void TMainMenu::SetWelcomeName() { if(TSettings::GetInstance()->GetNumUsers() == 0) { TWindow *window = GetChildWindow("welcome", -1); if (window) { window->SetFlags(window->GetFlags() & ~kEnabled); } window = GetChildWindow("changeplayer", -1); if (window) { window->SetFlags(window->GetFlags() & ~kEnabled); } } else { TWindow *window = GetChildWindow("welcome", -1); if (window) { TText *text = window->GetCast<TText>(); text->SetText(TPlatform::GetInstance()->GetStringTable()->GetString("welcome", TSettings::GetInstance()->GetCurrentUserName())); } } }
bool ff::ViewWindow::Deactivate(bool hide) { assertRetVal(IsValid(), true); if (_active) { _active = false; #if !METRO_APP if (hide) { SetWindowPos(Handle(), HWND_TOP, RectInt(0, 0, 0, 0), SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); } if (_mainWindow != nullptr) { HWND child = GetChildWindow(); if (child && ff::IsAncestor(child, Handle())) { _mainWindow->HideSharedViewTarget(); } } #endif OnDeactivated(); } return true; }
static Button* GetChildButton(HWND handle) { Window* wnd = GetChildWindow(handle); Button* btn = dynamic_cast<Button*>(wnd); if (NULL == btn) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Trying to convert non-button control with ID = " << handle; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } }
void ff::ViewWindow::SetFocus() { #if !METRO_APP if (IsActive() && _mainWindow->IsActive()) { HWND hwnd = GetChildWindow(); if (hwnd != nullptr) { ::SetFocus(hwnd); } } #endif }
void ff::ViewWindow::LayoutChildren() { #if !METRO_APP RectInt clientRect = GetClientRect(Handle()); HWND target = GetChildWindow(); if (target != nullptr) { EnsureWindowParent(target, Handle()); MoveWindow(target, clientRect); EnsureWindowVisible(target, true); } #endif }
void WxFloatingFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& Event) { // If the frame is being activated register ctrl + tab hot keys if(Event.GetActive()) { WxBrowser* Browser = GetChildWindow(); // Set focus to update the window entry in the list of trackable windows if(Browser) { Browser->SetFocus(); } RegisterHotKey(ID_POPUP_CTRLTAB, wxMOD_CONTROL, WXK_TAB); RegisterHotKey(ID_POPUP_CTRLSHIFTTAB, wxMOD_CONTROL | wxMOD_SHIFT, WXK_TAB); } else { UnregisterHotKey(ID_POPUP_CTRLTAB); UnregisterHotKey(ID_POPUP_CTRLSHIFTTAB); } }
HRESULT tTVPMFPlayer::CreateVideoPlayer() { if( MediaSession.p ) { return S_OK; // 既に作成済み } HRESULT hr = CreateChildWindow(); if( hr != S_OK ) return hr; HWND hWnd = GetChildWindow(); if( hWnd == NULL || hWnd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED(hr = MFCreateMediaSession( NULL, &MediaSession )) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to create Media session."); } if( FAILED(hr = MediaSession->BeginGetEvent( PlayerCallback, NULL )) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to begin get event."); } CComPtr<IMFSourceResolver> pSourceResolver; if( FAILED(hr = MFCreateSourceResolver(&pSourceResolver)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to create source resolver."); } MF_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType = MF_OBJECT_INVALID; CComPtr<IUnknown> pSource; if( FAILED(hr = pSourceResolver->CreateObjectFromByteStream( ByteStream, StreamName.c_str(), MF_RESOLUTION_MEDIASOURCE, NULL, &ObjectType, (IUnknown**)&pSource )) ) { //if( FAILED(hr = pSourceResolver->CreateObjectFromURL( L"C:\\krkrz\\bin\\win32\\data\\test.mp4", // MF_RESOLUTION_MEDIASOURCE, NULL, &ObjectType, (IUnknown**)&pSource)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to open stream."); } if( ObjectType != MF_OBJECT_MEDIASOURCE ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Invalid media source."); } //CComPtr<IMFMediaSource> pMediaSource; if( FAILED(hr = pSource.QueryInterface(&MediaSource)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to query Media source."); } if( FAILED(hr = MFCreateTopology(&Topology)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to create Topology."); } CComPtr<IMFPresentationDescriptor> pPresentationDescriptor; if( FAILED(hr = MediaSource->CreatePresentationDescriptor(&pPresentationDescriptor)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to create Presentation Descriptor."); } DWORD streamCount; if( FAILED(hr = pPresentationDescriptor->GetStreamDescriptorCount(&streamCount)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to get stream count."); } if( streamCount < 1 ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Not found media stream."); } for( DWORD i = 0; i < streamCount; i++ ) { if( FAILED(hr = AddBranchToPartialTopology(Topology, MediaSource, pPresentationDescriptor, i, hWnd)) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to add nodes."); } } pPresentationDescriptor->GetUINT64(MF_PD_DURATION, (UINT64*)&HnsDuration); if( FAILED(hr = MediaSession->SetTopology( 0, Topology )) ) { TVPThrowExceptionMessage(L"Faild to set topology."); } return hr; }