예제 #1
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 
    extern char* optarg;
    //First thing to do is to read command-line arguments.
    int ch;
    char* theConfigFilePath = "./easydarwin.cfg";
    char* theXMLFilePath = "./easydarwin.xml";
    Bool16 notAService = false;
    Bool16 theXMLPrefsExist = true;
    Bool16 dontFork = false;
#if _DEBUG
    char* compileType = "Compile_Flags/_DEBUG; ";
   char* compileType = "";

    while ((ch = getopt(argc,argv, "vdxp:o:c:irsS:I")) != EOF) // opt: means requires option
            case 'v':

                qtss_printf("%s/%s ( Build/%s; Platform/%s; %s%s) Built on: %s\n",QTSServerInterface::GetServerName().Ptr,

                qtss_printf("usage: %s [ -d | -p port | -v | -c /myconfigpath.xml | -o /myconfigpath.conf | -x | -S numseconds | -I | -h ]\n", QTSServerInterface::GetServerName().Ptr);
                qtss_printf("-d: Don't run as a Win32 Service\n");
                qtss_printf("-p XXX: Specify the default RTSP listening port of the server\n");
                qtss_printf("-c c:\\myconfigpath.xml: Specify a config file path\n");
                qtss_printf("-o c:\\myconfigpath.conf: Specify a DSS 1.x / 2.x config file path\n");
                qtss_printf("-x: Force create new .xml config file from 1.x / 2.x config\n");
                qtss_printf("-i: Install the Darwin Streaming Server service\n");
                qtss_printf("-r: Remove the Darwin Streaming Server service\n");
                qtss_printf("-s: Start the Darwin Streaming Server service\n");
                qtss_printf("-S n: Display server stats in the console every \"n\" seconds\n");
                qtss_printf("-I: Start the server in the idle state\n");
            case 'd':
                notAService = true;
            case 'p':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                sPort = ::atoi(optarg);
            case 'c':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                theXMLFilePath = optarg;
            case 'S':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                sStatsUpdateInterval = ::atoi(optarg);
            case 'o':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                theConfigFilePath = optarg;
            case 'x':
                theXMLPrefsExist = false; // Force us to generate a new XML prefs file
            case 'i':
                qtss_printf("Installing the Darwin Streaming Server service...\n");
                ::InstallService("Darwin Streaming Server");
                qtss_printf("Starting the Darwin Streaming Server service...\n");
                ::RunAsService("Darwin Streaming Server");
            case 'r':
                qtss_printf("Removing the Darwin Streaming Server service...\n");
                ::RemoveService("Darwin Streaming Server");
            case 's':
                qtss_printf("Starting the Darwin Streaming Server service...\n");
                ::RunAsService("Darwin Streaming Server");
            case 'I':
                sInitialState = qtssIdleState;
    // Check expiration date
    if (QTSSExpirationDate::IsSoftwareExpired())
        qtss_printf("Streaming Server has expired\n");

    // Create an XML prefs parser object using the specified path
    sXMLParser = new XMLPrefsParser(theXMLFilePath);
    // Check to see if the XML file exists as a directory. If it does,
    // just bail because we do not want to overwrite a directory
    if (sXMLParser->DoesFileExistAsDirectory())
        qtss_printf("Directory located at location where streaming server prefs file should be.\n");
    if (!sXMLParser->CanWriteFile())
        qtss_printf("Cannot write to the streaming server prefs file.\n");

    // If we aren't forced to create a new XML prefs file, whether
    // we do or not depends solely on whether the XML prefs file exists currently.
    if (theXMLPrefsExist)
        theXMLPrefsExist = sXMLParser->DoesFileExist();
    if (!theXMLPrefsExist)
        //Construct a Prefs Source object to get server preferences
        int prefsErr = sPrefsSource.InitFromConfigFile(theConfigFilePath);
        if ( prefsErr )
            qtss_printf("Could not load configuration file at %s.\n Generating a new prefs file at %s\n", theConfigFilePath, theXMLFilePath);

        // Generate a brand-new XML prefs file out of the old prefs
        int xmlGenerateErr = GenerateAllXMLPrefs(&sPrefsSource, sXMLParser);
        if (xmlGenerateErr)
            qtss_printf("Fatal Error: Could not create new prefs file at: %s. (%d)\n", theConfigFilePath, OSThread::GetErrno());

    // Parse the configs from the XML file
    int xmlParseErr = sXMLParser->Parse();
    if (xmlParseErr)
        qtss_printf("Fatal Error: Could not load configuration file at %s. (%d)\n", theXMLFilePath, OSThread::GetErrno());

    // Construct a messages source object

    // Start Win32 DLLs
    WORD wsVersion = MAKEWORD(1, 1);
    WSADATA wsData;
    (void)::WSAStartup(wsVersion, &wsData);
    if (notAService)
        // If we're running off the command-line, don't do the service initiation crap.
        ::StartServer(sXMLParser, &sMessagesSource, sPort, sStatsUpdateInterval, sInitialState, false,0, kRunServerDebug_Off); // No stats update interval for now
    SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY dispatchTable[] =
        { "", ServiceMain },
        { NULL, NULL }

    // In case someone runs the server improperly, print out a friendly message.
    qtss_printf("Darwin Streaming Server must either be started from the DOS Console\n");
    qtss_printf("using the -d command-line option, or using the Service Control Manager\n\n");
    qtss_printf("Waiting for the Service Control Manager to start Darwin Streaming Server...\n");
    BOOL theErr = ::StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(dispatchTable);
    if (!theErr)
        qtss_printf("Fatal Error: Couldn't start Service\n");

    return (0);
예제 #2
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: li-git/easydarwin
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 
    extern char* optarg;

    // on write, don't send signal for SIGPIPE, just set errno to EPIPE
    // and return -1
    //signal is a deprecated and potentially dangerous function
    //(void) ::signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
    struct sigaction act;
#if defined(sun) || defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined (__MacOSX__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined (__osf__) || defined (__sgi_cc__) || defined (__hpux__) || defined (__linux__)
    act.sa_flags = 0;
    act.sa_handler = (void(*)(int))&sigcatcher;
#elif defined(__sgi__) 
	act.sa_flags = 0;
	act.sa_handler = (void(*)(...))&sigcatcher;
    act.sa_mask = 0;
    act.sa_flags = 0;
    act.sa_handler = (void(*)(...))&sigcatcher;
    (void)::sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL);

#if __solaris__ || __linux__ || __hpux__
    //grow our pool of file descriptors to the max!
    struct rlimit rl;
    // set it to the absolute maximum that the operating system allows - have to be superuser to do this
    rl.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
    rl.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
    setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);

#if __MacOSX__
    struct rlimit rl;
    getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,  &rl); //get the default values
    //printf("current open file limit =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", (UInt32) rl.rlim_cur); //leopard returns  256
    //printf("current open file max =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", (UInt32) rl.rlim_max);//leopard returns infinity (-1)
    rl. rlim_max = (rlim_t) RLIM_INFINITY -1; //use a big number to find out the real max but do not use RLIM_INFINITY that is not allowed. see man page
    setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); //resets the max value stored by limits to the boot config values.
    getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,  &rl); //now get the real max value
    //printf("current open file limit =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", (UInt32) rl.rlim_cur);
    //printf("current open file max =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", (UInt32) rl.rlim_max);
    rl.rlim_cur = (rlim_t) ( (float) rl.rlim_max * 0.9);   //use 90% of the max set in /etc/rc.server and /etc/sysctl.conf.default
    setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);  //finally set the current limit 
#if 0 // testing
    getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,  &rl);
    printf("current open file limit =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", (UInt32) rl.rlim_cur);
    printf("current open file max =%"_U32BITARG_"\n", (UInt32) rl.rlim_max);

#if __MacOSX__ || __FreeBSD__
        // These 2 OSes have problems with large socket buffer sizes. Make sure they allow even
        // ridiculously large ones, because we may need them to receive a large volume of ACK packets
        // from the client
        // We raise the limit imposed by the kernel by calling the sysctl system call.
        int mib[CTL_MAXNAME];
        mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
        mib[1] = KERN_IPC;
        mib[2] = KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF;
        mib[3] = 0;

        int maxSocketBufferSizeVal = 2000 * 1024; // Allow up to 2 MB. That is WAY more than we should need
        (void) ::sysctl(mib, 3, 0, 0, &maxSocketBufferSizeVal, sizeof(maxSocketBufferSizeVal));
        //int sysctlErr =  ::sysctl(mib, 3, 0, 0, &maxSocketBufferSizeVal, sizeof(maxSocketBufferSizeVal));
        //qtss_printf("sysctl maxSocketBufferSizeVal=%d err=%d\n",maxSocketBufferSizeVal, sysctlErr);
    //First thing to do is to read command-line arguments.
    int ch;
    int thePort = 0; //port can be set on the command line
    int statsUpdateInterval = 0;
    QTSS_ServerState theInitialState = qtssRunningState;
    Bool16 dontFork = false;
    Bool16 theXMLPrefsExist = true;
    UInt32 debugLevel = 0;
    UInt32 debugOptions = kRunServerDebug_Off;
	static char* sDefaultConfigFilePath = DEFAULTPATHS_ETC_DIR_OLD "easydarwin.conf";
	static char* sDefaultXMLFilePath = DEFAULTPATHS_ETC_DIR "easydarwin.xml";

    char* theConfigFilePath = sDefaultConfigFilePath;
    char* theXMLFilePath = sDefaultXMLFilePath;
    while ((ch = getopt(argc,argv, "vdfxp:DZ:c:o:S:Ih")) != EOF) // opt: means requires option arg
            case 'v':
            case 'd':
                dontFork = RunInForeground();
            case 'D':
               dontFork = RunInForeground();

               debugOptions |= kRunServerDebugDisplay_On;
               if (debugLevel == 0)
                    debugLevel = 1;
               if (statsUpdateInterval == 0)
                    statsUpdateInterval = 3;
            case 'Z':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                debugLevel = (UInt32) ::atoi(optarg);
            case 'f':
				theXMLFilePath  = DEFAULTPATHS_ETC_DIR "easydarwin.xml";
            case 'p':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                thePort = ::atoi(optarg);
            case 'S':
                dontFork = RunInForeground();
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                statsUpdateInterval = ::atoi(optarg);
            case 'c':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                theXMLFilePath = optarg;
            case 'o':
                Assert(optarg != NULL);// this means we didn't declare getopt options correctly or there is a bug in getopt.
                theConfigFilePath = optarg;
            case 'x':
                theXMLPrefsExist = false; // Force us to generate a new XML prefs file
                theInitialState = qtssShuttingDownState;
                dontFork = true;
            case 'I':
                theInitialState = qtssIdleState;
            case 'h':
    // Check port
    if (thePort < 0 || thePort > 65535)
        qtss_printf("Invalid port value = %d max value = 65535\n",thePort);
        exit (-1);

    // Check expiration date
    if (QTSSExpirationDate::IsSoftwareExpired())
        qtss_printf("Streaming Server has expired\n");

    XMLPrefsParser theXMLParser(theXMLFilePath);
    // Check to see if the XML file exists as a directory. If it does,
    // just bail because we do not want to overwrite a directory
    if (theXMLParser.DoesFileExistAsDirectory())
        qtss_printf("Directory located at location where streaming server prefs file should be.\n");
    // Check to see if we can write to the file
    if (!theXMLParser.CanWriteFile())
        qtss_printf("Cannot write to the streaming server prefs file.\n");

    // If we aren't forced to create a new XML prefs file, whether
    // we do or not depends solely on whether the XML prefs file exists currently.
    if (theXMLPrefsExist)
        theXMLPrefsExist = theXMLParser.DoesFileExist();
    if (!theXMLPrefsExist)
        // The XML prefs file doesn't exist, so let's create an old-style
        // prefs source in order to generate a fresh XML prefs file.
        if (theConfigFilePath != NULL)
            FilePrefsSource* filePrefsSource = new FilePrefsSource(true); // Allow dups
            if ( filePrefsSource->InitFromConfigFile(theConfigFilePath) )
               qtss_printf("Generating a new prefs file at %s\n", theXMLFilePath);

            if (GenerateAllXMLPrefs(filePrefsSource, &theXMLParser))
                qtss_printf("Fatal Error: Could not create new prefs file at: %s. (%d)\n", theXMLFilePath, OSThread::GetErrno());

    // Parse the configs from the XML file
    int xmlParseErr = theXMLParser.Parse();
    if (xmlParseErr)
        qtss_printf("Fatal Error: Could not load configuration file at %s. (%d)\n", theXMLFilePath, OSThread::GetErrno());
    //Unless the command line option is set, fork & daemonize the process at this point
    if (!dontFork)
#ifdef __sgi__
		// for some reason, this method doesn't work right on IRIX 6.4 unless the first arg
		// is _DF_NOFORK.  if the first arg is 0 (as it should be) the result is a server
		// that is essentially paralized and doesn't respond to much at all.  So for now,
		// leave the first arg as _DF_NOFORK
        if (_daemonize(0, STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO) != 0)
        if (daemon(0,0) != 0)
            qtss_printf("Failed to daemonize process. Error = %d\n", OSThread::GetErrno());
    //Construct a Prefs Source object to get server text messages
    FilePrefsSource theMessagesSource;

    int status = 0;
    int pid = 0;
    pid_t processID = 0;
    if ( !dontFork) // if (fork) 
        //loop until the server exits normally. If the server doesn't exit
        //normally, then restart it.
        // normal exit means the following
        // the child quit 
        do // fork at least once but stop on the status conditions returned by wait or if autoStart pref is false
            processID = fork();
            Assert(processID >= 0);
            if (processID > 0) // this is the parent and we have a child
                sChildPID = processID;
                status = 0;
                while (status == 0) //loop on wait until status is != 0;
                 	pid =::wait(&status);
                 	SInt8 exitStatus = (SInt8) WEXITSTATUS(status);
                	//qtss_printf("Child Process %d wait exited with pid=%d status=%d exit status=%d\n", processID, pid, status, exitStatus);
					if (WIFEXITED(status) && pid > 0 && status != 0) // child exited with status -2 restart or -1 don't restart 
						//qtss_printf("child exited with status=%d\n", exitStatus);
						if ( exitStatus == -1) // child couldn't run don't try again
							qtss_printf("child exited with -1 fatal error so parent is exiting too.\n");
							exit (EXIT_FAILURE); 
						break; // restart the child
					if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) // child exited on an unhandled signal (maybe a bus error or seg fault)
						//qtss_printf("child was signalled\n");
						break; // restart the child

                	if (pid == -1 && status == 0) // parent woken up by a handled signal
						//qtss_printf("handled signal continue waiting\n");
                 	if (pid > 0 && status == 0)
                 		//qtss_printf("child exited cleanly so parent is exiting\n");
                	//qtss_printf("child died for unknown reasons parent is exiting\n");
                	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
            else if (processID == 0) // must be the child
            //eek. If you auto-restart too fast, you might start the new one before the OS has
            //cleaned up from the old one, resulting in startup errors when you create the new
            //one. Waiting for a second seems to work
        } while (RestartServer(theXMLFilePath)); // fork again based on pref if server dies
        if (processID != 0) //the parent is quitting

    sChildPID = 0;
    //we have to do this again for the child process, because sigaction states
    //do not span multiple processes.
    (void)::sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL);
    (void)::sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, NULL);

#ifdef __hpux__  
	// Set Priority Type to Real Time, timeslice = 100 milliseconds. Change the timeslice upwards as needed. This keeps the server priority above the playlist broadcaster which is a time-share scheduling type.
	char commandStr[64];
	qtss_sprintf(commandStr, "/usr/bin/rtprio -t -%d", (int) getpid()); 
	qtss_printf("setting priority to Real Time: %s\n", commandStr);
	(void) ::system(commandStr);    
#ifdef __solaris__  
    // Set Priority Type to Real Time, timeslice = 100 milliseconds. Change the timeslice upwards as needed. This keeps the server priority above the playlist broadcaster which is a time-share scheduling type.
    char commandStr[64];
    qtss_sprintf(commandStr, "priocntl -s -c RT -t 10 -i pid %d", (int) getpid()); 
    (void) ::system(commandStr);    

#ifdef __MacOSX__
    (void) ::umask(S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH); // make sure files are opened with default of owner -rw-r-r-

    //This function starts, runs, and shuts down the server
    if (::StartServer(&theXMLParser, &theMessagesSource, thePort, statsUpdateInterval, theInitialState, dontFork, debugLevel, debugOptions) != qtssFatalErrorState)
    {    ::RunServer();
         exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    	exit(-1); //Cant start server don't try again