예제 #1
BOOL CQC_EyesDlg::OnInitDialog()

	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically
	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon
	// TODO: Add extra initialization here
	GetDlgItem( IDC_REFERENCE_FILENAME )->SetWindowText( "filename_reference" );
	GetDlgItem( IDC_EXPRESSIONS_FILENAME )->SetWindowText( "filename_expressions" );
	GetDlgItem( IDC_MODEL_FILENAME )->SetWindowText( "filename_model" );
	GetDlgItem( IDC_IRIS_SIZE )->SetWindowText( "0.63" );
	GetDlgItem( IDC_EYEBALL_SIZE )->SetWindowText( "1.0" );

	::SendMessage( ::GetDlgItem( m_hWnd, IDC_Y_AXIS_UP ), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0 );
	::SendMessage( ::GetDlgItem( m_hWnd, IDC_DEFAULT_CONTROLS ), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0 );
	::SendMessage( ::GetDlgItem( m_hWnd, IDC_IRIS_COLOR_BROWN ), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0 );
	::SendMessage( ::GetDlgItem( m_hWnd, IDC_EYE_COLOR_LIGHT ), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0 );

	m_hOutputText = ::GetDlgItem( m_hWnd, IDC_OUTPUT_TEXT );

	m_PictureControl.SetBitmap( GetCachedBitmap( IDB_EYE_DEFAULT ) );
	OnDefaultControls(); // Hide the advanced controls.
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
예제 #2
void CQC_EyesDlg::SetupBitmapLabel( UINT iBitmapResourceID, const char *pString, ... )
	char msg[4096];
	va_list marker;
	va_start( marker, pString );
	_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), pString, marker );
	msg[ ARRAYSIZE(msg) - 1 ] = 0;
	va_end( marker );

	m_PictureControl.SetBitmap( GetCachedBitmap( iBitmapResourceID ) );
	GetDlgItem( IDC_PICTURE_LABEL )->SetWindowText( msg );
예제 #3
void AudioRenderer::Render(wxDC &dc, wxPoint origin, const int start, const int length, const AudioRenderingStyle style)
	assert(start >= 0);

	if (!provider) return;
	if (!renderer) return;
	if (length <= 0) return;

	// One past last absolute pixel strip to render
	const int end = start + length;
	// One past last X coordinate to render on
	const int lastx = origin.x + length;
	// Figure out which range of bitmaps are required
	const int firstbitmap = start / cache_bitmap_width;
	// And the offset in it to start its use at
	const int firstbitmapoffset = start % cache_bitmap_width;
	// The last bitmap required
	const int lastbitmap = std::min<int>(end / cache_bitmap_width, NumBlocks(provider->GetDecodedSamples()) - 1);

	// Set a clipping region so that the first and last bitmaps don't draw
	// outside the requested range
	const wxDCClipper clipper(dc, wxRect(origin, wxSize(length, pixel_height)));
	origin.x -= firstbitmapoffset;

	for (int i = firstbitmap; i <= lastbitmap; ++i)
		dc.DrawBitmap(GetCachedBitmap(i, style), origin);
		origin.x += cache_bitmap_width;

	// Now render blank audio from origin to end
	if (origin.x < lastx)
		renderer->RenderBlank(dc, wxRect(origin.x-1, origin.y, lastx-origin.x+1, pixel_height), style);

	if (needs_age)
		needs_age = false;
예제 #4
//@mFunc draws the listbox items in their proper state
void CQSLItemList::DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct )
	CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);

	QSLItemData itemData;
	GetItemData( lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, itemData );
	RImage* pImage = GetCachedBitmap( lpDrawItemStruct->itemID ) ;
	RImage* pImage = itemData.GetImage();

	if (!itemData.m_pImage)
		itemData.m_pImage = pImage;
		SetItemData( lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, itemData );

//	HBITMAP hBitmap = itemData.m_hBitmap ;
//	HPALETTE hPalette = itemData.m_hPalette ;
//	if (!itemData.m_pImage)
//	{
//		hBitmap = itemData.m_hBitmap = 
//			LoadBitmapPreview( lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, &itemData.m_hPalette ) ;
//		hPalette = itemData.m_hPalette;
//		// Save the new data into the control
//		SetItemData( lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, itemData );
//	}
//	// If we have a palette with the bitmap, realize it into the DC prior to painting.
//	if (hPalette != NULL)
//	{
//		CPalette palBitmap;
//		palBitmap.Attach( hPalette );
//		CPalette *pOldPal = pDC->SelectPalette( &palBitmap, TRUE );
//		pDC->RealizePalette();
//		pDC->SelectPalette( pOldPal, TRUE );
//		palBitmap.Detach();
//	}

	BITMAP  bm= { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL };
	HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL;
	if (pImage)
		hBitmap = (HBITMAP) pImage->GetSystemHandle();
		::GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof( bm ), &bm );

	// Determine colors to use for drawing text and selection
	COLORREF crFillColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ) ;
	COLORREF crTextColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT ) ;

	if (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
		crFillColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT ) ;
		crTextColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT ) ;

	// Handle drawing according to action

	// Setup DC
	COLORREF oldTextColor = pDC->SetTextColor( crTextColor );
	COLORREF oldBkColor   = pDC->SetBkColor( crFillColor );
	CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject( GetParent()->GetFont() );

	// Determine location to draw bitmap.  This information 
	// is needed for all drawing modes, so might as well
	// just determine it once, and in one place.
	CSize	  szExtent = pDC->GetTextExtent( itemData.m_strDesc );

	RIntRect  cellRect( lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem );
	cellRect.Inset( RIntSize( 4, 4 ) );
	cellRect.m_Bottom -= szExtent.cy + 2; // + 2 is for spacing between graphic & text

	RIntRect  imgRect( 0, 0, bm.bmWidth - 1, bm.bmHeight - 1 );
	imgRect.ShrinkToFit( cellRect );
	imgRect.CenterRectInRect( cellRect );

	CSize  szImage( imgRect.Width(), imgRect.Height() );
//	CPoint centerPt( cellRect.CenterPoint() );
//	CPoint ptTopLeft( centerPt.x - szImage.cx / 2, centerPt.y - szImage.cy / 2 - 2 );

	switch (lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction)
		CDC memDC;
		memDC.CreateCompatibleDC( pDC );

		// Get the bitmap
		CBitmap* pBmp    = CBitmap::FromHandle( hBitmap );
		CBitmap* pOldBmp = memDC.SelectObject( pBmp );

		pDC->StretchBlt( imgRect.m_Left, imgRect.m_Top, imgRect.Width(), imgRect.Height(), 
			&memDC, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY );

		memDC.SelectObject( pOldBmp );

		if (!(lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED))
			break ;

		// Fall through

		// Draw/Clear the highlight rect
//		CRect bmpRect( ptTopLeft.x, ptTopLeft.y, ptTopLeft.x + bm.bmWidth, ptTopLeft.y + bm.bmHeight);
		CRect bmpRect( imgRect );
		bmpRect.InflateRect( 2, 2 );

		CPen pen( PS_SOLID, 2, crFillColor );
		CPen* pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject( &pen );

		pDC->MoveTo( bmpRect.left, bmpRect.top );
		pDC->LineTo( bmpRect.right, bmpRect.top );
		pDC->LineTo( bmpRect.right, bmpRect.bottom );
		pDC->LineTo( bmpRect.left, bmpRect.bottom );
		pDC->LineTo( bmpRect.left, bmpRect.top );
		pDC->SelectObject( pOldPen );

	} // switch

	// Draw the text
	CPoint ptText( cellRect.m_Left + (cellRect.Width() - szExtent.cx) / 2, cellRect.m_Bottom + 4 );
	pDC->TextOut( ptText.x, ptText.y, itemData.m_strDesc );

//	pDC->DrawText( itemData.m_strDesc, &textRect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_SINGLELINE  );
//	textRect.OffsetRect( -textRect.Width() / 2, 2 );
//	pDC->DrawText( itemData.m_strDesc, &textRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER );

	// restore DC
	pDC->SelectObject( pOldFont );
	pDC->SetTextColor( oldTextColor );
	pDC->SetBkColor( oldBkColor );