예제 #1
파일: htmlcell.cpp 프로젝트: gitrider/wxsj2
// Splits m_Word into up to three parts according to selection, returns
// substring before, in and after selection and the points (in relative coords)
// where s2 and s3 start:
void wxHtmlWordCell::Split(wxDC& dc,
                           const wxPoint& selFrom, const wxPoint& selTo,
                           unsigned& pos1, unsigned& pos2) const
    wxPoint pt1 = (selFrom == wxDefaultPosition) ?
                  wxDefaultPosition : selFrom - GetAbsPos();
    wxPoint pt2 = (selTo == wxDefaultPosition) ?
                  wxPoint(m_Width, wxDefaultCoord) : selTo - GetAbsPos();

    wxCoord charW, charH;
    unsigned len = m_Word.length();
    unsigned i = 0;
    pos1 = 0;

    // adjust for cases when the start/end position is completely
    // outside the cell:
    if ( pt1.y < 0 )
        pt1.x = 0;
    if ( pt2.y >= m_Height )
        pt2.x = m_Width;

    // before selection:
    while ( pt1.x > 0 && i < len )
        dc.GetTextExtent(m_Word[i], &charW, &charH);
        pt1.x -= charW;
        if ( pt1.x >= 0 )
            pos1 += charW;

    // in selection:
    unsigned j = i;
    pos2 = pos1;
    pt2.x -= pos2;
    while ( pt2.x > 0 && j < len )
        dc.GetTextExtent(m_Word[j], &charW, &charH);
        pt2.x -= charW;
        if ( pt2.x >= 0 )
            pos2 += charW;

    pos1 = i;
    pos2 = j;
예제 #2
void CUITextBox::OnRender( CDrawPort* pDraw )
	if( m_bHide == TRUE )

	int		nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	if (m_pTexData != NULL && m_pBackground != NULL)
		pDraw->InitTextureData( m_pTexData );

		m_pBackground->SetPos(nX, nY);
		m_pBackground->RenderRectSurface( pDraw, DEF_UI_COLOR_WHITE );


	if ( m_pScroll )
		m_pScroll->OnRender( pDraw );

	_RenderString(pDraw, nX, nY);

#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL
예제 #3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name : Render()
// Desc :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUICheckButton::Render()
	// Get position
	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	// Add render regions
	int	nUVIndex;
	if( m_bChecked )
		nUVIndex = UCBS_CHECK;
		nUVIndex = UCBS_NONE;

	CDrawPort* pDrawPort = CUIManager::getSingleton()->GetDrawPort();

		if( IsEnabled() )
			pDrawPort->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX, nY + m_nTextSY, m_colText[1] );
			pDrawPort->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX, nY + m_nTextSY, m_colText[0] );
			nUVIndex += 2;

	pDrawPort->AddTexture( nX, nY, nX + m_nWidth, nY + m_nHeight,
										m_rtUV[nUVIndex].U0, m_rtUV[nUVIndex].V0,
										m_rtUV[nUVIndex].U1, m_rtUV[nUVIndex].V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
예제 #4
void CUIImageSplit::OnRender( CDrawPort* pDraw )
	if( m_bHide == TRUE )

	if( m_pTexData == NULL )
#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL

	pDraw->InitTextureData( m_pTexData );

	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	if (_pSurface != NULL)
		_pSurface->SetPos(nX, nY);
		_pSurface->RenderRectSurface(pDraw, m_color);

#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL
예제 #5
void CUIBase::RenderBorder(CDrawPort* pDraw)
    if (m_bSelect == false)

    int		nX, nY;
    GetAbsPos(nX, nY);

    pDraw->DrawBorder((PIX)nX - 1, (PIX)nY - 1, (PIX)m_nWidth + 1, (PIX)m_nHeight + 1, 0xFF0000FF);
예제 #6
void CUIImageBox::PopupRender()
	CUIManager* pUIManager = CUIManager::getSingleton();
	CDrawPort* pDrawPort = CUIManager::getSingleton()->GetDrawPort();

	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );
	int nX0 = nX + m_rtRenderRegion.Left;
	int nX1 = nX + m_rtRenderRegion.Right;
	int nY0 = nY + m_rtRenderRegion.Top;
	int nY1 = nY + m_rtRenderRegion.Bottom;

	int rtRenderRegionMiddle = nX + (m_rtRenderRegion.Left + m_rtRenderRegion.Right) / 2;
	int nRegionHeight = m_rtRenderRegion.Bottom - m_rtRenderRegion.Top;
	if ( m_bShowPopup )	
		pDrawPort->InitTextureData( m_ptdPopup );
		int nAlineSize	= m_vecString.size();
		int nPopHeight	= 10 - _pUIFontTexMgr->GetLineSpacing() + (nAlineSize+1) * _pUIFontTexMgr->GetLineHeight();
		int nPopX = rtRenderRegionMiddle - (m_nPopWidth/2);
		int nPopY = nY0 - nPopHeight;
		if( nPopX < pUIManager->GetMinI() )
			nPopX = pUIManager->GetMinI();
		else if (nPopX + m_nPopWidth > pUIManager->GetMaxI())
			nPopX = pUIManager->GetMaxI() - m_nPopWidth;
		if (nPopY < pUIManager->GetMinJ())
			nPopY = nY + nRegionHeight;
		m_bxPopupInfo.SetBoxPos(WRect(nPopX-nX, nPopY-nY, nPopX-nX+m_nPopWidth, nPopY-nY+nPopHeight ));

		std::vector<CTString>::iterator b = m_vecString.begin();
		for (int i = 0; b != m_vecString.end(); b++, i++)
			pDrawPort->PutTextEx( *b, nPopX+20, nPopY+6+(i*14), m_colText );
예제 #7
void CUISpinControl::OnRender( CDrawPort* pDraw )
	if (m_pBackImage != NULL)
		int nX, nY;
		GetAbsPos(nX, nY);

		m_pBackImage->SetPos(nX + m_rcBackPos.Left, nY + m_rcBackPos.Top);


예제 #8
void CUIImageArray::OnRender( CDrawPort* pDraw )
    if (m_bHide == TRUE)

    if (m_pTexData == NULL)
#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL

    if (m_bDepthMode == TRUE)
        pDraw->InitTextureData( m_pTexData, FALSE, PBT_BLEND, TRUE );
        pDraw->InitTextureData( m_pTexData);

    if (m_nRenderIdx >= 0 && m_nRenderIdx < m_vecData.size())
        UIRect rc = m_vecData[m_nRenderIdx].rc;
        UIRectUV uv = m_vecData[m_nRenderIdx].uv;

        int	nX, nY;
        GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

        pDraw->AddTexture( nX + rc.Left, nY + rc.Top, nX + rc.Left + rc.Right, nY + rc.Top + rc.Bottom,
                           uv.U0, uv.V0, uv.U1, uv.V1, m_color, m_fDepth );


#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL
예제 #9
void CUIImageBox::Render()
	// Get position
	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	int nX0 = nX + m_rtRenderRegion.Left;
	int nX1 = nX + m_rtRenderRegion.Right;
	int nY0 = nY + m_rtRenderRegion.Top;
	int nY1 = nY + m_rtRenderRegion.Bottom;
	float fU0 = m_rtUV.U0 + (m_rtUV.U1 - m_rtUV.U0) * m_rtRenderRegion.Left / float(m_nWidth);
	float fU1 = m_rtUV.U0 + (m_rtUV.U1 - m_rtUV.U0) * m_rtRenderRegion.Right / float(m_nWidth);
	float fV0 = m_rtUV.V0 + (m_rtUV.V1 - m_rtUV.V0) * m_rtRenderRegion.Top / float(m_nHeight);
	float fV1 = m_rtUV.V0 + (m_rtUV.V1 - m_rtUV.V0) * m_rtRenderRegion.Bottom / float(m_nHeight);

	CDrawPort* pDrawPort = CUIManager::getSingleton()->GetDrawPort();

	if(m_eImageType == IT_GENERAL)
		pDrawPort->InitTextureData( m_ptdBaseTexture );
		pDrawPort->AddTexture(nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1,
											fU0, fV0,
											fU1, fV1,
											0xFFFFFFFF );
	else if (m_eImageType == IT_CORPS)
		pDrawPort->InitTextureData( m_ptdCorps );
		pDrawPort->AddTexture(nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1,
											fU0, fV0,
											fU1, fV1,
											0xFFFFFFFF );
		UIBtnExType bet;
			case IT_EXP:
			case IT_MONEY:
			case IT_ITEM:
			case IT_SP:		// [090617: selo] SP 이미지 타입
			case IT_RVR_POINT:
				bet = UBET_ITEM;
			case IT_SKILL:
			case IT_SSKILL:
			case IT_AFFINITY: // 친화도 개편2 친화도 타입 추가 [2/7/2013 Ranma]
				bet = UBET_SKILL;
			case IT_ACTION:
				bet = UBET_ACTION;
				bet = UBET_COMBO;				
		pDrawPort->AddBtnTexture(m_nTextureID, nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1,
											fU0, fV0,
											fU1, fV1,
											0xFFFFFFFF );
		pDrawPort->FlushBtnRenderingQueue( bet, PBT_BLEND );

			pDrawPort->AddBtnTexture(m_nTextureID, nX0, nY0, nX1, nY1,
												fU0, fV0,
												fU1, fV1,
												m_colHighlight );

			// Render all button elements
			pDrawPort->FlushBtnRenderingQueue( bet, PBT_ADD );
예제 #10
void CUITrackPopup::Render()
	if( !IsVisible() ) return;
	if( m_vecString.size() <= 0 ) return;

	CDrawPort* pDrawPort = CUIManager::getSingleton()->GetDrawPort();

#if defined G_RUSSIA
	// [2011/05/17 : Sora] 팝업창에서 스트링을 쓰지 않을 경우 글자 길이가 0이되어 팝업창 사이즈가 줄어든다
	if( m_strLongestStringInMenu.Length() > 0 )
		Resize( pDrawPort->GetTextWidth( m_strLongestStringInMenu ) );		

	// 배경 렌더
	int	nX, nY;
	UIRect m_rcBack;

	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );
	m_rcBack.SetRect( nX, nY, nX + m_nWidth, nY + m_nHeight );

	// Item Back region
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Left, m_rcBack.Top,
										m_rcBack.Left + 7, m_rcBack.Top + 7,
										m_rtBackUL.U0, m_rtBackUL.V0, m_rtBackUL.U1, m_rtBackUL.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Left + 7, m_rcBack.Top,
										m_rcBack.Right - 7, m_rcBack.Top + 7,
										m_rtBackUM.U0, m_rtBackUM.V0, m_rtBackUM.U1, m_rtBackUM.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Right - 7, m_rcBack.Top,
										m_rcBack.Right, m_rcBack.Top + 7,
										m_rtBackUR.U0, m_rtBackUR.V0, m_rtBackUR.U1, m_rtBackUR.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Left, m_rcBack.Top + 7,
										m_rcBack.Left + 7, m_rcBack.Bottom - 7,
										m_rtBackML.U0, m_rtBackML.V0, m_rtBackML.U1, m_rtBackML.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Left + 7, m_rcBack.Top + 7,
										m_rcBack.Right - 7, m_rcBack.Bottom - 7,
										m_rtBackMM.U0, m_rtBackMM.V0, m_rtBackMM.U1, m_rtBackMM.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Right - 7, m_rcBack.Top + 7,
										m_rcBack.Right, m_rcBack.Bottom - 7,
										m_rtBackMR.U0, m_rtBackMR.V0, m_rtBackMR.U1, m_rtBackMR.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Left, m_rcBack.Bottom - 7,
										m_rcBack.Left + 7, m_rcBack.Bottom,
										m_rtBackLL.U0, m_rtBackLL.V0, m_rtBackLL.U1, m_rtBackLL.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Left + 7, m_rcBack.Bottom - 7,
										m_rcBack.Right - 7, m_rcBack.Bottom,
										m_rtBackLM.U0, m_rtBackLM.V0, m_rtBackLM.U1, m_rtBackLM.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );
	pDrawPort->AddTexture( m_rcBack.Right - 7, m_rcBack.Bottom - 7,
										m_rcBack.Right, m_rcBack.Bottom,
										m_rtBackLR.U0, m_rtBackLR.V0, m_rtBackLR.U1, m_rtBackLR.V1,
										0xFFFFFFFF );

	// 원래 리스트 박스에 대한 내용 랜더
예제 #11
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name : Render()
// Desc :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUIListBoxMultiCol::Render()
	// Get position
	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	// Add render regions
	// Selection bar
	if( m_bShowSelectBar && m_nSelectList >= 0 )
		int	nSelLine = m_nSelectList - m_sbScrollBar.GetScrollPos();
		if( nSelLine >= 0 )
			if( !m_bScrollBar || nSelLine < m_sbScrollBar.GetScrollRange() )
				int	nBarY = nY + m_nTextSY + nSelLine * m_nLineHeight;
				CUIManager::getSingleton()->GetDrawPort()->AddTexture( nX + m_rcSelectOver.Left, nBarY + m_rcSelectOver.Top,
													nX + m_rcSelectOver.Right, nBarY + m_rcSelectOver.Bottom,
													m_rtSelectOver.U0, m_rtSelectOver.V0,
													m_rtSelectOver.U1, m_rtSelectOver.V1,
													0xFFFFFFFF );

	// Scroll bar
	if( m_bScrollBar )

	// Text in list box
	int		nTextY = nY;// + m_nTextSY;

	int	nRowS = m_sbScrollBar.GetScrollPos();
	int	nRowE = nRowS + m_nLinePerPage;
	if( nRowE > m_vecString.size())
		nRowE = m_vecString.size();

	for( int nCol = nRowS; nCol < nRowE; nCol++ )
		if ( m_vecString[nCol].vecString.empty())
		COLOR	colText = 0x00000000;		
		int		nSelList = -1, nOverList = -1;
		if( m_bSelectList )
			nSelList = m_nSelectList;
			nOverList = nRowS + m_nOverList;

		int		nTextX = nX;	

		for( int nList = 0; nList < m_nRowCount; nList++ )
			if( !m_vecSelectable.empty() && m_vecSelectable.size () > nCol && IsSelectable(nCol) )
				if( nCol == nSelList )
					colText = m_colSelectList;
				else if( nCol == nOverList )
					colText = m_colOverList;
					if ( nList < m_vecColor[nCol].vecColor.size())
						colText = m_vecColor[nCol].vecColor[nList];
				if ( nList < m_vecColor[nCol].vecColor.size())
						colText = m_vecColor[nCol].vecColor[nList];

			if ( m_vecAlign.size() > nList )
				DrawText ( nCol, nList,nTextX, nTextY, m_vecAlign[nList], colText );
				DrawText ( nCol, nList,nTextX, nTextY, TEXT_LEFT, colText );
			if ( m_vecRowWidht.size () > nList )
				nTextX += m_vecRowWidht[nList];
				nTextX += _pUIFontTexMgr->GetFontWidth()* 20;
		nTextY += m_nLineHeight;
예제 #12
void CUICheckButton::OnRender( CDrawPort* pDraw )
	if( m_pTexData == NULL )
#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL

	// Add render regions
	int	nUVIndex;
	if( m_bChecked )
		nUVIndex = UCBS_CHECK;
		nUVIndex = UCBS_NONE;

	// Get position
	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	pDraw->InitTextureData( m_pTexData );

	pDraw->AddTexture( nX, nY, nX + m_nWidth, nY + m_nHeight,
		m_rtUV[nUVIndex].U0, m_rtUV[nUVIndex].V0,
		m_rtUV[nUVIndex].U1, m_rtUV[nUVIndex].V1,


	if (m_bHighlightOn == true)
		pDraw->InitTextureData(m_pTexData, FALSE, PBT_ADD);
		pDraw->AddTexture( nX, nY, nX + m_nWidth, nY + m_nHeight,
			m_rtUV[nUVIndex].U0, m_rtUV[nUVIndex].V0,
			m_rtUV[nUVIndex].U1, m_rtUV[nUVIndex].V1,
			m_colHighlight );


	int		outX = 0;

		if (m_eAlignText_h == eALIGN_H_CENTER)
			int str_width = pDraw->GetTextWidth2(m_strText);
			outX += (m_nTextArea - str_width) / 2;
		else if (m_eAlignText_h == eALIGN_H_RIGHT)
			int str_width = pDraw->GetTextWidth2(m_strText);
			outX = m_nTextArea - str_width;

		if (m_bTextEdge == true)
			pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX + outX-1, nY + m_nTextSY-1, DEF_UI_FONT_SHADOW_COLOR );
			pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX + outX+1, nY + m_nTextSY-1, DEF_UI_FONT_SHADOW_COLOR );
			pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX + outX+1, nY + m_nTextSY+1, DEF_UI_FONT_SHADOW_COLOR );
			pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX + outX-1, nY + m_nTextSY+1, DEF_UI_FONT_SHADOW_COLOR );

		pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strText, nX + m_nTextSX + outX, nY + m_nTextSY, m_colText[nUVIndex] );

#ifdef UI_TOOL

	// Text Area
	if (m_bSelect)
		pDraw->DrawBorder( (PIX)(nX + m_nTextSX - 1), (PIX)(nY - 1), (PIX)m_nTextArea+1, (PIX)m_nHeight+1, 0xFFB90FFF );
#endif // UI_TOOL
예제 #13
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name : Render()
// Desc :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUIListBox::Render()
	// Get position
	int	nX, nY;
	GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

	CDrawPort* pDrawPort = CUIManager::getSingleton()->GetDrawPort();
	// Add render regions
	// Selection bar
	if( m_bShowSelectBar && m_nSelectList >= 0 )
		int	nSelLine = m_nSelectList - m_sbScrollBar.GetScrollPos();
		if( nSelLine >= 0 )
			if( !m_bScrollBar || nSelLine < m_sbScrollBar.GetScrollRange() )
				int	nBarY = nY + m_nTextSY + nSelLine * m_nLineHeight;
				pDrawPort->AddTexture( nX + m_rcSelectOver.Left, nBarY + m_rcSelectOver.Top,
													nX + m_rcSelectOver.Right, nBarY + m_rcSelectOver.Bottom,
													m_rtSelectOver.U0, m_rtSelectOver.V0,
													m_rtSelectOver.U1, m_rtSelectOver.V1,
													0xFFFFFFFF );

	// Scroll bar
	if( m_bScrollBar )

	// Text in list box
	for( int nCol = 0; nCol < m_vecString.size(); nCol++ )
		int	nRowS = m_sbScrollBar.GetScrollPos();
		int	nRowE = nRowS + m_nLinePerPage;
		if( nRowE > m_vecString[nCol].vecString.size() )
			nRowE = m_vecString[nCol].vecString.size();

		COLOR	colText;
		int		nTextX = nX + m_nTextSX + m_vecColumnSX[nCol];
		int		nTextY = nY + m_nTextSY;
		int		nSelList = -1, nOverList = -1;
		if( m_bSelectList )
			nSelList = m_nSelectList;
			nOverList = nRowS + m_nOverList;

		for( int nList = nRowS; nList < nRowE; nList++ )
			if( m_vecSelectable[nList] )
				if( nList == nSelList )
					colText = m_colSelectList;
				else if( nList == nOverList )
					colText = m_colOverList;
					colText = m_vecColor[nCol].vecColor[nList];
				colText = m_vecColor[nCol].vecColor[nList];

			switch( m_vecAlign[nCol] )
			case TEXT_LEFT:
				pDrawPort->PutTextEx( m_vecString[nCol].vecString[nList], nTextX, nTextY, colText );
				if (m_vecBold[nCol].vecBold[nList])
					pDrawPort->PutTextEx( m_vecString[nCol].vecString[nList], nTextX+1, nTextY, colText );
			case TEXT_CENTER:
				pDrawPort->PutTextExCX( m_vecString[nCol].vecString[nList], nTextX, nTextY, colText );
				if (m_vecBold[nCol].vecBold[nList])
					pDrawPort->PutTextExCX( m_vecString[nCol].vecString[nList], nTextX+1, nTextY, colText );
			case TEXT_RIGHT:
				pDrawPort->PutTextExRX( m_vecString[nCol].vecString[nList], nTextX, nTextY, colText );
				if (m_vecBold[nCol].vecBold[nList])
					pDrawPort->PutTextExRX( m_vecString[nCol].vecString[nList], nTextX+1, nTextY, colText );

			nTextY += m_nLineHeight;
예제 #14
// Splits m_Word into up to three parts according to selection, returns
// substring before, in and after selection and the points (in relative coords)
// where s2 and s3 start:
void wxHtmlWordCell::Split(const wxDC& dc,
                           const wxPoint& selFrom, const wxPoint& selTo,
                           unsigned& pos1, unsigned& pos2) const
    wxPoint pt1 = (selFrom == wxDefaultPosition) ?
                  wxDefaultPosition : selFrom - GetAbsPos();
    wxPoint pt2 = (selTo == wxDefaultPosition) ?
                  wxPoint(m_Width, wxDefaultCoord) : selTo - GetAbsPos();

    // if the selection is entirely within this cell, make sure pt1 < pt2 in
    // order to make the rest of this function simpler:
    if ( selFrom != wxDefaultPosition && selTo != wxDefaultPosition &&
            selFrom.x > selTo.x )
        wxPoint tmp = pt1;
        pt1 = pt2;
        pt2 = tmp;

    unsigned len = m_Word.length();
    unsigned i = 0;
    pos1 = 0;

    // adjust for cases when the start/end position is completely
    // outside the cell:
    if ( pt1.y < 0 )
        pt1.x = 0;
    if ( pt2.y >= m_Height )
        pt2.x = m_Width;

    // before selection:
    // (include character under caret only if in first half of width)
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    // implementation using PartialExtents to support fractional widths
    wxArrayInt widths ;
    dc.GetPartialTextExtents(m_Word,widths) ;
    while( i < len && pt1.x >= widths[i] )
        i++ ;
    if ( i < len )
        int charW = (i > 0) ? widths[i] - widths[i-1] : widths[i];
        if ( widths[i] - pt1.x < charW/2 )
#else // !__WXMAC__
    wxCoord charW, charH;
    while ( pt1.x > 0 && i < len )
        dc.GetTextExtent(m_Word[i], &charW, &charH);
        pt1.x -= charW;
        if ( pt1.x >= -charW/2 )
            pos1 += charW;
#endif // __WXMAC__/!__WXMAC__

    // in selection:
    // (include character under caret only if in first half of width)
    unsigned j = i;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    while( j < len && pt2.x >= widths[j] )
        j++ ;
    if ( j < len )
        int charW = (j > 0) ? widths[j] - widths[j-1] : widths[j];
        if ( widths[j] - pt2.x < charW/2 )
#else // !__WXMAC__
    pos2 = pos1;
    pt2.x -= pos2;
    while ( pt2.x > 0 && j < len )
        dc.GetTextExtent(m_Word[j], &charW, &charH);
        pt2.x -= charW;
        if ( pt2.x >= -charW/2 )
            pos2 += charW;
#endif // __WXMAC__/!__WXMAC__

    pos1 = i;
    pos2 = j;

    wxASSERT( pos2 >= pos1 );
예제 #15
파일: UIText.cpp 프로젝트: rdrago/LCSource
void CUIText::OnRender( CDrawPort* pDraw )
    if( m_bHide == TRUE )

    int		nX, nY;
    GetAbsPos( nX, nY );

    if (m_pTexData != NULL)
        if (m_pBackground != NULL)
            pDraw->InitTextureData( m_pTexData );

            m_pBackground->SetPos(nX, nY);
            m_pBackground->RenderRectSurface( pDraw, DEF_UI_COLOR_WHITE );


    int		outX = nX;

    if (m_eAlignText_h == eALIGN_H_CENTER)
        int str_width = pDraw->GetTextWidth2(m_strView);
        outX += (m_nWidth - str_width) / 2;
    else if (m_eAlignText_h == eALIGN_H_RIGHT)
        int str_width = pDraw->GetTextWidth2(m_strView);
        outX = outX + m_nWidth - str_width;

    if (m_vecData.size() <= 0)
        if (m_bShadow == FALSE && m_bEdge == TRUE)
            pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strView, outX-1, nY-1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );
            pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strView, outX+1, nY-1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );
            pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strView, outX+1, nY+1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );
            pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strView, outX-1, nY+1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );

        pDraw->PutTextEx( m_strView, outX, nY, m_color, m_fZ, m_bShadow, m_colShadow );
        CTString str;
        COLOR col;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_vecData.size(); ++i)
            str = m_vecData[i].str.c_str();
            col = m_vecData[i].col;

            if (i > 0)
                outX += pDraw->GetTextWidth2(m_vecData[i - 1].str.c_str());

            if (m_bShadow == FALSE && m_bEdge == TRUE)
                pDraw->PutTextEx( str, outX-1, nY-1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );
                pDraw->PutTextEx( str, outX+1, nY-1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );
                pDraw->PutTextEx( str, outX+1, nY+1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );
                pDraw->PutTextEx( str, outX-1, nY+1, m_colShadow, m_fZ );

            pDraw->PutTextEx( str, outX, nY, col, m_fZ, m_bShadow, m_colShadow );

#ifdef UI_TOOL
#endif // UI_TOOL