.c 프로젝트: rkrug/grass-ci
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Variable declarations */
    int nsply, nsplx, nrows, ncols, nsplx_adj, nsply_adj;
    int nsubregion_col, nsubregion_row, subregion_row, subregion_col;
    int subregion = 0, nsubregions = 0;
    int last_row, last_column, grid, bilin, ext, flag_auxiliar, cross;	/* booleans */
    double stepN, stepE, lambda, mean;
    double N_extension, E_extension, edgeE, edgeN;

    const char *mapset, *drv, *db, *vector, *map;
    char table_name[GNAME_MAX], title[64];
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

    int dim_vect, nparameters, BW;
    int *lineVect;		/* Vector restoring primitive's ID */
    double *TN, *Q, *parVect;	/* Interpolating and least-square vectors */
    double **N, **obsVect;	/* Interpolation and least-square matrix */

    SEGMENT out_seg, mask_seg;
    const char *out_file, *mask_file;
    int out_fd, mask_fd;
    double seg_size;
    int seg_mb, segments_in_memory;
    int have_mask;

    /* Structs declarations */
    int raster;
    struct Map_info In, In_ext, Out;
    struct History history;

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *in_opt, *in_ext_opt, *out_opt, *out_map_opt, *stepE_opt,
               *stepN_opt, *lambda_f_opt, *type_opt, *dfield_opt, *col_opt, *mask_opt,
               *memory_opt, *solver, *error, *iter;
    struct Flag *cross_corr_flag, *spline_step_flag;

    struct Reg_dimens dims;
    struct Cell_head elaboration_reg, original_reg;
    struct bound_box general_box, overlap_box, original_box;

    struct Point *observ;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    dbCatValArray cvarr;

    int with_z;
    int nrec, ctype = 0;
    struct field_info *Fi;
    dbDriver *driver, *driver_cats;

    /* Options declarations */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
        _("Performs bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.");

    cross_corr_flag = G_define_flag();
    cross_corr_flag->key = 'c';
    cross_corr_flag->description =
        _("Find the best Tykhonov regularizing parameter using a \"leave-one-out\" cross validation method");

    spline_step_flag = G_define_flag();
    spline_step_flag->key = 'e';
    spline_step_flag->label = _("Estimate point density and distance");
    spline_step_flag->description =
        _("Estimate point density and distance for the input vector points within the current region extends and quit");

    in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    in_opt->label = _("Name of input vector point map");

    dfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    dfield_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    col_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    col_opt->required = NO;
    col_opt->label =
        _("Name of the attribute column with values to be used for approximation");
    col_opt->description = _("If not given and input is 3D vector map then z-coordinates are used.");
    col_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    in_ext_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    in_ext_opt->key = "sparse_input";
    in_ext_opt->required = NO;
    in_ext_opt->label =
        _("Name of input vector map with sparse points");

    out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    out_opt->required = NO;
    out_opt->guisection = _("Outputs");

    out_map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    out_map_opt->key = "raster_output";
    out_map_opt->required = NO;
    out_map_opt->guisection = _("Outputs");

    mask_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    mask_opt->key = "mask";
    mask_opt->label = _("Raster map to use for masking (applies to raster output only)");
    mask_opt->description = _("Only cells that are not NULL and not zero are interpolated");
    mask_opt->required = NO;

    stepE_opt = G_define_option();
    stepE_opt->key = "ew_step";
    stepE_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepE_opt->required = NO;
    stepE_opt->answer = "4";
    stepE_opt->description =
        _("Length of each spline step in the east-west direction");
    stepE_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    stepN_opt = G_define_option();
    stepN_opt->key = "ns_step";
    stepN_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepN_opt->required = NO;
    stepN_opt->answer = "4";
    stepN_opt->description =
        _("Length of each spline step in the north-south direction");
    stepN_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    type_opt = G_define_option();
    type_opt->key = "method";
    type_opt->description = _("Spline interpolation algorithm");
    type_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    type_opt->options = "bilinear,bicubic";
    type_opt->answer = "bilinear";
    type_opt->guisection = _("Settings");
    G_asprintf((char **) &(type_opt->descriptions),
               _("Bilinear interpolation"),
               _("Bicubic interpolation"));

    lambda_f_opt = G_define_option();
    lambda_f_opt->key = "lambda_i";
    lambda_f_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lambda_f_opt->required = NO;
    lambda_f_opt->description = _("Tykhonov regularization parameter (affects smoothing)");
    lambda_f_opt->answer = "0.01";
    lambda_f_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    solver = N_define_standard_option(N_OPT_SOLVER_SYMM);
    solver->options = "cholesky,cg";
    solver->answer = "cholesky";

    iter = N_define_standard_option(N_OPT_MAX_ITERATIONS);

    error = N_define_standard_option(N_OPT_ITERATION_ERROR);

    memory_opt = G_define_option();
    memory_opt->key = "memory";
    memory_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    memory_opt->required = NO;
    memory_opt->answer = "300";
    memory_opt->label = _("Maximum memory to be used (in MB)");
    memory_opt->description = _("Cache size for raster rows");

    /* Parsing */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    vector = out_opt->answer;
    map = out_map_opt->answer;

    if (vector && map)
        G_fatal_error(_("Choose either vector or raster output, not both"));

    if (!vector && !map && !cross_corr_flag->answer)
        G_fatal_error(_("No raster or vector or cross-validation output"));

    if (!strcmp(type_opt->answer, "linear"))
        bilin = P_BILINEAR;
        bilin = P_BICUBIC;

    stepN = atof(stepN_opt->answer);
    stepE = atof(stepE_opt->answer);
    lambda = atof(lambda_f_opt->answer);

    flag_auxiliar = FALSE;

    drv = db_get_default_driver_name();
    if (!drv) {
        if (db_set_default_connection() != DB_OK)
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to set default DB connection"));
        drv = db_get_default_driver_name();
    db = db_get_default_database_name();
    if (!db)
        G_fatal_error(_("No default DB defined"));

    /* Set auxiliary table's name */
    if (vector) {
        if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(out_opt->answer, xname, xmapset)) {
            sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", xname);
            sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", out_opt->answer);

    /* Something went wrong in a previous v.surf.bspline execution */
    if (db_table_exists(drv, db, table_name)) {
        /* Start driver and open db */
        driver = db_start_driver_open_database(drv, db);
        if (driver == NULL)
            G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),

        if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
            G_fatal_error(_("Old auxiliary table could not be dropped"));

    /* Open input vector */
    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_opt->answer, "")) == NULL)
        G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_opt->answer);

    Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */
    if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, in_opt->answer, mapset))
        G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> at the topological level"),

    bspline_field = 0; /* assume 3D input */
    bspline_column = col_opt->answer;

    with_z = !bspline_column && Vect_is_3d(&In);

    if (Vect_is_3d(&In)) {
        if (!with_z)
            G_verbose_message(_("Input is 3D: using attribute values instead of z-coordinates for approximation"));
            G_verbose_message(_("Input is 3D: using z-coordinates for approximation"));
    else { /* 2D */
        if (!bspline_column)
            G_fatal_error(_("Input vector map is 2D. Parameter <%s> required."), col_opt->key);

    if (!with_z) {
        bspline_field = Vect_get_field_number(&In, dfield_opt->answer);

    /* Estimate point density and mean distance for current region */
    if (spline_step_flag->answer) {
        double dens, dist;
        if (P_estimate_splinestep(&In, &dens, &dist) == 0) {
            fprintf(stdout, _("Estimated point density: %.4g"), dens);
            fprintf(stdout, _("Estimated mean distance between points: %.4g"), dist);
        else {
            fprintf(stdout, _("No points in current region"));


    /* Cross-correlation begins */
    if (cross_corr_flag->answer) {
        G_debug(1, "CrossCorrelation()");
        cross = cross_correlation(&In, stepE, stepN);

        if (cross != TRUE)
            G_fatal_error(_("Cross validation didn't finish correctly"));
        else {
            G_debug(1, "Cross validation finished correctly");


            G_done_msg(_("Cross validation finished for ew_step = %f and ns_step = %f"), stepE, stepN);

    /* Open input ext vector */
    ext = FALSE;
    if (in_ext_opt->answer) {
        ext = TRUE;
        G_message(_("Vector map <%s> of sparse points will be interpolated"),

        if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_ext_opt->answer, "")) == NULL)
            G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_ext_opt->answer);

        Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */
        if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In_ext, in_ext_opt->answer, mapset))
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> at the topological level"),

    /* Open output map */
    /* vector output */
    if (vector && !map) {
        if (strcmp(drv, "dbf") == 0)
            G_fatal_error(_("Sorry, the <%s> driver is not compatible with "
                            "the vector output of this module. "
                            "Try with raster output or another driver."), drv);

        Vect_check_input_output_name(in_opt->answer, out_opt->answer,
        grid = FALSE;

        if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, WITH_Z))
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"),

        /* Copy vector Head File */
        if (ext == FALSE) {
            Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
            Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);
        else {
            Vect_copy_head_data(&In_ext, &Out);
            Vect_hist_copy(&In_ext, &Out);

        G_verbose_message(_("Points in input vector map <%s> will be interpolated"),

    /* read z values from attribute table */
    if (bspline_field > 0) {
        G_message(_("Reading values from attribute table..."));
        Fi = Vect_get_field(&In, bspline_field);
        if (Fi == NULL)
            G_fatal_error(_("Cannot read layer info"));

        driver_cats = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
        /*G_debug (0, _("driver=%s db=%s"), Fi->driver, Fi->database); */

        if (driver_cats == NULL)
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
                          Fi->database, Fi->driver);

        nrec =
            db_select_CatValArray(driver_cats, Fi->table, Fi->key,
                                  col_opt->answer, NULL, &cvarr);
        G_debug(3, "nrec = %d", nrec);

        ctype = cvarr.ctype;
        if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
            G_fatal_error(_("Column type not supported"));

        if (nrec < 0)
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select data from table"));

        G_verbose_message(_("%d records selected from table"), nrec);


    /* Interpolation begins */
    G_debug(1, "Interpolation()");

    /* Open driver and database */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(drv, db);
    if (driver == NULL)
        G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. "
                        "Run db.connect."), drv);

    /* Create auxiliary table */
    if (vector) {
        if ((flag_auxiliar = P_Create_Aux4_Table(driver, table_name)) == FALSE) {
            P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name);
            G_fatal_error(_("Interpolation: Creating table: "
                            "It was impossible to create table <%s>."),
        /* db_create_index2(driver, table_name, "ID"); */
        /* sqlite likes that ??? */
        driver = db_start_driver_open_database(drv, db);

    /* raster output */
    raster = -1;
    if (!vector && map) {
        grid = TRUE;
        raster = Rast_open_fp_new(out_map_opt->answer);

        G_verbose_message(_("Cells for raster map <%s> will be interpolated"),

    /* Setting regions and boxes */
    G_debug(1, "Interpolation: Setting regions and boxes");
    Vect_region_box(&original_reg, &original_box);
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &overlap_box);
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &general_box);

    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();

    /* Alloc raster matrix */
    have_mask = 0;
    out_file = mask_file = NULL;
    out_fd = mask_fd = -1;
    if (grid == TRUE) {
        int row;
        DCELL *drastbuf;

        seg_mb = atoi(memory_opt->answer);
        if (seg_mb < 3)
            G_fatal_error(_("Memory in MB must be >= 3"));

        if (mask_opt->answer)
            seg_size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(char);
            seg_size = sizeof(double);

        seg_size = (seg_size * SEGSIZE * SEGSIZE) / (1 << 20);
        segments_in_memory = seg_mb / seg_size + 0.5;
        G_debug(1, "%d %dx%d segments held in memory", segments_in_memory, SEGSIZE, SEGSIZE);

        out_file = G_tempfile();
        out_fd = creat(out_file, 0666);
        if (Segment_format(out_fd, nrows, ncols, SEGSIZE, SEGSIZE, sizeof(double)) != 1)
            G_fatal_error(_("Can not create temporary file"));

        out_fd = open(out_file, 2);
        if (Segment_init(&out_seg, out_fd, segments_in_memory) != 1)
            G_fatal_error(_("Can not initialize temporary file"));

        /* initialize output */
        G_message(_("Initializing output..."));

        drastbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE);
        Rast_set_d_null_value(drastbuf, ncols);
        for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
            G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
            Segment_put_row(&out_seg, drastbuf, row);
        G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

        if (mask_opt->answer) {
            int row, col, maskfd;
            DCELL dval, *drastbuf;
            char mask_val;

            G_message(_("Load masking map"));

            mask_file = G_tempfile();
            mask_fd = creat(mask_file, 0666);
            if (Segment_format(mask_fd, nrows, ncols, SEGSIZE, SEGSIZE, sizeof(char)) != 1)
                G_fatal_error(_("Can not create temporary file"));

            mask_fd = open(mask_file, 2);
            if (Segment_init(&mask_seg, mask_fd, segments_in_memory) != 1)
                G_fatal_error(_("Can not initialize temporary file"));

            maskfd = Rast_open_old(mask_opt->answer, "");
            drastbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE);

            for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
                G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
                Rast_get_d_row(maskfd, drastbuf, row);
                for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
                    dval = drastbuf[col];
                    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&dval) || dval == 0)
                        mask_val = 0;
                        mask_val = 1;

                    Segment_put(&mask_seg, &mask_val, row, col);

            G_percent(row, nrows, 2);

            have_mask = 1;

      | Subdividing and working with tiles:
      | Each original region will be divided into several subregions.
      | Each one will be overlaped by its neighbouring subregions.
      | The overlapping is calculated as a fixed OVERLAP_SIZE times
      | the largest spline step plus 2 * edge

    /* Fixing parameters of the elaboration region */
    P_zero_dim(&dims);		/* Set dim struct to zero */

    nsplx_adj = NSPLX_MAX;
    nsply_adj = NSPLY_MAX;
    if (stepN > stepE)
        dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepN;
        dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepE;
    P_get_edge(bilin, &dims, stepE, stepN);
    P_set_dim(&dims, stepE, stepN, &nsplx_adj, &nsply_adj);

    G_verbose_message(_("Adjusted EW splines %d"), nsplx_adj);
    G_verbose_message(_("Adjusted NS splines %d"), nsply_adj);

    /* calculate number of subregions */
    edgeE = dims.ew_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_v;
    edgeN = dims.sn_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_h;

    N_extension = original_reg.north - original_reg.south;
    E_extension = original_reg.east - original_reg.west;

    nsubregion_col = ceil(E_extension / edgeE) + 0.5;
    nsubregion_row = ceil(N_extension / edgeN) + 0.5;

    if (nsubregion_col < 0)
        nsubregion_col = 0;
    if (nsubregion_row < 0)
        nsubregion_row = 0;

    nsubregions = nsubregion_row * nsubregion_col;

    /* Creating line and categories structs */
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, 0);

    subregion_row = 0;
    elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.north;
    last_row = FALSE;

    while (last_row == FALSE) {	/* For each subregion row */
        P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

        if (elaboration_reg.north > original_reg.north) {	/* First row */

            P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

        if (elaboration_reg.south <= original_reg.south) {	/* Last row */

            P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,
            last_row = TRUE;

        nsply =
            ceil((elaboration_reg.north -
                  elaboration_reg.south) / stepN) + 0.5;
        G_debug(1, "Interpolation: nsply = %d", nsply);
        if (nsply > NSPLY_MAX)
            nsply = NSPLY_MAX;
        elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.west;
        last_column = FALSE;
        subregion_col = 0;

        /* TODO: process each subregion using its own thread (via OpenMP or pthreads) */
        /*     I'm not sure about pthreads, but you can tell OpenMP to start all at the
        	same time and it will keep num_workers supplied with the next job as free
        	cpus become available */
        while (last_column == FALSE) {	/* For each subregion column */
            int npoints = 0;
            /* needed for sparse points interpolation */
            int npoints_ext, *lineVect_ext = NULL;
            double **obsVect_ext;	/*, mean_ext = .0; */
            struct Point *observ_ext;

            if (nsubregions > 1)
                G_message(_("Processing subregion %d of %d..."), subregion, nsubregions);

            P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

            if (elaboration_reg.west < original_reg.west) {	/* First column */

                P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
                              dims, FIRST_COLUMN);

            if (elaboration_reg.east >= original_reg.east) {	/* Last column */

                P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
                              dims, LAST_COLUMN);
                last_column = TRUE;
            nsplx =
                ceil((elaboration_reg.east -
                      elaboration_reg.west) / stepE) + 0.5;
            G_debug(1, "Interpolation: nsplx = %d", nsplx);
            if (nsplx > NSPLX_MAX)
            nsplx = NSPLX_MAX;
            G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): subregion bounds",
                    subregion_row, subregion_col);
            G_debug(1, "Interpolation: \t\tNORTH:%.2f\t",
            G_debug(1, "Interpolation: WEST:%.2f\t\tEAST:%.2f",
                    elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.east);
            G_debug(1, "Interpolation: \t\tSOUTH:%.2f",

            fprintf(stdout, "B 5\n");
            fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.east, elaboration_reg.north);
            fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.north);
            fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.south);
            fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.east, elaboration_reg.south);
            fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.east, elaboration_reg.north);
            fprintf(stdout, "C 1 1\n");
            fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", (elaboration_reg.west + elaboration_reg.east) / 2,
                    (elaboration_reg.south + elaboration_reg.north) / 2);
            fprintf(stdout, " 1 %d\n", subregion);

            /* reading points in interpolation region */
            dim_vect = nsplx * nsply;
            observ_ext = NULL;
            if (grid == FALSE && ext == TRUE) {
                observ_ext =
                                             &npoints_ext, dim_vect,
                npoints_ext = 1;

            if (grid == TRUE && have_mask) {
                /* any unmasked cells in general region ? */
                mean = 0;
                observ_ext =
                    P_Read_Raster_Region_masked(&mask_seg, &original_reg,
                                                original_box, general_box,
                                                &npoints_ext, dim_vect, mean);

            observ = NULL;
            if (npoints_ext > 0) {
                observ =
                    P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(&In, &elaboration_reg, &npoints,
                                             dim_vect, bspline_field);
                npoints = 1;

                    "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Number of points in <elaboration_box> is %d",
                    subregion_row, subregion_col, npoints);
            if (npoints > 0)
                G_verbose_message(_("%d points found in this subregion"), npoints);
            /* only interpolate if there are any points in current subregion */
            if (npoints > 0 && npoints_ext > 0) {
                int i;

                nparameters = nsplx * nsply;
                BW = P_get_BandWidth(bilin, nsply);

                /* Least Squares system */
                N = G_alloc_matrix(nparameters, BW);	/* Normal matrix */
                TN = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* vector */
                parVect = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* Parameters vector */
                obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(npoints, 3);	/* Observation vector */
                Q = G_alloc_vector(npoints);	/* "a priori" var-cov matrix */
                lineVect = G_alloc_ivector(npoints);	/*  */

                for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {	/* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */
                    double dval;

                    Q[i] = 1;	/* Q=I */
                    lineVect[i] = observ[i].lineID;
                    obsVect[i][0] = observ[i].coordX;
                    obsVect[i][1] = observ[i].coordY;

                    /* read z coordinates from attribute table */
                    if (bspline_field > 0) {
                        int cat, ival, ret;

                        cat = observ[i].cat;
                        if (cat < 0)

                        if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
                            ret =
                                db_CatValArray_get_value_int(&cvarr, cat,
                            obsVect[i][2] = ival;
                            observ[i].coordZ = ival;
                        else {	/* DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE */
                            ret =
                                db_CatValArray_get_value_double(&cvarr, cat,
                            obsVect[i][2] = dval;
                            observ[i].coordZ = dval;
                        if (ret != DB_OK) {
                            G_warning(_("Interpolation: (%d,%d): No record for point (cat = %d)"),
                                      subregion_row, subregion_col, cat);
                    /* use z coordinates of 3D vector */
                    else {
                        obsVect[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ;

                /* Mean calculation for every point */
                mean = P_Mean_Calc(&elaboration_reg, observ, npoints);

                G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): mean=%lf",
                        subregion_row, subregion_col, mean);


                for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
                    obsVect[i][2] -= mean;

                /* Bilinear interpolation */
                if (bilin) {
                            "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Bilinear interpolation...",
                            subregion_row, subregion_col);
                    normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx,
                                   nsply, elaboration_reg.west,
                                   elaboration_reg.south, npoints,
                                   nparameters, BW);
                    nCorrectGrad(N, lambda, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN);
                /* Bicubic interpolation */
                else {
                            "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Bicubic interpolation...",
                            subregion_row, subregion_col);
                    normalDefBicubic(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx,
                                     nsply, elaboration_reg.west,
                                     elaboration_reg.south, npoints,
                                     nparameters, BW);
                    nCorrectGrad(N, lambda, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN);

                if(G_strncasecmp(solver->answer, "cg", 2) == 0)
                    G_math_solver_cg_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparameters, BW, atoi(iter->answer), atof(error->answer));
                    G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparameters, BW);


                if (grid == TRUE) {	/* GRID INTERPOLATION ==> INTERPOLATION INTO A RASTER */
                    G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Regular_Points...",
                            subregion_row, subregion_col);

                    if (!have_mask) {
                        P_Regular_Points(&elaboration_reg, &original_reg, general_box,
                                         overlap_box, &out_seg, parVect,
                                         stepN, stepE, dims.overlap, mean,
                                         nsplx, nsply, nrows, ncols, bilin);
                    else {
                                               &elaboration_reg, &original_reg,
                                               general_box, overlap_box,
                                               observ_ext, parVect,
                                               stepE, stepN,
                                               dims.overlap, nsplx, nsply,
                                               npoints_ext, bilin, mean);
                else {		/* OBSERVATION POINTS INTERPOLATION */
                    if (ext == FALSE) {
                        G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Sparse_Points...",
                                subregion_row, subregion_col);
                        P_Sparse_Points(&Out, &elaboration_reg, general_box,
                                        overlap_box, obsVect, parVect,
                                        lineVect, stepE, stepN,
                                        dims.overlap, nsplx, nsply, npoints,
                                        bilin, Cats, driver, mean,
                    else {	/* FLAG_EXT == TRUE */

                        /* done that earlier */
                        int npoints_ext, *lineVect_ext = NULL;
                        double **obsVect_ext;
                        struct Point *observ_ext;

                        observ_ext =
                        			     &npoints_ext, dim_vect,

                        obsVect_ext = G_alloc_matrix(npoints_ext, 3);	/* Observation vector_ext */
                        lineVect_ext = G_alloc_ivector(npoints_ext);

                        for (i = 0; i < npoints_ext; i++) {	/* Setting obsVect_ext vector & Q matrix */
                            obsVect_ext[i][0] = observ_ext[i].coordX;
                            obsVect_ext[i][1] = observ_ext[i].coordY;
                            obsVect_ext[i][2] = observ_ext[i].coordZ - mean;
                            lineVect_ext[i] = observ_ext[i].lineID;


                        G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Sparse_Points...",
                                subregion_row, subregion_col);
                        P_Sparse_Points(&Out, &elaboration_reg, general_box,
                                        overlap_box, obsVect_ext, parVect,
                                        lineVect_ext, stepE, stepN,
                                        dims.overlap, nsplx, nsply,
                                        npoints_ext, bilin, Cats, driver,
                                        mean, table_name);

                    }		/* END FLAG_EXT == TRUE */
                }		/* END GRID == FALSE */
            else {
                if (observ)
                if (observ_ext)
                if (npoints == 0)
                    G_warning(_("No data within this subregion. "
                                "Consider increasing spline step values."));
        }			/*! END WHILE; last_column = TRUE */
    }				/*! END WHILE; last_row = TRUE */

    G_verbose_message(_("Writing output..."));
    /* Writing the output raster map */
    if (grid == TRUE) {
        int row, col;
        DCELL *drastbuf, dval;

        if (have_mask) {
            Segment_release(&mask_seg);	/* release memory  */

        drastbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE);
        for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
            G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
            for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
                Segment_get(&out_seg, &dval, row, col);
                drastbuf[col] = dval;
            Rast_put_d_row(raster, drastbuf);


        Segment_release(&out_seg);	/* release memory  */
        /* set map title */
        sprintf(title, "%s interpolation with Tykhonov regularization",
        Rast_put_cell_title(out_map_opt->answer, title);
        /* write map history */
        Rast_short_history(out_map_opt->answer, "raster", &history);
        Rast_write_history(out_map_opt->answer, &history);
    /* Writing to the output vector map the points from the overlapping zones */
    else if (flag_auxiliar == TRUE) {
        if (ext == FALSE)
            P_Aux_to_Vector(&In, &Out, driver, table_name);
            P_Aux_to_Vector(&In_ext, &Out, driver, table_name);

        /* Drop auxiliary table */
        G_debug(1, "%s: Dropping <%s>", argv[0], table_name);
        if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
            G_fatal_error(_("Auxiliary table could not be dropped"));


    if (ext != FALSE)
    if (vector)

    G_done_msg(" ");

}				/*END MAIN */
예제 #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    /* Variables' declarations */
    int row, nrows, col, ncols, MaxPoints;
    int nsubregion_col, nsubregion_row;
    int subregion = 0, nsubregions = 0;
    int last_row, last_column;
    int nlines, nlines_first, line_num;
    int more;
    int clas, region = TRUE;
    double Z_interp;
    double Thres_j, Thres_d, ew_resol, ns_resol;
    double minNS, minEW, maxNS, maxEW;
    const char *mapset;
    char buf[1024], table_name[GNAME_MAX];
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

    int colorBordo, ripieno, conta, lungPunti, lungHull, xi, c1, c2;
    double altPiano;
    extern double **P, **cvxHull, **punti_bordo;

    /* Struct declarations */
    struct Cell_head elaboration_reg, original_reg;
    struct element_grow **raster_matrix;

    struct Map_info In, Out, First;
    struct Option *in_opt, *out_opt, *first_opt, *Thres_j_opt, *Thres_d_opt;
    struct GModule *module;

    struct line_pnts *points, *points_first;
    struct line_cats *Cats, *Cats_first;

    struct field_info *field;
    dbDriver *driver;
    dbString sql;
    dbTable *table;
    dbCursor cursor;

    /* Options' declaration */ ;
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Building contour determination and Region Growing "
	  "algorithm for determining the building inside");

    in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    in_opt->description =
	_("Input vector (v.lidar.edgedetection output");

    out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    first_opt = G_define_option();
    first_opt->key = "first";
    first_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    first_opt->key_desc = "name";
    first_opt->required = YES;
    first_opt->gisprompt = "old,vector,vector";
    first_opt->description = _("Name of the first pulse vector map");

    Thres_j_opt = G_define_option();
    Thres_j_opt->key = "tj";
    Thres_j_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    Thres_j_opt->required = NO;
    Thres_j_opt->description =
	_("Threshold for cell object frequency in region growing");
    Thres_j_opt->answer = "0.2";

    Thres_d_opt = G_define_option();
    Thres_d_opt->key = "td";
    Thres_d_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    Thres_d_opt->required = NO;
    Thres_d_opt->description =
	_("Threshold for double pulse in region growing");
    Thres_d_opt->answer = "0.6";

    /* Parsing */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    Thres_j = atof(Thres_j_opt->answer);
    Thres_d = atof(Thres_d_opt->answer);

    Thres_j += 1;

    /* Open input vector */
    Vect_check_input_output_name(in_opt->answer, out_opt->answer,

    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_opt->answer, "")) == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Setting auxiliar table's name */
    if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(in_opt->answer, xname, xmapset)) {
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_edge_Interpolation", xname);
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_edge_Interpolation", in_opt->answer);

    Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */
    if (Vect_open_old(&In, in_opt->answer, mapset) < 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), in_opt->answer);

    Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */
    if (Vect_open_old(&First, first_opt->answer, mapset) < 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), first_opt->answer);

    /* Open output vector */
    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, WITH_Z)) {

    /* Copy vector Head File */
    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);

    /* Starting driver and open db for edgedetection interpolation table */
    field = Vect_get_field(&In, F_INTERPOLATION);
    /*if (field == NULL)
       G_fatal_error (_("Cannot read field info")); */

    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(field->driver, field->database);
    if (driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),

    /* is this the right place to open the cursor ??? */

    sprintf(buf, "SELECT Interp,ID FROM %s", table_name);
    G_debug(1, "buf: %s", buf);
    db_append_string(&sql, buf);

    if (db_open_select_cursor(driver, &sql, &cursor, DB_SEQUENTIAL) != DB_OK)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open table <%s>"), table_name);

    count_obj = 1;

    /* no topology, get number of lines in input vector */
    nlines = 0;
    points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    while (Vect_read_next_line(&In, points, Cats) > 0) {

    /* no topology, get number of lines in first pulse input vector */
    nlines_first = 0;
    points_first = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats_first = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    while (Vect_read_next_line(&First, points_first, Cats_first) > 0) {

    /* Setting regions and boxes */
    G_debug(1, _("Setting regions and boxes"));

    /*  Fixing parameters of the elaboration region */
    /*! The original_region will be divided into subregions */
    ew_resol = original_reg.ew_res;
    ns_resol = original_reg.ns_res;

    /* calculate number of subregions */
    nsubregion_col = ceil((original_reg.east - original_reg.west) / (LATO * ew_resol)) + 0.5;
    nsubregion_row = ceil((original_reg.north - original_reg.south) / (LATO * ns_resol)) + 0.5;

    if (nsubregion_col < 0)
	nsubregion_col = 0;
    if (nsubregion_row < 0)
	nsubregion_row = 0;

    nsubregions = nsubregion_row * nsubregion_col;

    /* Subdividing and working with tiles */
    elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.north;
    last_row = FALSE;

    while (last_row == FALSE) {	/* For each strip of LATO rows */

	elaboration_reg.north = elaboration_reg.south;

	if (elaboration_reg.north > original_reg.north)	/* First row */
	    elaboration_reg.north = original_reg.north;

	elaboration_reg.south = elaboration_reg.north - LATO * ns_resol;
	if (elaboration_reg.south <= original_reg.south) {	/* Last row */
	    elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.south;
	    last_row = TRUE;

	elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.west;
	last_column = FALSE;

	while (last_column == FALSE) {	/* For each strip of LATO columns */
	    struct bound_box elaboration_box;

	    if (nsubregions > 1)
		G_message(_("subregion %d of %d"), subregion, nsubregions);

	    elaboration_reg.west = elaboration_reg.east;
	    if (elaboration_reg.west < original_reg.west)	/* First column */
		elaboration_reg.west = original_reg.west;

	    elaboration_reg.east = elaboration_reg.west + LATO * ew_resol;

	    if (elaboration_reg.east >= original_reg.east) {	/* Last column */
		elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.east;
		last_column = TRUE;

	    /* Setting the active region */
	    elaboration_reg.ns_res = ns_resol;
	    elaboration_reg.ew_res = ew_resol;
	    nrows = (elaboration_reg.north - elaboration_reg.south) / ns_resol + 0.1;
	    ncols = (elaboration_reg.east - elaboration_reg.west) / ew_resol + 0.1;
	    elaboration_reg.rows = nrows;
	    elaboration_reg.cols = ncols;

	    G_debug(1, _("Rows = %d"), nrows);
	    G_debug(1, _("Columns = %d"), ncols);

	    raster_matrix = structMatrix(0, nrows, 0, ncols);
	    MaxPoints = nrows * ncols;

	    /* Initializing matrix */
	    for (row = 0; row <= nrows; row++) {
		for (col = 0; col <= ncols; col++) {
		    raster_matrix[row][col].interp = 0;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].fi = 0;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].bordo = 0;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].dueImp = SINGLE_PULSE;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].orig = 0;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].fo = 0;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].clas = PRE_TERRAIN;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].fc = 0;
		    raster_matrix[row][col].obj = 0;

	    G_verbose_message(_("read points in input vector"));
	    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &elaboration_box);
	    line_num = 0;
	    while (Vect_read_next_line(&In, points, Cats) > 0) {

		if ((Vect_point_in_box
		     (points->x[0], points->y[0], points->z[0],
		      &elaboration_box)) &&
		    ((points->x[0] != elaboration_reg.west) ||
		     (points->x[0] == original_reg.west)) &&
		    ((points->y[0] != elaboration_reg.north) ||
		     (points->y[0] == original_reg.north))) {

		    row =
			      (points->y[0], &elaboration_reg));
		    col =
			      (points->x[0], &elaboration_reg));

		    Z_interp = 0;
		    /* TODO: make sure the current db_fetch() usage works */
		    /* why not: */
		    sprintf(buf, "SELECT Interp,ID FROM %s WHERE ID=%d", table_name, line_num);
		    db_append_string(&sql, buf);

		    if (db_open_select_cursor(driver, &sql, &cursor, DB_SEQUENTIAL) != DB_OK)
			G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open table <%s>"), table_name);

		    while (db_fetch(&cursor, DB_NEXT, &more) == DB_OK && more) {
			dbColumn *Z_Interp_col;
			dbValue *Z_Interp_value;
			table = db_get_cursor_table(&cursor);

			Z_Interp_col = db_get_table_column(table, 1);

			if (db_sqltype_to_Ctype(db_get_column_sqltype(Z_Interp_col)) ==
			    Z_Interp_value = db_get_column_value(Z_Interp_col);

			Z_interp = db_get_value_double(Z_Interp_value);
		    /* instead of */
		    while (1) {
			if (db_fetch(&cursor, DB_NEXT, &more) != DB_OK ||
			dbColumn *Z_Interp_col, *ID_col;
			dbValue *Z_Interp_value, *ID_value;

			table = db_get_cursor_table(&cursor);

			ID_col = db_get_table_column(table, 1);
			if (db_sqltype_to_Ctype(db_get_column_sqltype(ID_col))
			    == DB_C_TYPE_INT)
			    ID_value = db_get_column_value(ID_col);

			if (db_get_value_int(ID_value) == line_num) {
			    Z_Interp_col = db_get_table_column(table, 0);
			    if (db_sqltype_to_Ctype
				(db_get_column_sqltype(Z_Interp_col)) ==
				Z_Interp_value =
			    Z_interp = db_get_value_double(Z_Interp_value);

		    raster_matrix[row][col].interp += Z_interp;

		    /*if (( clas = Vect_get_line_cat (&In, line_num, F_EDGE_DETECTION_CLASS) ) != UNKNOWN_EDGE) { */
		    if (Vect_cat_get(Cats, F_EDGE_DETECTION_CLASS, &clas)) {
			raster_matrix[row][col].clas += clas;

		    raster_matrix[row][col].orig += points->z[0];


	    for (row = 0; row <= nrows; row++) {
		for (col = 0; col <= ncols; col++) {

		    if (raster_matrix[row][col].fc != 0) {
			    clas /= raster_matrix[row][col].fc;

		    if (raster_matrix[row][col].fi != 0)
			    interp /= raster_matrix[row][col].fi;

		    if (raster_matrix[row][col].fo != 0)
			    orig /= raster_matrix[row][col].fo;

	    while (Vect_read_next_line(&First, points_first, Cats_first) > 0) {

		if ((Vect_point_in_box
		     (points_first->x[0], points_first->y[0],
		      points_first->z[0], &elaboration_box)) &&
		    ((points->x[0] != elaboration_reg.west) ||
		     (points->x[0] == original_reg.west)) &&
		    ((points->y[0] != elaboration_reg.north) ||
		     (points->y[0] == original_reg.north))) {

		    row =
			      (points_first->y[0], &elaboration_reg));
		    col =
			      (points_first->x[0], &elaboration_reg));

		    if (fabs
			(points_first->z[0] - raster_matrix[row][col].orig) >=
			raster_matrix[row][col].dueImp = DOUBLE_PULSE;

	    if (region == TRUE) {
		G_verbose_message(_("Region Growing"));

		punti_bordo = G_alloc_matrix(MaxPoints, 3);
		P = Pvector(0, MaxPoints);

		colorBordo = 5;
		ripieno = 6;

		for (row = 0; row <= nrows; row++) {
		    G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
		    for (col = 0; col <= ncols; col++) {

			if ((raster_matrix[row][col].clas >= Thres_j) &&
			    (raster_matrix[row][col].clas < colorBordo)
			    && (raster_matrix[row][col].fi != 0) &&
			    (raster_matrix[row][col].dueImp ==
			     SINGLE_PULSE)) {

			    /* Selecting a connected Object zone */
			    if (ripieno > 10)
				ripieno = 6;

			    /* Selecting points on a connected edge */
			    for (conta = 0; conta < MaxPoints; conta++) {
				punti_bordo[conta][0] = 0;
				punti_bordo[conta][1] = 0;
				punti_bordo[conta][2] = 0;
				P[conta] = punti_bordo[conta];	/* It only makes indexes to be equal, not coord values!! */

			    lungPunti = 0;
			    lungHull = 0;

			    regGrow8(elaboration_reg, raster_matrix,
				     punti_bordo, &lungPunti, row, col,
				     colorBordo, Thres_j, MaxPoints);

			    lungHull = ch2d(P, lungPunti);
			    cvxHull = G_alloc_matrix(lungHull, 3);

			    for (xi = 0; xi < lungHull; xi++) {
				cvxHull[xi][0] = P[xi][0];
				cvxHull[xi][1] = P[xi][1];
				cvxHull[xi][2] = P[xi][2];

			    /* Computes the interpoling plane based only on Object points */
			    altPiano =
				pianOriz(punti_bordo, lungPunti, &minNS,
					 &minEW, &maxNS, &maxEW,
					 raster_matrix, colorBordo);

			    for (c1 = minNS; c1 <= maxNS; c1++) {
				for (c2 = minEW; c2 <= maxEW; c2++) {
				    if (checkHull(c1, c2, cvxHull, lungHull)
					== 1) {
					raster_matrix[c1][c2].obj = count_obj;

					if ((raster_matrix[c1][c2].clas ==
					    && (raster_matrix[c1][c2].orig >=
						altPiano) && (lungHull > 3))
					    raster_matrix[c1][c2].clas =
		free_Pvector(P, 0, MaxPoints);

	    while (Vect_read_next_line(&In, points, Cats) > 0) {	/* Read every line for buffering points */

		if ((Vect_point_in_box
		     (points->x[0], points->y[0], points->z[0],
		      &elaboration_box)) &&
		    ((points->x[0] != elaboration_reg.west) ||
		     (points->x[0] == original_reg.west)) &&
		    ((points->y[0] != elaboration_reg.north) ||
		     (points->y[0] == original_reg.north))) {

		    row =
			      (points->y[0], &elaboration_reg));
		    col =
			      (points->x[0], &elaboration_reg));

		    if (raster_matrix[row][col].clas == PRE_TERRAIN) {
			if (raster_matrix[row][col].dueImp == SINGLE_PULSE)
			    Vect_cat_set(Cats, F_CLASSIFICATION,
			    Vect_cat_set(Cats, F_CLASSIFICATION,
		    else {
			if (raster_matrix[row][col].dueImp == SINGLE_PULSE)
			    Vect_cat_set(Cats, F_CLASSIFICATION,
			    Vect_cat_set(Cats, F_CLASSIFICATION,

		    Vect_cat_set(Cats, F_COUNTER_OBJ,
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, GV_POINT, points, Cats);
	    free_structmatrix(raster_matrix, 0, nrows - 1, 0, ncols - 1);
	}			/*! END WHILE; last_column = TRUE */
    }				/*! END WHILE; last_row = TRUE */



    G_done_msg(" ");
예제 #11
static int compute_constants(
				/* invert matrix and compute Sig->SubSig[i].cnst          */
				/* Returns singular=1 if a singluar subcluster was found. */
				/* Returns singular=2 if all subclusters were singular.   */
				/* When singular=2 then nsubclasses=0.                    */
				struct ClassSig *Sig, int nbands)
    int i, j;
    int b1, b2;
    int singular;
    double det;
    double pi_sum;

    static int first = 1;
    static int *indx;
    static double **y;
    static double *col;

    /* allocate memory first time subroutine is called */
    if (first) {
	indx = G_alloc_ivector(nbands);
	y = G_alloc_matrix(nbands, nbands);
	col = G_alloc_vector(nbands);
	first = 0;

    G_debug(2, "compute_constants()");
    /* invert matrix and compute constant for each subclass */
    i = 0;
    singular = 0;
    do {
	for (b1 = 0; b1 < nbands; b1++)
	    for (b2 = 0; b2 < nbands; b2++)
		Sig->SubSig[i].Rinv[b1][b2] = Sig->SubSig[i].R[b1][b2];

	invert(Sig->SubSig[i].Rinv, nbands, &det, indx, y, col);
	if (det <= ZERO) {
	    if (Sig->nsubclasses == 1) {
		singular = 2;
		G_warning(_("Unreliable clustering. "
			    "Try a smaller initial number of clusters"));
	    else {
		for (j = i; j < Sig->nsubclasses - 1; j++)
		    copy_SubSig(&(Sig->SubSig[j + 1]), &(Sig->SubSig[j]),
		singular = 1;
		G_warning(_("Removed a singular subsignature number %d (%d remain)"),
			  i + 1, Sig->nsubclasses);
		if (Sig->nsubclasses < 0)	/* MN added 12/2001: to avoid endless loop */
		    Sig->nsubclasses = 1;
	else {
	    Sig->SubSig[i].cnst =
		(-nbands / 2.0) * log(2 * M_PI) - 0.5 * log(det);
    } while (i < Sig->nsubclasses);

    /* renormalize pi */
    pi_sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < Sig->nsubclasses; i++)
	pi_sum += Sig->SubSig[i].pi;
    for (i = 0; i < Sig->nsubclasses; i++)
	Sig->SubSig[i].pi /= pi_sum;

    return (singular);
예제 #12
int IL_resample_interp_segments_2d(struct interp_params *params, struct BM *bitmask,	/* bitmask */
				   double zmin, double zmax,	/* min and max input z-values */
				   double *zminac, double *zmaxac,	/* min and max interp. z-values */
				   double *gmin, double *gmax,	/* min and max inperp. slope val. */
				   double *c1min, double *c1max, double *c2min, double *c2max,	/* min and max interp. curv. val. */
				   double *ertot,	/* total interplating func. error */
				   off_t offset1,	/* offset for temp file writing */
				   double *dnorm,
				   int overlap,
				   int inp_rows,
				   int inp_cols,
				   int fdsmooth,
				   int fdinp,
				   double ns_res,
				   double ew_res,
				   double inp_ns_res,
				   double inp_ew_res, int dtens)

    int i, j, k, l, m, m1, i1;	/* loop coounters */
    int cursegm = 0;
    int new_comp = 0;
    int n_rows, n_cols, inp_r, inp_c;
    double x_or, y_or, xm, ym;
    static int first = 1, new_first = 1;
    double **matrix = NULL, **new_matrix = NULL, *b = NULL;
    int *indx = NULL, *new_indx = NULL;
    static struct fcell_triple *in_points = NULL;	/* input points */
    int inp_check_rows, inp_check_cols,	/* total input rows/cols */
      out_check_rows, out_check_cols;	/* total output rows/cols */
    int first_row, last_row;	/* first and last input row of segment */
    int first_col, last_col;	/* first and last input col of segment */
    int num, prev;
    int div;			/* number of divides */
    int rem_out_row, rem_out_col;	/* output rows/cols remainders */
    int inp_seg_r, inp_seg_c,	/* # of input rows/cols in segment */
      out_seg_r, out_seg_c;	/* # of output rows/cols in segment */
    int ngstc, nszc		/* first and last output col of the
				 * segment */
     , ngstr, nszr;		/* first and last output row of the
				 * segment */
    int index;			/* index for input data */
    int c, r;
    int overlap1;
    int p_size;
    struct quaddata *data;
    double xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin;
    int totsegm;		/* total number of segments */
    int total_points = 0;
    struct triple triple;	/* contains garbage */

    xmin = params->x_orig;
    ymin = params->y_orig;
    xmax = xmin + ew_res * params->nsizc;
    ymax = ymin + ns_res * params->nsizr;
    prev = inp_rows * inp_cols;
    if (prev <= params->kmax)
	div = 1;		/* no segmentation */

    else {			/* find the number of divides */
	for (i = 2;; i++) {
	    c = inp_cols / i;
	    r = inp_rows / i;
	    num = c * r;
	    if (num < params->kmin) {
		if (((params->kmin - num) > (prev + 1 - params->kmax)) &&
		    (prev + 1 < params->KMAX2)) {
		    div = i - 1;
		else {
		    div = i;
	    if ((num > params->kmin) && (num + 1 < params->kmax)) {
		div = i;
	    prev = num;
    out_seg_r = params->nsizr / div;	/* output rows per segment */
    out_seg_c = params->nsizc / div;	/* output cols per segment */
    inp_seg_r = inp_rows / div;	/* input rows per segment */
    inp_seg_c = inp_cols / div;	/* input rows per segment */
    rem_out_col = params->nsizc % div;
    rem_out_row = params->nsizr % div;
    overlap1 = min1(overlap, inp_seg_c - 1);
    overlap1 = min1(overlap1, inp_seg_r - 1);
    out_check_rows = 0;
    out_check_cols = 0;
    inp_check_rows = 0;
    inp_check_cols = 0;

    if (div == 1) {
	p_size = inp_seg_c * inp_seg_r;
    else {
	p_size = (overlap1 * 2 + inp_seg_c) * (overlap1 * 2 + inp_seg_r);
    if (!in_points) {
	if (!
	    (in_points =
	     (struct fcell_triple *)G_malloc(sizeof(struct fcell_triple) *
					     p_size * div))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for in_points\n");
	    return -1;

    *dnorm =
	sqrt(((xmax - xmin) * (ymax -
			       ymin) * p_size) / (inp_rows * inp_cols));

    if (dtens) {
	params->fi = params->fi * (*dnorm) / 1000.;
	fprintf(stderr, "dnorm = %f, rescaled tension = %f\n", *dnorm,

    if (div == 1) {		/* no segmentation */
	totsegm = 1;
	cursegm = 1;

	input_data(params, 1, inp_rows, in_points, fdsmooth, fdinp, inp_rows,
		   inp_cols, zmin, inp_ns_res, inp_ew_res);

	x_or = 0.;
	y_or = 0.;
	xm = params->nsizc * ew_res;
	ym = params->nsizr * ns_res;

	data = (struct quaddata *)quad_data_new(x_or, y_or, xm, ym,
						params->nsizr, params->nsizc,
						0, params->KMAX2);
	m1 = 0;
	for (k = 1; k <= p_size; k++) {
	    if (!Rast_is_f_null_value(&(in_points[k - 1].z))) {
		data->points[m1].x = in_points[k - 1].x / (*dnorm);
		data->points[m1].y = in_points[k - 1].y / (*dnorm);
		/*        data->points[m1].z = (double) (in_points[k - 1].z) / (*dnorm); */
		data->points[m1].z = (double)(in_points[k - 1].z);
		data->points[m1].sm = in_points[k - 1].smooth;
	data->n_points = m1;
	total_points = m1;
	if (!(indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for indx\n");
	    return -1;
	if (!(matrix = G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1, params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for matrix\n");
	    return -1;
	if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 2))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for b\n");
	    return -1;

	if (params->matrix_create(params, data->points, m1, matrix, indx) < 0)
	    return -1;
	for (i = 0; i < m1; i++) {
	    b[i + 1] = data->points[i].z;
	b[0] = 0.;
	G_lubksb(matrix, m1 + 1, indx, b);

	params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin, *dnorm, triple);

	if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
			      zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin, gmax,
			      c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max, ertot, b, offset1,
			      *dnorm) < 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "interpolation failed\n");
	    return -1;
	else {
	    if (totsegm != 0) {
		G_percent(cursegm, totsegm, 1);
	     * if (b) G_free_vector(b); if (matrix) G_free_matrix(matrix); if
	     * (indx) G_free_ivector(indx);
	    fprintf(stderr, "dnorm in ressegm after grid before out= %f \n",
	    return total_points;

    out_seg_r = params->nsizr / div;	/* output rows per segment */
    out_seg_c = params->nsizc / div;	/* output cols per segment */
    inp_seg_r = inp_rows / div;	/* input rows per segment */
    inp_seg_c = inp_cols / div;	/* input rows per segment */
    rem_out_col = params->nsizc % div;
    rem_out_row = params->nsizr % div;
    overlap1 = min1(overlap, inp_seg_c - 1);
    overlap1 = min1(overlap1, inp_seg_r - 1);
    out_check_rows = 0;
    out_check_cols = 0;
    inp_check_rows = 0;
    inp_check_cols = 0;

    totsegm = div * div;

    /* set up a segment */
    for (i = 1; i <= div; i++) {	/* input and output rows */
	if (i <= div - rem_out_row)
	    n_rows = out_seg_r;
	    n_rows = out_seg_r + 1;
	inp_r = inp_seg_r;
	out_check_cols = 0;
	inp_check_cols = 0;
	ngstr = out_check_rows + 1;	/* first output row of the segment */
	nszr = ngstr + n_rows - 1;	/* last output row of the segment */
	y_or = (ngstr - 1) * ns_res;	/* y origin of the segment */
	 * Calculating input starting and ending rows and columns of this
	 * segment
	first_row = (int)(y_or / inp_ns_res) + 1;
	if (first_row > overlap1) {
	    first_row -= overlap1;	/* middle */
	    last_row = first_row + inp_seg_r + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
	    if (last_row > inp_rows) {
		first_row -= (last_row - inp_rows);	/* bottom */
		last_row = inp_rows;
	else {
	    first_row = 1;	/* top */
	    last_row = first_row + inp_seg_r + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
	if ((last_row > inp_rows) || (first_row < 1)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Row overlap too large!\n");
	    return -1;
	input_data(params, first_row, last_row, in_points, fdsmooth, fdinp,
		   inp_rows, inp_cols, zmin, inp_ns_res, inp_ew_res);

	for (j = 1; j <= div; j++) {	/* input and output cols */
	    if (j <= div - rem_out_col)
		n_cols = out_seg_c;
		n_cols = out_seg_c + 1;
	    inp_c = inp_seg_c;

	    ngstc = out_check_cols + 1;	/* first output col of the segment */
	    nszc = ngstc + n_cols - 1;	/* last output col of the segment */
	    x_or = (ngstc - 1) * ew_res;	/* x origin of the segment */

	    first_col = (int)(x_or / inp_ew_res) + 1;
	    if (first_col > overlap1) {
		first_col -= overlap1;	/* middle */
		last_col = first_col + inp_seg_c + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
		if (last_col > inp_cols) {
		    first_col -= (last_col - inp_cols);	/* right */
		    last_col = inp_cols;
	    else {
		first_col = 1;	/* left */
		last_col = first_col + inp_seg_c + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
	    if ((last_col > inp_cols) || (first_col < 1)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Column overlap too large!\n");
		return -1;
	    m = 0;
	    /* Getting points for interpolation (translated) */

	    xm = nszc * ew_res;
	    ym = nszr * ns_res;
	    data = (struct quaddata *)quad_data_new(x_or, y_or, xm, ym,
						    nszr - ngstr + 1,
						    nszc - ngstc + 1, 0,
	    new_comp = 0;

	    for (k = 0; k <= last_row - first_row; k++) {
		for (l = first_col - 1; l < last_col; l++) {
		    index = k * inp_cols + l;
		    if (!Rast_is_f_null_value(&(in_points[index].z))) {
			/* if the point is inside the segment (not overlapping) */
			if ((in_points[index].x - x_or >= 0) &&
			    (in_points[index].y - y_or >= 0) &&
			    ((nszc - 1) * ew_res - in_points[index].x >= 0) &&
			    ((nszr - 1) * ns_res - in_points[index].y >= 0))
			    total_points += 1;
			data->points[m].x =
			    (in_points[index].x - x_or) / (*dnorm);
			data->points[m].y =
			    (in_points[index].y - y_or) / (*dnorm);
			/*            data->points[m].z = (double) (in_points[index].z) / (*dnorm); */
			data->points[m].z = (double)(in_points[index].z);
			data->points[m].sm = in_points[index].smooth;
			new_comp = 1;

		    /*          fprintf(stderr,"%f,%f,%f
	    /*      fprintf (stdout,"m,index:%di,%d\n",m,index); */
	    if (m <= params->KMAX2)
		data->n_points = m;
		data->n_points = params->KMAX2;
	    out_check_cols += n_cols;
	    inp_check_cols += inp_c;
	    cursegm = (i - 1) * div + j - 1;

	    /* show before to catch 0% */
	    if (totsegm != 0) {
		G_percent(cursegm, totsegm, 1);
	    if (m == 0) {
		 * fprintf(stderr,"Warning: segment with zero points encountered,
		 * insrease overlap\n");
		write_zeros(params, data, offset1);
	    else {
		if (new_comp) {
		    if (new_first) {
			new_first = 0;
			if (!b) {
			    if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 2))) {
					"Cannot allocate memory for b\n");
				return -1;
			if (!(new_indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
				    "Cannot allocate memory for new_indx\n");
			    return -1;
			if (!
			    (new_matrix =
			     G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1,
					    params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
				    "Cannot allocate memory for new_matrix\n");
			    return -1;
		    }		/*new_first */
		    if (params->
			matrix_create(params, data->points, data->n_points,
				      new_matrix, new_indx) < 0)
			return -1;

		    for (i1 = 0; i1 < m; i1++) {
			b[i1 + 1] = data->points[i1].z;
		    b[0] = 0.;
		    G_lubksb(new_matrix, data->n_points + 1, new_indx, b);

		    params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin,
					 *dnorm, triple);

		    if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
					  zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin,
					  gmax, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max,
					  ertot, b, offset1, *dnorm) < 0) {

			fprintf(stderr, "interpolate() failed\n");
			return -1;
		}		/*new_comp */
		else {
		    if (first) {
			first = 0;
			if (!b) {
			    if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 2))) {
					"Cannot allocate memory for b\n");
				return -1;
			if (!(indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
				    "Cannot allocate memory for indx\n");
			    return -1;
			if (!
			    (matrix =
			     G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1,
					    params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
				    "Cannot allocate memory for matrix\n");
			    return -1;
		    }		/* first */
		    if (params->
			matrix_create(params, data->points, data->n_points,
				      matrix, indx) < 0)
			return -1;
		    /*        } here it was bug */
		    for (i1 = 0; i1 < m; i1++)
			b[i1 + 1] = data->points[i1].z;
		    b[0] = 0.;
		    G_lubksb(matrix, data->n_points + 1, indx, b);

		    params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin,
					 *dnorm, triple);

		    if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
					  zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin,
					  gmax, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max,
					  ertot, b, offset1, *dnorm) < 0) {

			fprintf(stderr, "interpolate() failed\n");
			return -1;
	    if (data) {
	     * cursegm++;

	inp_check_rows += inp_r;
	out_check_rows += n_rows;

    /* run one last time after the loop is done to catch 100% */
    if (totsegm != 0)
	G_percent(1, 1, 1);	/* cursegm doesn't get to totsegm so we force 100% */

     * if (b) G_free_vector(b); if (indx) G_free_ivector(indx); if (matrix)
     * G_free_matrix(matrix);
    fprintf(stderr, "dnorm in ressegm after grid before out2= %f \n", *dnorm);
    return total_points;
예제 #13
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, j;			/* Loop control variables */
    int bands;			/* Number of image bands */
    double *mu;			/* Mean vector for image bands */
    double **covar;		/* Covariance Matrix */
    double *eigval;
    double **eigmat;
    int *inp_fd;
    int scale, scale_max, scale_min;

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt_in, *opt_out, *opt_scale;

    /* initialize GIS engine */

    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("image transformation"));
    module->description = _("Principal components analysis (PCA) "
			    "for image processing.");

    /* Define options */
    opt_in = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUTS);
    opt_in->description = _("Name of two or more input raster maps");

    opt_out = G_define_option();
    opt_out->label = _("Base name for output raster maps");
    opt_out->description =
	_("A numerical suffix will be added for each component map");
    opt_out->key = "output_prefix";
    opt_out->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_out->key_desc = "string";
    opt_out->required = YES;

    opt_scale = G_define_option();
    opt_scale->key = "rescale";
    opt_scale->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_scale->key_desc = "min,max";
    opt_scale->required = NO;
    opt_scale->answer = "0,255";
    opt_scale->label =
	_("Rescaling range for output maps");
    opt_scale->description =
	_("For no rescaling use 0,0");
    opt_scale->guisection = _("Rescale");
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* determine number of bands passed in */
    for (bands = 0; opt_in->answers[bands] != NULL; bands++) ;

    if (bands < 2)
	G_fatal_error(_("Sorry, at least 2 input bands must be provided"));

    /* default values */
    scale = 1;
    scale_min = 0;
    scale_max = 255;

    /* get scale parameters */
    set_output_scale(opt_scale, &scale, &scale_min, &scale_max);

    /* allocate memory */
    covar = G_alloc_matrix(bands, bands);
    mu = G_alloc_vector(bands);
    inp_fd = G_alloc_ivector(bands);
    eigmat = G_alloc_matrix(bands, bands);
    eigval = G_alloc_vector(bands);

    /* open and check input/output files */
    for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) {
	char tmpbuf[128];

	sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s.%d", opt_out->answer, i + 1);
	G_check_input_output_name(opt_in->answers[i], tmpbuf, GR_FATAL_EXIT);

	inp_fd[i] = Rast_open_old(opt_in->answers[i], "");

    G_verbose_message(_("Calculating covariance matrix..."));
    calc_mu(inp_fd, mu, bands);

    calc_covariance(inp_fd, covar, mu, bands);

    for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < bands; j++) {
	    covar[i][j] =
		covar[i][j] /
		((double)((Rast_window_rows() * Rast_window_cols()) - 1));
	    G_debug(3, "covar[%d][%d] = %f", i, j, covar[i][j]);

    G_math_d_copy(covar[0], eigmat[0], bands*bands);
    G_debug(1, "Calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors...");
    G_math_eigen(eigmat, eigval, bands);

#ifdef PCA_DEBUG
    /* dump eigen matrix and eigen values */
    dump_eigen(bands, eigmat, eigval);

    G_debug(1, "Ordering eigenvalues in descending order...");
    G_math_egvorder(eigval, eigmat, bands);

    G_debug(1, "Transposing eigen matrix...");
    G_math_d_A_T(eigmat, bands);

    /* write output images */
    write_pca(eigmat, inp_fd, opt_out->answer, bands, scale, scale_min,

    /* write colors and history to output */
    for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) {
	char outname[80];

	sprintf(outname, "%s.%d", opt_out->answer, i + 1);

	/* write colors and history to file */
	write_support(bands, outname, eigmat, eigval);

	/* close output file */
    /* free memory */

예제 #14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ii;
    int ret_val;
    double x_orig, y_orig;
    static int rand1 = 12345;
    static int rand2 = 67891;
    struct GModule *module;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Overland flow hydrologic simulation using "
	  "path sampling method (SIMWE).");

    parm.elevin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_ELEV);
    parm.dxin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.dxin->key = "dx";
    parm.dxin->description = _("Name of x-derivatives raster map [m/m]");

    parm.dyin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.dyin->key = "dy";
    parm.dyin->description = _("Name of y-derivatives raster map [m/m]");

    parm.rain = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.rain->key = "rain";
    parm.rain->required = NO;
    parm.rain->description =
	_("Name of rainfall excess rate (rain-infilt) raster map [mm/hr]");
    parm.rain->guisection = _("Input");
    parm.rainval = G_define_option();
    parm.rainval->key = "rain_value";
    parm.rainval->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.rainval->answer = RAINVAL;
    parm.rainval->required = NO;
    parm.rainval->description =
	_("Rainfall excess rate unique value [mm/hr]");
    parm.rainval->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.infil = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.infil->key = "infil";
    parm.infil->required = NO;
    parm.infil->description =
	_("Name of runoff infiltration rate raster map [mm/hr]");
    parm.infil->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.infilval = G_define_option();
    parm.infilval->key = "infil_value";
    parm.infilval->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.infilval->answer = INFILVAL;
    parm.infilval->required = NO;
    parm.infilval->description =
	_("Runoff infiltration rate unique value [mm/hr]");
    parm.infilval->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.manin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.manin->key = "man";
    parm.manin->required = NO;
    parm.manin->description = _("Name of mannings n raster map");
    parm.manin->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.maninval = G_define_option();
    parm.maninval->key = "man_value";
    parm.maninval->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.maninval->answer = MANINVAL;
    parm.maninval->required = NO;
    parm.maninval->description = _("Mannings n unique value");
    parm.maninval->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.traps = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.traps->key = "traps";
    parm.traps->required = NO;
    parm.traps->description =
	_("Name of flow controls raster map (permeability ratio 0-1)");
    parm.traps->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.observation = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    parm.observation->key = "observation";
    parm.observation->required = NO;
    parm.observation->description =
	_("Name of the sampling locations vector points map");
    parm.observation->guisection = _("Input_options");

    parm.logfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    parm.logfile->key = "logfile";
    parm.logfile->required = NO;
    parm.logfile->description =
	_("Name of the sampling points output text file. For each observation vector point the time series of water depth is stored.");
    parm.logfile->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.depth = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.depth->key = "depth";
    parm.depth->required = NO;
    parm.depth->description = _("Name for output water depth raster map [m]");
    parm.depth->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.disch = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.disch->key = "disch";
    parm.disch->required = NO;
    parm.disch->description = _("Name for output water discharge raster map [m3/s]");
    parm.disch->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.err = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.err->key = "err";
    parm.err->required = NO;
    parm.err->description = _("Name for output simulation error raster map [m]");
    parm.err->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.outwalk = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    parm.outwalk->key = "outwalk";
    parm.outwalk->required = NO;
    parm.outwalk->description =
	_("Base name of the output walkers vector points map");
    parm.outwalk->guisection = _("Output_options");

    parm.nwalk = G_define_option();
    parm.nwalk->key = "nwalk";
    parm.nwalk->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.nwalk->required = NO;
    parm.nwalk->description =
	_("Number of walkers, default is twice the no. of cells");
    parm.nwalk->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.niter = G_define_option();
    parm.niter->key = "niter";
    parm.niter->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.niter->answer = NITER;
    parm.niter->required = NO;
    parm.niter->description = _("Time used for iterations [minutes]");
    parm.niter->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.outiter = G_define_option();
    parm.outiter->key = "outiter";
    parm.outiter->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.outiter->answer = ITEROUT;
    parm.outiter->required = NO;
    parm.outiter->description =
	_("Time interval for creating output maps [minutes]");
    parm.outiter->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.density = G_define_option();
    parm.density->key = "density";
    parm.density->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.density->answer = DENSITY;
    parm.density->required = NO;
    parm.density->description = _("Density of output walkers");
    parm.density->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.diffc = G_define_option();
    parm.diffc->key = "diffc";
    parm.diffc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.diffc->answer = DIFFC;
    parm.diffc->required = NO;
    parm.diffc->description = _("Water diffusion constant");
    parm.diffc->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.hmax = G_define_option();
    parm.hmax->key = "hmax";
    parm.hmax->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.hmax->answer = HMAX;
    parm.hmax->required = NO;
    parm.hmax->label =
	_("Threshold water depth [m]");
    parm.hmax->description = _("Diffusion increases after this water depth is reached");
    parm.hmax->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.halpha = G_define_option();
    parm.halpha->key = "halpha";
    parm.halpha->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.halpha->answer = HALPHA;
    parm.halpha->required = NO;
    parm.halpha->description = _("Diffusion increase constant");
    parm.halpha->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.hbeta = G_define_option();
    parm.hbeta->key = "hbeta";
    parm.hbeta->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.hbeta->answer = HBETA;
    parm.hbeta->required = NO;
    parm.hbeta->description =
	_("Weighting factor for water flow velocity vector");
    parm.hbeta->guisection = _("Parameters");

    flag.tserie = G_define_flag();
    flag.tserie->key = 't';
    flag.tserie->description = _("Time-series output");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))


    conv = G_database_units_to_meters_factor();

    mixx = conv * cellhd.west;
    maxx = conv * cellhd.east;
    miyy = conv * cellhd.south;
    mayy = conv * cellhd.north;

    stepx = cellhd.ew_res * conv;
    stepy = cellhd.ns_res * conv;
    /*  step = amin1(stepx,stepy); */
    step = (stepx + stepy) / 2.;
    mx = cellhd.cols;
    my = cellhd.rows;
    x_orig = cellhd.west * conv;
    y_orig = cellhd.south * conv;	/* do we need this? */
    xmin = 0.;
    ymin = 0.;
    xp0 = xmin + stepx / 2.;
    yp0 = ymin + stepy / 2.;
    xmax = xmin + stepx * (float)mx;
    ymax = ymin + stepy * (float)my;

    ts = flag.tserie->answer;

    elevin = parm.elevin->answer;
    dxin = parm.dxin->answer;
    dyin = parm.dyin->answer;
    rain = parm.rain->answer;
    infil = parm.infil->answer;
    traps = parm.traps->answer;
    manin = parm.manin->answer;
    depth = parm.depth->answer;
    disch = parm.disch->answer;
    err = parm.err->answer;
    outwalk = parm.outwalk->answer; 

    sscanf(parm.niter->answer, "%d", &timesec);
    sscanf(parm.outiter->answer, "%d", &iterout);
    sscanf(parm.diffc->answer, "%lf", &frac);
    sscanf(parm.hmax->answer, "%lf", &hhmax);
    sscanf(parm.halpha->answer, "%lf", &halpha);
    sscanf(parm.hbeta->answer, "%lf", &hbeta);

    /* if no rain map input, then: */
    if (parm.rain->answer == NULL) {
	/*Check for Rain Unique Value Input */
	/* if no rain unique value input */
	if (parm.rainval->answer == NULL) {
	    /*No rain input so use default */
	    sscanf(RAINVAL, "%lf", &rain_val);
	    /* if rain unique input exist, load it */
	else {
	    /*Unique value input only */
	    sscanf(parm.rainval->answer, "%lf", &rain_val);
	/* if Rain map exists */
    else {
	/*Map input, so set rain_val to -999.99 */
	if (parm.rainval->answer == NULL) {
	    rain_val = -999.99;
	else {
	    /*both map and unique value exist */
	    /*Choose the map, discard the unique value */
	    rain_val = -999.99;
    /* Report the final value of rain_val */
    G_debug(3, "rain_val is set to: %f\n", rain_val);

    /* if no Mannings map, then: */
    if (parm.manin->answer == NULL) {
	/*Check for Manin Unique Value Input */
	/* if no Mannings unique value input */
	if (parm.maninval->answer == NULL) {
	    /*No Mannings input so use default */
	    sscanf(MANINVAL, "%lf", &manin_val);
	    /* if mannings unique input value exists, load it */
	else {
	    /*Unique value input only */
	    sscanf(parm.maninval->answer, "%lf", &manin_val);
	/* if Mannings map exists */
    else {
	/* Map input, set manin_val to -999.99 */
	if (parm.maninval->answer == NULL) {
	    manin_val = -999.99;
	else {
	    /*both map and unique value exist */
	    /*Choose map, discard the unique value */
	    manin_val = -999.99;
    /* Report the final value of manin_val */
    G_debug(1, "manin_val is set to: %f\n", manin_val);

    /* if no infiltration map, then: */
    if (parm.infil->answer == NULL) {
	/*Check for Infil Unique Value Input */
	/*if no infiltration unique value input */
	if (parm.infilval->answer == NULL) {
	    /*No infiltration unique value so use default */
	    sscanf(INFILVAL, "%lf", &infil_val);
	    /* if infiltration unique value exists, load it */
	else {
	    /*unique value input only */
	    sscanf(parm.infilval->answer, "%lf", &infil_val);
	/* if infiltration map exists */
    else {
	/* Map input, set infil_val to -999.99 */
	if (parm.infilval->answer == NULL) {
	    infil_val = -999.99;
	else {
	    /*both map and unique value exist */
	    /*Choose map, discard the unique value */
	    infil_val = -999.99;
    /* Report the final value of infil_val */
    G_debug(1, "infil_val is set to: %f\n", infil_val);

    /* Recompute timesec from user input in minutes
     * to real timesec in seconds */
    timesec = timesec * 60.0;
    iterout = iterout * 60.0;
    if ((timesec / iterout) > 100.0)
	G_message(_("More than 100 files are going to be created !!!!!"));

    /* compute how big the raster is and set this to appr 2 walkers per cell */
    if (parm.nwalk->answer == NULL) {
	maxwa = mx * my * 2;
	rwalk = (double)(mx * my * 2.);
	G_message(_("default nwalk=%d, rwalk=%f"), maxwa, rwalk);
    else {
	sscanf(parm.nwalk->answer, "%d", &maxwa);
	rwalk = (double)maxwa;

    /*      rwalk = (double) maxwa; */

    if (conv != 1.0)
	G_message(_("Using metric conversion factor %f, step=%f"), conv,

 if ((depth == NULL) && (disch == NULL) && (err == NULL))
        G_warning(_("You are not outputting any raster maps"));
    ret_val = input_data();
    if (ret_val != 1)
        G_fatal_error(_("Input failed"));

    /* memory allocation for output grids */
    G_debug(1, "beginning memory allocation for output grids");

    gama = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    if (err != NULL)
	gammas = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    dif = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);

    G_debug(1, "seeding randoms");
    seeds(rand1, rand2);

    if (ts == 0) {
	ii = output_data(0, 1.);
	if (ii != 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot write raster maps"));

    /* Exit with Success */
예제 #15
파일: main.c 프로젝트: caomw/grass
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Variables' declarations */
    int nsplx_adj, nsply_adj;
    int nsubregion_col, nsubregion_row, subregion = 0, nsubregions = 0;
    double N_extension, E_extension, edgeE, edgeN;
    int dim_vect, nparameters, BW, npoints;
    double lambda_B, lambda_F, grad_H, grad_L, alpha, mean;
    const char *dvr, *db, *mapset;
    char table_interpolation[GNAME_MAX], table_name[GNAME_MAX];
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

    int last_row, last_column, flag_auxiliar = FALSE;

    int *lineVect;
    double *TN, *Q, *parVect_bilin, *parVect_bicub;	/* Interpolating and least-square vectors */
    double **N, **obsVect;	/* Interpolation and least-square matrix */

    /* Structs' declarations */
    struct Map_info In, Out;
    struct Option *in_opt, *out_opt, *stepE_opt, *stepN_opt,
	*lambdaF_opt, *lambdaB_opt, *gradH_opt, *gradL_opt, *alfa_opt;
    struct Flag *spline_step_flag;
    struct GModule *module;

    struct Cell_head elaboration_reg, original_reg;
    struct Reg_dimens dims;
    struct bound_box general_box, overlap_box;

    struct Point *observ;

    dbDriver *driver;

    /* Options' declaration */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Detects the object's edges from a LIDAR data set.");

    spline_step_flag = G_define_flag();
    spline_step_flag->key = 'e';
    spline_step_flag->label = _("Estimate point density and distance");
    spline_step_flag->description =
	_("Estimate point density and distance for the input vector points within the current region extends and quit");

    in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);

    out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    stepE_opt = G_define_option();
    stepE_opt->key = "see";
    stepE_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepE_opt->required = NO;
    stepE_opt->answer = "4";
    stepE_opt->description =
	_("Interpolation spline step value in east direction");
    stepE_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    stepN_opt = G_define_option();
    stepN_opt->key = "sen";
    stepN_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepN_opt->required = NO;
    stepN_opt->answer = "4";
    stepN_opt->description =
	_("Interpolation spline step value in north direction");
    stepN_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    lambdaB_opt = G_define_option();
    lambdaB_opt->key = "lambda_g";
    lambdaB_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lambdaB_opt->required = NO;
    lambdaB_opt->description =
	_("Regularization weight in gradient evaluation");
    lambdaB_opt->answer = "0.01";
    lambdaB_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    gradH_opt = G_define_option();
    gradH_opt->key = "tgh";
    gradH_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    gradH_opt->required = NO;
    gradH_opt->description =
	_("High gradient threshold for edge classification");
    gradH_opt->answer = "6";
    gradH_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    gradL_opt = G_define_option();
    gradL_opt->key = "tgl";
    gradL_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    gradL_opt->required = NO;
    gradL_opt->description =
	_("Low gradient threshold for edge classification");
    gradL_opt->answer = "3";
    gradL_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    alfa_opt = G_define_option();
    alfa_opt->key = "theta_g";
    alfa_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    alfa_opt->required = NO;
    alfa_opt->description = _("Angle range for same direction detection");
    alfa_opt->answer = "0.26";
    alfa_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    lambdaF_opt = G_define_option();
    lambdaF_opt->key = "lambda_r";
    lambdaF_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lambdaF_opt->required = NO;
    lambdaF_opt->description =
	_("Regularization weight in residual evaluation");
    lambdaF_opt->answer = "2";
    lambdaF_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    /* Parsing */

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    line_out_counter = 1;
    stepN = atof(stepN_opt->answer);
    stepE = atof(stepE_opt->answer);
    lambda_F = atof(lambdaF_opt->answer);
    lambda_B = atof(lambdaB_opt->answer);
    grad_H = atof(gradH_opt->answer);
    grad_L = atof(gradL_opt->answer);
    alpha = atof(alfa_opt->answer);

    grad_L = grad_L * grad_L;
    grad_H = grad_H * grad_H;

    if (!(db = G__getenv2("DB_DATABASE", G_VAR_MAPSET)))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read name of database"));

    if (!(dvr = G__getenv2("DB_DRIVER", G_VAR_MAPSET)))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read name of driver"));

    /* Setting auxiliar table's name */
    if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(out_opt->answer, xname, xmapset)) {
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", xname);
	sprintf(table_interpolation, "%s_edge_Interpolation", xname);
    else {
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", out_opt->answer);
	sprintf(table_interpolation, "%s_edge_Interpolation", out_opt->answer);

    /* Something went wrong in a previous v.lidar.edgedetection execution */
    if (db_table_exists(dvr, db, table_name)) {
	/* Start driver and open db */
	driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
	if (driver == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),
	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Old auxiliar table could not be dropped"));

    /* Something went wrong in a previous v.lidar.edgedetection execution */
    if (db_table_exists(dvr, db, table_interpolation)) {
	/* Start driver and open db */
	driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
	if (driver == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),
	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_interpolation) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Old auxiliar table could not be dropped"));

    /* Checking vector names */
    Vect_check_input_output_name(in_opt->answer, out_opt->answer,

    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_opt->answer, "")) == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Open input vector */
    if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, in_opt->answer, mapset))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Input vector must be 3D */
    if (!Vect_is_3d(&In))
	G_fatal_error(_("Input vector map <%s> is not 3D!"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Estimate point density and mean distance for current region */
    if (spline_step_flag->answer) {
	double dens, dist;
	if (P_estimate_splinestep(&In, &dens, &dist) == 0) {
	    G_message("Estimated point density: %.4g", dens);
	    G_message("Estimated mean distance between points: %.4g", dist);
	    G_warning(_("No points in current region!"));

    /* Open output vector */
    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, WITH_Z))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer);

    /* Copy vector Head File */
    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);

    /* Start driver and open db */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
    if (driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),

    /* Create auxiliar and interpolation table */
    if ((flag_auxiliar = P_Create_Aux4_Table(driver, table_name)) == FALSE)
	G_fatal_error(_("It was impossible to create <%s>."), table_name);

    if (P_Create_Aux2_Table(driver, table_interpolation) == FALSE)
	G_fatal_error(_("It was impossible to create <%s> interpolation table in database."),

    db_create_index2(driver, table_name, "ID");
    db_create_index2(driver, table_interpolation, "ID");
    /* sqlite likes that ??? */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);

    /* Setting regions and boxes */
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &overlap_box);
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &general_box);

      | Subdividing and working with tiles: 									
      | Each original region will be divided into several subregions. 
      | Each one will be overlaped by its neighbouring subregions. 
      | The overlapping is calculated as a fixed OVERLAP_SIZE times
      | the largest spline step plus 2 * edge

    /* Fixing parameters of the elaboration region */

    nsplx_adj = NSPLX_MAX;
    nsply_adj = NSPLY_MAX;
    if (stepN > stepE)
	dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepN;
	dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepE;
    P_get_edge(P_BICUBIC, &dims, stepE, stepN);
    P_set_dim(&dims, stepE, stepN, &nsplx_adj, &nsply_adj);

    G_verbose_message(_("adjusted EW splines %d"), nsplx_adj);
    G_verbose_message(_("adjusted NS splines %d"), nsply_adj);

    /* calculate number of subregions */
    edgeE = dims.ew_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_v;
    edgeN = dims.sn_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_h;

    N_extension = original_reg.north - original_reg.south;
    E_extension = original_reg.east - original_reg.west;

    nsubregion_col = ceil(E_extension / edgeE) + 0.5;
    nsubregion_row = ceil(N_extension / edgeN) + 0.5;

    if (nsubregion_col < 0)
	nsubregion_col = 0;
    if (nsubregion_row < 0)
	nsubregion_row = 0;

    nsubregions = nsubregion_row * nsubregion_col;

    elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.north;
    last_row = FALSE;

    while (last_row == FALSE) {	/* For each row */

	P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	if (elaboration_reg.north > original_reg.north) {	/* First row */
	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	if (elaboration_reg.south <= original_reg.south) {	/* Last row */
	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,
	    last_row = TRUE;

	nsply =
	    ceil((elaboration_reg.north - elaboration_reg.south) / stepN) +
	if (nsply > NSPLY_MAX) {
	    nsply = NSPLY_MAX;
	G_debug(1, "nsply = %d", nsply);

	elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.west;
	last_column = FALSE;

	while (last_column == FALSE) {	/* For each column */

	    if (nsubregions > 1)
		G_message(_("subregion %d of %d"), subregion, nsubregions);

	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	    if (elaboration_reg.west < original_reg.west) {	/* First column */
		P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
			      dims, FIRST_COLUMN);

	    if (elaboration_reg.east >= original_reg.east) {	/* Last column */
		P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
			      dims, LAST_COLUMN);
		last_column = TRUE;

	    nsplx =
		ceil((elaboration_reg.east - elaboration_reg.west) / stepE) +
	    if (nsplx > NSPLX_MAX) {
		nsplx = NSPLX_MAX;
	    G_debug(1, "nsplx = %d", nsplx);

	    /*Setting the active region */
	    dim_vect = nsplx * nsply;
	    G_debug(1, "read vector region map");
	    observ =
		P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(&In, &elaboration_reg, &npoints,
					 dim_vect, 1);

	    if (npoints > 0) {	/* If there is any point falling into elaboration_reg... */
		int i, tn;

		nparameters = nsplx * nsply;

		/* Mean's calculation */
		mean = P_Mean_Calc(&elaboration_reg, observ, npoints);

		/* Least Squares system */
		G_debug(1, _("Allocating memory for bilinear interpolation"));
		BW = P_get_BandWidth(P_BILINEAR, nsply);	/* Bilinear interpolation */
		N = G_alloc_matrix(nparameters, BW);	/* Normal matrix */
		TN = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* vector */
		parVect_bilin = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* Bilinear parameters vector */
		obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(npoints + 1, 3);	/* Observation vector */
		Q = G_alloc_vector(npoints + 1);	/* "a priori" var-cov matrix */

		lineVect = G_alloc_ivector(npoints + 1);

		/* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */
		for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
		    obsVect[i][0] = observ[i].coordX;
		    obsVect[i][1] = observ[i].coordY;
		    obsVect[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ - mean;
		    lineVect[i] = observ[i].lineID;
		    Q[i] = 1;	/* Q=I */


		G_verbose_message(_("Bilinear interpolation"));
		normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx,
			       nsply, elaboration_reg.west,
			       elaboration_reg.south, npoints, nparameters,
		nCorrectGrad(N, lambda_B, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN);
		G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect_bilin, TN, nparameters, BW);

		for (tn = 0; tn < nparameters; tn++)
		    TN[tn] = 0;

		G_debug(1, _("Allocating memory for bicubic interpolation"));
		BW = P_get_BandWidth(P_BICUBIC, nsply);
		N = G_alloc_matrix(nparameters, BW);	/* Normal matrix */
		parVect_bicub = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* Bicubic parameters vector */

		G_verbose_message(_("Bicubic interpolation"));
		normalDefBicubic(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx,
				 nsply, elaboration_reg.west,
				 elaboration_reg.south, npoints, nparameters,
		nCorrectLapl(N, lambda_F, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN);
		G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect_bicub, TN, nparameters, BW);


		G_verbose_message(_("Point classification"));
		classification(&Out, elaboration_reg, general_box,
			       overlap_box, obsVect, parVect_bilin,
			       parVect_bicub, mean, alpha, grad_H, grad_L,
			       dims.overlap, lineVect, npoints, driver,
			       table_interpolation, table_name);

	    }			/* IF */
	    else {
		G_warning(_("No data within this subregion. "
			    "Consider changing the spline step."));
	}			/*! END WHILE; last_column = TRUE */
    }				/*! END WHILE; last_row = TRUE */

    /* Dropping auxiliar table */
    if (npoints > 0) {
	G_debug(1, _("Dropping <%s>"), table_name);
	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
	    G_warning(_("Auxiliar table could not be dropped"));



    Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, F_INTERPOLATION, NULL, table_interpolation,
			"id", db, dvr);


    G_done_msg(" ");

}				/*!END MAIN */
예제 #16
파일: segmen2d.c 프로젝트: caomw/grass
 *  Recursively processes each segment in a tree by:
 *  a) finding points from neighbouring segments so that the total number of
 *  points is between KMIN and KMAX2 by calling tree function MT_get_region().
 *  b) creating and solving the system of linear equations using these points
 *  and interp() by calling matrix_create() and G_ludcmp().
 *  c) checking the interpolating function values at points by calling
 *  check_points().
 *  d) computing grid for this segment using points and interp() by calling
 *  grid_calc().
int IL_interp_segments_2d(struct interp_params *params, struct tree_info *info,	/* info for the quad tree */
			  struct multtree *tree,	/* current leaf of the quad tree */
			  struct BM *bitmask,	/* bitmask */
			  double zmin, double zmax,	/* min and max input z-values */
			  double *zminac, double *zmaxac,	/* min and max interp. z-values */
			  double *gmin, double *gmax,	/* min and max inperp. slope val. */
			  double *c1min, double *c1max, double *c2min, double *c2max,	/* min and max interp. curv. val. */
			  double *ertot,	/* total interplating func. error */
			  int totsegm,		/* total number of segments */
			  off_t offset1,	/* offset for temp file writing */
			  double dnorm)
    double xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, distx, disty, distxp, distyp, temp1, temp2;
    int i, npt, nptprev, MAXENC;
    struct quaddata *data;
    static int cursegm = 0;
    static double *b = NULL;
    static int *indx = NULL;
    static double **matrix = NULL;
    double ew_res, ns_res;
    static int first_time = 1;
    static double smseg;
    int MINPTS;
    double pr;
    struct triple *point;
    struct triple skip_point;
    int m_skip, skip_index, j, k, segtest;
    double xx, yy, zz;

    /* find the size of the smallest segment once */
    if (first_time) {
	smseg = smallest_segment(info->root, 4);
	first_time = 0;
    ns_res = (((struct quaddata *)(info->root->data))->ymax -
	      ((struct quaddata *)(info->root->data))->y_orig) /
    ew_res =
	(((struct quaddata *)(info->root->data))->xmax -
	 ((struct quaddata *)(info->root->data))->x_orig) / params->nsizc;

    if (tree == NULL)
	return -1;
    if (tree->data == NULL)
	return -1;
    if (((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->points == NULL) {
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	    IL_interp_segments_2d(params, info, tree->leafs[i],
				  bitmask, zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin,
				  gmax, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max, ertot,
				  totsegm, offset1, dnorm);
	return 1;
    else {
	distx = (((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->n_cols * ew_res) * 0.1;
	disty = (((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->n_rows * ns_res) * 0.1;
	distxp = 0;
	distyp = 0;
	xmn = ((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->x_orig;
	xmx = ((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->xmax;
	ymn = ((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->y_orig;
	ymx = ((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->ymax;
	i = 0;
	MAXENC = 0;
	/* data is a window with zero points; some fields don't make sence in this case
	   so they are zero (like resolution,dimentions */
	/* CHANGE */
	/* Calcutaing kmin for surrent segment (depends on the size) */

/*****if (smseg <= 0.00001) MINPTS=params->kmin; else {} ***/
	pr = pow(2., (xmx - xmn) / smseg - 1.);
	    params->kmin * (pr / (1 + params->kmin * pr / params->KMAX2));
	/* fprintf(stderr,"MINPTS=%d, KMIN=%d, KMAX=%d, pr=%lf, smseg=%lf, DX=%lf \n", MINPTS,params->kmin,params->KMAX2,pr,smseg,xmx-xmn); */

	data =
	    (struct quaddata *)quad_data_new(xmn - distx, ymn - disty,
					     xmx + distx, ymx + disty, 0, 0,
					     0, params->KMAX2);
	npt = MT_region_data(info, info->root, data, params->KMAX2, 4);

	while ((npt < MINPTS) || (npt > params->KMAX2)) {
	    if (i >= 70) {
		G_warning(_("Taking too long to find points for interpolation - "
			    "please change the region to area where your points are. "
			    "Continuing calculations..."));
	    if (npt > params->KMAX2)
		/* decrease window */
		MAXENC = 1;
		nptprev = npt;
		temp1 = distxp;
		distxp = distx;
		distx = distxp - fabs(distx - temp1) * 0.5;
		temp2 = distyp;
		distyp = disty;
		disty = distyp - fabs(disty - temp2) * 0.5;
		/* decrease by 50% of a previous change in window */
	    else {
		nptprev = npt;
		temp1 = distyp;
		distyp = disty;
		temp2 = distxp;
		distxp = distx;
		if (MAXENC) {
		    disty = fabs(disty - temp1) * 0.5 + distyp;
		    distx = fabs(distx - temp2) * 0.5 + distxp;
		else {
		    distx += distx;
		    disty += disty;
		/* decrease by 50% of extra distance */
	    data->x_orig = xmn - distx;	/* update window */
	    data->y_orig = ymn - disty;
	    data->xmax = xmx + distx;
	    data->ymax = ymx + disty;
	    data->n_points = 0;
	    npt = MT_region_data(info, info->root, data, params->KMAX2, 4);
	if (totsegm != 0) {
	    G_percent(cursegm, totsegm, 1);
	data->n_rows = ((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->n_rows;
	data->n_cols = ((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->n_cols;

	/* for printing out overlapping segments */
	((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->x_orig = xmn - distx;
	((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->y_orig = ymn - disty;
	((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->xmax = xmx + distx;
	((struct quaddata *)(tree->data))->ymax = ymx + disty;

	data->x_orig = xmn;
	data->y_orig = ymn;
	data->xmax = xmx;
	data->ymax = ymx;

	if (!matrix) {
	    if (!
		(matrix =
		 G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1, params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
		G_warning(_("Out of memory"));
		return -1;
	if (!indx) {
	    if (!(indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
		G_warning(_("Out of memory"));
		return -1;
	if (!b) {
	    if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 3))) {
		G_warning(_("Out of memory"));
		return -1;
	/* allocate memory for CV points only if cv is performed */
	if (params->cv) {
	    if (!
		(point =
		 (struct triple *)G_malloc(sizeof(struct triple) *
					   data->n_points))) {
		G_warning(_("Out of memory"));
		return -1;

	/*normalize the data so that the side of average segment is about 1m */
	/* put data_points into point only if CV is performed */

	for (i = 0; i < data->n_points; i++) {
	    data->points[i].x = (data->points[i].x - data->x_orig) / dnorm;
	    data->points[i].y = (data->points[i].y - data->y_orig) / dnorm;
	    if (params->cv) {
		point[i].x = data->points[i].x;	/*cv stuff */
		point[i].y = data->points[i].y;	/*cv stuff */
		point[i].z = data->points[i].z;	/*cv stuff */

	    /* commented out by Helena january 1997 as this is not necessary
	       although it may be useful to put normalization of z back? 
	       data->points[i].z = data->points[i].z / dnorm;
	       this made smoothing self-adjusting  based on dnorm
	       if (params->rsm < 0.) data->points[i].sm = data->points[i].sm / dnorm;

	/* cv stuff */
	if (params->cv)
	    m_skip = data->n_points;
	    m_skip = 1;

	/* remove after cleanup - this is just for testing */
	skip_point.x = 0.;
	skip_point.y = 0.;
	skip_point.z = 0.;

	/*** TODO: parallelize this loop instead of the LU solver! ***/
	for (skip_index = 0; skip_index < m_skip; skip_index++) {
	    if (params->cv) {
		segtest = 0;
		j = 0;
		xx = point[skip_index].x * dnorm + data->x_orig +
		yy = point[skip_index].y * dnorm + data->y_orig +
		zz = point[skip_index].z;
		if (xx >= data->x_orig + params->x_orig &&
		    xx <= data->xmax + params->x_orig &&
		    yy >= data->y_orig + params->y_orig &&
		    yy <= data->ymax + params->y_orig) {
		    segtest = 1;
		    skip_point.x = point[skip_index].x;
		    skip_point.y = point[skip_index].y;
		    skip_point.z = point[skip_index].z;
		    for (k = 0; k < m_skip; k++) {
			if (k != skip_index && params->cv) {
			    data->points[j].x = point[k].x;
			    data->points[j].y = point[k].y;
			    data->points[j].z = point[k].z;
		}		/* segment area test */
	    if (!params->cv) {
		if (params->
		    matrix_create(params, data->points, data->n_points,
				  matrix, indx) < 0)
		    return -1;
	    else if (segtest == 1) {
		if (params->
		    matrix_create(params, data->points, data->n_points - 1,
				  matrix, indx) < 0)
		    return -1;
	    if (!params->cv) {
		for (i = 0; i < data->n_points; i++)
		    b[i + 1] = data->points[i].z;
		b[0] = 0.;
		G_lubksb(matrix, data->n_points + 1, indx, b);
	/* put here condition to skip error if not needed */
		params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin, dnorm,
	    else if (segtest == 1) {
		for (i = 0; i < data->n_points - 1; i++)
		    b[i + 1] = data->points[i].z;
		b[0] = 0.;
		G_lubksb(matrix, data->n_points, indx, b);
		params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin, dnorm,
	}			/*end of cv loop */

	if (!params->cv)
	    if ((params->Tmp_fd_z != NULL) || (params->Tmp_fd_dx != NULL) ||
		(params->Tmp_fd_dy != NULL) || (params->Tmp_fd_xx != NULL) ||
		(params->Tmp_fd_yy != NULL) || (params->Tmp_fd_xy != NULL)) {

		if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
				      zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin, gmax,
				      c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max, ertot, b,
				      offset1, dnorm) < 0)
		    return -1;

	/* show after to catch 100% */
	if (totsegm < cursegm)
	    G_debug(1, "%d %d", totsegm, cursegm);
	if (totsegm != 0) {
	    G_percent(cursegm, totsegm, 1);
    return 1;
예제 #17
static void seed(struct ClassSig *Sig, int nbands)
    int i, b1, b2;
    double period;
    double *mean, **R;

    G_debug(1, "seed()");

    /* Compute the mean of variance for each band */
    mean = G_alloc_vector(nbands);
    R = G_alloc_matrix(nbands, nbands);
    n_nulls = (int *)G_calloc(nbands, sizeof(int));

    total_nulls = 0;
    for (b1 = 0; b1 < nbands; b1++) {
	n_nulls[b1] = 0;
	mean[b1] = 0.0;
	for (i = 0; i < Sig->ClassData.npixels; i++) {
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&Sig->ClassData.x[i][b1])) {
		mean[b1] += Sig->ClassData.x[i][b1];
	mean[b1] /= (double)(Sig->ClassData.npixels - n_nulls[b1]);

    for (b1 = 0; b1 < nbands; b1++)
	for (b2 = 0; b2 < nbands; b2++) {
	    R[b1][b2] = 0.0;
	    for (i = 0; i < Sig->ClassData.npixels; i++) {
		if (!Rast_is_d_null_value(&Sig->ClassData.x[i][b1]) &&
		    R[b1][b2] +=
			(Sig->ClassData.x[i][b1]) * (Sig->ClassData.x[i][b2]);
	    R[b1][b2] /= (double)(Sig->ClassData.npixels - n_nulls[b1] -
	    R[b1][b2] -= mean[b1] * mean[b2];

    /* Compute the sampling period for seeding */
    if (Sig->nsubclasses > 1) {
	period = (Sig->ClassData.npixels - 1) / (Sig->nsubclasses - 1.0);
	period = 0;

    /* Seed the means and set the diagonal covariance components */
    for (i = 0; i < Sig->nsubclasses; i++) {
	for (b1 = 0; b1 < nbands; b1++) {
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&Sig->ClassData.x[(int)(i * period)][b1]))
		Rast_set_d_null_value(&Sig->SubSig[i].means[b1], 1);
		Sig->SubSig[i].means[b1] =
		    Sig->ClassData.x[(int)(i * period)][b1];

	    for (b2 = 0; b2 < nbands; b2++) {
		Sig->SubSig[i].R[b1][b2] = R[b1][b2];

	Sig->SubSig[i].pi = 1.0 / Sig->nsubclasses;


    compute_constants(Sig, nbands);
예제 #18
파일: main.c 프로젝트: rashadkm/grass_cmake
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Variables declarations */
    int nsplx_adj, nsply_adj;
    int nsubregion_col, nsubregion_row;
    int subregion = 0, nsubregions = 0;
    double N_extension, E_extension, edgeE, edgeN;
    int dim_vect, nparameters, BW, npoints;
    double mean, lambda;
    const char *dvr, *db, *mapset;
    char table_name[GNAME_MAX];
    char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

    int last_row, last_column, flag_auxiliar = FALSE;
    int filter_mode;

    int *lineVect;
    double *TN, *Q, *parVect;	/* Interpolating and least-square vectors */
    double **N, **obsVect;	/* Interpolation and least-square matrix */

    /* Structs declarations */
    struct Map_info In, Out, Outlier, Qgis;
    struct Option *in_opt, *out_opt, *outlier_opt, *qgis_opt, *stepE_opt,
	*stepN_opt, *lambda_f_opt, *Thres_O_opt, *filter_opt;
    struct Flag *spline_step_flag;
    struct GModule *module;

    struct Reg_dimens dims;
    struct Cell_head elaboration_reg, original_reg;
    struct bound_box general_box, overlap_box;

    struct Point *observ;

    dbDriver *driver;

    /* Options declaration */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Removes outliers from vector point data.");

    spline_step_flag = G_define_flag();
    spline_step_flag->key = 'e';
    spline_step_flag->label = _("Estimate point density and distance");
    spline_step_flag->description =
	_("Estimate point density and distance for the input vector points within the current region extends and quit");

    in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);

    out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    outlier_opt = G_define_option();
    outlier_opt->key = "outlier";
    outlier_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    outlier_opt->key_desc = "name";
    outlier_opt->required = YES;
    outlier_opt->gisprompt = "new,vector,vector";
    outlier_opt->description = _("Name of output outlier vector map");

    qgis_opt = G_define_option();
    qgis_opt->key = "qgis";
    qgis_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    qgis_opt->key_desc = "name";
    qgis_opt->required = NO;
    qgis_opt->gisprompt = "new,vector,vector";
    qgis_opt->description = _("Name of vector map for visualization in QGIS");

    stepE_opt = G_define_option();
    stepE_opt->key = "ew_step";
    stepE_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepE_opt->required = NO;
    stepE_opt->answer = "10";
    stepE_opt->description =
	_("Length of each spline step in the east-west direction");
    stepE_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    stepN_opt = G_define_option();
    stepN_opt->key = "ns_step";
    stepN_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    stepN_opt->required = NO;
    stepN_opt->answer = "10";
    stepN_opt->description =
	_("Length of each spline step in the north-south direction");
    stepN_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    lambda_f_opt = G_define_option();
    lambda_f_opt->key = "lambda";
    lambda_f_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lambda_f_opt->required = NO;
    lambda_f_opt->description = _("Tykhonov regularization weight");
    lambda_f_opt->answer = "0.1";
    lambda_f_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    Thres_O_opt = G_define_option();
    Thres_O_opt->key = "threshold";
    Thres_O_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    Thres_O_opt->required = NO;
    Thres_O_opt->description = _("Threshold for the outliers");
    Thres_O_opt->answer = "50";

    filter_opt = G_define_option();
    filter_opt->key = "filter";
    filter_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    filter_opt->required = NO;
    filter_opt->description = _("Filtering option");
    filter_opt->options = "both,positive,negative";
    filter_opt->answer = "both";

    /* Parsing */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (!(db = G_getenv_nofatal2("DB_DATABASE", G_VAR_MAPSET)))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read name of database"));

    if (!(dvr = G_getenv_nofatal2("DB_DRIVER", G_VAR_MAPSET)))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read name of driver"));

    stepN = atof(stepN_opt->answer);
    stepE = atof(stepE_opt->answer);
    lambda = atof(lambda_f_opt->answer);
    Thres_Outlier = atof(Thres_O_opt->answer);

    filter_mode = 0;
    if (strcmp(filter_opt->answer, "positive") == 0)
	filter_mode = 1;
    else if (strcmp(filter_opt->answer, "negative") == 0)
	filter_mode = -1;

    flag_auxiliar = FALSE;

    /* Checking vector names */
    Vect_check_input_output_name(in_opt->answer, out_opt->answer,

    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_opt->answer, "")) == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Setting auxiliar table's name */
    if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(out_opt->answer, xname, xmapset)) {
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", xname);
	sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", out_opt->answer);

    /* Something went wrong in a previous v.outlier execution */
    if (db_table_exists(dvr, db, table_name)) {
	/* Start driver and open db */
	driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
	if (driver == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),

	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Old auxiliar table could not be dropped"));

    /* Open input vector */
    Vect_set_open_level(1);	/* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */
    if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, in_opt->answer, mapset))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> at the topological level"),

    /* Input vector must be 3D */
    if (!Vect_is_3d(&In))
	G_fatal_error(_("Input vector map <%s> is not 3D!"), in_opt->answer);

    /* Estimate point density and mean distance for current region */
    if (spline_step_flag->answer) {
	double dens, dist;
	if (P_estimate_splinestep(&In, &dens, &dist) == 0) {
	    G_message("Estimated point density: %.4g", dens);
	    G_message("Estimated mean distance between points: %.4g", dist);
	    G_warning(_("No points in current region!"));

    /* Open output vector */
    if (qgis_opt->answer)
	if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Qgis, qgis_opt->answer, WITHOUT_Z))
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"),

    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, WITH_Z)) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer);

    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Outlier, outlier_opt->answer, WITH_Z)) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer);

    /* Copy vector Head File */
    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);

    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Outlier);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Outlier);

    if (qgis_opt->answer) {
	Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Qgis);
	Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Qgis);

    /* Open driver and database */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);
    if (driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."),

    /* Create auxiliar table */
    if ((flag_auxiliar =
	 P_Create_Aux2_Table(driver, table_name)) == FALSE)
	G_fatal_error(_("It was impossible to create <%s> table."), table_name);

    db_create_index2(driver, table_name, "ID");
    /* sqlite likes that ??? */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(dvr, db);

    /* Setting regions and boxes */
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &overlap_box);
    Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &general_box);

      | Subdividing and working with tiles: 									
      | Each original region will be divided into several subregions. 
      | Each one will be overlaped by its neighbouring subregions. 
      | The overlapping is calculated as a fixed OVERLAP_SIZE times
      | the largest spline step plus 2 * edge

    /* Fixing parameters of the elaboration region */
    P_zero_dim(&dims);		/* Set dim struct to zero */

    nsplx_adj = NSPLX_MAX;
    nsply_adj = NSPLY_MAX;
    if (stepN > stepE)
	dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepN;
	dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepE;
    P_get_edge(P_BILINEAR, &dims, stepE, stepN);
    P_set_dim(&dims, stepE, stepN, &nsplx_adj, &nsply_adj);

    G_verbose_message(_("Adjusted EW splines %d"), nsplx_adj);
    G_verbose_message(_("Adjusted NS splines %d"), nsply_adj);

    /* calculate number of subregions */
    edgeE = dims.ew_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_v;
    edgeN = dims.sn_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_h;

    N_extension = original_reg.north - original_reg.south;
    E_extension = original_reg.east - original_reg.west;

    nsubregion_col = ceil(E_extension / edgeE) + 0.5;
    nsubregion_row = ceil(N_extension / edgeN) + 0.5;

    if (nsubregion_col < 0)
	nsubregion_col = 0;
    if (nsubregion_row < 0)
	nsubregion_row = 0;

    nsubregions = nsubregion_row * nsubregion_col;

    elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.north;
    last_row = FALSE;

    while (last_row == FALSE) {	/* For each row */

	P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	if (elaboration_reg.north > original_reg.north) {	/* First row */

	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	if (elaboration_reg.south <= original_reg.south) {	/* Last row */

	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,
	    last_row = TRUE;

	nsply =
	    ceil((elaboration_reg.north -
		  elaboration_reg.south) / stepN) + 0.5;
	if (nsply > NSPLY_MAX)
	    nsply = NSPLY_MAX;
	G_debug(1, "nsply = %d", nsply);

	elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.west;
	last_column = FALSE;

	while (last_column == FALSE) {	/* For each column */

	    if (nsubregions > 1)
		G_message(_("Processing subregion %d of %d..."), subregion, nsubregions);
	    else /* v.outlier -e will report mean point distance: */
		G_warning(_("No subregions found! Check values for 'ew_step' and 'ns_step' parameters"));

	    P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims,

	    if (elaboration_reg.west < original_reg.west) {	/* First column */

		P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
			      dims, FIRST_COLUMN);

	    if (elaboration_reg.east >= original_reg.east) {	/* Last column */

		P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box,
			      dims, LAST_COLUMN);
		last_column = TRUE;
	    nsplx =
		ceil((elaboration_reg.east -
		      elaboration_reg.west) / stepE) + 0.5;
	    if (nsplx > NSPLX_MAX)
		nsplx = NSPLX_MAX;
	    G_debug(1, "nsplx = %d", nsplx);

	    /*Setting the active region */
	    dim_vect = nsplx * nsply;
	    observ =
		P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(&In, &elaboration_reg, &npoints,
					 dim_vect, 1);

	    if (npoints > 0) {	/* If there is any point falling into elaboration_reg... */
		int i;

		nparameters = nsplx * nsply;

		/* Mean calculation */
		mean = P_Mean_Calc(&elaboration_reg, observ, npoints);

		/* Least Squares system */
		G_debug(1, "Allocation memory for bilinear interpolation");
		BW = P_get_BandWidth(P_BILINEAR, nsply);	/* Bilinear interpolation */
		N = G_alloc_matrix(nparameters, BW);	/* Normal matrix */
		TN = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* vector */
		parVect = G_alloc_vector(nparameters);	/* Bicubic parameters vector */
		obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(npoints, 3);	/* Observation vector */
		Q = G_alloc_vector(npoints);	/* "a priori" var-cov matrix */
		lineVect = G_alloc_ivector(npoints);

		/* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */
		for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
		    obsVect[i][0] = observ[i].coordX;
		    obsVect[i][1] = observ[i].coordY;
		    obsVect[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ - mean;
		    lineVect[i] = observ[i].lineID;
		    Q[i] = 1;	/* Q=I */


		G_verbose_message(_("Bilinear interpolation"));
		normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx,
			       nsply, elaboration_reg.west,
			       elaboration_reg.south, npoints, nparameters,
		nCorrectGrad(N, lambda, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN);
		G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparameters, BW);


		G_verbose_message(_("Outlier detection"));
		if (qgis_opt->answer)
		    P_Outlier(&Out, &Outlier, &Qgis, elaboration_reg,
			      general_box, overlap_box, obsVect, parVect,
			      mean, dims.overlap, lineVect, npoints,
			      driver, table_name);
		    P_Outlier(&Out, &Outlier, NULL, elaboration_reg,
			      general_box, overlap_box, obsVect, parVect,
			      mean, dims.overlap, lineVect, npoints,
			      driver, table_name);


	    }			/*! END IF; npoints > 0 */
	    else {
		G_warning(_("No data within this subregion. "
			    "Consider increasing spline step values."));
	}			/*! END WHILE; last_column = TRUE */
    }				/*! END WHILE; last_row = TRUE */

    /* Drop auxiliar table */
    if (npoints > 0) {
	G_debug(1, "%s: Dropping <%s>", argv[0], table_name);
	if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Auxiliary table could not be dropped"));


    if (qgis_opt->answer) {

    G_done_msg(" ");

}				/*END MAIN */
예제 #19
파일: main.c 프로젝트: caomw/grass
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ii;
    int ret_val;
    double x_orig, y_orig;
    static int rand1 = 12345;
    static int rand2 = 67891;


    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("sediment flow"));
    module->description =
	_("Sediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation "
	  "using path sampling method (SIMWE).");

    parm.elevin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_ELEV);
    parm.wdepth = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.wdepth->key = "wdepth";
    parm.wdepth->description = _("Name of water depth raster map [m]");

    parm.dxin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.dxin->key = "dx";
    parm.dxin->description = _("Name of x-derivatives raster map [m/m]");

    parm.dyin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.dyin->key = "dy";
    parm.dyin->description = _("Name of y-derivatives raster map [m/m]");
    parm.detin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.detin->key = "det";
    parm.detin->description =
	_("Name of detachment capacity coefficient raster map [s/m]");

    parm.tranin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.tranin->key = "tran";
    parm.tranin->description =
	_("Name of transport capacity coefficient raster map [s]");
    parm.tauin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.tauin->key = "tau";
    parm.tauin->description =
	_("Name of critical shear stress raster map [Pa]");

    parm.manin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.manin->key = "man";
    parm.manin->required = NO;
    parm.manin->description = _("Name of Manning's n raster map");
    parm.manin->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.maninval = G_define_option();
    parm.maninval->key = "man_value";
    parm.maninval->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.maninval->answer = MANINVAL;
    parm.maninval->required = NO;
    parm.maninval->description = _("Manning's n unique value");
    parm.maninval->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.outwalk = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    parm.outwalk->key = "outwalk";
    parm.outwalk->required = NO;
    parm.outwalk->description =
	_("Base name of the output walkers vector points map");
    parm.outwalk->guisection = _("Output options");
    parm.observation = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    parm.observation->key = "observation";
    parm.observation->required = NO;
    parm.observation->description =
	_("Name of sampling locations vector points map");
    parm.observation->guisection = _("Input options");

    parm.logfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    parm.logfile->key = "logfile";
    parm.logfile->required = NO;
    parm.logfile->description =
	_("Name for sampling points output text file. For each observation vector point the time series of sediment transport is stored.");
    parm.logfile->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.tc = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.tc->key = "tc";
    parm.tc->required = NO;
    parm.tc->description = _("Name for output transport capacity raster map [kg/ms]");
    parm.tc->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.et = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.et->key = "et";
    parm.et->required = NO;
    parm.et->description =
	_("Name for output transport limited erosion-deposition raster map [kg/m2s]");
    parm.et->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.conc = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.conc->key = "conc";
    parm.conc->required = NO;
    parm.conc->description =
	_("Name for output sediment concentration raster map [particle/m3]");
    parm.conc->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.flux = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.flux->key = "flux";
    parm.flux->required = NO;
    parm.flux->description = _("Name for output sediment flux raster map [kg/ms]");
    parm.flux->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.erdep = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.erdep->key = "erdep";
    parm.erdep->required = NO;
    parm.erdep->description =
	_("Name for output erosion-deposition raster map [kg/m2s]");
    parm.erdep->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.nwalk = G_define_option();
    parm.nwalk->key = "nwalk";
    parm.nwalk->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.nwalk->required = NO;
    parm.nwalk->description = _("Number of walkers");
    parm.nwalk->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.niter = G_define_option();
    parm.niter->key = "niter";
    parm.niter->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.niter->answer = NITER;
    parm.niter->required = NO;
    parm.niter->description = _("Time used for iterations [minutes]");
    parm.niter->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.outiter = G_define_option();
    parm.outiter->key = "outiter";
    parm.outiter->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.outiter->answer = ITEROUT;
    parm.outiter->required = NO;
    parm.outiter->description =
	_("Time interval for creating output maps [minutes]");
    parm.outiter->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.density = G_define_option();
    parm.density->key = "density";
    parm.density->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.density->answer = DENSITY;
    parm.density->required = NO;
    parm.density->description = _("Density of output walkers");
    parm.density->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.diffc = G_define_option();
    parm.diffc->key = "diffc";
    parm.diffc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.diffc->answer = DIFFC;
    parm.diffc->required = NO;
    parm.diffc->description = _("Water diffusion constant");
    parm.diffc->guisection = _("Parameters");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))


    conv = G_database_units_to_meters_factor();

    mixx = cellhd.west * conv;
    maxx = cellhd.east * conv;
    miyy = cellhd.south * conv;
    mayy = cellhd.north * conv;

    stepx = cellhd.ew_res * conv;
    stepy = cellhd.ns_res * conv;
    /*  step = amin1(stepx,stepy); */
    step = (stepx + stepy) / 2.;
    mx = cellhd.cols;
    my = cellhd.rows;
    x_orig = cellhd.west * conv;
    y_orig = cellhd.south * conv;	/* do we need this? */
    xmin = 0.;
    ymin = 0.;
    xp0 = xmin + stepx / 2.;
    yp0 = ymin + stepy / 2.;
    xmax = xmin + stepx * (float)mx;
    ymax = ymin + stepy * (float)my;
    hhc = hhmax = 0.;

#if 0
    bxmi = 2093113. * conv;
    bymi = 731331. * conv;
    bxma = 2093461. * conv;
    byma = 731529. * conv;
    bresx = 2. * conv;
    bresy = 2. * conv;
    maxwab = 100000;

    mx2o = (int)((bxma - bxmi) / bresx);
    my2o = (int)((byma - bymi) / bresy);

    /* relative small box coordinates: leave 1 grid layer for overlap */

    bxmi = bxmi - mixx + stepx;
    bymi = bymi - miyy + stepy;
    bxma = bxma - mixx - stepx;
    byma = byma - miyy - stepy;
    mx2 = mx2o - 2 * ((int)(stepx / bresx));
    my2 = my2o - 2 * ((int)(stepy / bresy));

    elevin = parm.elevin->answer;
    wdepth = parm.wdepth->answer;
    dxin = parm.dxin->answer;
    dyin = parm.dyin->answer;
    detin = parm.detin->answer;
    tranin = parm.tranin->answer;
    tauin = parm.tauin->answer;
    manin = parm.manin->answer;
    tc = parm.tc->answer;
    et = parm.et->answer;
    conc = parm.conc->answer;
    flux = parm.flux->answer;
    erdep = parm.erdep->answer;
    outwalk = parm.outwalk->answer; 

    /*      sscanf(parm.nwalk->answer, "%d", &maxwa); */
    sscanf(parm.niter->answer, "%d", &timesec);
    sscanf(parm.outiter->answer, "%d", &iterout);
/*    sscanf(parm.density->answer, "%d", &ldemo); */
    sscanf(parm.diffc->answer, "%lf", &frac);
    sscanf(parm.maninval->answer, "%lf", &manin_val);

    /* Recompute timesec from user input in minutes
     * to real timesec in seconds */
    timesec = timesec * 60.0;
    iterout = iterout * 60.0;
    if ((timesec / iterout) > 100.0)
	G_message(_("More than 100 files are going to be created !!!!!"));

    /* compute how big the raster is and set this to appr 2 walkers per cell */
    if (parm.nwalk->answer == NULL) {
	maxwa = mx * my * 2;
	rwalk = (double)(mx * my * 2.);
	G_message(_("default nwalk=%d, rwalk=%f"), maxwa, rwalk);
    else {
	sscanf(parm.nwalk->answer, "%d", &maxwa);
	rwalk = (double)maxwa;
    /*rwalk = (double) maxwa; */

    if (conv != 1.0)
	G_message(_("Using metric conversion factor %f, step=%f"), conv,

    if ((tc == NULL) && (et == NULL) && (conc == NULL) && (flux == NULL) &&
	(erdep == NULL))
	G_warning(_("You are not outputting any raster or site files"));
    ret_val = input_data();
    if (ret_val != 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Input failed"));

    /* mandatory for si,sigma */

    si = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    sigma = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);

    /* memory allocation for output grids */

    dif = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);
    if (erdep != NULL || et != NULL)
	er = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);

    seeds(rand1, rand2);

    if (et != NULL)
    /* treba dat output pre topoerdep */

    if (tserie == NULL) {
	ii = output_data(0, 1.);
	if (ii != 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot write raster maps"));

    /* Exit with Success */
예제 #20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct Cell_head cellhd;
    /* buffer for in, tmp and out raster */
    void *inrast_Rn, *inrast_g0;
    void *inrast_z0m, *inrast_t0dem;
    DCELL *outrast;
    int nrows, ncols;
    int row, col;
    int row_wet, col_wet;
    int row_dry, col_dry;
    double m_row_wet, m_col_wet;
    double m_row_dry, m_col_dry;
    int infd_Rn, infd_g0;
    int infd_z0m, infd_t0dem;
    int outfd;
    char *Rn, *g0;
    char *z0m, *t0dem;
    char *h0;

    double ustar, ea;
    struct History history;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *input_Rn, *input_g0;
    struct Option *input_z0m, *input_t0dem, *input_ustar;
    struct Option *input_ea, *output;
    struct Option *input_row_wet, *input_col_wet;
    struct Option *input_row_dry, *input_col_dry;
    struct Flag *flag2, *flag3;
    double xp, yp;
    double xmin, ymin;
    double xmax, ymax;
    double stepx, stepy;
    double latitude, longitude;
    int rowDry, colDry, rowWet, colWet;

    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("energy balance"));
    G_add_keyword(_("soil moisture"));
    G_add_keyword(_("evaporative fraction"));
    module->description = _("Computes sensible heat flux iteration SEBAL 01.");

    /* Define different options */
    input_Rn = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    input_Rn->key = "netradiation";
    input_Rn->description =
	_("Name of instantaneous Net Radiation raster map [W/m2]");

    input_g0 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    input_g0->key = "soilheatflux";
    input_g0->description =
	_("Name of instantaneous soil heat flux raster map [W/m2]");

    input_z0m = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    input_z0m->key = "aerodynresistance";
    input_z0m->description =
	_("Name of aerodynamic resistance to heat momentum raster map [s/m]");

    input_t0dem = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    input_t0dem->key = "temperaturemeansealevel";
    input_t0dem->description =
	_("Name of altitude corrected surface temperature raster map [K]");

    input_ustar = G_define_option();
    input_ustar->key = "frictionvelocitystar";
    input_ustar->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    input_ustar->required = YES;
    input_ustar->gisprompt = "old,value";
    input_ustar->answer = "0.32407";
    input_ustar->description = _("Value of the height independent friction velocity (u*) [m/s]");
    input_ustar->guisection = _("Parameters");

    input_ea = G_define_option();
    input_ea->key = "vapourpressureactual";
    input_ea->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    input_ea->required = YES;
    input_ea->answer = "1.511";
    input_ea->description = _("Value of the actual vapour pressure (e_act) [KPa]");
    input_ea->guisection = _("Parameters");

    input_row_wet = G_define_option();
    input_row_wet->key = "row_wet_pixel";
    input_row_wet->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    input_row_wet->required = NO;
    input_row_wet->description = _("Row value of the wet pixel");
    input_row_wet->guisection = _("Parameters");

    input_col_wet = G_define_option();
    input_col_wet->key = "column_wet_pixel";
    input_col_wet->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    input_col_wet->required = NO;
    input_col_wet->description = _("Column value of the wet pixel");
    input_col_wet->guisection = _("Parameters");

    input_row_dry = G_define_option();
    input_row_dry->key = "row_dry_pixel";
    input_row_dry->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    input_row_dry->required = NO;
    input_row_dry->description = _("Row value of the dry pixel");
    input_row_dry->guisection = _("Parameters");

    input_col_dry = G_define_option();
    input_col_dry->key = "column_dry_pixel";
    input_col_dry->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    input_col_dry->required = NO;
    input_col_dry->description = _("Column value of the dry pixel");
    input_col_dry->guisection = _("Parameters");

    output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    output->description = _("Name for output sensible heat flux raster map [W/m2]");
    /* Define the different flags */
    flag2 = G_define_flag();
    flag2->key = 'a';
    flag2->description = _("Automatic wet/dry pixel (careful!)");

    flag3 = G_define_flag();
    flag3->key = 'c';
    flag3->description =
	_("Dry/Wet pixels coordinates are in image projection, not row/col");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* get entered parameters */
    Rn = input_Rn->answer;
    g0 = input_g0->answer;
    z0m = input_z0m->answer;
    t0dem = input_t0dem->answer;

    h0 = output->answer;

    ustar = atof(input_ustar->answer);
    ea = atof(input_ea->answer);

        m_row_wet = atof(input_row_wet->answer);
        m_col_wet = atof(input_col_wet->answer);
        m_row_dry = atof(input_row_dry->answer);
        m_col_dry = atof(input_col_dry->answer);
    if ((!input_row_wet->answer || !input_col_wet->answer ||
	 !input_row_dry->answer || !input_col_dry->answer) &&
	!flag2->answer) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Either auto-mode either wet/dry pixels coordinates should be provided!"));
    if (flag3->answer) {
	G_message(_("Manual wet/dry pixels in image coordinates"));
	G_message(_("Wet Pixel=> x:%f y:%f"), m_col_wet, m_row_wet);
	G_message(_("Dry Pixel=> x:%f y:%f"), m_col_dry, m_row_dry);
    else {
	    G_message(_("Automatic mode selected"));
	else {
	    G_message(_("Wet Pixel=> row:%.0f col:%.0f"), m_row_wet, m_col_wet);
	    G_message(_("Dry Pixel=> row:%.0f col:%.0f"), m_row_dry, m_col_dry);
    /* check legal output name */
    if (G_legal_filename(h0) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal name"), h0);

    infd_Rn = Rast_open_old(Rn, "");
    infd_g0 = Rast_open_old(g0, "");
    infd_z0m = Rast_open_old(z0m, "");
    infd_t0dem = Rast_open_old(t0dem, "");

    Rast_get_cellhd(Rn, "", &cellhd);
    Rast_get_cellhd(g0, "", &cellhd);
    Rast_get_cellhd(z0m, "", &cellhd);
    Rast_get_cellhd(t0dem, "", &cellhd);

    /* Allocate input buffer */
    inrast_Rn = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    inrast_g0 = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    inrast_z0m = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    inrast_t0dem = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

    /* Setup pixel location variables */
    stepx = cellhd.ew_res;
    stepy = cellhd.ns_res;

    xmin = cellhd.west;
    xmax = cellhd.east;
    ymin = cellhd.south;
    ymax = cellhd.north;

    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();

    /* Allocate output buffer */
    outrast = Rast_allocate_d_buf();
    outfd = Rast_open_new(h0, DCELL_TYPE);
    /* Allocate memory for temporary images            */
    double **d_Roh, **d_Rah;

    if ((d_Roh = G_alloc_matrix(nrows, ncols)) == NULL)
	G_message("Unable to allocate memory for temporary d_Roh image");
    if ((d_Rah = G_alloc_matrix(nrows, ncols)) == NULL)
	G_message("Unable to allocate memory for temporary d_Rah image");

    DCELL d_Rn_dry,d_g0_dry;
    DCELL d_t0dem_dry,d_t0dem_wet;

    if (flag2->answer) {
	/* Process tempk min / max pixels */
	/* Internal use only */
	DCELL d_Rn_wet,d_g0_wet;
	DCELL d_Rn,d_g0,d_h0;
	DCELL t0dem_min,t0dem_max;
	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	    DCELL d_t0dem;
	    G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
	    /*process the data */
	    for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
		d_t0dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
		d_Rn = ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
		d_g0 = ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
		if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_t0dem) ||
		    Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_Rn) || 
                    Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_g0)) {
		    /* do nothing */
		else {
		    if (d_t0dem <= 250.0) {
			/* do nothing */
		    else {
			d_h0 = d_Rn - d_g0;
			if (d_t0dem < t0dem_min &&
			    d_Rn > 0.0 && d_g0 > 0.0 && d_h0 > 0.0 &&
			    d_h0 < 100.0) {
			    t0dem_min = d_t0dem;
			    d_t0dem_wet = d_t0dem;
			    d_Rn_wet = d_Rn;
			    d_g0_wet = d_g0;
			    m_col_wet = col;
			    m_row_wet = row;
			if (d_t0dem > t0dem_max &&
			    d_Rn > 0.0 && d_g0 > 0.0 && d_h0 > 100.0 &&
			    d_h0 < 500.0) {
			    t0dem_max = d_t0dem;
			    d_t0dem_dry = d_t0dem;
			    d_Rn_dry = d_Rn;
			    d_g0_dry = d_g0;
			    m_col_dry = col;
			    m_row_dry = row;
	G_message("row_wet=%d\tcol_wet=%d", row_wet, col_wet);
	G_message("row_dry=%d\tcol_dry=%d", row_dry, col_dry);
	G_message("g0_wet=%f", d_g0_wet);
	G_message("Rn_wet=%f", d_Rn_wet);
	G_message("LE_wet=%f", d_Rn_wet - d_g0_wet);
	G_message("t0dem_dry=%f", d_t0dem_dry);
	G_message("rnet_dry=%f", d_Rn_dry);
	G_message("g0_dry=%f", d_g0_dry);
	G_message("h0_dry=%f", d_Rn_dry - d_g0_dry);
    }/* END OF FLAG2 */

    G_message("Passed here");

    /*DRY PIXEL */
    if (flag3->answer) {
	/*Calculate coordinates of row/col from projected ones */
	row = (int)((ymax - m_row_dry) / (double)stepy);
	col = (int)((m_col_dry - xmin) / (double)stepx);
	G_message("Dry Pixel | row:%i col:%i", row, col);
    else {
	row = (int)m_row_dry;
	col = (int)m_col_dry;
	G_message("Dry Pixel | row:%i col:%i", row, col);
    rowDry = row;
    colDry = col;
    Rast_get_d_row(infd_Rn, inrast_Rn, row);
    Rast_get_d_row(infd_g0, inrast_g0, row);
    Rast_get_d_row(infd_t0dem, inrast_t0dem, row);
    d_Rn_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_Rn)[col];
    d_g0_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_g0)[col];
    d_t0dem_dry = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
    /*WET PIXEL */
    if (flag3->answer) {
	/*Calculate coordinates of row/col from projected ones */
	row = (int)((ymax - m_row_wet) / (double)stepy);
	col = (int)((m_col_wet - xmin) / (double)stepx);
	G_message("Wet Pixel | row:%i col:%i", row, col);
    else {
	row = m_row_wet;
	col = m_col_wet;
	G_message("Wet Pixel | row:%i col:%i", row, col);
    rowWet = row;
    colWet = col;
    Rast_get_d_row(infd_t0dem, inrast_t0dem, row);
    d_t0dem_wet = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
    double h_dry;

    h_dry = d_Rn_dry - d_g0_dry;
    G_message("h_dry = %f", h_dry);
    G_message("t0dem_dry = %f", d_t0dem_dry);
    G_message("t0dem_wet = %f", d_t0dem_wet);
    DCELL d_rah_dry;
    DCELL d_roh_dry;

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	DCELL d_t0dem,d_z0m;
	DCELL d_rah1,d_roh1;
	DCELL d_u5;
	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
	/* read a line input maps into buffers */
	Rast_get_d_row(infd_z0m, inrast_z0m, row);
	Rast_get_d_row(infd_t0dem, inrast_t0dem,row);
	/* read every cell in the line buffers */
	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
            d_z0m = ((DCELL *) inrast_z0m)[col];
            d_t0dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_t0dem) || Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_z0m)) {
		/* do nothing */
		d_Roh[row][col] = -999.9;
		d_Rah[row][col] = -999.9;
	    else {
		d_u5 = (ustar / 0.41) * log(5 / d_z0m);
		if (d_roh1 > 5)  d_roh1 = 1.0;
		else d_roh1=((1000-4.65)/(d_t0dem*2.87))+(4.65/(d_t0dem*4.61));
		if (row == rowDry && col == colDry) {	/*collect dry pix info */
		    d_rah_dry = d_rah1;
		    d_roh_dry = d_roh1;
		    G_message("d_rah_dry=%f d_roh_dry=%f",d_rah_dry,d_roh_dry);
		d_Roh[row][col] = d_roh1;
		d_Rah[row][col] = d_rah1;
    DCELL d_dT_dry;

    /*Calculate dT_dry */
    d_dT_dry = (h_dry * d_rah_dry) / (1004 * d_roh_dry);
    double a, b;

    /*Calculate coefficients for next dT equation */
    /*a = 1.0/ ((d_dT_dry-0.0) / (d_t0dem_dry-d_t0dem_wet)); */
    /*b = ( a * d_t0dem_wet ) * (-1.0); */
    double sumx = d_t0dem_wet + d_t0dem_dry;
    double sumy = d_dT_dry + 0.0;
    double sumx2 = pow(d_t0dem_wet, 2) + pow(d_t0dem_dry, 2);
    double sumxy = (d_t0dem_wet * 0.0) + (d_t0dem_dry * d_dT_dry);
    a = (sumxy - ((sumx * sumy) / 2.0)) / (sumx2 - (pow(sumx, 2) / 2.0));
    b = (sumy - (a * sumx)) / 2.0;
    G_message("d_dT_dry=%f", d_dT_dry);
    G_message("dT1=%f * t0dem + (%f)", a, b);
    DCELL d_h_dry;

    /* ITERATION 1 */
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	DCELL d_t0dem,d_z0m;
	DCELL d_h1,d_rah1,d_rah2,d_roh1;
	DCELL d_L,d_x,d_psih,d_psim;
	DCELL d_u5;
	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
	/* read a line input maps into buffers */
	Rast_get_d_row(infd_z0m, inrast_z0m, row);
	Rast_get_d_row(infd_t0dem, inrast_t0dem,row);
	/* read every cell in the line buffers */
	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
            d_z0m = ((DCELL *) inrast_z0m)[col];
            d_t0dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
	    d_rah1 = d_Rah[row][col];
	    d_roh1 = d_Roh[row][col];
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_t0dem) || Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_z0m)) {
		/* do nothing */
	    else {
		if (d_rah1 < 1.0) 
		    d_h1 = 0.0;
		    d_h1 = (1004 * d_roh1) * (a * d_t0dem + b) / d_rah1;
		d_L =-1004*d_roh1*pow(ustar,3)*d_t0dem/(d_h1*9.81*0.41);
		d_x = pow((1-16*(5/d_L)),0.25);
		d_psim =2*log((1+d_x)/2)+log((1+pow(d_x,2))/2)-2*atan(d_x)+0.5*M_PI;
		d_psih =2*log((1+pow(d_x,2))/2);
		d_u5 =(ustar/0.41)*log(5/d_z0m);
		d_rah2 = (1/(d_u5*pow(0.41,2)))*log((5/d_z0m)-d_psim)
		if (row == rowDry && col == colDry) {/*collect dry pix info */
		    d_rah_dry = d_rah2;
		    d_h_dry = d_h1;
		d_Rah[row][col] = d_rah1;

    /*Calculate dT_dry */
    d_dT_dry = (d_h_dry * d_rah_dry) / (1004 * d_roh_dry);
    /*Calculate coefficients for next dT equation */
    /*      a = (d_dT_dry-0)/(d_t0dem_dry-d_t0dem_wet); */
    /*      b = (-1.0) * ( a * d_t0dem_wet ); */
    /*      G_message("d_dT_dry=%f",d_dT_dry); */
    /*      G_message("dT2=%f * t0dem + (%f)", a, b); */
    sumx = d_t0dem_wet + d_t0dem_dry;
    sumy = d_dT_dry + 0.0;
    sumx2 = pow(d_t0dem_wet, 2) + pow(d_t0dem_dry, 2);
    sumxy = (d_t0dem_wet * 0.0) + (d_t0dem_dry * d_dT_dry);
    a = (sumxy - ((sumx * sumy) / 2.0)) / (sumx2 - (pow(sumx, 2) / 2.0));
    b = (sumy - (a * sumx)) / 2.0;
    G_message("d_dT_dry=%f", d_dT_dry);
    G_message("dT1=%f * t0dem + (%f)", a, b);

    /* ITERATION 2 */
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	DCELL d_t0dem;
	DCELL d_z0m;
	DCELL d_rah2;
	DCELL d_rah3;
	DCELL d_roh1;
	DCELL d_h2;
	DCELL d_x;
	DCELL d_psih;
	DCELL d_psim;
	DCELL d_u5;
	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
	/* read a line input maps into buffers */
	/* read every cell in the line buffers */
	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
            d_z0m = ((DCELL *) inrast_z0m)[col];
            d_t0dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
	    d_rah2 = d_Rah[row][col];
	    d_roh1 = d_Roh[row][col];
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_t0dem) || Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_z0m)) {
		/* do nothing */
	    else {
		if (d_rah2 < 1.0) {
		    d_h2 = 0.0;
		else {
		    d_h2 =(1004*d_roh1)*(a*d_t0dem+b)/d_rah2;
		d_L =-1004*d_roh1*pow(ustar,3)*d_t0dem/(d_h2*9.81*0.41);
		d_x = pow((1 - 16 * (5 / d_L)), 0.25);
		d_psim =2*log((1+d_x)/2)+log((1+pow(d_x,2))/2)-
		d_psih =2*log((1+pow(d_x,2))/2);
		d_u5 =(ustar/0.41)*log(5/d_z0m);
		if (row == rowDry && col == colDry) {/*collect dry pix info */
		    d_rah_dry = d_rah2;
		    d_h_dry = d_h2;
		d_Rah[row][col] = d_rah2;

    /*Calculate dT_dry */
    d_dT_dry = (d_h_dry * d_rah_dry) / (1004 * d_roh_dry);
    /*Calculate coefficients for next dT equation */
    /*      a = (d_dT_dry-0)/(d_t0dem_dry-d_t0dem_wet); */
    /*      b = (-1.0) * ( a * d_t0dem_wet ); */
    /*      G_message("d_dT_dry=%f",d_dT_dry); */
    /*      G_message("dT3=%f * t0dem + (%f)", a, b); */
    sumx = d_t0dem_wet + d_t0dem_dry;
    sumy = d_dT_dry + 0.0;
    sumx2 = pow(d_t0dem_wet, 2) + pow(d_t0dem_dry, 2);
    sumxy = (d_t0dem_wet * 0.0) + (d_t0dem_dry * d_dT_dry);
    a = (sumxy - ((sumx * sumy) / 2.0)) / (sumx2 - (pow(sumx, 2) / 2.0));
    b = (sumy - (a * sumx)) / 2.0;
    G_message("d_dT_dry=%f", d_dT_dry);
    G_message("dT1=%f * t0dem + (%f)", a, b);

    /* ITERATION 3 */

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	DCELL d_t0dem;
	DCELL d_z0m;
	DCELL d_rah3;
	DCELL d_roh1;
	DCELL d_h3;
	DCELL d_x;
	DCELL d_psih;
	DCELL d_psim;
	DCELL d;		/* Output pixel */
	G_percent(row, nrows, 2);
	/* read a line input maps into buffers */
	Rast_get_d_row(infd_z0m, inrast_z0m, row);
	/* read every cell in the line buffers */
	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
            d_z0m = ((DCELL *) inrast_z0m)[col];
            d_t0dem = ((DCELL *) inrast_t0dem)[col];
	    d_rah3 = d_Rah[row][col];
	    d_roh1 = d_Roh[row][col];
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_t0dem) || Rast_is_d_null_value(&d_z0m)) {
		Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast[col], 1);
	    else {
		if (d_rah3 < 1.0) {
		    d_h3 = 0.0;
		else {
		    d_h3 = (1004 * d_roh1) * (a * d_t0dem + b) / d_rah3;
		if (d_h3 < 0 && d_h3 > -50) {
		    d_h3 = 0.0;
		if (d_h3 < -50 || d_h3 > 1000) {
		    Rast_set_d_null_value(&outrast[col], 1);
		outrast[col] = d_h3;
	Rast_put_d_row(outfd, outrast);



    /* add command line incantation to history file */
    Rast_short_history(h0, "raster", &history);
    Rast_write_history(h0, &history);
