예제 #1
UI_base* W_colorBand::OnLButtonDown(int x, int y)

	if (Hittest(x,y))
		colorbandItem* pCurrentColorbandItem;
		for(std::list<colorbandItem*>::iterator iter = listofcolorbandItems.begin(); iter != listofcolorbandItems.end(); iter ++)
				pCurrentColorbandItem = *iter;

				if (y > posy - height+pCurrentColorbandItem->pos*height-4.0f && y < posy - height+pCurrentColorbandItem->pos*height+4.0f)
					if (pActiveColorBandItem != pCurrentColorbandItem)
						pActiveColorBandItem = pCurrentColorbandItem;
					draggingcolorbandItem = true;
                    pInterceptChild = this;
                    return this;

		if (!draggingcolorbandItem)
			float r,g,b,a;
			colorbandItem* tempnode = NewColorbandItem((float)(y+height-posy)/(float)(height),r,g,b,a);

			listofcolorbandItems.push_back( tempnode);
			pActiveColorBandItem = tempnode;

			//if (pParentUI_base) pParentUI_base->Callback(this,2);

			draggingcolorbandItem = true;
            pInterceptChild = this;
            return this;

    pInterceptChild = 0;
    return 0;
SFVEC3F CPOSTSHADER_SSAO::Shade( const SFVEC2I &aShaderPos ) const
    // Test source code
    //return SFVEC3F( GetShadowFactorAt( aShaderPos ) );
    //return GetColorAt( aShaderPos );
    //return SFVEC3F( 1.0f - GetDepthNormalizedAt( aShaderPos ) );
    //return SFVEC3F( (1.0f / GetDepthAt( aShaderPos )) * 0.5f );
    //return SFVEC3F( 1.0f - GetDepthNormalizedAt( aShaderPos ) +
    //                (1.0f / GetDepthAt( aShaderPos )) * 0.5f );

#if 1
    float cdepth = GetDepthAt( aShaderPos );

    if( cdepth > FLT_EPSILON )

        float cNormalizedDepth = GetDepthNormalizedAt( aShaderPos );

        wxASSERT( cNormalizedDepth <= 1.0f );
        wxASSERT( cNormalizedDepth >= 0.0f );

        cdepth = ( (1.50f - cNormalizedDepth) +
                   ( 1.0f - (1.0f / (cdepth + 1.0f) ) ) * 2.5f );

        // Test source code
        //cdepth = ( (1.75f - cNormalizedDepth) + (1.0f / cdepth) * 2.0f );
        //cdepth = 1.5f - cNormalizedDepth;
        //cdepth = (1.0f / cdepth) * 2.0f;

        // read current normal,position and color.
        const SFVEC3F n = GetNormalAt( aShaderPos );
        const SFVEC3F p = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos );
        //const SFVEC3F col = GetColorAt( aShaderPos );

        const float shadowFactor = GetShadowFactorAt( aShaderPos );

        // initialize variables:
        float ao = 0.0f;
        SFVEC3F gi = SFVEC3F(0.0f);

        // This calculated the "window range" of the shader. So it will get
        // more or less sparsed samples
        const int incx = 3;
        const int incy = 3;

        //3 rounds of 8 samples each.
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
            static const int mask[3] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x03 };
            const int pw = 1 + (Fast_rand() & mask[i]);
            const int ph = 1 + (Fast_rand() & mask[i]);

            const int npw = (int)((pw + incx * i) * cdepth );
            const int nph = (int)((ph + incy * i) * cdepth );

            const SFVEC3F ddiff  = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I( npw, nph ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff2 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I( npw,-nph ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff3 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(-npw, nph ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff4 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(-npw,-nph ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff5 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(   0, nph ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff6 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(   0,-nph ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff7 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I( npw,   0 ) ) - p;
            const SFVEC3F ddiff8 = GetPositionAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(-npw,   0 ) ) - p;

            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff , n,  npw, nph, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff2, n,  npw,-nph, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff3, n, -npw, nph, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff4, n, -npw,-nph, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff5, n,    0, nph, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff6, n,    0,-nph, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff7, n,  npw,   0, shadowFactor );
            ao+=  aoFF( aShaderPos, ddiff8, n, -npw,   0, shadowFactor );

            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff , n, npw,  nph) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(  npw, nph ) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff2, n, npw, -nph) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(  npw,-nph ) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff3, n,-npw,  nph) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I( -npw, nph ) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff4, n,-npw, -nph) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I( -npw,-nph ) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff5, n, 0.0f, nph) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(    0, nph ) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff6, n, 0.0f,-nph) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(    0,-nph ) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff7, n, npw, 0.0f) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I(  npw,    0) ) );
            gi+=  giFF( aShaderPos, ddiff8, n,-npw, 0.0f) *
                    giColorCurve( GetColorAt( aShaderPos + SFVEC2I( -npw,    0) ) );
        ao = (ao / 24.0f) + 0.0f; // Apply a bias for the ambient oclusion
        gi = (gi * 5.0f / 24.0f); // Apply a bias for the global illumination

        //return SFVEC3F(ao);
        return SFVEC3F( SFVEC3F(ao) - gi);

        // Test source code
        //return SFVEC3F( col );
        //return SFVEC3F( col - SFVEC3F(ao) + gi * 5.0f );
        //return SFVEC3F( SFVEC3F(1.0f) - SFVEC3F(ao) + gi * 5.0f );
        //return SFVEC3F(cdepth);
        //return 1.0f - SFVEC3F(ao);
        //return SFVEC3F(ao);
        return SFVEC3F(0.0f);