예제 #1
AGameObject* AGameObject::SetParent( AGameObject* newParent )
  USceneComponent *pc = 0;
  if( newParent )  pc = newParent->GetRootComponent();
  SetOwner( newParent );

  // Keep original scale & reset
  FVector s = GetActorScale3D();

  //LOG( "Scaling %f %f %f", s.X, s.Y, s.Z );
  // Set the world position to being that of parent, then keep world position on attachment
  GetRootComponent()->SetWorldScale3D( FVector(1,1,1) ); // reset the scale off
  GetRootComponent()->SetRelativeScale3D( FVector(1,1,1) ); 
  GetRootComponent()->SnapTo( pc );

  GetRootComponent()->SetWorldScale3D( s ); // don't set scaling relative to parent.. set it absolute in world size coords
  return this;
void ABouncerPlayer::Shrink()
	SetActorScale3D(GetActorScale3D()* SHRINK_FACTOR);
void ABouncerPlayer::Grow()
	SetActorScale3D(GetActorScale3D() / SHRINK_FACTOR);