bool DRAWSEGMENT::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition )
    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_CIRCLE:
    case S_ARC:
            wxPoint relPos = aPosition - GetCenter();
            int radius = GetRadius();
            int dist   = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( relPos ) );

            if( abs( radius - dist ) <= ( m_Width / 2 ) )
                if( m_Shape == S_CIRCLE )
                    return true;

                // For arcs, the test point angle must be >= arc angle start
                // and <= arc angle end
                // However angle values > 360 deg are not easy to handle
                // so we calculate the relative angle between arc start point and teast point
                // this relative arc should be < arc angle if arc angle > 0 (CW arc)
                // and > arc angle if arc angle < 0 (CCW arc)
                double arc_angle_start = GetArcAngleStart();    // Always 0.0 ... 360 deg, in 0.1 deg

                double arc_hittest = ArcTangente( relPos.y, relPos.x );

                // Calculate relative angle between the starting point of the arc, and the test point
                arc_hittest -= arc_angle_start;

                // Normalise arc_hittest between 0 ... 360 deg
                NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( arc_hittest );

                // Check angle: inside the arc angle when it is > 0
                // and outside the not drawn arc when it is < 0
                if( GetAngle() >= 0.0 )
                    if( arc_hittest <= GetAngle() )
                        return true;
                    if( arc_hittest >= (3600.0 + GetAngle()) )
                        return true;

    case S_CURVE:
        for( unsigned int i= 1; i < m_BezierPoints.size(); i++)
            if( TestSegmentHit( aPosition, m_BezierPoints[i-1], m_BezierPoints[i-1], m_Width / 2 ) )
                return true;

    case S_SEGMENT:
        if( TestSegmentHit( aPosition, m_Start, m_End, m_Width / 2 ) )
            return true;

        wxASSERT( 0 );
    return false;
const EDA_RECT DRAWSEGMENT::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT bbox;

    bbox.SetOrigin( m_Start );

    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_SEGMENT:
        bbox.SetEnd( m_End );

    case S_CIRCLE:
        bbox.Inflate( GetRadius() );

    case S_ARC:
            bbox.Merge( m_End );
            wxPoint end = m_End;
            RotatePoint( &end, m_Start, -m_Angle );
            bbox.Merge( end );

            // Determine the starting quarter
            // 0 right-bottom
            // 1 left-bottom
            // 2 left-top
            // 3 right-top
            unsigned int quarter = 0;       // assume right-bottom

            if( m_End.y < m_Start.y )       // change to left-top
                quarter |= 3;

            if( m_End.x < m_Start.x )       // for left side, the LSB is 2nd bit negated
                quarter ^= 1;

            int radius = GetRadius();
            int angle = (int) GetArcAngleStart() % 900 + m_Angle;
            bool directionCW = ( m_Angle > 0 );      // Is the direction of arc clockwise?

            if( !directionCW )
                angle = 900 - angle;
                quarter = ( quarter + 3 ) % 4;       // -1 modulo arithmetic

            while( angle > 900 )
                switch( quarter )
                case 0:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x, m_Start.y + radius ) );     // down

                case 1:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x - radius, m_Start.y ) );     // left

                case 2:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x, m_Start.y - radius ) );     // up

                case 3:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x + radius, m_Start.y ) );     // right

                if( directionCW )
                    quarter += 3;       // -1 modulo arithmetic

                quarter %= 4;
                angle -= 900;

    case S_POLYGON:
            wxPoint p_end;
            MODULE* module = GetParentModule();

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
                wxPoint pt = m_PolyPoints[ii];

                if( module ) // Transform, if we belong to a module
                    RotatePoint( &pt, module->GetOrientation() );
                    pt += module->GetPosition();

                if( ii == 0 )
                    p_end = pt;

                bbox.SetX( std::min( bbox.GetX(), pt.x ) );
                bbox.SetY( std::min( bbox.GetY(), pt.y ) );
                p_end.x   = std::max( p_end.x, pt.x );
                p_end.y   = std::max( p_end.y, pt.y );

            bbox.SetEnd( p_end );


    bbox.Inflate( ((m_Width+1) / 2) + 1 );

    return bbox;